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Instruction Plan
Greek Mythology
Jose Vazquez Jr
CIG 602

Differentiated Instruction Lesson Vazquez 1

Analysis of Differentiated Instructional Plan

Lesson Topic and Objectives

The subject area I will focus on will be history and geography. My school has a theme
Different, but the same in which we learn about other countries and look at the similarities and
differences between our culture and theirs. I have always been fascinated by Greek mythology
and I would use Greece to target learning standards. I will take different learning objectives
studied throughout the beginning of the year to explore Greece. Parts of speech, mapping
concepts, number sense, deriving meaning from myths. Incorporating technology will be a main
goal of mine. Parts of speech will be very important for students to see through the different
stories. I want them to appreciate the choice of vocabulary used. Geography and mapping will be
incorporated so students can make their own connections of how Greece influences daily life and
cultures of other countries and the United States.
Student Diversity
This lesson is designed for students in my 2nd grade classroom. The total amount of students is
about 20. Students are male and females. They come from middle class to upper class
backgrounds. Students enjoy exploration learning, collaborative learning, and project based
Curriculum Materials

Differentiated Instruction Lesson Vazquez 2

Since this upcoming school year will be my first year in 2nd grade, I am not aware of what
curriculum that is used yet. I believe that Everyday Math is the math curriculum, we will use
Daily Caf, and Daily 5 reading comprehension strategies. The challenge with developing a
lesson/unit plan is not knowing what will precisely need to be covered. I have an outline of the
themes covered throughout the year with a few objectives. That is all I can use so I will have to
update this lesson plan in a few months. What will also make it difficult is having to find my
own materials and resources since this will be a new project for me. I will be working closely
with my grade level team because we will have to work on developing the same skills. A teacher
in one of the intermediate grades has taught students about Greece and she said she would help
me with finding and developing appropriate materials to teach my younger students.
Instructional Activities and Sequence
I really liked the way a few of the lessons in the book were separated into learning
centers/multiple intelligence centers. Students would be able to gather information, learn and
review new concepts, and they will be able to work with teammates that are mixed in ability and
learning intelligence levels. Each center will be 15 to 20 minutes depending on what time the
students need. I will most likely spend a few days working on these centers to build the students
understanding of the objectives. The following will be the set-up.
Mapping: Intelligences present are linguistic, naturalist, and spatial strengths. Students
will need adventure cards, map outlines, pencils, and colored pencils. Students will reread
shorter versions of the stories we have read previously on Greek mythology. Students will create
a key labeling different natural landmarks that are highlighted throughout the story. Students will
also use iPads so they can investigate what is now in the area in 2014 as opposed to the estimated
time of the story. Students will turn in maps with completed adventures stapled to their map.

Differentiated Instruction Lesson Vazquez 3

Monopoly: Intelligences present are linguistic, logical and interpersonal strengths.

Students will use a premade game board, Greek currency, whiteboards, markers, and erasers.
Student will participate in a Greek version of Monopoly. As they play they will have to
communicate their different situations. The playing cards can have situations, trivia questions
that result in a reward or consequence, or other scenarios. Students will report their game play in
their writing journal for review.
RAFT Writing: Intelligences present are spatial and intrapersonal. Students will need
premade character/scenario outline, writing materials, laptop, journal, and pencils. RAFT stands
for role, audience, format, and topic. Students will be able to choose the role of any character we
have been introduced to. This can include gods, goddesses, village people, animals, or any other.
They will have to select an audience of their choice. I will let them write a letter to someone or
create a blog. The topic I will have them write about will be What I did today or What I like
to do on my free time. Students will create a writing project that I will collect to see if they
captured the traits of their character and check for understanding of the topic.
Word Power: Intelligences present are linguistic, interpersonal, and naturalist learner
strengths. Students will need vocabulary word lists, scissors, and small envelopes. Students will
cut out word lists of Greek prefix and suffix families that we previously studied. They will be
challenged to make different categories with the words. They can consist of sound blends,
meanings, nouns, verbs and other categories. Students will write down their categories and the
vocabulary that fits into those categories in their journal for review.
Center Stage: Intelligences present are linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial,
interpersonal, and intrapersonal strengths. Students will require Greek god and Greek character
cut-outs, toilet paper rolls, colored pencils, glue sticks, and scissors. Students will use the toilet

Differentiated Instruction Lesson Vazquez 4

paper rolls to create puppets of the characters of their choosing. They will work with a partner or
by themselves to create a scene or dialogue that these characters might experience. I will provide
different options for scenarios and problems that they can choose from. The students will write
their dialogue and scenario in their writing journal for later review.
Greek Athletes: Intelligences present are linguistics, bodily-kinesthetic, and musical
learner strengths. The materials that will be required are a stop watch, jump rope, Frisbee,
measuring tape, and a 5-pound ball. Students will participate in the Olympic Games. Each
student will be assigned a number to monitor their achievement in each field activity. I will
review all numbers and scores at the end. In the first station, students will participate in a timed
race with a set length. The second station will be the jump rope challenge where students can set
their highest jump rope count. In the third station, students will be tossing a Frisbee to see who
can throw it the farthest. In the last station, students will throw a 5-pound ball as far as they can
(I think 2nd graders can carry 5 pounds). They will reflect in their journal how they did and what
steps they will take to improve the next time.
Assessment Plan
I added the method of assessment at the end of the description for each center. Differentiating the
centers allows students to create artifacts of their understanding at each center. I will provide
students a rubric of expectations for each center. Each day I will have check-ins with a few
groups and I would want other students to write or blog about their experience in the activities
they were in.

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