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Row 2
Hello and welcome back!
Today we will discuss row 2 of the periodic table. In our last talk, we discussed the
various issues of the Mineral kingdom, the understanding of the periodic table, of
the rows and columns. And then we discussed Row 1which is: Hydrogen and
Today we shall discuss Row 2, which has 8 elements which are:
Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Fluorine and Neon.
Understanding of Row Two
Foetal life and birth process
Row Two reflects the stages that follow conception and coming into existence.
Because Row 1 has to do with conception and existence. Stage after that is the
experience of a foetus from the intrauterine phase within the womb through the
phases of labour and then finally to the separation from the womb.
In patients we see that their main concern is whether they are in the womb which
is seen as a protective shell or a covering or they are outside it. Do they have the
capability to be by themselves without this covering or Do they still need to be a
part of within something else?
The question is:
Am I a part of something or am I separate?
Do I have the capability to be separate or do I still need the protective covering
of the mother?
Talk 30 Mineral Kingdom - 2

Am I attached or am I detached?
If we look at the life and the experiences of the foetus and the new-born, then we
can begin understand the correlations with Row Two patients and remedies
A little about the situation in the womb:
For the foetus, the womb is a stable nurturing environment. Not only does it
provide the nourishment necessary for the growth of the foetus, but it is
controlled and individually specific environment, providing the comfort, the
cushioning from shocks, and also protection. It is a shield from the outside world.
Some stimuli from the outside world, such as sounds and jerks, do have an impact
through the womb and also through the mothers communication channels,
however they are relatively buffered and the foetus is safeguarded. Thus the
stimuli of the outside world come like shocks to a new-born, which is equipped
with the basic reflexes to deal with them and to survive.
The stage of growth in the womb is the stage of maximum closeness to another
human being, namely the mother.
It is a stage of maximum dependency, where one can almost do nothing for
oneself, and requires most inputs and adjustments to be done by the womb, the
placenta and amniotic fluid essentially the surrounding environment. So it is
also a stage of helplessness.
This is what we see in the expressions of patients who need the remedies from
Row 2.
Patients expressions:
They experience of being like a baby, in a controlled, protective, comfortable and
cozy environment, dependent most often on the family members who are closest
to them. Essentially there is something into them that is nave and simple.

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So the Keywords that the patients use in Row Two have to do with:
- The needing, the comfort of home and mother
They can give images
- Like in a mothers womb
- Like a bubble or a glass around you
- Like a protective layer surrounding you
- Like an unborn baby
There you can use an expression by saying:
- I am not ready to face the world
- I am completely dependent
- I feel completely Attached, completely connected, completely a part of
- As if I am not in control
- I am totally helpless
Instinctive Reactivity:
Studies suggest that from the 24th week onwards, foetal listening is almost
Any sudden noise in a room will cause a startle response in a foetus.
When foetuses are tonally stimulated, their heart rate changes immediately
and they begin to move.
Although the womb is quite dark, light can and does pass through to the foetus.
Research has shown that from the 16th week on photo receptors in the foetal eye
are sensitive to light.
Regarding the senses, deMause writes this about the third to the fifth month of
The foetus . . . now floats peacefully, now kicks vigorously, turns somersaults,
hiccoughs, sighs, urinates, swallows and breathes amniotic fluid and urine, sucks
its thumb, fingers, toes, grabs its umbilicus, gets excited at sudden noises, calms
down when the mother talks quietly, and gets rocked back to sleep as she walks
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So we find that the foetus in the womb is reactive to sound, light and even to
thermal stimulation.
We find many reflex reactions in the foetus and the new-born.
For example, from the 28th week onwards the infantile Startle Reflex, or Moro
Reflex develops, reaches its completion by the 30th week and can be seen in all
new-borns for the first four or five months. It is a natural milestone in the
progression of the motor and the central nervous systems. The reflex response to
unexpected loud noise or when the infant feels like it is falling. It is believed to be
the only unlearned fear in human new-borns.
We can understand from this that a sudden change in the environment is
perceived as a threat to ones survival and the only reaction that is possible in
such a situation is reflex because there is no scope for any action. It is an
automatic response.
So Remedies of Row Two show sensitivity to:
Sudden noises (startling)
Slightest motion
Atmospheric changes
Changes in Environmental conditions
Some prominent rubrics that show this are:
FALLING, fear of falling (Borax)
Mind; SENSITIVE, oversensitive; General; Noise, to; sudden: bor., nat-c.
( Carbonicum part is from the 2nd row)
MIND: STARTLING: Noise from: bar-c., BOR., calc., carb-v., caust., KALI-C.,
mag-c., NAT-C., nit-ac., sulph-ac. ( all the carbonates)
GEN: MOTION: Agg: Slightest: Beryl.

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In Lithium carbonicum, you can see:

Excitement, excitable: heart: vexation, trembling and fluttering, with, painful
to shoulders, in valvular insufficiency (single remedy)
Excitement, excitable: palpitations: violent, with
We see in Borax:
Gen: Descending motion, infants are startled [Knerr]
Gen: Easily startled by sudden sounds [Hering]
In Carbo vegetabilis:
Starting, startled: night: noise, on account of. (Complete repertory)
(single remedy)
Starting, startled: easily. (Complete repertory)
Starting, startled: fright, from and as from. (Complete repertory)
The Instinctive reaction in Row Two is seen by such expressions like to:
Hold on
So if you look at I mean a very small infant like a 1 month, 2 months or less and
you just give a sudden noise ahh .. and they hold huh huh .. so this whole
response, this holding, startling, quivering, jerking .. huh is very typical of Row 2
which is an instinctive reaction.
The opposite of this instinctive reaction is a kind of:
A Stupefaction
A Shock

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To be Stunned

We have seen that the foetal environment is a very controlled, uniform, stable
Any sudden change constitutes a threat that can disturb the equilibrium and
challenge survival.
Patients expressions:
When we study Row 2 elements we find that anything that symbolizes a sudden
change in environment or a sudden external threat is a very common expression
of Row 2 patients like in their dreams or in their fears. So if you imagine that the
Earth is the Mother, Mother Earth and the Earth normally provides a kind of
stable environment to all of us and we all are cozy and there is stability. And you
have to imagine what is it that shakes up the environment or the stability of the
Earth and there are such things as natural calamities and disasters like:
- Flood, earthquake, disasters, accidents, storm, fire, flood, wind, rain, thunder,
tsunami, typhoons, tornados, land slides, storms, tidal waves.
These are the kind of events that the Row 2 person are very sensitive to. Dreams
can occur in the features or they can occur in their casual conversation. For
example: they can say We had a very stormy time. It was like a tornado. It was as
if the earth was shaking beneath our feet etc. This is the sensitivity.
On the other side, you have the part of the foetal life and the labour process, is
the process of coming out because then the womb, the protective shell becomes
too stuffy, too crowded, too full and you need to come out. You cant stay there
forever. So there is a feeling of
- Suffocation, claustrophobia, wanting to come/get out and breathe which is on
the right side of the Row 2.
So as there is a progression from the Li, Be, B , C, then coming out process with N, O

The Row 2 Remedies also show sensitivity and fear of:

- SUDDEN DANGER and VIOLENCE, even animals and snakes sudden danger.
- LIFE & DEATH SITUATIONS, or emergencies

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So if you see some Rubrics: you have

Mind; DREAMS; Accidents, of: am-m., calc., GRAPH., kali-c., mag-c., nit-ac.,
Mind; DREAMS; Casualties, of: caust., kali-n., mag-c., nat-c.
Mind; DREAMS; Water; flood, of a: mag-c., nat-c., nitro., ozone,
Mind; DREAMS; Water; dangerous: Graph., kali-n., Mag-c., nat-c., nitro.,
Mind; DREAMS; Fire: am-c., bar-c., calc., Carb-ac., carb-v., fl-ac., graph., Kalic., kali-n., MAG-C., nat-c., nitro., plut-n., stront-c.,
Mind; DREAMS; Animals, of; snakes: kali-c., nitro., ozone, polyst., stront-c.
So if you find these rubrics you will find a lot of 2nd Row remedies represented
there in a high proportion.
One of the other sensitivities is to unexpected situations or change of
environment. Sudden change of a situation or to adapt to something new is a very
important part of the 2nd Row.
This can be compared with Plant families like Solanaceae and Umbelliferae where
we see intense fear and sudden unexpected danger or violence.
Whats the difference between lets say the remedy between Stramonium and
Borax which both have the fear of sudden noise, wants to hold on, or grab on or
cling on etc. Whats the difference between these two?
In the Row 2, remedies being Mineral kingdom, in Mineral remedies: The main
feeling is the feeling of being incomplete or undeveloped and therefore needing
support and protection from outside to cope with the situation.
So as long as there is a protective covering I have nothing to worry, what I lack is
that protective covering. That is the main feeling in Row 2.
Whereas in a Plant remedy you dont see that kind of dependency. Its mainly
what is happening to you, and how do you react to it. A lion is chasing me. I have
to run. This kind of a feeling.

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The other group of remedies which show sudden unexpected attack, violence is
Snake remedies. But here we see that there is a victim aggressor or a
comparison issue there which is absent in Row 2.
Now we will talk a little bit about Stages of labour because they are also Stages of
Row 2, the different elements.
Stages of Labour
In Lithium and Beryllium, the symptoms correlate with to the stages before
labour, when the foetus is still inside the womb, very connected, very dependent
on the mother and the labour process is not yet begun.
From Boron onwards, you find symptoms that are related to labour pains in
proving and clinical symptoms and remedies were found indicated for the mother
during labour.
For example you find:
The increased compressive and downward pressure
The passage through the pelvis which is likened to a dark tunnel/ narrow
The pressure on the skull and the pelvic bones, which are constrictive and
Sensitivity to closed rooms and needing for open air
Sensitivity to the dark
So from Boron onwards, Boron, Nitrogen and Oxygen. You find almost exact
symptoms of the labour process. It is quite uncanny.
For example:
In Borax, you find
Female: Labor: weak, too, or absent [Boenninghausen]
Gen: Severe bearing down pains like labor pains [Puddephatt]
Characteristic: Dread of downward motion [Allen]
And wanting to hold on as if something is going downwards and he doesnt really
want to go there.
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In Carbo vegetabilis: you find the symptom:

Head: Constriction; as if in an armour, or a band or hoop [Kent]
So in labour, this is called the engagement.
In Carbo animalis: you have the symptom:
Gen: Forcing: through a narrow opening, as if [Boenninghausen]
Gen: Fear, narrow places; trains and closed places, of [Mirilli]
When you study a remedy like Glonine which is Nitro glycerine , you have the
symptoms in the head,
In Glonoine (Nitro-glycerine):
Brain: Pressure, forcing itself out front, as if [Knerr]
In Nitric acid again you have:
Head: Constriction; band or hoop [Kent]
So many symptoms with the engagement of the head and the passage through
the womb are represented in these remedies over there and thats Carbon and
So to summarize the Themes and keywords of Row Two:
It is like:
- Being nave or childish or very simple
- Like a foetus or baby
- Attached, part of, connected
- To be Helpless
- To be surrounded by a protective shield, like a shell.
Very often you find The Molluscs also have a similar sensation; but whats the
difference between Molluscs and Row 2?
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The difference is in Molluscs, the shield is hard and self generated whereas in Row
2, the shield is soft and it comes from outside. Its not self generated. You depend
on something else to provide it for you because you are incomplete in yourself
and incapable of having produce that shield.
So you can call it a
Pouch, bubble, blanket, envelope. Something that is Warm, comforting,
wrapping. And then you have the sensitivity to sudden danger and violence
- Instinctive/reflex reaction
On the left side Lithium, Beryllium do not show any sign of separation and are
very dependent. When the first stage of labour begins, we see in Borax the
dilemma, doubt, hesitation, whether am I separating or still a part of the womb?
Whats happening here?
For the first time in carbon, in the stage of Carbon,
There is a decision. Yes, I have to be separate.
But the question is, Am I capable or not capable? that is a doubt. Because in
Borax, the doubt is still Should I separate or not?
In Carbon, Yes I have to separate but do I have the ability to be on my own,
separate or not? Thats the question.
In Nitrogen, I have to come out. No choice and there should be no block. The
passage should be smooth.
In Oxygen, I have to take the first breath. And in fluorine, you see the total
So on the left side, with Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, the fear is that the, The shell
will disappear and I will be left with no covering. I will be exposed and I cannot
stand it. My God its so scary.

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And on the right side the fear is, I will be stuck in the shell and I will not be able
to come out and then it is getting tighter and tighter and you want to get out of
So in Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen, you have the idea of:
Constriction, narrowness, pressing
Of being Closed
Of Claustrophobia
Of Suffocation
Of the need to come out quickly
Of unable to breathe, have to breathe or else I will die
Of needing air or needing oxygen
So this is the broad idea about the 2nd row.
Now we will study the individual elements:
Row 2, Column 1
Lithium is the Stage:
Where one is inside the womb and part of the mother, completely attached and
totally dependent.
The process of labour is not yet begun, one cant even imagine it.
So the experience is:
- I exist. I exist. I passed Hydrogen and Helium and so I exist for sure but I am
totally part of and one with something else or someone else.
- I have absolutely no capacity, to even think of being separate.
- I am happy to be connected and to be part of someone else.
- I would like to stay in this protective environment forever
- Even for my basic issues of life, like food, clothing and shelter.
- I am completely dependent and there is absolutely no possibility to exist
Total helplessness is the key feature in Lithium.

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So some rubrics of Lithium carbonicum:

From Zandvoorts Complete /Millenium Repertory

ANXIETY: NIGHT: AGG.: HELPLESSNESS, with feeling of. (only remedy)

FORSAKEN FEELING: Sighing, with (only remedy)
WEEPING, tearful mood: LONESOME condition, over his (only remedy)
LIGHT: Agg: Sunlight: Blinds (only remedy)

These are single symptoms of Lithium carbonicum.

So we will take Case Example - 1.
A woman aged fifty-five years who came to the clinic on 23rd January 2008.
Occupation: homemaker
Chief complaints:
1. Cough and asthma when the weather changes. It starts with a nose block and
develops, over ten days, into a cough with wheezing. She has been taking a
cortisone pump for over a year.
2. Migraine Headaches. They have been recurrent from the age of eight years.
They are aggravated by sunlight, by music, by loud noise, by talking too much,
by traveling, and arguing with her husband and cold air.
L: So you see the asthma is worse from changes in weather, environmental
changes and the headache is worse from light and from noise and from music,
external stimuli. You get some hints where the sensitivity is. Then she starts
talking about her health and what is interesting to see here is how in a 55 year old
woman, the 2nd Row symptoms of a foetus, experience of a foetus manifests
itself, really its something to watch. And its also somewhat subtle.
So lets read the case carefully and see how we pick up the various hints and how
it all ties in together later.
She says: I am keen on getting the asthma treated first, because the migraine is
part of my life.
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L: Its interesting the combination of words. It is a part of my life.

P: I have this allergy and it starts with sneezing and a nose block. Then there is a
cough with yellow phlegm. I have cough and its really bad I feel I cant walk, Ill
collapse. It is like a pull inside. There is tightness. Now whats going to happen? I
feel its fatal. I may die anytime.
I shout, I scream and I fight with my husband and he says, Take care of yourself.
He is concerned, but that makes me irritated. I just dont want him to talk to me. I
tell him, Just leave me alone, I have little time left.
He has always had the upper hand on meThere is a difference of eight years
between us and he has always controlled me. Now I feel that it is too much. Now I
want to show that I am the upper one (hg).
L: So its strange; the language sounds like animal at this point. But these are all
coming from her head and from her mind. So we have to wait for the experience.
P: With my daughter-in-law I am very patient. I get irritated only with my
husband. He has been very possessive about me. He has always sheltered me like
a child. I was always under his influence. He is the only child of his parents. He has
been brought up the same way, the possessiveness. He is treating me the same
way. No going out alone, always sheltered like a kid. He is worried that I am not
confident about going out into the world alone anywhere. He is very scared of
something happening to me, like an accident or being kidnapped. So I have to be
with him or with a relative. But now I have put my foot down.
He is very scared of losing me, because then he would be alone in life, without a
partner. He says or he feels, Without you I am nothing. I am everything only with
you. He is too attached to me. He cant think without me. But my husband, he
wants to be with me wherever I go or he wants me to go wherever he goeslike a
stuck pot. He loves to be where I am
He feels more secure then. If you are not there and if something happens to me,
then who will take care of me? I say, What if I die, then what will you do? then
he says, Even I will die.

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L: This is very interesting because shes just talking about her husband but the
energy that she is showing is as if they cannot be separated from each other as if
the one cannot exist without the other. That one exists but exists only on
condition that the other exists and this what she is kind of projecting on her
husband. Later on, we will see is exactly true for herself and probably all this time
she is only talking about herself and not about her husband at all.
So this is exactly what we should note in the case. Its so beautiful to understand
this that whatever one talks its ultimately about oneself that we will see a little
bit later on. So ..
P: I got married at the age of sixteen years and then only looked after his mother,
father and children. I have never got that confidence. Even if I have to go out
alone, I dont. I think, I shouldnt go. I am so used to his protection. You cant do
anything by yourself.
When I wanted to learn driving, he said, No, no, you will dash into a car.
Whatever he feels he will make me do. He is so protective that he doesnt want
any harm to come to me. He wants that I should only be there with him life long.
L: And then she says:
P: I have fear of the dark. If I watch a ghost movie then I cant go to sleep alone.
Further aspects from the case record:
She startles with sudden noise from her sleep.
Physical Generals:
Thermal state: Chilly++, cannot bear the cold.
Analysis of the Case
So the idea is that there is nothing out there but you. There is such significant
energy in her description of her husbands attachment to her, that it becomes
obvious that she is essentially describing herself.
And then later on in the interview, she admits she doesnt go out alone, and that
she is used to his protection, as she calls it.
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Though the word protection is used, it is not connected with the themes of Row
4, which is more a defense for attack from outside. The idea of Row 2 is as if I
cannot exist without the other person. I cannot exist without this protection that
if you die, I will have to die too because without you I do not exist.
It is like being cushioned in a comfortable soft envelope, saved from the outside
The question, Am I part of another, or am I separate?
Lithium, being in Column One, says, I cant even imagine being alone without
you. Even for a moment I cannot exist without you. I cannot be independent even
for a moment without you. This is what she projects on her husband.
During the asthma, she experienced total helplessness and panic and fear of
So she says He has kept me completely sheltered and protected, and now I want
to get out on my own.
This idea I want to get out of my own becomes partially to the Carbon part of
Lithium carbonicum.
So sometimes she shouts at him. Leave me alone, and let me be myself. But she
doesnt have the confidence to walk out.
Do I have the ability to be on my own?
So till now she is 55, she has not gone out one step out of the house by herself
she was given:
Rx: Lithium carbonicum 200 then LM-6.
She responded very rapidly. There was a marked and decisive reduction in the
frequency and the intensity of the attacks. Both her respiratory affections and her

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migraine improved subsequently over the next few months. A year later she had
neither of these problems at all.
So I guess you have now some idea of how an adult person. Now 55 year old
woman expresses the experience of the 2nd Row. This is something you have to
really listen carefully and you have to see how it subtly comes out.
I am now talking about a case that has been published already in the structure
book. So you can read more on it later. I am just condensing here for the purpose
of this talk.
Lithium Case Example-2
In 2005, a fifty-one year old man consulted me for depression. Actually he had a
diagnosed condition of Manic depressive state.
So I ask him to describe the depression. Now this is a long case. I am making it
very short and he says, the experience of the depression is that
I go into my shell and I shut myself out from the world.
L: He even has suicidal thoughts. But the main idea is he just goes inside it. He
doesnt want to face the world at all. He cant make a decision during this time.
He says:
P: I go blank like a statue. Anxiety takes over.
L: He cannot go to his work place. He has to force himself. He feels not adequate.
He feels rejected and very lonely. Sometimes he has high like a manic phase.
P: Sometimes there are highs, when he is hyperactive and takes many good
L: When we went into his childhood state, we found that:
He was very nervous and he had a lot of discomfort when moving from home to a
boarding school, where he had to stay in the school. And although they were in
the same town. He felt at that time, he was leaving the comfort of home and his
mother. He feared his fathers temper and feared going out alone in the dark. He
had a fear of the unknown.
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The other thing about him is that he had a lot of anxiety about money, about
business and about losses in his professional life. He was very thrifty and he
needed to amass wealth for himself.
So he wanted to make more and more money and to accumulate this money, to
gather this money around him and he couldnt spend anything. Even for a small
thing in the house like an air conditioner, he would really feel anxious to spend
the money.
He had dream of accidents in his factory and of losing money.
What is interesting in the case? This is a really interesting is that I asked him
because this amassing money and wealth and more like 4thnd Row. Row. Where
they need to accumulate money and accumulate material things and so forth. Its
financial security one might say and financial security is not really a theme of the
2nd row
So what is interesting is when I asked him :
D: What is the experience for you of accumulating money, of having a factory, of
having workers, of having so much power or so much like material wealth.
L: Then he said something really individual, really peculiar.
He said for him that for him is his comfort zone and I asked him
D: What is the experience of having a comfort zone?
P: Then I feel completely protected as if I am protected from all sides and I am
inside of a cocoon.
L: So its so interesting that she was giving the expression of the 4th Row but the
experience of 2nd Row.
So what happened was that when he started a new plant, a new factory and
things were going alright for few years and then a big business group entered into
the same line of business as him and he got very anxious that in future, many
years in future, they might take over the market and he will be left with nothing.
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So I asked him:
D: So in this anxiety what did you experience?
L: And he said
P: I experience that I just wanted to go into my shell, lie in bed, and almost go into
my mothers womb. [HG: cramped up posture, like lying in bed with knees taken
up to chin] I want to go into a shell. I didnt want to face or talk to people.
L: I asked him to describe a mothers womb and he said, You are in the comfort
of a mother, of a pampering mother. He is very sensitive to sudden noise.
Analysis of the Case:
So what we saw in the case is the feeling of inadequacy. The things that had the
maximum impact on him:
One was leaving the comfort of his home and mother and but to go to a boarding
school; of losing money and therefore losing comfort zone.
All this again and again just the idea, the imagination that he would lose his
comfort zone caused him so much anxiety to go into the shell, where he found
the comfort and the pampering that he wants.
So the remedy that he got was Lithium carbonicum and over the last years, his
manic depressive phases have come down drastically in intensity and frequency.
And the desire to be in the cocoon is much less. He has become much more
sociable, much more outgoing and productive to a great relief to his family.
So very interesting in 50 year old man and 55 year old woman this experience of
the foetus manifests itself.
Now we talk of Column 2 in Row 2 and that is Beryllium.
Beryllium Row 2, Column 2
Beryllium is the beginning of the idea that the womb is not forever.
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You are still floating in, you are still having the comfort zone but somewhere in
your mind the idea has come this is going to go. This causes panic. It causes fear
but its not beyond imagination. It has come into your imagination that this
comfort zone is going to go.
You are scared to be separated but you know separation is a reality.
So the question is:
What if I what is this comfort zone disappears? What will happen then? What
if I lose my protectors? What if I lose my relatives, my near and dear ones? Can I
live without them. This is the question.
Beryllium-met Case Example
So we are talking about a case example of a twenty-six-year-old girl who came
Chief complaint: Recurrent sinusitis.
L: Now this is very interesting to see how this experience manifests itself in the
chief complaint. This is beautiful because one thing I found that usually the
experience they stay with the sensation, the kingdom, the miasm manifests itself
best in the Chief complaint and if you really speak about the Chief complaint you
will get all the hints. So she says:
P: I have bouts of sneezing, itching, watering eyes, earache, redness of the throat,
running nose and difficulty of swallowing which would come very severely due to
strong smell, change of weather, or sudden temperature change from cold to
heat or vice versa, or going outside in the pollution and then it would be suddenly
gone leaving behind backaches, chest ache, lethargy and tiredness.
L: So you see two things here:
1. Is the suddenness of onset which indicates something like and the acute
miasm. Also I think Lithium is in the acute miasm.
2. And also to note that any exposure to outside like the change of weather,
going outside to the smell etc. causes problem. So it is acute and excited by

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So then she says:

P: I want to then shut down everything and go to sleep.
L: Because with this cold, with this sinusitis my main experience is that I feel
heaviness in the eyes and I just want to shut down everything and go to sleep. My
activities become very slow. I dont feel like doing anything. I just want to sleep.
So this is the description of her chief complaint.
Now I go to another area which is of dreams and she says:
D: What dreams do you get?
P: I see accidents, of a sea before tsunami, of drowning in the sea, of dead people,
of riots, of floods, of dead bodies, of a plane crash and all my family members are
safe. I try to save my loved ones and keep them safe. And I also get dreams of
stool and of everything getting soiled.
D: So what is the experience in these dreams?
P: It is insecurity. I feel that I will lose all my loved ones. I just cant imagine my life
without them. My dependency is very high. I have to speak several times a day to
my parents.
L: So the main experience for her is I cannot exist without my family.
Its the experience I am so dependent that without them it is even difficult to
P: So for every small issue I go to my father and I talk to him because we have
always been together, never been separated.
L: So now this is one part of the story. Now comes the dream of the stool and this
seems to be so unrelated to the other dream I ask her.
D: Tell about the dreams of stools.
L: And I thought if this dream about stools brings us to the same experience as the
plane crash or as the sinusitis then we are surely in the centre of the case and she
says with the dream of stool. She says:
P: Its all unhygienic. And mainly I dont like anything unhygienic. I dont like
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anything from outside to touch me. I dont like touch of anybody else except for
my mother and my father. My mother and my father when they hug I feel
D: What is comfortable?
P: Comfortable is like away from all bad things. I feel sheltered. Sheltered from
any disruption, from any accidents. As if nothing can affect me then. It is a
protection like a house (hg).
D: Describe this gesture that you made.
P: Thats like a glass ball around me. It keeps everything inside. This space inside is
very hygienic. Its very cozy, very comfortable, like a soft fluffy quilt and it makes
me relax and warm. And its just so nice for me to be over there.
L: So that is her experience with this. And then she draws a doodle and she
describes an entire state and she says:
P: Its a place where I can be and I can move around slowly. But I cannot go out of
this and in this is I feel very comfortable and cozy.
L: So I gave her Beryllium metallicum, and she improved beautifully and
dramatically with both her sinusitis and her state of mind. She came out to be
much more confident, much less dependent on people. Indeed it was quite a
radical change. I felt as if it was a foetus and now she is born and now she has
developed to her true age with a truly remarkable recovery.
So what is the difference between Lithium and Beryllium?
The difference as I see is:
In Lithium, there is so much helplessness and so much lack of structure that you
cannot even imagine in the wildest imaginations to be separate, to be
independent, to be exposed.
In Beryllium, the development is more .. its you are more developed, more
complete and therefore the idea that this protective cover will go away starts
coming and then the question is Will I be able to survive? Can I be alone? Can I be

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separate? This is so scary but the idea is there, the imagination is there. In
Lithium, even that imagination is impossible.
We are talking about the 3rd element in the Row 2.
Stage of descent:
The head descends in the womb.
The question is for Boron:
Am I ready ?
And the answer is .
No, no I am ready not yet , not yet.
So there is a confusion, a doubt and theres holding on, no no no not yet, I am not
So the whole idea what you see in Borax. Borax is actually the Biborate of Natrum.
So there is an element of Natrum there too. But you see a lot of Borax indications
Symptoms of Borax (Natrum borate)
From Zandvoorts Millenium Repertory and Complete Repertory
Agg: downward motion, from
Anxiety: motion, from: agg: airplane, of
Like when the plane goes down they get really frightened.
Or when the nurse is lowering the child in the cradle, the child holds on.
Clings like Stramonium
Clinging: children, of: grasp the nurse when carried
Clinging: children, of: awake terrified, know no one, scream, cling to those
Grasping or reaching at something: mother, in sleep, at
Clinging: persons or furniture, to
Anxiety: Rocking, during
Downward motion makes it worse
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Any slight noise or any slight sound theres a lot of startling

Sensitive, Oversensitive: Noise, to: Sudden
Startled: Sneezing of others, at
These are very typical symptoms of Borax
So let us go on a little bit further to Carbon.
When the head descends further and engages.
Idea of Carbon:
Though you are still in the womb you have taken a decision that you have to
get out. Now there is no choice. And you have to come out.
The question is:
Do I have the ability to be independent?
Am I ready or not ready?
My concept of Carbon in general:
So far the womb has been the world and the support system of the foetus and
now the foetus has to come out and go to a completely new world, a new
environment and has to be alone or separate. Carbon is the moment of decision
of the foetus to be an independently existing being, and with that there are
inherent doubts and fears about its capability to be so. Carbon is the first
substance to feel that he is a separate entity. It does occupy a very important and
central position in mans development. It is the time when he has to adapt to a
completely new world. He has to now react independently by himself. This ability
is the main quality of beginning to have an independent existence. This vital
reaction or its absence is the central theme of Carbon remedies.
The question is:
I am separate, I am myself.
For the first time, I have to react to this reality on my own.
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Can I be on my own or do I still need to be attached?

I have to let go. Can I let go?
This is the Alternating state of Carbon.
Carbon is about sensing and reacting, which is the vital reaction of the person.
The question is:
Is the outside going to dull me into no reaction or am I going to react?
The basic theme is letting go and does he have the stability and security in his
own self especially in a new and unfamiliar world?
It is a state between life and death, between awake and asleep, between the
familiar and strange, between the inside and the outside.
For example, Carbo vegetabilis is a commonly used remedy for neonatal asphyxia
and also for revival of the corpse which means it is useful at the first and the last
stage of man.
So what are the symptoms and rubrics of Carbo vegetabilis we know. In general it
represents many themes of Carbon:

A genuine lack of vital reaction. (Farrington)

Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending: Headache,
from occipital (ZMR)
Startled: Night: Noise, on account of (ZMR)
Head: Constriction: band or hoop (ZMR)
Mind: Delusions: walls, falling, inward, as if [Kent]
Chest: oppression of breathing [Lippe]

There are some the alternating states in Carbon. Let us try to understand them:
We have a Non-reactive state / inert state and a reactive / hyper-reactive:
So just like this alternation Do I have the ability to react?
I have no ability to react?
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So you have a dull non reactive state and an alert hyper reactive state.
We can see this in Carbon salts like Calcarea carbonica and Kali carbonicum which
are usually very dull, flabby and also you can see them very hypersensitive. So on
one hand they can be totally non-sensitive, where they dont have an
independent existence and are not firmly rooted. They dont have any confidence,
they are irresolute. You can see this in Graphites and Baryta carbonica.
On the other hand you can see very reactive, hyper-reactive substances, unstable
compounds, explosive compounds, aromatic, volatile, and combustible
compounds like Petroleum. So you have both sides present in Carbon.
There is one side which says I cannot do it for myself and the other side says,
Be yourself, take the initiative.
There is a stage in dullness there is no initiative to do things, they cant do on
their own. They are confused and disoriented. There is no reaction at all.
There is like a robot, like dull, like a zombie. There is no reaction. There is a kind of
a vacant feeling. Like there is a nobody home.
Dull and slow this is one picture which George Vithoulkas has described of, for
example: in Graphites, he says: They are dull and slow. Whereas in the The Soul
of Remedies I described Graphites as , A tuning fork, a highly reactive state
which is excited easily, affected by things, anxiety from small things.
They get very hyper.
You can see these in the rubrics like:
Anxiety from trifles
Weeping from trifles
Trifles seem important
So you have both the states. You have the dull and the slow state that is described
by Vithoulkas and also the reactive and hyper reactive state that I have described.

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These two opposite states of dullness and non-reactivity versus reactivity and
hyper-reactivity are followed by complete exhaustion, as if a lot of exertion has
been done.
So you have rubrics like (Complete repertory):

Weakness; Anxiety; with: am-c., calc., carb-an., carb-v., mag-c.

Heart and circulation; palpitation heart; anxiety; with: adam., am-c., bar-c.,
calc., carb-v., graph., kali-c., lith-c., nat-c.

Mind; excitement, excitable; general; easily: adam., graph.

High energy and hibernation:
The dull state can also be called as an inactive state, a stagnant state, a
hibernating state.
So to summarize the states of Carbon:

Dull, confused, Slow, lethargic,

Hibernating state

Fast, hurried
Acute senses which is hyper-reactive

Now I want to talk to you about a little bit about Carbonates.

The main theme of Carbonates is that there is no reaction in a situation in which
they are. It is interesting to know how carbonates like Calcarea carbonica and
Magnesium carbonica are all seeming to depend on something, to provide its
specific context.
So Calcarea carbonica is somebody who would like to be protected as if by a
shield or by a person who offers him security. They show a kind of dullness and
lack of reactivity and independence in the context of the Calcarea situation.
The main feeling in Calcarea carb is, I feel insecure and I am not capable of
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protecting myself and therefore I simply will remain at home and I will not come
out. They feel, I want someone around me, which is typical of Carbon because
they are not capable of protection, which is Calcarea.
So when we study Calcarea carb, Magnesium carb, Natrum carb, what are we
really studying? We are studying not the carb part but we are studying the other
part, the Calcarea part, the Natrum part or the Magnesium part.
And the Carbonate part is Can I be independent. Can I be my own?
When it is associated with Magnesium, it is Can I be independent on my own in
the aspect of nourishment and care and identity.
If it is Calcarea carb Can I be alone and on my own and independent, in the
aspect of providing myself protection and defense?
So the Carbonate part is always the question:
Can I be or be on my own? And Can I react can I not react on my own in a specific
That situation is decided by which carbonate it is Kali carb, Mag carb, Nat carb
Likewise in other Carbonates, like Baryta carb and Strontium carb, so you
prescribe a Carbonate of a particular element when you see the dullness and the
lack of reactivity and the question Can I be independent in the context of that
given element. The ability to be independent and almost the feeling like wanting
to be in the womb?
Because of the inability to cope with the situation which is the aspect of that
particular element. For example it is well known that Baryta carb when he sees a
stranger he would hide behind the parent or he will cover his face with his fingers
and peep from between his fingers, almost providing himself a shield or covering
his perceived inability to cope with that situation.

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The other important characteristic is a lack of energy present in all of the

My main confirmatory symptom for Carbonates
If I want to give Mag carb, Kali carb, Natrum carb, Baryta carb. There are two
One is the question:
Can I be independent of my own with respect to that?
Or Do I need to be protected and covered up?
2nd is the Startling from noise
Am I easily disturbed or startled or frightened from any unexpected sound or
change of environment?
And this is a confirmatory symptom.
Startling from noise that you find in all Carbons.
So to compare between BORON, CARBON AND NITROGEN:


Boron is the stage

descent of the head
in the womb. The
baby is now coming
out but it does not
want to, so it wants to
hold on.

Carbon is the stage

where the head of the
baby descends and
engagement. There is
no going back now.

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Nitrogen is the stage

of the movement of
the foetus through the
birth canal to get out
of the womb.
The need to come out,
The question is:
the need to not bound
Now I have decided to any more. The need to
be separate but do I be released and the
have the ability or need to have a
smooth and a safe
passage outside.


Carbon is the stage in between Boron and Nitrogen.

He stops clinging; its the first time he exists as a separate entity inside the womb.
He is still inside the womb but separate. Then the movement begins.
Carbon Case Example - 4
A middle- aged female patient comes with:
Chief complaint: Ugly skin problem on the face and the body. Its a eczematous
rash that she has all over her face and in many parts of her body that really looks
not good. She starts with:
P: My eczematous rash got worse due to the grief and the shock of my father in
laws death. There was itching and redness of face spreading to the neck. I had a
fear that something would happen since I had dreamed that someone had died in
house. Before my father in laws death one of my 20-year-old bonsai plants died
and I was depressed. I was attached and really loved it. I was very fond of it. It
was very beautiful. When it died I was very upset and depressed.
D: How did you develop a liking for bonsai?
L: I guess you know what a bonsai plant that they develop almost full grown trees
in little pot sizes. I guess you know what it is? She said:
P: I had three daughters and I felt I must have a son because no one reacted to
me in a good way anymore.
L: Because she had 3 daughters. And in India, it is very important that a woman
should give birth to a son. So that she is socially accepted in a way. This is old time
but it still persists.
P: So to divert myself I started to do bonsai.
D: What is the effect of this skin trouble on you?
P: I do not go out of house. I felt very nervous and odd. Because for the first time I
was doing something new after my father-in-law died.
D: What do you mean by odd?
P: Odd means nervous, hesitant to do anything new.
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D: Whats the feeling there?

P: Facing something new makes me nervous. I was going to a wedding for the first
time since the death of my Father in law and now I am also nervous about my
younger daughters wedding because my father-in-law is absent. He used to do all
and he used to look after all those things and now he is dead and I am so nervous.
Can I do it on my own?
L: So this was showing a lot of themes of Carbon. Firstly, the shock. And secondly,
the feeling that came up I cannot go out of the house. I cannot face anything
new. It feels very odd to do anything new, facing something makes me extremely
nervous. Before I am staying inside my house and then the question Do I have
the ability or dont I have the ability to be on my own without the protection of
my Father in law?
Then the symptoms of the Eczema also gave us a clue to give her Graphites as a
remedy. And she really did very well with this remedy within two months.
Carbon case example- 5
12th July 2009
The clinic
Twenty-three-year-old female, single
Accomplished graduate in computer electronics
Chief complaints:
1. Irregular periods
2. Calves pain
L: She has been diagnosed as a case of Polycystic ovarian disease.
So lets read her interview and get hints. This is a very nice case to illustrate 2nd
row and Carbon and also the specific Carbon that she got as a remedy.
P: I have been on allopathic medications last year. When I read about the side
effects of the medicine I thought to find a permanent solution.

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There is no complete solution to my problem. Something or the other comes up

and I take medicine for that and its an endless chain, I will never be free. It is like
getting entangled in something, into one web and then into another web. Its like
one string is catching me, and as I am trying to get free, another string catches
me, holds me up. Its binding me, its holding me (Hg) and I am not free to be
myself. Its not in my control, its inhibiting my growth, it is forced on me, and I am
not able to come out.
L: So this is so interesting the way she is talking about her complaint. It is like
something is holding, binding and not letting me be free to be myself. Its not
killing me, its not choking me. Its not victimizing me. Its simply not allowing me
to be myself and its not that I am not able to come out of it.
She says later on ..
P: I feel helpless, not because of my inefficiency but because it is not in my
The whole external situation controls your life, its something which I cannot see,
it is unknown to me. Its like going on a voyage, the coast looks clear, the wind is
clear, and then there is a storm is coming. And then a storm comes suddenly, its
unknown, all of a sudden it comes up and I am dumbstruck. Its like this disease.
L: So again she talks of how she is not in control. The external situation controls
her and then she talks about the disease that comes like a sudden storm from
something clear. So now she is giving so many hints about the 2nd Row and
especially also about Carbon.
P: It is very hard to trust someone not known to me. Is he a genuine person or
fake? I trust very few people. That person will be himself, transparent, not
shielding, not hiding, not disguised
After moving into the new city there has been a lot of changes in her life.
L: So she says there have been many difference of opinion with her father. And I
D: How does it feel to be in that situation?

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L: And this is so beautiful how she expresses her experience in that situation. She
P: It is like someone is forcing me to sit down (hg) its like quicksand; I am being
sucked (hg). Somebody pushes me, putting my head down. But once a sudden
urge comes at one point and I cant take it, it just explodes (hg), it just comes out,
it is free (hg). Everything is outside, whatever was bottled up has become free.
I feel suddenly (hg) that it is rising, like rising up (hg). And then it is thrown out.
L: So it is so interesting that the situation is that the father may be dominating or
controlling or whatever it is but her experience of that situation is a sensation
being pushed down, not able to come out and then there is a sudden thing. Then
it all just comes out as if from a bottle.
She says in her dreams:
D: What dreams do you get?
P: There are many unseen things around, somebody controls you. Its a secret
power that compels you
D: Tell me about the secret power that controlls you?
L: And she said the most astonishing thing.
P: Its a protection, its a shield, then prevents evil from harming you,. Its
shielding you from the malice of the world.
D: What is this shield?
P: Its like a transparent guard around, you cannot see that, a white transparent
guard, very radiant, angelic, pure, soothing. It alerts you that something bad is
coming, otherwise without this shield its a shock..
Then you get into a panic, you want to quit, vanish, you want to run away. I want
somebody to protect me (hg), cuddle me, I want my mother to hug me. But this
shield, this guard stops me from being myself. And I give up my power of
independence, its like a baby cuddling up (hg) even a bomb cant harm me, it
protects me, to take charge of me, takes control of me. I am in a safe zone.

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Without the protection it is totally independent, always alert. And I alone am

responsible for my security.
L : So you see the two stages:
1. Stage where she feels her fathers control is actually pushing her down and
bottling her up and she wants to come out of it and at the other stage she wants
protection and she wants to be inside of something. So this alternating state is
Carbon. Do I want to be independent or do I want protection? What is it that I
really want? Am I capable of adapting the new to face the strain, to face the
unexpected? Or I want to run back for protection and shelter? so this alternating
or this dual state in the same person at the same time is very typical of Carbon.
So then its very interesting what remedy she got. Because when she describes
her disease, she says she cant find a permanent solution. Its like an endless
chain. It is inhibiting my growth. It is forcing me. I am not able to come out of it.
So this protective layer does two things.

Is it protects you but it also stops you from coming out and being yourself.

So you have the indications of the left side, needing the protective shell and on
the right side, needing to get out of it. Thats why she is located in the middle
which is the Carbon.
So she gives the example that it is like a storm comes up and she feels drum
struck. That she was unprepared for this change. She feels helpless as if an
external situation is controlling her and at the same time she wants the unseen
power to protect her.
So this is very interesting to see how these two sides are coming up so strongly at
the same time in her.
So you see the Carbon, the alternating state. I have to get out but can I get out?
Should I get out?
Do I have the capability or the ability to come out and to be on my own?
But now which Carbon to give? And here is where I see what is individual to her
which is not Carbon. What is typical to her that is not common to all Carbons and
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that is the idea of being pushed inside a bottle and being held there is a sudden
urge and everything comes out. So this is exactly like bottled drinks like
Carbonated drinks. Where everything is pushed into a bottle and then the
pressure builds up and suddenly everything opens and comes out releases and
gets free.
Something that has been put under pressure inside and then gets to need a
release, and come out. And for that I thought why not give her a Carbon that is
the content of the bottled drinks, carbonated drinks and that is Carbon dioxide.
So I gave her one dose of Carbon dioxide
Rx: Carbon dioxide 1M
Follow- ups
What happened was interestingly after the remedy her menstrual cycle became
more regular but a very traumatic incident occurred in her life. She lost her
mother in a car accident and she herself suffered from head injuries. Her mothers
death was very abrupt, and she said, I dont have anyone to protect me, there is
total lack of support, I have lost the anchor of my life.
Rx: Carbon dioxide 1M
And over a period of time she is much better. Now we are talking about like 1
year later
2nd October 2010
I am much better, emotionally more stable. The tension and anxiety which I used
to experience previously has decreased. I have become and there is more
acceptance of the situation. My health is very good; no infection, no fever. The
menses were delayed the last time but generally have been on time .
Carbon case example-3: Carbon dioxide
Now one more case example of Carbon. Now this is a short acute case.
Suddenly in the clinic on the 4th February 2010, a year ago came a thirty year old
woman. A Married and she is a Business Graduate (M.B.A.)

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Chief complaint: Urticarial rashes all over her body since three months.
L: I asked her because this was an acute situation and she had come in I dont
think with an appointment. Just like this and she said, I said
D: Please tell me your dream.
P: Dreams - of traveling, of family, of family going out, of pregnancy and of child
By nature she said she is very active and busy, and she doesnt like people telling
lies. She feels suppressed (hg) and she said like a closed in a box , as if in a
cocoon, she wants to break out of it and run away (hg), and go out of it. Inside of
the box she feels dark, all alone, with no one around her. It is all locked in, a
helpless state.
L: So I said to her
D: Tell me about the experience in this situation, when you say you are in the box
and you want to break out.
L: And then she used a very funny word, she said
P: It feels like a bubbly feeling, (hg); a lot of energy, always elated (hg).
D: Whats the opposite?
P: Its down, draining of energy.
Analysis of case
So from the description of:
Bubbling up
Going up
A cocoon in a box
Wanting to break out, come out
I thought we need a remedy from Row 2 which is a gas, which rises up and

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And again this reminded me of Soda water and I gave her Carbon dioxide.
Rx: Carbon dioxide 200
Immediate relief in her urticaria within a few days. And after all these months she
doesnt need any remedy. She doesnt have urticaria and she just comes for her
follow up.
So this is a very acute situation where she came just like that and I asked her to
describe and very quickly she went into the cocoon. But the experience of it was a
bubbly gassy and coming up and that gave me the clue to give her a gas of
Now I want to say something here that Carbon. Its not a very short topic. Its
huge. You have pure Carbons like Graphites and Diamond and the Buckyball. And
you have so many types of Carbons. Pure carbons, organic carbons, inorganic
carbons, aromatic carbons and alcoholic carbons and phenols and so many many
All of them share the idea of Carbon that I just discussed with you. But each one
has its own expression. Its own features and this would be make it a really big
study. Because to describe in a short lecture nor am I so conversant with the final
differentiations between all the Carbons. And for this I would refer you to the
wonderful work done by a good friend and colleague Dr Roger Morrison who has
written a huge volume only on Carbons and he has described all the various types
of Carbons. The remedies that come from Carbon, the differentiating feature
between these remedies and some cases experiences. So I think that would be a
good book to refer to make finer differentiations.
But the other way that we can do it is also through the symptoms. So once you
come to the idea of Carbon in case then you see what are the differentiating
features in this case that is not common to all Carbons. So it may be physical
symptoms, it may be Cravings, it may be source words, it may be description of
the source like the carbondioxide that we spoke about. It could rubrics from the
Repertory, key notes from the Materia medica, source description.

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For example my colleague Laurie had a wonderful case of a woman who

described the exact qualities of a diamond. First she described some expressions
of Carbon and then she described how in this state, one had to get very hard and
she described entire process of something that goes in and is put under
tremendous pressure over a long period of time and when so much pressure from
such a long period of time happens to a person then that person becomes so hard
that nothing can change. No environmental factor can make any change on this,
on this person and she described exact qualities of diamond.
So sometimes you have exact descriptions of the source, rubrics, cravings,
aversion, thermal modalities etc. and these help you sometimes to find the exact
Carbon. But this is not definitely the only way to do it. The other way is to
differentiate the other types of Carbons as to pure Carbons, organic, inorganic
and the aromatic or aliphatic and whats the difference between these in general
and that kind of study, Roger Morrison has done and I would suggest that you can
go through it.
We pass onto Nitrogen:
Is reflected in Stage:
The foetus is making its way through the birth canal and making its way out of
the womb. It is in the narrow passage.
And you know in labour process, how many times there can be a problem here.
There its simply not coming out. Many times Caesarian section, many times
vacuum, many times using a forceps because there is some stuck or some
obstacle in the passage.
And when this obstacle is happening there is a distress. There is a kind of
claustrophobic, a sense of suffocation and the need to come out and to be
The feeling is of being trapped in the passage and wanting to get out.

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So the expressions of Nitrogen range from:

Fear of narrow or closed places.
Feeling to be bound
Wanting to get out and to be free
Of Claustrophobia, of asphyxia.
And also being a gas, Nitrogen has the idea of being compressed and also
expanding and spreading out.
When you look at nitrates, then you have in Nitrates, Oxygen and Nitrogen
together and therefore you have the quality first of all, of being trapped and
stuck and secondly, finding yourself without air or Oxygen. And this is a typical
picture of Claustrophobia.
I remember once that I took the case of a gynecologist, a male gynecologist who
had with sinusitis and asthma. I distinctly remember that he came into the room
and sat down. His wife was sitting and he was sitting there in front of me and
what was remarkable more than what he said was how he said it and he narrated
his history at such a breath taking speed. You know I have sinus over here and
then for sinusitis I took antibiotics, and with this antibiotic the sinus went into the
nose, in the nose it was so breathing, it was so heavy, difficulty and with this
heavy difficulty of breathing it was like this .. I went over there in such a way
and he went on and on and on. It was like 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, non
stop quick, fast , spaced.
I was watching to see if he took any breath in between he didnt seemed to
breathe in between. Somehow he didnt breathe for 15 minutes and he went on
speaking like this for 35 minutes without stop. I was hoping that I would find out
where he breathes so that I could insert a question and stop this. But I couldnt
find, I couldnt find a way out of this situation. Luckily the phone rang at that time
and I had to pick up the phone and he had to stop talking. And that I think saved
my life!
In a seminar, I showed this video to some participants and I tell you after six

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minutes everybody started asking to stop the video because they were feeling
choked and breathless as if they would just suffocate.
This experience itself gave me a clue to his state which is a state of crisis all the
time in performance, anticipation before his surgeries, a feeling of
claustrophobia, he had a fear of closed spaces and wanting to get out. His remedy
was Argentum nitricum. And he did very well on this remedy.
Case Example: -7
A twenty- nine- year old female patient comes with:
Chief complaints: Irritable bowel syndrome, claustrophobia, panic attacks and
She says, she gets anxious in crowded and noisy places; she feels as if she is
enclosed in a tiny chamber and cannot breathe and she wants to break free (hg).
P: I need my space. I feel suffocated if people enter my space. I feel Constrained,
there is no space, no room (hg), no Oxygen. I want to get out and break free as if I
am tied in chains and I want my own space.
D: Describe what is this Space?
L: This is the beauty of this case when I say describe what is this space. You want
your own space and she says ..
P: Space is like a protective barrier around me which is invisible,
L: So you see this, the beauty of the 2nd Row. The 2nd Row describes this womb
as both protection as well as trap. And when you get that combination, you are
right in the 2nd Row. She says:
P: Its like pressurized as bottled up. As if a volcano that wants to erupt. I dont
want to be bound, I want to be released.
L: And then she was prescribed Nitrogen and she did really good with Nitrogen.
We talk of Oxygen.
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Is the Stage:
When the baby is released and takes its first independent breath.
So, I am now through the passage, through the birth canal and the head is come
out and now hah hahhhh
So there is no womb anymore.
The baby has to perform all its vital functions on its own.
And the main thing is:
I have to breathe on my own to survive.
The difference between being in the womb and out of the womb is essentially
breathing. You dont breathe in the womb. You breathe out of the womb.
I rely a lot for the understanding of Oxygen on the proving of Ozone by Anne
One of the symptoms of Ozone
GENERALITIES; BREATHING, inspiration, expiration; desire to breathe deep
So the difference between Nitrogen and Oxygen?



Nitrogen is still bound to the Oxygen is released. It has to take

womb/mother and has to get its first independent breath. I
out. The feeling is to be trapped need air, I need oxygen.
in the passage and wants to be

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Case Example 8
A forty-seven-year old female patient.
Chief complaint: Asthma.
The patient starts narrating her dreams.
P: I dream:
- That my aunt died and I am collecting flowers in the garden and attending the
condolence meeting.
- I take a wrong decision of investing in a company and here the feeling is that I
am on the edge of a cliff. I suddenly realize it and I save myself. Its as if you
are falling and take yourself back and now you are safe.
- At my neighbours place the ceiling is very high and I felt it should have been
higher so there would be more space, more air (hg). That it is open.
- Flood water in streets and there are dead bodies of children.
- I see Stars, constellation. I feel its open, relaxed, easy and more airy.
Because in the asthma also I want to go out in open (hg). I want to be out there
and I want to come out and be able to breathe because I feel so suffocated, I
want to be free.
I want to break through all the barriers. I want to come out, breathe deep and
long because that feels like a new life is coming to me, vital, rejuvenated and
I feel small and narrow and when you move out of the situation, you see you get
I see in the dream, the idol of a deity. Something is (hand gesture coming up and
opens). Rejuvenating (hand gesture lifting hands up). Uplifted. Your energy
levels come and then you are start breathing more. More energy.
You take a lot of air deep inside you and then you feel more relaxed. I dream of
Because the main feeling in the case is:

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I want to come out of a dark, congested, suffocating place and to be able to

breathe freely and normally.
So I gave her the remedy Ozone. And her asthma improved notably in one year of
the prescription. The dreams also became less.
Finally, we come to Fluorine.
Is the stage where the baby and mother are now separate and two distinct
individuals. There is an attachment, a cord between them and this cord has to be
cut because the cord has become redundant.
Symptoms of Fluorine:
Aversion to his own family (Clarkes Dictionary)
DELUSIONS, Imaginations: Betrothal, engagement must be broken (Kents
Repertory) The marriage must be dissolved.
Separated, as if (Boenninghausens Repertory)
As an example of Fluorine, let us take case example 9:
Case Example 9:
A sixty-four year old male patient.
Chief complaints: Varicose veins and diabetes.
D: Tell me about it about the varicose veins..
P: Its not bleeding now. But I am worried it may start bleeding. Because then I
have to go for a surgery. And I dont want to go for a surgery because then my
son will have to spend money for me and I do not want to become a burden on
my son and I dont want him for spending money on me; I want to be on my own.
D: What do you mean by that?
P: I want to be independent and not dependent on anybody. Not a burden.
L: And when I say independent. He says:
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D: What is independent?
P: For example my wife. If something happens to me, If I die who will take care of
her. I therefore do not want her to be dependent, financially dependent. I want
her to be financially independent like me. I have two sons
L: and normally in India, parents like their sons to live with them but here he says I
wanted them to be independent. To have their own independence. And I said:
D: Tell me a little bit more about your life?
P: I have helped my brothers a lot. I have given them my life. I have given them so
much financial support but now they boycotted me, they dont want me. They are
actually [HG] pushing me out of the house. We have an ancestral house and they
are just like pushing me out. They make me feel that I am an unwanted, useless
person [HG] just pushing me out.
So happens in this case is that you have themes of both second row and the
fourth row. Of the 4th row is the theme of money, of financial dependence, of the
feeling I dont have money. That the wife will not have money. So you are
financially dependent which is Calcarea . but the idea is you have to be
independent. you cannot be attached any more. You have to cut the cord, you
have to let your child go. You have to be financially on your own, separate
because if you dependent on somebody that somebody will let you down like
your brothers. How you helped them and they pushed you out. They wanted you
out, cut, out of their lives.
So you cannot afford to be dependent and that is the theme of Calcarea flour.
Calcarea flour :
Calcarea means I am financially dependent, I am needy but the people whom I
depend on will let me down, will push me out and therefore I have to depend on
nobody. I have to learn to be independent.
Independent, unattached that is Fluorine.
Financially is Calcarea and therefore Calcarea Fluor has the main theme about
anxiety about money matters and always the need to be financially independent,
looking after his savings, bank balance, afraid of loss of money, fear of poverty
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So that gives you a hint about what Fluorine is about and this man did very very
beautifully both in his Diabetes and his Varicose veins with Calcarea fluor over a
period of time.
The last remedy of this row is:
The birth process is now over.
I am through with it.
I am separate and I am content with separation. I dont need anybody. I am full
and I am complete.
So what are the Keywords that we have seen repeating across all these cases that
we have been through.
We see the Keywords of:
Being a Part of
Comfort zone
Being Shield
Something surrounding me
Being Inside/outside
Of being staying within, of being cozy or coming out of or being pushed out of it.
So these are the words at a deep level, at a sensation level , at an experience level
through the different dreams and experiences of the person keep recurring in this
So just to summarize:

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The Differentiation between the remedies on the left side and the right side of
this Row:
Left side [Li, Be, Bo]
Which have the theme of:
Dependency and Separation:
They are Extremely dependent,
They Need attachment / cover/ womb around.
Fears and Reactions:
Fear of shell, cover, womb getting lost and feeling to be exposed, to the elements
which they cannot take. They are not ready, not mature, not prepared. And there
is prominent reaction to sudden, unexpected noise, to jerk, to falling and this is
followed by Instinctive reaction. Like jerking, like startling, like shuddering, fright.
Whereas on the Right side of the 2nd Row you have remedies like N, O, F, Ne:
Themes of Dependency and Separation:
They progressively start separating and by the time you come to Fluorine they
become completely separate and distinct as two and not as a part of.
And the Fears and Reactions on this side of Row 2 are:
Fear of Suffocation, claustrophobia, of getting stuck inside and not being able to
come out.
The summary of Keywords of Row Two
Indicating the experience in the womb:
Motherly attention
Motherly warmth
Being a Part of
Shell, shield
Soft, cozy, comfortable

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And of the instinctive and sudden reactions:

Hold on
Claustrophobic words like:
No opening
And suggesting separation:
Letting go
Cutting off
Breaking free
Going separate ways
So this concludes the 2nd stage. The 2nd row of the Periodic table and once there
are two distinct entities then there is the beginning of the 3rd Row and the 3 rd
row where the first entity which is the child now depends on the Mother. But
from outside, relationship between Mother and child is formed. This 3 rd row will
have to do with the dependence from outside for care, nourishment, identity,
ego, sympathy etc. which denotes communication and relationship rather than
being a part of being inside of something and coming out. But that is something
we will see next week and till then,

I wish you Good bye and Auf weidershein and all the very, very best!

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