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Tipping the Scale: Size 18 vs.

Size 2
by: Miriam Orr
Who sets the qualifications for a perfect person?
Since we're on a Christian campus, the automatic response would be "God". Well, let's be
honest with ourselves--we don't always look at people the way God does. Perhaps that's one of
the reasons God is so amazing and magnificent; He loves us for who we are and calls us perfect
when the rest of the world deems us imperfect or below par.
My best friend (no, she isn't a Crownie) and I got into a discussion about body image
over the song "All About that Bass" by Meghan Trainor. The song isn't a Christian song, but
presents a strong argument for body image in Hollywood and Dollywood alike: it's okay to be a
size 18 instead of a size 2. A powerful message in a world which is made up of a variety of sizes.
So, our argument grew and left me frazzled. I was fighting for the song while she was
against it, saying that we shouldn't be divided on such an issue. My argument was that it didn't
matter if we were supposed to be unified; the fact of the matter is we aren't.
And we are NOT unified on body image. Hollywood, Dollywood, and magazines have
done a good job at brainwashing the world against a bigger waistline. I understand that being
heavier is unhealthy, but some just can't help it. They've tried exercise, and they'll lose weight
and gain it all back. Some metabolisms and body builds are thicker than others. Thinner people,
It's so wonderful for you that you have a healthy, beautiful body--God blessed you with yours
and others with theirs (and yes, everybody is beautiful).
So, here's my question: who's to say that being a size 2 is prettier and more acceptable
than being a size 18? Were others not created the same way as you? Did God mess up when He
made some? Who sets the standard for what's acceptable--not only in body image, but
personality? This argument can be posed by both a secular and a Christian community, and since
we're Christian, we'll deal with the latter argument.
Ecclesiastes 3:11. Genesis 1:27. 1 Peter 3:3-4. Do any of these verses ring a bell? They
should; they're the common ones that size 18's turn to when they're feeling less-than-beautiful. I

keep them pinned on my bathroom mirror and in my car, and in my Bible. They're daily
reminders that have helped me view myself as someone acceptable.
Now, my best friend (God love her!) told me to examine both sides, here: that some size
2 people are not satisfied with their bodies because they get told to eat a cheeseburger. All you
size 2's, take note: it's very different being called too thin by a doctor because of medical
concerns, than it is being called heavy for cultural concerns. If both sizes were to walk into a
Miss America audition, and a thin girl was told she didn't qualify because she was too thin, they
say that is so because of medical concerns. They tell the heavier girl she doesn't qualify because
she doesn't meet the scale. That's very different! I know thinner people may struggle, yes; but
have you ever seen a thin person look at a size 18+ person and say: "Oh, I wish I had a body like
If you have, please give this person my phone number!
It is very frustrating--and tiresome to me--that the world tells people that are heavier that
they are too big to do anything. They can't be the next Transformers star because they are not a
model; they can't pose for Lauren Conrad in fashion magazines, they can't model for Walmart.
Why? Because they are not a size 2. So, let's approach this from a Christian aspect, since we're
Christians here, and grapple with this subject before we can even think about taking it into a
secular community. I did this with my friend, since she is a devout follower of Jesus Christ.
Did God make a mistake when He made size 18's? The answer is no. They are made just
as perfectly and beautifully in His image as Megan Fox is. God is a God of variety; He likes
difference. If we were all the same this would be a boring world and God wouldn't have created
all of us; he'd need a man and woman of the "perfect" build and then pffft, He'd be done. He likes
the way all people look.
The next question I was asked is this: The world needs to be unified in this, not divided-why can't you be unified in this? Well, to answer that question, the world isn't unified, and I
frankly don't think it ever will be. The world around us has been so culturally backwards in its
view of not only women, but men as well, that I don't think it can ever go back--especially since
our world isn't inherently looking for Jesus. Don't get me wrong, nothing is entirely hopeless. I
just don't see any improvements.

To answer the second part of that question, my reply is this: I want unity in society. I
want us to all look on each other and love us for who we are; I don't think it is acceptable to have
to defend one's self against Hollywood and media. The fact of the matter is, though, right now
people have to defend their size.
No one other than God sets the standard for appearance.
Speaking of a standard, I've run into another speed-bump with myself. A couple of
people who I am close to (and a few others who I am not), approached me and told me that I was
"too loud", and "too passionate" for my hobbies, my Jesus, and just in general my everyday self.
One person from my old hometown even told me that "We need to present Jesus in a quiet,
peaceful manner...gentle, like a dove. Not loud and passionate."
Please, don't tell me that who I am is wrong. Again, I am made in the image of Jesus
Christ--God, the King of Kings! The very being who breathed life into the expanse of darkness
we call the galaxy created me! Me! Did God, the One who has never made a mistake and is
incapable of making mistakes, suddenly make some type of error when He formed me before I
was even conceived? Is He up there, saying; "Whoops, I created Miriam far too loud and
passionate, that's my bad"?
No. No! It doesn't matter who we are--we can be loud megaphones or quiet wallflowers
and God still thinks we're perfect, through Jesus Christ--perfect enough to die for, perfect enough
to descend into hell and redeem the keys of eternity for. People do not set the standard for what's
better or right or beautiful, God does that. I am convinced that Jesus was a loud person when
needed. He preached to multitudes outside--he preached from a boat on the water to a multitude
of people on shore. That would take some pretty good "pipes" if you ask me. I believe Jesus
was quiet and calm at times, but on a general basis, I think he was bold and zealous for God the
Everyone is precious. I don't think bad of size 2 people, and I don't think bad of quiet
people. Absolutely not. I see you as just another human being that was created by the Most High
God like I was. I just don't understand how most people think size 2 and quite people are more
acceptable than size 18 and loud people are in society. And I want you to be accepted--I do,

really! I want to be accepted right alongside you too. I want a chance at Miss America. I want a
chance at the female lead of Transformers 5.
We are God's creatures. He loves us all the same. The world, unfortunately, doesn't see it
that way. This is just an opinion from a "big" girl with "big" concerns. The issue is that we all
need to be ready to tell the world that our opinion doesn't matter; that we are ALL beautiful, and
that the only opinion worth caring for is God's.
So, in the battle of size 18 vs. size 2, neither wins. It's a tie, in no need of a tie-breaker,
called by the Most High and Great Creator, God.

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