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Mandatory Fluoridation is Medication Without Consent 12/29/09

A new government threat to our health freedom is pending. On December 7, the N.J. Senate Health committee,
despite public outcry, approved bill #S2856 requiring mandatory fluoridation of all water supplies. The Assembly
version passed last May, so the final step now is a vote by the full Senate, which can come up at any time. It is
important that we know both sides of this issue, as the impending decision is crucial to public health.
Your personal decision about using fluoride is not under question. That is your choice and privilege. Tooth paste
and mouthwash are readily available. Fluoridation of the municipal water supply however, eliminates choice, by
government dictate. The freedom to refuse unwanted medication is a basic right. Fluoride has never been either
tested or proven safe by the FDA as it is ‘grandfathered’ (like aspirin, used prior to 1938). It is classified as an
‘unapproved drug’. Most politicians have no medical training, yet it appears they are bent on forcing everyone to
bathe, drink, and cook with a toxic chemical they know nothing about, and do not have the authority to prescribe.
Fortunately, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act exposing flawed procedures in tests promoting fluoridation,
the true toxicity of fluoride and its dubious value is finally becoming well known. After 50+ years of promoting
fluoridation, ‘JADA’, the official ‘Journal of the American Dental Association’ in their July 2000 issue stated,
“Taken systemically, fluoride has never been proven to have any significant effect on tooth decay. In other words,
ingesting fluoride from a water supply is totally ineffective. The benefit, if any, is from topical application to the
surface of the teeth. Using the water system to dispense fluoride at a cost of billions of dollars is unnecessary and
does not achieve the intended goal”. Need more be said?
Dr. Hardy Limeback, Ph.D, D.D.S., head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto,
and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research, a former fluoride advocate, says, “Unfortunately
your well-intentioned dentist has no training in toxicity. He has followed for 50 years the dictates of the Public
Health Service and the ADA. I did too, until I discovered fluoride’s extreme toxicity and that it is actually altering
the basic architecture of human bones."
Chlorination vs. Fluoridation: Chlorine is a water treatment used to kill incoming bacteria at the water supply, and
also to protect the water as it travels to your house, where it is easily removed. Fluoridation, by contrast, is not a
water treatment. It is treating the consumer, and this is ethically wrong. It is forced medication of the masses
without consent, and whether you believe fluoride is good or bad, you can’t avoid it, even if you are critically ill.
Unlike chlorine, it does not gas off, and it is difficult to remove. Even fluoride advocates recognize that babies,
kidney patients, diabetics, the elderly, pregnant women, immuno-compromised individuals and those with MCS
(multiple chemical sensitivity) must avoid fluoridated water, but with mandatory fluoridation they can’t! Even
drinking pure bottled water does not help as fluoride is absorbed through the skin while bathing. Except for two
remaining towns in Spain and a few in England and Ireland, almost all (98 percent) of Europe is now fluoride free.
Why are we so far behind?
ALCOA started fluoridation in 1945 as a way to get rid of their toxic waste. They had huge stockpiles of fluoride
ash from their smokestack scrubbers. The wind blew it onto neighboring farms, crippling the cattle and damaging
the crops, and they were being sued. Its only major use at the time was for rat poison and that was a small market.
The cost of transporting it and burying it at an approved toxic dumpsite was prohibitive, so they had to find another
way to get rid of it. Gerald Cox, their lab technician, was commissioned to find a use. He found that by painting it
on rat’s teeth, it hardened them. Important note: This was topical application---it did not work when swallowed.
Nevertheless, their publicity department grabbed this and ran with it. If they could dump it in reservoirs and claim
it helped save children’s teeth, they could get paid for it. A major media blitz followed with “Who could be
against saving children’s teeth”. Detractors were painted as ogres! It worked, so now instead of paying out over
$7000.00 per truckload (in 1940’s money) to bury and cap their toxic waste, they received $4000.00 by selling it!
The fertilizer industry (also laden with fluoride waste) saw this bonanza and gladly jumped on the bandwagon.
Fluoridation violates medical ethics. (1) It is administered without consent of the patient, (2) No diagnosis or
inquiry into existing health conditions is made before dispensing this drug, (3) The amount of the drug prescribed
is not controlled nor can the dosage even be guessed. (4) The patient is not made aware of side effects, and (5) It is
an FDA unapproved drug!
A required FDA poison warning on toothpaste boxes says “If you swallow more than a small amount of toothpaste,
call a poison control center right away.” Dr. Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH of Portland, O. says, “A small (pea sized)
amount of toothpaste has ¼ milligram of fluoride. Swallowing more than this once a day is a cause for alarm, yet
this is the same amount as in 8 ounces of fluoridated water.” This is one glass! Laborers, athletes and others that
work outdoors in the sun may drink 8 to 10 glasses a day. Proctor and Gamble (makers of Crest) admitted in court
that there is enough fluoride in a 4 oz. (medium size) tube of tooth paste to kill a small child. 5 to 10 grams of
fluoride (about a tablespoon) will kill a healthy adult. Fluoride is classified as a ‘HAZMAT’ (hazardous material)
by the EPA, forbidden in lakes and rivers under severe penalty, as it kills the fish (Warning: fluoridated water will
also kill your goldfish). Fluoridated water runoff into the Minnesota River has destroyed salmon runs.
According to a CDC media relations press release of Aug 25, 2005, “About 1/3 of our children and adolescents
from 6 to 19 years have fluorosis of their teeth in fluoridated areas. This is obvious by white spots and permanent
staining of the enamel.” If this is happening to their teeth, it is also happening to their bones (skeletal fluorosis) as
teeth are a window to the bones. Related to this, the University of Utah found that hip fractures increased in
fluoridated communities (JAMA. 1992;268(6):746-748).
Other side effects include arthritis, osteoporosis, brain fog (fluoride carries aluminum through the blood brain
barrier), and it causes hypothyroidism by displacing iodine. This slows the whole metabolic process, lowering
immune response and thereby resistance to all disease. Fluoride is a listed carcinogen. The N.J. Dept of Health
found the risk of bone cancer three times as high in fluoridated areas as in unfluoridated areas. Fluoride also
depletes iodine in the breasts, increasing risk of breast cancer.
Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and almost as toxic as arsenic (see:
lead.html). Why then are lead, mercury and arsenic carefully regulated, yet fluoride is promoted as a medical
marvel? The answer: Corporate pressure and lobbying! It took over 60 years to get lead out of paint and 30 more
to get it out of gasoline, thanks to Lead Council lobbying, and as many years for the tobacco industry to admit that
cigarettes cause cancer. Since the mid 40’s, through massive media campaigns and lobbying, the aluminum and
fertilizer industries have convinced our politicians and the ADA (our dentists) that fluoride is good for you! This
is finally changing, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act and education on the internet.
Scientists who have attempted to blow the whistle on this mega-bucks PR ploy have consistently had their research
grants terminated. Nevertheless, over 2600 medical professionals have come forward endorsing an immediate end
to fluoridation. Here are quotes from a few of them:
Professor Albert Schatz, Ph.D. (Microbiology), Discoverer of streptomycin & Nobel Prize winner. "Fluoridation is
the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated, and on more people than any other fraud.”
Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association, "I am appalled at the prospect of
using water as a vehicle for drugs. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable."
Dr. Robert Carton, Ph.D, EPA Scientist, Food & Water Journal, Summer 1998, "Fluoridation is based on
scientifically fraudulent information and altered reports. People can be harmed simply by drinking water."
Dr. William Marcus, Ph.D, EPA Scientist, Food & Water Journal, Summer 1998, "Fluoride is a carcinogen by any
standard we use. The EPA should act immediately to protect the public, not just on cancer data, but on the
evidence of bone fractures, arthritis, mutagenicity (gene mutation), and other effects."
Dr. Dean Burke, Chief Chemist Emeritus and co-founder of the U.S. National Cancer Institute, “Fluoride causes
more cancer and causes it faster than any other compound”. He also added, “30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year,
from various causes, may now be attributable to fluoridation.”
Dr. William A Choby DMD, MAGD, MPA, FICCMO, ACD, “The addition of any chemical agent to public water
for any purpose other than to improve its purity is a violation of our constitutional right to privacy.”
Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, Ph D, Science director of the National Health Foundation “We would not purposely add
arsenic or lead to the water supply. But we do add fluoride. Fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less
toxic than arsenic.”
To sum it up, Dr. Ludwig Gross, M.D., former Chief of Veterans Administration, Cancer Research, Bronx, NY.
says, "The plain fact that fluoride is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when
ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that
fluoridation of the water supply is 'safe'.” Bear this in mind the next time you drink your fluoridated water.
USP (Pharmaceutical grade) Sodium Fluoride is used in toothpaste. This at least is pure (albeit pure poison!). By
contrast, the waste sludge from the smokestack scrubbers used for fluoridation is technical grade Fluorosilicic
Acid. (Technical grade is marked “Not suitable for use in food or medicine of any kind”). Fluorosilicic acid is so
powerful it will etch glass. This sludge also contains heavy metal contaminants, including lead, arsenic, mercury
and cadmium. How are they allowed to dump this toxic sludge in our water? Because fluoride is ‘grandfathered’,
and does not have to be tested by the FDA before use. The others are elemental minerals and as they are
considered ‘part of the mix’, they do not need to be individually tested. Such are the idiosyncrasies of the FDA.
The initial start-up cost to New Jersey residents is estimated at $5.4 billion, with maintenance, safety and operation
costs of over $1 billion per year thereafter. This is economically insane at a time when the state has an all-time
record deficit. A major tax increase would be needed to fund this program.
Fluoridation is ridiculously inefficient! As less than 1 percent of supplied water is used for drinking, over 99% of
the fluoride is wasted, and contaminates lawns, swimming pools, and industrial uses. This means over $990
million out of that $1 billion expense will literally ‘go down the drain’ (as a pollutant) each year! Only a
government sponsored pork-barrel project could continue to exist under such absurd conditions. This is
unbelievable waste.
Fluorosilicic acid is highly corrosive and may pose an additional financial burden to homeowners. It corrodes
valves and pipes of both the water and sewage companies, as well as household plumbing (this is why the water
suppliers and sewer agencies are strongly against it).
If anyone claims that fluoridation is effective in reducing cavities, ask to see the proof. They cannot produce it
because there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, so when trapped they will resort to either totally
discredited data, circular logic or ‘common knowledge’. In circular logic, everyone quotes a well known figure,
back to the originator, and ‘the earth is flat’ was once common knowledge. This was appallingly demonstrated in
the Michigan Supreme Court case of Rogowski vs. City of Detroit 1/5/65, protesting fluoridation.
Rogowski asked the city to supply evidence of the value of fluoridation. They could not supply credible tests but
claimed it was ‘common belief’. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled in favor of fluoridation and included the
following ‘excuse’: “Evidence---Common belief: A common belief, like common knowledge, does not require
evidence to establish its existence, but may be acted upon without proof by the legislature and the courts. A
legislative enactment based on the common belief of the people of the State that the public health would be
protected thereby, is a reasonable and proper exercise of the police power, hence, neither a court nor a jury may
disregard such legislation”. Basically this ruling says, “We are not interested in facts. Common belief (a result of
biased media exposure) is all that matters.” This is very scary!
Tom Petrie, CN at Schachter Medical Center in Suffern, NY, a fluoride researcher, sums up the issue, “There is no
controversy about fluoridation. There are simply those who have studied the facts, and those who have not.”
To repeat, for those that want fluoride, it is available in tooth paste and mouthwash. This is far safer (if you don’t
swallow it), and far cheaper than water fluoridation. It does not increase taxes and it does not forcibly medicate
the public with a dangerous or at the least, a questionable drug.
Please notify your Senator and our Governor that you oppose forced medication and want our precious water
supply kept pure and free from any added toxins. Visit for
legislators of your district and addresses. As this may go to the senate floor any day now, time is critical.
Access to pure water is essential for a healthy life. Do not let the government deny us this basic right.
by Harvey Kunz, Nutritionist. Director of “The CARE Group” (Cancer Awareness Research Exchange), New
Jersey’s largest non-profit cancer education and support group. For bibliography email:

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