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The bernoullis principle is generally used in fluid dynamics. Bernoullis equation is applicable at
a incompressible and inviscid steady flow fluid. The equation can be denifed as :

= Constant


Where (in SI units):

P = fluid static pressure at the cross section in N/m2.
p = density of the flowing fluid in kg/m3
g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 (its value is 9.81 m/s2 )
u = mean velocity of fluid flow at the cross section in m/s
z = elevation head of the center of the cross section with respect to a datum z=0

Based on Giles (1994), the bernoullis law indicates that a fluid is flowing along a pipe of
various cross section area. The pressure of the fluid is low at the area where the velocity is high
and the velocity is low when the pressure is high. The pressure is said to be inversely
proportional to the velocity. There are some reccomendations need to be considered in the
bernoullis theorem :
1. The fluid is incompressible
2. The flow is steady along a stream line
3. The flow is frictionless along the streamline
4. The liquid is non-viscous
However, the fluid might also suffer a head loss due to friction during flowing along the
streamline. The head loss due to friction normally encountered for the fluid which is viscid and

only small loss of head due to friction within the fluid and between the fluid and the walls of the
passage if the fluid is not inviscid. To determined the fluid flow, the bernoullis equation can be
modified by the inclusion of the frictional head loss :


Bernoullis equation were applied between two different section which are section 1 and section
2. Since the passage is horizontal, the velocity and the elevation head will be equal and the
modified equation will be as below (

) and (


Most of the pressure loss in the converging part of the duct is recovered in the diverging part of
the duct. Besides that, the pressure and the velocity might differ due to usage of venturi meter:
The venturi meter consists of a venturi tube and differential pressure gauge. The venturi tube has
a converging portion, a throat and a diverging portion which fuction is to increase the velocity of
the fluid and lower its static pressure.

Figure 4.1 : Venturi Meter

Based on the figure, the section of the venturi meter is divided to 1 and 2. The pressure is said to
be high at point 1 and the velocity is inverse of the pressure. As the fluid flow through the stream
line, the pressure started to decrease as the velocity increase. The pressure and velocity were
varies due to the cross sectional area of the pipe.
Next, the continuity equation also must be consider in the bernoullis theorem. The continuity
equation is a statement of the conservation of mass. The mass flow rate of fluid at any section
along the streamtube must be constant so that :


For an incompressible fluid flowing in a converging duct it follows that as the area reduces then
the velocity must increase, whilst in a diverging duct as the area increases then the velocity must
decrease. Applying Bernoulli's equation if the velocity increases then the pressure must decrease
whilst as the velocity decreases the pressure must increase.

Coulson, J.M. and Richardson, J.F., (1999). Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer,
Volume 1, 6th ed, Elsevier.
Bansal, R.K., (2005). Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, 9th ed, LAXMI Publications.














(2014,). Retrieved



Bernoullis Principle Demonstrator Instruction Manual (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2014 from

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