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22. stoppages primer. No round should be left in &hot

weapon any longer than necessary because
a. A stoppage is any unintentional interruption of the possibility of B cookoff.
in the cycle of operation. The stoppage may be
oawed by improper functioning of the rifle or
(2) HCWVJ~~W.A hangfire is B delay in the
functioning of a propelling charge at the
faulty ammunition. time of firing. The amount of delay is
6. Type% of stoppages. unpredictable. A hangfire cannot be dis-
(1) Xq%v. A misfire is a failure to fire. A tinguished iimnediataly from a misllm.
misfire itself is not dangerous, but since
(3) Cookoff. A cookoff is the functioning of
it cannot be immedia.tely distinguished
a chambered round due to the heat of the
fmm a delay in the functioning of the
weapon. If the primer or propelling
firing mechanism, or from a hang&, it charge should cookoff, the projectile will
should be considered as a possible delay be propelled from the weapon with nor-
in firing until this possibility has been mal velocity even though no attempt was
eliminated. A delay in the functioning made to fire the primer by actuating the
of the Cring mechanism could result from ^. . .
tiring mechanism.
the preaenee of foreign matter such as O. Gommun Stoppage& The rifle will function
sand, grit, oil and grease. These might e5ciently if it is properly cared for. The firer
crests B partial mechanical rastrsint must watch for defects and correct them before
which, after some delay, is overcome by they c&we. B stoppage. Some of the mom common
continued force applied by the spring, stoppages, their usual c&uses, and remedies are
and the firing pin then striking the shown in chart II.

Chart II. Slop~w: Their Causea and Remadiar

Failure to feed__...._.._. Defectiveorwompmts__ . . . .._ ____._... Replace parts.

Dirty or dented magazine___...___...... Clean or replace magazine.
Loose gas cylinder plug______.______.... Tighten plug.
Failure to chamber_ _ _ _ _ _ Lack of lubrication of operating parts____. Clean and lubricate parts.
Defeetiveammunition________.__----___ Replace ammunition.
Dirty chamber-___._....._....______.... c&l chamber.
Failure to lock._.__...... Lack of lubrication of operating parts__... Clean and lubricate D&.
Dirty locking ~eDe88~~..________..-_______ Clean recesses. -
Weak operating rod spring___.__.. . ..___. Replace spring.
Spindlevalveclosed_.._......._..___... Open valve.
Defectiveammunition____.___....____... Replace ammunition.
Broken tiring pin.______.._ ..__ ___ . . . .._. Replace firing pin.
Defective or broken parta in firing mecha- Replace parta or entire firing mechanism.

Failure to unlock_..__.._. DirtyCha~beI__......__.....____....__. Clean chamber.

Lack of lubrication of operating parts_ _ Clean and lubricate parts
Insu5cientgas._.._.._---......---____. Tighten gas cylinder plug and check spindle
Fsilure to extract_.___._._ D~yCha~ber__.__.._..___..._.-_ Clean chamber.
Dirty ammunition___._..._._-__..---___ Replace emmunition.
Brokene~traotor____.______..-_---..-__. Replace extrsctar.
Failure to eject___...._._. Broken ejector or weak ejector spring.. Replace faulty part.
to cock___._.__._.
Failure Defective or broken parts in firing mecha- Replace parta or entire firing mechanism.
23. hmdlab Adlon (1) TAKE the rifle from the shoulder.
(2) PULL the operating red haudle slowly
Immediate action i8 the unhmitating applicstiou
to the rear.
of a p&able remedy to reduce a stoppage without
(3) LOOK in the receiver.
investigating the cause. Immediate action is
(4) LOCATE the s%page by observing, aa
taught in two phaam. the operating rod handle is pulled to the
a. The first phase is taught aa L drill so that the rear, what is in the chamber, and what
rifleman learus to perform it quickly and instinc- has been ejected.
tively without thought as to the cause of the stop-
(5) REDUCE the stoppage and continue to
page. To apply the fir& phase, with the right
hand, palm up, pull the operating rod handle all
c. Haugfra llnd mislires will occur rarely.
the way to the rear. Release it, aim and attempt
Normally, the firer will instinctively apply bu-
to Iire. The palm is up to avoid injury to the
mediate action which in most instances Feduces
hand in event of B cc&off or hangfire (fig. 39).
b. If the fmst phase of immediate action fails to the stoppage even when causad by a hang&-e or
w&we a stoppage, the second phase of immediate misfire.
action is applied. The five key words used to help d. The normal cause of a misfire is faulty am-
remember the steps iu the second phase 8x-e: munition. Therefore+ fulther use of ammunition
TAKE, PULL, LOOK, LOCATE, and RE- from that lot should be suspended and reported to
DUCE. maintenance for disposition.


24. Gemoral
Mamtenanca includes all mea.snrea taken to keep
the rifle in operating condition. This include8
norrnsl cleaning, inspection for defedive parts,
repair, md lubrication.

25. Cleaning Mutertals, ~ubriahs, and

a C2eaGngMateriels.
(I) Bore cleaner (clenning compound sol-
vent (CR) ) is usad primarily for cleen-
ing the b&u; however, it can be used on
all metal part8 for a temporary (1 day)
protection from rust.
(3) OE 10 engine oil msy be used &s a field
expedient under combat conditions when
the oils prescribed in (1) and (2) above
cannot be obtained. However, as soon es
(8) DryclRuling solventis used for cleaning possible the weapon should be cleaned and
rifles which are coated with greaw, oil, lubricated with the proper, authorized
or wrroeion-preventive compoumls. lubricants.
(4) Carbon-removing compound (PClll-A) (4) Rifle grease should be applied to thoee
workii surfaces shown in figure 40.
is need on stubborn carbon deposits by
c. Eqwipnmt.
soaking and brushing. This prcuxa
(1) A complets set of maintanance equip-
must be followed by the U~Bof dryclean-
ment (fig. 41) is stored in the stock of the
ing solvent.
Ml4 rifle and consists of a-
b. Zub-. (a) Combination tool.
(1) Lubricating oil, genersl pnrpcq is used (b) Chamber cleaning brush*
for lubricating the rifle at normal tam- (c) Plastic case lubricant.
peiatules (PL special). (d) Small arms cleaning rod case.
(2) Lubricating oil, weapons (LAW) is wed (e) Small *nns cleaniGg rod section (4
for low tamperatures (below 00). each).

(f) Cleaning patch holder.

(g) Small erms bore cleaning brush.
(2) The combination tool can be used aa either
B 20” offset screwdriver or as a gas plug
wrench (figs. 42 and 43).
(a) The handle of the combination tool is
also used as the cleaning rod handle.
To do this, allow the cleaning rod ex-
tension of the tool to fall from the tool
handle 80 that it hangs perpendicular.
Assemble the four sections of the clean- b. Gas OyCw!er Plug. Pour B small quantity
ing rod and SCIWVinto the threaded of bore cleaner in the plug, insert and rotate the
hole in the cleaning rod extension. bore cleaning brush. Remove the brush, clean
Either the bore brush or the cleaning snd dry the plug with patches.
patch holder may be attached to the end c. Gas Cylinder. Install the patch holder on B
of the cleaning rod. section of the cleaning rod. Put two patchas in
(6) The plastic lubricant csse (fig. 44) is the holder, moisten them with bore cleaner and
closed with B ecrew cap which haa a swab the cylinder bora Dry the oylinder bore
stem (applicator) attached that is used with o.?eanpatcha Use m abm&ives in. c2eancing
to apply oil drop by drop on one end. the oyzina?er and do not ail the ilzterior mrfmee.
The csp is fitted with a gasket to pm d. Gas Piston. Saturate patches with bore
vent oil leakage. The other end has cleaner and wipe the exterior surface of the piston
another cwwv cap and contains rifle -COMelNATlON TOOL ,...;
26. Cleaning the RMa ,+BRICA,NT CASE
a. Procedwea for CIeaniqy Clumber amd Bore.
The rifle must be cleaned after it has been fired
because firing deposits primer fouling, powder
ashes, carbon and metal fouling. The ammuni-
tion has B noncorrcxsive primer which makes clean-
ing easier, but not lass important. The primer
still leaves B deposit that may collect moisture and
promote rust if it is not removed. The procedures
for cleaning the chamber and baa are described in
figures 45 and 46. These pro&urea will insure
that the bore is cleaned evenly and will prevent
foreign matter from being pushed into the receiver
from the bore. Upon completion of firing, bore
cleaner should be applied for ease of further

Otherwise, merely wipe the magazine assembly
clean and dry, then oil it.
h. &‘tabdtiwA88emMy. The stabilizer as&?m-
bly should be removed and cleaned with L stiff
brush to remove all carbon or other particles which
may block thegas ports.
i. All Other Parts. Use a dry cloth to remove
all dirt or sand from other parts and exterior sw-
facea. Apply B light coat of oil to the metal parts
and rob TQZD linseed oil into the wooden parts.
as clean as mible. Install the bore cleaning Care must be taken to prevent linseed oil from get-
brush on L section of the cleaning rod. Moisten ting on metal pa&s.
the brush with bore cleaner and clean the interior j. After Firhg. The rifle must b&oroughly
of the piston. Wipe the piston dry, hut do not ~2. cleaned no later than the evening of the day it is
The gas system incorporates * self-clesning s=ec- fired. For three consecutive days thereafter, check
tion and functions within very close tolerances. for evidence of fouling by running a clean patch
A piston does not have to be shiny to function through the bore and inspecting it. The bore
properly. Do not use abkwea to ckan the piston. shonld be lightly oiled after each inspection.
e. Face of the Bolt. Clean the face of the bolt
with B patch and bore cleaner, paying particular 27. Nom101 Maintenance
attention to its inside edgw. Remove the bore a. The rifle should be inspected daily, when in
cleaner with dry patches and oil the part lightly. use, for evidence of wet and general ~ppearanee.
f. Spindle Valve. Depress the valve and rotati A light coat of oil should be maintained on all
it several times after each day’s firing. Do not dis- metal part+ except the gas piston, interior of the
llssemble it. gas cylinder, and the gas plug.
g. Maga.&w. Inspect the interior of the maga- b. The daily inspection should also reveal any
eine by depressing the follower with the thumb. defects such 85 burred, worn or cracked parts.
If the interior is dirty, di saasemble the magazine Defects should be reported to the armorer for car-
and clean it, then lightly oil the component parts. &ion.

Figure 4#-42mthned.

.- -.. s . - * ., ^^_ __-._ r_- ,” _. ..<...^._$+.


Fcoffs 46-c.mtinued.

c. A mnzzle plug should never be used on the knob can be turned without extreme
rifle. It causes moisture to collect in thebore form- diftioulty (1, fig. 47).
ing rust and creating B safety hazard. (6) If the elevation knob is extremely loom
d Obtaining the proper rear sight tension is and the rear sight aperture will not
extremely important; without it, the sight will not raise, the w&&zqe knub nut must be
hold its adjustment in elevation. During normal turned in L oZoc~&e direction, one
maintenance, and prior to firing, the rear sight click at s time, until the aperture can
must be checked for correct sight tension. The beraised
indications of improper sight tension are: (c) To check for proper tension, the pm
(1) Elevation knob extremely difficult to turn.
cedurea listed below should be fol-
(2) Elevation knob turns freely without an
lowed :
audible click.
(a) If the elevation knob is extFemelg diffi-
1. Raise the aperture to its full height.
L Lower the aperture two clicks.
cult to turn, rotate the &n&ge bob
nut counterclc&wise one click et a time 3. Grasp the rifle with the &gem around
with the screwdriver portion of the the small of the stock and exert
combination tool. Altar each click at- downward pressure on the aperture
tempt to turn the t&u& knob. Re- with the thumb of the same hand
pat this pnxesa until the e7azwtion (2, fig. 47).
(d) If the qwture drape, sight tension be used if nary to remove oil or greasa Parta
must be adjusted. To do this, the that show signs of wear may be wiped with a patch
wi&aqe knob nwt must be turned in lightly dampened with lubricating oil (LAW).
L clockwise direction, one clicE at a It is best to keep the rifle aa close as pwsible to
time, until the ap-&ure can no longar outside temperatures at all times to prevent the
be pushed down aa indicated in (c).9 collection of moisture which ocoure when cold
above. If the proper tension cannot be metal comes in contact with warm air. When
obtained, the rifle mu& be turned in to the rifle is brought into a warm room, it should
the unit armorer. not be cleaned until it haa reached room tempera-
28. Special Maintenance d. In hot, humid cliiatpe or if exposed to salt
a. Before firiug the rifle, the bore and the cham- water or salt water atmosphere, the rifle mu& be
her should be cleaned and dried. A light coat of inspected thoroughly each day for moisture and
oil should be placed on all other metal parts, rust. It should be kept lightly oiled with special
except those which come in contact with ammuni- preservative lubricating oil. Raw linseed m7
tion, the gas piston, interior of the gas cylinder, should be frquently applied to the wooden parts
and the gas plug. to prevent swelling.
b. Pafore firing, rifle grease should be applied e. In hot, dry climates, the rifle must be cleaned
to the parts indicated in figure 40. A smell daily or more often to remove sand and/or dust
amamt of grease ia taken up on the stem of the from the bore and working psrte. In sandy areas,
grearw container cap and is applied at each plea the rifle should be kept dry. The muzzle and re-
Rifle - is wt used in extremely cold tempers- c&a should be kept covered during eand and
turn or when the rifle is exposed to extremes of dust storms. Wooden parts must be kept oiled
sand nnd dust. with 1ycu)l&seed oi2 to prevent drying. The rifle
a In cold cliiataa (temperatures below freez- should be lightly oiled when sand or dust condi-
ing) the rifle mus& be kept free of moisture and tions decrease.
exeea oil. Moisture and excem oil on the working f. Special instructions on caring for the rifle
parta cr~umthem to operate sluggishly or fail mm- when it is subject to nuclear, biological or chemi-
pletely. The rifle must be disassem bled and wiped cal contamination CM be found in TM 3-220 and
with a dean dry cloth. Drycleaning solvent may FM 21-40.


29. General d. Ore&e Cartridge. The M64 rifle grenade

cartridge is used for launching grenadea and pyre-
The Ml4 rifle fires several types of ammunition.
technics. The cartridge can be identified by its
The rifleman should be able to recognize them and
five-pointed, star-crimped end.
know which type is best for csrtaiu targets. He
e. Blank. The MS2 blank cartridge is used to
should also know how to care for the ammunition.
aid realism in training. It can be identified by ita
a. Figure 48 shows the parts of a typical car-
long narrow neck.
f. Dummy. The MB3 d-y cartridge has six
b. The term “bullet” refers only to a small arms
longitudinal corrugations approximately one-
projectile; the term “ball” was originally used to
third the length of the case. There are no mark-
describe the ball-shaped bulletof very early small
ings on the bullet and there is no primer in the
arms ammunition. The term “ball ammunition”
base of the cartridge. It is used in training for
now refers to a cartridge with a general purpose
dry firing exercises.
solid corn bullet intended for um against person-
nel and material targets.
31. Pa&aging
30. Description o. 6-Rmmd Cartridge Clip. Ammunition is
The types of ammunition can be identified by prepacked in B-round cartridge clips. Twelve
their individual ma&ii (Jig. 49). clips are packed in a cloth bandoleer. Seven ban-
a. Ammr Piewi~g. The M61 armor piercing doleers are pscked in a can snd two cans am
cartridge is used against lightly armored targets_ packed in a case. c
The cartridge can be identified by its black tip. b. 8%Romd Carton. Ammunition is also
b. BaZ. The three types of ball ammunition packed in 20~round cartons. Twenty-three car-
(M59, MS0 and Ml98 duplex) are used against tons are packed in a can and two cans are packed
personnel and unarmored targets The M59 and in a case.
MS0 cartridges can he identified by their unpainted c. ~Vo+sine Fi&r. The magazine filler is an
tips. The Ml98 duplex round can be identified adapter which fits over the top of an empty maga
by its green tip. sine (when the magazine is lzot in the weapon) and
c. TWLCW. The M62 tracer cartridge is used for
maka it easier to load. One magazine filler is
indicating target areas and adjusting fira The
packed in each case of ammunition.
cartridge can be identified by its orange tip.
32. Care, Handling, and Preservation

/- /Ez- a. Care should ba taken to prevent ammunition

boxes from becoming broken or damaged.
b. Ammunition should not be exposed to the
direct rays of the sun. If the powder is heated,
excessive pressure may develop. This condition
will affect ammunition performance and creates a
-f&y hazard.
c. Ammunition should be kept clean and dry.


33. M2 Biped positions on the launcher. On the bottom portion

of the muzzle end of the launcher, there is a olip-
The M2 bipod (fig. 50) is a light, folding mount
type retainer spring used to hold the grenade on
which clamps onto the gas cylinder and gas cylin-
the launcher at the desired position prior to firing.
der lock of the rifle.
The unmarked groove located above the retainer
a. Zmtdlatim (fig. 51). Place the jaws of the
spring is a safety groove that prevents the grenade
yoke assembly so that they encircle the gas cylinder
from slipping off the launcher if the retainer clip
at the gas cylinder lock. Tighten the self-looking
bolt with the combination tool, securing the jaws breaks.
a. Ic&llation. To install the grenade
to the gas cylinder.
launcher, slide the launcher over the flash suppres-
b. Removal. Using the combination tool, loosen
ser. Push the clip latch rearward securing it to
the bolt located beneath the yoke awnbly and
the bayonet lug of the flash suppreswr (fig. 55).
remove the biped from the rifle.
b. Revwmd. To remove the grenade launcher,
Caution: Do not remove the cap screw from
pull downward on the handle of the clip latch,
the jaw assembly.
releasing it from the bayonet lug on the flash sup-
34. M6 Bayonet Knife and MBA1 Bayonet pressor, and slide the launcher from the flash sup-
Knife Scabbard prassOr.
The M6 bayonet knife (fig. 52) is utilized for 36. Ml5 Grenade launcher Sight
close combat, guarding prisoners and riot control. The grenade launcher sight provides an angular
The MEA1 bayonet scabbard is used to carry the measurement of elevation for firing grenades and
bayonet knife.
can be used for both low angle (direct firing) and
a. InstaUatirm.Install the bayonet knife to the high angle firing.
rifle by alining the groove of the bayonet handle a. ZnatdZatkm. Install the sight to the mount-
with the bayonet lug on the flash suppressor and ing plate, sliiing notches of the plate with the
the loop of the top portion of the handle on the click spring tips of the sight (fig. 56). Turn tight
flash suppressor. Slide the knife rearward until clockwise until the index line is alined with the 0’
the lugs of the latching lever snap over the bayonet index on the mounting plate. At this position,
lug (fig.53). the leveling bubble should be level. If the bubble
b. Renwvd. Grasp the handle of the bayonet cannot be leveled, the rifle should be turned in to
and depress the latching lever on the handle, re- the unit armorer.
leasing the bayonet lug from the groove in the
Note. The moontfng plate for the?.-15 sightis In-
handle. Slide the bayonet from the rifle. stalled by snmm-t maintenance ONLY.

b. R&n,&&. Turn sight counterclockwise un-

35. M76 Grenade launcher
til the tips of the clip springs we alined with the
The M76 grenade launcher (fig. 54) is attached notches in the mounting plate; remove the sight
to the barrel of the rifle for launching grenadea. from the mounting plate (fig. 56). When not in
The barrel of the launcher contains nine annular use, mtain the sight in its carrying case.
grooves, numbered 6 to 1,2A, 3A and 4k When
Note. Removal and mounting of the mounting plate
firing grenades, these 8x-e utilized to obtain dif- from the stock is accomplIshed by summt maintenance
ferent ranges by placing the grenade at different personnel ONLY.

Ftmw.9 51. InrtalkUton of MS WM.
37. Ml2 Blank Firing Attachment and M3
deflector shield and a guide lug with spring
Breech Shield
The blank firing attachment and breech shield
a. znӦta2kztion (fig. 58).
(fig. 57) are deigned for usa when firing blank
(1) Bla& firing attmhmmt.Insert the ori-
cartridges. The blank firing attachment, which
fica tube in the muzzle opening of the flash
eecura the attachment to the bayonet lug of the
supprawx. Pull out on the clip latch
flash mppresor,consists of an orifice tube and a
and push down on the top of the orifice
spring clip latch. The breech shield, which se- tube of the blank firing attachment.
curp~ ihe shield to the cartridge clip guide, is used lease the clip spring latch securing Re the
with the blank firing attachment and consists of B cut away portion of the latch to thebayo-
net lug.

~tgwe 56. IsMUatt.m
of 1111.5g+enode hither stqht.

(2) Bmech shicltz. Insert the guide lug of

the breech shield into the slot of the car-
tridge clip guide. Using m empty blank
cartridge, press in.on the spring plunger
and push down on the breech shield, lock-
ing it to the cartridge clip guide.
b. RmwmL
(1) Blank firing attmhm-nt. In removing
tlie blank firing attachmentfrom the rifle,
pull outward on the spring clip latch
releasing it from the bayonet log. Turn
the attachment either to the left or the
right of the bayonet lug and slide the at-
tsehment from the flash euppx+sor.
(2) Breech crhk7d. Using an empty blank
cartridgq or any suitable object, prwa in
on the spring plunger located on the
guide lug of the breech shield. Lift the

breech shield from the cartridge clip

Ftgwe 57. Xl2 Blm~b Mug attachment md MS brei~-R
38. Winter Trigger Kit
Thewintertrigger kit (fxga 69 and 60) is &I-
ixd during cold weather and arcGooperationsby
special authorizationof the theater cmnnmnder.
It consists of two woodscm~ * winter trigger
agssmblyand L winter safety. The 8afety can be
easily operated by the firer while wearing heavy
gloveRor mitins benuse of its long protruding
tang which extends approximately one and one-
half inchesbelowthe firing mechanism. Ftmw 69. whtcw trtwer kit.


FM 21-6 Military Training Management.

FM 21-6 Techniques of Military Instruction.
FM 2140 Small Unit Procedures in Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR)
FM 22-5 Drill and Ceremonies.
FM 23-71 Rifle Marksmanship.
TM z&220 Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination.
TM 9-1005-223-12 Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual 7.62-mm Rifle Ml4 and
Rifle Bipod M2.
TM %1005-22%2OP Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists.
TM 9-1305-200 Small-Arms Ammunition.
TM 9-2205 Fundamentals of Small Arms.
TM 38-230 Preservation, Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment.
AR 385-40 Accident Reporting and Records.
AR 385-63 Regulations for Firing Ammunition for Training, Target Practice, and


Gene&, U&a? St&s Amy,
05oid : Chiaf of staff,
Major Benend, U&&d b’ta.k%Amy,
The Adjutant Gensral.

AotW Army:
DcSPmt (2) UMCO?dD (1) YFSS (1)
ACM (2) Armen (25) USAQME (1)
DSCLDQ (2) carg (2) USASCS (1)
DCSOPS (2) Dir (10 USACHS (1)
COB0 (2) Dm Ar’W (5) USAEIS (1)
CBD (1) Bde (5) USATSOE (1)
WA (1) Beet (5) USACBfLCS f 1)
CINm (1) QP (1) USASESCS (1)
TIo (1) BG (5) USMA (2)
TJAOSA (1) CC (5) src ckalm (5)
CNQB (2) Bn (5) MI1 Mm3 (1)
ACSFDB (2) CwBtw (5) USATC (10) except
USiXINARO (6) Br SW SC?.(5) except USATC Inf (26
ABADcmM (2) USAMPS (1)
NQ: Slata AG (3) ; nnita-eame PP Active Amy except alhvmce is Cow cqMen to each unlt.
VEAR: Udtwame aa Actire Army except alkmvanee is two cwlea to each unit.
For arpluytion d abbreviatIrrm wed, ee AB 22&50,


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