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Vitamin C a Panacea?

There is actually a wide spectrum of medical uses for vitamin C. Evidence exists documenting it
as the best antiviral agent now available ... IF used at the proper dose. Abram Hoffer MD
Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone p101

Not all vitamin C is the same.

Strongest effect Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C (Dr Tom Levy the leading expert on vitamin c therapy
estimates that 5 packets(5g) of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is at least equivalent to 50g intravenous Vitamin C)

Strongly effective

Weak effect

Intravenous Vitamin C

Other forms of oral vitamin C

Large Study Shows that Those with Highest Blood Levels of Vitamin C Live Twice as Long as
Those with Lowest Levels. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Nov;78(5):999-1010
That vitamin C is remarkably free of any side effects. Vitamin C is unquestionably the most nontoxic nutrient and supplement that is available today. Tom Levy MD
Quite literally, there seemed to be no exceptions to this vitamin C effect. Even if vitamin C did
not cure a given infection or toxic state, it always helped resolve such a condition to some
degree Tom Levy MD
We can compare the toxicity of ascorbate to that of would probably be easier to kill
yourself by overdosing on water than oral ascorbate. Hickey S. Roberts H. (2004) Ascorbate, The Science of
Vitamin C, LuluPress

Experts state that there is no syndrome or disease which cannot benefit significantly from the
right amount of high dose vitamin C. Quantity, frequency and duration are the key.
There are more than 10,000 published scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not
one body process and not one disease(from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced
directly or indirectly- by vitamin C Tom Levy MD

...those with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in their blood were associated with 42%
lower stroke risk than those with the lowest concentrations. Yokoyama T, Chigusa D, Kokubo Y, et al.

According to Dr. Linus Pauling, the foremost authority on Vitamin C, Vitamin C will decrease the
risk of getting certain cancers by 75%.
Recent clinical trials by world-renowned Vitamin C expert and pharmacologist, Steve Hickey,
PhD, show that Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is able to produce serum levels of Vitamin C nearly
double those thought theoretically possible with any oral form of Vitamin C.
Vitamin c has got to be the most widely known vitamin these days. It is not surprising because the body
needs c vitamin for over 300 functions. In fact, the c vitamin has been proved to help protect against
heart disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. Without the c vitamin the body would not be able to
heal itself either. This is because the c vitamin is vital for the formation of collagen. Whenever a person
has a cut or an injury it is the collagen that helps repair the damage and without sufficient c vitamin this
would be almost impossible. Collagen has a multitude of functions in the body, including keeping the
organs in place, and it would not be able to do this without sufficient c vitamin.
Vitamin C is one of 13 vitamins that out body needs. Some of these vitamins are fat-soluble, which
means that our body can store them for later use. However, vitamin C is one of vitamins in the body
that is not fat-soluble. Therefore, the body cannot store it and it must be consumed every day. How
much vitamin C you should have in your body depends on your age, gender, weight, lifestyle, and
whether you are pregnant or not.
What does vitamin C do? Basically , vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it battles the forces in
our body that can cause organ, tissue, and cell damage. Therefore, vitamin C protects the body and may
specifically be linked to reducing the signs of aging.
Tendons and ligaments throughout your body need vitamin C in order to remain healthy and strong. It
protects your skin from the harmful damage of UV rays. If you skin suffers from radiation damage,
vitamin C can actually help your skin to recover and reverse some of the harmful effects. As long as you
monitor your intake of vitamin C and use it on a daily basis, youll find that your health and immune
system will be better than ever.
Below are some of the actions Vitamin C has within the body:
Enhancing immune function
Preventative anti-oxidant effect
Collagen formation
Adrenal support
Action against viral infectious agents (colds, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, mononucleosis,
shingles, measles)
Action against bacterial and fungal infections
Reduce inflammation (cystitis, bronchitis, prostatitis, bursitis, arthritis, asthma)
Aid in kidney function
Recovery from surgery
Recovery from injuries
Recovery from addiction - including: drugs, alcohol and nicotine
Natural laxative

Anaemia - aids in iron absorption

Preventing arteriosclerosis - slows platelet aggregation, raises level of good HDL
Anti-carcinogenic properties
repair and help synthesize DNA
fuel and energize the immune system
neutralize and eliminate disease-causing toxins and heavy metals (like cadmium, lead and
neutralize free-radicals and repair the damage they do
transport amino acids across cell membranes
Vitamin C can neutralize and eliminate a wide range of toxins. Vitamin C will enhance host resistance,
greatly augmenting the immune system's ability to neutralize bacterial and fungal infections.
Now the National Institutes of Health has published evidence demonstrating vitamin C's anti-cancer
properties. With so many medical benefits, why do so few doctors know of them? Most organisms
make their own vitamin C when they are under stress, either by illness or injury. Mother Nature has
provided them with a means to facilitate healing: they synthesize more ascorbic acid. As a result, they
are in less pain, they remain active, they can sleep, and they have a better appetite: all functions which
promote healing. Vitamin C is involved in almost every bodily process and helps our bodies maintain
All of the vitamin C / toxin exposure studies reviewed showed one or more of the following findings or
consequences in the test tube, tissue, intact animal, or human studied:
Decreased levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants (blood and/or the tissues most specifically
Increased levels of oxidative stress in the test setting, indicating ongoing oxidation
Increased liver production of vitamin C (in those species capable of this), as an adaptive
Increased rates of consumption of vitamin C and other antioxidants
A direct correlation between toxin activity and antioxidant levels (lower antioxidant levels,
greater clinical toxicity)
The acute induction of scurvy or other clinical findings consistent with the acute depletion of
vitamin C
In his book on vitamin C Irwin Stone says that;
Throughout the evolution of the vertebrates, including the mammals, Nature has used ascorbic acid to
maintain physiological homeostasis. In simple non-technical terms, this means that when stressful
situations arose which disturbed the biochemical equilibrium of the animal, ascorbic acid was produced
in increased quantities to get things running normal again. The amount of ascorbic acid produced is
related to the severity of the stresses and if enough was produced soon enough, then the animal was
able to survive the bad biochemical effects of the stresses. If, however, the enzyme system for
producing ascorbic acid was overwhelmed or poisoned by the stresses and too little ascorbic acid was
produced, then the animal succumbed. Man, unable to produce his own ascorbic acid, could not take
advantage of this natural protective process. Instead stresses only further depleted his low stores of
this vital metabolite. Now he can easily duplicate this time-tested defensive mechanism by reaching for
the bottle of ascorbic acid and swallowing additional quantities whenever he is subjected to
biochemical stresses.

In duplicating this normal process for combating stresses, man has one great advantage over the other
mammals -- he can get an unlimited supply of ascorbic acid without being dependent upon an enzyme
system which may not produce enough, quickly enough. All man needs to know is how much to take.
One of the outstanding attributes of ascorbic acid is its lack of toxicity even when given in large doses
over long periods of time. This has been recognized since the 1930s, and ascorbic acid can be rated as
one of the least toxic substances known of comparable physiological activity. It can be administered in
huge doses, intravenously, without registering any serious side effects.
Even though ascorbic acid is rated as one of the least toxic materials, man has been exposed to such low
levels of it for so long that suddenly taking comparatively large amounts, orally, may provoke side
reactions in a small percentage of certain hypersensitive individuals. Ascorbic acid in the mammals is
normally produced in the liver and then poured directly into the bloodstream. This completely avoids
the digestive tract, which is normally the route for man. Evidence for these side reactions may be the
appearance of gastric distress, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, or skin rashes, all of which disappear on
reducing or eliminating the ascorbic acid. Tests should be conducted on these hypersensitive
individuals to determine whether their symptoms can be avoided or controlled by substituting the nonacidic sodium ascorbate, by taking the doses with meals, or by gradually building up to the required
dosage instead of initially prescribing and starting with the full dosage. In many cases, an initial
intolerance to ascorbic acid disappears.(Irwin Stone, The Healing Factor)
Dr. Tom Levy, in the introduction to his ground breaking book Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins:
Curing the Incurable, says:
At the height of the polio epidemic in 1949, when all young parents lived in the fear that their babies
and young children would be the next victims, Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., published that he had
successfully cured 60 out of 60 polio patients who had presented to his office or to the emergency
room! Furthermore, he reported that none of the 60 patients treated had any residual damage from the
polio virus that often left its survivors crippled for life. This evidence was subsequently presented by
Klenner in 1949 to an annual session of the American Medical Association that dealt with the treatment
of polio patients. You will see that Klenners research and data are clear-cut and straightforward, and it
will then be completely left up to the reader to determine how such information was ignored in the past
and remains ignored today. How it is, I dont know, but the sad fact is these documented successful and
dramatic vitamin C cures by Dr. Fred Klenner and others are ignored by the medical community. Dr.
Klenner found in his practice that he could detoxify most virus diseases with intravenous doses of
Vitamin C, which he used for even carbon monoxide poisoning, barbiturate poisoning, and snake bites.
I guess vitamin C is not politically correct. Life saving, but not politically correct. Affordable, without side
effects, but not politically correct.
Its almost as if doctors take a course in medical school that demands that they never depend on
vitamin C to treat anything. Is there an anti vitamin C oath that a doctor has to take to graduate from
medical school? There are a few exceptions. The most well known of these besides Dr. Fred Klenner
would be Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Tom Levy, and the Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling.
All of these distinguished doctors have written extensively on their use of vitamin C. Dr. Klenner once
wrote Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis. He knew from
first hand experience that it could mean the difference between life and death. Here is one example he
tells from his own experience that reinforces this maxim:
An adult male came to my office complaining of severe chest pain and the inability to take a deep
breath. Stated that he had been stung or bitten 10 minutes earlier. Thinking that it was a Black
Widow and not bothering to look for fang marks, due to the gravity of the situation, I gave one gram

calcium gluconate intravenously. This gave no relief. He begged for help saying he was dying. He was
becoming cyanotic [blue or livid skin from lack of oxygen]. Twelve grams of vitamin C was quickly pulled
into a 50 c.c. syringe and with a 20 gauge needle was given intravenously as fast as the plunger could be
pushed. Even before the injection was completed, he exclaimed, Thank God. The poison had been
neutralized that rapidly. He was sent home to locate the culprit. He soon returned with an object that
looked like a mouse. It was 1 1/2 inches long with long brown hair. There was a dark ridge down the
entire back. It had seven pairs of propelling units and a tail much like a mouse. The following day I took
The Thing to Duke University where it was identified as the Puss Caterpillar. This unusual caterpillar
left 44 red raised marks on the back of its victim. Except for vitamin C this individual would have died
from shock and asphyxiation. If that man had walked into almost any other doctors office, he would
have died. Of this I have no doubt.
Like Dr. Linus Pauling, I think of Dr. Klenner as a vitamin C pioneer. To understand why, you might want
to read Klenners paper on Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When
Employed Beyond the Range Of A Vitamin In Human Pathology . After he submitted this paper, because
of the unusually high amounts of ascorbic acid used in Dr. Klenners treatment, the editor asked him to
verify the amounts mentioned. Following is his answer:
To the Editor of the ICAN Journal: This will confirm that all quantity factors given in my paper are
correct and can be confirmed from hospital and medical office records. The notation relative to 150
grams represents the amount used for reversing pathology in a given case and was the amount given
over a period of 24 hours. (The I.V. was continuous.) This was given in three bottles of 5D water,
decanting only enough from 1000 c.c. to be replaced by the C ampules. Recently the FDA has published
a warning that too much soda-ascorbate might be harmful, referring to the sodium ion. In reply to this
I can state that for many years I have taken 10 to 20 grams of sodium ascorbate by mouth daily, and my
blood sodium remains normal. These levels are checked by an approved laboratory. Twenty grams each
day and my urine remains at or just above pH 6. (Excerpt from Tom Levy MD Vitamin C, Infectious
Diseases and Toxins: Curing the Incurable)

The Vitamin C Foundation recommends that everyone supplement 3000 mg ascorbic acid daily. With
the knowledge of Dynamic Flow provided by Drs. Hickey and Roberts, we now suggest spacing that
amount throughout the day, perhaps 1,000 mg with every meal. Note: this is our minimum daily
allowance. Our recommendation is more than 30 times that of the U. S. Governments National
Academy of Sciences. (75-90mg) and 15 times more than that of the current Linus Pauling Institute and
Levines group at the National Institutes of Health (200mg). Linus Pauling himself prescribed 2 to 6 times
the Foundations vitamin C RDA (6,000 to 18,000 mg of vitamin C). Pauling wrote that his dosage was
based on the large amounts of vitamin C that animals bodies manufacture to achieve similar levels.
Vitamin C author/expert Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, advises from 2 to 4 times our recommendation (6,000
to 12,000 mg daily). Our suggestions are based partly on the work of Dr. Robert Cathcart, who
determined that the ability to tolerate oral intakes of the vitamin varies between 4 and 16 grams daily,
during ordinary (not severe) poor health. Cathcarts clinical experience demonstrates that almost all
human beings will tolerate 4 grams of vitamin C daily. The Vitamin C Foundation advocates 1 gram
vitamin C daily for children, based upon their age, up to the age of 3: 1 gram for 1- yr-olds; 2 grams for
2-yr olds, etc. Our suggested daily allowance may not prevent or resolve such diseases that are related
to the lack of vitamin C. For example, we believe that heart disease requires from 6,000 to 18,000 mg
Vitamin C daily, and that cancer may require 14,000 to 39,000 mg daily. (Excerpt by Owen Fonorow, Cofounder, The Vitamin C Foundation, from the book An open challenge to the RDA for Vitamin C by Dr
Hickey & Dr Roberts)

Lypo-spheric encapsulated vitamin C delivers 93-98% of the vitamin directly into the body, this means
that far lower doses can be taken than normal oral ascorbate, thus avoiding loose bowel movements
which can often be a side effect of high doses of oral vitamin C. According to Tom Levy MD the Lypospheric form has up to 10 times the effect of IV vitamin C.
I found that liposome encapsulated vitamin C, taken orally, was roughly 10 times more effective
clinically in resolving infectious diseases than the IVC. Having given thousands of IVCs and taken
hundreds myself, this was difficult to comprehend, even though the clinical observation was quite
straightforward. I subsequently realized that the liposome gave the ultimate bioavailability: intracellular
delivery, including the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and even the nucleus 2 to 6 packets daily
covers most individuals for most situations. Tom Levy MD

The Safety of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is classified as generally regarded as safe (GRAS). This means that the US Food and Drugs
Administration recognise the safety of ascorbate.63 Its toxicity is low. We can compare the toxicity of
ascorbate to that of water.9 Both are essential to the human body and we would die if we did not have
enough. However, it would probably be easier to kill yourself by overdosing on water than oral
ascorbate. While reports of deaths from drinking too much water are rare, they do occur. However, we
could not find a single reported death from ingesting too much ascorbate. High doses of ascorbate are
remarkably non-toxic.
Disclaimer: None of the information contained in this report is intended to diagnose or cure any
medical condition. In the event of any illness or concern please seek the advice of a qualified medical
Recommended reading
Ascorbate: The science of Vitamin C. S.Hickey & H.Roberst.
Vitamin C,Infectious Diseases and Toxins. Thomas Levy, Philadelphia Xlibris, 2002
The Healing Factor: Vitamin C against disease. Irwin Stone. Posted online at
How to live longer and feel better. Linus Pauling Ph.D Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2006
Vitamin C Links

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