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Study of charts - Second Bhava (Vaaka Shakti i.e. Speech)

This paper is dedicated to my father Dr. Suresh V Hishikar & Guru Pandit Sanjay
Second bhava represent face of the Kalapurusha. It is from this bhava that we determine
natives ability to speak. The naisargik karaka for speech is Buddha and is the
controller/significator of vaka shamata of a native. In this paper I will mention a few
horroscope to analyse & study speech ability of the native.
Chart 1
Date of Birth

: Anil A Mundle
: Male
: Nov 14, 1976
: 08:20 am
: Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
: 2205N & 8213E

Second bhava is occupied by natural benefic Shukra (Diplomacy/Charming) and is the lord
of 7th bhava. There is Parivartana between the 2nd lord Shukra & 7th lord Brihaspati
(Polite/humble/Sweet). This is a very powerful and auspicious sambandha which guarantees
excellent speech abilities. As an effect of this parivartana yoga the native is a polite and
sweet talker. The karaka for speech is Buddha and the same has conjoined lagnesha Manga
and is aspected by second lord Brihaspati (Oratory skills). Buddha by nature is jocular. This
combination has blessed native with good sense of humour as buddha has directional
strength in lagna. Second bhava from karaka Buddha has Shukra and has been already
discussed. Out of context, it is noteworthy, that the parivartana between 2nd (Wealth)& 7th
(Business & Foreign travels) blesses the native to earn weath in business by travelling
abroad. The is specially beneficial as both the grahas are benefic. There are other important
combinations in the chart but is outside the purview of this paper.

Chart 2
Date of Birth


Subrato Chowdhary
Feb 28, 1977
1:30 pm
Raiganj, WB

Second bhava (watery sign) is particularly afflicted on two/eight axis as it is occupied by 8th
lord Shani (posited in house of enemy) and is aspected by exalted Mangal (kashtesha) from
8th. Mangal is doubly bad for natives of Gemeni Ascendent as he is lord of 6 th & 11th bhava.
Second lord Moon is afflicted as it is posited 12 th from its bhava and is aspect by Rahu. Also,
Vaaka Karaka is posited 8th from 2nd bhava has conjoined 3rd lord Sun aspected by Rahu by
rashi and graha drishti. On account of all these combinations native had speech defect.
These defects were resolved during the formative years of native as both Mercury & Jupiter
aspect second bhava by rashi drishti. Also, second bhava from Mercury has exalted Venus.
It is noteworthy that there is parivartana between 10th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Venus.
Chart 3
Date of Birth


Yogesh Gaidhani
Jun 05, 1974
5:45 am
Nasik, MH

Second bhava is powerfully disposed with the second lord Mercury is posited in his own
house aspeced by Jupiter (Excellent oratory skills). Mercury so placed gives love for speech
making. Such placement of mercury is blessing of lord Shree Krishna. This placement of
mercury has been extolled by Rishi Jaimini as a powerful dhana yoga. Also this placement of
Mercury makes native a percussionist. On account of all this, native is blessed with

enormous wealth and has conducted many public speaking/speec making programs. Due to
the aspect of Jupiter on Mercury native has earned income by playing drums. There is
parivartana of 7th and 3rd lord in the chart which shows problems in lower abdomen but
same is not the focus of this paper.
Chart 4
Date of Birth


Harish Tikone
April 01, 1985
6:50 am
Pune, MH

Second bhava is occupied by Rahu with Second lord Mangal. This combination is aspected
by Shani by Rashi drishti. Karaka for speech Mercury is posited 12th from 2nd bhava in
debility. Due to these combinations, native has speech defect during his childhood. These
problems were resolved due neech bhanga attained by Mercury in lagna and due to aspect
of Jupiter on Moon.
Chart 5
Date of Birth


Sanjay Kulkarni
May 02, 1980
11:09 am
Miraj, MH

Second Bhava is occupied by four grahas. Due to presence of three malefics and Jupiter
native started speaking very late in his child hood. This delay was due to natrual reluctance
to talk on account of pravajya yoga. Also, Rahu and Shani are co lords of 8th bhava posited
in house of enenmy i.e. Sun. Native gradually started speaking due to blessing of Jupiter. It
is noteworthy to see that Jupiter is participating in three yogas. Firstly, Guru Mangal yoga,

which gives knowledge, balanced speaking and reasoning. Presence of Jupiter in second
bhava imparts excellent oratory skills. Secondly, Guru Chandal yoga, this yoga can cuase
loss of wealth due to deception. Thirdly, Four graha in a bhava causes Pravajya yoga, this
shows major detachment from wealth. Similar to chart 1, the Seventh lord (Business related
trips) Saturn (Foreign travels) has conjoined Rahu (Foreigner), Jupiter (6 th lord from lagna
= Service) and Mangal (10th lord = career) in 6th bhava from Arudha Lagna (Service). On
account of these combinations native travels abroad on deputation by his employer. Out of
context, presence of so many malefics in 2nd bhava will also give problems with Eyesight.
Karka Venus is posited in 12th bhava and Sun (Karaka for right eye) has parivartana yoga.
Presence of Mangal causes surgery. Also, Sun is exalted in the second from Arudha lagna
with Mercury, this has been extolled by Rishi Jaimini as a powerful dhana yoga. Exalted and
Digbali Sun in second from Arudha lagna shows blessing of Sun god, hence, food will never
be denied to native. 9th lord Jupiter (deva guru) confirms that father is a professor/teacher
in college. Ketu in 8th bhava gives knowledge of meditation. There are many other
combinations in the chart but same is out of perview of this paper.
Chart 6
Date of Birth


Dharmesh Chavada
Jul 12, 1984
12:15 pm
Nasik, MH

Second Bhava is a watery sign afflicted by first class malefics exalted Saturn and Mars. This
combination is aspected by Rahu lord of 6th (Kashtha). Mercury, karaka for speeh, is posited
with watery planet (also lord of second bhava) Venus aspected by Satrurn. The Second
bhava from Mercury is Leo and lord Sun is posited 12th from Karaka. On account of all this
combainations native has severe speech defect. Also, noteworthy combinations in the chart
is gaja kesari yoga in the 4th bhava and hamsa mahapurusha yoga. Presence of Mercury and
Venus in 11th bhava would guarantee lots of friends and continuity of income. There are
afflictions relating to sustenace of marriage but the same is outside the perview of this


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