Anda di halaman 1dari 16

Makanan sehat :

1. Beras Merah
Serat dan nutrisi beras merah sangat baik sekali untuk penderita diabetes dan
mereka yang ingin terhindar dari penyakit tersebut.
2. Brokoli
Sayuran ini mempunyai banyak kandungan seperti antioksidan, vit C, K, E,
B, mineral, kalsium, xat besi, kalium, dan beta karoten. Dan oleh karena itu
brokoli bisa mencegah berbagai penyakit diantaranya seperti penyakit kanker,
penyakit kanker, penyakit jantung, penyakit stroke, tulang keropos, dan
penyakit lainnya.
3. Bayam

Bayam salah satu jenis tanaman sayuran yang memiliki banyak manfaatnya
yaitu seperti dapat menghaluskan kulit, dapat menghambat enzime tirosinase,
mampu memperbaiki kerja insulit, mejaga stamina otot, untuk membangun
tulang dan juga gigi, imput saraf, kinerja jantung, serta pembekuan darah yang
benar. Bayam terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu bayam merah dan bayam hijau. Secara
umum kedua bayam tersebut memiliki kandungan gizi dan manfaat yang sama.
4. Teh hitam
Teh hitam juga mempunyai kandungan anti peradangan dan bisa meningkatkan
daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit kanker, penyakit diabetes, dan penyakit
5. Ikan salmon
Ikan salmon ini sumber dari asam lemak Omega-3 yang terbaik. Manfaat ikan
salmon yaitu dapat memerangi penyakit jantung, menurunkan resiko kanker,

dapat melindungi sendi, memperbaiki mooa dan kognisi serta dapat mengobati
masalah mata seperti mata kering.
6. Yoghurt
Yoghurt ini sebenarnya salah satu produk susu yang mengandung banyak
bakteri baik. Dan selain itu, yoghurt dengan kultur aktif dapat membantu
mengobati kondisi pencernaan seperti sembelit, diare, intoleransi laktosa,
kanker usus besar, penyakit usus serta mencegah osteoporosis, dan mengatur
tekanan darah.
7. Alpukat
Buah ini penuh lemak tak jenuh. Alpukat mempunyai vit C dan E, kalium,
dan lutein. Alpukat mampu mencegah kanker, penyakit jantung, dan masalah
8. Telur
Meski belakangan ini telur sering dicap buruk oleh kalangan masyarakat, akan
tetapi tahukah anda bahwa telur ini merupakan makanan yang kaya akan
protein, vitamin, dan mineral. Manfaat dari telur diantaranya dapat
meningkatkan konsentrasi, menjaga berat badan agar tetap sehat,
mengembangkan otak, memperkuat penglihatan, serta dapat mencegah cacat
lahir dan kanker payudara.
Sumber yang kaya akan kalium dan serat. Buah ini dapat menurunkan tekanan
darah, menjaga kesehatan tulang, saluran pencernaan, dan mencegah
perkembangan kanker.
10. Strawberry
Strawberry ini dapat meningkatkan kesehatan kardiovaskular, mengatur kadar
gula darah (yang memainkan peran dalam menyembuhkan dan mengobati
diabetes) dan melawan penyakit berbahaya lain seperti kanker.
11. Tomat
Tomat ini banyak manfaatnya bagi kesehatan tubuh kita. Manfaat tomat
diantaranya adalah dapat membantu menurunkan resiko gangguan jantung,
menghilangkan kelelahan dan dapat menambah nafsu makan, menghambat
pertumbuhan sel kanker (pada prostat, leher rahim, payudara, dan
endometrium), memperlambat penurunan fungsi mata karena pengaruh usia,

mengurangi resiko radang usus buntu, membantu menjaga kesehatan (seperti

organ hati, ginjal, dan mencegah kesulitan buang air besar), mengobati diare,
meningkatkan jumlah sperma pada pria, memulihkan fungsi lever, dan bisa
mengatasi kegemukan.
12. Jeruk

Buah jeruk ini memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita. Manfaat jeruk
diantaranya adalah menurunkan resiko kanker usus besar, sebagai sistem
kekebalan tubuh, membantu melindungi kulit dari kerusakan akibat radikal
bebas yang menimbulkan tanda-tanda penuaan, membantu mempertahankan
keremajaan kulit meski usia swudah beranjak 50 tahun, membantu mendukung
produksi hemoglobin dan juga membantu menjaga tekanan darah tetap normal,
membantu menjaga kadar gula darah tetap stabil, dan bisa menurunkan resiko
serangan kanker paru-paru.
13. Apel

Buah apel ini memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan kita, diantaranya yaitu
dapat mencegah asma, mengurangi berat badan, mencegah kanker payudara,
mencegah kanker usus, mencegah kanker paru-paru, dapat melindungi tulang,
mencegah kanker hati, menurunkan kadar kolestrol, mengontrol diabetes,
membersihkan dan menyegarkan mulut.


1 . brown rice
Brown rice fiber and nutrients very well for diabetics and those who want to
avoid the disease .

2 . broccoli
These vegetables have a lot of content such as antioxidants , vitamin C , K , E ,
B , minerals , calcium , xat iron , potassium , and beta carotene . And therefore
broccoli can prevent various diseases such as cancer , cancer , heart disease ,
stroke , osteoporosis, and other diseases .

3 . spinach

Spinach is one of the types of vegetables that have a lot of benefits that can
smooth the skin such , can inhibit tyrosinase enzime , is able to improve the
work insulit , preserve muscle stamina , to build bones and teeth , nerve imput ,
cardiac performance , as well as proper blood clotting . Spinach is composed of
two types of spinach red and green spinach . In general, both the spinach
contain nutrients and benefits of the same .

4 . black tea
Black tea also has anti- inflammatory and content can increase the body's
resistance to cancer , diabetes , and heart disease .

5 . salmon
Salmon is a source of Omega - 3 fatty acids are the best . The benefits of salmon
that can fight heart disease , lowers the risk of cancer , can protect joints ,
repairing mooa and cognition as well as to treat eye problems such as dry eye .

6 . yoghurt
Yogurt is actually one of many dairy products that contain good bacteria . And
besides , yogurt with active cultures can help treat gastrointestinal conditions
such as constipation , diarrhea , lactose intolerance , colon cancer , bowel
disease and to prevent osteoporosis and regulate blood pressure .

7 . avocado
The fruit is full of unsaturated fats . Avocado has vitamin C and E , potassium ,
and lutein . Avocado able to prevent cancer , heart disease , and eye problems .

8 . eggs
Although these days the eggs are often stigmatized by society , but did you
know that the egg is a food rich in protein , vitamins , and minerals . The
benefits of eggs which can improve concentration , maintaining a healthy
weight in order to stay healthy , developing brain , strengthen vision , and can
prevent birth defects and breast cancer .

A rich source of potassium and fiber . This fruit can lower blood pressure ,
maintain bone health , digestive tract , and prevent the development of cancer .

10 . Strawberry
Strawberry can improve cardiovascular health , regulate blood sugar levels (
which play a role in curing and treating diabetes ) and against other dangerous
diseases such as cancer .

11 . tomatoes

Tomato is very beneficial for our health . Benefits include tomatoes may help
lower the risk of heart problems , eliminate fatigue and can increase appetite ,
inhibits the growth of cancer cells ( prostate , cervix , breast , and endometrial )
, slow decline in the function of the eye due to the influence of age , reducing
the risk of appendicitis, helps maintain the health ( such as liver , kidney , and
prevent difficulty defecating ) , treating diarrhea , increase sperm count in men ,
restore liver function , and can overcome obesity .

12 . orange

This citrus fruit has many benefits for our bodies . Orange benefits include
lowering the risk of colon cancer , the immune system , helps protect the skin
from damage caused by free radicals that cause the signs of aging , helps
maintain a youthful look despite 50 years of age swudah move , help support
the production of hemoglobin and also helps keep the pressure blood remained
normal , helps maintain blood sugar levels remain stable , and can reduce the
risk of lung cancer .

13 . apple

This apple has many benefits for our health , among which may prevent asthma
, reduce weight , prevent breast cancer , prevent colon cancer , lung cancer
prevention , may protect bone , preventing liver cancer , lower cholesterol ,
control diabetes , cleaning and refresh the mouth .


1) Uduk Rice Red Rice
250 g brown rice, washed, drained
350 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of lime leaves, discard the bones leaves
1 stalk lemongrass
1 teaspoon salt
Materials sauce (puree)
8 pieces of cayenne pepper

1 large red chilies

4 red onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 tomato
1/4 teaspoon roasted shrimp paste
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoons sugar
Supplementary material:
fried chicken
fried tofu
fried tempeh
fried onion
sliced tomatoes
irisn cucumber
sliced cabbage
How to make:
1. Steamed brown rice until half cooked for about 25 minutes, set aside.
2. Mix the coconut milk, bay leaves, lime leaves, lemongrass, and salt. Stir well,
bring to a boil.
3. Enter brown rice, cook over low heat until the coconut milk absorbed.
4. Steamed rice again until completely cooked, remove from heat.
5. Presentation: Tata coff brown rice and supplementary materials on a serving
plate and serve with sauce.
2) Shrimp Sauteed Broccoli

300 grams of broccoli, cut perkuntum
150 grams of peeled shrimp
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 onion, sliced lengthwise
3 pieces of red chilli, remove the contents, finely sliced
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon bouillon powder
2 tablespoons cooking oil
75 ml of water
How to Make:
1. Heat 2 tablespoon oil, saut garlicky 'n onions until fragrant.
2. Add shrimp, red pepper, oyster sauce, and water. Cook until boiling.
3. Add salt, broth, pepper, broccoli. Cook for 5 minutes. Stir well. Lift. Serve.
3) spinach nodes
1 bunch spinach, chopped
1 pcs tomatoes, sliced
1 clove garlic, sliced
1 piece of sweet corn. slices to separate the corn kernels with cob.
2 pcs red onion, sliced

2 bay leaves lbr

Gathering key 1 vertebra, crushed
Water 1 ltr.
Salt and flavorings to taste.
How to Make:
Boil a water, and then insert all the above ingredients (except spinach), and wait
until the corn is tender.
Then Enter into the spinach before cooking water, then add flavoring and salt.
Cook about 1 minute and spinach nodes ready to be served.
4) salmon oyster sauce
6 pieces of fresh salmon, clean
4 teaspoon cornstarch
4 leeks, sliced oblique
8 cloves of garlic, crushed
4 centimeters ginger, thinly sliced
Cooking oil to taste
4 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon pepper
3 tsp soy sauce
500 milliliters of water
How to make:
Heat the oil and fry the salmon until cooked, remove from heat. Set aside
Combine the oyster sauce, soy sauce, pepper powder, water, set aside
Dissolve cornstarch gengan little water, set aside

Saute garlic and ginger until aromatic, add the sauce mixture and green onion,
Enter salmon fry and cornstarch solution and stir
Once the sauce thickens immediately lift
Serve immediately.
5) soy milk
250 grams of soy beans, wash
1.5 liters of water
150 grams of sugar
3 pandan leaves, tie
3 sheets of orange leaves
HOW TO make:
Soak soybeans overnight in warm water. After bloom, wash and dispose of the
Blender with water until it is completely smooth then strain.
Boil over medium heat mixed with sugar, pandan leaves and lime leaves. Stir
continuously until boiling, take care not to overflow.
After chilling filtered with a clean cotton cloth. Serve warm or cold according to
6) balado egg
5 btr peeled hard-boiled egg, then fried briefly in order to have a more unique
1 pcs fresh tomatoes cut into small pieces
5 lbr lime leaves are discarded bones

100 ml oil
Royco seasoning bks All-in-One
tablespoon tamarind water
Salt and sugar to taste
Coarse crushed material:
5 pcs curly red chilies or to taste
4 spring onions
6 pcs large red chilli or to taste
How to Make:
Saute the ingredients that have been pounded rough in hot oil using low heat,
then enter the tomato and lime leaves until wilted.
Once wilted, add the eggs, salt, sugar, and do not forget to add Royco seasoning
to taste better.
Last input Java acidic water and mix well. Balado eggs are ready to be served.
7) bread wheat
150 grams of wheat flour
350 grams of high protein flour
2 1/4 teaspoon (7.5 grams) instant yeast
30 grams sugar
30 grams of milk powder
350 ml of ice water
50 grams of white butter
1 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make:
Mix wheat flour, wheat flour, instant yeast, sugar, and milk powder. Stir well.
Pour a little ice water while stirring.
Enter white butter and salt. Knead until elastic. Let stand 30 minutes. Dough.
Weigh 190 grams each. Round shape. Let stand 10 minutes.
Milled into thin strips. Roll while compacted and pressed. Long rollers and roll
Place the dough in the bread pan with a lid size of 30x12x12 cm and dialas
buttered white paper as much as 5 pieces of bread dough. Oles also closed pan
with buttered white bread.
Close to 3/4 parts baking sheet. Let stand 75 minutes until fluffy. Close pan
Under fire oven with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius 60 minutes until
8) red beans sauteed tofu
Nuts Merah100 grams
Know Putih1 fruit
Putih4 onion cloves
Merah5 onion cloves
Chili (chili) Rawit Hijau50 grams
salt to taste
Sweet soy sauce to taste
sufficient water
Cooking Oil to taste
Sugar to taste

Flavor enhancer (MSG) to taste
how to make:
Boil the beans until tender, Set aside
Cut Out the box the box according to taste, half-baked fries, Set aside
Sauteed Garlic and onion until fragrant, Put Sliced chili stir until wilted.
Add kidney beans and fried tofu and other spices seasoning it, add soy sauce
and enough water, cook until absorbed. Deliciously served with warm rice and
9) tomato juice
ingredients :
Perfectly ripe tomato 4 pieces . Choose a size medium .
2 stalks celery as large.
Organic honey to taste .
As much lime juice 2 tablespoons .
Ice cubes to taste .
Boiled water to taste .
How to make :
First , wash the tomatoes and celery in water. Then cut into pieces in a small
size .
Prepare a blender container and insert pieces of celery and tomatoes . Add to it
the juice of lime juice ( can also lemon ) .
Next add the boiled water into it . Just enough to be rotated blender machine .
Blend all ingredients until just now really soft .
After the engine is off . Then serve in serving glasses .

There are two ways of presentation . If you just want to drink the juice , tomato
juice until the first Strain the water and waste separation . For those who want to
gastrointestinal smooth , serve immediately in a glass of tomato juice fast
without being filtered .
Lastly, pour honey on top of tomato juice . Fresh juices and healthy and is ready
to enjoy .


ingredients :
1000 ml Milk ( milk can be just about anything )
1/2 cup yogurt starter / Plain Yogurt ( yogurt still contains bacteria that are still
alive / probiotic bacteria )
How to Make :
Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat over low heat stove and the oven
temperature to approximately 85 degrees Celsius while in stir gently . That need
to be considered during the process of heating milk to boil and do not get burnt
at the bottom . The process of heating milk aims to change the structure of the
milk proteins that turn into a solid .
Once is enough lift and cool the milk by dipping the pan into a large bowl or
other container in the given water slowly while stirring until the milk reaches a
temperature of approximately 43 degrees Celsius .
If it reaches the desired temperature pour plain yogurt or yogurt with live
bacteria into the pot of milk . Flatten the way stirred up mixing the two
materials overall average .
Move liquid milk was mixed with plain yogurt into a clean container , then
cover tightly with plastic or can be closed tightly so that the incubation process
is running good .
In the incubation process in order to set aside the liquid yogurt bacteria to grow
and thrive . Keep the temperature is maintained around 38 degrees Celsius .
This process takes approximately 7 hours . The longer muted acidity levels will
be higher and will be more viscous texture .

After settling for about 7 hours or so that has been thickened yogurt chill for
several hours before consumption . This would preserve or increase the expiry
time of yogurt for 1-2 weeks .

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