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(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

Question 1
Usually, if marketing word is mentioned, directly will think about
the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
distributing something that is indicate to traditional marketing (TM) but the
specialists argued to broaden the market concept to include the various
stakeholders and think to focus more on how to satisfy customer needs
profitably and looking for unmet needs to create products or services to for it to
occur a new concept called the relationship marketing (RM) with different
opinions. Sheth and Parvatiyar (2000) propose that the interactions between
suppliers and customers should be limited to avoid the risk and define RM as
the ongoing process of engaging in cooperative and collaborative activities and
programs immediate and end-user customers to create or enhance mutual
economic value at reduced cost Sheth and Parvatiyar (2000, 9). While
Gummesson (2008) goes to describe it as the interaction in networks of
relationships and classifies more than 30 kind of relationships into four groups,
classic market, special market, mega and nano relationships . Gordon (1998)
attempts define RM as integrating between supplier and customer besides
focusing on customer retention. All above approaches not attained popular or
acceptable like Christopher and Payne (1991) who consider that the marketing
activities should shift around cross-functional activities and toward to present
six market models to cover various stakeholders for helping to identify
strategically important stakeholders, the following concisely explain with
example for each:
Customer, the heart of the all marketing.
Supplier Market, relationships with the source of organization needs.
Influencers, people or groups have opinions effects the customers.
Internal Markets, markers within the orginazional.
Recruitment Markets, recruiting relationships for attract the best people.
Referrals Markets, markers by Word of Mouth and thier judgement.

B 713 I (Fundamentals of Senior Management) TMA l Spring 2012/13 Semester II

Page 1

(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

IT company trends to make a special dealing with its customers through

offering special services to retain them, this is customers market model. If this
company extends to make direct relationship with supplier who resposible to
provide the required materials will apply the next market model called Supplier
Market. While if someone confused which the best to buy a specific product and
approve his friends or brothers about their opinions, will be Influencers model.
Usually, the company offers for its employees some of features to satisfy and
meet their needs is the basis to meet the customers needs, that is Internal
Markets but sometimes the company give the buyers a gift or discount versus to
advertise to acquaintances, it is Referrals Markets. Recruitment Markets is
looking for the qualified people through its relationships such as its employees.
According to John Holt case study, the universities try to satisfy its student
needs through type of the required knowledge plus enough expertise so, this is
consider internal market model.
It is normally that these markets model affected by infinity
variables that affects the marketing of universality so, using the contingency
approach is required to adjust the inappropriate status according to new
contingent situation by making new decisions. This is opposite to Weber's
bureaucracy and Taylor's scientific management concept that say there is one
best way to leadership the organization while Joan Woodwards (1958)
perspective that the technologies may has a major role to determine differences
of organizational attributes such as span of conrol, rules and procedures
formalization and centralization of authority. William R. Scott describes it by:
The best way to organize depends on the nature of the environment to which
the organization must relate[1]. Fred Fiedler focus on the leadership style and
situational favorableness relationship between them and derived three
components to determine situational control, leader-member, degree of task
structure and leaders position power.
I think that no way to find only one approach appropiate for infinte situations.
By referring to the case study, eroding of national political support for all
agricultural institutions and shriveling budgets that cause the farm programs to
be expensive and ineffective consequently rein extension marketing and
B 713 I (Fundamentals of Senior Management) TMA l Spring 2012/13 Semester II
Page 2

(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

economists of land-grant system became so this critical situation requires Mike

Sprott to make new decisions like moving to a new system based on IPM
knowledge was available and languished to reduce relying on national support
and save money that might use later to extension and surely will lower the cost
per extension students and other pros.
Question 2
Each one has an own culture, mean has own values, beliefs, habits,
thinking, feel as unobservable and observable things like symbols, language,
practices and physical forms, thus people whom have the same culture will give
for any society a general character that may make us predict the reaction of
anyone has the same culture when an event happen, so this concept is very
At the beginning of the eighties, the organizational culture term appears to
describe the behavior of organization members based on the culture that affects
clients, stakeholders and others. Realize this issue well, will contribute in reduce
the conflict or counterproductive behavior, increase the productivity, growth,
efficiency and performance.
Every organization has a unique culture, but if it causes some obstacles, then it
requires to some kind of culture change and apply Corporate Culture Change
idea to focus on organization goals more, provide better service and make a
general improvements to enhance performance. In mind that this change is very
hard and might take long time unless it is impossible. For instance, Orange or
Vodafone telecommunication should be change its European culture to
appropriate thing to Arabian Gulf area whether advertising forms, people
uniform and working hours, or hiring people from the same society as a
simplest manner for changing with lowest time and effort.
The nature of organization has a structure whether vertical or horizontal
approach and may be expanded to include various cultures so, that is important
to focus on the fit idea and linking between them properly to be consistent
with the goals, tasks and technology and environment. Charles Handy develops
four types of culture aims to link between structure and culture: power culture
represented in image 1, where the personality is more important than formal
B 713 I (Fundamentals of Senior Management) TMA l Spring 2012/13 Semester II
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(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

structure and it relies on swift individual responses and commitments in new

circumstances so to be success, employing the right sort of people, the second
type is task culture, small group of specialist as a team able to execute tasks and
solve its problems efficiently and expertise and making reports for multiple
lines represented in image 2. Image 3 is person culture and opposite to previous
two cultures that assume that organization goals are primary and give the
priority for individual interests for example in Royal Scientific Society. The last
type is role culture indicate to bureaucracy approach where the power derived
from the personal position and authority that based on roles and procedures
restriction and the management more important than leadership.

B 713 I (Fundamentals of Senior Management) TMA l Spring 2012/13 Semester II

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(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

Question 3
Any organization consist of activities required to transform the
inputs to outputs whether goods or services and deliver to customers called
operations, operation inputs is what are used to create goods or service that can
be classified to transformed resources (materials, information and customers)
and transforming resources (staff and facilities) that are used to perform the
transformation process. Managing the operations sequence and design it
efficiency and improve the system that create the goods or service which is
called operation management help to enhance satisfying customer needs in that
sequence steps. The operation manager will be responsible for human resources,
assets and cost managements that are include direct responsibilities where the
managing, designing and improving operations systems and indirect
responsibilities that describe the linkage between other departments whose
impact on operations whether amount of production, marketing or etc.
Obviously in the case that the operation inputs as a transformed resource will be
students and knowledge while tutors, lectures, support staff and etc. will be
transforming resources because by them will generate people qualified for
achievement the required that is output of the transforming process. All three
components input (student), output (qualified one) and transformation process is
the university operation.
Any operation to be sustainable, it should across thought feedback cycle by two
ways: internal resources that test and evaluate the goods or service
continuously, and external resources that represent who supply these products
and service and end-customers feedback. This cycle is very important for
making improvements and corrections that may reduce the cost clearly if it is
done through the production line before reach to customers that causes a bad
reputation and unfortunately the risk will be great.

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(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

Question 4
Naturally, the market has various customer needs so the organization
should be flexible enough to meet one or more needs. The segmentation concept
that mean splitting and grouping process to the similar needs and requirements
together as a segments help the organization what it can meet and promote for
and very useful to focus efforts, time and financial issues to specific and clear
goal to get a competitive value.
The segmentation will not be applicable if not get some characteristics such as
Size where the number of customers must be large enough and able the supplier
to provide a competitive price and be economically. Identity, describes the
segment clearly to measure customer buying behavior according the available
number. Relevance, the selected segment should be related to product or service
features. Accessible, is that the customer has an easy way to get the product
with cost effectively.
But the market segment may be divided by different classification:
psychographic that mean personality and life style of customers, demographic is
group of similar things like age, gender, and religion, sometimes concern on
geographic such as country or density of urban, the last one is behavioral where
intensity of use or loyalty.
As seen in the case, extension program spread around different universities
states so, the market segment used here based geographic type plus the segment
has four characteristics

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(2120796) Mohammad Ali Abu-Odeh

Ph.D. Bashar Al-Zoubi / Section 1

Svend Hollensen. (2010). Introduction. In: Marketing Management A
Relationship Approach. 2nd ed. England: Pearson Education Limited. 7-9.
Adrian Payne, Helen Peck, Adrian Payne, Martin Christopher, Moira Clark
(1999). In: Relationship Marketing for competitive advantage. London: Reed
Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd. 1-28.
[1] Scott, W.R. (1981). Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems.
Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
VectorStudy. (2012). Fiedlers Contingency Model.
Amman, Viewed 8th Apr 2013.
Wikipedia. (2013). Contingency Theory. Amman, Viewed 8th Apr 2013.

Wikipedia. (2013). Organizational culture, Amman, Viewed 3th Apr 2013.

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