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AS Media Studies Coursework Checklist Print; Magazines

(There should be at least one blog post about each stage)

1. Complete the jelly baby task. You need to take photos of a doll or figure
that can stand on its own from different angles and shots. Upload your
photos to the blog with an explanation for each one, what do they show?
How can they be used?
2. Research music magazines. Come up with a list of conventions things
you will need to include. (Rick Altman)
3. Create a collage of what you consider conventions for your chosen genre
of music magazine. Explain on your blog why you have picked them. How
have they inspired your ideas?
4. Research at least 3 different music magazine front covers, contents pages
and double page spread. (Analyse layout, conventions, audience appeal
and images)
5. Write up a comparison of two contrasting music magazines. Whats
6. Blog some initial ideas for your own music magazine front cover, contents
page and double page spread.
7. Pick a music magazine front cover, contents page and DPS that is similar
to your idea, annotate the pages explaining why they are appealing and
what you can take from them as inspiration.
8. Create a timeline to show how music magazines have developed. Consider
the developments in technology/music genres.
9. Audience Research research which music magazines people think are
good, what attracts people to music magazines and what puts them off?
Blog your findings. (Create a questionnaire and conduct Vox Pops)
10.Go to and and use
them to define your perfect audience member. (Have some fun and find
out what tribe you are too). Create a complete picture of your audience
member, from clothes to the food they eat, music they listen to, TV shows
they watch, magazines they read etc. You can get a friend to dress up in
the appropriate costume and take photos.
11.Go to the Rolling Stones website, look at the audience section and
investigate how they categorise their audiences. Can you fit your
magazine to their ideas?
12.Research the institutions that might produce and distribute your
magazine. Justify your reasons on your blog.
13.Define the key conventions you must include on your magazine front
cover, contents page and double page spread. In order to conform to the
expectations of a music magazine, the audience you have chosen and
what is expected of a music magazine. Make a check list.
14.Create a flat plan for your front cover. Annotate.
15.Create a flat plan for your contents page. Annotate.

16.Create a flat plan for your double page spread. Annotate.

17.Summarise your final magazine idea. Blog it.
18.Take photographs for your magazine of a model/s that you can use on
every page. At least 5 different images that are excellent quality.
19.Plan and collect all hair, make up and costumes. Blog your reasons for
choosing the ones you have.
20.Make a first draft of all three pages for your music magazine.
21.Do any re-shoots and pickups needed.
22.Complete final drafts.
23.Post your finished music magazine front cover, contents page and DPS to
your blog.

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