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Knitted Together

December 2014

"...speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up into Him in every way who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and
knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love."
Ephesians 4:15-16 RSV
"For Thou didst form my inward parts, Thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13 RSV

First Presbyterian Church

10612 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384

Phone 423-332-2327

From our Pastor:

One Christmas I was working as a C.P. E. Resident Chaplain at Atlantas Northside Hospital. C.P.E. is clinical
pastoral educa0on which proceeds from the belief that pastors need to learn from more than books in order to
gain skill and understanding in ministry. C.P.E. proposes that pastors need to learn from the people to whom they
are ministering in face to face, real life situa0ons and then pastors need to reect deeply and in detail on their
interac0ons with these people (in this case hospital pa0ents) and discuss these experiences with other pastors
who are in the same process. There were six C.P. E. residents that year at Northside Hospital. We covered nights
and weekends for the hospital allowing the sta chaplains to work a regular weekly schedule. When Christmas
came along I volunteered for the 24 hour shi9 (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day). It just seemed the right
thing to do for the other residents had small children or family in town and I was single and my children were
grown-up and living in North Carolina.
I cant explain what I experienced in those 24 hours! But it was the best Christmas that I ever had. There were
no emergencies or deaths that day. I made my rounds and met with pa0ents and sta. I led a short chapel service.
It wasnt what was happening around me. Spiritually I was blessed with Gods presence. I felt a peaceful joy
inside. It had nothing to do with myself. It had everything to do with Jesus and His grace.
Toni and I wish you all a wonderful Christmas! We are grateful for you and for your faith in Jesus Christ as a
Congrega0on. We are delighted to serve the Lord here with you in Soddy Daisy. During this sweet and swi9ly
passing 0me of joy and celebra0on with all its tradi0ons, food, decora0on and music, make room for the Lord just
to be with you. I believe with all my heart He has more to give to you and to me than we can ever prepare to
Merry Christmas!

Con0nuing the Sermon Series on the Chris0an Life: "The Clothes He Wore" from Colossians 3:12-14 Seven Sermons:
(November) Compassion; Kindness; Humility; December 7 Gentleness"; December 14 Pa0ence";
December 21 Christmas Medita0on & Cantata; December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion;
Dec.28 Guest Preacher ; January 4 Colossians 3:12-14 "The Clothes He Wore: Forbearing & Forgiving "; January 11 Love"
Adult Sunday SchoolDecember 7 at 10:00 a.m. and
Wednesday Night Bible Study December 10, & 17, 7:15 P.M.
Our Bible Study will follow the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem using a DVD
study of Adam Hamilton's best selling book The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem.
Each session will include a 10-12 minute video of the author retracing the path of the
holy couple's journey (with footage of the actual places in Israel today). Bring your Bibles
as we will focus on the relevant passages from Scriptures and discuss them together. This
will be an excellent opportunity to invite a friend or family member to come with you!

Knitted Together

December 2014

From the Session:

November 300bserve First Sunday in Advent

December 7 - Soddy Daisy Parade with First Presbyterian oat followed by Poes Tavern Celebra0on
Christmas Joy Gi9 Oering will be Sunday, Dec. 21, during Worship.
Session member looking into sign to help folks locate handicap entrance into sanctuary.
Clothes Drive will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, December 9, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bring clothes dona0ons to
the Fellowship Hall on Monday, December 8.

A Congrega0onal Mee0ng was held on November 9th to elect two members of the congrega0on to the Session Nomina0ng
CommiMee. James Shannon and Becky May were elected and will join Bill Newberry and Charlie Burks on the CommiMee.
Our season of stewardship lasted for three weeks (October 12,19,26) and was en0tled: "GeKng to Cheerful." On Sunday, October 26, many came to the Lord's Table during the close of the worship to oer their commitments cards to the Lord.
We are thankful to the Lord God for the free gi1 of our salva2on through the costly giving of His Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ (1
Peter 1:18-21).
We are very grateful to the Lord God for His providen2al care for us, as His children. Our Heavenly Father gives us life and provides for all of our physical and spiritual needs throughout our lives. We give the Lord thanks for the faith demonstrated in these
commitments to His work through our Church and to those members and friends who have responded in giving of their earthly
wealth and in making a wri9en commitment to give in the up-coming year.
Our Church Treasurer, Charlie Burks, reports:
1. 12 commitment cards were received on Sunday, October 26
represen0ng about half of our Congrega0on's households
2. 8 of the 12 commitments received displayed an increase over
the previous year's commitment!
3. The total of the eleven cards received was; $38,260
There are folks of our Congrega2on who do not make a wri9en commitment to our Church but who are generous and regular
givers. We thank God for them. There are some folks in our Congrega2on who have not begun to give of their income on a regular basis to the Church as a part of their Chris2an discipleship. We encourage them to pray about beginning to give on a regular
basis to our Church.
Anyone who s
ll desires to make a commitment can contact our treasurer, Charlie Burks (Phone 423-619-6033; Mail 1242
Greenbrook Ln., Hixson, TN 3734).

Presbyterian Women
Tuesday November 18 the PW presented Reverend Mark with a check for $200 to cover
the remaining costs to begin the acolyte program.
The PW con0nues to gather caps and scarves for Renaissance Church to distribute to the
needy during Christmas. All dona0ons need to be brought to the church by November
30. Julia McRee will deliver them to Renaissance on Monday, December 1.
All women of First Presbyterian are asked to aMend a short mee0ng just a9er worship on
November 30 at 12:00 to form a nomina0ng commiMee for ocers for next year. On
December 14 another short mee0ng will be held at noon to present the slate and elect
the ocers for 2015.
Campus Ministry at UTC:
The Soddy Daisy PW will deliver lunch on Monday, January 5, 2015 the Pres House at UTC . The students have
asked if we could provide beef stew, cornbread and dessert. At this 0me, the head count is 60-65. Be expec0ng a call for help as we get closer
to this date. Feeding our young people...its a good thing!!

Pastor Mark's Work Schedule

Church Oce Phone: 423-332-2327
Mark's Cell Phone: 423-457-0745
email address:
Oce Hours @ Church7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
The best 0me to phone or drop by is
between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or call
and make an appointment

Friday is his "Family Day"

If you phone Mark (423-457-0745) on Friday, you will be referred to an Ac0ve Elder with her/his name and number; please, give your message to the
elder designated and she/he will call Mark for you. In an emergency Mark
will respond as quickly as possible to help you.

Rev. Mark and Toni will be on vaca7on Dec.26-Jan 2; they plan to go to Florida to visit family.

Knitted Together

December 2014
In Our Prayers

Please keep our members and friends in your prayers:

Dorothy Dean Shelton * Jack Mitchell * Mary Esther Shannon * Billy Crowe *
Barbara Newman * Olen Hendon * Ruth Lewis * Carl PrueM Sr. * Rick Freeman Family
Tillery Phillips * Topenga SaMereld * BeMy Johnson
Con0nue to oer prayers for Thomas Pelham and his family. Thomas is currently sta0oned in Georgia in the service of
our country.

The Adult Christmas DinnerDecember 5th

The annual Christmas dinner for adults will be Friday December 5 in the Fellowship Hall. We will eat at
7:00 p.m. This is a fun 0me in the life of the adults of the congrega0on. Each adult may bring a wrapped
gi9 for a lively exchange. A food sign-up list will be posted later.
Good food, good fun everyone is invited!
Saturday, December 13th
10:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cra9s, Fun, Food and Fellowship
Featuring many of FPCs own talented vendors.
Rae of Handcra9ed afghan/pillow
Created by Mrs. Doras kniKng group
For info please call Judy Stephenson (423)554-4161
Vendors please call DoKe Curvin (423)762-6052

He Is Here: A Musical for Christmas

Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
December 21st
Come celebrate worship with music and song performed by our
expanded choir . The Cantata He Is Here was created by Dennis &
Nan Allen. The songs are designed to help us understand that His
Spirit calls out to us and draws us near. Some2mes His presence is so
close we feel we can almost touch him. At other 2mes, we have to
reach out and ask Him to touch us. The Allens.

About 50 people came to "The Pumpkin Caper" bringing many costumed and happy children! We had a great 0me of Chris0an Fellowship **
together led by Gary & Jan. Thanks to those who decorated the Fellow**
ship Hall, to those who xed the very good hot meal, and to those who
donated cakes, cookies, and pies! :)


$184.50 was received at "The Pumpkin Caper" through the Cake Walk and Cake
Auc0on. The Session donated this money to the Acolyte Fund.

There will be an Art Exhibit at the North River

Civic Center in Hixson displaying: Wild Life
Pain0ngs and art work focusing on the theme of
Camouage December 3-Feb.27. Our own
graphic ar0st, Bud Ellis plans to enter some of
his work in the exhibit.


Pastor Mark is beginning a program for the
Children to serve as Acolytes (ligh0ng and
ex0nguishing the altar candles to begin and
to close worship) on every Sunday Morning.
We need a list of children 6 years and older
interested in serving as acolytes and two
adults who will supervise the acolytes during Sunday Morning

December 21st @ 6:00 p.m.

The dona0ons from the congrega0on covered the cost of the

following needed items: two matching Altar Candleholders
(silvertone 71/2 inches with walnut base ($250.10); candle
lighter and ex0nguisher (brass and wood 36 inches long)
($117.50); Stearic altar candles (11 inches x 1 & 1/8 inches
plain end / carton of 12 ($31.00).

The Children of FPC will perform the Na0vity

Pageant at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evening,
December 21st.
Please come share the joy with the children.
Immediately a9erwards we will celebrate with
the children with light refreshments
and special visitor.

Pray for this ministry to the children and with the children to
the Lord. There will be a training class led by Rev. Mark in
the near future for all who want to serve as acolytes.

Our Junior Church, which meets during Sunday Worship,

needs dona7ons of snacks and cra? supplies.
Please, contact Linda Kurzenberger (423-457-0161).

Knitted Together

December 2014

Church Schedule:
Each Sunday: Sunday School 10:00 a.m. / Worship 11:00 a.m.
CommunionChristmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:00 p.m.
Each Wednesday:
Adult Bible Study /Youth and Childrens Ac0vi0es 7:00 p.m.
Gi?s of Talents:
KniKngWith Dora Sowell at Doras 2nd and 4th Monday evenings6:30-8:30 p.m.
Art Classes by Bud Ellis in Fellowship HallWednesdays at 5:00 p.m.
Choir Cantata rehearsal Sunday Dec 14 at 2:00 p.m./Dec. 21 at 9:00 a.m.
Performance December 21st at 11:00 a.m.
Christmas Bazaarcra9s displayed by vendors for purchase in Fellowship Hall
Fellowship of the Table:
Lunch following Sunday worshipvarious loca0ons
Covered dish dinner prior to Wednesday night events6:30 p.m.
Game Nightswill resume a9er the rst of the year
Opportuni7es of serving:
Presbyterian Women Circle meets at Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. on 4th Tuesday
Session meets 3rd Tuesday evening at Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m.

Mission opportuni7es:
Annual PW warm hats/scarves for
Renaissance collected in November
Third Sunday Oering is collected by
the Outreach commiMee each month
on the third Sunday for those in need
in our communi0es.
Other events planned by the Outreach
CommiMee (chair Gary Newman):
Community Clothes Closet on Dec 9
in /Fellowship Hall 9:00-2:00; Clothes
dona0ons to church Dec 8
December 7Soddy Daisy Parade
featuring the childrens Live Na0vity
and congrega0on members singing
(oat set-up 1, parade 2); Car Show
in parade and on display 3:30-4:30;
Poes Tavern celebra7on at 4:30
Please assist with oat development
and par0cipa0on and/or cookies or
baked goods for celebra0on
the Christmas Bazaar to be held on
December 13 in the Fellowship Hall

December 2014







First Sunday
In Advent

Christmas Party
6:30 p.m.




PW meeting 12:00


Sunday School 10:00

Worship 11:00 a.m.
SD Parade
Poes Tavern

Knitting 6:30 pm
Sunday School 10:00
Worship 11:00
PW Meeting 12:-00
Cantata Rehearsal 2:00

No Wednesday





Art Class 5:00

Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study 7:00

Gary Shannon

Christmas Bazaar
Hours 103
Casey Fuller



17 Art Class 5:00 18

Session 6:30 pm

Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Bible Study 7:00







Dottie Curvin

21 Joy Gift
Cantata Rehearsal 9:00
Sunday School 10:00


Knitting 6:30 pm PW Circle 10 am

Worship /Cantata 11:00

Childrens Nativity 6:00
Childrens Party following

Sunday School 10:00
Worship 11:00 a.m.

Service 5:00


Charlie Burks
Christianna Perrine

Julia & Bobby McRee




Rev. Mark and Toni will be on vaca7on Dec.26-Jan 2; they plan to go to Florida to visit family.

We love to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with our church family.

Birthdays missed on November calendar: Roy Treiyer November 5
Knitted Together will be published monthly near the 1st of the month. Please send items to publish to Effie Heiss
or Judy Stephenson, by the 15th of the previous month. Thank you.
Our newsletter staff is: Effie Heiss (editor); Judy Stephenson (production manager); Jim Hargrove (distribution manager);
Bud Ellis (graphic artist). Newsletter can also be found on Facebook.
Please give Jim Hargrove (423-760-8787; the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of family and friends, and possible
new members, so that we can send them our monthly newsletter. Please let Jim know if you prefer your newsletter via email.

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