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1.1 Definition ofPolicy
Policyis a translationofthe word policy is derived from English. The
word policyis defined asaplan of actionor a statement ofobjectives,
roposedoradopted bya government orpolitical party. The wordpolicyis
etymologicallyderivedfrom the wordpolisin Greek(Greek), whichmeans
thecity-state. In Latinthis wordintoPolitia, meaningthe country. SignintoOld
English(MiddleEnglish), the wordbecomesPolicie, whose meaning isrelated to
theaffairs ofthe governmentor administrationcommands(Dunn, 1981:7).



wordsciencepolicy(Dror, 1968). In a general sensethis wordsodefined




orwhatevergovernmentchoosestodoor nottodo(Dye, 1975).

Etymologicallythe wordpolicytogether withtwoother importantwords,
the policeandpolitics.This is one reasonwhymanymodern languages, such as
German and Russian, has only oneword(politics, politics)for thetwo senses
ofpolicyandpolitics. Somegreat writersuse the termpublic policyandpublic
policyanalysisin the sensethatno different.





isabasicpolicyguidelinesact, acertaincourse of action, a programofactivityspecific activityora plan. Sothere aresomepolicy definitionsaccording to

experts, are as follows:

a. "The




the decisionto actismade by thebodyorgovernmentagency," (William

Dunn, 2000).
b. "Policy isa set of conceptsproposed actionby agovernmentor agroup of











achievecertain goals, '' (Carl J.Friedrich, 1963).

c. a policy is a statement by government at whatever level- of what it
intends to do about a public problem,(Birkland, 2010)
d. Policy as a projected program of goals, values and practices,(Stewart,
Hedge & Lester, 2008).
e. "Policies are elements







decisions,"(Charles O. Jones, 1996)

f. "The policy as a series of actions that have a specific purpose that is
followed and implemented by an actor or group of actors in order to solve
a particular problem" (James E. Anderson, 1979).
g. "Policy is what is chosen by the government to do or not do" (Thomas R.
Dye, 1976).
h. "The policyasto what is statedanddone or not doneby the government. The









andregulationsorin the speeches ofsenior government officialsas well as

theprogramsandactions ofthe government",(George C.EdwardsIII, 1980).
Based on the opinionsof variousexpertsmentioned above, itcan be
concludedthat thepoliciesare actionsoractivities thatintentionallydone or not
doneby a person, agroupor agovernmentin which there areelements ofthe

decisionin the form ofelectioneffortsamong the various alternativesavailableto

achievethe aims andobjectivesparticular.

1.2 RoleandFunctionPolicy
Policiescan be brieflydefined






writtenandanofficial decisionof an organization. A variety ofthese rulesgovern

every aspect ofhuman life, both inthe publicand privatesphere.The
knowledgeintoaholisticdiscipline(overarching) to analyze thepublic optionand
thedecision-makingandkarenannyahehad a role inthe democratization of
society(Parsons, 2001).
The roleandfunctionsof differenttrue, whichrelates tothe role ofthe
human subject, while the function ofthe objectisassociated with the object, it
turns outin the policythese two wordscan be interpreted asthe samething. The
roleandmain functionsof the policyis toregulate allaspects ofhuman lifein








transportation, education, environmental, social, economic, security, and

more. The settingis donein order to createastabilityinvarious fieldsandto
realizethe state oforder,harmony, and the existence ofgood relationsbetween
peopleconcernedin it.
1.3 Principles ofPolicy
Policy-making it not only functions to solve problems that are, but also
prevent problems, so we have to notice some principles of the policy itself.
This was for the policy that we made it can be beneficial and in accordance
with the needs the organization.

The principle in policy function as our standard or in the formulation of

guidelines that can be more effective.
Some policy principles according to Freegard in his book Ethical
Practice for Health Professionals (2006), which is:
1. Policy is based on explicit ethical values, with that can be justified.
That policy is made with firm and clear, supported by the fundamental
policy that would be ascertained again it complies with basic values.
2. Help to solve conflicts
Policy that must be used as a reference in solving a conflict that may
arise. Not all of the policies made at the time problems or conflicts arise.
Policy can be made to prevent a conflict, but it is hoped that policy will
be complete assignments conflict if the conflict arise.

Consistent policy
Policy Guidelines must be clear that all the members the chief
executive of the policy have similar perception about this policy that can
be done properly. Policy is made with the words that are easily
understandable and didn't cause appearance ambiguous or different
perceptions for every its executive. Consistent policy also means that
policy applied in all areas and remained.


Policy is flexible
On the principle above explained that the policy is consistent, but
it's in this principle also had to be flexible. Policy should be able to give a
concession or exception in a certain conditions, so that the policy is
expected to act wisely. Consistency seen in its application in the region
and carried out by all the policy itself.


Policy is a dynamic
Policy could change in accordance with the current internal and external
from that organization, so that policy can be developed continuously
according to the needs the organization.


Some people who interpret and apply policy itself

Sound policy will not be able to walk better if the executive cannot
or do not want to run it. It is often a policy to fail because of its executive
who did not agree with the policy. They then tried to break policy by
applying and perceives that policy with evil. So, the executive this policy
is very influence success of the policy itself.


Policy was supported by education

Education is needed when making policy beginning, so that the
contents of the policy made can be understood or's explanation by all
people or executing the policy.


Policy with limited time

In accordance with the characteristic's dynamic, then a policy has a
certain restrictions. This does not mean that policy was eliminated
because it was considered not useful, but it's renewed so that the policy
can become more accurately or according to the organization at once.

1.4 Elements-elements ofpolicy

Policiesgenerally have afive main elements, namely:
1. Problempublic(PublicIssue)







arepublic issues. The problemis referred to asa public issuewhenthe

issueof concernthe public andaffect the livelihood ofthe community at
2. PolicyValue
Each policyalways containsa certain value, and also aims to createa
newor thenew normin the organization. Oftenthe valuethat is inthe
publicormembers ofdifferentorganizationswithvalues that are inthe





3. CyclePolicy
Actualpolicy-setting process isacyclicalprocessand thenatureof the
continuum, whichconsists of threephases:
(1) Policy Formulation
(2) Policy Implementation
(3) Policy Review
The thirdstagein the cycleorprocessare
interdependent, complexandnot

linear, thatall


4. Approaches toPolicy
At eachstage ofthe policy cycleshould be accompanied bythe
application ofthe approach as appropriate. At theformulationstage, which











While theevaluation phaseusesthe same approachto theformulationstage.








ofeffectivenessand success ofapolicy.

5. Consequences ofPolicy; at eachapplication of the policyshould be
observedeffects that. In monitoringthe results ofthe policywehave to
distinguishtwotypes ofresult; outcomesand impact . Whatever the

formandcontent ofpoliciesin generalwill impactorconsequencesarise.The











consequenceisalso noteworthyisthe emergence of resistance(rejection)

andnegative behavior.

1.5 Definition of Policy Analysis

Policy analysis is an applied social science discipline which uses
various methods of research and argument to produce and move the policyrelevant information that can be utilized at the political level in order to solve
policy problems. (William N. Dunn, 2000)
In policy analysis, said the analysis used in the most general sense.The
word implies the use of intuition and judgment, and includes not only policy
testing by breaking into its various components, but also to plan and look for
the synthesis of various new alternative.These include a variety of activities
from research to explain or provide insight to the problem or issue that
precedes or to evaluate programs that are already completed.
Some analysis is informal form of thinking that is not only tough and
thorough.In another requires extensive data that can be calculated by a
complex mathematical process.
Analysis of the policy is the process of downloading activities
information synthesis, research results, to produce a design option on public
policy (Williams, 1971; Weiner and Vining, 1989). Public policy is the
government's decisions or actions that affect or lead to the actions of
individuals in the community. From the definition above would be the basic
characteristics can be formulated policy analysis. First, policy analysis is a

process or activity "synthesis" means information integration across

information, including research, in order to obtain a conclusion that is
consistent. This means that the object of the analysis is the process of policy
formulation and policy package. The main activity is the collection of
information policy analysis in a systematic and logical inferences from that
information. Thus, policy analysis based on scientific principles. Second, one
of the main sources of information is a matter of policy analysis of research
results. This means that policy analysis is further processing of the results of
research that is ready for use in decision making and the design of public
policy. Therefore, policy analysis is one form of dissemination of research
results. Third, policy analysis output option is on design decisions or public
policy. This means that the output is in the form of operational guidance
policy on public decision making for specific clients. Therefore, policy
analysis should be presented in a clear, concise, dense, complete and
thorough. Fourth, policy analysis client is a public policy decision makers
(government and parliament) and interest groups (interest groups) at the
discretion of the government. The client user specific policy analysis. This
relates directly to the output in the form of policy analysis on public policy
advice. Fifth, client-oriented policy analysis (client oriented).
This is an implication of the nature of policy analysis that produces
ready-to advice decision for a specific client. Without a client-oriented policy
analysis would not likely be ready for. This means that policy analysis should
didasarkanpada "of, by and for the client". Policy analysis is only done when
there is a request or "reasonably suspected" of his clients are really needed.

Policy analysis is driven by the urgent needs of his clients (client's need a
Therefore, policy analysis is basically a vehicle for the dissemination
of research results, including the results of policy research.By using the
dichotomy Laswell (1970), a policy-oriented research on knowledge of
policymaking (knowledge of policy making) while policy-oriented analysis of
knowledge in policy formulation (knowledge in policy making).Or the
classification of Johnson (1986) output of policy research is descriptive
knowledge (descriptive knowledge) that is objective, while the output is the
knowledge of policy analysis perskriptif (prescriptive knowledge) of a
normative nature of public policy.The combination of science "on" and "in"
the formulation of this policy is called science policy (policy science).
1.6 Characteristics of Policy
A policy has a unique among others :
1. Policy, it has to be a purpose
Policy is a means to an end, a tool to achieve a common purpose
community (public). This means that, the policy is a government
actions that are designed to achieve a certain result expected by the
public as constituents government. A policy without purpose does not
have meaning, even it is not impossible that will cause new problems.
For example, a policy that does not have obvious purpose, the
program that will be applied different, the strategy satidfied became
vague, and finally the policy analysts will be revealed that the
government has lost its direction.
The Announcement the purpose is also in the most important
because it was only tujuanlah that can give the direction and reason
for the public. In fact, policy-makers are often lose direction in

determining policy objectives. For the policy is still focused on the

goal has been determined, making policy, it has to be based on by
stages policy circles that on planning and evaluation. Policy-making
must have obstacles, but must be sought for a solution to cope with it
and provide the required to achieve. Its main objective, there are
Based on six groups action policy (play action) that are essential,
a. Regulations (River Basins)
Its main objective to make the rules and certain restrictions.
b. Deregulation (Deregulation)
Its main objective to make easing even canceling certain
c. Incentives (Reward)
Its main objective to encourage and speed up the attainment of an
this by providing a ebntuk rewards.
d. Infrastructure Provision (Infrastructure Provision)
Its main objective provides things as inherently infrastructural
e. Information or guidelines (Informationor Simple Guidance When
Choose). Its main objective given and deliver the information and
give a specific guidelines.
f. The influence (Influence)
Its main objective to encourage and influence of the changes and
assist in the changes to the party.
2. Policy as the hypothesis
Policy made based on the theory, the model or the hypothesis of
cause and effect. Policy always rely on the assumption of behavior.
Policy always contain incentives that encourage people to do
something or powerful disincentive to encourage people did not do
anything. Policy, it has to be able to unite expected (projection) about


the success that will be achieved and overcoming the failures

mechanism is likely to happen.
For example, if the government to increase fuel prices, and it will
be many companies to increase its output prices that will lead to prices
for goods increased and low class society more difficult to meet needs
for life. So believes that policy as the hypothesis also stressed the
importance lessons and hits from the result of implementation and
3. Policy as a legal
The action in the policy is legal or authorities because it was
made by those who have legitimacy in the system of government.
Those decisions made civil servants to act or direct action or activity
options such as, to prepare a bill or a government regulation to be
considered by the parliament or allocate the budgets to implement a
specific target. As legal policy decisions are not also means that the
government always have the authority in dealing with these issues.
Policy then can be seen as a response or formal response to the issues
or problems public.
This means that the policy is: (a) Intensional or have a goal. The
objective of the government policy reflect the achievement through
the implementation resources public; (b) With regard to decisionmaking and testing well-consequently; (c) Structured with the players
and his steps that there is a clear and measured; (d) is political
priorities that the election program priorities executive.
4. Policy involving the participation and aspirations of the community.


Participation is a process involvement in decision-making

process, the formulation, planning, implementation, and control
policy. Policy-making that involve the participation and aspirations of
the community is intended to be policy that has already been
compiled and are planned to be in accordance with the reality. In
addition, the community is also more likely to obey the policy making
and arrangement involves the participation and aspirations of the
community is actively.
5. Policy forms structured and arranged according to the law and the law.
6. All of the policies that have been made and ordered to have a legal
and law. This means that policy-making could not be violated the law
and legislation.
7. Policy an impact (outcome)
Every time the process of making policy, it has to be analyzed
ahead of time is to have a good impact or bad for the community. A
policy that is made not to harm the public. Type of policy based on the
influence or impact that want to emanate include:
1. explicit (explicit policy)
Explicit policy is the policy that aimed to give impact directly on the
object policy objectives.
2. implicit (implicit policy)
Implicit policy is the policy that aimed to give impact will not directly
to the object policy objectives.
1.7 Cycle of Policy Analysis


m N Dunn (2008) Public Policy Analysis (an Introduction Fourth Edition)
New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
Analysis of public policy(public policy analysis) is an attempt to
prevent the failure in solving problems through public policy.Therefore, one
of the essence of the presence of public policy analysis(public policy) is to
solve a growing problem in society properly, so always be at each stage in the
process of public policy (public policy process). Analysts policies are often
required to advise the policy makers (executives).
Public policy can be viewed from two perspectives, from pre- and
post-formation.The first (pre) the formation of public policy, while the look of
the process of formation.The second (post) the formation of public policy,
looking after becomes a product of the policy, in the form of laws or
regulations and the public.


In the first approach, there are steps that would be made.Beginning

with the identification of the problems that arise in the public domain, certain
interested parties then seek the problems presented to the public so known
and recognized that the issues that arise relating to the public interest (public
issues).As more and more concerned (concerned), then went into a public
issue public agenda, which is usually followed up with a variety of actionreaction between stakeholders with a public agency authorized to issue a
policy.At this stage often arise pros and cons, arguments, interplay,
deployment support and more.If the conclusion is reached, the resulting
product in the form of legislation and public policy or public regulation.
The methodology of policy analysis with five general procedures
commonly used in solving human problems, namely:
1. Formulation of the problem. The formulation of the problem
(definition) yield information about the circumstances of the
conditions that give rise to policy issues.
2. Forecasting. Forecasting (prediction) provides information about the
future consequences of the implementation of policy alternatives.
3. Recommendations.




information about the relative value or usefulness of the future

consequences of a solution to the problem.
4. Monitoring. Monitoring (description), generate information about
current and past consequences of the implementation of policy


5. Evaluation. The evaluation, which has the same name as that used in
everyday language, to provide information about the value or
usefulness of the consequences of solving or coping.

1.8 Methods of Policy Analysis

William N Dunn (2004), formulated five methods of policy analysis in
formulating public policy, namely:
1) formulation of the problem (problem structuring),
2) prediction (forecasting),
3) recommendation (recommendation),
4) monitoring (monitoring), and
5) evaluation (evaluation).
Formulation of the problem will help to produce what he wanted to solve
the problem.Forecasting will help produce a formulation or the expected policy








recommendations.Monitoring will help to produce a variety of outcomes as a

result of policy implementation, and evaluation of policy performance also
helped produce.
Formulation of the problem, forecasting, and the recommendation is the
method used before (ex ante) policy is adopted and implemented, while
monitoring and evaluation methods used after (ex post) policy adopted and
implemented.To formulate a good policy, the first step that must be done and
that is critical is how to formulate the problem correctly.In achieving this aim,
the policy analyst can use the methods of formulation of the problem (problem
structuring).Through this method the analyst must find the root of the problem
or the root cause of the emergence of the problem, to determine the root cause


of the emergence of the problem formulation phase may use four interrelated
The four phases are as follows:
1. engine problems,
2. problem definition,
3. problem specification, and
4. Introducing problems (sensing).
Introduction of the problem will result in a problem situation, the
problem will result in a meta search problem (the problem to the problem),
defining the problem will produce a substance problem, and the problem
specification will result in a formal matter.From this formal problem analyst
will know the real root of the problem.If the formal problem is found, it will be
easier to move on to the next stage.This is in line with the statement that the
problem well-defined is a problem half solved.

1.9 Models of policy analysis

According to William N. Dunn, the model is a simple representation of
selected aspects of a problem conditions are arranged for a specific purpose.
Meanwhile, according to ES Quade, the model is a substitute for reality (a the
model is an abstraction of reality). So, in another sense, the model is a system
of standards, rules, and procedures to create, critically assess, and communicate


policy-relevant knowledge. Or it could also mean that the model is a tool or a

means to transform the information to facilitate the understanding of what has
been delivered. In a policy, there are 6 models:
1. Descriptive Models
Descriptive models have the goal to explain and / or predict the
causes and consequences (causation) of policy options. This model is
used to monitor the results of the action - policy action as well as to
predict the performance of the economy.
2. Normative Model
The purpose of this model is not only explain and / or predict but
also provide the arguments and recommendations to optimize the
achievement of some utility (value). This model in addition to explain
and predict the causes and effects of a policy action, also contain rules
or references on how to optimize the achievement of a particular
benefit. Among the several types of normative models used by policy
analysts are normative models that help determine the optimum level of
service capacity (queuing models), while the optimum service and
repair (replacement models), the volume and the optimum time
(inventory models) and optimum benefits of public investment (costbenefit models). The problems are usually in the form of normative
decision values looking for a controlled variable (policy) that will yield
the greatest benefit (value), as measured in the output variable to be
changed by the policy makers.
3. Verbal Models
This model rests on the valuation of reason to make predictions
and offer recommendations. Assessment of reason produces policy
arguments but are not depicted in the figures for sure. The advantages


of this model is easily communicated and the cost is cheap. While the
weakness of this model, the problems that used to make predictions and
recommendations are implicit or hidden.
4. Symbolic Model
Symbolic models use mathematical symbols in explaining the
relationship between the variables-variables that are characteristic of a
problem. This model has the advantages of using the actual data to
estimate the relationship between policy variables and outcomes. The
disadvantage of this model is difficult communicated to the layman,
policy makers, and even the expert model makers. Costs more, takes a
long time, and maximum effort. The result is also not easy to interpret
because its assumptions are not clearly stated. The advantages of this
model, it can improve policy decisions if the premises are arranged
5. Procedural Model
By looking at the variables in dealing with a matter of policy, this
model assumes (simulate) the relationship between policy variables and
outcomes. The weakness of this model requires a relatively high cost
and the relatively long time because of the time needed to develop and
run computer programs. In this model is also often difficult to find data
or arguments that reinforce assumptions. While the advantages, this
model can be written in non-technical language incomprehensible, thus
facilitating communication among ordinary people. This model allows
the simulation and creative research.
6. Substitute Model and Perspectives
Replacement model (surrogate models) is assumed in lieu of
substantive issues. Formal problem is a legitimate representation of the


substantive issues. While the model is based on the assumption that the
perspective of the formal problem never fully legally represent
substantive issues. The difference between the model and the
replacement is very important perspective in policy analysis because
most of the important issues it is difficult to be formulated (illstructured).
In formulating public policy Thomas R. Dye formulate policy
models, namely:
1. Institutional Models;
2. Elite Model;
3. Models Group;
4. Rational models;
5. Incremental Model;
6. Game Theory Model;
7. Public Choice Models;
8. Model System
In addition there are three proposed models of Thomas R. Dye,
1. Model Integrated Observation;
2. Democratic Model;
3. Strategic Models


In the policy process has included a variety of practical and intellectual

activity that goes together.Linking of unofficial and semi-official among
individuals and groups within a system policy.
Relation to this, public policy must have an interest in public nature
which according to Schubert Jr.revealed that the public interest it turns out
there are at least at least three views are:
1. Rationalist view that says the public interest is the interest of most of
the total population.
2. Idealistic view saying that the public interest is a sublime thing, so
that should not be fabricated by humans.
3. Realist view considers that the public interest is the result of a
compromise of the various interest groups fight.
By looking at the above explanation, it appears that we should reflect
on the fact of real political life of modern society, modern society means that
the ideal society is a society that is able to organize themselves in accordance
with their respective interests.
Experts are then looked at as a public policy decisions of government
that has the purpose or specific purposes, and those who consider public policy
have consequences that can be foreseen.Representing the group of Nakamura
and Smallwood in his book The Politics of Policy Implementation, see public
policy in all three environments, namely:
1. That environment policy formulation (Formulation),


2. Application environment (Implementation), and

3. Environmental assessment (Evaluation) policy.


Approach in Policy Analysis

The approach is a variety of assessment methods and arguments to

produce and transform policy information to be used politically to resolve

policy issues. While public policy according to William N Dunn (N. Dunn,
2000) is a complex pattern of dependence of collective choices are
interdependent, including decisions to act are made by the agency or
government office. According to William N Dunn Similarly, public policy
analysis is an applied social science research methodology uses a wide and
argument to produce and transform policy-relevant use in a particular political
environment to solve policy problems.
Policy analysis, in a broad sense, involves the knowledge of the results
and in the policy process.Historically, the purpose of policy analysis is to
provide information for policy makers to be considered that reasoning to find
solutions to policy problems.
Analysis of policy taking from various disciplines whose purpose is
descriptive, evaluative, and normative.As an applied science disciplines,
borrowing policy analysis is not only the social and behavioral sciences, but
also of public administration, law, ethics, and various branches of applied
mathematics and systems analysis.
Analysis of the policy is expected to generate and transform
information about: (1) values, which is the main achievement is a measure to
see if the problem has been resolved, (2) the facts, the existence of which may


limit or enhance the achievement of values, and ( 3) actions, the application

may result in the achievement of values.The three types of information can be
generated by using one or more of the three main approaches of policy analysis
by William N. Dunn, namely empirical, valuatif, and normative.

Empirical Approach
Empirical approach, with particular emphasis on the description of
the cause and effect of a specific public policy.From here, the main
question will be factual (if anything there?) And the kinds of
information generated is descriptive.For example, the analyst can
describe, explain, or predict public spending on health, education, or

2. Approach Valuatif
This approach is the opposite of the empirical approach. This
approach is more focused on the determination of the weight or value of
some policies. So in this case, the question would arise with respect to
the value (what value?) And the type of information generated is
valuatif. For example, after providing descriptive information about
various tax policies, analysts can evaluate a variety of different ways of
distributing the tax burden according to their moral and ethical
3. Normative Approach
This approach is more focused on recommendation upcoming
series of actions that can resolve public issues. In this case, the question
with respect to the action (What should I do?) And the type of
information generated prescriptive. For example, the annual minimum


income security policies can be recommended as a way to solve the

problem of poverty.
A policy analyst may use one or more of the three approaches.
However, when an analyst uses all three, it can be said that analysts
have exceeded the goal of traditional disciplines, where the traditional
disciplines tend to ignore the values and the fact that there are (ignoring
valuatif and normative approach).

Levels ofPolicy
1. Macro
Macro policiesinvolving thewholecommunityandgovernment
leadersare generallyin the formation ofpublicpolicy. Macropolicyis a
policythat can affect thewhole country(national). For example,Law,
Government Regulation(PP), Minister of Health, and others.












communications media, spokespersonof the group,and others.










basisofthings that willbe madeat themesoand microlevels. Changes

oradditionstothe existing policywillenablehandled at themeso level.
ExampleMacro Policyin thefield of healthis Peraturan Menteri
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1464/MenKes/Per/X/2010
tentang Ijin dan Penyelenggaraan Praktik Bidan. Contoh kebijakan
makro di Indonesia antara lain adalah UUD 1945, TAP MPR,
UU,Perpu,PP dan Kepres. Berdasarkan TAP MPR No. III/MPR/2000


tentang Sumber Hukum dan Tata Urutan Peraturan Perundangundangan, tata urutan peraturan perundang-undangan Republik
Indonesia adalah:
a. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945: merupakan hukum dasar tertulis
Negara Republik Indonesia, memuat dasar dan garis besar
hukum dalam penyelenggaraan negara.
b. Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan



Indonesia: merupakan putusan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat

(MPR) sebagai pengemban kedaulatan rakyat yang ditetapkan
dalam sidang-sidang MPR.
c. Undang-Undang: dibuat oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR)
bersama Presiden untuk melaksanakan UUD 1945 serta TAP
d. Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang (Perpu)
e. Peraturan Pemerintah: dibuat oleh Pemerintah untuk
melaksanakan perintah undang-undang.
f. Keputusan Presiden: bersifat mengatur dibuat oleh Presiden
untuk menjalankan fungsi dan tugasnya berupa pengaturan.
2. Meso
Meso policies typically focus on a particular policy or
functional areas, such as commercial air transport, the expansion of
agricultural activities, construction of dock and river, or the
granting of a patent. Typically include a means by private and
government at the local level. Target implementation of meso
policies can be used by the public or individuals, for example: to
strengthen support in the business environment and to change the
structural shape of an autonomous region. Meso policy formation
is due not everyone cares about public policy that has existed,


many people are only interested in one of these areas, such as

officials or citizens who are truly interested in maritime shipping
policy may have little interest or even no policy health.
ExamplesofMesopolicyinthe health sectoris


Gubernur Propinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 88

Tahun 2010 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Nomor 75 Tahun
2005 Tentang Kawasan Dilarang Merokok. Daerah Surabaya pun
mempunyai kebijakan lain, yaitu Peraturan Daerah Kota Surabaya
Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 Tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok dan
Kawasan Terbatas Merokok. Contoh di atas membuktikan bahwa
Kebijakan Meso pada suatu daerah memiliki kebijakan yang
3. Micro
More micro policy involves the efforts made by a particular
individual, a company, or a community that seeks only to obtain
profit for their own party. Micro policies into competence in
general private business, typically include managerial strategies to
increase productivity, improving the quality of Human Resources
(HR), and business networking .In a micro policy, the parties
concerned in a particular agency tends to have regulations or
private laws without interference from the government. A company
wants a favorable decision for his own company, for some parties
in the policy of this micro, actions and decisions are not so
considered during the intervention of the government to bring a
loss for the adherents of micro policies.


Contoh yang dapat diambil adalah Keputusan Gubernur

Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta No 11 Tahun 2004 tentang







Pemerintahan adalah ilustrasi yang bagus dari kebijakan mikro. It

is categorized as a Micro policy because the regulation applies only
within the scope of the organization (Work in Environmental


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