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15-150 Fall 2014

Stephen Brookes

Midterm exams: pick up in lab A 87.5
Average score on exam: 72.0
C 69.5
D 60.0
Median score: 73.0
Midterm grade based on HW + MIDTERM
Labs will count toward final grade

last time

Modular programming
Signatures and structures
Information hiding

abstract data types

The ML module system facilitates

program design based on abstract types

Users are given a limited repertoire of

operations for building values

These operations are designed to work

correctly and efficiently, assuming some
suitable representation invariant

Users cannot ever break the rules!

our example
The signature for ARITH specifies an
abstract data type

A type integer
Equipped with basic operations


add, mult : integer * integer -> integer

display : integer -> string

fun rep 0 = [ ] !
| rep n = (n mod 10) :: rep(n div 10)!

rep : int -> int list

ENSURES (rep n) = a list L (of decimal digits)
representing n
eval L = n
fun eval [ ] = 0 !
| eval (d::ds) = d + 10 * eval ds!

fun rep 0 = [ ] !
| rep n = (n mod 10) :: rep(n div 10)!

rep : int -> int list

ENSURES (rep n) represents n

fun carry (0, ps) = ps!

| carry(c, [ ]) = [c]!
| carry (c, p::ps) = !
((p+c) mod 10) :: carry ((p+c) div 10, ps)
carry : int * int list -> int list
REQUIRES 0 c 9, L represents n
ENSURES carry(c, L) represents c+n

fun add ([ ], qs) = qs!

| add (ps, [ ]) = ps!
| add (p::ps, q::qs) =!
((p+q) mod 10) :: carry ((p+q) div 10, add(ps, qs))
add : int list * int list -> int list
REQUIRES L represents x, R represents y
ENSURES add(L, R) represents x+y

fun times (0, qs) = [ ]!

| times (p, [ ]) = [ ] !
| times (p, q::qs) =!
((p * q) mod 10) :: carry ((p * q) div 10, times(p, qs))
times : int * int list -> int list
REQUIRES 0 c 9, L represents n
ENSURES times(c, L) represents c*n

fun mult ([ ], _) = [ ]
| mult(_, [ ]) = [ ]
| mult (p::ps, qs) = add (times(p, qs), 0 :: mult (ps, qs))


mult : int list * int list -> int list

REQUIRES L represents x, R represents y
ENSURES mult(L, R) represents x*y

Dec implements non-negative integers

in a way that is faithful to standard arithmetic

Every non-negative value is representable

add implements +

mult implements *
How can we establish this?

To prove correctness we introduce a

representation invariant
inv(L) :: L is a list of decimal digits
This is a property guaranteed to hold,
for all values of type integer constructible from
rep(n) with n0, using add, mult

Our functions can require this invariant

and must ensure that it holds of their results

abstraction function
And we (re-)introduce an abstraction function
eval : integer -> int
to explain how

integer values represent int values
eval L = the int represented by L
(only needs to make sense on values that satisfy inv)

(* inv : int list -> bool *)!
fun inv [ ] = true!
| inv (d::L) = (0 <= d andalso d <= 9) andalso inv L

(* eval : int list -> int *)!
fun eval [ ] = 0!
| eval (d::L) = d + 10 * eval(L)

For all L:int list,
For all L:int list,
For all n0,

inv(L) terminates

eval(L) terminates

rep(n) terminates

When ps and qs satisfy inv,

add(ps, qs) terminates

& mult(ps, qs) terminates



Every integer value built from

rep(n) with n0, add, and mult
satisfies inv

For all n0, rep(n) satisfies inv

For all ps, qs : int list,
if ps and qs satisfy inv
so do add(ps, qs) and mult(ps, qs)


For all ps, qs : int list,

if ps and qs satisfy inv

so does add(ps, qs)


If ps satisfies inv and 0 c 9,

then carry(c, ps) satisfies inv

For all ps, qs : int list,

if ps and qs satisfy inv


eval(add(ps, qs)) = (eval ps) + (eval qs)

eval(mult(ps, qs)) = (eval ps) * (eval qs)

If ps and qs satisfy inv
eval(add(ps, qs)) = (eval ps) + (eval qs)

If ps satisfies inv

and 0 c 9,

then carry(c, ps) = a list L such that

eval L = c + eval ps

fun carry (0, ps) = ps!

| carry(c, [ ]) = [c]!
| carry (c, p::ps) = !
((p+c) mod 10) :: carry ((p+c) div 10, ps)

If ps satisfies inv

and 0 c 9,

then carry(c, ps) = a list L such that

eval L = c + eval ps

By induction on ps

an alternative
structure Dec2 : ARITH =!
type digit = int !
type integer = digit list!

What changes?

Anything significant?

fun rep 0 = [0] !

| rep n = (n mod 10) :: rep(n div 10)!

fun display L = foldl (fn (d, s) => Int.toString d ^ s) "" L

(* add, mult as before *)


Dec and Dec2

The values used to represent 0 are different

Dec.rep 0 = [ ]
Dec2.rep 0 = [0]
But users ascribing opaquely to ARITH
cannot distinguish between Dec and Dec2
Dec.display (Dec.rep 0) = "0"
Dec2.display (Dec2.rep 0) = "0"

(and similarly, for all definable values of type integer)

These two implementations

are indistinguishable

(representational invariance)

Why decimal?

Could have used binary

[0,1,0,1,0,1] represents 42 in base 2

Could have used any positive base

[0,1] represents 42 in base 42

Lets consider binary...

binary digits
structure Bin : ARITH =!
type digit = int !
type integer = digit list!

just replace 10 by 2

in the code for Dec

fun rep 0 = [ ] !
| rep n = (n mod 2) :: rep(n div 2)!



Bin implements non-negative integers

in a way that is faithful to standard arithmetic

Every non-negative value is representable

add implements +

mult implements *
add(rep 1, rep 1) = [0,1]

To prove correctness we introduce a
representation invariant
inv2 : int list -> bool

inv2(L) = true


every item in L is a binary digit

And we define an abstraction function
eval2 : integer -> int
For all L : int list such that inv2(L) = true,

eval2 L = the int value represented
in binary by L


For all n0, rep(n) satisfies inv

and eval2(rep n) = n

If L and R satisfy inv2

so does add(L, R), and
eval2(add(L, R))

= (eval2 L) + (eval2 R)
(similarly for mult)

A correctness proof for Dec,

with 10 replaced by 2,
yields a correctness proof for Bin

deja deja deja vu

This all looks very similar

To get octal representation, replace 10 by 8

To get ternary representation, replace 10 by 3

Lets encapsulate the common design...

What we need is a parameterized
structure definition...

... with a parameter that specifies a base

An ML functor is a

parameterized structure definition

Like a function from structures to structures

Its argument and result have signatures
rather than types

functor <name> (<arg> : <sig>) : <sig> =



signature BASE =!
val base : int!

functor Digits(B : BASE) : ARITH =!
val b = B.base!
type digit = int (* use 0 through b-1 *)!
type integer = digit list!
fun rep 0 = [ ]!
| rep n = (n mod b) :: rep(n div b)!

... as before but using b ...!



functor Digits(B : BASE) : ARITH =


val b = B.base

type digit = int (* uses 0 through b-1*)

type integer = digit list

fun rep 0 = [ ] | rep n = (n mod b) :: rep (n div b)

(* carry : digit * integer -> integer *)

fun carry (0, ps) = ps

| carry (c, [ ]) = [c]

| carry (c, p::ps) = ((p+c) mod b) :: carry ((p+c) div b, ps)

fun add ([ ], qs) = qs

| add (ps, [ ]) = ps

| add (p::ps, q::qs) =

((p+q) mod b) :: carry ((p+q) div b, add(ps,qs))

(* times : digit -> integer -> integer *)

fun times 0 qs = [ ]

| times k [ ] = [ ]

| times k (q::qs) =

((k * q) mod b) :: carry ((k * q) div b, times k qs)

fun mult ([ ], _) = [ ]

| mult (_, [ ]) = [ ]

| mult (p::ps, qs) = add (times p qs, 0 :: mult (ps,qs))

fun display L = foldl (fn (d, s) => Int.toString d ^ s) "" L


using Digits
functor applied to argument

structure Dec = Digits(struct val base = 10 end)!


structure Bin = Digits(struct val base = 2 end)




Dec.rep 42 = [2,4] : Dec.integer

Bin.rep 42 = [0,1,0,1,0,1] : Bin.integer
fun decfact(n:int) : Dec.integer =!
if n=0 then Dec.rep 1 else Dec.mult(Dec.rep n, decfact(n-1));!

fun binfact(n:int) : Bin.integer =!

if n=0 then Bin.rep 1 else Bin.mult(Bin.rep n, binfact(n-1));

whats visible?
functor Digits(B : BASE) : ARITH =!
val b = B.base;!
type digit = int (* use 0 through b-1 *)!
type integer = digit list!

signature ARITH =!
type integer!

The type Dec.integer is int list

The type Bin.integer is int list
- Bin.rep 42;!
val it = [0,1,0,1,0,1] : Bin.integer!

- it : int list!
val it = [0,1,0,1,0,1] : int list

- Bin.add(Dec.rep 42, Dec.rep 42);!

val it = [0,0,1,2] : Bin.integer

solution (1)
In the functor body, make integer a

datatype whose constructors are hidden

Then adapt the code for rep, etc...

functor Digits(B : BASE) : ARITH =!
val b = B.base;!
type digit = int (* use 0 through b-1 *)!
datatype digits = D of digit list!
type integer = digits!

fun rep 0 = D [ ] !
| rep n = let val (D L) = rep(n div b) in D((n mod b)::L) end!

functor Digits(B:BASE) : ARITH =


val b = B.base

type digit = int (* uses 0 through b-1 *)

datatype digits = D of digit list

type integer = digits

solution (1)


fun rep 0 = D [ ]

| rep n = let val (D L) = rep(n div b) in D ((n mod b) :: L) end

(* carry : digit * digit list -> digit list *)

fun carry (0, ps) = ps

| carry (c, [ ]) = [c]

| carry (c, p::ps) = ((p+c) mod b) :: carry ((p+c) div b, ps)


(* adder : digit list * digit list -> digit list *)

fun adder ([ ], qs) = qs

| adder (ps, [ ]) = ps

| adder (p::ps, q::qs) =

((p+q) mod b) :: carry ((p+q) div b, adder(ps,qs))

(* add : integer * integer -> integer *)

fun add (D L, D R) = D (adder(L, R))

(* times : digit -> digit list -> digit list *)

fun times 0 qs = [ ]

| times k [ ] = [ ]

| times k (q::qs) =

((k * q) mod b) :: carry ((k * q) div b, times k qs)

(* multer : digit list * digit list -> digit list *)

fun multer ([ ], _) = [ ]

| multer (_, [ ]) = [ ]

| multer (p::ps, qs) = adder (times p qs, 0 :: multer (ps,qs))

(* mult : integer * integer -> integer *)

fun mult(D L, D R) = D(multer(L,R))

fun display (D L) = foldl (fn (d, s) => Int.toString d ^ s) "" L


structure Dec = Digits(struct val base = 10 end);!

structure Bin = Digits(struct val base = 2 end);

- Dec.rep 42;

val it = D [2,4] : Dec.integer


- Bin.rep 42;

val it = D [0,1,0,1,0,1] : Bin.integer


- D [1+1] = D [2];

Error: unbound variable or constructor: D

- Bin.add(Dec.rep 42, Dec.rep 42);!

Error:operator and operand don't agree
[tycon mismatch]

solution (2)
Leave the functor body as is,

but ascribe the signature opaquely

functor Digits(B : BASE) :> ARITH =!
val b = B.base;!
type digit = int (* use 0 through b-1 *)!
type integer = digit list!

fun rep 0 = [ ] !
| rep n = (n mod b) :: rep (n div b)!

problem solved
With either of these solutions,
the code fragment

Bin.add(Dec.rep 42, Dec.rep 42)

is not well-typed,

so cannot be evaluated.

- Bin.rep 42;!
val it = [0,1,0,1,0,1] : Bin.integer!
- Dec.rep 42;!
val it = [2,4] : Dec.integer

- Bin.rep 42;!
val it = - : Bin.integer!
- Dec.rep 42;!
val it = - : Dec.integer

Dec.integer = int list

Bin.integer = int list

With opaque ascription
- Dec.rep 42;!
val it = - : Dec.integer

How can we test if the value is correct?

- it = [2,4];!

type error

Convert it to a visible type!

- Dec.display(Dec.rep 42);!
val it = "42" : string


Suppose B:BASE and B.base > 1

Similarly for S.mult

Let S = Digits(B) and b = B.base

what happens if

B.base = 1?

Define invb and evalb as before

For all n0, S.rep(n) satisfies invb

If v1, v2 : S.integer satisfy invb so does S.add(v1, v2)
and evalb(S.add(v1, v2)) = (evalb v1) + (evalb v2)

structure Unary : ARITH = Digits(struct val b = 1 end);

open Unary;

display(add(rep 3, rep 2));

What goes wrong? Why?

Didnt we prove correctness?

fun rep 0 = [ ] !
| rep n = (n mod 1) :: rep(n div 1)!

eval1(rep n) n
Figure out where the
correctness proof breaks!

abstract data types

The ML module systems facilitates program
design based on abstract data types

Users can be given a limited repertoire of

operations for building values

These operations can be designed to work

correctly and efficiently, assuming some
suitable representation invariant

Users cannot ever break the rules!

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