Anda di halaman 1dari 25

15-150 Fall 2014

Lecture 23

Stephen Brookes

lazy functional programming

being lazy
Defer computation until its result is needed

a function value (a thunk)

h : unit -> t
can represent a
delayed computation
for a value of type t

to compute this value,

force the thunk,
by calling h( )

(* repeat : a list -> a list *)!
fun repeat L = L @ repeat L

repeat [0] =>* [0] @ repeat [0]!

=>* [0] @ ([0] @ repeat [0])!
=>* . . . forever

repeat evaluates, to a function,

but repeat L doesnt terminate

lazy lists
a thunk

datatype a lazylist = !
Cons of a * (unit -> a lazylist)

val Cons = fn - : a * (unit -> a lazylist) -> a lazylist

t lazylist is a recursive datatype of (infinite) lazy lists

with elements of type t

A t lazylist value has the form Cons(v, h) where v is a value

of type t and h is a thunk for computing a t lazylist

the head element v is immediately available

force h if you need to use later elements

(* zeros : unit -> int lazylist *)!
fun zeros ( ) = Cons(0, zeros)!

(* Zeros : int lazylist *)!

val Zeros = zeros( )

(* ones : unit -> int lazylist *)!
fun ones ( ) = Cons(1, ones)!

(* Ones : int lazylist *)!

val Ones = ones( )

(* nats : int -> (unit -> int lazylist) *)!
fun nats n ( ) = Cons(n, nats (n+1))!

(* Nats : int lazylist *)!

val Nats = Cons(0, nats 1)
head tail

Nats is the lazy list


nats 2 ( ) is the lazy list


(* mklazy : int list -> int lazylist *)!

fun mklazy [ ] = Zeros!

| mklazy (x::L) = Cons(x, fn ( ) => mklazy L)

Converts a finite int list

into an infinite int lazylist

by padding with 0s

A t lazylist value represents a sequence of values of type t

nats 42 ( )
mklazy [1,2,3]

represents 0,0,0,0,

represents 1,1,1,1,

represents 42,43,44,45,

represents 1,2,3,0,0,0,

(* lazyappend : a list * (unit -> a lazylist) -> a lazylist *)!

fun lazyappend ([ ], h) = h( )!
| lazyappend (x::xs, h) = !
Cons(x, fn ( ) => lazyappend(xs, h))!

lazyappend([0,1], nats 2) =>* ????

lazyappend([0,1], nats 2) =>* Cons(0, h1)

h1( ) =>* Cons(1, h2)
h2( ) =>* Cons(2, h3)
and so on

(* lazyappend : a list * (unit -> a lazylist) -> a lazylist *)!

fun lazyappend ([ ], h) = h( )!
| lazyappend (x::xs, h) = !
Cons(x, fn ( ) => lazyappend(xs, h))!

lazyappend([0,1], nats 2) =>* Cons(0, fn ( ) => !

Cons(1, fn ( ) => !
Cons(2, h3)))


h3 is (fn ( ) => Cons(3, h4)), etc.



h( ) !
represents y0,y1,y2,y3,

then !
lazyappend ([x0,,xk], h)!
represents x0,,xk,y0,y1,y2,y3,

(* repeat : a list -> a lazylist *)!
(* REQUIRES xs not the empty list *)!
(* ENSURES repeat(xs) terminates!
and represents lazy list consisting of
xs repeated over and over *)!

fun repeat xs = lazyappend(xs, fn ( ) => repeat xs)

repeat [0] =>* ???

repeat [0]
repeat [0] =>* Cons(0, h0)
where h0( ) =>* Cons(0, h1))
and h1( ) =>* Cons(0, h2))
and so on
repeat [0] represents 0,0,0,0,0,...

(* show : int -> a lazylist -> a list *)!
fun show 0 _ = [ ]!
| show n (Cons(x, h)) = x :: show (n-1) (h( ))

show 5 (repeat [0])

=>* [0,0,0,0,0]

lazy equality
Lazy list values A and B are equal

iff they have the same elements...

For all n 0,

show n A = show n B.

Lazy list expressions are equal if

they both fail to terminate,

or raise the same exception

or they evaluate to equal lazy list values

(* lazymap : (a -> b) -> a lazylist -> b lazylist *)!

fun lazymap f (Cons(x, h)) = !

Cons(f x, fn ( ) => lazymap f (h( )))

recursive call

is deferred
If f is total and L represents x0,x1,x2,
then lazymap f L represents f(x0),f(x1),f(x2),

lazy/eager map theorem

If f : t1 -> t2 is total,

then for all L : t1 lazylist, and all n 0,
show n (lazymap f L)

= f (show n L)
Why assume that f is total?

lazymap fusion
If f : t

-> t3 and g : t1 -> t2 are total, then

for all L : t1 lazylist
lazymap (f o g) L = lazymap f (lazymap g L)




lazymap (f o g) = (lazymap f) o (lazymap g)

(* lazyzip : a lazylist * b lazylist -> (a * b) lazylist


fun lazyzip (Cons(x, h), Cons(y, k))!

= Cons((x,y), fn ( ) => lazyzip (h( ), k( )))

recursive call

is deferred
A represents a0,a1,a2,!
and B represents b0,b1,b2,!
then lazyzip(A,B) represents (a0,b0),(a1,b1),(a2,b2),!

lazy filter
(* lazyfilter : (a -> bool) -> a lazylist -> a lazylist *)!

fun lazyfilter p (Cons(x, h)) =!

if p x then Cons(x, fn ( ) => lazyfilter p (h( )))!
else lazyfilter p (h( ))
keep making recursive calls

until we find an element that satisfies p

after finding an element

that satisfies p,

defer recursive calls

What happens when we evaluate
lazyfilter (fn x => x=0) (repeat [1])

If p is total and L represents a0,a1,a2,!
and infinitely many ai satisfy p
then lazyfilter p L represents the sequence of !
all the ai satisfying p

lazy factorials
(* facts : unit -> int lazy list *)!

fun facts( ) = !
Cons(1, fn ( ) => !
lazymap (op * ) (lazyzip(facts( ), !
nats 2 ( )) ) )

facts( ) represents 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!,

1, 2, 6, 24,

(* sift : int -> int lazylist -> int lazylist *)!
fun sift x = lazyfilter (fn y => y mod x <> 0)!

(* sieve : int lazylist -> int lazylist *)!

fun sieve (Cons(x, h)) =!
Cons(x, fn ( ) => sieve (sift x (h( ))))!

val Primes = sieve(nats 2 ( ))

Strike out the twos!

Strike out the threes!
...The Sieve of Eratosthenes

sift and sieve

Let L = Cons(x, h) consist of the integers 2
that are not divisible by the first n primes,
in increasing order


Then x is the
And sift x (h( )) consists of the integers 2

that are not divisible by the first n+1 primes

So sieve(nats 2 ( )) consists of all the primes

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