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Administrative Terms in English


Moquegua - Per

Administrative Terms in English

1. Archives/files: archivo/documentos.

Example : the company has financial files from 2001 to 2014

2. Backup: Respaldo, usado normalmente para temas informticos

Example : We need a backup of all the advanced office work

3. Budget: Presupuesto.

Example : the company made the economic budget for 2015

4. Business analyst : Analista de mercado o de negocio.

Example : the organization has contracted a business analyst to improve the


5. Card: Tarjeta

Example : the manager has a credit card upon the economic management

6. Cash flow: Flujo de caja, en referencia al estado financiero. "Muestrame tu cash


Example : the company obtained a good handle on cash flow this year.
7. Coaching: Entrenamiento. Tcnica de estrategias de liderazgo empresarial.

Example : practitioners had a business leadership coaching practicing new

techniques Business.

8. Copyright: Propiedad in telectual (de un texto, obra, etctera).

Example : the company has copyright to its branded products

9. Empowerment: Delegacin de autoridad, empoderamiento.

Example : We are giving empowerment project to succeed

10. Know how: Saber cmo. La experiencia o conocimiento ganado en una determinada actividad
o proyecto.

Example : You have the know-how for this project from the University ALAS

11. Management: Gerencia, gestin, administracin.

Example : are now in competition for a new manager for the company

12. Outsourcing: Tercerizacin, modelo de contratacin de terceros para actividades de la

empresa que no estn vinculadas al core business, es decir la misin principal.

Example : the company arranged a outsourcing company for the airport transfer in
the merchandise

13. Partner: Socio.

Example : The company is comprised of three business partners

14. Stock: Existencias. Se refiere a la mercadera con la que cuenta una empresa en almacn.

Example : The company has 100 sports products in stock.

15. Trademark. Marca registrada.

Example : the organization launched a registered trademark market today

16. Account: cuenta

Example : the company has a bank account in the nation where you store your


17. Accountant: contador

Example : the accountant of the company published this year 2014 will get good

utlidades for the period

18. Accounts payable: cuentas por pagar

Example : the company has to pay $ 2,000 in accounts payable in the current

19. Accounts receivable: cuentas por cobrar

Example : the company has to to collect $ 3,000 in accounts receivable in current

20. Acquisition: adquisicin o compra

Example : the company made an acquisition of 20 computers with their desks

21. Auditory: auditora

Example : management office performs an audit to logistics area last month

22. Automatic cash: cajero automtico

Example : BCP bank installed a new Automatic cash by the square of Moquegua

23. Bid: oferta

Example : we have an offer to rent a well for best performance of the company.

24. Borrowing: prstamo

Example : the head of the office Borrowing out a bank loan BCP, for the payment of


25. Break even point: punto de equilibrio

Example : the production area reached breakeven in sports articles Frabricacion

26. Check: cheque

Example : treasury area conducted 50 personal check payment

27. Commodity: mercadera

Example : the company has purchased commodity from last month

28. Competition: competencia

Example : the bank of the nation whose jurisdiction the BCP bank

29. Deposit: deposito

Example : last month a deposit of $ 2,000 was made by income

30. Discount: descuento

Example : the company to sell its wholesale sporting goods takes a 10% discount

31. Economy: economa

Example : Peru's economy is growing and stable compared to previous years

32. Effective: efectivo

Example : payment to suppliers is made in cash or Effective

33. Enterprice: empresa

Example : Gloria SA is a successful Peruvian Enterprice in the last years

34. Exporter: exportador

Example : I'm studying to become an exporter of wines Moqueguanos

35. Goods: bienes

Example : The company goods two buildings as real and a beach house also


36. Load: cargamento

Example : the company's loading, apple production in November

37. Manufactures products: productos manufacturados

Example : the company's cargo manufactures products sportswear and

cleaning articles
38. Market price: precio de mercado

Example : the market price of grapes is $ 2 in Moquegua

39. Market research: estudio de mercado

Example : a market research to the city of Moquegua throw living in mining

40. Market: mercado

Example : moquegua market will be competitive with the entry of Plaza Vega

41. Money: dinero

Example : the money that was collected was for a lunch

42. Mortage: hipoteca

Example : Company mortgaged its building for a loan effective

43. Open market: mercado libre

Example : Peru has a free market economy to encourage private investment

44. Period: perodo

Example : the period is marked by a fiscal year

45. Planing: planificacin

Example : any organization is planning to meet the targets for

46. Prive list: tarifas

Example : in Moquegua there are two boards agricultural users Prive list for water

47. Raw material: materia prima

Example : Milk is the raw material for making cheese or butter

48. Security: seguridad

Example : The company has two security guards for goods and documents of the

49. Speculation: especulacin

Example : The company Speculation for the security

50. Stock exchange: bolsa de valores

Example : The lima stock exchange is exceeding 1% in 2014 to chile

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