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Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 4:16 PM

Subject: Thoughts - XLV

[Climate-Change, Midterms, BHO's Mood, Russia, China, Israel, Iran, Islamism, PA-Legislature, Media,
One might legitimately inquire [to quote a former-SoS+, What difference, at this point, does it make?
[regarding many of the issues addressed post-election]. I can argue against the Dems regarding Photo-ID
and against fellow-Rs regarding Corbetts campaign by striking a See, I told ya so! posture, but how
would derivative bragging-rights legitimately translate into current concerns? More specifically, for
example, does it truly matter whether leadership elections yield a new crop of Conservatives who are
aligned with the TEA Party Movement whenin Harrisburg and in D.C.the Executive Branch will be
Dem-dominated? {Remember, appearing tomorrow @ 7 p.m. in Newtown, is Sharyl Attkisson [who has
described a sophisticated news-silencing process]; she also inquires Why Don't We Question Authority
Instead of Questioning Those Who Challenge It?}
Knowing whats afoot translates directly into a greater appreciation of what should be
done ASAP, particularly with regard to BHOs antics. For example, regarding global
warming, BHO would cut Americas emissions by 27% [noting that the USA is already
producing fewer emissions than in 2005] in return for the Chicoms targeting their peak
to have occurred by 2030; in the interim, this deal [touted predictably by the N.Y. Times
and the WaPo] would destroy the US economy while theirs would continued to grow.
{The Attachment summarizes some quotes from Rush Limbaugh, today; he was hot.}
Republican Dan Sullivan won the Alaska Senate race, ousting Dem-incumbent Mark Begich, according to
The Associated Press, which called the race for Sullivan after the first day of counting early and absentee
ballots; Begich is not conceding, but he trails Sullivan by just under 8,000 votes, with thousands of
ballots left to be counted. Meanwhile, while Landrieu doubled-down *as Dems still havent kicked-in
mega-ad-$], one of her main arguments for re-election was undercut when the GOP promised Cassidy
an energy committee seat. Thus, the GOP will have 54 seats in the next Senate and, as handicapping for
16 focuses on 10 states+, it seems the Republican map may not look so bad after all; whereas the most
vulnerable Dems this year were up in very red states, the most endangered Republicans in 2016 will,
with the exception of Illinois, be defending seats in purple terrain.
BHO may have set the tone for petulant denial last week, but Pelosi *There was no
wave of approval for the Republicans; there was an ebb tide for us+ and extreme-lib
Katrina vanden Heuvel acknowledged the Republicans reckoning, but claimed this was
far from a mandate. On cue, the N.Y. Times lead editorial tried to explain-away these
results [recalling the most optimistic predictions were a swing to 55 GOP states, which
would have been exceeded if the GOP had won Virginia/Massachusetts as well] by
claiming there had been "The Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years." Some WaPo Columnists
get it *Kathleen Parker sees a A mandate for trust after BHOs accumulated
obfuscations and Dana Milbank advises that BHO needs fewer cheerleaders (Go Team
Obama!) and more staff members who will challenge him].


Regarding POTUS-16, Dem-Candidates Spent At Least $700K To Fly In Clintons, while Clinton's age may
not be an issue. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, to the libs, may be an army of one for, despite election gains, he
may place himself out on a limb if his fellow conservatives dont jump on board with the repeal or bust
movement; also, GOP governors are already running against the Republican Congress. None of these
data affect my viewpoint that a Cruz/Walker [in either order] Ticket would be successful, although Id
have no problem with Kasich/Pence in the gubernatorial-slot. I would predict, conceptually that the
semi-final/final model promulgated by Newt would again emerge, with the initial favorites being one
evangelical [Cruz, rather than Huckabee, Santorum, Carson], one governor [op. cit., ignoring Christie],
one Senator [Cruz, rather than Rubio, Paul], and one establishment-type [Portman, rather than Romney,
Ryan, Christie+. Most Rs want a muscular foreign-policy [eliminating the media-darling, Rand Paul], and
one could imagine the triad *Walker, Cruz, Portmanif he would risk his somewhat-safe seat] surviving
the initial month [through Florida].
Meanwhile, Gallup reported Republicans in Congress enjoy a 42% approval rating,
whereas BHO sits at a 39% approval rating [and his disapproval rating sits at a whopping
56%], a record low; a majority of Americans chose Republicans in Congress over Obama
[56-36%] to have more influence over the direction of the country. {Also, note how Ed
Gillespie showed Rs their future when he lost the battle but promises to win the war.
As Rush rails against the deceit that was employed to get ObamaDontCare passed [and the mediasilence regarding the tapes that document what dwarfs anything Nixon ever contemplated], it must be
appreciated that, because the SCOTUS agreed to hear King v. Burwell, it will decide a case that threatens
to undermine the basic architecture of Obamacareif it is decided on what the law actually says rather
than on what the Obama administration wishes it would say at any given moment. C.J. Roberts has to
decide whether the term "States" means what it meant on March 23, 2010, or does he need to
transform it, in his tax/penalty tradition. Excluding the Exchanges from non-participating states is how
they Wrote the Law. {Also, Efforts are being initiated [inter alia using 30-second ads] to push Chief
Justice John Roberts and the Court's eight associate justices to enact basic yet critical reforms to make
the Court more open and honest.}
Meanwhile, Clyburn still claims [without justification] that the GOP will try to impeach
Obama because These Republicans have decided that this president must have an
asterisk by his name after he leaves office."
This is the perspective of the National Jewish Democratic Coalition *equal-time+:
Dear NJDC Supporter,
I hope you saw the results of polling after the mid-term elections. Jewish Americans
voted for Democrats by more than a two-toone margin. That put us out of step with
much of the rest of America.
And I couldnt be prouder.
After all, thats why NJDC exists to sound the drumbeat of Jewish values and principles
that benefit all the citizens of our country. We do so as representatives to the
Democratic Party and its candidates and elected officials, and we do so on behalf of


those same candidates and elected officials whether Jewish or not who promote
those values and principles.
Now we need your help to continue that good work.
Representatives of the organization of Jewish Republicans are crowing about the help
they provided for victorious candidates. It was relatively easy to provide that help
they have one donor who provided four million dollars or more of his personal wealth to
fund the group. But despite this enormous cash advantage, they still lost the Jewish
vote by a margin of more than 2-1 (as they have every two years for decades). They
appeal to Jewish voters as better friends of Israel, but the facts dont back them up;
The United States and Israel enjoy the strongest commitments in history. When it
comes to the claims of Jewish Republicans, you know whats in that crock whether it
comes from a chicken or a bull.
Our sights are set on the horizon. We are out to protect the rights of all voters, the
equality of all people, the accessibility of health care, the education of all children, the
sustainability of both the economy and the environment. We are ready to carry the
standard for the overwhelming majority of you who are proudly Jewish, proudly
American and proudly Democrats.
We are ready for the next challengebut only if we have your support.
Please consider a gift today to help NJDC carry forward our message.
Rabbi Jack Moline
NJDC Executive Director
PS Our opponents yell loudly and flash a lot of cash. Dont let them get away with it.
Please give generously today so that NJDC can be more effective tomorrow!
DIANA WEST has warned that the GOP establishment may try to steal the election:
An awful lot of mischief can be accomplished in the lame duck session including
Republican establishment types passing a CR (continuing resolution) through the end
of FY 15 which ends on September 30th, 2015, thus neutering the newly elected
conservatives who will not take office until the beginning of January 2015. The lame
duck could then allow funding for Obamas Amnesty, continue funding for the
implementation of ObamaCare, pass the UN Arms Treaty, confirm Obamas appointees
to various departments, etc., and a host of other things Tea Party and Libertarian folks
are against.
We must hold Boehner and McConnells feet to the fire and only allow a CR until the
new chamber members are sworn in early in January. Then, a true (hopefully)
conservative majority will have a real chance to STOP OBAMA, which was the only true
reason they were elected in the first place.

If Boehner and McConnell have their way, this final chance for a Republican majority to
be relevant and truly shrink government, will disappear as will whatever is left of their
tattered reputation as the party of smaller, more representative government, and the
Republican party will be forever consigned to the dustbin of history, along with the
And, on the state-level, it was noted that scott-wagners allies are union-backed, recognizing that
turmoil may be the theme of todays maneuvering *per a reader who is in-the-know]:
Corman is the poster child for nepotism in Pennsylvania. The only reason he has that
seat is because his dad was the prior senator. Who was accused of using his seat to
enrich himself through big land deals with state and federal government. He's one of
the few pay-jackers left who wasn't held accountable by the voters. He's a petulant,
spoiled child whose entire career has been spent in the cocoon of the Republican Party.
He's made war on conservative candidates and openly supported weak Yes men pushed
by the establishment. Corman is an example of everything that is wrong with the
Republican Party nationally and in our state. [And so is Cawley, btw. Same dynamic,
same attitude as Corman.+
Electoral Results reflected, in general, a flip to conservatism: Corman Defeated Pileggi
for Majority Leader Post and Turzai is the New Speaker.
When monitoring the Comedy-Central-style media, John Oliver Is supposedly outdoing The Daily Show
and Colbert; Last Week is doing what media watchdogs (including the Peabody Awards) keep saying
that The Daily Show does, practicing real journalism in comedy form. In one reviewers opinion, it's
doing it better, and in a simpler, yet more ambitious, ultimately more useful way. If Stewart's show is
doing what might be called a reported feature, augmenting opinions with facts, Oliver's show is doing
something closer to pure reporting, or what the era of web journalism calls an 'explainer,' often without
a hook, or the barest wisp of a hook. ... I've watched every installment of Last Week since its debut.
Every time, I've come away feeling that I've truly learned something. In an increasingly degraded
journalistic landscape, that's an astonishing achievement." [One wonders what the baseline-level of
ignorance must be if such an educational experience can be acquired in that setting; I still think Colbert
is the best.]
Today's Top Headlines from FNC:
'Best or Worst Thing I've Ever Done': Hear from Man Who Killed Bin Laden
TONIGHT: What's It Like to Come Face-to-Face With Usama Bin Laden?
Turkish Protesters Put Bags Over Heads of U.S. Sailors
Unmanned Space Probe Landed on Comet
Conservative Student Group: VA Tech Pulled Our Funding After Immigration Event
Multiple Acts of Negligence in Joan Rivers' Death
Krauthammer: Obama's Gum-Chewing Gaffe Shows 'Arrogance & Amateurism'
Dem Pollster's ObamaCare Defense Didn't Go Over Well With Megyn


The reader is invited to review my back-and-forth regarding the potential candidacy of Josh Shapiro for
the Dem-nomination against Toomey, with particular emphasis regarding his failure to condemn BHOs
The aforementioned was intended to conceptualize points made in the prior two Blast
e-mails; the focus hereafter is on Foreign Policy concerns, focused on the Middle East.
The goal is to articulate the major challenges facing America and Israel, and the way Ive
tried to convey these data [critique invited] is exposed, with an example thereof drawn
from an exchange that was held this-a.m. [and which promises to be reprised, often].
The opening salvo in Sundays Blast e-mail regarding how libs have to recognize how dangerous BHO
has been *and is likely to continue to be+ was not intended to refer to all libs as a malignancy; the
author of this gambit [after he was retrieved @ the airport @ midnight, after the Iggles had won]
confirmed that the focus was those Jewish-libs who have infested the Jewish establishment such as
Alan Dershowitz [who told me on his radio show a few weeks ago that he will continue to support BHO
until Iran gets the bomb+. I reject his argumentwhich he screamed @ me during his appearance @
Penns University Museum earlier this yearthat [1]Jewish-Rs should appreciate him for ensuring
bipartisanship; and [2]he is closer to J-Street in this regard *opposing settlements of Jews in
Judea/Samaria] than he is to classical-Zionists. That he spoke @ an event which was themed on
attacking J-Street reflected the profundity of his displeasure with construction of homes that will be
built in Jerusalems Suburbs for both Jews and Arabs; he would have Jews self-impose limits on where
Jews can live [rendering jurisdictions controlled by Jews to be Judenrein], despite the failure of
negotiations due to the *predictable] failure of Abbas [and the PA] to proffer ANY counter-proposal to
the multiple concessions BB had proposed.
Renowned Harvard law professor and ardent Zionist Alan M. Dershowitz claimed the
national office of Amnesty International Suppressed [his] Free Speech when it
demanded that the Columbia chapter of Amnesty International disinvite me from
presenting a balanced view about human rights in the Middle East, focusing on the
Israeli-Arab-Palestinian issue; he regards himself as a moderate, as a supporter of the
two-state solution and an opponent of many of Israel's settlement decisions.
Dershowitz also feels Obama Must "Expose and Fire" Official Who Insulted Israeli PM,
whereas the ADL's Foxman Disagrees *saying, Case Closed+. Dershowitz made it clear
that the case is not closed regarding the Obama officials who personally attacked Israeli
BB as a "chickens-t" and a "coward." Dershowitz said Obama "must get to the bottom of
this, find out who the two people are who made those statements, expose them, and
fire them."
Dershowitz added that "Congress can have hearings to determine who those two senior
White House officials are who used those terrible words about PM Netanyahu."
Dershowitz made clear that Congress can and should compel testimony from
Administration officials and demand the identities of Netanyahu's ad-hominem critics,
and he also added that the President has a role to play whether Congress prods him or
not. In responding to this ugly personal attack against the Prime Minister of the Jewish
State of Israel, the White House spokesman's reply was weak and insulting by merely
calling, it "inappropriate," "counterproductive," and "not our position."


Also, in response to a barrage of questions by the press, the White House spokesman
Josh Earnest repeatedly avoided responding to whether the Obama Administration will
seek to identify the Administration officials who made those remarks, and whether the
President will fire them.
Surely, if these remarks were made against the PA's dictator/President Abbas, Turkey
leader Erdogan, or even Iran's leaders Rouhani or Khamenei, not to mention any other
leaders who are allies to America, the officials would have been exposed and fired.
The disgraceful language senior Obama officials used defame the Jewish State and its
Jewish Prime Minister. The Anti-Defamation League's Abe Foxman's duty was to exhibit
Jewish self-respect by making it clear that the episode is not over until President Obama
apologizes for these officials' words, identifies them, and fires them. If ADL's Foxman
would not exercise that duty, they had no right or authority to declare the case closed.
They are not the arbiters of the Jewish community. The ADL speaks only for themselves
and their supporters.
The President should be made to understand that he cannot get away with anything less
than an apology, and identifying and firing these officials, especially given the other ugly
name-calling that has been attributed to Obama's officials such as calling Prime Minister
Netanyahu, "obtuse, blustering, pompous, and aspergery." Obama even said to the
President of France through an unknown open microphone which recorded him
complaining, "I have to deal with Bibi every day."
The well-known economist and commentator Ben Stein is shocked that the Obama
administration has gotten away with all of this with no repercussions.
Vigorous efforts are being initiated by the Palestinian Arabs to foment a third Intifada against Israel:
Palestinian Terrorists Kill Israeli Woman, IDF Soldier Amid Calls for Third Intifada
Palestinian president accused Israel of igniting 'religious war' in Jerusalem
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the flash-point
Israel: Hateful Beliefs about Jews Are Ingrained into Palestinian Psyche
Netanyahu: Abbas Is Educating His People for Terrorism
Riots Seen Lacking Popular Support on Arab Street
The Muslim Brotherhood's leading global voice, Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi, called Muslims to
Arms against Israel and the Jews
Knife-Attacks have proven lethal:
Tight security after knife attacks
Stabbing attacks and random acts of Palestinian terror have brought the violence in
Gaza and the West Bank into the heart of Israel.
Man Stabbed by Palestinian in Tel Aviv Terror Attack
Two more Israelis were killed in attacks amid sustained Palestinian incitement
Palestinian Stabbed Israeli Soldier to Death in Tel Aviv
Palestinian Stabbed Israeli Woman to Death at Bus Stop
What They Didn't Tell You about Dalia
More Israelis Murdered by Palestinians in Past Month than Last Two Years

Car-Attacks have proven lethal:

Video: Arabs Attacked Israeli Car in Jerusalem
Palestinians Celebrated Car Jihad with Vile Cartoons
Al Quds University in Jerusalem Offered Exhibit Praising Shooting and Running over Jews
Gaza remains hostile:
Israeli Navy Thwarted Gaza Smugglers
Rebuild Gaza? Remove Its Rockets First
Top US General Dempsey: Israel Went to 'Extraordinary Lengths' to Protect Gaza
[UN Unveiled Panel to Probe Gaza War]
Israel is beefing-up defenses:
Following Spate of Vehicle Terror Attacks, IDF to Deploy Barricades across West Bank
Israel Raised Alert Level as Protests Surge
Remedies have been insufficient:
The Price of Restraint is Death
BB plans to revoke the citizenship of anyone who calls for the destruction of Israel
Ya'alon: Israel Will Act Decisively to End the Violence
The American [liberal] media [and BHO] relentlessly blame Israel:
Arabs kill Jews, then the US urges restraint
The problem is not with how Israel tells the story, but with how the Western world has
grown tired of Israel.
Israels New Intolerance - The countrys conservative President *allegedly+ paid a price
for having spoken-up for civility [by David Remnick]
Israel Slammed UN for Silence on Terror Attacks
Americas Jewish Leaders dont stand Up for Israel
The New York Times Downplayed Palestinian Responsibility for Stabbings
A letter-to-the-editor by John R. Cohn, M.D., was prompted by a WSJ-piece [Putin Tries to Undo the
Tragedy of the Berlin Walls Fall] that he placed within a revealing context:
Much of the world has been understandably celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall
of the Berlin Wall, which divided Berlin for 28 years. Ugly barbed wire and barricades
also divided Jerusalem for 19 years, until that city was reunified in 1967. Jerusalem, like
Berlin, prospered following unification. Yet, so many, including those from religious
traditions claiming reverence and love for Jerusalem, want to again divide that holy city,
based on cease fire lines between Jordan and Israel that were never recognized
international borders and were but a speck of time in the life of that 5000 year old city.
Jordan is being pressured but, in particular due to water-use agreements, is unlikely to threaten the
Peace Treaty, particularly after BB said no policy change has occurred on the Temple Mount. What
transpired two decades ago is worth recounting. Israel had already signed the Oslo Accords with the
Palestinian Arabs, and was, in theory, negotiating a final status agreement. The Wakf (Muslim Trust) on
the Temple Mount had been Jordanian, but Jordan was afraid that, were there to be a peace treaty

between Israel and the PA, it would be the PA that would be accorded priority on matters involving the
Mount. To preclude this eventuality, Jordan signed a peace treaty that acknowledged Jordans special
status on the Mount. In any case, To Counter the Rise of Islamic State as the polarization process
proceeds, Jordans Minister of Islamic Affairs, Hayel Dawood, ordered imams to preach moderate Islam
or else; this is a NEW JORDANIAN POLICY.
Iran remains the major concern:
Iran Nuclear Program More Advanced than Previously Believed
Iran Nuclear Threat Greater by Fivefold, Says Former Watchdog Chief
Iran's Uranium Stockpile Grows before Deadline for Nuclear Deal
We Must Prevent Iran from Developing Nuclear Weapons
Iran Built Syrian Missile Production Plants
Iran's Horrific Human-Rights Record
{The Rushdie Rules, 25 Years Later by Daniel Pipes}
U.S. Veterans Sue Big Banks for Facilitating Iranian Terrorism
US Veterans and Families Sue Six Banks Accused of Transferring funds to Finance Iran
Terror Groups
Veterans Accuse Iran of Funding the Killing of Hundreds of Americans in Iraq through
International Banks
Iran incessantly targets Israel:
Iran's Supreme Leader Calls for Annihilation of Israel on Eve of Nuclear Talks
Khamenei Tweeted Plan to End Israel
BB's statement in response to the Iranian leader's plan to eliminate Israel
Netanyahu: Palestinians, Iranian Leader Khamenei Calling for Israel's Destruction
BHO does nothing:
White House Wants Dtente with Iran
Transcript: Obama on Iran
Obama's Bet on Iran
No Agreement in Iran, U.S. Talks
Obama's Latest Outreach to Iran's Supreme Leader
Obama Doubts Iran Nuclear Deal as Oman Talks Go into Monday
BHOs apologists are out-in-force:
The Islamic Republic Conquered The Economist *which Id already determined to be libbiased] - Anatomy of a puff piece
Dem Think Tanks Secret Email: All Hands on Deck to Sell Iran Deal to Public
Foreign Policy: The Case for Writing to Khamenei - At Foreign Policy, Trita Parsi makes
the best case possible for President Barack Obama's recent letter to Iran's Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei. Parsi's argument proceeds on the assumption--we cannot know for sure,
since no one outside the White House has seen the text, apparently--that Obama was
offering to trade a nuclear deal for cooperation in fighting the Islamic State terror
organization. He mocks those, like John McCain, who object.
The GOP wants to do something:
Sen. Mark Kirk to Revitalize Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Bill

Newly victorious Republicans are preparing to thwart any Iran deal before it's made
A Major Dem-Donor [Haim Saban] said Israel Should 'Bomb the Daylights' Out Of Iran
The Alliance Tracker [November 11th Edition] elegantly elucidates the evolving coalitions that have
emerged to oppose the Islamic State.
Former ISIS Member Claimed Turkey Is Allied with the Jihadist Group
Turkey's support for Hamas agents who tried to topple Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian
Authority is putting Erdoan in a pickle.
As new corruption allegations swirl around Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan, how
long can his election mandate protect him?
In the UAE, the U.S. Has a Quiet, Potent Ally
Questions Raised about Support of Arab Allies against the Islamic State
The battle rages in Iraq:
U.S. Struck Convoy of Islamic State Leaders in Iraq
In Iraq, Islamic State Fighters Seize Sunni Tribesmen for Resisting Rule
US Airstrikes Target Islamic State Leaders in Iraq
Iraqi Officials Say the Islamic State Leader Wounded in Airstrike
Airstrikes against Islamic State Kill 15, Death of al-Baghdadi Not Known
Obama: Deployment of Additional Troops a 'New Phase' In Fight against the Islamic State
The Islamic State Allegedly Murdered Nine Journalists in Mosul, Iraq
The Islamic State is Unchecked
Iraqi Shiite Militias Grow Brutal in Anti-IS Fight
The battle rages in Syria:
Syrian Kurds Issue Womens' Rights Decree in Defiance of the Islamic State
U.S.-Led Syria Strikes Kill at least 860
Gunmen Kill 5 Nuclear Engineers in Syrian Capital
NBC's chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel, who is filing a series of reports this
week for NBC News programs from the Syrian town of Koban, a symbol of the U.S.-led
fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. "It continues to be the most dangerous, unpredictable
war I've covered," Engel tells TVNewser. "In this case, however, everyone on our team
felt the risk was worth the trip because what's happening in Koban is critical to
understanding the U.S. strategy in the war on ISIS. It is also an amazing story of people
standing up to a vicious enemy."
Islamism remains a global-threat:
Over 20k Soldiers Wounded in Afghan War Theater, 90% under Obama
Egyptian Jihadists Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis Confirmed Allegiance to the Islamic State
The Real War on Women: Boko Haram Converted Nigerian Schoolgirls to Islam, and then
Married them Off to Terrorists
Suicide Bomber Kills 48 Students in Suspected Boko Haram Attack in Nigeria
Islamists Infiltrating British Universities, Schools, and Even Scout Groups
In France, Muslims firebombed-kosher-restaurant-after-calling-diners dirty-Jews
Netanyahu to EU: To Recognize a Palestinian State without Demanding Equal
Recognition of the Jewish State Is Irresponsible
[76th Kristallnacht Commemoration Marred by Anti-Semitism in Europe]
Is Hizbullah Smuggling Weapons to Brazil?

Americas activities remain inconsistent and insufficient:

Ralph Peters on US Effort against the Islamic State: Obama a 'Strategic Flirt,' 'In Shambles'
Gohmert: Moderate Muslims Expressed Worries over Obama Aiding US Enemies
U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to the Islamic State
Palestinian Terrorist [Rasmieh Odeh], Convicted on Immigration Charge, Led Supporters:
'Yes We Can!' - She had been convicted and sentenced to life in prison in Israel over 40
years ago for her involvement in bombing a supermarket in 1969; she was convicted of
lying to immigration officials when she applied for residency and citizenship in the
United States. Rasmieh once worked for the Arab-American Action Network, founded
Rashid Khalidi, who was close to Barack and Michelle Obama in Chicago.
An errant drone strike in Yemen triggered a trail of secret meetings and U.S. cash. In late
November of last year, at a coffee shop across from the White House, a soft-spoken
Yemeni civil servant [Faisal bin Ali Jaber] held an unusual meeting with two of Obama's
national security aides, and quickly put them on the spot. Jaber raised a painful subject:
a CIA drone strike that had killed three suspected militants plus two innocent relatives.
On July 8, Jaber and a family member were invited to the headquarters of Yemen's
National Security Bureau, an agency that works closely with the CIA, where they were
given $100,000. {Also, a U.S. Drone Strike Killed Six Al-Qaeda Militants in Yemen.}
Russia is increasingly bellicose:
Putin Praised Nazi-Soviet WWII Pact as Poland Implements New Defense Plan
We Won the Cold War. Maybe.
NATO Intercepted More Russian Jets
Pope Francis Honors Role of John Paul II in Bringing Down Berlin Wall
How Reagan, Not Fate, Brought Down the Berlin Wall
Vivid memories of 'pure joy' on Berlin Wall anniversary
Winston Churchill Urged President Truman to Launch Nuclear Strike against USSR in 1947
NATO: Marked Russian troop cross into Ukraine
Russia's bombers to conduct regular patrols around Gulf of Mexico
China is increasingly aggressive:
Europe Crushed by Importing Chinese Deflation
China Turned-Up Rhetoric against West
Tests New Stealth Jet during Obama Visit
China Flight Tests New Stealth Jet during Obama Visit
South Korea Fires Warning Shots at North Border Patrol



Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 5:12 AM

Subject: Thoughts - XLVI
[POTUS-16 GOP-ticket, racism, ObamaDon'tCare, Midterms, PA-Legislature, PSU, Israel]
After having provided extensive hyperlinks regarding myriad issues [local, regional, statewide, national
and international+, its desirable to take-pause; certain conclusions appear immutable and, thus, will be
amplified only if/when a potential challenge thereto arises. For example, my POTUS-16 GOP-ticket
[Cruz/Walker, in either order] can be modified [flipping-in Pence/Kasich within the gubernatorial-spot],
but is unlikely to change appreciably; the rapid consolidation around these leaders would allow for a
clear message to be conveyed to the electorate, amplifying whatever Congress passes as its agenda.
Indeed, the coordination between House/Senate should provide a model for a cease-fire in the GOPs
civil-war *Establishment vs. Conservative or Moderate vs. TEA-Party Movement+; the ability to find
common-ground without compromising-principles will frame the challenge facing the R-leadership.
A friend advised two articles be circulated [For Bob Beckel: Famous Common People I
Have Known, Lester Motley and Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist]; the former
contains a quote regarding racism that complements an observation made a few years
ago by a neighborhood banker and the latter illustrates how Modern Liberalism has
corrupted Classical Liberalism.
Dick Gregory was quoted as differentiating racism in America thusly: In
the South they dont care how close you get, just as long as you dont
get too big; in the North, they dont care how big you get, just as long as
you dont get too close. What the banker told me was that, in the
South, there may have been collective prejudice, but individuals were
loved; in the North, there may have been no collective prejudice, but
individuals were not individually loved.
It may be recalled that, without having consulted him, Id differentiated the individual
Jewish-lib from the faux-leaders of the Jewish Community when probing how and why a
malignancy lies at root of the philosophy/ideology of modern-day liberalism; also,
recalling a follow-up observation, he had confirmed this empiric differentiation [which
served to reassure at least one reader]. Nevertheless, this global phenomenon
endangers Jews and the continued survival of Judaism; the culpability of individuals can
be determined by gauging the degree to which they choose to disseminate the cancer
cells. His observation serves to explain my dismay with the local Federation [despite
sporadic involvement therein, such as membership in a now-defunct Israel-oriented
committee that had promulgated policies that, alas, the Board hadnt co-adopted].
Explicating how liberalism has become transformed into a malignant agent will be discussed with him on
Friday-p.m.; in my view, this is a subset of the trend towards secular-progressivism that infests the Dems
and that yields the emergence of beasts like BHO [and the zoo housed by MSNBC]. All we can do is to
educate and hope that people will be able to transcend bowing to the idol of being 100% pro-Choice,


fearing the acceptance of religious-based political attitudes, and acquiescing to the deceit promulgated
by those who live by the adage The ends justify the means.
Dems may put Elizabeth Warren in leadership, a prelude for her displacement of Hillary.
These phenomena illustrate how desperate people behave, particularly when they
shudder to think that the GOP will maturely wield newly-acquired legislative-power;
also, they know that the behavior of moderates will be effectively monitored by
conservatives internally, so that *it is hoped+ a strategically-refined posture will be
routinely emerging [regardless of the issue].
One wonders whether the ObamaDontCare revelations would have provided 56 GOP-senators had they
emerged a fortnight ago *NH/Va+, but well be able to live with what has been accrued; indeed, the
impact thereof [Obamacare's opponents riled by 'stupidity' video; GOP MAY HAVE GRUBER TESTIFY
OBAMACARE+ wont be diminished by the lefties *KURTZ: 'VIRTUAL BLACKOUT' ON GRUBER COMMENTS
SHOWS BIAS] as its features become increasingly apparent [While Obamacares proponents continue to
insist that the program presents no threat to Americans healthcare, new comments from Obamacare
architect Jonathan Gruber demonstrate that Obamacare was designed to do just that]. Meanwhile,
prospects are excellent that the SCOTUS will trash its Individual Mandate [via subsidies only being
available via state-exchange] by June of 2015; over the years, I have consistently argued [including to
the leadership of the AAPS during its events over the years in Valley Forge and in Philly] that the fact
that its structure is based upon individual-state activities has militated against the ability to invoke the
Commerce Clause [requiring an interstate component] to justify its existence.
The task before America is huge, for BHO had politicized the entire Federal government
and has imposed pacifism upon the Pentagon [ARMY CONTINUES DRAMATIC
PROTEST OBAMA'S MISUSE OF MILITARY] because top-leaders have already been
purged of anyone who isnt ideologically aligned with BHOs leftie-advisors. It is also a
characteristic of intransigent ideologues that it wont matter that THE AMERICAN
That fear may explain why Obama Hasn't Made 'Final Decision' on Amnesty Numbers,
for what has been leaked is a 'constitutionally odious proposal'; it is unprecedented for
any POTUS-power to pardon individuals to be extended to groups of unnamed people.
It is desirable to note whats happening in Harrisburg, for I would hope that the legislature could use the
sine die session to pass lotsa bills; noted is the explanation by Gerow as to Why Corbett lost and what
lies ahead in Harrisburg, but more telling are the multiple leadership modifications by the GOP that
emerged today, for the Conservatives appear to have uprooted the prior labor-tied [failed] policies.
{Also, I have opined that Jim Cawley should consider displacing Mike Fitzpatrick in the 8th District.}
Again illustrating the political grip of Penn State upon most-all Pennsylvanians has been
release of E-mails showing NCAA and Freeh contact during Penn State probe [even as
Penn State denies NCAA emails influenced Freeh investigators], and people can read
***THE EMAILS*** for themselves; it seems the Corman documents indicate the NCAA
collaborated in Freeh probe, although the implications of this observation pend.

I cited a Horrifying video from Iran showing a nuclear attack on Israel while blogging on a page that
started-out as a PoliticsPA Reader Poll that concluded Josh Shapiro is the Favorite to run against Toomey
[instead of Joe Sestak] in 2016.
I started-out generically
Josh would be a formidable candidate against Toomey for any number of reasons;
nevertheless, he knows I harbor a personal-grudge based upon his having ignored
warnings regarding a nuked-up Iran, delivered after a personal presentation from a
middle-east expert ~a half-decade ago [and renewed semi-annually on election-days
with Marcel Groen, MontCo-Dem Chair, and his wife Bernice...who are long-time
committee-people in Abington 7-2, as am I].
Josh will need to articulate a foreign policy that compares/contrasts with that of
BHOASAP; having x-examined Sestak twice during the past decade and found him
wanting [specifically having disagreed with almost every sentence he uttered during a
Rosemont speech while he was an incumbent], Josh would undoubtedly be
preferablebut NOT so, when compared with Toomey *on multiple levels].
So, Josh, I memorialized my conflict with you in the Times Chronicle years ago but, per
your request, didnt voice it during a MontCo Commissioners meeting a year ago; it
festers, and you cant claim you werent forewarned.
elaborated when mildly-questioned *by ABCDEF+...
Josh Shapiro, Marcel Groen and I are Jewish, and Iran poses an existential-threat to the
existence of Israel; all three spoke @ a rally held @ Keneseth Israel two years ago on
behalf of BHO and the Dems [along with Rob McCord and Daylin Leach, BTW] and, thus,
all placed themselves into a position wherebyregardless of their elected-positionsthey
were advocating for the anti-Semite residing in the White House.
Evidence abounds [and accumulates daily] of the anti-Zionism evinced from both BHO
and Kerrys State Department; examples are provided via two essays *Arabs kill Jews, US
urges restraint and The Price of Restraint is Death] that can be amplified, upon request.
Furthermore, I met with him and with Ms. Ofira Seliktar [an academician] when he was
still a state-rep and we educated him regarding the inexorable effort that was
transpiring; he reassured us that Amb. Dan Shapiro would accommodate our concerns.
I have also reminded Marcel [and his wife, Bernice] that they will have Jewish Blood on
their hands if/when any attack upon Israel supervenes; it is perhaps of-interest to note
the recent release of a Tweeted battle-plan to destroy Israel c/o Irans Supreme Leader
[whom BHO continues to coddle].
If this doesnt transcend what you may consider party-labels or job-descriptions,
Frankly, mdear, I dont give a damn. Indeed, I told Marcel, again last week, he should
resign in protest of what BHO is promulgating [I know, fat chance].


But these guysincluding yourself, probablyare OBLIGATED to speak-out against

potential-genocide [unlike BHO's handling of Koban and the Yazidis, for example, both
of whom remain endangered absent a "Send in the Marines!" battle-cry].
Just as Ive used PoliticsPA to attack DDs hypocrisy, Id be more than happy to take you
on, in this arena, as well.
Irans Supreme Leader Calls for Annihilation of Israel on Eve of Nuclear Talks
It is probably apt to provide just the TITLES of a few articles acquired during the past 24hours on this topic:
Iran Nuclear Program More Advanced than Previously Believed
A Major Democratic Donor *Haim Saban+ said Israel Should Bomb The
Daylights Out Of Iran
Khamenei Tweeted Plan to End Israel
Netanyahu: Palestinians, Iranian Leader Khamenei Calling for Israels
Obamas Latest Outreach to Irans Supreme Leader
Obama Doubts Iran Nuclear Deal as Oman Talks Go into Monday
Irans Uranium Stockpile Grows before Deadline for Nuclear Deal
Transcript: Obama on Iran
Iran Nuclear Threat Greater by Fivefold, Says Former Watchdog Chief
Obamas Bet on Iran
Looming Iran Deal Spells the Empowering of Evil
Iran Subverting Nuclear Deal, Building Secret Uranium Enrichment
Iran Deal: The New Peace in Our Time
Russia to Build Two More Nuclear Reactors in Iran
Still confused?
This led to an increasingly-extensive back-and-forth with a lib-progressive who was stripped-naked
[rhetorically] within only a few exchanges:
[from him]
1) Obama is not an anti-Semite. (Look whos making racist charges now). BTW, do YOU
think Obamas a Muslim? Do you think that the millions of Americans who support him
are anti-Semites?
2) J-Street and other Jewish organizations/parties oppose the policies/leadership of
Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party. They arent anti-Semitic either. They differ on
policy on peace plan, and dont trust that Netanyahu is interested in peace.


3) To claim that those critical of Israel/Netanyahu are anti-Semitic is like claiming people
are un-American for criticizing US policies they disagree with.
4) Given Joshs posts during the recent conflict in Gaza, he seems to back Netanyahu
and currently Israeli policy 100% regarding perceived threats and actions. Hed likely
have a 100% voting score with AIPAC if elected.
[from me]
You are not authorized to discuss these issues until/unless you have read the database
and can explain-away BHOs consistent attacks on Israel; I provided a sampling, and
more is on-tap [hundreds if not thousands of articles accrued during the past 1 1/2
Anyone who is anti-Israel is an anti-Semite; he/she may or may not have a Muslim
background [such as having attended a Madras in Indonesia] or have colluded with
Rashid Khalidi [in Chicago] or have absorbed the anti-Israel rants of Rev. Wright
To whatever degree his supporters are adherent to his beliefs [or even know them],
they share culpability. That includes those who would block Israel from building homes
in Jerusalem, those who would stop resupplying Iron-Dome armaments during a war,
those who would not decry murder of Israelis by Arabs without bowing to the CreatedGod of Egalitarianism, etc.
I care not about meaningless statements [like supportive tweets] or irrelevant scoring
[such as by AIPAC, which consistently covers for Dems]; I care about the ability to make
a difference as Iran marches towards becoming nuked-up.
Respond with specifics, not generalities, and you dare not invoke the committed-lefties
[such as those residing on J-Street] to buttress your arguments, for the world is replete
with Jewish anti-Semites.
[from him (refined) and then from me (indented)]
1) That is not the definition of Antisemitism. The anti-Defamation League uses the
following definition: The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are
Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews,
for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also
include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.
The ADL has major-league problems [being Dem-dominated] but know
that anyone who would countenance the destruction of the Jewish
Homeland is an anti-Semite.
2) Disagreeing on Israeli policy doesnt make Antisemitism. Nor does not liking or getting
along with someone. Its only Antisemitism if the reason is because they are Jewish, not
because they happen to be an @sshole.

It is one thing to disagree with policy, and its quite another to have no
justification to do so; thats why you are burdened not with remaining
superficial, but with the responsibility to defend BHOs conduct with
specificityor cease defending him generically.
3) Are you saying that Obama is a Muslim? yes or no. Stop hiding and tossing about
innuendo about where he went to school as a child.
I do not know his inclinations; I do know his background and his anticolonial ideologyand how it has been manifest *such as removing the
Churchill bust on 1/20/2009, from the Oval Office].
4) Israel can pay for Iron Dome itself and does not need aid from the US to do so. $3
billion a year of US taxpayer money would fix a lot US problems. So, people can prefer
their taxes get spent in the US for things like medicine, flue shots, Veterans benefits,
etc., without being Antisemitic.
So, you are advocating cutting-off military support for Israel, Americas
only true strategic and ideological ally in a volatile region? If so, you
must justify this moveand tread softly in the process.
5) Obama hasnt attacked Israel, but he has been rightly critical of their efforts to
undermine the peace process. Hamas has undermined it as well, but the point is that
there are elements in Israel who are interested in a one-state solution and pushing out
the Palestinians completely. Obama supports a two-state solution with
adjustments/swaps to the 1967 borders.
If you can document how Israel has undermined the peace-process, Id
be all-ears; you wont be able to do so because, for example, Arafat
never gave a counter-offer @ Camp David II and Abbas never gave a
counter-offer @ the USA in 3/2014.
Your egalitarianism is faulty. BHO and his DoS have attacked Israel
unjustifiably [such as during the Gaza War] and prematurely when Israel
has responded to murders by Palestinian Arabs [Psaki is notorious]. Do
you think Jews should be able to live anywhere, or do you also subscribe
to certain regions being Judenfrei?
BB has endorsed the 2-state solution, so it matters not what others in
Israel believe; also, the 67 cease-fire lines [NOT "borders"] are not
appropriate models in this modern military age when the Arabs have
consistently refused to accept Israels mere existence.
6) Supporting Obama on the host of issues: raising minimum wage, equal rights, health
care, etc.. has NOTHING to do with Israeli policy.


If you are acquiescing to BHOs appeasement without speaking-out, you

are no different than those who failed to stop Hitler in the 30s.
7) With a sweeping brush you attempt to label J-Street and other Jews supporting a
different policy as Antisemitic. Thats very convenient (and idiotic). Netanyahus
approval is near or below 50%. Does that mean (by your twisted logic) that half the Jews
in Israel are Antisemitic?
J-Streets policies, if implemented, would end Israel; its Soros-funded
leader has been demonstrated to be ethically flawed, and it is not
idiotic to call a spade a spade.
BBs approval varies, but BHOs has been as low as 4% with a %-error of
6% in Israel; so you must deal with the elected leader of Eretz Yisrael
and stop trying [as Clinton did in the '90's and BHO tried to do a few
years ago] to KO the Likud.
BTW, you havent responded to other pending issues on this page. You
also would probably maintain an incurious posture regarding the charge
that BB is a chicken-sh*t coward per two high-ranking officials under
BHO, as has Josh Earnest. No, this anti-Israel attitude is threatening
Israels ongoing existence and, thus, is anti-Semitic.
BHO long-ago crossed-the-line, and you would be hard-pressed to
BEGIN to defend him; thats why Josh will be subject to this type of xexamination *which, BTW, started when he spoke @ a Synagogue in 08
on BHOs behalf in Chester County. Its time for him to come-clean [and
you may wish to join him in this cleansing process].
The following represents another intercalated set of rejoinders; it is notable that, c/w the evasiveness of
the defeated debater, he eschews returning to turf where he was defeated, instead constantly trying to
probe new territory. The format, again, is to have subsumed his reply within my rejoinder:
You often write what you think and, therefore, you are almost 100% ignorant of the
facts. Indeed, all citations I provided had been accrued within the prior 24-hours; Ill digback into the archives to provide specific counterpoints to what you have created, for it
seems you are covering for an anti-Semite by portraying yourself as one. {I tried
dropping the http from hyperlinks, but I froze and Im still having difficulty
uploading/updating regularly from four [4] different servers; if you cannot refute the
authenticity of the points I make, then you are obligated to acknowledge my being 100%
correct.} You start-out being deficient, however, for you didnt address with specificity
points already made [such as the chicken-sh*t/coward quotes], concerns that would
alarm anyone other than an anti-Semite.
0) You: You are not the security arbitrator of which links people have to read. Ive read
plenty of the Israeli talking points and fear mongering on Iran. Nothing new here.


Iran just released a Horrifying video of how it envisions its nuclear

attack on Israel and I already referenced the prior release of the
Ayatollahs battle-plan regarding how end Israel; if you relegate these
concerns to talking-points that constitute fear-mongering, you are
obligated to explain-away their existence.

1) You: Obama isnt for the destruction of the Jewish homeland. He isnt for the
destruction of Palestinian homeland either. Two state solution.
If you are trying to effect a fundamental transformation of American
policy that incrementally can withstand critique from most of a
baseline-Jewish base [which is gradually eroding from being 20% GOP to
being 33% GOP, last week], you are kissing-up to regimes that are
Muslim-Brotherhood rather than secular; there is no other credible
explanation, for example, for how he supported Morsi instead of al-Sisi
in Egypt [driving the latter to the Russkies]. Empowering those who wish
to obliterate Israel would indeed result if Islamists of whatever ilk were
to become predominant, also explaining his having become inert during
the Ahmadinejad re-election. No other POTUS has been so overtly antiIsrael since 48not even close.
2) You: There is plenty of justification to oppose Netanyahu and current Israeli policy.
75% kill rate of civilians, collective punishment, false arrests, expanding settlements,
etc. have all damaged Israels position in the world this year and cost them support
among their allies. Netanyahu has sought to put his own political interests/power over
the good of Israel. So, many of us who support Israel hope for better leadership to
replace Netanyahu and restore Israels stature.
You must document each of your false-claims. For example, one of the
titles I provided earlier that you chose not to read Top US General
Dempsey: Israel Went to 'Extraordinary Lengths' to Protect Gaza
Civilians refutes them en-masse and, aggregated, Israels standing is
only damaged when people are predisposed to apply behavioral
criteria to BB that are not employed in any other setting.
Kill-rates based upon Hamas-stats are subsequently cut drastically,
and you fail to acknowledge that Gazan missiles were being shot from
population centers, hospitals, mosques [and munitions were stored in
Collective punishment does not occur, as General Dempsey noted
[with people in targeted-buildings receiving leaflets and phone-calls


There are no false-arrests and, indeed, there has been a revolvingdoor of terrorists [such as those who subsequently stabbed-killed
innocent Israelis].
There is no prohibition against expansion of settlements *your
nomenclature] in Oslo, but there is specific phraseology against
incitement that has been consistently violated [in Arabic] before the ink
was dry, for more than two decadesby the Palestinian Arabs.
Overall, BB has been forced to abide by BHOs constraints, maintaining a
stiff-upper-lip despite having been consistently snubbed [along with
Yaalon, during his most-recent D.C. visit].
There is no evidence BB has prioritized himself over Israel, although
there is ample evidence *e.g., ObamaDontCare+ that your guy BHO *and
SoS-Kerry, as per recently-released Gruber-Videos] has engaged in overt
deceit while harboring that particular motive.
3) You: The U.S. is not a colonial empire and the founding fathers fought against being
a colony. You are wrong about the bust being removed. Please see the fact check, and
reduce your ignorance slightly.
Your hyperlink confirms the fact that it was relocated from the Oval
Office, as stated; thus, your claim of ignorance is unjustified; further,
BHOs Dreams from my Father tome illustrates his anti-colonialism
*e.g., The worst thing that colonialism did was to cloud our view of our
past. ].
4) You: We already have plenty of military support and joint operations/intelligence
with Israel. I dont think the Iron Dome system is good bang for the buck, and is wasteful
spending that Israel can afford itself. I also think it further delays the peace process,
costing the U.S. and Israel more in the long term. So, its bad policy that wastes money
that should be helping Americans, like our veterans. We shouldnt be neglecting our
veterans to fund foreign weapon systems.
Your perception of the Iron Dome is at variance with all of the facts, for
it protected population-centers throughout Israel; I hope you dont
consider Jewish life so cheap that this observation is relegated to the
talking-point category. BHO altered the automaticity of Pentagon
resupply once he discovered its existence, and the cease-fire suddenly
supervened. Why you consider it wasteful goes a long way towards
explaining many of your other attitudes, sadly, for the American military
has praised how judiciously it was deployed. I would quibble with your
either/or framing of the question and, thus, how you would fail [as BHO
has been doing] to uphold the tradition of strong support for Israel as
she attempts to survive in a violent hood.


[This quote is from an article written by an Israeli-critic: The 600-odd

rockets that had accurately targeted towns and villages were almost all
successfully intercepted by Iron Dome's Tamir missiles a
nearly 90% success rate, according to the Israel Defense Forces.
Frankly, Ill take the life-preservation over the faux-imagery, any
day.Wouldnt you?+
5) You: Israels military policy during recent Gaza conflict constituted war crimes
against the civilian population. Obama gave them a pass. Ive already listed Israels
undermining. There has also has been inside reporting about how Israel has held
political prisoners, and delayed promised releases, knowing it would undermine Abbass
ability to reign in Hamas, setting back peace process. The Likud party would lose power
if peace agreement was reached. *sic+
Even the UN hasnt accused Israel of war crimes and, thus, BHO would
have no justification for issuing that claim; indeed, Israels success
contrasts with BHOs failure in Iraq. Do you countenance the use by
Hamas of human-shields? You need to document your inside
reporting because, overtly, Israel released hundreds of prisoners based
upon a wink and a nod from the PA that, predictably, never
progressed towards peace.
Meanwhile, you would have Abbas link with Hamas which has sworn to
destroy Israel and all the Jews residing therein; know that
The covenant of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas also claims
that Freemasonry is a secret society founded as part of a Zionist plot to
control the world. Likud would benefit from peace, just as Nixon did
after he visited Red China, Begin did after Camp David I, and
Rabin/Perez did after Oslo.
6) You: I dont know where you get appeasement from minimum wage.
Chamberlains peace in our time is the model for Appeasement and
anyone who cannot shut-aside political forces *including minimum
wage+ to speak-out against injustice is, therefore, an appeaser.
7) You: I think the Likud policies are the ones destroying Israel, and J-Street and others
are its only hope. So, based on your support for Likud, and your distorted definitions, it
is YOU who are anti-Semitic. Note: its only anti-Semitic if you are picking policies in
hopes of destroying Israel or hurting Jews. However, if someone believes their policies
are in Israels best interests, then if you disagree, you may call them misguided but
not anti-Semitic. *sic+
When BHO says/does things that Israelis believe undermine Israels
best-interests, you are obligated to prove otherwiseor stop being an
Ugly American and concur with those whose lives are at-stake. BHOs
behavior is indubitably hurting Jews and, thus, is anti-Semitic
[employing your simplified ADL-based definition].

One only wishes he was merely misguided, but the pattern of

misconduct *plus his appointments, quoting Guzzardis line personnel
communicates policy+ proves otherwise. I attended an event on
3/27/2014 that one of its participants memorialized [where I
memorably rebuked Dershowitz]; attempt to counter this destruction of
J-Street if you dare.
x) You: So, please stop trying to cast aspersions on Josh about Israel because he
supports Obama on non-Israel related issues. I have not discussed Israel with Josh, but I
would expect him to be the most pro-Israeli senator in Washington, agreeing with every
syllable of official Israeli policy.
If your assertion is accurate, then lets start by your provoking him to do
just that; and when he doesnt *or cant+, then you will perhaps have
convinced yourself otherwise. In the interim, stop avoiding the Iranian
threat to Israel *and the world+ and defend BHOs departure from
multiple UN Security Council resolutions.
,Im certain many readers would have been able to improve-upon what I wrote, but my goal was to
prompt him to express himself maximally, thereby opening himself [and other readers] to maximal reeducation.}


Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 10:40 PM

Subject: Thoughts - XLVII
[Cheltenham, Pope, Iggles, Interstellar, DNA, Corbett, Penn State, Josh Shapiro, sine-die, Zakaria, Beck,
Cruz, Stewart, Attkisson, Dershowitz, Kurdistan, Islamists, Iran]
Too much has accumulated for a single Blast e-mail to do justice to appreciating the post-election
environs; thus, this first version covers local, regional, statewide, international and cultural concerns,
leaving national issues for the follow-up. Attachments discuss [1]Why The triumph of partisanship
really isn't a bad thing, [2]The Fate of the Presidents Health Care Law [By Scott W. Rasmussen], and
[3]Rush]; also, I have methodically dismembered a frequent blogger on PoliticsPa and, in the process,
evoked just about every secular/progressive meme that has been employed by anti-Semites to
undermine beleaguered Israel; the transcript *updating last weeks+ traverses a few websites *because I
stalked him, not allowing loose-ends to be lost+ and culminates with That you despise the JudeoChristian Ethic explains your obeisance to Hamas. At this point, anything he may compose would be
anticlimactic; thus, it is vital to capture the rapidity of what seems to be occurring in PA.
Locally, POPE FRANCIS CONFIRMED VISIT TO PHILLY IN 2015 and Controversy swirls
around Cheltenham school superintendent [Reggie Jackson graduated CHS in 64 and I
graduated in 69+.
A gaggle of thinkers harboring myriad views of SciFi saw Interstellar *in IMAX, the only way to fly+, and
I suspect a sequel is upcoming; perhaps I should have availed myself of the offer from AMC that an
unlimited 'Interstellar' ticket would let me binge because, as I discovered later, he used impressionistic
sound [Couldnt make out some of the dialogue in Interstellar? Good news: Your hearing is fine.].
Nevertheless, it was on the level of Avatar, a must-see.
Among those who were in-attendance was a childhood friend who produced a few
relevant pieces overnight. [1]The Saturday Interview *Finding Our Place in the Stars+
was of the physicist who kept the Interstellar science sharp talks about black holes,
space travel and his optimistic vision of human possibility. [2]On Science Fiction was
an essay by C. S. Lewis that classified its subtypes. [3]By his bootstraps is a short-story
that carries some relevance to this flick; it was written by Robert A. Heinlein [whose
Stranger in a Strange Land was a must-read four decades ago, so college-students
would learn how to grok].
Because "Interstellar" shied away from the divisive issue of Global Warming, the reaction of the two libnewspapers was of-interest; the NY-Times characterized it as The Cinema of Physicists [concluding,
After traveling the universe of Interstellar, Id rather stay home] and the WaPo bemoaned The
fundamental problem with Interstellar *If Earth dies and humans wind up somewhere else, thats not a
W in my book, its a big L.+. Ultimately, an effort to separate fact and fiction seemed to validate its
underlying physics until Anne Hathaways character talked about love being a hidden force of nature;
this was also viewed as a flaw during the brainstorming-session that supervened, although it didnt seem
to be a crucial component of the plot [as gravity had been].

A friend recommended reviewing a distilled slide-show on the discovery of DNA.

After last nights *predicted, despite my having worn my Jason-Peters Jersey all weekend] blow-out by
the Packers, anyone wondering why Philly is attached to the Iggles [and, in my view, perceives the
Giants as the greater rival than Dallas, notwithstanding Tom Landrys stoic legacy+ may wish to watch
how the EAGLES scored 4 TDs *c/o Vick/Jackson, mostly, plus Celek] in 7 minutes against Giants; this
also helps to explain some of the anguish following the flipped-personnel, although pivotal in both
instances was size *at least, thats the official word+.
In other football news with political-import, it was revealed that Penn State football was
almost given the death penalty, as the NCAA fought-back and asked a judge to uphold
Penn State sanctions. Also, Penn State President Eric Barron committed to review the
Freeh Report, as the NCAA released its own emails and called Penn State interactions
'courteous and professional.' The key-point here, again, is that this issue was a major
under-toe that Wolf didnt even have to invoke *along with Corbetts abortion-related
gaffes]; I will continue to maintain that Cawley would have emerged victorious.
Regarding Pa-politics, a day before it was revealed that the GOP IS EYEING WINDOW FOR ACTION
BEFORE WOLF TAKES OVER, I sent a prescient e-mail to a well-known Harrisburg politician with the
subject-heading can the legislature pass lotsa stuff during sine-die??? Apparently, the battle-lines have
been drawn in the Senate, with Wagner pushing return of Paycheck Protection ['This is about the PSEA']
and Pileggi allegedly planning a comeback as Senate President pro tempore. Meanwhile, AG-Kane is
expected to appear before state grand jury after she Confirmed there is a secret investigation into her
office and, thus, Hired crisis manager who represented Bill Clinton and Penn State [Lanny Davis].
Although Fareed Zakaria faces a Plagiarism Firestorm, the Media is supporting him,
Despite Wave of New Charges. Here is Politicos sympathetic rendition: Imperially slim
and darkly handsome, possessed of an insinuating charm and a cultured manner of
speech that recalls the British Raj, he's a prized dinner guest in Upper East Side salons,
and an occasional adviser on world affairs to President Obama. But due largely to the
relentless, three-month inquisition of two anonymous bloggers, who have dissected
Zakaria's oeuvre and accused him of multiple instances of plagiarism, various marquee
media outlets where Zakaria has written have slapped dire warnings on his archived
pieces. Zakaria feels much-aggrieved by the recent pile-on, privately arguing that he's
the victim of vicious pedantry, and that his lapses are trivial and, at worst, journalistic
misdemeanors of the sort that generally pass without notice at the country's most
respected publications. {Also, note that GLENN BECK revealed he HAD a SEVERE BRAIN
Ted Cruz remains a rock-star [Ted Cruz Coloring Book Flying Off the Shelves and Cruz to DC: 'Don't Mess
With the Internet'], but Politico suggested his greatest weakness could be the fact that his work-history
resembles that of Obama; in my view, he has some splainin to do, however, inasmuch as cruz-alsosupports-temporary-legalization-status-in-the-immigration-bill [via an amendment]. {Again illustrating
why I dont think Hillary will run is release of risqu [secret] e-mails of men who may run her Campaign.}
Its difficult to take Jon Stewart seriously [regarding his new flick, Rosewater] when he
Tweets: Coal Miners Are Self-Destructive Morons and it seems Aasif Mandvi Became Jon

Stewarts Favorite Jihadi; on the other hand, Jon Stewart correctly noted that Dems Are
Frightened and Have 'Disdain' For Obama.
I met Sharyn Attkisson last Thursday-p.m. [during the first snow @ the Newtown Theater]; a SRO-crowd
[$30/head x ~330 seats] listened to her explore why Faith In Government Has Declined Due To Obama
Administration Lies; she discussed how he had created a 'Climate Of Distrust' and showed Why we need
more journalists like Sharyl Attkisson. This is a systemic problem, illustrated by the fact that FBNs
Melissa Francis said, I Was Silenced When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare; she was sent info
regarding the Kurdistan situation, as detailed in prior Blast e-mails. {She recommended a few websites
and said shell blog on this, shortly; she monitors inter alia Project-Censored and ProPublica.}
Politico preceded an article [Islamic State group says it'll mint its own coins+ with HEY,
MARTHA!; this was a reference to how Mr. Wilson would inform his wife, Martha, of
what Dennis the Menace was doing *from the TV show of a half-century ago].
Regarding the article, it seems the Islamic State will mint gold, silver and copper coins
for its own currency *the Islamic dinar+ to 'change the tyrannical monetary system'
modeled on Western economies that 'enslaved Muslims.' One of the gold coins has the
map of the world, a reference to Islam someday ruling the entire world.
Alan M. Dershowitz continued to promote his self-serving, albeit non-committal advocacy for Israel [Will
the newly elected Congress push Obama into being tougher on Iran's nuclear weapons program?]
without drawing even the most intuitive conclusions; in contrast, Arnaud de Borchgrave [whose columns
I read while in NY @ MSKCC during my fellowship in 77-79 in the Village Voice] shed his liberalism while
proclaiming Obama has a No-Win Foreign Policy Strategy. This is why I still view the former as
dangerous; recall how his Debate Dershowitz Radio show (Indie 102 on Sirius-XM, aired on six
successive Sundays) provided him a soap-box, although I did (after two calls) got him to admit that he
will continue to support BHO until Iran gets the bomb.
Some good news regarding Kurdistan has emerged; KURDISH FORCES BLOCKED ISIS
SUPPLY ROAD ALONG SYRIA-TURKEY BORDER and Iraq and Kurds Reach Deal on Oil
Exports and Budget Payments.
Islamists are running-rampant worldwide, while BHO remains silent:
Muslim Gangs Continue Terrorizing Neighborhoods, Police Powerless As Violence Escalates
Pope decries tensions over immigrants in Europe
'Social emergency'
Italy's crisis moves from sea to streets
Suspect in Paris Synagogue Bombing Extradited to France
Boko Haram Finally Seized Chibok, Home of Abducted Schoolgirls
US Navy Sailors Attacked, Chased by Turkey Nationalists
Islamic terrorists are not "lone wolves"
Islamists are consolidating gains in Iraq/Syria:
ISIS Beheaded Peter Kassig, American Aid Worker [convert to Islam,] And Former US Army Ranger

Christians in Syria Worship Openly and Refuse to Leave, Despite Jihadist Threat
Hagel: ISIS Is 'Significantly Worse' Than Any Previous Mideast Threats
GENERAL: Military Considering Boots on Ground in Iraq
Informal Patrols Fight ISIS on Turkey's Border with Syria
Islamists continue to issue outrageous claims:
Muslims discovered America, says Turkish president
Islamists are terrorizing Israel:
Israeli stabbed in Jerusalem
Unrest propelled by Palestinian teens
Israeli premier promotes Jewish nation-state bill
Hamas: Unity government failed after six months and must be dissolved
Channeling incitement through Abbass free pass [Venomous indoctrination is being perpetrated
by Palestinian school textbooks, social media, cultural activities and by Mahmoud Abbas.]
Kissinger: Israel Should Not Seek 'Permanent' Peace Now
Poll: 1 in 4 Palestinians Support ISIS
New Yorker's Remnick Takes Nuanced, Yet One-sided, Approach to Israel [This was discussed earlier.]
[Anti-Zionists claim that a thousand-year-old claim by Arabs, who were never ruled by Palestinian Arabs,
has legitimacy, while a 1,900-year claim by Jews to the land should be rejected as absurd, even though
the United Nations granted Israel sovereignty in 1947.]
The BDS-movement is alive/well in America:
Princeton Professors Opened A New Front in Campus Battle Over Israel
House Homeland Security Chair Warns of ISIS-Type Cyber Attack on US
These issues are explored in Daily Alerts [Nov 14 & Nov 17] that contain a lot of
background info along with updates within each of these categories [vide supra et infra].
As the latest deadline for a nuke-deal with Iran again nears, a brief analysis [ON THE IDEOLOGUE AND
THE IGNORANT!] of the recent exchange of letters between Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran and Obama
concluded that Iran is not a constrictive partner in the Middle East. It concluded: Exchanging letters
between world leaders is indeed pragmatic politics and a fact of life but so is the Ayatollah's hostility
towards America. The choice of pragmatic ignorance - or worse an ideological one, is both dangerous
and wrong. A much more real pragmatism is very much due.
This was what BB said yesterday on CBS's "Face the Nation":
"Iran is not your ally. Iran is not your friend. Iran is your enemy. It's not your partner.
Iran is committed to the destruction of Israel, just as the P5+1, the United States and the
world powers are negotiating with Iran a nuclear agreement, the Ayatollah Khamenei,
the ruler of Iran, calls for the annihilation of Israel. He just did that four days ago. He
specified nine ways and reasons by which Israel should be destroyed. He's participated
in rallies and chants of 'Death to America', 'Death to Israel'. This is not a friend, neither
in the battle against ISIS nor in the effort, the great effort that should be made to
deprive him [of] the capacity to make nuclear weapons. Don't fall for Iran's ruse. They
are not your friend.


"Basically the Middle East is awash with militant Islamists, the militant Islamists led by
al-Qaeda and ISIS on the Sunni side, the militant Islamists led by Iran and Hezbollah on
the Shiite side. We want both of them to lose.
The last thing we want is to have any one of them get weapons of mass destruction.
Look at what ISIS is doing now with assault rifles and pick-up trucks. Just imagine what
Iran would do if it had nuclear weapons. So both our enemies are fighting one another
and when they are, weaken both don't strengthen either one."
Meanwhile, Putin is projecting a global reach [from the Gulf of Mexico to the Australian coast]; BHO has
done nothing while Russia and Ukraine Prepare for War in East Ukraine; after Ukraine Rebels Hindered
Border Monitors as New Armed Columns Appeared, the Ukraine stated that the Security was
Deteriorating in Rebel-Held East. {Also note that Northern European Nations are to Boost Military
Cooperation Against Russia.}

This is how the N.Y. Times [top of col. 5, "Nuclear Deal With Iran Runs Into Obstacles:
Formidable Opposition Puts Obama to Test"] portrayed the current situation: "Obama's
top national security advisers put the chance of reaching an agreement this month at 40
to 50 percent. 'In the end this is a political decision for the Iranians,' Mr. Obama told a
small group of recent visitors to the White House, a statement that could be true for
him as well. Yet even if a deal is struck it will be the beginning of an argument ... For
many of the president's adversaries, the details of whatever deal he emerges with - how
much warning the West would have if Iran raced for a bomb, for example - are almost
beside the point."


Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:25 AM

Subject: Thoughts - XLVIII
[Foreign Policy, Racism, Illegals, Civil Wars among Dems/R's; ObamaDon'tCare & Gruber, Keystone-XL,
This focuses on national issues, with Amnesty and ObamaDontCare sandwiching other political
concerns; first, sadly, it is again necessary to provide proof of both the failure of BHOs foreign policy
towards Israel [Four Killed in Attack on Jerusalem Synagogue] and how circumstances seem to force
himultimatelyto do the right thing in other regions [Kurds in Koban say Victory over ISIS in Siege is
Near+. Perhaps the electoral defeat will forestall an agreement with Iran on nukes, for it seems
Congress would be ableprimarily via the Senateboth to stop a bad deal and reimpose sanctions [c/o
Menendez, who swallowed his assertions a year ago @ BHOs behest+; meanwhile Iran is two-faced
during final negotiations with Kerry in Geneva [Iran said enrichment is no longer the main stumbling
block in talks and Iran Will Use Suicide Operations to Send its Message to the World.] In any case,
regarding Israel, pessimistic articles restate the obvious perils of BHO/Kerry constantly referring to the
[currently fanciful] 2-state solution, without noting the prospect of a reversal to sanity on 1/20/2017.
{Also know the depths to which Jewish-Libs will place themselves, as it was revealed that a Mole At a
Jewish Org was Fired For Offering Details of Private Call to Anti-Israel Listserv.}
The major worriment in the news appears to be the potential release today of the
Ferguson Grand-Jury report, which many expect wont critique the police-officer;
Missouri declared a statewide emergency [comparable to when a hurricane nears],
while BHO/AG-Holder can only lie-in-wait, noting that BHO wants Ferguson protestors
to 'Stay on course' and Holder inexplicably Took the Death Penalty off Table for Gang
Members Charged with Killing Cop. BHOs Dems still depend upon the NY-Times to
promote their message, noting that Nicholas Kristof white-splained what whites just
dont get, when he inadvertently laid bare the hard core Marxist position behind
affirmative action. Thus does this reverse-racist POTUS continue to add to The Daily
Caller's ALL-STAR GREATEST HITS Alphabet of Racism.
The major observation I would proffer regarding domestic issues is c/w what Rush discussed on Monday
and conservatives are proclaiming [Shut. It. Down.]; how can the newly-empowered GOP manifest
opposition to the Illegals being granted Amnesty and/or to the funding of ObamaDontCare if any
subsequent government shutdown would automatically be blamed on the GOP [by the Dems/Media
and then, presumably, by the electorate]? Rush notes that, regardless of what had transpired last year,
the GOP did well this year and, thus predicted-damage [by the GOP-Establishment+ wasnt incurred; he
also notes that Cruz has high standing among Conservatives, notwithstanding the efforts by the Media
to brand him as an extremist. Thus, Rush feelsas do Ithat the GOP must be forthright, for much will
occur during the next two years that will affect the ability of the GOP to retain Senatorial control. Its
almost as if The GOP punditocracy harbors a fear of winning, while GOP leaders try to redirect their
members immigration rage, creatively, to avert a shutdown.
Republican leaders wanted a quick and clean, drama-free lame-duck session to kick off
their new majority, but they find themselves heading toward a showdown over how to

fund the government. They promised to avoid legislative cliffs, but Republicans are
risking one as they consider a short-term spending bill to pressure Barack Obama on
immigration reform. {It seems the Budget may be GOP's weapon: SHORT-TERM BILLS
ARE SEEN AS LEVERAGE, with the Goal being to make Obama back down on
immigration; also, Obama is poised to veto XL pipeline [despite the fact that the House
passed bill by wide margin and the Senate is likely to do so, also, on Tuesday].}
The media have declared BHO to be READY TO RUMBLE, as Obama Moves to Shield 5 Million Illegals; on
the heels of BHOs defiant post-midterm election remarks last week, he announced a 10 point plan
concerning illegal immigration which will be enacted unilaterally by executive order. Such an effort
garners predictable support from Biden, Big Money, California Lawmakers, the SEIU, and even an
Arizona Catholic Bishop; the New York Times Wants Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, Unless Theyre
Cuban Doctors Fleeing Communism. Dems Pelosi and Hoyer Joined Gutirrez Call for Amnesty, and
Gutirrez even exclaimed he May Run for President if No Amnesty by Thanksgiving [BECAUSE the GOP
falsely CLAIMED ISIS and EBOLA were CROSSING the BORDER]. A compliant media is attempting to
soften the impending blow, evidenced by Politicos claim that Obama has signed fewer executive orders
than any president [in 130 years], and that multiple Republican presidents have explicitly used executive
action to address immigration; this is a cover-up because it failed to confront the intent and extent of
the orders, for there is no precedent for granting any type of amnesty to groups of unnamed individuals.
In any case, while DEPORTATIONS PLUMMET, it seems WH Advisers are Split on Delay due to the
potential [negative] impact on other priorities [budget and Senatorial approval of appointments].
Meanwhile, the negative-impact of illegal-aliens upon America accumulates [Drunk
Driver Charged in Crash Leaving 3-Yr-Old Dead, Confirmed as Illegal Alien and TX
ILLEGALS TAUNT AGENTS AS AMNESTY NEARS, explaining why BHO would want to
increase their salary *for combat duty due to flagging morale+.
LIMBAUGH warned that such an effort would prove IRREVERSIBLE and KRAUTHAMMER declared it to be
an 'IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE' [although he warned 'Absolutely' not to Impeach+; thats why GOP Reps
exclaim 'Nobody is [seriously] talking about Impeachment' for BOEHNER instead is warning OBAMA that
he will SEE YOU IN COURT. On lib-NPR, even New York Times columnist David Brooks warned Obama
Against 'Ted Cruz Maneuver' With Amnesty Executive Order; David Brooks explained that, while he
supports immigration reform [in particular status for Illegals], Obama's proposed executive amnesty is a
step too far. Another ominous sign was the Oregon anti-immigration vote and, thus, GOP Can Thwart
Obama's Immigration Plan by cutting Immigration Funding, a view promoted inter alia by Sen. Crapo.
Contradictory forces-at-play in the Illegals arena are mirrored in todays Keystone-XL
Pipeline vote; while Pretty Much Everyone Supports Building the Keystone Pipeline
[Except Liberal Democrats], Obama wants to Go around Senate on Climate Change and,
thus, the White House Hinted at Keystone Veto Even as Fuel Prices Plunge. Meanwhile,
Sen. Jim Inhofe feels the Senate Can Override Obama Keystone Veto while others
predict that the Keystone pipeline vote will fail in the Senate [dooming Mary Landrieu];
thats why Landrieu scrambles for 60th vote for Keystone, for the situation is larger than
approval of an oil pipeline. {Politico claimed BHO didnt set out to be an environmental
president, but he is now.}


For these reasons, there is turmoil among Dems, as Even Democrats Want the Democratic Party to
Move In A Moderate Direction and Infighting broke-out in Hillaryland; this was manifest when
Democrats are lashing out at Pelosi and Six Democratic Senators Admitted Voting against Harry Reid for
Leader, despite Reids having released his iron grip on Senate floor [allowing amendments to a major
intelligence reform bill, a move that Politico claims could quickly create chaos].
The pleas of extremist-defenders of the status-quo [Dean: Harry Reid Saved the
Constitution from 'Crackpot Tea Party' and Maher: If Obama Had Lost, US Wouldn't
Have Fruit or Jobs] and rationalizations of the Dem-Establishment [Biden: Middle Class
'Was Declining' During Clinton Years] no longer work.
Rebellion has arisen unpredictably [HUNGER GAMES: 85% participated in student-led boycott of
Michelle O lunches], as evidence of media-manipulation emerged [70% of Obama TWITTER followers are
fake]. Overall, even his defenders are worried [Todd: Obama Sometimes Has Sense of Tone Deafness],
as pundits tiptoe into unknown territory to explain his eccentricities [After Six Years, Obama Adviser
Valerie Jarrett Finally Scrutinized by Media]. It may have dawned on the electorate that, for
progressives, the success of government programs takes a backseat to their own moral grandstanding.
Through it all, the GOP continues to point-out the hypocrisy of the Dems [NYT: Buffett
Uses Tax Dodges as He Calls for Tax Increases on Rich+ while recognizing that BHOs
policies have led to an economic environment in which 40% women, 28% men, 39%
youth don't want a job; Republicans may feel Stymied on issues such as Fannie And
Freddie Despite Midterms, but they feel their priorities are reinforced when they learn,
for example, that the buffalo-pd is trying to confiscate-guns of people who just died.
Fortunately, as the pope reaffirmed his commitment to speaking out in support of the
sanctity of life, the Pro-Abortion Crowd was reduced to Complaining that the GOP Won
by 'Moderating' Stance on Birth Control and Abortion.
Overall, now that THE 2014 ELECTIONS ARE OVER, INTERPRETATIONS predictably vary; Republicans have
two schools of thought [the Establishment school and the Populist school], but it seems the Populists
[manifest as Conservatives who dominate the TEA Party Movement] did a better job of catching the
2014 Zeitgeist. [Cotton was cited because this GOP challenger ended-up benefitting from a blistering
national issue, the Illegals; he nationalized what had been a local election and rode the Red Wave by
defeating Pryor by a whopping 18 points.+ Thats why, for example, Dems never really had a chance in
In contrast, New-Jerseys-Jeff-Bell illustrated How-an-Open-Borders-Republican-Lost-toan-Obama-Clone; Bells platform offered a case study of the insularity of conservative
thought leaders in the post-Reagan era. [They have dumped the proven Hamiltonian,
nation-building model of political economy for discredited libertarian approaches such
as open borders and trade schemes favoring rival nations two sides of the
globalization coin that have, in Pat Buchanans words, carpet-bombed Middle
America and killed the Nixon-Reagan coalition that used to give the GOP 49-state
For these reasons [and others], it is felt that Mary Landrieu doesnt have a prayer; indeed,
Demographics Favor Cassidy over Landrieu in Louisiana Runoff. {One final clarification is in-order;
although Proponents Say Common Core was 'Invisible' in Midterm Elections, opponents thereto note it

was one of the issues folded into the overall-conservative message that was heard throughout the
Discussion of POTUS-16 nominee of the GOP c/o Jim Geraghty [during the NRO-cruise]:
Allen West pointed out that you dont often see two presidential candidates from the
same state competing against each other for long their bases of support among
donors, activists, and volunteers usually overlap and they cant sustain two candidates
simultaneously. At this very early date, the potential Republican 2016 field includes two
candidates from Florida (Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio), two from Texas (Ted Cruz and Rick
Perry), and two from Wisconsin (Scott Walker and perhaps Paul Ryan).
Ned Ryun, founder of American Majority and CEO of Voter Gravity, mentioned Carly
Fiorinas name more than once as possible figure on the 2016 GOP ticket.
West named Ohio governor John Kasich as a potential presidential candidate who could
come on strong; Ryun could not suppress his sense that Ohio conservative grassroots
activists have some serious gripes with Kasich.
John Fund pointed out that theres actually several mini-primaries playing out in the
coming year: the money primary, the staffing primary (who can build a national network
of supporters), the consultant primary (whos hiring the campaign managers, ad men,
pollsters, organizers, and so on, with big wins under their belt from previous cycles), the
ideas primary, and for lack of a better term, the voice of social conservatives primary.
I asked my panel of Ryun, West, Eliana Johnson, Guy Benson, and Fund to name the
2016 Republican ticket. Most hesitated to make a public prediction, but said it was likely
to be a governor and someone who had demonstrated an ability to win in blue or purple
states. When I declared, tongue-in-cheek, that ticket had already been decided in
advance and that the correct answer was Scott Walker-Susana Martinez, the audience
seemed pretty darn pleased by that combination.
Gruber said ObamaDontCare was passed due to deceit, as the media ignored the serial videos:
Grubers comments were brought out of the shadows last week by a Philadelphia financial adviser
named Rich Weinstein. [The story metastasized when Penn briefly pulled the original video.]
Ellison Barber and Sharyl Attkisson Discussed Bias in Medias Coverage of Gruber Comments
Obama denied Gruber as yet another video surfaces
Inside the Comic Book Jonathan Gruber Wrote to Sell Obamacare to America
ABC-NBC-PBS-NPR-NYT-LAT-AP Censored Gruber 'Stupid' Americans Video
NYT Writer Defended Gruber: Voters Are 'Incoherent' on Health Care
Jonathan Gruber In 2010: 'I'm An Ivory Tower Guy'
Washington Post: Nancy Pelosi Lied about Not Knowing Jonathan Gruber
Obamacare and the 'Stupidity of the American Voter'
Chuck Todd Grilled HHS Secretary: Is Gruber Welcome Back At White House?
RNC Hit ObamaCare Proponents with '#Grubering' Video
Obamacare 'stupidity'? New energy for repeal push

Obama Addressed Gruber's Obamacare Comments

POLL: 32% Think Americans Too Stupid to Understand Obamacare
Controversial adviser Gruber paid hundreds of thousands by taxpayers
Michael Reagan: 'Stupid' Public Wises Up on Obamacare
Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare 'Architect' Proves the Lie
Mika (Of MSNBC) Admitted: If Gruber Were Republican, MSM Would Be Exploding
Obama personally crafted a major Obamacare deception with Jonathan Gruber at one of Grubers
numerous White House meetings, according to a 2012 Gruber interview with PBS.
BHO feels American Voters are Apparently Too Stupid to Understand that Obamacare is
Working - As the second enrollment period for Obamacare opens, Americans continue
to display their reticent stupidity (HT Jonathan Gruber) about all the amazing things that
Obamacare has brought into their lives, as Gallup reports that Obamacares
unfavorability is at an all time high, and favorability is also at an all time low. As Gallup
graphically demonstrates, the trend lines are incredibly getting even worse, which is not
what you might expect from a government run healthcare program. It would appear
that despite the rosy pronouncements from Democrats and the Obama administration,
the stupid American people stubbornly insist on believing their own lying eyes when it
comes to whether the law is working or not.
Karl Rove correctly noted that This Is About More Than Jonathan Gruber, for Every single major
promise used to sell the Affordable Care Act has turned out to be wrong and more importantly,
everybody *health economists and others+ knew it was wrong at the time. On FNCs Special Report,
the method by which his research was processed by proponents of ObamaDontCare *media, Dems,
academics+ was shown to have exaggerated greatly its alleged benefits *based on fundamental lies+.
Thats why Dems are Giving Up on Obamacare and even New Yorks Senator Kirsten Gillibrand tried to
spin the Obamacare deception and offered her own brand of defense that seems to center on the ends
justified the means in terms of lying to the American people; she said, No, we all knew the whole
point of the plan is to cover things people need like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy. As the
premiums start rising and Washington's Obamacare Exchange Is Already Shut Down, there are Three
things WH doesn't want you to know about law *Bureaucracy, Taxes, Huge Deficits+. Thats why, when
attempting to Cure the Health Care Debate, the GOP should NOT choose ObamaDontCare Capitulation.
{In this environment, otherwise problematic events seems irrelevant, such as when a Court Packed with
Democrats Ruled with Obama on Obamacare.}
The Gruber Blackout and a Partisan Media
By Jonathan S. Tobin
It will be some time before we know for certain whether the fallout from Jonathan
Grubers embarrassingly candid revelations about the deceptions at the heart of
ObamaCare will have a substantive impact on its future. Given the relevance of much of
what hes said to the Supreme Courts deliberations about a challenge to the legality of
its crucial subsidies, dont bet against what some are calling GruberGate being
considered a turning point in the history of this misbegotten legislation. But no matter
what happens in the Court or in Congress, the story has already provided us with a
fascinating insight into another kind of pretense: the supposed objectivity of the
mainstream media which has, for the most part, ignored this story.

The virtual blackout of coverage of Grubers remarks in the broadcast networks and
major newspapers such as the New York Times is, on its face, astonishing. That so many
of these outlets that generally fall under the rubric of liberal mainstream media to have
all come to the same conclusion that the Gruber story wasnt news speaks to the way
that members of this herd all tend to walk in lockstep on major political issues. But the
defense of these decisions doesnt wash.
As Howard Kurtz, former media columnist at the Washington Post and CNN said from
his current perch at Fox:
On what planet is this kind of embarrassing admission not news? Maybe
on that comet where the spaceship just landed.
Even Brian Stelter, his successor at CNN, conceded that the decision to ignore the story
was wrong even as he, a liberal as opposed to the more centrist Kurtz, sought to
rationalize the decision:
Whenever you think there is a conspiracy it is really just something
much more mundane, in this case I think it is the fact that this is a video
that is a year plus old, and it is something that, were talking about a
story that has been debated and debated and debated and so covered
endlessly, I think oftentimes in newsrooms, theres a sense that well,
whats actually new here? But, that said, the quote, the word stupid,
that is news. And the way it is being used by conservatives, that is news,
so that is why it should be covered by the nightly newscasts and CNN.
As for the idea that there is nothing new, lets unwrap that contention. Gruber was well
known to be a major player on ObamaCare and his statements about deceiving the
Congressional Budget Office and counting on the stupidity of the American people
would, in any context, be considered newsworthy. Anything that casts further doubt on
the legality of the legislationespecially since some of Grubers comments contradict
the liberal position on the King v. Burwell lawsuitor provide fodder for congressional
opponents who will seek to chip away at the Affordable Care Act is in and of itself also
The only reason why editors would chose not to treat it as worthy of coverage would be
their desire to help the administration end the debate about its signature legislative
achievement. To those who would say that critics of the mainstream medias blackout
on Gruber are indulging in conspiracy theories, I would answer by simply asking them to
imagine a similar case in which a Republican administration with popularity ratings as
low as those of President Obama in which a key figure in the formation of one of that
governments policies were found to have spoken in such a manner in public on video.
It is simply impossible to imagine that the New York Times would have treated such
statements as a non-story. But thats what they did this week. Search the New York
Times website and, as of Friday afternoon, there isnt a single mention of the Gruber
controversy save for one opinion article in its Upshot section in which the significance of
the story is downplayed. But there is nothing in the news sections or in the print edition

of any part of the paper. Even if, as Neil Irwin wrote in the Upshot, this sort of thing
were business as usual in Congress and the government, the Times would not have
hesitated to treat evidence of such misconductlet alone lies told to facilitate an
attempt to remake one sixth of the American economyby conservatives as front-page
The broadcast networks similarly shut down the story over the course of the week with
no references until the last day and then only in passing. As for the cable networks, Fox
has predictably run with it but with the exception of Jake Tappers show, CNN also
largely kept away from it for days while MSNBC granted Gruber a softball interview with
its least journalistic hostRonan Farrowwhose only intent was to dismiss the whole
That conservative outlets would treat GruberGate as earthshaking and liberal ones
would say theres nothing to talk about is understandable since there are partisan
implications to the story. But while Fox and MSNBC are understood to be sources whose
political slant is well known and the same is true for print and online publications that
make no secret of their editorial missions, newspapers like the Times and networks like
ABC, NBC, and CBS still hold themselves out as representatives of objective journalism.
That this is an easily exposed pretense has not been much of a secret for a long time.
The networks and the Times are as ideologically biased as the Rush Limbaugh Show on
radio. The only difference is that Rush and other political talkers and writers dont
pretend to be sitting on Mount Olympus impartially giving the people the news.
Even in the world of opinion writing it is necessary to acknowledge the other sides
arguments if only to disprove them. But for liberals in the mainstream media, news that
works against their side is something that must be contained if not simply thrown down
an Orwellian memory hole. While President Obama and the Democrats should be
ashamed of their role in lying to the American people about ObamaCare, their
cheerleaders in the mainstream press should be just as embarrassed. That apologies
wont be forthcoming from either tells us all we need to know about the contempt for
democracy and truth that is now routine in these precincts.



Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:56 AM

Subject: Thoughts - IL
[Intifada-III, Compilation, Limbaugh, Islamism, Kurdistan, Ukraine, Parties' Civil-Wars, Keystone XL, FoxNews, GruberGate, ObamaDon'tCare]
The 5-man [including three rabbis] synagogue-murder by Islamists in Jerusalem has inverted the planned
sequence-of-topics, here; following review of what transpired [and reaction thereto], Dem-Hypocrisy on
a series of fronts [GruberGate, Illegals, Keystone] is explored, along with loco-regional and statewide
developments. {Spend three minutes to Watch what happened after Hitler discovered Field Marshal
Gruber had Spilled the Beans.} These data are used to explain why FNC is increasingly dominant;
appended are two summaries of what Rush has discussed recently for, not only did LIMBAUGH label
OBAMA to be A SOCIOPATHIC LIAR, but he even demonstrated how he TELLS US HOW STUPID HE
THINKS WE ARE. Emphasized as usual [for both political and personal reasons] are the activities and
perceptions of the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement; again note how these Constitutional
Conservatives eschew involvement in social issues [and, indeed, often try to limit their involvement to
domestic concerns]. {A childhood friend advised that Ace of Spades HQ is a site that should be checked
regularly; his work has been cited often on other sites.}
These Blast e-mails have addressed international affairs [focused on Kurdistan],
national affairs [focused on the midterms], and statewide affairs [focused on Corbett].
Composed since Memorial Day, 2013, they has been compiled in three sets: [1]AntiBHO e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV] remitted during the first
half-year [focused on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund ObamaDontCare
(spotlighting Cruz)]; [2]Action-Items e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII,
and XXX] remitted from December-13 through September-14 *focused initially on
Guzzardi and morphed into focus on myriad other issues related to BHOs overall
effortsdomestic and globalto destroy American Exceptionalism]; and [3]
Thoughts e-mails [I, II and III] composed during the past two months. The currentlyaccumulating file will be uploaded as soon as its size hits 2 megs; anyone who is a
glutton-for-punishment may request a copy of any document [composed in Microsoft
WORD]. {Graphics and topical-levity have been invoked sparingly, opting for visuals that
match topics covered.}
Topics covered addressed Foreign Policy [Kurdistan, Israel, Ukraine],
*ObamaDontCare, E-Cigs, Ebola], Education [Common Core, Holocaust
mandate in PA], Culture Wars [Gun-Laws, Gay-Marriage, Abortion],
BHOs Scandal-Sheet [BenghaziGate, IRS, NSA], Big Government
[Income-Redistribution, Illegals, Constitution]. {These topic-triads are
not comprehensive, but constitute highlights thereof.}
They have been provided without risking spamming *including the finis pledge to
become a bit less comprehensive]; they can be searched for key-words. More than

3800-pages have been composed thus far [1051 + 2485 + 370], and the reader is invited
to ID any internal contradiction *for there arent any!+, inasmuch as the secondary-goal
has been consensus-development.
Some view the carnage as a SCENE 'FROM PERIOD OF HOLOCAUST' that befits 'A Religious War'; most
view This Third Intifada as being About the Post-Two-State Future recalling that Caroline Glick [and
others] have proposed a ONE-STATE SOLUTION starting with ISRAEL ANNEXING THE PALESTINIAN
AUTHORITY *or, at least, the Area C regions where Israelis reside (within Judea/Samaria) that initially
were barren]. Although Cruz correctly said Israel needs more than sympathy after Jerusalem synagogue
attack and BIBI called upon the rest of the world [alas, in vain, as usual] to condemn this abject terrorism
[and said he plans to 'respond harshly'], Steve FELDMAN [of the local-ZOA] detected more immoral
equivalence from the equivocator-in-chief when OBAMA sought to 'Lower Tensions' by CONDEMNING
because 'Too Many Palestinians Have Died'; furthermore, the DoS ultimately condemned Israel
*punitive home demolitions are counterproductive to the cause of peace+ after BB Ordered demolition
I commented on a piece exploring The Lessons Learned from Todays Jerusalem
Synagogue Attack thusly, noting that Ms. Kushner had observed, Even those
subhumans who dont mind being martyrs worry about family left behind and might,
just might, think twice if no good were to come to them.
I have been receiving these e-mails, plus those from Ms. Arlene
Kushner, for at least a year; to the latter, I have argued that, perhaps,
the death penalty should be applied to people in addition to ex-Nazis
[for terrorism/murder] and the ability to strip citizenship prior to
expulsion should be applied [for stone-throwers, etc.].
Some suggest incarceration should suffice, but the prisoner-release
"gesture" seems always to be on-tap; thus, send these people to Gaza
and, even if the ranks of Hamas would swell, they would not be fed, etc.
by Israel [and their families would have a difficult time visiting them].
A few such expeditious expulsions [as, apparently, will be the fate of the
wives of the perps...although it's unclear where they'll be sent] would
send a message to others in these families/clans [regardless of their
ages] that they would pay an enhanced price [along with their
families/friends] were they to engage in terrorism.
Leading religious Zionist rabbi, Rosh (Dean of) Yeshivat Beit El, sent a letter to the high
school students in Beit El about the Har Nof massacre, advising that Channeling the Pain
in the Right Direction entails Study more Torah, do more good deeds, adding merits
that will bring our Redemption closer.
AFTER AXE ATTACK while Secretary of Defense Hagel claimed Ebola is As Serious a Threat to US As is

[again contrasting his stated-views with the POTUS he still refuses to attack]. The media, of course,
erred against Israel [CNN Flubs: 'Deadly Attack on Mosque'] and highlighted destruction of the homes of
two terrorists [CBS and US News and World Report] via Photos on their websites.
More people recognize that Islam Is At War With The West, worldwide; in America, after
an Israeli tourist was attacked in Brooklyn [called a 'Dirty bloody Jew'], the NYPD
Stepped-Up Patrols [and an Arabic Immersion School is Coming to Texas]. In England,
MEHDI HASAN [the Islamist apologist and political director of the Huffington Post ] said
Islamists Hacked To Death a Professor Who Called For Burka Ban. In Nigeria, the Army
Said It Has Regained Town of Chibok. In the UAE, the Islamic Group That Hosted
National Cathedral Prayers was dubbed a Terrorist Organization. In France, the Interior
Minister reported an 82% Rise in French Jihadists Leaving for Syria, Iraq in 2014.
The Islamic State continues to threaten the region of Iraq/Syria and, thus, the world; terrorism continues
[ISIS Killed Family for Refusing to 'Marry Off' Daughter to Jihadist] and a Jewish Rapper Said Islamic State
Supporters Hacked his Website. Perhaps because a SENIOR KURDISH LEADER said the Islamic State
ARMY IS 200,000 STRONG, a Top U.S. General said 80,000 Competent Iraqi Forces Needed to Recapture
Territory From The Islamic State; amazingly, Dr. Fuad Hussein [part of a delegation from the Kurdish
Regional Government] said BHO has yet to supply heavy arms to the Kurds, although Obama Speculated
on the Use of Ground Troops in the Middle East. Also, amazingly, the UN has just determined that the
Islamic terrorists ideology must be undermined; and, in addition, amazingly, the 20TH HIJACKER said a
'SAUDI PRINCE PAID FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS TO LEARN TO FLY.' Somewhat reassuringly, a sad level of
disinheritance was uttered in England ['My Son Should be Executed' Claimed Father of 'Jihadi John'] and
there is more detail on these issues in the Daily Alert of Nov 18. {Within this atmosphere, noting that it
is less than a Week to Iran Deadline, as All Outcomes are Bad; meanwhile, a Iran Nuclear Deal 'Can Be
Done' according to Britain's Hammond.}
For these reasons [and more], Stephens wrote that America Should Be the World's
Policeman; for example, While the West Focused on the Middle East, Putin Plotted His
Way to World War Three [ignoring the fact that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen
Harper Told Putin: 'Get Out of Ukraine']. Meanwhile, the Obama administration has
been vacillating on its request that lawmakers grant the president additional war
powers to combat the Islamic State, leaving congressional Democrats frustrated and
both the House and Senate poised to adjourn this year without passing any legislation,
even as the conflict in the Middle East escalates.
It may be assumed that, pending further study of his Foreign Policy positions, I like Scott Walker for
POTUS-16; Ted Cruz must answer for his lets register the Illegals Amendment, and I still feel Hillary
will decide not to run. The TEA [Taxed Enough Already+ will increasingly dominate the GOPs policies,
particularly as they are passed by Congress; there will be an ongoing erosion of support for doctrinaire
social-conservatives on myriad fronts [Gay Marriage, Pot Legalization, Abortion Procedure]. Further, it
may be assumed that subsidiary issues [ensuring gun-rights, repealing Common Core, eliminating
Corporate Welfare] will abide by Constitutionally Conservative Concepts; Levity will not be eschewed
[Stephen Colbert Ripped Sweeps (Video)]; neither international nor state-level concerns will be ignored,
and attention will be paid to how the media report the news [or choose not to do so].


Regarding the aforementioned, I weighed-in [along with the plurality] on the Reader Poll
that concluded Cawley Should Run in PA-8 and it seems AG-Kanes defense was her
belief that leaked documents were not grand jury material; also, State liquor stores sale
is more likely with gas tax bargain and Illegal immigration is rising in PA.
The King of Prussia mall is expanding with 50-plus stores and the 2ND
Enhancing concerns after the Grand Jury issues its report in Ferguson, Organizers are
Training Newly Minted Protesters in St. Louis and Muslim groups seek to co-opt
Ferguson protests; meanwhile, an Anti-Gun Group Freaked-Out as Texas Considers
Becoming 45th Open Carry State and Moms Demand Action is 'Prepared to Fight' Texas
Open Carry Legislation. Regarding net-neutrality, Ted Cruz Explained Internet Freedom
in Nine Seconds and Cruz Hit Back Against Franken Attacks on Net Neutrality Position;
globally, A Forum to Spur Americas Return to Federalism is occurring in N.H. Also, the
White House taunted the GOP on 'climate change' ['I don't believe they can stop us'];
meanwhile, all 50 U.S. states, including Obama's home state of Hawaii, dropped to
freezing or below on Tuesday, per the National Weather Service. Scientists warned of
secondhand pot smoke [although the data are not definitive]. Finally, Secret mafia
initiation rites were caught on camera for first time.
The New Republican Study Committee Chairman [Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX)] said Holding Leadership
Accountable is 'Not In The Mission Statement' [and, thus, this just-elected chairman pledged never to
criticize GOP leadership publicly, a marked turn for the position that has been used in past years to hold
Speaker John Boehner's feet to the fire on occasion]; he may have won due to the perceived weakness
of his opponent [Mulvaney] on defense issues. Illustrating again the ongoing existence of the GOPs Civil
War, Pete Sessions Campaign Manager Attacked the Tea Party Movement as KY Tea Partiers [The
United Kentucky Tea Party] are 'Actively Looking' For a Primary Challenger For 2016 [having initiated a
manhunt in Southeastern Kentucky] to oppose powerful House Appropriations Committee chairman
Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY), due to His Support For a one-year "omnibus" spending bill ahead of Obama's
planned executive amnesty. {It was into this atmosphere that Christie called on Republicans to
compromise, another nail in the coffin of his POTUS-ambitions, as far as Im concerned.This is not to diminish the profundity of the splits among Dems, manifest when Mary
Landrieu Failed to Pass the Keystone XL Pipeline in Senate after having recruited 14 of a
needed 15 colleagues; this Fail Mary *Landrieu+ probably killed her runoff hopes
[Landrieu Struggled to Spin Failed Keystone XL Vote]. With Keystone, the Left Suddenly
Noticed the fact that Most Infrastructure Jobs Are Temporary; nevertheless, the Liberal
'hell no' caucus rose, with people such as Lawrence Tribe saying Keystone approval
would be 'act of war.' Inasmuch as MOST AMERICANS WANT KEYSTONE PIPELINE BUILT,
it was not surprising that Boehner said [referring to GruberGate] that A Veto Of The
Keystone Pipeline Would Be Like Obama Calling The American People Stupid.
The Dem-split was manifest after Dems lashed-out at Pelosi [House members go public with criticism of
leader]; Pelosi is Shaky, Not Stirred For Now, probably because Pelosi's Grip on Power is related to the
fact that she has generated $100 Million in Fundraising. The more moderate-Dems who remain are
apparently stymied by awareness of Obamas Peculiar View of Economics and Law; they may be noting
that his public policy has entailed implementing what the radical left wants or political expediency

requires by making-up facts, twisting economics, and rewriting the law. This, in turn, may explain why
Gates Instructed Commanders to Tell WH to 'Go To Hell' to Pushback Against Micromanaging;
ominously, Jonathan Turley [a lib with principles] was named lead counsel for the House suit against
Obama [which I still feel must be expanded beyond gripes about ObamaDontCare+. ,It is encouraging
that Conservatives Are Catching On to the Culture, according to Andrew Klavan; he has Translated libspeak.Its desirable, occasionally to note what the libs are being fed by Media-Matters; many
stories decry how FNC reports and one, in particular, characterizes the disingenuous
nature of its efforts; recalling the multiple quotations that have emerged, note that the
lede is predicated on only one quote *This week, Fox News devoted at least 57
segments to scandalizing MIT economist Jonathan Gruber's statement that the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) was written in a tortured way in a renewed effort
to delegitimize the passage of health care reform.+. The rest of the article is replete
with editorialization, omitting reference to the voter-stupidity reference *Gruber
was making the innocuous observation that Congress often crafts legislation to fit rules
and politically acceptable limits, and in the case of the ACA, Congress went on
to transparently debate the law for years.+
Three ratings stories that arose during the past two weeks show, when taken together, that Fox News
has risen to a new and remarkable level of dominance; they have, of course, been underreported in the
mainstream media.
[1]Fox News beat not just CNN and MSNBC, but also ABC, NBC and CBS on Nov. 4, the
night of the mid-term elections. It did so in both total viewers and the key news
demographic: viewers 25 to 54 years of age.
[2]Fox was the highest-rated cable channel of the week of Nov. 3, beating such ratings
engines as Nickelodeon and ESPN.
[3]Fox News aired a documentary, The Man Who Killed Usama Bin laden, and it
drew more than 3 million viewers. Part Two, which drew 3.37 million viewers, was the
highest-rated documentary in Fox News history.
The critic concluded: I think one of the reasons for this latest evolution of ratings dominance might be
that Fox was a far better watchdog on the Obama White House than any other TV news organization. It
took the heat and the blowback from an administration that showed an enmity for the press not seen
on Pennsylvania Avenue since the dark days of Richard Nixon, but it stayed the course. And now with
viewers seeing the contempt this administration had for them and the truth, they respect what Fox did
the last six years.
Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slipped below France.
Regarding Illegals, there is no meaningful border-enforcement, and the problem is global:
Eisenhower solved border crisis -- with mass deportations
Executive Action Could Bring New Illegal Immigrant Tidal Wave
Labour Got Tough on Immigration, Promising to Fund 1000 New Border Staff with a Fast
Track Levy

The implications remain profound:

3000 Unaccompanied Minors in Houston Schools
Illegals Denied Temporary Amnesty After Buying Fake Diplomas
95% families of illegals being released
East Coast states are growing destination
Border Residents Lash Out at O... 'Every time he opens mouth there's huge negative
impact on us'
Border Resident: More Illegals 'Every Time' Obama 'Opens His Mouth About
Texas Drowning In School Bond Debt, $75B Before Interest
Baby Boom of Hispanic, Asian, and Black Children to Make Whites a Minority by 2050
Regarding issuance of an Executive-Order, political forces remain complex:
Obama Boasts 'Momentum' Ahead of Executive Amnesty Decision
Plurality Against Obama Executive Amnesty
Executive Amnesty Will Give Illegal Aliens Public Benefits
President executes a royal flip-flop using executive action on immigration
Trying to sabotage Republicans?
Fueling Speculation of Exec Amnesty Announcement, WH Chief of Staff to Meet Senate
Dems Thursday
Obama has a tough decision to make on the timing of an executive order to freeze
deportations of illegal immigrants; Senate Democrats want him to wait to give them
time to pass an omnibus spending bill and other legislative priorities in the lame-duck
session that is just now ramping up.
John Cornyn: Obama Would 'Squander' Best Chance at Immigration Progress with
Executive Orders
An Executive Order would contradict BHOs prior assertions:
Five Times Obama Made His Case Against Executive Amnesty - And What He's Saying
Obama: 'There Are Certain Things I Cannot Do' Unilaterally on Immigration
New York Times Highlighted Obama's Own Legal Objection to Executive Amnesty
Reporter Asked Obama What Limits Him From Acting Like an Emperor or King on
Immigration (Video)
White House: Obama Is Not A King Or An Emperor But He Can Order Executive Amnesty
Flashback: Obama Argued Illegal Immigration Threatens Wages of Blue-Collar Americans
Obama Ignores Own Advice on Legality of Amnesty
The Dems Support Amnesty:
Sheila Jackson Lee: 'Selfish' for America to Deny Illegals Amnesty, Work Permits
Reid: Executive Amnesty About 'Fairness'
New DCCC Chairman: Executive Amnesty 'Should Encourage Everyone to Work
Luis Gutierrez Compares Executive Amnesty to Desegregation of Military
La Raza Pres: 'Urgent' for Obama to Enact 'Bold' Exec Amnesty ASAP

Dems Could Face Dire Consequences for Supporting Executive Amnesty

The Left's Destruction of the Democrat Party
The Rs harbor contingencies:
Sen.-Elect Tom Cotton: No Funding for Social Security Cards, Work Permits for Illegals
Heritage Action: Long-Term Funding Bill 'A Blank Check for Amnesty'
The Media [mostly] support BHO:
AP Refuses to Acknowledge Most Illegal Immigrants Already Protected from Deportation
AP: GOP Has No Right to Attack Obama on Immigration
Even Dem/Libs are critical of BHO:
Matthews: Obama Will Negotiate with Iran, But Not GOP on Immigration
Ralph Nader, 2008: Securing the Border Protects Americans from Wage Loss
GruberGate has gone mainstream [finally]:
Jonathan Gruber 1 Year Ago: 'Short Attention Span Of American Public' Will Help Them
Forget About Disastrous ACA Rollout (Video)
Loose-Lipped Gruber Fuels GOP Obamacare Attacks
Obama Just Stepped In A Pile Of Gruber
Obama 2006 Flashback: Obama Claimed to Have 'Stolen Ideas' from Gruber
Jonathan Gruber and the Greek Chorus of Progressive Wonks
[Top Senate Democrat: Jonathan Gruber is a 'Very Smart' Person]
A Politico 'Gotcha Moment'? Is Paige Winfield Cunningham Bowing to Pressure on
Jon Stewart Tackled Jerk Gruber: Pretty Slimy Stuff There [At the end, he cited a seemingly-lucid
defense against the SCOTUS tossing the state-level exchange-supplements, notwithstanding precedent
and Grubers quotes; in my view, assessing the ACA as a unit, it would seem the litigation will fail. On the
other hand, two briefs [#1 and #2 fail to define any other cogent prod for states to create their own
exchanges other than to satisfy the concept of seeking greater local regulatory control]; also, on the
other hand, citing rejection of an argument citing Pennhurst by Roberts writing for the plurality
suggests that he was not validating this viewpoint in a dispositive fashion because he wasnt writing for
the majority. Nevertheless, were approaching a stare decesis-type atmosphere and, thus, the hurdle
facing the SCOTUS to scuttle the law would appear not to exist, realistically. Thus, the GOP must sculpt
its own legislation THIS YEAR, notwithstanding pending litigation, thereby mooting this appeal.



Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:58 AM

Subject: Thoughts - L [Illegals, POTUS-'16, Rush, Colbert, Israel, AG-Kane, Philly-Mayor]
An essay [When Playing the Nazi Card, At Least Get It Right] provides a history-lesson that contains
remarkable parallels with BHOs statism; meanwhile, the news-of-the-day, of course, is the upcoming
Amnesty-speech by BHO, a topic that has dominated Drudge, with each of the associated hyperlinks
highlighting facets of the challenge that were explored extensively last night on FNC
Obama announcing action on immigration @ 8 p.m.
TUMULTY: Will pose political challenges for both parties [a muted commentary]
Networks To Snub Speech, but Will air during Latin Grammys
Illegals stage watch-parties for speech
LAST NIGHT, he dined with Dems to explain; NO REPUBLICANS
'Slap in face' to Constitution
SESSIONS: 'Emperor' [continuing his pattern of stark truth-telling]
DHS: Brace for New Surge [as BHO had himself predicted, prior to flipping]
Bachmann: Turning 'illiterate' immigrants into Dem voters [reflecting the Dem-motive]
'Throwing nation into crisis' [an outcome that BHO appears to welcome]
Texas Plans Suit [to be filed immediately after the speech, in Federal Court]
CRUZ: Obama Not Monarch [whose remedy is freezing Senatorial approvals and
when Illegals were being bussed around America]
SCHLAFLY: Modern-day 'Fort Sumter' [an outcome BHO presaged via post-election
Sheriffs: 'Destruction of Democracy' [reflecting low morale of law-enforcement on
Illegals flooding attorneys' offices with calls [yielding expanded federal bureaucracy]
and in Breitbart
Open Rebellion: Chaos if Republicans Dont Withhold Funding for Obama Executive
Perry, Dewhurst and Straus Extend Texas Border Surge Through August 2015
Rand Paul: Take Obama to Court Over Exec Amnesty
Allen West: GOP Needs to Put on Their 'Big Boy Pants'
Border Patrol Agents Sharing Rifles Amid M4 Shortages


Horowitz: The Game Plan to Stop Obamas Unconstitutional Amnesty
Obama's Amnesty Plan Could Shield 5 Million from Immigration Laws
GOP Governors Could Fight Obama's Amnesty in States
Law Professor: Obama Will 'Petulantly' Defy Voters with 'Illegal' Executive Amnesty
GOP Lawmakers Call on Obama to Work with Them on Immigration
Obama: Executive Amnesty Part of Lawful Authority as President
House Leaders: Executive Amnesty 'a Slap in the Face' to Americans
Barack the First Crowns Himself with Executive Amnesty
We Cannot Afford Amnesty
Mainstream Media Touting Obama Talking Points to Help Implement Executive Amnesty
and in other media-outlets *with embedded opinions subject to scrutiny+
White House readies immigration legal defense *created from fumes in the ether+
Obama will shield about 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation,
circumventing Congress to provide the most sweeping changes to immigration policy in
decades *and, per Rush quoted directly @ FNCs Juan Williams twice last night, NOT
reminiscent of when Reagan signed Mazzoli-Simpson]
Obama's Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedentedand Unconstitutional
GOPs play on spending could backfire per lib-Politico; after having warned the GOP
against stridency, it posed a rhetorical query that was spot-on: If Obama is going too
far using his executive power, is the best response for Congress to walk away from its
constitutional power of the purse?
Republicans Will Not Block Barack Obama (Because They Want the Same Thing)
THAT'S AN ORDER! [The Drudge Headline]
with Politico citing myriad viewpoints, both pro
Former Senate immigration subcommittee counsel Carl Hampe in Politico Magazine:
"Obama ... is not granting 'amnesty' ... No one will receive permanent residence, or a
'green card,' from this action because the president has no legal authority to do so.
Rather, the administration would simply grant the beneficiaries temporary work
authorization and a reprieve from possible deportation proceedings."
Harold Meyerson in WashPost: Obama's order will be shaped almost entirely by the
imperative of keeping parents with their children.
Erwin Chemerinsky and Sam Kleiner in The New Republic: Obama Has the Law-and
Reagan-on His Side on Immigration because a president may choose to not enforce
particular laws when deciding how to allocate scarce resources or based on his view of
the best public policy; countless federal laws go unenforced.
and anti
Cruz: if he acts by executive diktat, Obama will not be acting as a president; he will be
acting as a monarch
Matt Wolking on BHO is contradicting his assertions [uttered at least 22
Times] that he Couldn't Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law [including this
Obama quote: "Comprehensive reform, that's how we're going to solve this problem. ...
Anybody who tells you it's going to be easy or that I can wave a magic wand and make it
happen hasn't been paying attention to how this town works."].
as the GOP appeared to signal it wouldnt truly arch its back
GOP leaders warn 'impeachment' is a dirty word
Dont Make the Good the Enemy of the Perfect [flipping the familiar aphorism]


Obama got bipartisan Ambassador and judicial approvals [despite the fact that Cruz
IDed delaying such actions if/when BHO issues his amnesty-related executive order]
This Infographic Ranks How Conservative Top House Republicans Are [per Heritage]
and Dems appeared to be in disarray
Dems Hope You Are an Idiot [regularly, in the past/present/future]
Dems Biggest Problem: Theyre So F*cking Boring *noting their agenda doesnt
Schumer is suddenly facing new competition for the spotlight, with popular Democrats
such as Patty Murray of Washington, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and, of course,
Warren [attacking from the far-left]
'Disconnect' Between 'Obama Democrats' and Reality is Killing the Democrat Party
The Daily Beasts puff-piece on Valerie Jarrett [highlighting her progressive agenda,
probably was prompted by post-election attacks on her protectiveness of BHO]
while simultaneously attempting to fend-off GruberGate
Gruber and Iraq WMD: a tale of two deceptions [video is hysterical]
The Gruber Charade [video is hysterical]
Obamacare Architect Earned Millions from Taxpayers as depicted in One Chart
Inside the Comic Book Jonathan Gruber Wrote to Sell Obamacare to America
[phenomenal hubris, demonizing Rush]
Obama 2006 Flashback: I've Stolen Ideas from Jonathan Gruber
The man who exposed Jonathan Gruber [is a Philadelphian]
and dissing women
Stephanie Cutter: Women Voted For Obama Because Theyre Stupid
Jon Stewart Mocked Pelosi on Womens Rights After She Didn't Let Pregnant
Representative Vote by Proxy *never missing an opportunity to disappoint+
as BHOs diminished-America foreign policy continued to fail
U.N. Votes to Condemn Iranian Human Rights Abuses [as nuke-talks climax]
Russian Bombers Threaten Guam [as Putin inexorably consolidates eastern-Ukraine]
Almost 1,000 Killed in Ukraine Since September Truce
and as BHOs big-government domestic policy continued to scandalize
Congressman [Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo.] Seeks to End Program He Calls 'More
Dangerous' Than IRS Scandal [Operation Choke Point]
Taxpayers Paid 8 EPA Employees $1 Million to Do Nothing [remember Lois Lerner?}
Mel Watt: Fannie and Freddie to Remain Under Federal Control [presaging Congressfight]
Regarding POTUS-16, Scott Walker plots 2016 rollout; meanwhile, Rand Paul [who Poached Ted Cruz's
Digital Strategist] is antagonizing his base [Rand helped block NSA reform; civil liberties groups are
feeling betrayed+ while pushing his fathers pet initiative *'Audit the Fed']. {Also, note that Republicans
became Fed-Up With Chuck Todd's Immigration Questions, while Establishment-GOP candidates are
being promoted [with CHRSTIE ON THE COVER OF SUNDAY'S N.Y. TIMES MAGAZINE and Jeb Bush facing
backlash over education record despite his irrelevance.}
Why I like Colbert is illustrated by what he said after it was announced he is to host
the 37th annual Kennedy Center Honors, to be broadcast Tuesday, Dec. 30 on CBS: 'I am
stunned to be receiving a Kennedy Center Honor at such a young age. ... I'm sorry. I'm
being told I am HOSTING the Kennedy Center Honors. Oh... Well, I'm glad. That makes a
lot more sense.

The Republican Landslide Forced [Dem/Lib/Progressive] Jewish Activists To Downsize Goals and Anne
Bayefsky discussed why the UN is the major global-purveyor of anti-Semitism [even as UNRWA
EMPLOYEES PRAISED MURDER OF JERUSALEM RABBIS]; meanwhile, UCLA Students Voted to Divest from
Israel and an Israeli Shipping Company Stopped Serving Long Beach, aMajor California Port. Israel
continued to face multi-front battles [military, diplomatic, PR, etc.] against THE PSYCHOSIS OF
PALESTINIAN NATIONALISM that have been distilled by Richard Baehr [Mass murderer moderate
Mahmoud, a wide-ranging piece that is, itself replete with hyperlinks], that have provoked strife within
Likud [c/o MK Moshe Feiglin, who counterpoints BB when asserting that World Condemnation is
Superfluous, because Israel's Leaders Must Take Responsibility], and that have prompted two unique
John R. Cohn, M.D. wrote this letter-to-the-editor regarding media-bias:
Despite my distress at what President Obama called the "horrific" attack
yesterday in Jerusalem, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate your
editors for getting the story right this morning, listening as I drove to
work. While I obviously could not take notes, your anchor clearly noted
that five Israelis had been "murdered" by "terrorists." Where but in the
Arabs conflict with Israel, would anyone say anything different from
How unfortunate that the anchors at your CBS television network in
New York had a less accurate grasp of this crime. Nora ODonnell
observed this morning, The two Palestinian attackers died in a
shootout with police. It happened at a contested religious site in
The site of the killings was a synagogue located inside the 1948
armistice line, an area that is only contested if you think all of Israel is
Come to think of it, maybe Ms. ODonnell had it right. There is no
Jewish holy site or part of Israel the Palestinians do not contest.
Jonathan Pollards parole plastering constitutes a crash-course on the entire sequenceof-events.
Lest any temptation arise to relax vigilance regarding the Middle East, note how the Daily Alert contains
multiple unnerving citations. Perhaps because Extension of Iran Nuclear Talks Would Be a Hard Sell in
Congress, Kerry is in Diplomatic Overdrive on Iran Nuclear Deal; reticence that he not Rush into a Deal
with Iran is enhanced when it is noted that a Basij Commander claimed Millions of Iranians are Ready to
Deploy in Gaza [illustrating the global-link of Islamists, both Sunni and Shiite+, from which Four Rocket
Launch Tests emerged during the Past 24 Hours [even as Israel agreed to Cooperate with SecretaryGeneral's Probe of Damage to UN Facilities in Gaza War]. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Coroner Agreed
with the Israeli Finding that a Bus Driver Committed Suicide; along with Temple Mount Denial, this had
been cited as the provocation for the Jerusalem Terror Attack [which "Strikes at Soul" of Jews
Worldwide] that prompted Thousands of Israeli Druze and Jews to attend the Funeral for Policeman

Slain in Terror Attack. Although most feel There Can Be No Justification for this Cold-Blooded Murder in
Jerusalem [and the UN Security Council Strongly Condemned "Despicable Terrorist Attack" in Jerusalem
Synagogue], the Jordanian Parliament Honored the [dead] Jerusalem Terrorists; as a result, noting the
schism that is again emerging *but that isnt yet manifest+ between the PA/Hamas, the U.S. Should Cut
Aid to Palestinians for Supporting Terrorists. {Also, note that Israeli Experts Fight Ebola in Sierra Leone.}
In PA, AG-Kanes troubles continue:
UPDATE: Probe now said to find no child porn in email scandal...
Despite Kane's assertions, no child porn in emails...
AG's critics: CNN allegations a smokescreen...
Kane lawyer has new theory on leaking grand jury info...
AG readies court order appeal, return to Harrisburg...
Bumsted: The Kane stakeout
In Philly, Abraham & Williams joined the race for Philly mayor [I prefer the latter] and Ryan Howard
finished a legal battle with family over money [undoubtedly affecting recent performance]; meanwhile,
because three teachers have been assaulted at John Bartram High School in Philadelphia [including one
68-year-old substitute who was brutally knocked unconscious] in the past month, 'Watters' World'
probed why Teachers were Attacked By Students, one of whom claimed they 'Had It Coming.' {Also, PA
is [finally!] checking potential duplicate voter registrations.}
Here is the most-recent summary of Rush Limbaugh:
Quote Gems from Tuesdays show:
"Obama's not interested in the consent of the governed or working with anybody
because he knows in an honest contest he would never have been granted the consent
of the governed."
"Obama and Gruber know that had they been honest from day one about what their
intentions were and how they intended to go about them, they would never have won
the election in 2008."
"I know that there are many conspiracy theorists, some even at Fox News who believe
that there is some guy behind a curtain who decides what the price of gasoline's gonna
be and gets away with manipulating it and changing it."
"Do you know that more young people are watching The Walking Dead on Sunday night
this season than are watching Sunday Night Football? I don't care if it's a good show or
bad show. That's not my point. Sunday Night Football used to own Sunday night."
"The simple explanation for much, not at all, but for much of the drop in the price of oil
is found in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are lowering their price because they are scared.
They are very worried about the amount of oil now available in the United States and
North America via fracking."


"It's been reported in a number of official publications that the amount of oil, the
reserves that are available in the United States and North America since fracking has
become affordable, the reserves we have are greater than the reserves in Saudi Arabia."
"The left is really, really damaging and harming this country in all kinds of ways. They are
doing it with deceit and lies and character assassination, the absolute worst traits and
characteristics of personal conduct and behavior."
"She is in her forties and a children's book is teaching her for the first time things about
American history she didn't know."
"There has been a political party that has benefited from the idea that self-reliance is
unfair and mean-spirited."
"There's been a political party that's sort of created this entitlement expectation. And
there's been a political party that has benefited from the idea that people do not need
to exhibit any personal responsibility."
"Markets are self-correcting. Markets respond to laws of supply and demand and the
will of the people."
"I don't know what the percentage is, but it's pretty high, of people who don't think they
should have to buy health insurance; that they should continue to get it 'free' at work.
It's not something they should have to pay for, just like they don't have to pay for a
lawyer if they get involved and can't afford one."
"The price of oil is being determined by the free market economy, and the price of
insurance is being determined by Barack Obama and Jonathan Gruber right now. Well,
the cost of health insurance and everything about it is just ballooning out of sight, and
the price of oil is dropping."
"People have evolved to the point that there's almost an entitlement mentality about
health care and health insurance and health treatment, and it's something that people a
lot of times don't think that they should have to pay for."
"Obamacare has been a deception from the moment of its conception. The whole thing
is an intricately woven web of deceit, and liberals celebrate how they were able to run
this con and fool you."
"Obamacare's long-term objective is to eliminate employer-provided or employer-based
insurance, and to also eliminate the private sector, free enterprise insurance industry
way on down the road. The objective long term is to see to it that there's only one place
to go for health insurance and for medical treatment: the US government."
"Why do you think there is this instinctive hatred for Big Oil within the Democrat Party,
communism, socialism, and the American left? The reason Big Oil is hated is because Big
Oil profits off something everybody needs. To the leftist, oil should be free."


"Obama is not self-correcting, because he doesn't have the humility to ever understand
when he's done something wrong."
"The effort, ladies and gentlemen, to take every good feeling away from you is in full
swing. The effort to dispirit you is all over the place out there, and the effort to make
you think that this past election was about something or some things totally different
than what you think it was about is also in full swing."
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "For the Children"
Since 2012, we have experienced record levels of child homelessness. The National
Center on Family Homelessness has concluded a comprehensive study and found that
one child in every 30 is homeless.
The new report covers child homelessness in every state, finding that in 2013 almost
two and a half million kids were homeless at some point during the year. Department of
Education research says there are almost a million and a half homeless children
attending public school.
The problem is particularly acute in California. There are over a half million homeless
kids in that blue state. And I doubt those numbers include the recent wave of illegal
immigrant kids the Obama regime welcomed over the southern border.
Typical of what youd expect from liberals, the study finds plenty of blame to go around.
Such as: There isnt enough federal and state welfare money for housing. There arent
enough incentives for developers to build enough low-income affordable housing.
Landlords would rather rent to a single professional than a family of four. (Wonder
why). And, oh yeah. The minimum wage is too low.
Its all somebody elses responsibility. It always is.
Except, Obamas. None of the child homeless advocates blame the rotten economy that
Obama has presided over for six years. And they sure dont question how guys like
Jonathan Gruber can become multi-millionaires with taxpayer mopney, while innocent
children live in the streets. It's simply unaccetable.. Maybe a NFL player could adopt
them? What month could we turn that into?
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It's Time to Man Up, GOP


Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 8:57 PM

Subject: Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]
Anticipate, again, receipt of a two-part Blast e-mail, with this first one focused on national concerns
and the subsequent one addressing loco-regional, statewide and international issues.
30,000 missing emails from IRS' Lerner recovered!
*Lets see if Chaffetz can keep his promise to make oversight less personal!]
The focus here, of course, is upon the Illegals; attachments are provided to resolve two controversies
regarding ObamaDontCare legislation *and, of course, to provide relevant quotes from Scott
Rasmussen, Jim Geraghty and Rush]. Also, follow-up regarding blogging on PoliticsPa is cited, again, if
only to provide an example of how to bury an anti-Semite incrementally by demanding documentation
of lies that, of course, cannot be justified; other more subtle manifestations of anti-Israel sentiments are
covered, if only to illustrate the Perfect Storm that seems on the horizon when the Iran-Nuke deadline
arrives next week. That 'We elected man as president who had no experience at anything' continues to
damage America and the World; thus, rather than rehash the sequellae of his arrogance, the focus
herein is on potential remedies. After having covered national issues, international concerns are
updated, followed by a prcis of state/regional/local concerns that contain follow-up blogging which
stripped-nikkid [ideologically] the extreme-Dem with whom I had been fencing.
Some people think that fixation on Cosby is employed to distract people from focusing
on BHOs antics; yet, both locally [Temple University: Cosby remains on board of
trustees] and nationally [Another Cosby accuser steps forward after 38 years], this is a
newsmaker, yielding a rare confession from former MontCo DA Bruce Castor [on Cosby:
'I thought he did it']. Exemplifying more escapism was Jon Stewarts interview of Ben
Affleck, during which movie discussion *Batman v. Superman; Gone Girl; Argo; and
Rosewater+ was brisk; again, although fascinating at moments, it wasnt engrossing.
Therefore, the public has no excuse to avoid paying attention to BHOs misconduct.
Ongoing controversies regarding ObamaDontCare [Doctors have to choose between themselves and
their patients] have been amplified episodically [ObamaDontCare Contractor Faces Renewed Conflictof-Interest Allegations] and have morphed into admitted-errors [Administration admitted Obamacare
enrollment numbers error; nearly 400,000 of the plans were for stand-alone dental coverage, not
medical] but, noting the impact of GruberGate, its financing-manipulation is the current focus; thats
why it is necessary to Dump Gruber Ally, Doug Elmendorf, as CBO Director, because reappointing
Elmendorf would not only keeps the office that scores all financial legislation in the hands of a dyed-inthe-wool leftist, but it would validate the way in which the Obama administration passed
ObamaDontCare. ,People who enjoyed the Hitler Learns About parody may also appreciate this brief
rap-video on GRUBER [complete with topical Bill Cosby and Lena Dunham references].}
The attachment contains citations from the ObamaDontCare statute that
support my view that the SCOTUS will not invoke a technicality to toss the statelevel exchange-supplements; an effort that was initiated years ago and now

seems sexy will fail, notwithstanding alleged-precedent and Grubers quotes,

for the statute must be assessed as a unit. On the one hand, two briefs [#1 and
#2 fail to define any other cogent prod for states to create their own exchanges
other than to satisfy the concept of seeking greater local regulatory control; on
the other hand, citing rejection of an argument citing Pennhurst by Roberts
writing for the plurality suggests that he was not validating this viewpoint in a
dispositive fashion because he wasnt writing for the majority. Nevertheless,
this legislation is approaching a stare decisis-type atmosphere and, thus, the
hurdle facing the SCOTUS to scuttle the law seems high, realistically. Thus, the
GOP must sculpt its own legislation THIS YEAR, notwithstanding pending
litigation, thereby mooting this appeal.
It is necessary to explore the claim that ILLEGAL ON-DEMAND ABORTIONS ARE COVERED BY
OBAMACARE, notwithstanding the attachment containing all relevant language from the statute [plus
the Hyde Amendment]; despite Obama's promise that ObamaDontCare would not be used to pay for
abortions, over a thousand insurance plans under his signature health care law are in fact offering
coverage for on-demand abortions. Previously, Id opined that this legal procedure should be covered
under Medicaid, but that abortion-providers shouldnt be able to obtain contracts to enhance their
income via grants based on the claim that they are unique providers of womens healthcare *such as for
mammograms which, actually, are referred elsewhere+. Id also opined that the Pill should be covered
also, as a treatment for menstrual disorder; noted was the suggestion that it be available over-thecounter, but this is a hormone that should be prescribed [and this switch would apparently preclude
A lib noted that, under Sec. 1303(a), states may opt in or opt out of providing coverage,
as is currently the case. There is even a clause (page 2076) that prohibits discrimination
against a provider or facility that wont have anything to do with abortion services,
including referral. Further, (c) states that there is no preemption of state law. In
addition, no federal rules related to such issues as conscience protection are modified.
It was concluded that access to abortion remains restricted, which is why libs worry that
conservatives including at the state level can continue to promote a pro-life agenda.
It is obvious that policing adherence this carve-out remains difficult; this supports the view that
liberation of the system *to permit, for example, interstate competition+ would allow those who wish
this service to purchase coverage thereof. For Medicaid patients [i.e., government funded], ongoing
respect for the ethics of the large pro-lifers can be manifest on the state-level via imposition of safetyrelated regulations without unduly harming the justifiable desires of the pro-choicers. Roe confirmed
the national legality of the procedure, but it didnt mandate all states fund its performance; for example,
states would decide whether or not, because being pregnant isnt a disease-state, the abortion would
not be covered *unless there is rape, incest, or a threat to the mothers life+. Although the argument has
been promulgated that poor people are less apt to be sufficiently mobile to find a place to live that
would be in a state that was friendly to their political views, the state cannot be compelled to provide all
services that an individual might demand.
Also viewed within the context of the culture-wars, Asian students are suing Harvard
and the University of North Carolina for discrimination; it targets admissions policies
that are not race neutral, floors for certain racial and ethnic minorities and ceilings for
other groups (Asians). This suit also calls for an end to admissions decisions favoring

legacies *usually wealthy alumni+, and some might add athletic affirmative action to
the mix. Some propose resolving this controversy by viewing these students as
subsidiaries of the university and, thus, not required to attend classes+. In my view,
this would be arrogant, for the purpose of a university that they would be representing
must be [at least partially] academic.
Richard Baehr summarized events at the Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach last week, observations
that presage points on each topic that follow herein:
Megan McArdle explained that the problem of GruberGate is broader than one
arrogant, contemptuous, dishonest academic making a lot of money from his
deceptions; journalists have become part of the insider class. Jonathan Gruber has been
paid $5.2 million by the federal government alone in the last decade, and about as much
from state governments in the last four years to help set up exchanges for
ObamaDontCare. This is a pretty good haul for someone who is paid a salary to be a
full-time professor at MIT. [Because he has a graduate degree from MIT, Baehr wrote to
the school asking about conflict of interest, job responsibilities, fraud, deception and
other issues raised by Gruber's behavior; so far, silence.]
Jeff Jacoby supports making health insurance into a real national market, an alteration
to Obamacare exchanges that Republicans promoted and Obama and his team ignored.
Dan Greenfield considers the new immigration executive action will yield deportation of
jobs, rather than of illegals; Ross Douthat considers the executive order to be a betrayal.
Christies yearlong stint at the helm was a boon for him politically, but Money can't buy
Christie love; for example, Revel casino buyer backed-out of the deal, an event that
could adversely affect Christie, noting the mega-bucks he provided to a venture that
seemed doomed to fail in A.C. while PA (not just in Philly) was building more convenient
Last night, I watched an hour-long depiction [c/o NewsmaxTV] of a man who said he had shot JFK, James
Files; this was allegedly a mafia-hit organized by Castro to avenge efforts to have assassinated him. On
the one hand, this narrative seems reminiscent of Jim Garrison and Mark Lane; on the other hand, it
included disturbing evidence that supplements my viewharbored since CBS-News aired a 4-part
analysis of the Warren Commission Repotthat it seemed physically impossible for 3 shots to be fired
within 10 seconds from that non-automatic rifle. One wonders if its not too late for Congress to OK
another study; now that Arlen has died, buried along with him should be the single-bullet theory.
An essay by DAVID HOROWITZ and JOHN PERAZZO regarding Black Skin Privilege And
Ferguson, as reports surfaced that Officer Darren Wilson will resign despite predictions
that he is Not Expected to Be Charged.
Miscellaneous suggestions from multiple individuals include reference to the epic chess match of our
time, America's greatest counterfeiter, and the sudden death of Victor Davis Hansons 27 year-old
daughter, Susannah Hanson, from acute leukemia; Hanson was a great speaker when he appeared years
ago @ what was to become the new Bryn Mawr campus of Barrack Hebrew Academy [the multimovement Jewish Parochial School from which my son graduated]. The Stephen Glass journalistic386

malpractice (memorialized years ago in the flick, "Shattered Glass") has been followed-up; notable is the
fact that a prominent figure in this escapade was Charles "Chuck" Lane [editorial writer for The
Washington Post and regular guest on Fox News Channel] who was the lead editor of The New Republic
from 1997 to 1999. Recalling Hillarys comment about BHO during her book roll-out tour, note that the
top line on a page from one of Stephen Glass's notebooks reads DON'T DO STUPID THINGS.

Regarding the Illegals, Obama went Big on Immigration for, Despite Rhetoric, Obama Order went
Further Than Ever; Obama allegedly limited the scope of action [because BHO claimed the White House
believed it cannot build one executive action on top of another], and his moves reflect a second-term
White House that claimed to be fed up with congressional dysfunction. Jeh Johnson orchestrated the
push for an executive order behind the scenes. Roy Beck (of NumbersUSA) provided a point-by-point
AMNESTY]; a disinterested Fact Check detailed notable omissions. [Note this transcript and VIDEO of the
15-min. speech, plus a WHITE HOUSE INFOGRAPHIC.]
It is necessary to ID the devil in the DETAILS of what BHO ORDERED regarding jobs
[Undocumented immigrants won't get Obamacare - but Latino coverage could rise] and
taxation [Undocumented workers, meet the IRS]. Overall, [Illegal] Immigrants find
themselves torn between hope and defeat and Obamas Plan is supposedly a Deep
Disappointment for Many Illegal Immigrants, while the U.S. will allow people from
nations hit by Ebola to stay temporarily.
The cacophony of usual-suspects has been heard; this rhetorical battle was epitomized by NANCY
PELOSI, for her having cited the Emancipation Proclamation [an executive order] as precedent failed to
recognize the limited scope of Lincolns wartime edict. The Pros are joyous *AMNESTY: NOW!; RAMOS
CELEBRATES OUR NEWFOUND POWER and Univision's Jorge Ramos: Obama Paying Off 'Debt' to
TIME...Republicans had it coming; 'Golden ticket'; Peter Beinart: returned to activist roots; American
Bridge: Republicans claim every time the President takes a position, he's 'poisoning the well']. The
LINE; Sheriffs: 'Destruction of Democracy'; PRUDEN: Guarantees hell on border will continue; WSJ
editorial board: tearing at the fabric of national consent].

Obama tried to prioritize his audience by announcing the Executive Amnesty Plan on
11/20/2014 [National Revolution Day in Mexico] and by discouraging coverage by
ENGLISH LANGUAGE NETWORKS; A Liberal Explained Why Obama Is an Imperial
President is supplemented by the view of Scott Rasmussen that The Goal of Our
Political Process is Not to Create a Government That Works smoothly; checks-andbalances are intended to forestall rapid enactment of potentially-problematic policies
[per an e-mail received this-a.m.].
What is to be done? Lawsuits have been filed [Arizona's Sheriff Joe Sues Obama Over Immigration
Order] and will be filed [GOP Governors Consider Lawsuits to Stop], as per Judge Napolitano, the
SCOTUS will be invited to confirm that prosecutorial discretion has run amok *creating nullification+
because Congress [Article I, Section 8] is empowered to act in this regard [with Executive Orders to be
predicated on ways existing law can be implemented]. The House Appropriations Committee Confirmed
Congress Can't Defund Obama's Immigration Action because the agency responsible for carrying out the
changes is completely self-funded, even as McConnell promised a forceful immigration response.
Senator Sessions went wild ['CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO BLOCK! and Americans must 'resist this
Cruz still has some splainin to do, despite his eloquence yesterday, when CRUZ
compared this action with the ancient Catiline conspiracy, a plot to overthrow the
Roman Republic, 2077 years ago. Whereas Cruz advised that the Senate Should Block
Obama's Nominees Until He Rescinds Amnesty, last year, he proposed amendments to
the Senates Immigration Reform Bill that included creating a temporary legalization
status via registration so that they may come out from the shadows, notwithstanding
the fact that he would also want to prevent "those currently here illegally who are
offered legal status under this Act from obtaining citizenship; the latter could be done
via subsequent legislation [as predicted by Rush, repeatedly] and, thus, noting the
slippery-slope, I question why they should attain "legal status" in the first place.
It has been predicted that Conservatives will be Played [despite the fact that] because Republicans Will
Vote to Fund Obamas Amnesty and then *belatedly, ineffectively+ Then Try to Take It All Back;
Republican leaders are now struggling to contain a party rebellion [noting that this WaPo piece assumes
that any government shutdown would be blamed on the GOP, notwithstanding the election-results].
Barletta *who has great cred on this issue, as I noted years ago during his debate @ Temple Law
School regarding Hazeltons litigation+ wants to promote a bill prohibiting work authority for
undocumented immigrants, pre-empting Obama's executive action. {The strife within the GOP was
reflected when Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin Called Rep. Steve King 'Hateful' And 'Racist'; she
apparently cannot differentiate his opposition solely to ILLEGAL Immigrants from a form of xenophobia
that most everyone rejects.}
Some have opined that BHO is losing support among Blacks when they see Hispanics
crowding-out their ability to get jobs perhaps explaining why Obama failed to convince
some Dems on immigration. This concern is a component of an analysis of The Electoral
Politics Of Obamas Immigration Speech In Nevada *Given the Republican landslide in
Nevada in 2014, Dems may be worried the state is leaning more Colorado than New
Mexico right now; Reid will probably face a tough re-election campaign in 2016, for

pushing Nevada from battleground to blue will depend on the states Latino
electorate.+; Dems bet on diversity *for the presidents decision is bound to draw a
backlash from middle-of-the-road white voters and Obama united the 2016 crowd [for
now, although their varying positions underscore how sensitive a topic immigration
Regarding party-politics, New York mayor De Blasio said Dems lost the 2014 election because they did
not talk about Income inequality often enough; the referenced-essay suggests otherwise but, in my
view, this will remain an under-toe that will have to be confronted *creators vs. takers+ in 16.
Somewhat gleefully, it has been claimed that Godless Democrats are losing women; again, it is necessary
to develop this theme, perhaps along the libertarian lines advocated in these Blast e-mails [including
liberalization of public-funding of Abortion/Contraceptives [via the states], acceptance of Gay Marriage
[noting the SCOTUS-impetus], and legalization of pot [recognizing the need to differentiate it from harddrugs]. There will always be an apologist who denies facts while blaming and lamenting [DEM REP: GOP
ONLY WON WHERE 'THERE'S NOT A LARGE AMOUNT' OF IMMIGRANTS]; again, although it is desirable
not to be sucked-in to the Dem-approach towards focusing on demographics, it is clear that tooling-up
for 16 will entail acquisition of myriad databases that, at least in PA, have yet to have been organized.


Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 11:22 PM

Subject: Thoughts - LII [Middle East, JoePa, e-cigs, blogging to expose an anti-Semite]
This is part-two, addressing loco-regional, statewide and international issues. It should be noted at the
onset that the fact that 30,000 missing emails from IRS' Lerner were recovered is not surprising, for this
is occurring after the Midterms; one can anticipate more revelations [e.g., BenghaziGate, Fast &
Furious]. Also, in follow-up of the Amnesty Executive-Order, note the latest entries on Drudge [Ol You
Stay!; Black Activists Condemn Amnesty; Obama fundraises off immigration speech, seeks $1,000
contributions; New DHS rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top
deportation priorities]. Also, one reader responded positively on Facebook *accurate, clear appropriate,
honest and most of all logical; Obama is not an American, Cosby is a liar, Penn State was railroaded, and
Kane has her shot! The Kennedy story was a fabrication; the cable show made more sense than the
printed info+. In any case, this is not as lengthy as might be apparent upon initial perusal, for it is
dominated by a back-and-forth depiction of my blogging-effort against a Dem who blogs @ PoliticsPA; in
my view, he is squirming after having been cornered in multiple ways [behaving as might a rat]. {Also,
note that Bill Godshall and I arent the only anti-tobacco advocates who are Calling for a different
approach to tobacco and nicotine regulation via, for example, e-cigs.}
One item-of-interest globally is unrelated to the Middle East, documenting a conclusion
reached a week ago: The U.S.-China climate-change deal was imbalanced because
America makes hard commitments on carbon emission reductions for the next ten
years, while China may start considering making similar cuts after 2030.
Regarding the murder of Israeli rabbis who were praying in Jerusalem [plus a Druze policeman],
commentaries have reinforced prior regret that Israel is condemned to suffer in silent isolation [New
Scandal Envelops UNRWA as Employees Praise Jerusalem Synagogue Atrocity; U.S. Response to
Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Disappoints; Israel Holds the Free World's Destiny in Her Hands].
This is perhaps explained by noting How the Western World Funds Hamas Terrorism [an
insightful piece by Lee S. Bender, Esquire]; the atmosphere being created by the Arabs
in Jerusalem is reminiscent of the prelude to the 1929 Hebron Massacre [In 1924, the
Moslem Wakf began instigating against the Jews connection to the Kotel and, in 1928,
the mufti further provoked a dispute about the Kotel, claiming that the Jews were trying
to take control of the mosques on the Temple Mount; Moslems argued that the Kotel
was holy to them because Mohammed had tied his horse there before he went up to
the Temple Mount].
In lieu of digesting engrossing articles from reliable aggregators [Daily Alert, Middle East Forum, and
from Pundicity], note gleanings from multiple sources [ISIS Taunted USA in New Video and In Secret,
Obama Extended U.S. Role in Afghan Combat].
Campus activities reflect the magnitude of the task that must be tackled to win hearts
and minds: Berkeley Students Reacted to Man Waving Islamic State Flag positively, but


negatively when he waved an Israeli Flag, Harvard is cutting new ground on its antiIsraelism, and a Third UCLA Donor Pledged to Pull Funds over BDS.
As the deadline for a Nuke deal with Iran approaches, the IAEA chief blasted Iran for continued
stonewalling amid calls from lawmakers to reassert Congressional oversight and Iran secretly continued
nuke work; indeed, while Kerry desperate for deal, the Senate is Threatening imposition of New
Sanctions Ahead of Weak and Dangerous Deal with Iran. Also, it is not surprising that climatechange political-funder Tom Steyer is also a fan of Iran.
Jerome Gordon noted that the deadline is looming for a supposed final agreement with
Iran over its nuclear enrichment program. Don't count on it. Yesterday there was a 2.5
hour panel discussion on Capitol Hill co-sponsored by the B-National Policy Center,
Foreign Policy Initiative and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies that was
both highly informative with acknowledged experts and both Democrat and Republican
Members of the House and Senate.
Cliff May, President of the Washington, DC-based Foundation for Defense of
Democracies sent out this digest of the high points of Capitol Hill panel discussion:
In advance of the November 24 nuclear negotiation deadline between the P5+1, and
consistent with FDDs ongoing assistance to members of Congress, FDDs Mark
Dubowitz took part this morning in an expert briefing on Capitol Hill followed by a
testimony in the afternoon before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the
Middle East and North Africa.
Mark noted that while administration officials have said they are looking for an
agreement that would "dismantle a lot or significant portions of Irans nuclear
infrastructure, the terms of a deal could fall short of that. The more flawed the deal,
the more important it will be for Congress to defend the sanctions architecture to
maintain economic leverage, he said.
FDD joined with the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Foreign Policy Initiative to hold a
briefing with members of Congress and their staff regarding next Mondays nuclear
negotiation deadline. Mark was joined by Ambassador Eric Edelman, who most recently
served as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Dr. Ray Takeyh, a former senior advisor
on Iran at the State Department, and Olli Heinonen, the former Deputy Director General
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Blaise Misztal, the director of the
Foreign Policy Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center, moderated the discussion.

Ambassador Eric Edelman on the current state of negotiations: The US team is

talking about the diplomatic acrobatics they are trying to come up with in order to meet
Iranian demands. Given its successful track record, why should Iran believe that it
should abandon its hardline demands?

Dr. Ray Takeyh on the White Houses strategy: I believe that the US administration
will advocate for a multistage agreement with Iran. In the first stage, sanctions relief
comes in the form of presidential waivers. In future stages if the agreement is being
abided by Iran - the administration will then ask Congress for more permanent sanctions

relief. Thus, if Congress does not agree to relief, the administration will be able to point
to Congress for breaking a successful agreement.

Olli Heinonen on Irans lack of nuclear compliance: Per the latest IAEA report, Iran
is already in violation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA). Before we even have gotten to
the comprehensive agreement, we have Iran violating the interim agreement. Iran is in
noncompliance with UN Security Council resolutions and IAEA safeguards agreements.
Regardless of a good deal or a bad deal, we are rewarding Iran for its ongoing violations.
This is a playbook for future proliferators.

Mark Dubowitz on the false illusion of sanctions snapbacks: If an agreement is

eventually reached, what happens after we detect that Iran is in noncompliance? The
White House says, we can in law - snap-back the sanctions that were temporary
lifted on Iran. However, this may in fact prove virtually ineffective due to the economic
realities on the ground and market psychology that will change when sanctions are
temporarily lifted in the first place.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), and Sen.
Mark Kirk (R-IL), the leading architect of many of the sanctions that Congress has built
against Iran, joined our briefing and offered comments:

Rep. Ted Deutch: Any comprehensive deal or framework agreement with Iran
must: (1) close off of all of Irans pathways to a bomb; (2) must address Fordo and
Natanz; (3) resolve Irans history of nuclear work; (4) dismantle *Irans+ nuclear program;
(5) include a robust verification and monitoring regime; (6) restrict Irans ability to
obtain material used to develop its nuclear program; and (7) be long enough that Iran
will not simply wait it out until all restrictions are dropped.

Sen. Mark Kirk: As long as Iran has a nuclear program, we should continue our
sanctions regime which would improve the chances for monitoring and verification.
Congress needs to see the deal that is being negotiated to determine whether it meets
the necessary requirements.
Later in the afternoon, Mark Dubowitz was invited by the House Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa to testify alongside General Michael
Hayden, the former Director of the CIA (and an advisor to FDD) and Karim Sadjadpour, a
Senior Associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

General Michael Hayden on US intelligence regarding Irans nuclear program: Our

knowledge of the Iranian nuclear program is incomplete. As Mark [Dubowitz] points out,
we have a lack of knowledge about Irans covert nuclear program and its capabilities.
Absent an invasive inspection regime, American intelligence cannot provide adequate
warning of Iranian nuclear developments.

Mark Dubowitz on the necessary role of Congress: Regardless of the postNovember 24 scenario, Congress has a vital role to play to protect and enhance US
economic leverage. The more flawed the nuclear deal, the more important it will be to
maintain sanctions as an instrument for Iranian non-compliance. If a comprehensive

agreement falls short of important parameters, Congress needs to defend the sanctions
architecture in a way that is not overly reliant on mechanisms to re-impose sanctions.
This morning Josh Block of the Israel Project held a briefing from Vienna on the current
status of the P5+1 Iran negotiations and prospects for any possible agreement, or form
of agreement that might be announced on Monday. As you will hear, Block, a veteran
Democratic political operative, is not only dour about the prospects but seriously
questioned the objectives of the Administration that appear to diverge from the
problems raised by both the UK and France. Moreover, he opined, in response to my
question below, Iran implacably resisted all of the commitments in the Plan of Action,
continued enrichment and research on advanced centrifuges, has benefited
economically from the lifting of sanctions in the interim agreement and may have in the
interim produced enough enriched material to readily achieve nuclear breakout.
My question was:
Given evidence of Iran's bad behavior seen in violations of the Safeguards Agreement,
UN Sanctions and evidence of Advanced Centrifuge Research, do you realistically believe
that anything substantive will be agreed upon between the P5+1 and the Islamic
Republic's negotiators by Monday's deadline other than a set of guiding principles
and/or Framework Agreement, if any?
As has grown customary, evidence that moral equivalence is alive/well was manifest in the media, for
the Arabs admittedly initiated this murderous attack unilaterally *rather than in response to any terror
attack promulgated by Israel+:


On the PA-level, a Top Senate Republican is not ruling out lame-duck session [which, of course, I
support, if for no other reason than to pass key-legislation that Corbett would be expected to sign];
some feel it would be advantageous to await the interval [lasting perhaps a fortnight] between the
swearing-in of the legislators and of Wolf, but its possible that, now safely re-elected, some recalcitrant
legislators would vote for measures in a sine die session that they had been reticent to support earlier.
{Also, Congressman Fattah is reportedly 'ready to tender his resignation.'}
In other Harrisburg-related news, that the Penn State Scandal issue remains prominent
*and could have been invoked to favor Wolfs election, had he not been so far ahead+
has again been validated [a State court is to review Sandusky emails under seal and the
Paterno estate got a green light to proceed with subpoenas of Penn State investigator
Louis Freeh]; also, I added a comment to a piece exploring why the Incoming Lieutenant
Governor Stacks Up in Jewish Community [citing his support for the Mandatory
Holocaust Education Act]. {Also, the proposals for a Rail revival for Northeast Corridor
seem exorbitant, and it seems that the NEXT TO JOIN PHILLY MAYOR'S RACE MAY BE
claim about child porn in emails; earlier, I had blogged on a related site [Kathleen Kane Tells CNN
Pornographic Emails Included Pictures of Children] in an ongoing effort to discredit a Dem-blogger
[invoking entries on prior pages]:
@ Bungy:
Pay DD no mind, for hes demonstrated his lack of credibility.
Among other outrageous/undocumented claims [that he reinforced after having been
provided an opportunity to amend/retract], he rationalized Hamass terrorism [past,
present, future], he characterized the Judeo-Christian Bible as delusional, and he
claimed Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs.
Actually, I said hate/fear.
When Israelis Teach Their Kids to Hate
@ DD:
As in the past, your citation doesnt match-up to your claim; no-where in your article
composed by a leftie and published in a leftie-ragis either word you employed
The meat of the article is also problematic; skipping the sections regarding what the
Palestinian Arabs do [the authenticity of which the author fails to challenge], the claims
against Israel are incorrect:
[1]Were told that Palestinian maps in schools often show a unified
Palestine between the river and the sea how awful! yet Israeli
maps, more often than Palestinian ones in fact, dont show the Green
Line, and Jews dont really seem to care.


[2]Were told that Palestinians are taught in school that the Jewish
historical claims to the land, particularly the Temple Mount, dont really
exist how awful! yet in a similar tone, many Israeli children learn
that Palestinians were only recently invented, and Jews dont really
seem to care.
[3]Were told that Palestinian textbooks distort history how
awful! yet a recent State Department study found that many Israeli
textbooks do too, and Jews dont really seem to care.
[4]And now, we have yet another confirmation that Israeli children
also learn to glorify and aspire toward violence, and surprise, surprise
no one really seems to care.
Heres why:
[1]Maps denote internationally-recognized borders, with armistice
[cease-fire] lines viewable as optional.
[2]The term Palestinians referred to Jews during most of the 20th
Century, derived from when the Romans renamed the region
*presumably drawing from the word Philistines+; it was indeed
invented during the past half-century to denote those who claim
roots in the area that had been partitioned [with increasing references
thereto after the 67 War+.
[3]It is impossible to critique reference to anything composed by the
State Department regarding Israeli educational practices without being
able to review primary sources.
[4]It is desirable to teach self-defense [noting, also, that Israel has
universal conscription]; this is not comparable to glorifying terrorism by,
for example, depicting kids wearing suicide-vests.
DD, you are a disgrace and have forgotten to stop digging!
The word hate is in the title and in the following:
I couldnt find a thing on any of the sites that track hate in the Middle
Which was the author indicating that he thought it was hate, but wasnt being tracked
due to bias.
Thus, you admit that your citation was based upon the interpretation of the article by
the headline-writer, for the text failed to support your claim; this is a classic example of
how prejudiced people attempt desperately to validate their charges, absent a shred of
Again, a retraction is in-order, for you have failed to demonstrate that the Israeli
educational system teaches children to hate/fear Arabs.
You made the (false) claim that the word hate did not appear in the article, then you
change the subject when demonstrate both the title and line from the article, while
denying the entire point about what kids are being taught.


Maybe some video, with interviews with kids, will help you acknowledge the truth about
what they are being taught. If Arab kids were making these same statements, youd
probably advocate for killing them before they could grow up. But, Im sure you will
treat these Israeli kids as future heroes.
I made the ACCURATE claim that the word hate did not appear in the article *because
it was only in the headline that, as you may know, is often not composed by the author
of the essay], then I did NOT change the subject when exposing the ABSENCE of proof
that fear/hate are being TAUGHT to kids.
You have yet to show that fear/hate in textbooks, etc., whereas you know that
UNRWA-financed texts used by Palestinian Arabs are laced with references to killing
In comparison, Hamas rejected UN textbooks in Gaza schools because the government
believes the curriculum does not match the ideology and philosophy of the local
population, according to a spokesman for the Hamas-run Education Ministry.
Gazas Hamas authorities have blocked a UN refugee agency from
introducing textbooks promoting human rights into local schools, saying
it ignores Palestinian cultural mores and focuses too heavily on
peaceful means of conflict resolution.
He said the textbooks, used in grades 7 through 9, did not sufficiently
address Palestinian suffering and did not acknowledge the right to
battle Israel. There is a tremendous focus on the peaceful resistance as
the only tool to achieve freedom and independence, he said.
Hamas, which has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and
other attacks, says that armed resistance is a key component of its
struggle against Israel. The group also objected to the books inclusion
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document approved
by the UN General Assembly in 1948 that recognizes the equal and
inalienable rights of all members of the human family. Hamas believes
that certain parts of the declaration violate Islamic law, including the
right of people of different faiths to marry and the right to change ones
I daresay you will not find any Israeli official defending a textbook that both promotes
hatred and expunges information regarding a key-moment in history [plus generic
references to the importance of honoring human-rights].
Hamas has frequently squabbled with UNRWA in a rivalry for the
hearts and minds of Gazas people. Hamas has pressed the UN not to
organize mixed folkloric dancing for boys and girls; to keep Holocaust
education out of its curriculum and it has used harsh rhetoric against
previous senior UN officials. Last year, UNRWA canceled its annual Gaza
marathon after Hamas banned women from participating.
Regarding your video, a phrase *I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy+ is
uttered [literally and figuratively] by two people [a boy and a teenage girl] but, in both
instances, the video shows it was preceded by reference to having first been attacked by
an Arab who wanted to kill the Israeli.
Regardless of whether this attitude was adopted based upon education or by familybased experience, it contrasts with the above-cited approach adopted by the Arabs,

namely, to kill Jews first and then to reassess the situation. Illustrative of the outcome of
these disparate schoolings is the fact that Arabs were dancing in the streets after the
Synagogue massacre earlier this week [and distributing candy and cookies].
Thus, when you lionize both the title and line from the article, you fail to demonstrate
that Israelis instruct their youth to fear/hate Arabs; further, when you cite a heavilyedited video, you fail to demonstrate that Israeli kids emerge from the educational
experience with a desire to kill [anyone].
Thus, I have not been denying the entire point about what kids are being taught; in
contrast, you have twice failed to prove your assertion that Israeli kids are taught to
fear/hate Arabseven as I have documented the fact that the Arabs are taught to
hate Jews *even if they dont live in Israel+ and others *including fraternal
organizations in America, as documented by my quotations from the Hamas Covenant].
Therefore, you have failed, again, to salvage your credibility.
Further documentation:
From 1920-1948, a (class A Mandate) State of Palestine existed as per international
law but it was, as all of its major institutions, Jewish. Until the 1960s, the name
Palestine resonated as something Jewish to peoples ears. The 4000 year-old Jewish
homeland or Land of Israel or the Holy Land were all synonymous.The U.N. did not
recreate Israel, as some people claim.
Thank you for acknowledging that children are being taught to expect Arabs to attack
them first. (ie fear Arabs)
Then to want to kill them and be happy about it (ie hate Arabs)
In a moral/evolved society, a child would be not be taught to relish killing, but rather
regret that it might be necessary and be unhappy about it. No talk of merely
wounding/disabling/disarming someone so they couldnt fight.
The video is clear that the kids are being taught to glorify war and to hate. One kid
couldnt wait for fighting to start up in Lebanon again. This is indoctrination of children
to kill.
Of course, the 500 children, killed in Gaza this past summer by Israeli forces, werent
trying to kill anyone. So, whos happy about that, besides you?
BTW, Israel isnt keen on interfaith marriages either.
All you have provided is a video which has clips of people evincing fear and wanting to
prophylax against being killed; you have not demonstrated anything about whether they
were taught to do so and, instead, you invoke the classic moral equivalency.
This doesnt begin to suffice; not only did you not show anyone expressing the desire to
sport a suicide-vest [as Arab children have been repeatedly photographed as having
worn], but you have failed to show that any INSTRUCTION in school had fueled
Islamophobia [which is the classic allegation, promulgated by people such as yourself to
counter the recognized anti-Semitism of Arab leaders].
Therefore, in the absence of proof that Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs, you
have again been shown to have reinterpreted two cites from the Internet *an article
and a video], with the former not documenting [in its text] any Israeli curriculum that
could remotely support your assertion, and with the latter not documenting [in its brief397

clips] any proof that expressed-attitudes were tethered to school-instruction that would
be conceptualized as hate-endorsing.
The goal has been to show why DD lacks credibility; hes slippery, so it was necessary to
stalk him as he wandered from site to site.
As a result, you should know that whatever he types is tinged by his support for Hamas
[and, by extension, Islamism], by his anti-religious views [Bible=Delusional] and, now, by
his desperate claim that Israeli youth are educated to hate Arabs [again, 100%
It is notable that he was silent on this site after he was nailed [regarding the first two
components of this patter] last week; even if he is driven-away due to embarrassment,
you will be spared his superficial [sometimes profane] swipes @ decent people.
Robert admits he is a creepy stalker.
He also doesnt understand the contradiction in claiming that I find all religions
delusional, yet he thinks I support Islam.
Robert is just an old anti-Arab bigot who blames the deaths of 500 hundred Palestinian
children on everybody but the Israelis who actually pulled the launch triggers, and the
leadership that set the policy of collective punishment.
DD has admitted [and subsequently chose not to deny, repeatedly] he rationalized
Hamass terrorism *past, present, future+, he characterized the Judeo-Christian Bible as
delusional, and he claimed Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs.
He thinks the best defense is issuing offensive [and baseless] accusations that are
overtly factually deficient *500 hundred Palestinian children+; he changes-the-subject
when challenged and, indeed, violated his [unjustified] attack on me when he quoted an
article that was probably the result of a Google-search without having read anything
more than its title.
*Three Strikes, yer OUT!+
You are denying the deaths of 500 children!
What is your objection?
a) You think there were only 300 or 400 (so, thats too few to be an atrocity for you)?
(500 is the official estimate from UN and human rights organizations out of about 1,500
civilians killed. Israel ADMITS to killing 1,000 civilians without providing any
contradictory evidence to the official count of about 1,500)
b) Do you dispute that the children were innocent?

c) Do you dispute that they were killed by Israeli weapons?

d) How many children do you think were killed in Gaza last summer by Israelis forces
who pulled the triggers?
The Koran, Bible (Old/New Testaments), Book of Mormon, and any others that are
founded on the existence of a deity and supernatural beings are ALL based on delusion.
As for the rest:
Yes. The Palestinians have a rational basis for their attacks on Israel. That basis is Israels
treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories combined with the blockades on
Gaza. The only irrational part is that their method of retaliation is very ineffective and
a poor use of resources.
The article and behavior described within was a clear demonstration of Israeli children
being taught to glorify war against Arabs. The video was from a similar event (there are
lots of events like these, and the kids in the video talked about others theyd been too).
The kids were being taught to equate Arabs with the enemy, and that it was okay to kill
them without remorse (ie be happy about it). These military indoctrination events for
kids are despicable, and if those kids were Arabs talking about killing Jews, you would be
blowing a fuse.
You simply refuse to accept or admit any wrong-doing on Israels part: how they treat
Palestinians, how they expand settlements, how they cheer at bombs dropped on Gaza,
how they engage in collective punishment of civilian population, how they engage in
raids and shooting protesters, how they are okay with 75% of their kills being noncombatant civilians, how they delay the peace process, who they discriminate against
non-Jews in housing and employment, etc.
You cant comprehend anything from the point of view of the Palestinians, and cant
acknowledge one ounce of their suffering caused by a single Israeli.
This is probably similar to your inability to comprehend the plight of minimum wage
workers in this country or black voters being disenfranchised.
Maybe its because your head is so far up your own @ss.
Whatever the reason, you are just a classic bigot in the mold of Archie Bunker arguing
that God is White or that blacks prefer living in the ghettos to be with their own kind.
When approaching your input, its desirable to try first to separate wheat *content+ from
chaff [invective]; this one has even less of the former than has been your custom, and
your misrepresentation of your prior postings is undeniable.
I have never denied the deaths of hundreds of Gazans [including children], but you have
not acknowledged the fact that they were admittedly employed as human shields by
Hamas while Israel dealt both with the thousands of missiles emitted from Gaza plus the
terror-tunnels that were to be employed on Rosh Hashanah.
Your denial of the importance of religion in American society [recalling the JudeoChristian Ethic that has historically animated it+ is galling *The Koran, Bible (Old/New

Testaments), Book of Mormon, and any others that are founded on the existence of a
deity and supernatural beings are ALL based on delusion+; you need an attitudinal
readjustment [and/or relocation to a country that shares your brand of secularism].
Your blank-check rationalization of Islamist terror *Palestinians have a rational basis for
their attacks on Israel; that basis is Israels treatment of Palestinians in the occupied
territories combined with the blockades on Gaza+ is both factually incorrect *Israelis
dont control the Philadelphi corridor] and morally abhorrent [Israel does not control
the misguided Gaza Strip governance]; indeed, as murder and rioting run amok in
Judea/Samaria *despite Israeli efforts to maintain calm+, I wouldnt be surprised if you
would include within your endorsement-proclamation the hacking of four rabbis
engaged in morning-prayers in Jerusalem [plus the Druze police officer who attempted
to limit the carnage].
Finally, your dementia is fully manifest when you falsely characterize your two citations
*The article and behavior described within was a clear demonstration of Israeli children
being taught to glorify war against Arabs+ when NEITHER demonstrate what prejudice
had allegedly been TAUGHT *and by whom+. And, of course, in the process of
attempting to invoke moral equivalence, you failed to counter my documentation that it
is the Arabs who insist upon teaching their children to hate Israelis [and Jews], even
encouraging them to don suicide-vests [so that they can anticipate martyrdom].
Your depravity does not befit this website.
Article from Slate on the ingrained inequality:
I absolutely and categorically deny that the 500 children (and 1,000 adult civilians) killed
were all human shields, as you want to claim. There is a 3 to 1 ratio of noncombatants to combatants killed.
The numbers show that Israel doesnt have any regard for shields, so, there would be
no point that being the tactic.
But, even more ridiculous is the idea that every legitimate combatant target would have
(on average) three human shields with him, while he was engaged in fighting and then
killed by Israelis along with his shields.
I NEVER said that religious belief wasnt important in American society. Quite the
contrary, its far too important to the deluded masses and has been used to justify all
sorts of bigotry and injustice for centuries (as well as ignorant attacks on evolution).
The hateful behavior was being taught by the people running the military show and the
@sshole parents who brought their kids there. Basically, every adult in the video.
I dont deny that Arabs are taught to hate Jews. I just deny your assertions that the hate
is one sided. The Israelis dont need suicide-vests because they have tanks, ships and


aircraft. Dropping a bomb from a plane or firing a missile is not morally superior to
donning a suicide-vest.
Just admit that you get off on the idea of Arab children being killed because then they
cant grow up to threaten Israel.
Each posting is worse than its predecessor, a great accomplishment when you have
already descended from the gutter into the sewer; again focusing on the claims that are
not so wild as to be incomprehensible, your arguments are prima-facie despicable.
You have departed from claiming that Israeli children are taught in school to hate
[having abandoned efforts to defend your two prior stabs @ providing evidence+ by,
instead, again, citing a leftie writer for a leftie publication suggesting [inter alia] that
Israels destruction of the homes of murdering terrorists is fueling hatred *without even
suggesting the crime itself was teaching Israeli-Jews to become increasingly wary of all
Hamas admitted using civilians [and children] as shields, and the UN admitted the
UNRWA schools stored rockets; without engaging with you in a numbers-game, these
are illustrative of the War Crime. Of course, this contrasts with the observation of
Dempsey *which you dismissed as having been issued by just some general, despite
the fact that he chairs the Joint Chiefs of Staff] regarding the extensive warnings Israel
issued before bombing buildings used by Hamas [for both warmaking and missilelaunching].
Your scorn for those who adhere to organized religion *deluded masses+ and its
impact *used to justify all sorts of bigotry and injustice for centuries (as well as ignorant
attacks on evolution)+ failed even to suggest the possibility that instilling a sense of
morality has been the thrust thereof; it is therefore tempting to suggest that your
comprehensive rejection of religious thought bespeaks your failure to base your writings
on any type of ethical underpinning.
The most dramatic example of your effort to balance-out actions of the IDF and those
of Hamas *Dropping a bomb from a plane or firing a missile is not morally superior to
donning a suicide-vest+ is undermined when it is noted the former is aimed @ military
targets whereas the latter is aimed @ civilian targets.
You may wish to inquire of your Dem-colleagues whether they adhere to any facet of
your brand of anti-Semitism.


Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:20 PM

Subject: Thoughts - LIII
[JFK-Assassination, Illegals, GruberGate, BenghaziGate, POTUS-16, Federalism]
Covered here are follow-ups [JFK-Assassination, Illegals, GruberGate, BenghaziGate and POTUS-16] and
a new focus of attention [Federalism]; at the end, an update on my blogging-effort on PoliticsPa
[exposing the deceit of Hamas-apologists] is provided.

I received a series of challenges to my claim that the Warren Commission was remiss regarding the
concept that lone assassins *Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Rubenstein Ruby+ were responsible for JFKs
assassination and cover-up; reassuring quotes from Wikipedia and analysis of data [acoustics, ballistics
and logistics] pale in comparison with a simple viewing of the Zapruder Film in Slow Motion (HIGHER
QUALITY), coupled with an exhaustive lecture [which provides necessary detail starting @ ~20 minutes].
I had written the following: It seemed physically impossible for 3 shots to be fired
within 10 seconds from that non-automatic rifle.
This had been the response: Ten seconds is a lot of time to carefully aim and fire a
bolt-action rifle three times. The first shot only requires pulling the trigger so the bolt
only has to be pulled up-back-foreword and down twice to fire three shots. I can do it in
about four seconds.
I had replied thusly: He had to aim between the shots; very difficult from that distance.
I went to the Texas Book Depository Building and gazed towards the Dealey Plaza, and
JFK wasn't merely down-below. Also, if you watch Zapruder, you see his head snapbackwards as Jackie is turning toward him; this suggests a shot came from the grassy
knoll in FRONT of the limo. If I was a Watergate fanatic in the '70's, I started-out being a
JFK-Assassination nut in the '60's; remember, also that Jack Ruby *a.k.a. Rubenstein+
was linked to the mafia.
The Illegal-Immigration Issue continues to rankle: [Consulate To Issue ID Cards and Passports To
Mexican Nationals in Brunswick, Georgia; Cuban migrants head off from Caymans, bound for Honduras,
then on to USA; My Immigrant Father's Warning'When Illegality Becomes the Law'; ALL ABOARD!

Act; Immigration Expert: 'Nearly Every Illegal Alien' Here Before 2014 Could Avoid Deportation; Many
Amnestied Immigrants Could End Up Receiving Government Checks; House Judiciary Committee to Hold
Hearing On 'Unconstitutionality' Of Executive Actions; Flood of illegals pour into NYC public schools;
Latin America applauds Obama's immigration move; 'Everybody knows we're not going to deport 11
SHUT DOWN GOVERNMENT; Obama Cannot Hide Behind Immigration Precedent; Obama's Executive
Action Will Have 'Dramatic Impact' on Border Patrol Agents, Says Union; SEIU CA Rallies Push for Legal
Status for Remaining Illegal Aliens; Illegal Immigrant Numbers Increasing in Texas County -- 80 Miles
TO THE WHITE HOUSE WITHOUT HISPANIC VOTERS'; Ingraham: If We Don't Block Exec Amnesty 'I Don't
Know Why Any of Us Are Here'; Krauthammer: Obama Saying Legal Immigrants Are 'Chumps'; OReilly
Chats with Illegal Alien Vargas; NYT, Washington Post Question Obama on Immigration; MORE ILLEGAL
Epitome of Lawlessness'; Texas Construction Firms, Desperate For Workers, Call for Immigration Reform;
DHS Secretary: 'Our Borders Are Not Open to Illegal Migration'; Obama's Executive Amnesty: Impact on
Public Schools Shadowy; Texas Leaders Ready to Fight After Obama's Executive Action; Texas Sheriffs
and Cops: Key To Immigration Surge Is The Message; The Great Burden of Obama's Amnesty on US
Taxpayers; Obama's Executive Action Attacks the Constitution -- And the Dictionary; AP Slams Obama
for Lies in Amnesty Speech; Obamas Executive Action Creates Boom for Privatized Prison Industry;
Texas Border Cops and Sheriff's Prepare For Possible Surge; 1.1 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN PARENTS TO
EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION; Executive Amnesty: 400,000 Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Free Health
Services in California; Lack of immigration plan flusters GOP; THE GOP GREW UP; Congress May Censure;
Obama: The Most Dangerous Precedent; California Dems, Amnesty Activists Hail Obama's Executive
Action; America Has Been Warned: Edward Gibbons The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; and
Politico incorrectly claimed the phrase HEY, MARTHA! Is an old-timey newspaper term
for a story so great you call out to a companion to come see; actually, it refers to what
Mr. Wilson would exclaim any time Dennis the Menace would engage in outrageous
antics [from more than a half-century ago].
The Importance of Federalism in America's Future - When an American president threatens to govern by
Executive Order, he has really declared he will govern by arbitrary power: his will instead of the will of
the people. We are witnesses to the subversion of popular government when the consent of the
governed is an afterthought. Our Founders rejected arbitrary power and sought to prevent its reign on
American soil. A series on Practical Federalism includes: 'First Line of Defense Against Intrusive Federal
Executive Should Be Congress'; A Gun to the Head: Obamacare Medicaid Expansion and the Federal
Takeover of State Governments; Federalism and the Common Core Standards; and Medicaid Expansion
in New Hampshire: The Need for Federalism.


In addition to ignoring both the public and the Congress, Obama Called Lindsey
Grahams Impeachment Bluff; he released five more terror detainees from
Guantnamo, including four Al Qaeda fighters. {Also, Obama is Threatening to Cut
Maine Food Stamp Funds Over Photo ID Law.}
Fallout from GruberGate continued, myriad ways [Issa Called Gruber to Testify About Health Law
Deceptions Before Oversight Committee; FORMER VERMONT GOVERNOR BLASTED STATE'S $450K
CONTRACT WITH JONATHAN GRUBER; North Carolina Terminated Contract with Gruber; Despite Claims
It Cut Payments to Gruber, Vermont Contract Apparently Unchanged; OBAMA ADMIN ADMITTED IT
INFLATED OBAMACARE NUMBERS BY 1.3 MILLION; and Most Popular Obamacare Plans Will Spike 10
Percent in 2015.}
Although the House-Intel-Committee-Released-Benghazi-Findings, some of which were
at-Odds-with-Prior-News-Reports, LINDSEY GRAHAM said the BENGHAZI REPORT is
'FULL OF CRAP'; others feel The Left Doth Protest Too Much, for The Benghazi Scandal
Regarding POTUS-16, the Rust Belt Republican Governors [Scott Walker of Wisc., John Kasich of Ohio,
Mike Pence of Ind., Rick Snyder of Mich.] promise to revive the party's Reagan Democrat coalition and
speak to the middle class in a way Mitt Romney could not; Republicans are looking to shed the image as
the party of the 1 percent, for they have created jobs and balanced budgets. Grover Norquist endorsed
Walker, but the Deep Field Reflects Party Divisions. Of course, the Dems are trying to pick a ticket that
they claim would be victorious but which, actually, would reinforce RINOs: Bush-Portman.
In PA, turmoil persists both with regard to the Final PA-turnpike 'pay to play' scandal
defendants [who pled guilty and get probation [an outcome EXPERTS QUESTIONED] and
AG-Kane [Wolf on porn email scandal, AG Kane's office: 'This entire mess makes people
distrustful and feel bad about the govt'; Retractions lead only to more questions for
Kane; and an editorial-writer 'can't see how she can continue to serve as attorney
Former Penn State counsel Cynthia Baldwins status as a prosecution
witness continues to lie at the heart of pre-trial wrangling in the
pending case over whether former Penn State administrators turned a
blind eye to allegations against Jerry Sandusky; she is the Dybbuk, here,
as has been elucidated many times previously [and as, it is hoped, may
someday emerge], for she was enmeshed in the cover-up.
{Also, Philadelphia City Council President Darrell L. Clarke may or may not run for mayor
of Philadelphia.}
Regarding Islamism, turmoil persists [NY Mag: ISIS Has Military Affiliates in 11 Countries; Iraqi Doctors
on Unspeakable Abuse of Yazidi Women: 'It is a Public, Collective Act of Rape'; Senior Islamic State
Figure Killed in Mosul; U.S. Deploying Extra Troops to Iraq; '2,000 BRITISH JIHADIS FIGHTING WITH ISIS',
SAYS MUSLIM MP; Jordan Arrested Deputy Head of Muslim Brotherhood for Criticizing UAE; U.S. Drone
Strike Kills Six Suspected Militants in Northwest Pakistan; Suicide blast at Afghan volleyball game kills 50;
Boko Haram Said to Kill About 45 People in Nigeria; and Tunisia Heats Up Ahead of Presidential
Election], while Turkey remains problematic [PROTEST AGAINST BIDEN VISIT TO TURKEY...'Get Out!' and

Turkey Border Guards Abuse, Kill Syrian Refugees]. Meanwhile, ISRAEL IS MULLING STRIKE ON IRAN,
while Brinkmanship Heightened as Deadline for Deal Loomed.
This is a letter-to-the-editor to the WSJ by John R. Cohn, M.D.:
In highlighting the unique permanency of the refugee status of descendants of Arabs
who left Israel in the years following 1948, Andrew Roberts has touched on a frequently
ignored but fundamental reason for the failure of Israel to be at peace and the
persistence of Palestinian suffering. Inexplicably left out of his long list of displaced
populations were the estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Middle Eastern Jews that fled
persecution in Arab lands in the years following World War II, a figure likely exceeding
the number of Palestinian Arabs who left Israel. Those Jewish refugees were also
resettled without compensation.
But in blaming just the Palestinians and their Arab leaders for this sorry state of affairs,
Roberts ignores the involvement of decades of European and American diplomats.
They helped create and continue to fund UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees) in 1949. Unlike The Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which facilitated the resettlement of everyone
else, UNRWA sought not to find homes for those displaced, but rather to preserve their
inherited refugee statusfunded largely by Western governments, led by the United
States and the European Commission, all while lamenting the resultant lack of peace
between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Israel continues to struggle to maintain security [Fear and loathing along Jerusalem's dividing tram line;
DECORATIONS; and Israel Foiled Hamas Plot to Assassinate Foreign Minister Lieberman]; the L.A. Times
suggested the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is now tilting toward a religious war [as the result of efforts by
Palestinian Arabs]. Meanwhile, Egypt said it Could Send Forces to Stabilise Future Palestine State: Sisi.
"When presidents say Islam is a religion of peace, former George W. Bush advisor Elliot
Abrams said at a forum on Monday, the average American thinks this is crap.
Biden Called on Russia to Uphold East Ukraine Truce, while the U.S. is Increasing Non-Lethal Military
Aid to Ukraine; meanwhile, Lavrov Accused the West of Seeking 'Regime Change' in Russia.
I have continued to nail the lib/progressive/Dem @ PoliticsPa, f/u of the prior recitation
[which includes just about all the textbook arguments used to impugn Israel]:
I never said that the destruction of homes was used to teach hate. Its an example of the
existing hate manifested as collective punishment of the innocent. You really dont seem
to care what Israel does to innocent Arabs as long as its some form of vengeance for a
crime committed by some other Arab.
When Jews commit hate crimes and kill Arabs, their homes arent destroyed. The policy
only applied to the home of non-Jewish murders.

Yes. Hamas uses shields sometimes, but NOT all the time or even most of the time, and
not enough to account for the 3-1 kill ratio.
What percentage of the non-combatants killed were shields? 100% 90% 10%? You
act as though its 100%.
Mere storage of weapons is not enough reason to destroy a location with civilians
present. Many of the warnings are ignored or not believed. This is partly due to Israel
making some warnings that they do not follow through on, leading some Gazans to
believe the warnings are bluffs.
The fact that so many civilians are being kills is clear evidence that Israels warning
policy doesnt work. Dempseys observations are contradicted by the facts on the
ground and all the dead civilians. Clearly, he finds a 3-1 kill ratio to be acceptable, which
shows hes got no moral compass.
If Hamas was killing 3 Israeli civilians for every Israeli soldier, youd be having a stroke
about it.
Morality does not require fictional deity. And, conversely, your belief in a deity has not
produced any morality in you.
The bombs arent being aimed at military targets. That why they are killing three times
as many civilians as combatants. Also, suicide bombers also do take out military targets,
like checkpoints.
Each time you perseverate on civilian mortality, you erode your position; in this
instance, for example, you have acknowledged that Israel warned Gazans whose
buildings were to be bombed and that Hamas knowingly used human shields.
Yet, you would unilaterally restrict Israels military effort, for example, by precluding
them from destroying bombs [in schools] that, if left untouched, could be launched
against Israeli civilian targets; indeed, you continue to evade the fact that these have
been launched indiscriminately @ Israel *both nearSderotand farJerusalem+.
The adage war is hell is applicable, when the destruction of sections of Gaza was
necessary to stop both the 1000s of missiles from being launched and the use of the
terror-tunnels to launch a simultaneous attack on Rosh Hashanah throughout southern
Israel; you have also neglected to condemn this plan [purely-civilian mass-attack
kill/kidnap-plan], despite multiple invitations.
Your one-sidedness is boundless, contrasted with Israels effort to target the military of
the Islamists; your scorn for organized religion [noting your declaration that all deities
are fictional+ explains your warped worldview that, one hopes, is not shared by your

You blame Israel if Gazans dont respond to warnings *having recognized that the Hamas
leadership uses them as human-shields], again an unabashed effort to restrain Israel
from attacking military targets located purposefully in civilian neighborhoods.
You may wish to process the concept that stone-throwers will be stripped of
citizenship, perhaps then subject to being sent to Gaza [to join people who share their
disdain for Jews]; it never ceases to amaze me that Hamas-lovers such as yourself would
even countenance slaughter of innocent rabbis engaged in morning-prayer as justified
due to abstract grievances *reminiscent of those proclaimed by Arabs in 29 prior to the
Hebron massacre] for which [even if true] the victims have no responsibility.
It dawned on me that you have yet to confirm that you agree that Americas Founders
and Framers were manifesting an Enlightenment born of the Judeo-Christian Ethic.
The silence is deafening and if you are blind to this historic fact, perhaps you should
follow Romneys recommendation and plan self-deportation.
Perhaps you would want to join your compatriots in Gaza or in the Islamic State, judging
from your hatred of all-things-Israeli.
The Founding Fathers, such as Franklin and Jefferson were heavily influenced by deism.
The Jefferson Bible, exhibits a strong deist tendency of stripping away all supernatural
and dogmatic references from the Christ story. Other notable Founding Fathers may
have been more directly deist. These include James Madison, possibly Alexander
Hamilton, Ethan Allen, and Thomas Paine (who published The Age of Reason, a treatise
that helped to popularize deism throughout the United States and Europe).
The Treaty of Tripoli was submitted to the Senate by President John Adams, receiving
ratification unanimously from the U.S. Senate on June 7, 1797, and signed by Adams,
taking effect as the law of the land on June 10, 1797.
It clearly states: the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense,
founded on the Christian religion.
This was a basis for the assertion in the treaty that the US had no enmity against
So, the Enlightenment of the Founding Fathers was going beyond the religious
nonsense (eye-for-an-eye) and having rule of law and religious freedom.
Terror tunnel is a propaganda term. These are military tunnels used for attacks, but
mostly for smuggling supplies. One might easily refer to Israels terror tanks, terror
missiles and terror airplanes for their use in killing military and civilians alike.


I blame Israel for continuing to use a warning system once it was obvious that it didnt
work. The logical conclusion is that the warning system is bogus and is merely a hollow
cover story to excuse the killing of civilians. You still continue to evade the question of
how many civilians were human shields. I put the number at 10%, and the other 90%
were killed on purpose by Israel and they just flat-out lied by labeling them human
shields, as if that was a legitimate justification (which is isnt).
A storage location is not a legitimate military target when civilians are present and there
is no other military activity. Period.
You seem to think I like (love) Hamas. I dont. I want them out of power. I believe that
they get their power/support from Israels bad behavior. If Israel made a real
commitment to peace, Hamas would lose support and collapse. They exist as a
resistance movement. Without the occupation, they would lose followers. So, its YOU
and people like you that are actually fueling support for Hamas through your sheer
stupidity and bigotry against peace.
The destruction of whole sections of Gaza was NOT necessary other than to implement
a policy of collective punishment.
Israels effort was to target the civilians more than the militants (thus the 3-1 ratio).
Imagine if the American police went into a heavy crime area with and murderous drug
gangs (who had recently killed some police officers), and the police killed 3 civilians for
every gang member. What would be the reaction?
This posting reinforces triad of points made earlier, amplifying their import.
You have morphed the classic-line Blame Bush *as discredited as this trite-phrase has
become noting, for example, the discovery of Iraqi WMD+ into Blame Israel for all
the terrorism Hamas has committed and will commit; the terror-tunnels were, indeed,
intended solely to terrorize civilians, whereas the attack on Gaza was intended solely to
stop its missile-fire @ Israel.
Thus, the prior conclusion stands; as of this moment, you support Hamas.
You can conjure references to Deism from selected people and efforts to discount
religion in a subsequent treaty to your hearts desire, but the deliberations and
documents [of the Founders/Framers] are interlaced with references to the Deity;
indeed, this is also characteristic of all 50 *then 13+ state-level constitutions.
Thus, the prior conclusion stands; as of this moment, you are manifesting your view that
organized religion is delusional by suggesting the foundations of America are not based
upon the Judeo-Christian Ethic.
You keep conjuring rationalizations for Israeli misbehavior, now blaming Israel for
Gazans not believing warnings you now admit were issued; I suppose your next move


would be to claim that there was disproportionate mortality/morbidity, blaming Israel

for not having suffered more casualties.
Thus, the prior conclusion stands; as of this moment, you have been unable to
document your assertion that Israeli children are taught to hate Arabs.


Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 9:31 AM

Subject: Thoughts - LIV [Illegals, Iran, Islamism, Israel, Iggles]
This Blast e-mail updates anticipated events [Iranian Nuclear Deal Down to the Wire Again],
acknowledges the death of MARION BARRY [plus the book, Dream City, written by my cousin Harry
Jaffe], recognizes that Heroin is to be prescribed to Canadian addicts by doctors [a concept I submitted
as a research protocol while a Fellow Hahnemann in 1980+, IDs ongoing reverse-racism [Benjamin
Crump: 99% of Time Police Not Charged When They Kill Young Black People and Michael Eric Dyson
Attacks Rudy Giuliani for 'White Supremacy' Mindset], and recalls BHOs hypocrisy [Fournier Criticizes
Obama for Dealing with Iranians but Not GOP] coupled with the Dems deceit [Dem Told lies To
Sabotage The War on Terror+. ,Equal-time Provision regarding JFK: Clearly shows the right side of the
skull being exposed in response to the shot. The rearward motion of JFK is a result of the reaction from
the potential energy built up by the body being pushed forward into the body brace. W/o the brace it
would have collapsed foreword. Conclusive evidence of a single shooter.The Iggles won without my having to have worn Jason Peters *#71+ Jersey while
watching [with the tone having been set @ its onset when Rookie kickoff returner Josh
Huff took the opening kick against the Tennessee Titans back 107 yards for a score,
making it 7-zip Eagles a mere 13 seconds into the game, this being Huff's first NFL
touchdown and the longest score in franchise history], so the Thanksgiving Day
confrontation with Dallas will be a must-see; I still feel the retracted claim that Foles
could be prepping for the game was intended to avoid a QB-controversy for, only if
Sanchez had again screwed-up would Foles have been slated to return on Thursday.
The Immigration-Immunity issue dominated the Sunday talk-shows and the media, pitting against each
other advocates pro *Durbin: Obama 'Had No Choice" But to Act on Immigration; Obama: I've 'Been
Very Restrained with Respect to Immigration'; and Christine Flowers: Obama had no choice on
immigration reform+ and anti *Bachmann and King in Texas Border Town Devastated by Illegal
Immigration said it Looked Like 'World War II After a Bombing'; Steve King: Obama Exec Action Turns
'Anchor Babies' into 'Human Shields' for Illegal Parents; Morici: Whites Face a Government Working
Against Their Interests and Their Children's; NBCs SNL ridiculed BHOs overreach; Its Not What He Did,
But How He Did It; This Means War to some Rs; and Sen. Ted Cruz addressed the dangers of President
Obama's executive action on immigration].
What has been particularly revealing is the impact of this issue on the POTUS-16 race,
noting BHOs rationalization for his low-popularity [Obama: 2016 Voters Will Want 'That
New Car Smell'+; among the Dems, before endorsing BHOs action, Hillary Clinton
seemed to be Disqualifying Herself by Dodging on Keystone Questions and, among the
Rs, Ben Carson refused to Comment on Senate Amnesty Bill and said he Will Make '16
Decision by May and the recent IG Report was Not Good For Kasich. Noting the
stridency evinced by Cruz *except for the unresolved problem of last years Amendment,
explored previously], my ticket remains a coupling of Cruz with Walker [in either order].
{It is noted that Paul Called for a Formal Declaration of War Against the Islamic State.}


Islamism continues to run-rampant absent comment from BHO [Somalia's Al-Shabaab Claims
Responsibility for Religion-Based Kenya Attack] and a Frenchman [Convicted of Jihad] said he Quit
Terrorism Over Cigarette Ban promulgated by the Islamic State terrorist syndicate. Also, although
Troubles at holy site threatened peace with Jordan, the Israeli Cabinet Moved to Define Israel as Jewish
*in Basic Law+. Meanwhile, the liberal feminist Phyllis Chesler is re-releasing 'The New Anti-Semitism'
because she feels this Timely Warning must be Renewed; her motivations [a reaction to the events of
9/11 and a protest against the lefts anti-Israel posture amidst the terror of the second intifada] have
been enhanced a decade later [a third intifada looms and hatred of Jews that motivates radical critics of
Israel no longer feels the same need to hide behind the anti-Zionist label+. ,Todays Daily Alert is
replete with info about Iran [and Israel, in general].}
During the past 12-hours, my ping-pong match with a committed-Dem [and secularist]
continued to rage @ PoliticsPA; again, its provided in its entirety so that the magnitude
of the task befalling ethical people to expose anti-Semitism can be best appreciated:
@ DD:
Your attitude/thesis is NEVER blame Israel. Do you think they bear 0% responsibility for
the situation in Gaza or the deaths of civilians they killed? What % of the responsibility
does Israel bear?
If your answer is 0%, then this discussion is at an end.
The tunnels below ground are no different than the Israeli missiles above ground. They
are just a tactic of war. Israel attacked 2 to 3 times as many houses as Hamass total
arsenal of rockets. So, intended solely to stop its missile-fire @ Israel is completely
Israels policy is collective punishment of the civilian population. Do a Google search for:
Israel IDF Whistleblowers.
Plenty of accounts, particularly from Eran Efrati.
As for the warnings (when there are warnings), Israel knows that the warnings they use
dont work. The civilian death toll is empirical evidence enough.
Every child in that video demonstrated hatred for Arabs and a desire to kill them. That
behavior was taught to them by their head-nodding parents and the other adults
running that military show.
Your most-recent posting again reaffirms the conclusion drawn repeatedly during the
past week: As of this moment, you support Hamas *equating the terror-tunnels
targeting Israeli citizens and indiscriminate missile-fire against Israeli citizens with the
IDFs efforts to protect Israelis while minimizing Gazan casualties+, you claim the JudeoChristian Ethic is delusional [claiming that the foundations of America are not based on
pervasive adherence to God+, and you charge that Israeli children are taught to hate
Arabs [absent the ability to provide a scintilla of supportive evidence such as an excerpt


from conjured curriculum, contrasting radically with how Hamas has demanded that
UNRWA textbooks both condemn Jews and ignore the Shoah].
Anyone being educated [or reminded of] these radical conclusions [born of a weeklong
initiative to tame your elusiveness] will have to decide whether any opinion you express
on PoliticsPA is prima facie being provided by an individual who has placed himself far
outside the views of mainstream-America.
Although this triad reflects the culmination of a programme of administering truthserum in the public sphere, if necessary, additional indefensible claims will be dredgedup from your prior blogging [allegedly disseminated for its entertainment-value];
overall, if nothing else, your reflex-defense of BHO will have been denuded of any
trappings of justification and reason.
1) I dont support Hamas. Neither do I support the Likud party leaders of Israel. Both
groups are war criminals, and should be treated as such.
2) I complete reject the claim that Israel was really attempting to minimize civilian
casualties. 3-1 ratio is not acceptable, and can only be viewed as deliberate.
3) I already said that the video is proof that the kids are taught to hate by their parents,
who bring them to these shows. QED.
4) The Judeo-Christian Ethic is eye-for-an-eye. The Magna Carta was more of an
influence in forming the U.S. Constitution.
5) You still refuse to acknowledge any fault by Israel and the apartheid-like state they
are running.
1. You have consistently supported the policies of Terrorism promulgated by Hamas.
2. You base your claim of Israelis targeting civilians [having no military import, compared
with the multiple-missiles and terror-tunnels] by consistently creating an arbitrary ratio
of purported deaths of civilians vs. terrorists and then applying questionable stats
*recalling how Hamas has revised its prior estimates+ to claim this limit has been
exceeded; in the process, you have admitted Israel warned the civilians but that they
shouldnt have bombed anyway due to false-alarms [ignoring the fact that you admitted
Hamas leaders employed civilians as human shields].
Thus, your claims fail both due to internal contradictions and the absence of cogent
analysis; their sole basis is to impugn Israel, no matter what the IDF would do to protect
the citizenry [throughout the country].


3. You have attempted to morph your initial claim that Israeli kids were taught to hate
Arabs *which you introduced after Id produced texts showing Hamas had demanded
students be taught via anti-Semitic texts] as a form of moral egalitarianism; now you
claim their parents taught this attitude, again without any documentation whatsoever.
It should dawn on you [and the reader] that ongoing agitation [e.g., the synagogue
massacre] provides ample justification to fear those who wish to murder you, en-masse.
4. Your religious-philosophy claims *The Judeo-Christian Ethic is eye-for-an-eye; the
Magna Carta was more of an influence in forming the U.S. Constitution+ are both
incorrect; you ignore justice and mercy which are interlaced throughout the Jewish
and Christian Bibles, and you ignore the jarring interposition of the Enlightenment when
IDing the roots of what the Founders/Framers accomplished.
Regarding the former, yes, that phrase is in Exodus 21:22-25, but you should know that
subsequent Talmudic law constrained the Sanhedrin from implementing such literal
Regarding the latter, yes, British Law informed what the colonies were doing [n.b.,
Commonwealth of PA+, but the key tenets of the Constitution *which BHO routinely
ignores+ lack roots in the deal between the king and the barons *e.g., separation of
5. The Basic Laws of Israel indeed prioritize Judaism and Jews *Law of Return etc.+
and it is indeed possible that the Knesset will codify the Jewish State mantra in two
days; you cannot, however, claim that the Arabs have been disenfranchised [noting
Knesset representation and involvement with the PA, for example] and, thus, the subtle
effort to impugn Israel by claiming its atmosphere is comparable to that in [old] South
Africa cannot be accepted, either politically or ideologically.
Perhaps some of the laws cited in the op-ed [written by a guy whose prior writings have
been skewered+ would be relaxed were the Arabs to recognize Israel as a Jewish State.
THUS, try as you might to squirm rhetorically, the prior statement [stripped of bracketed
elaborations and tweaked accordingly] remains operational:
As of this moment, you support and justify terrorist-policies and
wholesale-murder implemented by and praised by Hamas, in its efforts
to destroy Israel and kill its citizenry; you claim the Judeo-Christian Ethic
is delusional and that its impact on the Founders/Framersdisregarding
the Enlightenmentwas not as great as that of the Magna Carta, and
you charge that Israeli children are taught to hate Arabs by their parents
and/or teachers, notwithstanding the inability to produce evidence of
either effort beyond videos purporting to show teenagers expressing
the desire to target *militarily+ those who would try to kill them.


No discussion of tangents related to apartheid can alter these fundamental viewpoints;

you will wantonly attack anything Israel does *damned if you do, damned if you dont+,
you will corrupt fundamental American history and impugn organized religion, and you
will attempt to conjure facts that cannot be justified even when searching the wideranging Internet.
This exercise of exposing you [and, by extension, any justification you might conjure to
support BHO] has proven instructive; you may someday recognize the need to crawl
back into your rat-holeand to remain far away from contact with other living beings
until you have rediscovered the well-established tenets of human rights and cogent
It would be instructive were the reader to validate my claim that DD has cited an
unreliable/biased source.
Consider the following and note that the [tres-lib] LA-Times was compelled to issue a
correction *the hyperlink portrays this in a more formatted fashion, with indentedquotes]:
Makdisis Factual Errors
For instance, in a Nov. 21, 2004 Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times, Makdisi, an English
professor at University of California Los Angeles, gets the facts wrong about the West
Bank barrier. Making multiple mistakes, he writes:
When it is finished, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will be
trapped in dozens of separate enclaves, each surrounded by concrete
slabs three times the height of the Berlin Wall, with all points of access
under Israeli control.
In actuality, the concrete slabs portion of the wall is at most 5 percent, or 30
kilometers, of the whole planned 700 kilometer barrier. (See, for example, Laura King,
Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2004). Thus, while Qalqilya and a few neighboring towns
not dozens of enclavesare surrounded by the Israeli barrier, they are not surrounded
by concrete slabs. Much of the barrier around Qalqilya is made of wiring and not
concrete slabs, as the photograph on the facing page demonstrates.
In addition, Makdisi exaggerates the height of the barrier. The Berlin Wall was up to 15
feet high (Encylopedia Britannica), while the West Bank barriers highest point is twice
as high as the Berlin Wall, not three times. According to the spokesperson for the Israeli
Defense Ministry, the height of the concrete wall was determined by simulated
shootings from the Palestinian side towards the Israeli highway on the other side.
In response to CAMERAs criticism about these points, the Los Angeles Times printed the
following confusing correction on Jan. 16, 2005:


Israeli wall A Nov. 21 commentary about the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict said that, when it is finished, the separation barrier being built
by Israel would trap Palestinians in enclaves surrounded by concrete
slabs three times the height of the Berlin Wall. In fact, the material that
will be used to construct future portions of the barrier is unknown, as is
their eventual height. However, in places where the barrier now
consists of concrete walls, the slabs are approximately 19 to 26 feet
high; the Berlin Wall, by contrast, was about 13 to 15 feet high.
Unfortunately, this correction does not inform readers, but only further misleads them.
It does not address Makdisis exaggerated claim that dozens of separate enclaves will
be entirely surrounded by the barrier, when only a few communities will face that
situation. Moreover, it wrongly states that the final percentage of the concrete portion
of the still uncompleted barrier is unknown. In fact, the final percentage is not a
According to Col. (res) Danny Tirza, who is responsible for the planning of the security
fence, eight metersor 5 percentof the 700-kilometer barrier will be made up of
concrete upon completion (see, for example, Jerusalem Post, June 16, 2004). In
addition, the correction appears to gratuitously tack on Berlin Wall figures, without
informing readers that the writer had erred on this matter.
In his November Op-Ed, Makdisi further misleads readers by deceptively suggesting that
all West Bank residents are trapped in closed areas, which are only open to nonPalestinians.
Indeed, West Bank residents are already incarcerated. Even without the completed wall,
whole *Palestinian+ communities are trapped in closed areas in the West Bank to which
only persons of Jewish origin (and visiting tourists) have unrestricted access.
First, it is absolutely untrue that persons of Jewish origin (and visiting tourists) have
unrestricted access to whole *Palestinian+ communities. In fact, just the opposite is
true. It is illegal for Israelis (Jewish or Arab) to enter Area A, that is, areas solely under
the control of the Palestinian Authority, which is where most of the Palestinian
population is concentrated. As BTselem, an Israeli human rights organization highly
critical of Israeli policies, stated in an Aug. 9, 2004 report:
In Area B, restrictions are occasionally placed on travel by Israeli
civilians, and Israeli civilians are completely forbidden to enter Area A
(except for unusual cases). It should be noted that the prohibition on
entry of Israelis to Area A and parts of Area B is incorporated in military
(Area B refers to land under joint Israeli and Palestinian control.)
In addition, as far as freedom of movement and access is concerned, while there are
certain roads restricted to those with Israeli license plates and off-limits to those with


Palestinian plates, there are no roads reserved only for persons of Jewish origin (and
visiting tourists).
Israels population is one-fifth Arab (a fact which Makdisi points out), and the countrys
Arab citizens have just as much right to travel on those restricted roads as do Israeli
Jews. In fact, Israeli Arabs frequently use the bypass roads, as they have business
connections and relatives in the territories.
Weeks after CAMERA communicated this information to the Los Angeles Times, the
readers representative responded that Makdisis aforementioned statement was
referring only to the closed military area between the separation barrier and the
Green Line. This area, which is also known as the seam zone, includes nine Palestinian
villages containing 5,200 residents. According to BTselem:
The prohibition on entering and being in the seam area without a
permit from the Civil Administration, applies only to Palestinians. Israeli
citizens, including settlers living in the seam area, Jews from around the
world, and tourists visiting Israel are allowed to enter and stay in this
area as they wish.
Unfortunately, however, Makdisi fails to make clear that the restrictions that he
describes apply only to Palestinians living in the seam zone. Indeed, the statement in
question immediately follows the misleading sentence: West Bank residents are
already incarcerated, leading readers to believe wrongly that the restrictions apply for
West Bank residents in general.
Binational Background
Makdisis Op-Ed calling for the dissolution of Israel on the basis that it is an
anachronism is following the precendent set by Tony Judt, a history professor at New
York University, who made the same argument a year ago in the Los Angeles Times.
In the words of Judt, the Remarque Professor of European Studies, Israel remains
distinctive among democratic states in its resort to ethno-religious criteria with which to
denominate and rank its citizens (Oct. 10, 2003. A longer version of this article had
appeared Oct. 23 in the New York Review of Books.)
Makdisi, the nephew of deceased Columbia professor Edward Said, who had for years
advocated a binational state, closely mimicked Judts language in an Op-Ed this fall:
The question now is not how long Israels anachronistic system of ethnic separationits
regime of walls and ghettoscan endure in our global, multicultural world, but rather
how desirable it is to think in terms of ethnic separation in the first place. Among
developed countries, only in Israel is ethnicity deemed an acceptable foundation for
politics. (Nov. 21, 2004)
Like Judt before him, Makdisi thoroughly inverts the reality in which 22 Muslim Arab
states give privileged, sometimes exclusive, status to Islam and its hundreds of millions
of adherents, while discriminating against non-Muslims.

As the Winter 2004 CAMERA On Campus article about Judts diatribe pointed out:
Just one week before *Judts+ article was published, the Organization of
Islamic Countries consisting of 57 nations dedicated to the lofty multicultural ethic of strengthening Islamic solidarity among member states,
convened a meeting. More than half of the OIC states have sizeable
non-Islamic populations. The host nation, Malaysia, which calls itself an
Islamic state, has a non-Muslim population of 40 percent. (Israels nonJewish minority is 20 percent.) Unlike Israel, Malaysia has statutory
discrimination against its minority; the Malaysian Sensitive Issues Act of
1971 makes it a criminal offense to question the legalized discrimination
favoring Muslims. Why is Malaysia (and the 56 other Islamic states) not
anachronistic while Israel is?
If we were living in a multicultural world, why was East Timor, the latest
addition to the United Nations, created? Why couldnt multicultural
Indonesiaanother Muslim country with a sizeable non-Muslim
minorityaccommodate the East Timorese? Even the multiculturalism of
European states is a sleight-of-hand: why did multi-cultural Yugoslavia
have to be split up along cultural and religious lines into eight different
entities, including the Muslim-Croat Federation?
Makdisis most grotesque falsehood is that a binational state would join two peoples
whom history has thrust together into one democratic, secular and self-governing
community of truly equal citizens. In actuality, the formation of a binational state is a
formula for the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.
The history of 22 Muslim Arab states and their discriminatory treatment of Jews and
other non-Muslim, non-Arab minorities in their midstwho are deemed inferior
dhimmisis just one powerful warning against any concession by Israel of its sovereign
The argument for a binational state is one that has percolated on the fringe of the
Israeli-Palestinian debate for years. In the last year, however, the idea has made its way
into mainstream Op-Ed pages, as if the destruction of a nation is a viable alternative,
as Makdisi puts it, to the conflict.



Subject: Thoughts - LV
[Cruz, ZOA, Thanksgiving, Illegals, Flowers, Kerns, Corbett, AG-Kane, ATRO, Media, Social-Issues, Philly,
Casino, Cosby, Iran, Hagel, BenghaziGate, GruberGate, Regs, Islamic State, Ferguson]
BHO appears to be acting increasingly irrationally and radically [inter alia, justifying Ferguson rage+;
thus, vigilance continues to be mandated @ all levels of government and regarding all facets of public
policy. Monday night, I was treated to an extensive debriefing that included the inside-scoop depicting
how Cruz Wooed and Wowed NYC Jewish Donors @ the ZOA Annual Gala in NYC; Ted Cruz proposed Joe
Lieberman for Defense secretary, but he still must explain why he would invite Illegals to emerge from
the shadows *and, thus, become eligible to stay in America without going to the rear of the line of
people awaiting the opportunity to emigrate]. Attachments encompass an analysis of ObamaDontCare,
Jim Geraghty *on Ferguson and Hegel+, a discussion of Jonathan Pollard, and two notes based on Rush;
the blogging-effort against a model-Dem appears to have achieved closure, for he admitted [following
dozens of back-and-forth evasions] that his Middle East views are animated by the fact that he does not
feel Israel should exist as a Jewish State. {Note this elucidation of The Truth About Thanksgiving, that
Billy Joel said Obama recently invited him for smoke at White House and the Photoshop treatment given
the acrobatic catch by Odell Beckham, Jr. (for the NY-Giants).}
During the local GOP-meeting Monday-p.m. [c/o ATRO, the Abington Township
Rockledge Borough Republican Organization], lamentation was directed @ the top of
the ticket; this was reminiscent of what Id been saying/writing *and all had been
ignoring] during the past two-plus years; I again emphasized the need to tool-up the
ability to computerize the voter-base [as had been accomplished in other states].
Additional comments were predictable [Dems are moving to MontCo] and others were
quietly uttered after the meeting [such as the fact that my plea to Asher @ the MCRC
Dinner to tie BHO/Wolf was manifest only days prior to the election].
An exhaustive analysis of the political landscape [2014 and Republican
Morale] concluded that Republicans may or may not have enough gas in
the tank for victory in 2016 but, for the first time in years, they can at
least feel like the roadmap isnt lying to them about how far the trip is.
Andrew Klavan depicted [satirically] How the Media Saw the Midterms;
meanwhile, Chuck Schumer quietly started distancing Democrats from
Obama for 2016 when he lamented that Passing ObamaDontCare in
2010 Was a Mistake. {Also note that CHAKA FATTAH, JR., the indicted
son of the embattled congressman, will defend himself without an
Somewhat gratefully, there was little talk of the social-issues as having an impact,
reflecting the trend towards minimizing R/D differences in this realm; Gay Marriage is
becoming accepted, liberalization of Pot-use seems to be spreading, and state-level
restrictions on abortion appear to be mainstream. Meanwhile, extreme-adherence to
Planned Parenthood, which has become a religion, has led to political contradictions
among Dems, such as when a woman used a water gun on pro-lifers while stating she

hoped abortionists would kill all the white babies; she did not know, apparently, that
abortion is the number one killer of black babies. Thus, the GOP must focus upon the
need to educate the populace on Constitutional rule-of-law by counterpointing the
abject violations thereof by BHOin preparation for a concerted effort to repair the
substantial [some fear irreversible] damage he has caused America [home and abroad].
After the Former Montgomery County GOP Chairman Robert Kerns was Convicted of Indecent Contact
and given probation, I shared my personal experience to tether what occurred when I was interacting
with him and what occurred when he allegedly raped the paralegal; the key-point is that his ego hadnt
been checked, and the key-observation is that his sentence seems peculiarly light:
I wrote a comment on the relevant page of the Inqy that has yet to emerge, which Ill
paraphrase herein [Kerns pled no contest to indecent assault charge].
There is a certain Schadenfreude component to hearing the news that Kerns has not
evaded this manifestation of his expansive ego.
I had experienced it, years ago, when he had altered the MontCo GOPs Bylaws to allow
himself to serve a six-year term as chair; I felt that any such change should not be
invoked to affect favorably the current occupant of the office and, further, that the lingo
of the bylaws explicitly mandated that he stand for election.
Yet, despite my having sent him a registered-letter documenting my plan to propose this
during a meeting of the MCRC, he suddenly went deaf and, later, said that he
thought he heard a voice *mine, yelling+ which he had most definitely ignored while
rapidly pushing his agenda.
I had supported his election as an energetic reformer and, thus, had been doublydisappointed; he was as aloof as had been his predecessor*s+ and, thus, promised to
maintain his position so as to accrue township-level solicitorships [it was alleged].
All this notwithstanding, it seems inappropriate that he has not been incarcerated and
that his designation as a sex-offender has a term-limit; furthermore, it is unclear
whether any consequences would follow his evaluation to determine whether he is a
sexually violent predator.
*The comment by Donald Segretti decrying No jail time.?..? What a joke! recalls the
antics of this individual during the Watergate era; Kerns may have descended from the
ranks of the elite, but he still allegedly double-raped the drugged-lady.]
In any case, the MCRC has healed from the divisiveness [and profound fiscal problems]
he engendered, under the guidance of Rep. Mike Vereb; problems persist, but it seems
its leadership has tackled them without manifesting favoritism.
It is increasingly recognized that the state-level UNFINISHED BUSINESS can be tackled by CORBETT and
the NEW GOP LAWMAKERS, for they HAVE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY prior to Wolfs inauguration
[although the PA Senate leader warned that Complicated bills are unlikely to reach Corbett before term
ends]; Turzai said, 'We've not heard from Gov. Corbett; he's not approached us on this issue,' but it

seems Corbett is with-the-program ['I'm governor until Jan. 20...If they sent me something that said
privatizing the state stores, they'd probably get my signature']. Perhaps the electoral-jolt [to the right]
and the subsequent leadership elections [away from SE-PAs union-influence] will do the trick.
Meanwhile AG-Kane is suffering [Leak of grand jury info could cost AG Kane; A rising star, Kane now
beset by battles, investigation; Lack of consistent narrative colors Kane's 2nd year; BUNCH: getting
harder and harder to defend her; BAER: Kane's saga of porn, politics, vengeance; Heyl: Kane in sticky
The CONVENTIONAL WISDOM regarding the DNC's 3 FINALISTS for '16 convention is
that We're goin' to Philly! The rationale is that *1+Pennsylvania's a swing state.,
[2]The GOP convention is in Cincinnati, making it less likely the DNC will choose Ohio,
and [3]Brooklyn's Barclays Center has issues (serious, but not unresolvable) with the
security perimeter, which could close a bunch of small businesses for weeks. {Also, note
that Philly schools endorsed 'Meatless Monday.'}
It has been recognized that city planners have, traditionally, missed
opportunities to develop regions outside Center-City when locating bigprojects in somewhat isolated regions; this was the theme of my input
when the Phillies Stadium was placed in South Philly when, instead, I
argued that it should be placed over the 30th St. RR-Trax [17 acres would
be accommodated by the 70 available acres], enhancing the ability to
depend upon mass-transit and to develop the Ludlow region that
extends to the Zoo. *For example, its seemingly a mile-long trek for an
Eagles fan to get to his seat (from the Subway, to the Linc, and up a
ramp).] Similar concerns animated a piece exploring the fate of the
Casino also-rans, for they left big question marks in Philly landscape.
The Cosby scandal has been ignored because it has served to distract the public from
paying attention to BHOs misconduct; nevertheless, it has now been suggested that he
leaked the story on his daughter's drug abuse to avoid the story about him with
strippers; indeed, a Biographer now claims 'I Was Wrong' for Not Addressing Sex Abuse
and Media Enablers are now fessing-up. Some feel he may have been receiving an OD
of scorn because of his prior pleadings that Black Males assume self-responsibility; the
deluge is occurring despite [1]his silence, and [2]his lawyers denials. It is also
possible that the cancellation of some of his more recent contracts [e.g., TV-Land] may
be tethered to his being perceived as over-the-hill, although he has continued to appear
publicly. In any case, far more important concerns are running-rampant.
Of tremendous import, Kerry is under fire for punting on Iran after IRAN TALKS were EXTENDED TO JUNE
2015 [viewed by some as THE LEAST-BAD OPTION]; he is coming under increasing pressure to deliver an
agreement or to give up. As Congress gets revved-up to impose new sanctions, illustrating this trap [of
Kerrys own making, aided/abetted by Obama, who has doubled-down on Iranian failure] is the fact that
IRAN claims 'Americans Have Very Clearly Surrendered.' Indeed, Richard Haass [president of the Council
on Foreign Relations+ presented *on MSNBCs Morning Joe+ the pro-BHO views of both Hagels firing
and the failure of the Iran nuclear negotiations; he blamed the latter on economics *despite his
admission that compromise cant be reached+, claimed the risk to Israel should be added to the list of
Israels concerns *despite BBs having said its @ the top of risks to Israels survival+, and that delayed
talks should be honored [despite the fact that the centrifuges keep spinning].

Obama Dumped Hagel, indeed, he was FORCED OUT in what the NYTIMES viewed as the
'First cabinet-level casualty' of election losses; BHO was allegedly 'Very Very Frustrated.
The sole Republican on national security team, he was Blamed for the slow response to
ISIS and Ebola; his Rose Garden departure constituted the Latest in long line of Obama
team members to turn against policy. Naturally, The New York Times was compelled to
Change Its Story, Deleting The Most Remarkable Thing About Chuck Hagels Firing [He
had raised the ire of the White House in August as the administration was ramping up
its strategy to fight the Islamic State, directly contradicting the president who, months
before, had likened the Sunni militant group to a junior varsity basketball squad.]
KRISTOL simply noted his role as a Scapegoat.
that 'Everybody knows... we're not going to deport 11 million people,' although some lament what was
Left Out of Obamas New Plan; one must recognize [as Mark Levin has been ranting, regularly] that the
NET COST OF AMNESTY is $2 TRILLION. It also seems that GOP leaders plan to avoid a shutdown by
funding nearly the entire government through September 2015, but immigration enforcement related
funding would be renewed on a short-term basis; inasmuch as the NYT has found that Obama's
Immigration Action Reinvigorated 'Tea Party' [although, from my perspective, it has remained vibrant],
one would anticipate push-back. Finally, Obamacare gives firms $3k incentive to hire illegals over nativeborn workers; Judge OKed lawsuit against guest worker program.
After Christine Flowers wrote that Obama had no choice on immigration reform, I
confronted her on Facebook [during the aforementioned ATRO meeting]; she rejected a
sequential approach [secure the border first] by [1]claiming shes an expert, [2]
claiming Illegals shouldnt have to wait another decade for relief, and *3+curtailing
further discussion due to the pull of her nephews Thanksgiving show *Id rather party
with the toddlers+. I promised to revisit her oeuvre *she replied, Go right ahead+ and,
as a result, I just sent her this e-mail:
In an otherwise cogent essay Don't blame the blameless for Ebola in
which you endorsed short-term quarantines, you also stooped to insert
multiple out-of-context attacks on Lou Dobbs, yielding this exclamation:
Trying to link a disease to someone's immigration status is not a good
I suppose you didnt notice the strain on medical services that occurred
after the children crossed the Texas border en-masse?
You may wish, also, to address the claim that the NET COST OF
To whatever degree you consider yourself to be a ConstitutionalConservative Republican, you must confront your expertise in this area
by noting the absence of any reasonable application of rule-of-law when
assessing the allegedly-broken system.


In a somewhat-related context, the POPE observed that Europe looks 'aged and weary'
as Ideals are being replaced by bureaucracy; lamentably, however, the Pope Urged
Europe to Open Its Arms to Refugees.
Jim Geraghty wrote an essay regarding Marion Barry *Beloved D.C. Figure and Very, Very, Very Bad
Mayor+ because on both of his mayoral watches, life in the city got worse; he quoted a column written
by my cousin [Harry Jaffe] which he claimed delicately summarized his tenures. Now that BOEHNER REUPPED GOWDY ON BENGHAZI PANEL, BenghaziGate Hearings may resume as early as next week. Also,
BHOs Scandal-Sheet has been amplified, now that Gruber agreed to testify on ObamaDontCare; this
'Stupidity' consultant had privately warned of spiking premiums, while BHO promised insurance savings.
{Many articles have appeared regarding the 2nd Amendment, one of which appears unique [Liberals
Want Toy Gun Control Now] and one of which appears to be intrusive [Doctors keep asking patients
whether they own a gun].}
Illustrating BHOs ongoing arrogance *in addition to his Executive Order] is his behavioral
endorsement of the meme being circulated ['Dems Must Embrace Government'];
indeed, Amid Ferguson and Thanksgiving, Obama Rolled-Out 3415 New Regulations,
including New rules to require restaurants, stores, vending machines to post calorie
content 'clearly and conspicuously' [noting that the FDA has explored What's covered].
{Also, note that EPA-regs could become 'The most expensive regulation ever.']
Considerable attention is paid to Foreign Policy herein, within other contexts [vide supra et infra], but it
should be noted that CHILDREN OF THE JIHAD are victims of the Islamic State, which has BEHEADED
KURDISH CHILDREN and has TRAINED KAZAKH CHILDREN TO FIGHT. It should be noted that the issue of
formally declaring Israel as a Jewish State has been deferred, apparently due to politics. As usual,
Israel has been portrayed as Americas Biggest Frenemy because, to lefties, the Jewish State in the
Levant is a burden we shouldnt have to bear; indeed, Israel is being blamed for the failure of the
Iranian-Nuke negotiations. Finally, the comprehensive AND in-depth Alliance Tracker summarizes the
shifting forces-at-play throughout the Middle East; meanwhile, the Daily Alerts [yesterday and today]
provide corroborative detail. ,Also, illustrating the failure of BHOs current policy, note that a Key
Provincial Capital in Iraq, Ramadi, May Fall to the Islamic State.}
It is of-interest to note How an East German quantum chemist [Angela Merkel] became
the worlds most powerful woman.
Regarding Ferguson, I had two observations. First, the fact that there had been a pre-announcement
that the database was to be provided presaged a decision not to indict; second, it remains unclear why
the announcement occurred @ 8 p.m. central-time [instead of in the a.m.].
Ferguson Protestors Blame Jews
BHO Started the Ferguson Riots and he needs to get them stopped
Sola Civitas: The Left Favors the State Over the People in Ferguson
FLASHBACK: The Myth of Ferguson and the Gentle Giant
FLASHBACK: Ferguson and the Real Race War
Elitist Dems like Ezra Klein inappropriately doubt Officer Wilson
No indictments... Details...
'Duty of grand jury to separate fact from fiction'
Eyewitness told police Brown charged cop 'like football player head down'
Prosecutor: Democrat

Too many people on both sides have too much of an incentive to keep tensions going
Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires in Ferguson
Split screen image may endure long after he leaves office
Split Screen: Obama Calls For Peace As Protestors Vandalize Police Car
President Didn't Watch Prosecutor's Announcement
Russian Official: Ferguson Highlights 'Serious Challenges To American Society, Stability'
JUAN WILLIAMS: Where is black leadership now?
Michael Brown's mother collapses outside station
Firefighters battle 25 structure fires
Turned back by gunfire
Cars vandalized, overturned
St. Louis airport closed by gunfire
Suburb Enlists Private Security Contractors
Store Robbed by Brown Looted
FOXNEWS Reporter In Ferguson Attacked
MSNBC Anchor Chased Off Air By Gunfire
CNN Reporter Hit In Head With Rock During Live Shot
Al Sharpton on his way to Ferguson
'The fight is not over'
Congressional Black Caucus denounced Ferguson grand jury
No Justice, No Peace?
Protesters shut down CA freeway
Three NYC bridges closed
NYPD Commissioner Sprayed With Fake Blood
Stephanopoulos Interviewed Officer Darren Wilson...'Clean conscience'...
Photos Show Officer Darren Wilson After
Brown: 'You're too much of a pussy to shoot me'
Ferguson protesters overturn barricades, swarm courthouse
Throw urine-filled bottles at police
Molotov cocktail
Block traffic on Interstate
VIDEO: Black protester punches white bystander
Cop called gay slurs
Stepfather changes his tune: 'BURN THIS BITCH DOWN'

MAG: In Defense of Rioting

Most Businesses Destroyed Minority-Owned
Body Found Shot to Death, Set Fire
PAPA JOHN'S Manager Defends Store From Looters -- With Bare Hands
Mayor: Delayed deployment 'deeply disturbing'
Legal scholars praise grand jury for fairness beyond the norm
Rioting as 'planned event'
Car Hits Protester In Minneapolis
Communists, Palestinians Join Up In Oregon
Oakland burns
Lincoln Tunnel Blocked in NYC; FDR Drive Shut Down


Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:08 PM

Subject: Thoughts - LVI [Overview, Blogging, Illegals, Ferguson, Media, Islamism, Iran, Borowsky, Cruz]
This follow-up is provided in quick-succession to the prior Blast e-mail to provide an overview and to
disseminate useful updates of a few ongoing matters; the info-explosion continues apace (and todays
summary of Rush is attached). It may be recalled that, last week, in an effort to decrease the length of
these Blast e-mails, a summary note was composed, the points in which would STILL not be
anticipated to change:
It may be assumed that, pending further study of his Foreign Policy positions, I like Scott
Walker for POTUS-16; Ted Cruz must answer for his lets register the Illegals
Amendment, and I still feel Hillary will decide not to run. The TEA [Taxed Enough
Already] will increasingly dominate the GOPs policies, particularly as they are passed by
Congress; there will be an ongoing erosion of support for doctrinaire socialconservatives on myriad fronts [Gay Marriage, Pot Legalization, Abortion Procedure].
Further, it may be assumed that subsidiary issues [ensuring gun-rights, repealing
Common Core, eliminating Corporate Welfare] will abide by Constitutionally
Conservative Concepts; Levity will not be eschewed [Stephen Colbert Ripped Sweeps
(Video)]; neither international nor state-level concerns will be ignored, and attention
will be paid to how the media report the news [or choose not to do so].
Some specificity can be gleaned from updates [all carefully documented] related to International Affairs
[Kurdistan still suffers as BHOs military/diplomatic policy continues to fail on all fronts+, National Affairs
[the GOP-Establishment must be monitored, lest it revert to its moderate ways+, Statewide Affairs
[Corbett will hopefully sign-off on key-bills that had been stalled due primarily to union-pressure, while
were still poised to roll-out the Log Cabin (LGBTQ) Republicans], and Loco-Regional Affairs [Philly
remains both in the shadow ofand benefitting from the proximity ofboth NYC/DC]. Regarding the
Iggles, I maintain the #1 rival has shifted from Tom Landrys Cowboys to the Meadowlands Giants,
although one must revert to the former mindset when pondering what will occur tomorrow @ 4:30 p.m.
Regarding my blogging-effort on PoliticsPA, the ideal way to illustrate the intellectual
bankruptcy and ethical vacuousness of the Dem-activist is to note what I wrote and how
he replied thereto; it may be noted that he has given-up trying to refute the way his
views have been incrementally summarized and, instead, has reverted to name-calling.
Typical of the confirmed-leftie, you are even stooping to engage in
historical revisionism with regard to your own postings of extremely
recent vintage; damage accrued from your retreat is compounded by
how you would unabashedly treat Israel at this moment in time.
You stated unequivocally: Israels refusal to submit to inspections by
the International Atomic Energy Agency should disqualify them from
U.S. military aid.

Therefore, you wouldnt have sustained any support for the IDF *for
decades+, you wouldnt have collaborated in the creation of the Iron
Dome *nor would you have rearmed it+, and you wouldnt be employing
intelligence-coordination between D.C./Jerusalem while the rest of the
Middle East is in turmoil.
Once the gravitational-force of anti-Zionism has enveloped you, there is
no escape from being drawn into the block-hole of anti-Semitism;
Jewish lives are so cheap [recalling, for example, your
disproportionate lament regarding the need for more Israeli civilian
casualties to match those in Gaza+ that you would apply a costeffective criterion to justify a conclusion that condemns the Iron Dome
[that every other sentient being has praised].
There appears to be no end to your venom directed @ Israel, and you
even had the gall to claim Israels leaders in 48 would recoil @
characterizing Israel as a Jewish State; you would perhaps benefit
from noting a quote from her Declaration of Independence *DECLARE
By military aid, I meant financial, not intelligence sharing.
As for Iron Dome, I think it is an ineffective system and a waste of U.S.
taxpayer dollars. If Israel wants to waste money on it, thats up to them.
We have major debt problems in this country. I would half our own
military budget, as most of it is wasted as well. Israel should pay for its
own defense.
Look, I get it. You are an anti-Arab racist and like institutional racism in
Israel, and using U.S. money to kill Arabs because you are too
lazy/scared to pull the trigger yourself.
Inasmuch as your reply to my having set you straight was to revert to
refuted-arguments and name-calling, it is desirable to restate your
views [at this moment in time], based upon the aggregate of your
You oppose Israel *because BB is engaged in ethnic-cleansing] and,
thus, the U.S. should try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel. *You
also had conditioned this posture on the result of an effort to alter
Israels Basic Law, ignorant of the fact that her Declaration of
Independence unambiguously states that Israel is a Jewish State.+


***If Israel wishes to redefine itself as a Jewish state, rather than a

Jewish/democratic state, then it should be able to do so. However, if it
does do, the U.S. should cease to support it.I conditioned my
opposition to Israel itself IF it passes the horrific bill in its
current/proposed form; such an Israel would be an insult to the
founders of modern Israel.***
In addition, you stated unequivocally: Israels refusal to submit to
inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency should disqualify
them from U.S. military aid. Therefore, you wouldnt have sustained
any support for the IDF *for decades+ and you wouldnt have
collaborated in the creation of the Iron Dome [nor would you have
rearmed it].
You support and justify terrorist-policies and wholesale-murder
implemented by and praised by Hamas, in its efforts to destroy Israel
and kill its citizenry.
You base your charge that Israeli children are taught to hate Arabs by
their parents and/or teachers by citing the perceptions of a radical
human-rights activist that might yield this conclusion; you have
acknowledged that Hamas has ordered UNRWA both to remove
references to the Shoah and to promote anti-Semitism.
You claim that the Judeo-Christian Ethic is delusional and that its
impact on the Founders/Framers disregarding the Enlightenment
was not as great as that of the Magna Carta.
Your latest response was lamer than lame; you suggested Israel and
America could still share intelligence [despite the absence of any
military interaction] and you feel Israel should self-fund the Iron Dome
*that you dont consider to be cost-effective]. You then lapsed into adhominem diatribes that failed to refute the above conclusion.
Blogging on PoliticsPA has also addressed statewide politics [e.g., suggesting Cawley
should have supplanted Corbett, suggesting Cawley should run in the 8th in 16,
lambasting Kerns]; this is the way I conveyed a gambit critiquing AG-Kane, who seems
sadly politicized and incompetent:
I had initially been impressed with her; she spoke @ the biennial
Comedy-Night in Philly and seemed both self-effacing and interactive.
Yet, the accumulation of glitches is highly-problematic. For example, I
have been critical of Corbett regarding Sandusky [despite my being a
GOP Committeeman for two decades], but she screwed-up the roll-out
of her findings; hidden therein was evidence that Corbett had not

rendered an explanation for why the investigation had been on a hiatus

*basically+ during the year prior to his election in 10, only to be pickedup shortly after his inauguration. Specifically, they interviewed everyone
in Second Mild in 11and there is no reason why they couldnt have
done so in 10. Yet, because of the false accusations of damages, this
point was overlooked and, to-date, no one has asked Corbett what he
had been supervising during this critical time-period *for he couldnt
have known whether molestation was ongoing, as he was allowing a
perp to run the streets]. I know he wanted a perfect prosecution, but
the need for a time-frame shift seemed apparent.
This is an example of AG-Kanes problems, notwithstanding all the selfinflicted problems; indeed, the cry of racism cannot justify having
failed to prosecute on-tape corruption by legislators [and her slap-onthe-wrist of Sen. Washington was appalling].
And now the false-accusation about the child-porn has been
superimposed, ending with she mis-spoke???
Blogging, generally, has addressed Illegals [e.g., refuting Christina Flowers on Immunity
and rule-of-law, to which she replied I dont care!]. Academic efforts [published in
peer-reviewed medical journals] have addressed gun-laws and e-cigs [Government's
own Research Shows E-cigs Not a Gateway to Smoking].
The salutary effect of the midterms has been emphasized *as Hope+ while how to fix what BHO has
done remains a challenge *as Change+; the import of social-issues has [justifiably] not been prominent.
Emphasized repeatedly [both herein and in op-ed pieces published on multiple respected platforms] has
been the plight of Kurdistan and the specters of Iran and Islamism, both to Israel and to the world. In the
process, unusual hyperlinks have been preserved [conservative-celebrities] and relevant news-bytes
have been conveyed [Robot Proves Antarctic Ice Thicker than Thought] while other issues are monitored
[Justice Ginsburg in surgery for coronary blockage]. Rather than routinely providing groups of hyperlinks,
daily, selective observations have been preserved [e.g., Judicial Watch Victory: Obama Gives Up Fast and
Furious Documents]; when aggregated hyperlinks convey an overarching message, meta-analysis has
been provided [Dana Carvey: Comedians 'Afraid to Make Fun' of Obama Because They'll Be Called
Racist; #2: Obama Makes GQ'S List of Least Influential People of 2014; Hume: Hagel Ousting Says a Lot
About Obama Admin.'s Attitude Toward the Military].
Media analysis has emphasized the justifiable dominance of Fox and the despicable
behavior of the Mainstreamers regarding coverage of myriad issues [e.g.,
ObamaDontCare+ and scandals *e.g., Benghazi, IRS, NSA]; is it not shocking that The
New York Times Israel reporter is unhappy that CAMERA keeps correcting her.
Specifically regarding Ferguson coverage, Roger Simon lambasted the New York Times
and other members of the media hall of shame; this piece provides historical context.
Regarding Illegals, Obama admitted his executive actions on immigration changed the law; Despite
Obama's Claims, Amnesty Will Give Some Illegal Immigrants Federal Benefits. In terms of remedies, a

Judge OKed Lawsuit Against Guest-Worker Program Expanded by Executive Amnesty [the federal
government will have to prove that there is actually a shortage of high-tech American workers to keep
the program intact]; also, the Congressional Research Service affirmed the power of Congress to Block
Funding for Obama's Executive Amnesty. Thus, Conservative Lawmakers Offered House Leadership a
Three-Pronged Strategy to Combat Executive Action: move a short-term spending measure that
defunds Obamas executive orders, pass an authorization to sue Obama over his actions, and restrict all
funding that would go toward providing work permits or green cards to illegal immigrants. {Also,
its innate liberalism, the Jewish Exponent ran a [biased] news-article entitled Jews Back Obamas Order
to Not Oppress the Stranger; as a result, this was my comment: It is unfortunate that the Torah was
corrupted by Obama in this fashion; America already "welcomes" immigrants who arrive LEGALLY; also,
it may be recalled that the strangers who visited Abraham departed rather than moving permanently
into his tent.The meaning of the 2014 midterms was discussed at the David Horowitz Freedom
Center conference in Palm Beach; regarding POTUS-16, Carly Fiorina actively exploring a
'16 presidential run as Cruz successfully Wooed New York Jewish Donors. ["Reviews of
Mr. Cruz were uniformly positive as many New York Jews got their first taste of the tea
party darling and discovered that the Princeton-educated lawyer was rather well-spoken
and engaging. Cruz had a private two-hour meeting with the most highly sought-after
donor of all. After sitting next to Sheldon Adelson at Sunday night's ZOA dinner, Mr.
Cruz and Mr. Adelson met for two hours at the St. Regis Hotel. Michael Steinhardt [the
investing legend and megaphilanthropist who chaired the same Democratic Leadership
Council that catapulted Bill Clinton to the White House] hosted Mr. Cruz at his
investment firm's office."] {Also, showing his superficialityand recalling he feels that
the gun laws should differ between cities/rural-regionsCARSON said COPS COULD BE
Regarding Ferguson, a few quasi-scandals have emerged. Lefties remain dissatisfied, blaming the DA and
justice under law [despite the fact that BHO doesnt choose to apply this concept to the IRS+. The media
are misbehaving, with CNN and the Huffington Post Accused of Recruiting for Ferguson Riots and The NY
Times accused of being reckless for having published Darren Wilsons address. And a Video of the Man
Robbed by Michael Brown Standing in His Now-Looted Store Shows Other Side of Tragedy.
Media Ignore the 224 Teenagers Killed in Chicago Since Michael Brown's Death and the
demographics associated with urban murder; this was a source of tension during the
weekend prior to the announcement of the grand jury decision, when former New York
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani debated Michael Eric Dyson [one of the worst of the racial
arsonists, a regular guest on MSNBC and other more respectable networks]. Richard
Baehr and Jason Riley provided commentary, some of which follows.
A Washington Post columnist criticized Giuliani for daring to raise
the issue that a few dozen blacks are killed by white police each year
(most all of them in circumstances that are NOT controversial), and
more than 100 times that number of blacks are murdered by other
blacks each year. Dyson said that when blacks kill blacks, the killers are

brought to justice. Actually, not. Chicago closed 26% of its nation's

leading murder toll of 507 in 2012.
The New York Times is promoting a pro publica study that alleges that black youths are
21 times more likely to be killed by police than white youth. The study is of ages 15-19.
If blacks in that age group are 21 times as likely to be criminals as whites in that age
group, why is this police death toll ratio a problem? The fact that the pro publica study
did not explore rates of criminality between blacks and whites in that age group, is
telling. Of course the New York Times never mentions this issue or that
the comparison of youth shootings was only for those aged 15-19. The Times has
disgraced itself by publishing the address of Darren Wilson. They seem to be
OK with the violence in Ferguson and elsewhere, so why not further incite some
enraged black to try to kill Wilson and his family?
A kerfuffle arose between Missouri Governor Nixon [D] and Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder [R]
following the riots. Initially, MO Lt. Gov said Gov. Nixon Ignored Ferguson Mayor's Plea for Help During
Ferguson Riots. Then, MO Governor Jay Nixon Denied the Obama Admin Pressured Him Over National
Guard and called this charge against him "absurd." Next, it was revealed that Valerie Jarrett was Keeping
In Touch With Gov. Nixon During Ferguson Fiasco. Finally, it seems that, per MO Lt. Gov, Officials Must
Explain 'Under Oath' Why National Guard Stood By as Ferguson Burned; Kinder claims Nixon told the
National Guard [which he had previously mobilized] to stand down in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday
night as the city burned in riots. {Also, Thousands of pages of grand jury docs reveal numerous instances
of inconsistent, fabricated or provably-wrong statements by witnesses, MICHAEL BROWN'S MOTHER
said 'HE WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE' and Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder (R) said that Michael
Brown's stepfather should be "arrested and charged" for inciting riots in Ferguson.}
Regarding events in Israel, 77% of Israeli Arabs Prefer Israeli Rule to Palestinian;
nevertheless, UN Chief Ban claimed More Countries Will Recognize State of 'Palestine'
[extortion], despite Muslim deceit [e.g., the Al Aqsa lie]. {Also, Irvin J. Borowsky,
Publishing Magnate and Ecumenical Pioneer, Died yesterday at 90; this was my
comment: My mother idolized him for decades and, as a result, contributed to his
ecumenical works; I met him on occasion and found him to have accomplished a unique
dimension of interfaith dialogue [documented in books he distributed] while using glass
to convey his message [both in his museum and in his home+.Islamism is continuing to run-rampant [NYT: US Weapons Already Finding Way Into the Islamic States
Hands; ISIS Continues Blowing Up Churches In Mosul; The Islamic State is Developing 'Colonies' in
Middle East as it Gains Credibility Among Jihadists; Jihadist camps spreading across Syria; Nigeria's Top
Muslim Leader Excoriated Military for Boko Haram Advances; Fort Sam Houston was Locked Down After
a Saudi National 'Rammed' Car into Gates; and Kurds and Shiites Contest Iraqi Territory Regained from
the Islamic State as Military is Allegedly to Arm Yazidis]. Also, U.S. TO LEAVE MORE TROOPS IN
AFGHANISTAN THAN FIRST PLANNED to fill a gap left in the NATO mission by other contributing nations.
POLL SHOWED THE UKIP [their version of the TEA Party Movement] REPLACED LABOUR


{The following are from the Republican Jewish Coalition.}

{Related Items: Spain's Jose Maria Aznar commented on avoiding a bad Iran deal (for now), inasmuch as
Iran is still on the verge of a nuclear weapon; the latest extension of talks risks acceptance of
containment and, thus, most observers feel Iran had a good week.}

The P5+1 talks with Iran did not reach an agreement before the November 24 deadline. In fact
negotiators could not even agree on a framework for a comprehensive nuclear deal. The participants
instead agreed to extend the talks for another seven months, until March 2015. The New York Times
notes in its report:
In agreeing to extend the existing interim agreement, Iran assured itself of a
continuation of the sanctions relief that had brought it $700 million a month in money
that had been frozen abroad - something that might well add to the threat of new
sanctions from the newly elected Republican Congress.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's office Tweeted Tuesday that the "arrogant" powers
had tried hard to bring the Islamic Republic to its knees but had failed.
Lee Smith brings us a round-up of concessions the U.S. has reportedly already made to Iran, as detailed
by The Israel Project's Omri Ceren. On sanctions, centrifuges, enrichment, and other important points,
the news is not good.
Aaron David Miller identifies four faulty assumptions the U.S. is making about Iran that have made a
nuclear deal with Iran impossible so far.
Elliott Abrams argues that the Iran talks and the Israeli-Palestinian talks are alike, because "it is long
past time to recognize that a comprehensive agreement is not attainable... and similarly we should be
thinking now [about] how to manage the real world consequences."
Providing a rare glimpse into the specifics of the nuclear negotiations, former Obama foreign policy
advisor Dennis Ross said Tuesday that "the US had demonstrated flexibility during the talks, including a
willingness to back down on demands over the Arak heavy water facility and the Fordo enrichment
facility, but that its positions were received by intransigence by the Iranian counterparts...The former
diplomat said that Iranian negotiators were either unwilling or incapable of budging from a series of red
lines [adding that] Iranian negotiators' hands may be tied by the anti-American ideology of the Islamic
Republic's religious leadership and specifically that of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei."
There is widespread opposition to President Obama's desperate efforts to reach an accord with Iran. A
new poll by Frank Luntz in the U.S. found that:
69% of Americans would reject a deal under which Iran agreed to stop R&D but kept its
current nuclear capabilities, compared to 31% who would accept such a deal.


62% of Americans consider that Iran is an enemy of the US, while 37% consider it
neutral, and 1% consider it an ally. It found that 73% of Americans consider that Iran is
an enemy of Israel, while 25% consider it neutral, and 1% consider it an ally.
A staggering 81% of respondents do not believe the current government in Iran can be
trusted to keep agreements, compared to 5% who think it can be trusted. And an even
more overwhelming 85% do not believe the Iranians' assertions that their nuclear
program is peaceful, as compared to 8% who do.
Republicans in Congress have warned the President that they will not accept a bad deal with Iran, a
position held by some Democrats as well. Efforts to toughen sanctions and to give Congress a role in any
final agreement with Iran are under consideration for the next session of Congress.


Last Friday, President Barack Obama signed two executive actions that would shield millions of illegal
immigrants from deportation and provide them with documents enabling them to work and participate
in Social Security.
The RJC expressed "strong concern that President Obama has exceeded his legitimate authority by
making such far-reaching changes unilaterally and in defiance of the constitutionally designated lawmaking organ of our government - the Congress." Many Republican leaders spoke out against the
President's action and six Senate Democrats have as well. Republicans are discussing plans to use
Congress' power of the purse to limit the President's actions on immigration, but they are also
determined to avoid a government shutdown over the issue.
Analysts have been examining the President's recent public statements on immigration, the executive
actions he announced, and the memo from the Justice Department Office of Legal Council meant to
justify his actions. Josh Blackman has a very detailed legal analysis of the OLC memo here.
Newt Gingrich argues that the President's speech did not match the far-reaching actions he is taking:
But the policy the White House actually announced, as opposed to the policy the
President described in his speech, was not merely a directive to emphasize enforcement
against those who have committed crimes, or even a simple pause on deportations for
millions of Americans here illegally. The policy the White House actually announced, in a
memo from its Office of Legislative Affairs hours before the President's speech, was a
17-point plan including several new programs without congressional approval, budget
appropriation or spending authorization, and many of which the President either didn't
mention or which bore only a faint resemblance to what he described in his speech.
The President, according to the White House, has directed the Department of Homeland
Security to "create" a "new deferred action program" that will give millions of people
here illegally "work authorizations" for at least three years. It establishes extensive new
criteria by which people can register to be exempt from deportation. DHS will likely
have to employ thousands of bureaucrats to process those who "come forward and

register, submit biometric data, pass background checks, pay fees, and show that their
child was born before the date of this announcement." Applicants supposedly will also
have to prove they have been in the United States for at least five years and will have to
pay taxes.
Well, a brand new program that hands out three-year work authorizations and
processes more paperwork than many state Departments of Motor Vehicles is not
merely saying, as the President put it in his speech, that "we're not going to deport
you," and it is certainly not simple "prioritization" or "prosecutorial discretion," as many
administration officials have been calling it before and after the announcement.
It is new law, created by the executive without constitutional authority.
Now, Obama may have conceded the point. When hecklers interrupted Obama's speech in Chicago on
Tuesday by yelling complaints that his deportation policy is still too stringent, Obama responded by
saying, "What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law, so
that's point No. 1. Point No. 2, the way the change in the law works is that we're reprioritizing how we
enforce our immigration laws generally." [Emphasis added. Video here]


Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:22 PM

Subject: Thoughts - LVII [Penn State, AG-Kane, E-Cigs, Middle East, Iran, Blogging]
Two goals of this Blast e-mail are related to Public Health and to that devious anti-Semitic blogger;
also, the entire contents of todays Daily Alert are conveyed [reformatted] to corroborate prior
concerns. First, however, two items should be freeze-dried for future-reference: Tensions flare between
Senate Dems and White House in the aftermath of the midterms, as the blame-game continues; and Bill
Cosby testified under oath in 2005 that he gave the National Enquirer an exclusive interview about
looming sexual-assault accusations by a Canadian woman against him in exchange for the tabloid spiking
a second accuser's story, increasing the odds that the dozen-plus women were indeed raped. {Also, note
that NFL Star Reggie Bush Joined With Pro-Palestinian Activists in Co-opting Ferguson Tragedy.}
Sen. Corman's lawyer wants Penn State mediation as, with trial looming, parties in PSU
sanctions case are to try again for a 'diplomatic resolution' of this festering scandal that,
it may be recalled, impugned Corbett; in my view, the only appropriate remedy is
rescinding the erasure of JoePas wins, for this constituted a vindictive action that
perhaps satisfied the envious competitors to his unique achievements. I reprised these
data [elucidated extensively in prior Blast e-mails and on PoliticsPA repeatedly during
the past two years] in a comment about AG-Kane [with 58% of Readers disapproving of
her performance, despite a plethora of Dems uploading accolades, praising her overall
performance without supplying details].
I had initially been impressed with her; she spoke @ the biennial
Comedy-Night in Philly and seemed both self-effacing and interactive.
Yet, the accumulation of glitches is highly-problematic. For example, I
have been critical of Corbett regarding Sandusky [despite my being a
GOP Committeeman for two decades], but she screwed-up the roll-out
of her findings; hidden therein was evidence that Corbett had not
rendered an explanation for why the investigation had been on a hiatus
*basically+ during the year prior to his election in 10, only to be pickedup shortly after his inauguration. Specifically, they interviewed everyone
in Second Mile in 11and there is no reason why they couldnt have
done so in 10. Yet, because of the false accusations of damages, this
point was overlooked and, to-date, no one has asked Corbett what he
had been supervising during this critical time-period *for he couldnt
have known whether molestation was ongoing, as he was allowing a
perp to run the streets]. I know he wanted a perfect prosecution, but
the need for a time-frame shift seemed apparent.
This is an example of AG-Kanes problems, notwithstanding all the selfinflicted problems; indeed, the cry of racism cannot justify having
failed to prosecute on-tape corruption by legislators [and her slap-onthe-wrist of Sen. Washington was appalling].


And now the false-accusation about the child-porn has been

superimposed, ending with she mis-spoke???
AG-Kanes sycophants had universally ignored my prior posting *Why dont you try to
refute the multiple glitches in her conduct that she admits she committed? You may
wish to reply to my query as to how AG-Kanes defenders can possibly defend the
indefensiblewith specificity+ and, thus, I composed a double-barreled reply. Having
provided on that page a hyperlink to another page where I had debunked the Dem-lib
blogger [vide infra+ and, thus, had discredited him *as a public service+, I informed
them that You are now protected against having to weigh anything he may type as
being relevant or reliable; meanwhile, you havent replied to my gambit regarding the
specific topic-heading. ,A responsefrom a half-dozen explicitly-addressed Dems
(Brad, Big, Todd, Bob, Jason, PocketProtector, and PAFAO)pends.}
Regarding the use of e-cigs as a major risk-reduction tool [a concept to which I alluded in yesterdays
Blast e-mail], it seems my letter-to-the-editor that is in-press [@ the Mayo Clinic Proceedings] has
been corroborated by a subsequent British study.
Use of e-cigarettes, and the relationship to smoking
E-cigarettes were almost exclusively used by smokers and ex-smokers, Fig 11. More
than 1 in 10 (12%) of cigarette smokers also used e-cigarettes, compared with 1 in 20
(5%) ex-smokers and almost none of those who had never smoked. These findings
reflect those from a YouGov survey commissioned by Action on Smoking and Health
(ASH). Data on e-cigarette use have also been collected as part of the Smoking Toolkit
Study. E-cigarettes were found to be used mainly as smoking cessation aids and for the
perceived health benefits (compared with smoking tobacco). Over half of e-cigarette
users said that their main reason for using e-cigarettes was to stop smoking, and about
one in five said the main reason for their use was because they thought they were less
harmful than cigarettes. ,In addition, Only one in 700 people who regularly vape
were not smokers previously.Here is the in-press text of our effort to rectify what may be perceived as a double-error committed by
the editors of this prestigious medical journal; neither the article nor the accompanying editorial should
have been accepted for publication:
E-Cigs are Efficacious
To the Editor:
Regarding the pair of smoking-cessation pieces, neither the article1 nor the
accompanying editorial2 addressed the utility of electronic cigarettes, thereby
invalidating all conclusions thereinexcept for emphasizing the generic importance of
translational research.


Specifically, the methodology employed in the article and the analysis thereof in the
editorial eschewed any citation of vapes, which have quickly justified having earned a
solid position in the anti-tobacco armamentarium; consider one conservatively-phrased
commentary,3 E-cigarettes, with or without nicotine, were modestly effective at
helping smokers to quit, with similar achievement of abstinence as with nicotine
patches, and few adverse events. Uncertainty exists about the place of e-cigarettes in
tobacco control, and more research is urgently needed to clearly establish their overall
benefits and harms at both individual and population levels.
Indubitably, use of e-cigs reduces the risk of serious illness caused by inhalation of
tobacco smoke; indeed, the only quasi-justifiable concern is whether they could serve as
gateways for adolescents and others to become smokers. Thus, a justifiable area of
study could be whetherjust as pharmacologic and counseling initiatives can yield
multiplicatively beneficial effectsthe combination of using e-cigs with other
approaches could yield outcomes superior to all other reported interventions.
A compilation of literally hundreds of articles detailing the rationale for e-cigs
serving to reduce tobacco-induced harm has been generated for years by my coauthor,
Mr. Bill Godshall, Executive Director of Smokefree Pennsylvania.4
Another component of this challenge is reflected in the fact that only 4.8 % of patients
received the most effective therapy in the Kotz study; noting the capacity of markets
to allow consumers to choose what is most desired (in England, regardless of whether
the government sponsors specialized clinics), analysis of further interventions could
easily conclude that patients could successfully kick the habit by choosing to follow a
self-motivated pursuit of e-cigs, a novel modality thatabsent governmental
interferencecould continue to burgeon in popularity.
Regardless of what intervention is chosen, Hays properly advocated that it be conducted
under the aegis of a support system (physician, physician-extender and/or clinic); this is
how plans can be effectively reformulated. For example, improper use often leads to
ineffectiveness of nicotine gum; when smokers keep chewing after the addiction-urge
has passed, they may experience nausea and/or headaches from nicotine-overdose (as
this neurotransmitter continues to be released from the resin). Similarly, the efficacy of
nicotine patches may be dose-related.
Some may perceive the E-cig omission merely as a benign procedural oversight; yet, Ecig advocates often encounter ill-advised, real-world political implications of such
unjustified glitches. For example, despite our well-documented and unrefuted
testimonies5, Philadelphia passed two ordinances that essentially equate using vapes
with tobacco smoking.
Consider the stridency of a conclusion drawn from another smoking-cessation study:6
Unsubstantiated overt and implied claims that alternative tobacco products *such as ecigarettes] aid smoking cessation should be prohibited. Such crass attempts to
suppress colloquy are antithetical to the tenets of the scientific discourse;
condemnation thereof corroborates the recommendationshared with the authors of


both of these Mayo piecesthat further, intelligent, efficacious research be

aggressively pursuedwherever it may lead.
Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
William T. Godshall, MPH
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Kotz D, Brown J, West R. Prospective cohort study of the effectiveness of
smoking cessation treatments used in the real world. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89:13601367.
Hays JT. Helping smokers quit in the real world. Mayo Clin Proc.
Bullen C. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: a randomised controlled
trial. The Lancet 2013;382:1629-1637.
E-Cigarette Politics website. Accessed October 17, 2014.
Sklaroff R, Godshall W. Testimony to the Philadelphia City Council Public Health
and Human Services Committee Opposing Bills No 140095 & 140096 [March 13, 2014].
Popova L, Ling P. Alternative Tobacco Product Use and Smoking Cessation: A
National Study. Am J Public Health 2013;103:923-930.
Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff (Corresponding Author)
Department of Internal Medicine Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 500-C
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041
Phone: 215-333-4900
Fax: 215-333-2023
Primary E-Mail

Mr. William T. Godshall, MPH

Smokefree Pennsylvania
Executive Director
Pittsburgh, PA

Primary E-Mail Address:

As a result, I remitted the following e-mail to the Editorial Assistant with whom Ive interacted:
Not having heard from you during the past month, I suspect you are in the process of
publishing the revised-letter; nevertheless, noting the release of fresh BRITISH research
[follow hyperlink], it would be desirable to insert this reference [perhaps as an

I recognize that these data will presumably be disseminated via other academic
pathways, but they seem to be particularly apropos with regard to the critique of what
had been previously disseminated from the UK; essentially, what had been concluded by
using inductive reasoning has been confirmed by employing deductive reasoning.
There is precedent for this approach to be adopted, such as when late-breaking abstracts are cited in
the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Essentially, what has transpired is an
academic-glitch for, as per the letter, the researchers eschewed including the major method many
people have been able to kick the evil-weed [tobacco, not pot].
A prcis of todays Daily Alert encompasses concerns regarding terrorism within
Jerusalem [Israel Foiled Hamas Plot to Attack Jerusalem Soccer Stadium and To Help
Quell Riots, Israeli Police Deploy Spy Balloons over Jerusalem+ and recognition of
Palestine *BB: European Recognition of Palestinian State a "Big Mistake" and Former
French President Sarkozy Opposes Palestine Recognition].
Regarding the Islamic State, the repercussions of BHOs precipitous Iraqi
withdrawal are increasingly manifest [ISIS REMAINS ELUSIVE AS USA
ADDS AIR POWER...3 in 4 bomb missions fail to find target, Islamic State
Subdued Sunni Muslim Tribes in Syria and Iraq and Islamic State Said Its
Flag Will Wave over Jerusalem].
As Iran spreads its wings [IRGC Commander: Iran's Strategic Borders Stretch to Eastern
Mediterranean, North Africa], the nuke-talks predictably faltered [What Difference
Would an Iran Deal Make? and The Many Iranian Obstacles in the Way of a Strong
Nuclear Deal]; ominously, Maj. Gen. (ret.) Amos Yadlin [who served as the IDF's chief of
Defense Intelligence and who now is director of the Institute for National Security
Studies-Tel Aviv University] critiqued the fact that BHO/Kerry were Kicking the Can
Down the Road through Another Extension of the P5+1 Talks and concluded ominously
that Israel must take proper advantage of the extension of the interim agreement to
prepare and enhance all its options regarding the Iranian nuclear threat.
Although I have problems with how Dennis Ross because he almost was
responsible for the capitulation of Israel to Arafat @ Camp David II, an
assertion with which this physician confronted him when he appeared
@ Cheltenham High Schools Five Star Forum [after having confirmed
his culpability during a whirlwind trip to Israel via direct questioning of


Efraim Halevy], his observation is worth quoting:

Flexibility in Nuke Talks.

Iran Showed No

Domestically, characteristically, there was a Hero's Welcome for Hater of Israel at MESA
[the evil counterpart to the wisdom exuded by ISMEA] and Israel Protested to NATO
over New Hamas Headquarters in Turkey [a predictable manifestation of the Islamism of
BHOs bosom-buddy Erdoan]; also, Rescuers in Yemen Sought American.
It is now necessary to provide overnight follow-up of my colloquy with the Dem-lib on PoliticsPa; if such
exchanges are proving boring, just skim the preliminaries [ignoring his typos] and scrutinize the final
simplified entry:
I already made the distinction between not supporting and opposing, defining both
terms, and CLEARLY indicating that I favored dropping support, rather than opposing
So, you have completely fabricated a claim that I was for disbanding/dismantling
I did say I opposed the policies of Israels Likud party. So, I would like to see the Likud
party dismantled/disbanded/overthrown by the centrist and left wing parties within
Israel, but not Israel itself.
But, thats 100% different than the distortions you are making to my statements.
The current military financial support for Israel, despite their failure to sign NPT, is a
violation of EXISTING U.S. policy. So, my comment was that the U.S. is failing to adhere
to its own policy. Personally, I think its ridiculous that Israel refuses to acknowledge its
nuclear capacity and has not been called to account for stealing US nuclear secrets.
I only became aware of this U.S. policy recently. If it had been followed, then Israel
could still have gotten financial aid by signing NPT.
Ive already stated that I think Iron Dome is an ineffective and wasteful system that
doesnt deliver what it promises. So, U.S. taxpayers shouldnt be footing the bill for a
wasteful system, that Israeli taxpayers can afford to waste their own money on. Thats
just simple economics.
Basically, Israel can afford to finance its own military operations so it should not receive
any monetary aid from the U.S. for military expenses. We are in debt. We shouldnt be
financing military operations for ANY country that can afford it themselves.
Also, I didnt say NOR imply despite the absence of any military interaction. I was very
clear that we should drop financial support of their military.


Hamas and right-wing controlled Israel both teach their kids to hate. They are both
perpetuating hate. Both should be removed from power, so that more centrist
leadership could take over.
I dont support Hamass terrorist policies, but neither do I support Israels state run
terrorism. BOTH are engaged in terrorism, but Israel is just better at it and pretending
its something else.
The right-wing policies of Netanyahu are a failure for Israel. Israels standing and moral
authority has been diminished by the policies and the slaughter of innocents during the
recent war in Gaza. He has turned former allied/sympathetic nations into supporters of
an independent Palestinian state. Israel is now being seen by more people as
hypocritical by mistreating people the same way it complained Jews were mistreated.
So, to summarize:
I think US should drop the annual $2 billion in military aid. We cant afford it. They can
afford it. Iron Dome is an ineffective system, and if they had to pay for it themselves,
theyd probably admit it.
This is not opposing Israel, but merely not supporting their current bad policies with
our resources. Let them use their own resources for their bad policies.
The state department (among others) has already criticized the nationality bill for
veering away from democracy for all, and being counter-productive to the peace
Israels failure to sign/join NPT is just another disqualification for them receiving aid as
per established U.S. policy. Israel dodges this by pretending its not a nuclear power, and
not fooling anyone.
I think Hamas and Israel both like to engage in terrorism and murder. Israel is a lot
better at it.
I think both teach their kids to hate. Its not just one sided.
From Wikipedia:
The political myth of Magna Carta and its protection of ancient personal liberties
persisted after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 until well into the 19th century. It
influenced the early American colonists in the Thirteen Colonies and the formation of
the American Constitution in 1789, which became the supreme law of the land in the
new republic of the United States.
Your effort to achieve a retrenchment is noted, but doesnt compute; the goal, here, is
to provide you an opportunity to initiate a journey towards undoing the intellectual


damage your postings have wreaked upon anyone who bothered to peruse them [let
alone become duped into assuming they were credible].
Your prior explicit comments are contradictory to what you now have been forced to
compose, particularly your claim that Israel, as a Jewish State, did not merit any USAid and, indeed, should be opposed *NOT merely not supported+; there were no
conditionals appended to these forthright statements prior to when you chose to
upload them.
Furthermore, it is irrelevant when you may first have learned of a given piece of
information [again, absent an appropriate, contemporaneous disclaimer], for your dictat
of US policy was sweeping; you cannot imagine, perhaps, how wrongheaded [and
upsetting to the ~1000 people who receive my Blast e-mails] your condemnation of
Israel has been [as she struggles against terrorists near and far, external and internal].
Finally, because all phraseology was preceded by the at this moment in time
disclaimer-clarification, your effort to tie opposition to anything Israel is now doing
cannot be retroactively ascribed totally to Likud; as the noose tightened [and your
outrageous charges were being carefully, incrementally, reformulated], you were given
plenty of opportunities to recant, but you demurred.
Therefore, your only out is to admit erroneous/sloppy postings and then to invoke
references [such as the Wiki-cite, which doesnt alas weight the input of the Magna
Carta when compared with the impact of the Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian
Ethicswhich was how the controversy arose, you may recall+ to support your
assertions; a lengthy journey awaits you.
In the process, invoking any author by reference without citing specifics simply wont
suffice, for this is how you arrived @ this sad endpoint in the first place; global efforts to
achieve any type of moral equivalency *excusing Hamas by blaming Israel] would
thereby melt-away [appropriately].
I didnt try to trick you, for I even did a cut/paste routine to nail you *successfully+,
even when spelling/syntax were flawed; in this fashion, you couldnt claim that Id
removed context, for I was painstakingly mirroring the conditionals you had introduced.
Remember, also, that I left many other errors on the editing-room floor as I kept
trained on unearthing your fundamental aberrations; you cannot now erase the thread
of what you previously [stridently] asserted by creating new facts [even those you would
assert that you, alone, can claim to own+.
You placed yourself on the defensive, and *quoting from Network+, You Will Atone!
Because I have destroyed your anti-Semitic arguments so thoroughly, I feel obligated
to guide you to concurring with reasonable reformulations of your claims; you will, in

the process, have to abandon your condemnation of BB, for he is the leader of Israel
*despite yourand BHOsand Clintons+ desires.
You must first concur that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish State, as per its
Declaration of Independence in 48; in the process, you will be invited to discard your
claim that her founders would be rolling in their graves *metaphor+ were they to have
heard of BBs cabinets proposal to amend the Common Law accordingly, for you were
ignorant of the former when [reflexly] condemning the latter [lockstep with your antiZionist guide since the 30s, the NY-Times Editorialists].
You must then concur that, even if Jewish students are warned of the terrorist threat by
Arabs [and some may feel motivated to look forward to military service], they are not
taught to hate Arabs *20% of Israels population, a group that pollsters keep showing
overwhelmingly prefers life in Israel to that in any other (Muslim) country]; you must
then concur that this contrasts with the mind-control Hamas has imposed, both
omitting key-data [Shoah] and demonizing Jews [both in Gaza and throughout the Arab
Next, you must relent regarding the need tiny Israel has had for US Military aid
[recognizing, if nothing else, the fact that projects such as the Iron Dome were
developed mutually]; further, you must delink any such policy from whatever may or
may not be occurring in Dimona, for Israel remains the David amidst multiple
Goliath-type neighborsboth contiguous and mullah-governed.
Let this exercise serve as an object lesson for you, as you try to rationalize BHOs
bullying of Israel [and, metaphorically, anyone who might oppose his egomaniacal
manifestation of progressive ideology+; perhaps, in the process, you will experience an
epiphany that would trigger a global reassessment of the ideas and ideals you have
apparently until now deeply cherished.
Israel is the Goliath, with its air force and advanced weaponry (including 150 to 200
I havent relented nor changed my position, but you consistently misrepresent my
positions, no matter how clearly I state, clarify, or qualify them to remove ambiguity
(real or imagined). You are completely dishonest, and have to distort and twist my
postings to prop up your failed arguments.
You treat Israel as the victim, even when it has morphed into the bully. You are unable
to acknowledge a single fault in policy nor the wrongful death of even one child of the
500 killed. You even went so far as to reference a discredited conspiracy theorist (with
mental problems) to claim the Gaza beach bombing was staged. You have no shame.
You view constructive criticism of Israeli policy as an anti-Semitic attack on Israel, and
Jews in general.
You are paranoid and delusional, and overtly racist toward Arabs.

You are an example of how badly right wing ideology is bad for Israel and the U.S.
All of your surmising is reflected in a set of pivotal exchanges about which you have
developed selective amnesia; all quotations are from your postings on this page.
Israels refusal to submit to inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency
should disqualify them from U.S. military aid. (Not to mention that theyve stolen
nuclear secrets from the U.S.). Israel should sign the nuclear non proliferation treaty.
That alone is sufficient reason to deny them military aid under existing U.S. policy, that
is not being followed.
[Thus, not only would you deny Israel the ability to re-arm the Iron Dome (a jointventure), you would strip Israel of all military aid from the USA; this radical alteration in
historic policy (since 48) would rapidly yield Israels demise.+
In explaining why you view Israel as an Apartheid-state, you wrote, The tunnels below
ground are no different than the Israeli missiles above ground.
[You failed to acknowledge the former were intended to invade southern Israel @
multiple sites on Rosh Hashanah to kill/kidnap kids, whereas the latter were intended to
stop the barrage of Gaza-based missile-fire @ civilians during past years.]
I asked: Do you believe that Israel plans to engage in ethic cleansing of non-Jews, then
it should be opposed by the US? and you replied: Not only do I believe that Israel
(under people like Netanyahu) plans to engage in ethic cleansing, I believe they are
currently engaged in the practice, and have been for years.
[Therefore, you feel Israel is engaging in ethnic-cleansing and you felt America should
oppose Israel.+
I already made the distinction between not supporting and opposing, defining both
terms, and CLEARLY indicating that I favored dropping support, rather than opposing
[This clarification never included a rescinding of the prior simple-sentence.]
Opposing would mean for the U.S. to try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel.
*You provided your own rhetorical noose.+

If by Jewish state it merely means that it supports and promotes Jewish

culture/people, but not at the expense of the rights of non-Jews, then that would be
acceptable. If it means that it plans to engage in ethic cleansing of non-Jews, then it
should be opposed by the US.
[The second sentence became operational.]
If Israel wishes to redefine itself as a Jewish state, rather than a Jewish/democratic
state, then it should be able to do so. However, if it does do, the U.S. should cease to
support it.I conditioned my opposition to Israel itself IF it passes the horrific bill in
its *sic+ current/proposed form. Such an Israel would be an insult to the founders of
modern Israel.
,I wrote: There appears to be no end to your venom directed @ Israel, and you even
had the gall to claim Israels leaders in 48 would recoil @ characterizing Israel as a
Jewish State'; you would perhaps benefit from noting a quote from her Declaration of
TO BE KNOWN AS THE STATE OF ISRAEL+.THEREFORE, because Israel already is self-defined as a Jewish State, you would oppose
America lending any support to Israel [although you were ignorant of the foundingdocuments when you wrote your conditional-phraseology].
MORE FUNDAMENTALLY, because you feel Israel is engaging in ethnic-cleansing, you
would oppose its continued existence and, thus, would try to overthrow, dismantle,
disband Israel.
Try as you might, you cannot wiggle-away from your own postings. I attempted to map
a method by which you could extricate yourself, but you rejected any such entreaty.
THEREFORE, Jaccuse you of anti-Semitism, based upon your advocacy that America
be enlisted with Islamists in the declared-effort to destroy Israel.
Because I sensed your desire to continue to try to become tangential, I chose not to
rebut many points you made [including overnight]; because I sense your desire to
continue to try to evade responsibility for your own postings, I will simplify [again using
cut/paste of your lingotypos not fixedto hammer-home the (unpleasant) truth].
1. You feel Israel has been and continues to be engaging in Ethnic-Cleansing.


2. You have learned that Israelfrom its inceptionhas been self-defined as a Jewish
3. You feel that, if Jewish state means that it plans to engage in eth*n+ic cleansing of
non-Jews, then it should be opposed by the US.
4. Opposing would mean for the U.S. to try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel.
5. THEREFORE, in your view, at this moment in time, because the Jewish State of
Israel is engaging in ethnic-cleansing, the U.S. should try to overthrow, dismantle,
disband Israel.
The last time I thought Id nailed him, he absented himself for a day, and then resumed his ad-hominem
attacks on me [while evading content]; I believe I drew him backforciblyto the database, indeed
having evoked even more extremism in the process. So lets see what his next move becomes.


Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 10:18 AM

Subject: Thoughts - LVIII
[E-Cigs, Attkisson, Blogging, Person of the Year, Iggles, Islamism, Kurds, Putin, Ferguson, Illegals, Dems,
ObamaDontCare, Thanksgiving]

This Blast e-mail details my nomination for TIMEs Person of the Year, my perception of the Iggles, and
a few national/international issues; again updated are crass efforts to engage in historical revisionism by
the lib/Dem blogger [now infesting two sites @ PoliticsPA]. Attached are the most recent Daily Alert
[annotated] and a summary of Mark Steyn [subbing for Rush]; note a data-dump of Story-Links
regarding BenghaziGate and Fast & Furious [c/o Sharyl Attkisson]. {Also, it seems Star Wars VII [the first
film of the final trilogy+ will develop themes established in the 70s.Recalling the intent to add a reference to my [in-press] letter-to-the-editor promoting
the use of E-cigs, the following e-mail was remitted to the editorial-staff of Mayo Clinic
Proceedings, reflecting a chat held with my son while driving to Thanksgiving Dinner:
As is often the case, my son suggested a modification of the way I
presented my logic *essentially, what had been concluded by using
inductive reasoning has been confirmed by employing deductive
This is being conveyed to you for two reasons. First, it is desirable to
ensure the viewpoint I harbor is conveyed precisely; second, it is
desirable to convey the intimate relationship between the incorrect
study *for reasons aforementioned+ and the correct study *invoking
memory of Philosophy 101+.
Inductive reasoning requires a two-step proof;
mathematically, a theorem must work for the integer
1 and, then, after one assumes a theory works for any
integer n, the theorem is algebraically manipulated to
show that it works for n + 1. Thus, nonmathematically, one must establish both a startingpoint and the ability to encompass all alternatives
through infinity.
In this case, we punctured the starting-point, in that the methodology
had omitted arguably the most effective potential intervention [as the
new studyand many othersdemonstrated+; therefore, regardless of
how the outcome measures may have been assessed *n n + 1+,
no reproducible conclusion could be cogently drawn.
Simply put, the above depiction should be modified thusly: essentially,
what had been concluded by puncturing the use of inductive reasoning

[in the published article] has been confirmed by employing deductive

reasoning [citing the new article].
Now Starring in China's Anti-Smoking Ads is Bill Gates. {Also note that an 'Off switch' for
pain was discovered because, apparently, Activating the adenosine A3 receptor subtype
is key to powerful pain relief.}
During WIPs discussion today of yesterdays football-game , when the Eagles trounced the Cowboys 3310 to top NFC East, Ray Didinger [the most erudite of all analysts] observed that anyone arriving at the
airport on a Monday would know who had won the Sunday-game by noting the mood of the locals, long
before arriving @ baggage-claim; this observation corroborates my view, as well [although some feel I
am engaging in hyperbole when advising business deals only be transacted after a win+. Thats why the
game was so emotionally satisfying, for the Iggles dominated in all three realms [offense, defense,
special-teams], although I quibble with the B- grade which was given to the pass-reception. [Just for
fun, note how wrong the Turkey-Day-NFL-Preview had been, and recognize that a technicality
[promulgated by FDR] has been invoked to undermine the claim that the eagles are undefeated on
thanksgiving when playing the Dallas Cowboys.] Finally, when the Cowboys' Dwayne Harris delivered a
huge hit on a punt return to Eagles' Nolan Carrollwhich, even per Troy Aikman, was clearly a cheapshot that led to a scuffleHarris was venting frustration and claimed he shouldnt have been penalized
*I felt like it was a legal play]. I felt the perp should have been ejected for trying to injure the player.
The accolades in todays Bleacher-Report were unambiguous [Kelly Outcoached Dallas
in Thanksgiving Rout, , Sanchez and McCoy Picked Up Offense at Perfect Time, Philly's
Defensive Front Dominated Cowboys] and a series of Video Highlights reflects the
dominance that even the Dallas-Press had to acknowledge [Philadelphia loss has lit a
fire in the Dallas Cowboys locker room, LeSean McCoy after posting season-high
rushing day against Cowboys: Dallas gets a lot of hype, Cowboys' defense shredded;
playoffs in doubt, Philly speed the problem or the Cowboys inability to extend drives?].
I corroborated my observations with those of a patient, today, and we both noted harbingers of the
outcome @ the end of the first half; the Dallas-Defense was notably tired [due to the rapid pace of the
offense run by the Iggles] and a row of five depressed faces [the commentators] reflected the degree to
which the announcers had been stunned by what they were witnessing. Also, the Dallas Bench
consistently consisted of players yelling @ each other; the Philly Bench revealed a calm, steely resolve.
We recognize the budding QB-controversy, to which I alluded a few days ago when the Eagles retracted
a tweet suggesting Foles was taking reps [Sanchez's Stock Rose with Smart Decisions, Sanchez: Plan Was
Not to Butt Fumble, Mark Sanchez Took Control of Offense]. We decided that Nate Allen had more
touches than Jason Witten *levity, for this comment reflected the two interceptions of the Eagle vs.
the one completion of the Cowboy]. That, ultimately, this was a team-effort, as reflected in the demand
of Shady McCoy that he receive an MVP-Award only after he was surrounded by his Offensive Line [and
note that two injured starters will return next week].
To Philly, the Giants may be Division-rivals
recalling those Miracles in the [Jersey] Meadowlands
but the 'boys are hated.


When Shady McCoy won the galloping gobbler award,

he brought-out his offensive line.
As of this-a.m., Narendra Modi [India's leader] led TIMEs Person of the Year Poll [well ahead of the
Ferguson, Mo., protesters and Russia's Vladimir Putin+; I voted for ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
which I explained by citing Wikipedia {"Time magazine points out that controversial figures such as Adolf
Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942), Nikita Khrushchev (1957) and Ayatollah Khomeini (1979)
have also been granted the title for their impacts[4]"}. I argued that, unlike all the other names being
bandied about, it is the ongoing threat of establishing a worldwide Caliphate that animates his
organization, which has grown and metastasized dramatically during this past year [while BHO
The Islamic State does not yet confront Israel with an existential-threat, but it seems
Iran is poised to finish nuking-up; as a result, Obama is set for defeat on Iran sanctions.
Also, The Iranian Deputy interior minister said Takfiri crimes *a Muslim who accuses
another Muslim (or an adherent of another Abrahamic faith) of apostasy+ are greater
than those committed by enemies of Islam [Israel].
Meanwhile, Islamism is exploding [Islamic State is spreading into northern Africa, alarming the U.S.,
Belgian 'Jihadi Hunter': Islamist Sleeper Cells 'Preparing to Unleash War on Europe', ISIS Executed Two
Female Parliamentary Candidates in Iraq [in Mosul] Following Sharia Death Sentence, Afghanistan on
edge as attacks rise; Taliban insurgents launch new assault, Cameroon Army Liberated Kidnapped Polish
Priest after Two Months of Captivity, Boko Haram Threat Closes More than 100 Schools in Cameroon].
Radical Muslim Preacher [Ali Abu Ahmad], during an impromptu sermon in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in
Jerusalem, Praised the Islamic State and advocated the Annihilation of America and Jews; it was replete
with hate-filled language towards Americans and Jews, and he insisted on a caliphate similar to the one
the Islamic State is attempting to establish in Syria and Iraq. Through it all, Pope Francis said the 'Door Is
Always Open' to Dialogue with the Islamic State. {Also note that an Egypt court dropped murder charges
against Mubarak.}
The Kurds continue to receive scrutiny, particularly with regard to Turkey; indeed, seven
years ago, Caroline Glick cited the importance of helping the Kurds in an exploration of
how Israel will Fight the Next War. Indeed, too few people know [1]The Legacy of PA
President Mahmoud Abbas: Holocaust Denial, [2]That the UN didnt condemn Israel
regarding multiple deaths on Gaza Flotilla, [3]The Real Madrid soccer *football+
team Changed its Logo [dropping the cross] in Deal With Abu Dhabi Bank, and [4]The


successful startups in Nazareth reflect life of an Arab entrepreneur in a divided Israel.

This last item illustrates why its not wise for America to become so weakened that
foreigners may purchase American icons, yielding an uncertain future. Ultimately, just
Like Cops in Ferguson, America Must Police the World. {Also, note that isabel hunter is a
freelance journalist based in Turkey; she is currently covering the Syrian crisis.}
Putin is continuing to attempt to restore the USSR [e.g., Worries Loom over Russia Annexing Georgia's
Abkhazia Province] in a fashion that has caused the West to Struggle with Russia's 'Ambiguous Warfare'
Tactics [e.g., When Russians crossed the border to fight with rebels in eastern Ukraine earlier this year,
Moscow said the soldiers had not been deployed but had gone on their own vacation time]. As a result,
in the category of too little, too late, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Poland are Forming an Alliance to
Confront Russia and the US Army may Station Tanks In Eastern Europe In 2015.
Overnight, on the cable-station employed by HNN [Headline News Network, aligned
with CNN] aired a series of programs sponsored by, which can be watched
throughout America; this effort is based in Moscow and, as a result, the topics chosen
*except for Larry Kings interview of Sharyl Attkisson+ were demonstrably pro-Russian
[Putin: Energy is 'locomotive' of Russia - Turkey economic cooperation, Duma asks
European body to protect Russian reporters in Ukraine, Russian markets & ruble hit new
lows, as OPEC oil decision weighs] and anti-American [Govt encouraged looting, chaos in
Ferguson to demonize protesters, as per an anti-police brutality activist, Australian exPM: Alliance with U.S. may end up pulling Australia into war, Americans are
whitewashing fascism, Warmongers [neocons] have emerged victorious, and US hawks
would go to great lengths to undermine a nuclear settlement with Iran - ex-IAEA head].
{Also, as a diversion, note that a muscular movie-star, Mickey Rourke, met Putin prior to
WINNING a boxing match, as per this VIDEO that fails to show any jarring blow by
Mickey on his opponent; it is possible that the entire event was staged.Regarding Ferguson, Lefties continue to receive air-time, including legislators [RANGEL: DARREN
BUSINESSES ON BLACK FRIDAY], academics [Leftist Professor Cornel West imparted his perspective with
a vengeance, even blurting that the Ferguson affair signaled the end of the age of Obama+, and the
media [WaPo Columnist: System Says Whites Can Shoot First, Worry About Consequences Later, 'Time'
Magazine Columnist: Violent Riots 'Necessary', CNN Legal Analyst: Ferguson Ruling 'Parody' of Justice
System, Igniting Ferguson: CNN Is Run Like a James Bond Villain's In Charge, CNN Blasted America's
'Racism Without Racists', and a topic on CNs New Day wondered aloud whether a sense of calm will
remain in Ferguson [plus @ multiple sites throughout America]. Buried in this cacophony [mixed
metaphor, I know] is info from the AP that concluded 'Hands Up. Don't Shoot' was based on a lie.
Ultimately, the libs blithely issue solutions attacking politicians [The One Thing Ferguson Can Do Now:
Vote] without recognizing that Gov. Nixon [a Dem] neither employed the National Guard to stop the
rioting/looting/arson [instead of refraining from deploying them prior to the announcement of the Gran
Jurys conclusions+, nor ensured he maintained availability to the locals *such as to the overwhelmed
mayor+ while, instead, interacting with BHOs Valerie Jarrett. ,Also note that the Brown family's pastor is
trying to make sense of fire that gutted his church.}
Obama predictably Proclaimed a Nearly 'Godless' Thanksgiving, ignoring history ['The
Pilgrim Chronicles' Excerpt: The Faith and Focus of the Puritans], precedent


[Thanksgiving: Daniel Webster's Plymouth Oration], and even the WaPo [Property Rights
Saved Pilgrims from Starvation].
Regarding Illegals, BHO feels Only Native Americans can object to amnesty, despite the fact that
Obama's Executive Amnesty is Dragging Schools Down Academically; to Jose Antonio Vargas, 'Now Is the
Time' for Illegal Immigrants to 'Come Out.' Meanwhile, in-between episodes of Lock-up, MSNBC is
warning of the GOP [Cruz] Proposal to block unessential nominations requiring Senatorial-OKs; this
actually mirrors the fear that Establishment Republicans will fund Barack Obamas amnesty plan [despite
having orated aggressively against it. Illustrating the global nature of this problem is the fact that
to polls suggesting the Tories would lose to the UKIP due, specifically, to this concern].

The Dems are in disarray nationally [The Worst of the Dems in 2014] and in Congress
[The beginning of the end for Nancy Pelosi]; meanwhile BHO is sinking [Gallup: Obama
Approval Plunges with Working-Class Whites to 27 Percent], perhaps due to his attitude
[OBAMA UNLEASHED: MONTH OF DEFIANT FURY]. The Media are trying to help [Joy
Behar Heaped Praise on Anti-Palin 'Conservative' Host of 'The View,' Nicole Wallace,
who actually is a RINO], while the British counterpart of the libs/progressives/Dems
continue to try to suppress free-speech [UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA [of false-data
regarding global warming fame+ BANNED THE UKIP FROM SPEAKING ON CAMPUS].
In its own way, The New York Times made the case for fully repealing ObamaDontCare, as Dark days are
ahead [Record Number Americans Foregoing Medical Care Over Costs and CEOs Ready To Revolt Against
ObamaDontCare]. {Also note that The Aryans is a recommended documentary about right-wing
movements worldwide and that, reflecting the dangers of BHOs statism, Christian Bale said, If Moses
Lived Today, 'Drones Would Be Sent Out After Him.'}
Regarding POTUS-16, Dems are churning [Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton split from Obama as
presidential campaign nears, Jim Webb is a maverick with a message+ and Rs are showing their
true-colors [Mitt Romney said Republicans Should 'Swallow Hard' and Pass 'Permanent'
Amnesty Bill, RICK GETS READY, and Libertarian Party lashed out at Rand Pauls new hawkish
Regarding regional/statewide issues, others are noting Kathleen Kanes Downward Spiral as the
Sandusky Scandal continues to captivate [SPANIER-FREEH LAWSUIT ORDERED BACK TO COUNTY COURT;
Temple remains mum on Cosby and speculation is rampant regarding the future for PA's lame-duck Lt.
Governor, Jim Cawley.



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