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Quick Access toolbar: the toolbar just above all, at the right of the Applicatio

n Menu, where you can save, print, undo, redo open a new project or a recent one
Info center: at the same level of the Quick Access toolbar at the far right, whi
th which you can make a research or login at Autodesk helpline.
Application menu: located above all, at the far left, it helps to manage AutoCad
's files like saving, printing, exporting them etc..
Ribbon tabs: the Ribbon line just under the Quick Access toolbar, under which ev
ery Ribbon panel is organized.
Ribbon panels: you can find them under the line of the Ribbon tabs. In the Ribbo
n panels you will find all the tools you will need to drawing, editing or perfor
ming other functions.
Ribbon panels title bar: the titles of the bars that, if clicked, expand the pan
el exactly about what it is written on the bar.
UCS icon: it helps you to understand your orientation in the drawing. It is show
n in the lower-left corner and it has the classic interface of X, Y and Z axes.
Model and Layout tabs - Layout view: it is a type of view in which you lay out d
ifferent views of your drawing in preparation for printing.- Model view: it plac
es you in a workspace where you do most of your drawing creation and editing. Yo
ur view changes to show the full 3D model with the 2D representation of the mode
Command Window: located just below the drawing area, it gives you feedback about
AutoCAD's commands as you use them.
Status Bar: just below the Command window, it gives you information about the st
ate of the drawing. (Far left=mouse position)
Coordinate readout: simply as the word says, i.e. the coordinate of your cursor
at that precise moment.
Command window: here AutoCAD displays the responses to your input. It is structu
red by 4 lines of text. The bottom line shows the current messages, and the top
line shows messages that have scrolled by or, in some cases, components of the c
urrent message which don't fit in a single line. The bottom line instead, is the
line where it is displayed the message COMMAND, and there is where you will wri
te instruction that AutoCAD has to follow.
Dynamic Input display: if you click the left mouse in the drawing area it will a
ppear, creating a window selection followed by a coordinate readout that tells y
ou to specify the opposite corner. It is just a window to select things on the d
rawing area, but also allows you to enter dimensional data of objects as you dra
w them.
Pushpin icon (puntina da disegno): it serves to lock the panel in its open posit
Flyouts: it looks like the expanded panel, but rather giving you additional tool
s, it provides you different methods to use that particular tool you are working
Layout view: a type of view in which you lay out different views of your drawing
in preparation for printing. It shows a top,front,and right-side view as well a

s an isometric view.
Zoom windows: the Zoom command to tell AutoCAD which area you want to enlarge.
Zoom previous: located in the Zoom flyout, it allows you to restore the previous
zoom view.
Zoom realtime: located in the Zoom flyout, it allows you to make a live zoom of
the drawing, clicking and dragging up and downward, or with the wheel. (to exit,
just press ESC, or right-click and then Exit).
Zoom all: located in the zoom flyout, it allows you to get an overall view of th
e drawing.
Automatic save feature: by default, AutoCAD automatically saves your work at 10minutes intervals under a name that is a combination of the current filename plu
s a number and that end with$ filename extension.
Erase tool: you can find it in the Home tab's Modify panel. The cursor will turn
into a small square called PICKBOX.
Pickbox: the small square in which the cursor turn into when the erase tool is a
ctivated. As you hover the cursor over objects with the pickbox, they will highl
ight in order to help you see the objects that the pickbox is likely to select.
If you are sure to select it, you just have to click the left mouse button, and
then press invio.
Tile vertically: it is located in the view tab's Windows panel, and it permits t
o get a view of both drawing files (if you work with multiple files).
Template file: it is a blank file that is set up for specific drawing types. For
instance, acad.dwt is a generic template set up for Imperial measurements. Anot
her one, called acadiso.dwt, is a generic template useful for metric measurement
Grips: a series of squares and arrows on the drawing.
Tool Palettes: enable you to click and drag predrawn objects into your drawing.
You can open the Tool Palettes tool in the View tab's Palettes panel. Once the T
ool Palettes are open, you can select a tab in the Tool Palettes containing the
predrawn objects you want to use and then click the specific object you want to
add. The object appears at the cursor, ready for you to select a location. It of
fers a way to add hatch patterns and other components quickly to your drawing.
Hatch Patterns: they are hidden in the tool palettes, and they are great tools t
o help you manage your library of custom, predrawn symbols.
Workspace Switching tool: located in the status bar, the logo has the shape of a
gear-train. It serves to change the workspace,i.e. Workspaces are sets of user
interface components, such as ribbon tabs and panels, toolbars, palettes, and me
nu bars, that are grouped and organized so that you can work in a custom, task-o
riented drawing environment. When you select a workspace, only the user interfac
e components specified in that workspace are displayed. You can still access oth
er commands by entering their command names at the command line.
2D Drafting & Annotation: it appears by clicking the Workspace Switching tool in
the status bar or in the Quick Access toolbar.
Drawing limits: the size of the work area. These limits aren't fixed in any way,
and you aren't forced to stay withinn the bounds of the drawing limits unless t

he limits ON/OFF option is turned on.

Select Template: it appears when the "New" button (with the shape of a blank pag
e) at the far left-hand side near the "A" of AutoCAD is pressed. It allows you t
o choose from the different pre-installed templates.
Polar Tracking: when your cursor seems to jump to a horizontal or vertical posti
tion, it means that Polar tracking is turned on. It serves to restrict your line
to an exact horizontal or vertical direction. It can be shutted down by clickin
g the Polar Tracking tool in the Status Bar.
Rubber-banding line: it is the line not designed yet, which follows the movement
of the cursor, when just the start point is set.
Undo and Redo: Undo and Redo tools can be found in the Quick Access toolbar, wit
h the simbol of a pointing curved arrow (left for Undo and right for Redo). You
can also select the exact command you want to undo or redo.
Undo drop-down list (and Redo drop-down list): You can find it just right to the
Undo tool (or Redo tool, if you want to redo), looking at the downward-pointing
arrow. It allows you to select the exact command to back up to (or restore).
Close Option: makes you able to close a sequence of line segments, without inser
ting the coordinates another time. It can be actived typing the command "C". (it
works obviously just if you haven't already closed the sequence of segments).

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