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A to Z List of Medical Diseases, Disorders, Common Medical

Conditions Explained

Very rarely do people, other than those involved in the medical field, bother to find out anything
much about different diseases and disorders, until somebody close is afflicted by them. This is the
reason why we aim to provide the necessary information in the simplest manner possible. Here's a
comprehensive guide with information about various kinds of diseases and disorders, specially
compiled to help you comprehend them easily.
Hypergammaglobulinemia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Hypergammaglobulinemia is a hereditary disorder that affects the immune system. In this condition,
there is excess production of a specific type of antibodies, which damages the immune system
considerably. Read the following Buzzle...
Foods to Avoid When Suffering from G6PD Deficiency
People with G6PD deficiency need to avoid certain food items interesting diseases like peanuts,
legumes, products that contain menthol, etc., which trigger reactions. Here is a list of the foods that
should be refrained from in your diet.
Internal Bleeding Symptoms
Internal bleeding calls for immediate medical attention, as this condition can lead to life-threatening
complications at times. This Buzzle article dwells on the causes and symptoms of this condition,
which can affect some major or...
Locked-in Syndrome Explained
Locked-in syndrome is a rare neurological disorder wherein the voluntary muscles of the body are
paralyzed, with the exception of the muscles that control the movement of the eyes. The following
Buzzle write-up provides information...
List of Contagious Diseases
The common flu, smallpox, strep throat... the list of contagious diseases is quite endless. A
comprehensive list of the most common contagious diseases follows in this article.
Hypotonia - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Hypotonia is a medical condition related to low/weakened muscle tone, which can be considered as a
disorder and also a manifestation for other disorders.
Oral Mucositis
Oral mucositis is actually an inflammation and ulceration, which occurs in the mouth and even in the
throat. It is a common consequence of cancer treatment. Let us throw some more light on this topic.

Burst Blood Vessel

Fortunately, blood vessels that burst are small and fragile. But if a blood vessel bursts in the brain,
then it may be lead to a life-threatening condition.
Floppy Baby Syndrome
Floppy baby syndrome is the term that is commonly used to denote a medical condition called
hypotonia. Read on to know more about the same.
Sarcoidosis Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
Sarcoidosis is a condition, wherein inflammation develops in, either the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes or
other tissues.
Rhabdomyolysis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
The term rhabdomyolysis literally means skeletal (rhabdo) muscle (myo) disintegration (lysis). To
know more about causes of this medical condition, read on...
Venous Insufficiency Symptoms
The venous insufficiency symptoms are noticeable enough to pinpoint where treatment for this
problem is imperative. Find out here about the causes, symptoms, and varied treatment options, for
the same...
Blood Vessel Disease
Blood vessel disease occurs when the blood vessels constrict. Narrowing down of blood vessels
results in decreased transport of oxygen-rich blood to the different parts of the body. This article
provides information on the causes,...
Weakness in Hands
Weakness in hands that restrict normal movements can certainly put limitations on our day-to-day
activities. A firm grip is a distant dream with weak hands.
Blue Fingernails
Blue fingernails is a medical condition which requires proper diagnosis and treatment for complete
cure. Read this article to know the causes and possible treatment for blue fingernails.
Symptoms of Toxins in the Body
Wherever we go, we come across various kinds of toxins. Have we ever thought that our body can
also accumulate toxins due to various factors? This article contains information on toxins and the
signs exhibited by the body, in case...
Common Contagious Diseases
Common contagious diseases are spread through an infection by bacteria, viruses, fungus as well as

protozoan agents. These contagious diseases strike people of all ages, from a new-born to a mature
adult. Let us have a look at some...
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Diseases can affect any part of the body and can have a number of causes. The activities involved in
everyday work and how you treat your body during working hours can take a toll on your skeletal as
well as muscular system. Read on...
Hollow Viscus Injury
What are hollow visceral organs? What happens when one suffers from a hollow viscus injury? Scroll
down to learn about causes, symptoms and treatment of such injuries.

Non-contagious Diseases
The diseases that are not transferred from one person to another are called non-contagious diseases.
Most of these diseases result from an unhealthy lifestyle, and are responsible for 60% of the deaths
in the world today.
Non-infectious Diseases
Non-infectious diseases in humans cannot be transferred from an infected person to a healthy
person. The following article will cover the noninfectious disease list that will help you know more
about these non-communicable...
Types of Waterborne Diseases
Water contaminated by harmful micro-organisms and pollutants leads to various different types of
waterborne diseases and infections. The following article throws some light on the various different
types of waterborne pathogens and...
Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms
Do you experience a general sick feeling when located in a particular building? And does this last

only as long as you are in or near that building? Then it could be sick building syndrome that's
causing this. Read on to know what...
Ruptured Viscus
A ruptured viscus denotes an abnormal opening in a hollow internal organ. It is an emergency
condition that requires immediate medical attention.
Incubation Period
Most are unaware of what is known as incubation period. It is basically associated with the exposure
of the human body to pathogens or other abnormal changes like radiation. Know what is it exactly
from the below write up.
List of Common Diseases
There is not a single human in this world who has never fallen prey to a disease. In this article, you
will find a list of common diseases, which has been the main reason for deaths and various other
health complications affecting...
Rickettsia Symptoms
Rickettsia is a malefic bacteria which infects and causes several serious ailments, such as spotted
fever, typhus, scrub typhus, etc. Its symptoms should be considered seriously to be able to diagnose
the specific infection and...
Contagious Diseases
Presented below is more information on contagious or transmittable diseases along with a list for the
Perforated Viscus
A perforated viscus is a life-threatening condition, whose treatment, if delayed, can even cause
death. Read on to know the symptoms, causes and treatment options.
Sick Building Syndrome
What is sick building syndrome? What causes it? What are its symptoms? Is this building-related
illness curable? Read on to find out.
Brachial Neuritis
Brachial neuritis is the term to refer to the inflammation of the nerves of the brachial plexus. This
condition can be caused by several factors and it can produce a number of symptoms, which are
discussed in this article.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Symptoms
The symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome occur due to compression of nerves arising from the
brachial plexus. It may also occur due to the compression of blood vessels in this region. This article

provides some information on the...

Symptoms and Treatment of Arterial Insufficiency
Looking for some information on arterial insufficiency? Wondering what are its symptoms, causes
and treatments? Read on to enhance your knowledge on this condition.
Causes of Lymphocele
Lymphocele is collection of lymph fluid in a sac or cavity. Given below are the various lymphocele
symptoms that can help one identify and diagnose this condition.
Ascites Symptoms
Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Read on to know all about the various ascites
symptoms one needs to identify so as to diagnose this condition.
Abdominal Surgery Recovery
During recovery period, vigilance by the doctors, hospitals, and the affected person's family
members is highly essential. After the surgery, when he/she is sent home, it is extremely important
to take precautions for a speedy...
Rectal Prolapse Treatment
Treatment for this medical condition generally involves use of surgical procedures, to reattach the
displaced rectum to its normal position. For minor cases, following a healthy diet and use of stool
softeners may help to resolve...
Trigeminal Neuralgia Surgery Options
Surgery is the last option used to treat any disorder, and the same thing is done in severe cases of
trigeminal neuralgia. Read on to know all about surgery options and complications of trigeminal
Barrett's Syndrome
Barrett's syndrome is a disorder in which the tissues lining the esophagus get inflamed, due to the
irritation caused by acid reflux. It also involves replacement of esophageal cells by those lining the
intestines. This condition...
Broken Blood Vessels
Dismissing broken blood vessels in any part of the body as a harmless medical condition is not a wise
thing to do, as there are chances that it may be a symptom of some life-threatening medical
Epidemic Vs. Pandemic
Most of us think that epidemic and pandemic are synonymous. But, they are not. There is a slight
difference between these two terms. This article explains the difference between the two.

Choking on Eating Food: Causes and Treatment

Choking due to food is a serious problem and can lead to death as well. It can happen to both
children as well as adults. In this article, you will know more about what causes it and a few
treatment options.
Ulnar Nerve Surgery
Ulnar nerve surgery is carried out when other non-surgical treatments do not work, and the
compression on the nerve does not reduce. Also, if the doctor notices that there is muscle wasting,
this surgery gains all the more...
Heat Related Illness
Over exposure to heat can make you severely sick. It is imperative that you take certain
precautionary measures to keep yourself hydrated and shielded from the heat.
Parasites in the Human Body
A parasite is an organism that lives on/in an animal or plant and derives its nutrition from the body it
is attached to. Parasites also attack human hosts and such a biological invasion is responsible for
many diseases. Read on to...
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The signs of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOC) include pain and abnormal nerve sensations in the
neck, shoulder and/or hand. It is a serious medical problem which needs early diagnosis. This article
provides some information about...
Typhus Symptoms and Treatment
Typhus refers to a group of infectious diseases caused by the bacteria of the genus 'Rickettsia'.
There are several types of typhus that usually cause fever, skin rash, headaches, and muscle pain.
Find out more about the symptoms...
Arteriosclerosis: Symptoms and Treatment
Arteriosclerosis refers to the hardening of the arteries and is a common disease affecting millions of
people worldwide.
Raynaud's Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Raynaud's syndrome is a disorder in which the blood vessels of the fingers and the toes constrict,
leading to the skin turning pale or patchy blue to red. The usual triggers of the condition are cold
and emotional stress.
How to Treat Pyogenic Granuloma
Pyogenic granuloma is also referred to as a pregnancy tumor. It is an oral disease which first shows
up in the form of a tissue overgrowth around the mouth. It is sparked off by local irritation,
hormonal factors, and physical...

Malignant Hyperthermia (MHS)

Malignant hyperthermia refers to a life-threatening response when a person is exposed to specific
anesthetic drugs. To know more about this condition, read on...
Histoplasmosis is the result of a fungal infection that predominantly affects the lungs. The following
article provides a brief overview of this disease.
Anal Fissures
The presence of anal fissures is a common ailment which is caused due to a tear or wound in the
ligaments of the lower rectum. It affects both men and women. In this article we shall look at the
causes, treatment and prevention...
Dumping Syndrome
The stomach facilitates the reception and storage of ingested food, and in a way, it functions as a
reservoir! Gastric motility is regulated by the enteric nervous system, and the condition, in which,
this control is affected, is...
What is Brucellosis?
Domesticated animals are perilous when they develop brucellosis. The prevention is exacting and
treatment is cumbersome. Read on for more.
Broken Heart Syndrome: Not Just for Valentine's Day Anymore
A study just released by the New England Journal of Medicine has proven that an emotionally
stressful event can really break your heart-but luckily, the damage can be reversed.

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