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This is a story of a young man who lost his watch when he was still a child. After few
years, when he was walking on the streets, he saw a weird creature which happens to
have his watch. That creature was then walking in front of him and took the watch on its
pocket to look for the time.
Arnel: (CONFUSED) hey, that looked like my watch.
March Hare: oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! Im late!
The March Hare then started walking fast and Arnel followed as well.
Arnel: (WALKING FAST) hey wait!
March Hare: oh no! oh no! oh no!
Arnel: hey, come back!
Arnel was walking fast when he suddenly fell into a deep pit.
Arnel: Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!(SOUND OF A FALL)
Arnel: (OA) ouuuucccccchhhh,..!!!! where am i?
He saw the March Hare hopping towards the small door and Arnel also followed.
Arnel: (CONFUSED) how am I supposed to go in?
He tried to go in to the smallest door and stuck his head. Meanwhile he accidentally
opened the big door. Arnel tried to pull his head out but unfortunately it was the door that
got damaged and was still stuck on his head.
Arnel: oh no.
arnel was walking on the side of the road following the path of the Rabbit when two
curious animals pass by. They were talking and laughing as well. Arnel tried to cover his
face because of embarrassment. Then the two curious animals stopped in front of him.
Dog: (SMILING) wow! Nice fashion!
Mouse: (SMILING) I like your necklace!
Dog: where did you buy it?
Arnel: (SMIRKING) at talipapa.
Dog and Mouse: (LOOKING AT EACH OTHER) we should buy it!
Dog: but where is that?
Mouse: (ASKING ARNEL) where did you buy it?

Arnel: (SMIRKING) at UM.

Dog and Mouse: how will we get there?
Arnel: oh simple. You ride pedicab and tell the driver to get you to UM.
Dog and Mouse: (LOOKING AT EACH OTHER) Oh.
Arnel then hurriedly walk away from the two creatures. After a long walk, Arnel saw
a very huge Caterpillar.
Caterpillar: well, it seems youve found me.
Arnel: and who are you?
Caterpillar: Im the Caterpillar.
Arnel: yeah, I know. I mean (EMPHASIZED) WHO ARE YOU?
Caterpillar: Im the Caterpillar.
Arnel: (FAKE LAUGH) hahaha..very funny. Could you just tell me where to find the
white rabbit?
Caterpillar: who? The candy?
Arnel: no, (ACTING LIKE THE MARCH HARE) the Rabbit.
Caterpillar: the right side will make you grow larger and the left side will make you grow
smaller. Thats the law of this country.
Arnel: what do you mean?
Caterpillar: mushroom.
Arnel: mushroom?
The caterpillar threw a large mushroom to Arnel.
Caterpillar: catch!
Arnel: waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arnel then changed his size into a Mature Lady.
Caterpillar: ooohhhhh(WHISTLE)
ARNEL: why did you make me a girl?!
Caterpillar: but arent you a girl?
Arnel: am not! Turn me back now!

Caterpillar: ooohhhh.what a waste! There are so many joyous things that adults
can enjoy! You can go to Disco (WINK).
Arnel: enough! Turn me back this instant!
The Caterpillar then threw a smaller mushroom.
Caterpillar: here catch!
Arnel then changed into a baby.
Arnel: what did you do? Turn me back now!
Caterpillar: eeeeehhhhhhh.??????? But youre so cute!
Arnel: turn me back now or Ill make you a kinilaw!
The Caterpillar then threw both of the mushrooms and Arnel then went back to his
original size.
Caterpillar: no more probz okay?
The Caterpillar then disappeared and Arnel was left sleeping on the floor. He was
then found by Cheshire Cat.
Cheshire Cat: (LOOKING AT ARNELS FACE CLOSELY) wakey, wakey sleeping beauty!
Hearing the voice of the cat, Arnel then slowly woke up and was shocked when he
saw the cat. He screamed and startled the cat thats why they were both screaming.
Arnel: (SCREAMING) aaaaaaahhhhh.!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheshire Cat: (SCREAMING) aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.!!!!!
After shouting, they got tired and were gasping for air.
Arnel: (SITTING QUICKLY) who are you?
Cheshire Cat: Im a cat. Im here to guide you.
Arnel: (STANDING-GIPAGPAG ANG SUOT) so were like Dora and Boots?
Cheshire Cat: yep!
Arnel: so can you tell me where I can find the Rabbit?
Cheshire Cat: okay, follow me! (LINKING ARMS WITH ARNEL)Come on, Vamonos!
Everybody lets go! Come on lets get to it! I know that we can do it! Where are we going?
Arnel: (HAPPILY SINGING) I dont know!

Cheshire Cat: (SINGING) where are we going?

Arnel: (SINGING) I don know!
The cat then stopped singing.
Cheshire Cat: are you for real?
Arnel: i really dont know.
Cheshire Cat: ooookkkkaaaayyyyanyway, here we are!
The two were facing on a way where there are two opposite signs.
Arnel: so, where should I go?
Cheshire Cat: (FLIRTY OR ENERGETIC) well, Id go both ways! Both! TWO-TI-MING!
You see, theyre different to each other but theyre both charismatic! You see, (SINGING)
two is better that one!
Arnel: am not asking you preference in men! Am asking where I should go!
Cheshire Cat: (DRAMATIC) you should choose the one that loves you but you chose the
one that you love. As Ive done this, am a lost cat.
Arnel: ahnow your lost.
Cheshire Cat: (DRAMATIC) where did it go? My red string of fate?
Arnel: (DRAMATIC) it doesnt matter where we go as long as we get there.
Cheshire Cat: well it doesnt really matter since theyre both cute anyway. (SMIRKING)
Arnel: is there a path that we could take both?
Cheshire Cat: hmmmI think there is..hmmmah!
The two signs of the two paths were then separated and a single path was shown.
Cheshire Cat: there it is! Ive done my work, Ill be going now!
Cheshire Cat then disappeared.
Arnel: hey wait! Youre supposed to help me! Haaaa..i guess I have no choice
Arnel then went to the path and after a few moment he saw a castle.
Arnel: wow! Cute castle! Hehehe.
Arnel went to the door.

Arnel: (KNOCKING) knock knock!

Doormouse: whos there?
Arnel: arnel.
Doormouse: arnel who?
Arnel: am looking for the white Rabbit.
Doormouse: the March Hare is inside but youre not allowed to go in. unless you say the
Arnel: but I dont know any password!
Dormouse: then you may not enter!
Arnel: okay! Can I have a hint then?
Dormouse: you may. Ahem! Oh, surfer of the night! Guardian of the graceful night! The
holy matrimony who holds the element that illuminates the morning light!
Arnel: seems like a sort of speech of someonehmmm..(THINKING) moon
something..moon surfers? sailors? Ah! Sailor moons speech!
Dormouse: correct. So what now?
Arnel: ahem.ahem.(BREATH)haaaaokay here I go. (WITH ACTION) For love
and justice, a sailor suited pretty soldier, Sailormoon! In the name of justice, Ill punish
The door then swung open.
Dormouse: hahahaha! Huhuhu,hahahayou may come in.hehehehe
After entering the castle, Arnel took a little detour and went to the Room where the
tea party is being held. Mad Hatter and March Hare were singing then.
Mad Hatter and March Hare: (SINGING) we are family! I got all my sisters with me! We
are family!
Mad Hatter: broken family! Ooooohhhhhand who we have here?
Arnel: am fine thank you! Hey, give me back my watch!
Mad Hatter: (LOOKING AT ARNEL) what watch?
March Hare: I dont know what youre talking about. Besides, this watch is originally mine
and not yours!

Mad Hatter: (FACING MARCH HARE) Hare, slow down. (POINTING AT ARNEL) Thats a
lady youre talking to.
Arnel: am not a lady! Am a man!
March Hare: then why are you dress like that?
Arnel: that..(DUNGO)i cannot answer. (LOOKING AT MARCH HARE)But I have proof!
When Arnel was about to pull up his skirt, Mad Hatter immediately stopped him.
my little robin. A lady isnt like that. You should act a little more like a lady. Should I teach
The three servants of the queen entered the room holing a scroll for each of them.
1st Servant: from the Queen to Alice, a summon!
2nd Servant: to Alice from the Queen, a summon!
3rd Servant: a summon delivered from the Queen to Alice.
Arnel: whos Alice?
3 Servants: (DRAGGING ARNEL BY THE HAND) lets go!
Arnel was brought to the court of the Queen. Arnel was standing in the center with
handcuffs in his hands.
Announcer: the Red Queen of Hearts, the beautiful queen, monarch of all monarchs,
queen of all queens, the ruler of justice and guardian of law. (LOOKING CLOSELY TO
THE PAPER TO CLARIFY) Guardian of smokey mountain and ruler of all garbagemen.
We are the Royal Highness!
Queen: we shall begin the trial.
Mad Hatter: (CALLING ARNEL) hello pretty lady! (WINK) Im pretty too!
Queen: AHEM!
Queen: the sentence is, (POINTING TO ARNEL) Execution of Alice!
Everyone: (GASP)
Mad Hatter: (SUDDENLY STANDING THE FAINTED) need a catch please!
Everyone: (GASP)

Arnel: I told you Im Arnel!

Queen: okay..Execution of Arnel!
Everyone: (GASP)
Arnel: I cant accept this! What did I do?!
Queen: you tried to steal the March hares watch!
Arnel: I did not! That watch was originally mine!
Queen: nay! Knights! Off of her head!
Arnel got loose and went to get the watch from March Hare and rampaged the
whole court. Using the watch he then went back into his own world.
Mad Hatter: (OVERACTING) my face! My face!
March Hare: what?
Mad Hatter: its Gorgeous!
aaahhhh.!!!!!!!!!! Where am i?! Im in the darkest place in the planet!
The cover was then got off the face of the Queen.
Queen: free at last! Free at last! Waitwhere is Alice? Find her!
Mad Hatter: hey! Ive found something! (OVERACTING) a portrait of perfection! (KISSING
THE MIRROR) Muwaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeseril: And so the watch came back to its rightful owner and along with its master, they
returned to their own original world but still he left the Wonderland in disarrange. But even
so, Alice lived happily ever..(PUSHED BY MAD HATTER-HE THEN POSES)

The End

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