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Neptune is known as the planet of Illusions, Dreams and Fantasy.

It is energetically responsible
for the manifestation of the creative imagination the more phantasmagorical and fanciful the
better! Wishful thinking, a definitive bi-product of impractical desires, always provides us with a
fun romp in Neptunes magic garden allowing us the opportunity to escape the doldrums of
everyday life as we skip blissfully along the shining path of what-ifs picking all those lovely
daydream daisies but, if we become too caught up in abstraction we can easily end up with
nothing more than a pile whimsical weeds leaving us bewitched, bothered and bewildered.
Of course Neptune isnt all bad. It just likes to have fun and make us feel good very much like a
skilled character actor in a play who enthralls us with role playing skill, or like a magician who can
mesmerize us with amazing feats of prestidigitation or even like an etheric Lord of the Dance
(literally) who prances around the mind instilling us with happy thoughts. On a good day but not
necessarily a clear day, Neptunian vibes inspire creative or artistic genius, spiritual healing,
expansion of consciousness, enhancement of extrasensory perception and intuitive intellect,
profound wisdom and erotic dreams. Neptune is a master of disguise and graciously allows us to
don its cloak of invisibility when we need to disappear for a while and escape life to spend a little
time in seclusion so we can recharge our batteries. As the higher octave of the planet Venus,
Neptune takes love to a completely new level Venus wants to share love expecting a heart for a
heart but Neptune wants to give love. Neptune vibrations shed Divine Light and give Universal
Love in a humanitarian way usually through self sacrifice.
It is a statistical truth and not an urban legend (although Neptune would like you to think so) that
many times astrologers will have to scan a chart two or three times to find Neptune during a chart
analysis because its enigmatic glyph seems to hide or disappear at first glance. Astrologers
who have a prominent Neptune in their own charts seem to fare a little better with this situation
because they operate strongly on the Neptunian vibe which helps them ferret out any hiding
places. When a Neptunian astrologer analyzes a chart they seem to undergo a kind of Vulcan
mind-meld with the chart energies which often provides the client with a rather unique insightful
reading that includes the esoteric along with the exoteric.
Wherever Neptune resides in a natal chart says volumes about the natives character, abilities,
habits and internal processes. Most individuals cannot respond to the potent mystical and
visionary vibrations of Neptune so the Neptunian influence manifests mainly on an emotional
level. Understanding Neptunes stature in a chart can be unpleasant and difficult to digest but it
can literally help the individual to achieve more clarity be a bit more careful of what they wish


Mirror, mirror on the wall Who Am I?

This is one of the most difficult positions of Neptune. When Neptune
resides in the angular I AM House of the Self, the individual
struggles either all of their life or at best part of their life trying to
figure out, who am I? This is compounded by the fact that
individuals with this placement cannot establish proper boundaries
with others because they are highly sensitive to the environment as
well as to subliminal influences. 1 House Neptune people are often
resourceful by nature but how that resourcefulness is manifested
and projected depends upon how they are filtering the many
impressions they are receiving from the immediate environment.
Esoterically speaking, if Neptune is posited close to the Ascendant
the Soul probably did not want to be born and yet it was drawn in to
part of a family that did not constitute the personal Soul Cadre
(usual soul group the individual incarnates within). Sometimes there is mystery or secretiveness
surrounding the birth. The early life conditions in some cases are strange contributing negatively
to the sense of security and trust in later life often manifesting as fear of abandonment. In other
cases there is serious childhood illness that further shapes their view of life often causing them to
shrink from the harsh realities of life. Natives with this placement often mirror or reflect those
around them often deriving their identities from what others expect them to be. A veil of
confusion can follow this impressionable individual throughout life which in some cases can lead
to unreliability, self delusion, procrastination, and a lack of personal goal orientation. They can
appear enigmatic or mysterious which is charming and alluring to others yet in reality they do not
have their act together and tend to wander aimlessly through life. There is a tendency to be
absent-minded and/or daydream. If Neptune is poorly aspected by other planets there can be a
tendency for drugs or alcohol abuse or strange even unacceptable modes of living.
Psychologically speaking, there can be tendencies for phobias, hypochondria, obsessions or
anxiety disorders. On the up-side, high vibratory psychic and/or healing abilities are strongly
associated with this position which works well when combined with a natural sensitivity to other
people after all Neptune IS the bestower of Universal Love!

Be careful what you wish for: 1st House Neptune people often wish for validation in some form
because they are never satisfied with their lives and/or public status. Many times they are too lazy
or frightened to self empower through personal achievement. They need to work on strengthening
their own identities by stepping out of the trap of self delusion and realistically evaluating their
innate talents so they can set sound goals. Despite all their sensitivities, 1 House Neptune
individuals are survivors.




2 House Neptune individuals suffer from a fear of loss. Neptunes

dissolving effect promotes unconscious feelings of guilt regarding
values be they material, spiritual or emotional. On a mundane level,
the individual may feel a lack of self worth about what they own or
possess and whether they deserve any good fortune at all. The
opposite can also be true whereby the individual feels the world
owes them. In both cases the energy can be self sabotaging and
the individual can and will set themselves up creating situations
where they actually lose everything they have gained. Self esteem is
a huge issue and it is sometimes difficult for 2 House Neptune

people to realize and acknowledge their true potential acknowledge their true potential and innate
gifts and talents. Living on the edge of debt and bankruptcy both materially and spiritually is too
often the norm. The strong desire for sympathy can be a drug to these folks although a dose or
practicality is what they really need. The 1 House of a natal chart represents the physical body
and its form but the 2 House in a natal chart represents the physical appearance. Neptune
holding poor status in the 2 House produces someone who does not like the way they look
regardless of what reality actually dictates. They tend to hide or try to mask those parts of the
body that they feel are unacceptable. Psychologically there can be a tendency for persecution
complex. A negatively aspected natal Neptune can also literally produce a crook or scam artist
when it comes to resources and this can work two ways. Either the 2 House Neptunian person is
the crook or they are the hopeless prey of a crook. Conversely, if Neptune makes and receives
good aspects from other natal planets, the individual can display amazing intuitive and
entrepreneurial insight into ways of making money and even amassing great wealth. Positive
Neptune aspects can even produce the philanthropist who generously donates funds to
humanitarian causes and charities. The realm of love is also positively affected and with good
aspects to Neptune, the individual is a romantic, generous and imaginative lover. On the highest
vibrational level and esoterically speaking, this person will seek out the perfect lover or Soul
Mate because they are seeking spiritual harmony rather than any type of material attachment.

Be careful what you wish for: 2nd House Neptune people wish for the easy way out of any life
situations where they must make a decision regarding priorities. They need to learn to preserve
what they value because it can and will literally be LOST if they insist upon being lazy. They
should also avoid co-dependent situations where either they or the other person operates as a
leech. This position of Neptune calls for proving oneself to oneself by creating clarity of both
material and spiritual purpose.


What a day for a daydream


What is the secret message? This is the concern of 3 House

Neptune. Operating from the House of the Mind Neptune promotes
strong clairvoyance. Unfortunately, it also promotes a unique brand
of selective perception that looks for only the up-side of things while
whatever else is going on in the immediate environment falls by the
wayside. When the Neptune vibe is negatively impacted, the
individual can undervalue intellectual capabilities and suffer from a
type or mental laziness where the intellect refuses to explore ideas
and processes because they are just too much work to fathom or
analyze. If mental confusion ensues, the individual may turn to drugs
or other illegal stimulus to aid self expression. Daydreaming is a
common occurrence because it offers escape from the mundane.

Socially there can be problems meeting new people and the 3 House Neptune person might
prefer to be a people watcher safely secured at a distance. Pet names or nicknames are often
given to friends and relatives and/or the use of pseudonyms and aliases is prominent.
Psychologically, some phobias such as fear or the water (aquaphobia) or fear of leaving the house
or immediate neighborhood (agoraphobia) can exist and in severe cases of mental instability,
paranoia and hallucinations. Dyslexia, absentmindedness, shyness or problems with
concentration are sometimes problems in early schooling. Nebulous and strange situations or
difficulties can surround siblings, neighbors and relatives. 3 House Neptunians are many times
connected to the paranormal side of life and can literally see dead people or communicate with
spirits as a channel. A positively impacted 3 House Neptune produces great artistic talent for
writing particularly poetry and occult subjects, painting, dance, photography and/or filmmaking,
mass media and of course, mysticism. Esoterically speaking 3 House Neptune people are
attuned to messages of a Higher Vibration and a positively aspected Neptune will promote
telepathic communication and good intuition that can be put to practical use.

Be careful what you wish for:


3 House Neptune people wish for escape. They prefer to live in a

world of their own where dreams and visions rule. They need to strive to be more a part of the
world at large, get along with others and participate in life. Creative genius is sometimes
connected to this placement and this needs to be shared with others and not coveted so a Karmic
contribution can be made to the Collective Generation.


Family Skeletons

I am so misunderstood is often the mantra of 4 House

Neptune people. The 4 House is the house of the inner
sanatorium, the domestic life and family. Neptune posited here
indicates powerful unconscious emotional ties with not only the
family but also with the past as connected to Karma. A highly
receptive nature easily disturbed by chaos and/or confusion in the
domestic environment produces delusions about family for good or
ill. Some 4 House Neptunians feel they were abused, deprived or
abandoned in early life while others form an idyllic view of a
wonderful childhood. In either case the situation is rarely based on
truth but rather distortion of reality. These individuals go through
life feeling very misunderstood and under appreciated by others.
Family skeletons fill every closet and scandal, secrets or mysteries often abound and are
usually revealed at one point in life often when natal Neptune is activated by a strong planetary
transit or progression. Home life is generally unstable and usually one parent will display the
negative qualities of Neptune such as alcohol or drug addiction, mental or physical illness, or
they will simply be absent for one reason or another. Sometimes this placement indicates the
individual who was adopted and never told the truth about his/her origin. Strangers brought
into the home to live are yet another possible manifestation. Conversely, a positive status of
natal Neptune can indicate a highly artistic, idealistic, or spiritual parent who provides a
creative home environment. With the positive Neptunian influence, home becomes a peaceful
retreat where mental, emotional and physical energies can be restored. As the 4 House is one
of the Occult Houses (along with the 8 and the 12 ) psychic ability can be very pronounced
and is often an inherited trait. Psychologically speaking, nervous/neurotic disorders that have
emotional roots and are hard to diagnose occur in later life. The 4 House is also the part of
the natal chart that signifies the end of life and Neptune placed here often indicates the final
years either spent in seclusion or living in a far-away place. Esoterically, Neptune in the 4 is
strongly connected to the element of water and 4 House Neptunians display uncanny intuitive
feelings for the earth and all things of nature. If other chart indicators and aspects show that
past life residual is carried through this Neptune placement it is possible that the individual
drowned in a former lifetime and may be working through unconscious trauma connected to
that incident.

Be careful what you wish for:

4th House Neptune people wish for acceptance. They have a

tendency to hide at home refusing to face the reality of their roots and how denial of certain
domestic facets is negatively impacting the future and the manifestation of their goals and
achievements. It may be difficult and seem clich to say so but in this case, the truth can set
them free.


Love is blind

From the 5 House of Creation, Neptune vibes indicate an

unconscious desire for love and appreciation of self
expression often manifested as martyrdom. This is rarely a
win-win situation because the individual attracts the imposition
of others and their needs so the individual shelves personal
needs. Fulfillment and joy becomes deficient in both romance
and creativity and feelings of guilt ensue. In romance, Neptune
in this House can be rather complicated and the ultimate
sacrifice is often made. At times reaching for one who is
unattainable and who can be adored and worshipped only at a
distance is engaged. Since there is a natural gift for healing
and uplifting others, entanglements with romantic partners
who need to be saved or redeemed are common. Secret love
affairs and illicit relationships are also common. Romantic partners can be deceptive liars
(including lying by omission), disabled in some way or addicted to drugs or alcohol. The 5
House is also a house of procreation and rules children. Children of 5 House Neptunians will
exhibit the traits of this house and are often highly artistic or unusually creative. Conversely,
they can also exhibit the negative qualities of Neptune and exhibit mental, emotional or
physical disabilities. In some cases the native may neglect their children, bear them out of
wedlock or adopt them. Speculation is also ruled by this house and a well aspected Neptune
vibration grants intuitive insight into stock market activities although the individual will need to
maintain caution with investments. Psychologically speaking, 5 House Neptunians rely on the
opinions of others to evaluate their creative talents rather than rely on their own judgment.
They can be dangerously overindulgent in their pursuit of pleasure because what makes them
feel good over-rules common sense and practicality. Esoterically speaking, psychic visions
easily turn into mystic inspirations making the artistic and creative manifest on genius level.
Music, artwork and theatrical arts in particular reflect the realization of Cosmic Truth which
goes beyond the normal powers of reason.

Be careful what you wish for: 5th House Neptune people wish for the Ideal and they tend to
dramatize life in order to get it. They need to take their heart off their sleeve, stop seeking the
opinions of others for validation, find a creative niche and enjoy the reality of what they create
on all levels of life.


Heal Thyself

When Neptune is posited in the 6 House it is astrologically

considered to be in accidental detriment and it functions
undermine the entire meaning of the house which is structure,
organization, service and most importantly the health of the
human body. On the physical level, the individual is very
susceptible to germs and illnesses most of which are hard to
diagnose. Allergies are common. They are extremely sensitive to
drugs and alcohol and even to prescription medications.
Psychologically speaking, some of these illnesses are emotional
based as they are psychosomatic by nature often linked to
hypochondria. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can also be
a product of this placement. Esoteric study show predisposition

for what is known as a leaky aura which is caused by a delicate nervous system combined with
over sensitivity and weak etheric boundaries. All 6 House Neptunians benefit greatly by
maintaining a healthy diet and engaging some sort of fitness program. The 6 House rules
domestic pets and Neptune here indicates the individual who has a special relationship with
animals that manifests as the ability to communicate telepathically with them. A positively
aspected 6 House Neptune can also produce a healer and this ranges from everything from
traditional medicine to holistic and homeopathic healing. Since service is also under the rulership
of this house conditions at work or on the job can be either strained or harmonious since the
individual is ultra sensitive to the work environment as well co-workers and associates. Often
there is little recognition for the work these individuals do as well as confusion related to job
assignments. A positively impacted Neptune in this house also produces great resourcefulness in
the approach to work and a desire to help those less fortunate.

Be careful what you wish for: 6th House Neptune people wish for dominance of the environment
but to be the big Kahuna means acquiring technique and skill. Talking the talk means nothing
without walking the walk. They must also strive to maintain health because for them good health
is wealth.


Gods and Goddesses


There is just something about 7 House Neptune people that

makes them appear glamorous, unavoidably magnetic and
mysterious to others. Anyone who has met a 7 House
Neptunian usually cant remember quite clearly how the
Neptunian actually looked just that they were immensely
drawn in and were almost charmed out of their pants!
Whether or not individuals born with this placement intend
to project this energy shall forever remain an enigma. In one
way or another 7
House Neptunians are often
misunderstood particularly by their spouses And other
important partners. They tend to do one of two things they
either plunge headlong into a permanent relationship
without any forethought OR they heat things up only to back

away from commitment because they fear losing their independence. Whatever the case, there is
always deceptive or unrealistic expectations in relationships and to some extent with their public
image. The type of person that 7 House Neptune people attract is also affected by the Neptune
vibration for good or ill and they this can range from individuals who are habitually addicted,
criminal, physically disabled, or emotionally disturbed. Either one person or the other usually acts
as a savior to the other person and in some cases unhealthy co-dependence is the result. Illicit
love affairs are common. Jealousy is often a prominent problem in partnerships and if Neptune is
negatively aspected public scandals and lawsuits color life. Conversely they can also be highly
artistic and creatively talented or possess strong psychic ability. Esoterically speaking,
relationships often have Karmic ties and the individual may experience repeat partnerships with
souls from past lives. There is often an uncanny psychic rapport that develops in unions with
those old and familiar souls. If spiritual values are applied to relationships the highest form of
unselfish love manifests. Neptune in good status also indicates artistic and musical talent or at
the very least a strong appreciation of the arts.

Be careful what you wish for:


7 House Neptune people wish for a true Soulmate. What they

really need however is reciprocity where each person respects the other person and understands
that there is a vast difference between acceptance and approval.


I see dead people

Whenever Neptune sits in one of the occult houses (4, 8, 12) it is
quite comfortable and such is the case here. There are quite a few
ramifications where Neptune can dissolve things operating from
this house. Mundanely, this is the house of shared resources,
inheritance, debt and collection, insurance and taxes. People with
this placement of Neptune can suffer Neptunes nebulous energy
in all of these categories. Fraud can take place concerning
insurance, taxes and debt and they can be quite guilty or
perpetrating this fraud or be accused of it when they have done
nothing wrong. They can be cheated out of inheritance and
endure a wasting away of jointly held income. The 8 House is
also one of the houses of psychology and on the psychological level 8 House Neptunians often
possess uncanny instincts about human behavior and motivation. In many instances they have
built in BS detectors and seem to read other people through x-ray vision. This is also the House of
Sex and Intimacy and 8 House Neptunians host very intense magnetic powers of attraction and
are rarely without admirers. The act of merging with sexually with another person takes on
transcendental meaning and is considered a way of dissolving boundaries and the limits of the
Self. In some cases the 8 House Neptunian believes that sex is not only a service to others but
also a way of healing others as well as the self. The most infamous reputation of the 8 House is
that it is the House of Death and the Occult. On the physical/unconscious level, 8 House Neptune
people are susceptible and sensitive to anesthesia of all kinds. When considering surgery they
should always get a second or even a third medical opinion before engaging the surgery. The
dream state is also quite prolific. 8 House Neptunians often experience strange or bizarre
dreams and can suffer from nightmares and insomnia. It is possible that death comes to the 8
House Neptune person while under anesthesia or while sleeping. Sometimes there is mystery
surrounding the genetic inheritance which can manifest as illness or disease. Psychically, there is
extreme sensitivity to the undercurrents in the atmosphere. Etheric instruction can come through
the dream state or by tapping into invisible realms through clairvoyance. Mediumship and ESP are
also possibilities. They can literally see dead people and communicate with them. Esoterically,
Neptune in this house produces magicians both black and white who can manipulate occult
forces for personal gain and/or satisfaction. This is especially so if there is a strong 7 Ray
influence in their soul genetics.

Be careful what you wish for: 8th House Neptune people wish for more meaning in life but how
they seek it is the issue. Manipulation can be their downfall and they will use manipulation full
spectrum whether they are suffering disappointment through delusion in sexual relationships and
jointly held resources or whether they have misinterpreted etheric downloads from the spiritual


Saviors and Seekers

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as in higher
truth is what 9 House Neptunians seek. Natives with this
Neptune signature are generally tolerant, religious and highly
spiritual. They are usually strongly attracted to mysticism in any
form especially if these forms are foreign by nature. When taken
to the extreme, fanatical adherence to cults and gurus manifests
in a detrimental way. They can literally lose their identity because
they are trying to mimic a spiritual master or lose their common
sense because they are too immersed in strange dogma. The 9
House is the house of the higher mind and 9 House Neptunians
often display sharp intellect and a good aptitude for foreign
languages but less exuberance for higher education. Since they

find it difficult to stick to formal education they cheat themselves of the training they need to
secure a good job. Long distance travel also falls under the domain of this house and 9 House
Neptunians like to travel to far-away places often to escape or because they truly believe the
grass is greener on the other side of the fence or across the pond. In some cases if they cannot
physically travel, they will use drugs or alcohol to take a trip and escape into another realm
where everything is beautiful and they dont have to deal with mundane life. Depending upon how
Neptune is aspected these individuals can either be dangerous masters of deception or excellent
promoters. On the psychic level the gift of prophecy runs high and visions are quite accurate.
Esoterically speaking 9 House Neptunians like to engage astral travel and should use extreme
care if they decide to experiment with it. They are also very attracted to occult practices and
initiations and should use a measure of skepticism as to avoid being taken in by charlatans and
use a measure of protection if they venture into the occult when they are not fully prepared.
Psychologically there is a tendency to daydream at the very least and a tendency to be quite
delusional at the very most.

Be careful what you wish for:


9 House Neptune people wish for spiritual ecstasy and

enlightenment but they need to distinguish the difference between spiritual pride and egotism.
After all E-G-O = easing God out.



The 10 House of a natal chart show how we all aspire to be out

in the world. It represents reputation, status and career. It shows
our capacity for honor, how we handle our public responsibilities
and our attitude towards advancement. In esoteric study, the 10
House represents the Path of Unfolding or the release of the
consciousness of the Soul. The 10 House is one of the major
angles of a chart and constitutes the pinnacle or highest
culminating angle of the chart. When Neptune allows its high
vibratory nature to be utilized in the world of physical
manifestation the native is often idealized and/or worshipped by
the public at large. Conversely, a poorly aspected Neptune can
convert glamour into public scandal forcing the individual to become an outcast of society. At one
time or another, most 10 House Neptunians experience confusion about the path of career and
they are generally dissatisfied with any career that does not provide room for inspiration. Often
there is a good deal of career fluctuation until the right fit is found and this is because intuitive
factors play an important role in the decision. Sometimes 10 House Neptunians find professional
success using a different name. The professional career can be odd or unusual with bizarre or
nebulous circumstances surrounding it. Psychologically, this is one of the most pronounced
positions for Neptunian influence on the imagination and natives must be careful to always keep
one foot on the ground to eliminate becoming too fantasy prone. The actual zodiac sign Neptune
occupies reveals a good deal about inner motivation, objectives, ideals and aspirations. Generally
speaking Neptune in the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) wants to inspire others; Neptune in
the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) wants to instruct; Neptune in the Air signs (Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius) wants to communicate; Neptune in the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
wants to heal. Esoterically speaking, those with Neptune in the 10 have a higher calling and often
part of their destiny is to help others less fortunate than themselves. Psychic ability is strong and
super sensitive and the 10 House Neptunian is a perfect receptor for information from other
planes of consciousness. If Neptune is in poor status natives can lose touch with reality and
develop fear of the unknown.

Be careful what you wish for: 10th House Neptune people wish to aspire to greatness. They must
be careful to keep it real because the bombardment of other-worldly visions can hamper their
powers of discrimination and leave them in a state of chaos.


All you need is Love


The 11
House traditionally is the house of friendship,
associations, hopes and wishes. Altruism and the compassion to
embrace all living things is the theme of Neptune in the 11
House. The problem is that they attract to themselves
treacherous people who can do them no good at all when
Neptune is afflicted. Among these people are habitual liars,
substance abusers and even criminals. Conversely, when
Neptune is positively impacted, creative, inspirational or even
clairvoyant types can be drawn to this highly sociable individual.
House Neptunians are inclined to join humanitarian
organizations or with groups who share a common visionary
goal. In essence they get by with a little help from their friends.
On the psychological level, 11 House Neptunians are susceptible to suggestion which may be
solely based upon the opinion of others. They are sometimes duped or deceived by alleged friends
who in reality are secret enemies trying to ruin them. On the psychic level, they are often gifted in
the psychic sciences and are attracted to any secret or mystical organizations that promote or are
based on the tenants of psychic ability. Esoterically speaking, 11 House Neptune people have the
capability of literally turning dreams into manifested reality which they willingly and generously
share with others. They generally have close spiritual links to their friends and groups associates
and also to their etheric guides. The spiritual essence of the 11 House Neptune reveals the desire
to transcend the Self through experiencing unity with a greater whole.

Be careful what you wish for:


11 House Neptune people wish for support and generosity from

others. Although they maintain a wide circle of friends and acquaintances it is sometimes these
relationships that cause the undoing of the 11 House Neptunian. This is mainly because they
refuse to see others in a bad light or fail to recognize selfishness in another person. They need to
remember that not everyone possesses the same charitable nature that they possess.



When Neptune resides in the 12 House it is operating from its

natural dominion and is considered to be is accidental dignity.
The 12 House is also one of the occult houses and the energy of
Neptune either operates extremely well or very poorly. The 12
House is the House of Secrets, Seclusion and Karma. The old
texts refer to it as the House of Self Undoing and all of these
stipulations apply. In general, the 12 House Neptunian projects
an other-worldly or mysterious quality to the personality.
Creativity is top rate although the best of it is done in seclusion.
Natives are very sensitive and often vulnerable but they hide it
well. Psychologically, 12 House Neptunians can suffer from a
fear of confinement that manifests as claustrophobia. They often
feel that they have no control over their lives and consequently

suffer from deep seated depression. If they become too neurotic they will literally withdraw from
life particularly when the world does not meet their expectations or if they become too caught up
in the undercurrents of the psychic realms. Sometimes 12 House Neptunians will throw
themselves into service for others and this is a good thing unless they are doing it as a way to
avoid dealing with their own lives. On the physical level they can suffer from hypochondria and
manifest illnesses that are hard to diagnose. In some cases they become so overwhelmed by
their feelings they turn to drugs or alcohol to escape. On the psychic level, a talent for
clairvoyance tops the list however they can become victims of negative and misleading psychic
influences if they are not careful when they tread psychic realms. If psychic experiences are
negative the native often feels frightened, paranoid and invaded and finds it difficult to separate
these experiences from reality. Esoterically speaking, 12 House Neptunians are masters of
disguise and can don the etheric cloak of invisibility. They are able to float in and out of reality.
They are especially prone to religious visions and mystical dreams. They are subject to
revelations and downloads from etheric realms that they can put to good use in reality if they so
choose to use the information. Of all the Neptune placements this one is the ultimate for tapping
into past lifetimes and understanding Karma.

Be careful what you wish for:


12 House Neptune people wish for miracles to solve all their

problems. They must learn to accept the perfect with the imperfect and understand that some
problems will never be solved yet that there is still room for growth to overcome them through
resolution. In that way, they can regain their sense of personal power and self-sustain rather
than self-undo.


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