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By Justice S.N.


Stepwise consideration may prove helpful in general

analytical assessment of any facet of life through
birth chart
An Astrologer or a serious student of astrology is
supposed to predict: (a) nature of event and (b)
time of likely event. Both the things depend to a
great extent on proper application of Dasha. There
are various systems of Dasha Periods. Amongst
them, Vimshottari Dasha is generally applicable to
all. Naturally, it occupies prima position. It is
suggested that in addition to Vimshottari, for
confirmation, one should use one specifically suited
Dasha, in terms of conditions about applicability in
individual cases. These Dasha have already been
mentioned earlier in Directional Astrology: Dasha
System, along with specified conditions.
Second Step : Work on Natural + Individuals Zodiac
In books including classical astrological works
results, which are mentioned, are generally based
on natural zodiac - not individual zodiac in terms of
birth chart and inter-relationship of the various
planets. These common results are not found
applicable. It raises a serious question of credibility
of this great science when sometimes one finds just
totally reverse results. How to predict specific,
precise and accurate timed events is not very
difficult, if one has the patience and time on one

hand and in depth idea of the subject.

Third Step : Judge Nature of Results of Dasha Lord
Dasha lord gives favourable results in following
1. When any planet is moving from its debilitation
point to exaltation point (Arohi) - near
exaltation point better it would be.
2. Planets nearer to Bhava Madhya are more
efficient in their Dasha etc.
3. Planets having five or more than five Ashtak
Varga Bindus in the rashi in which they are
placed give good results - quality improves if
the planet is placed in Bindu - Prastar and
Dasha Lord etc. take colour of the planet
giving Bindu Bala.
4. Planets placed in 10th and 11th from Lagna
and/or Moon give good results.
5. Planets placed in their exaltation sign, own
sign and in signs of their friends give good
6. Planets getting 'Shadbal' give good results
according to the nature of 'Shadbal' gained.
o 'Shubhas'
Kendradhipatya Dosha placed in Kendra
and Trikona from Lagna and/or the Moon
give good results.
o 'Ashubhas' owning Kendra and/or Trikona
placed in these Kendra and Trikona
houses from Lagna and/or the Moon give
good results.
NOTE: (i) Rule No.4 and 7 should be seen
from two angles Lagna Chart and Moon Chart,
while considering Dasha and from three angles

when considering Antar from Lagna, the Moon

and the Dasha Lord, while considering
Pratyantar 4 Lagna, the Moon, the Dasha Lord
and from the Antar Dasha Lord. Quality of
these results increases and decreases with
more favourable points.
8. Planets placed in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th
Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra.
9. Planets placed in the exaltation sign, Moola
Trikona Sign or in friendly sign but neither
placed in 6th, 8th, 12th, nor combust are
known as 'Gocharastha' planets and give good
result. Planets placed in 'Neecha' sign (without
Neecha Bhanga) or combust or placed in 6th,
8th or 12th are called "Agocharastha' and they
tend to cause agony, depending on other
'Shubha' and 'Ashubha' influences.
But Dasha lord does not give favourable
results in following conditions:1. If Dasha Lord is lord of the sign where
'Mandi' or 'Gulika' is placed, it is supposed
to give unfavourable results,
2. Planet placed with Mandi.
o Planets having less than four Bindus in its
Asthaka Varga.
o Planet placed in enemies' sign, or in its
debilitation sign.
o Planet combust.
o Planet placed in Bhava Sandhi or Rasi
Every planet has got some positive and negative

sensitive points in all the 12 rashis, which give

positive as well as negative results e.g.
Pushkarnavamanch, Arishtanavamansh and
Mrityu bhag. In case any planet is posited in any
sensitive point, the concerned planet may give very
pronounced results and sometimes with a bang in
its in view of the individual dasha, antardasha and
pratyantra dasha it may just cause a sound drawing
ones attention when it just transits that point or
Fourth Step: Judge Promises & Possibilities in Birth Chart
Lagna and Lagnesh / or Bhava or Bhavesh
from Lagna.
Moon / Chandra Rashis or Bhava or Bhavesh
from Moon.
Sun/Sun Rashis or Bhava or Bhavesh from
Sthir Karkas of the concerned Bhavas.
One has to choose strongest out of the three lagnas
lagna, Chandra Lagna and Surya Lagna - to get
Specific directions for consideration:
Father to be considered from the9th both
from the Sun and lagan.
house from Lagna to be correlated along
with the 10th from the Sun-for patrimony,
paternal rites etc. and Career and profession
house from Lagna to be correlated along
with the 11th from the Sun for gains and
fathers prowess since the 11th is the 3rd from
the 9th.

The Lagna and the Moon Lagna relate to

physical felicity of the native and general
strength of the radix.
The 4th from the ascendant and the Moon sign
related to mother.
The second from the ascendant and from the
Moon be investigated about ones sight,
speech, learning, wealth etc.
The 11th from ascendant and from Moon for
gains, elder brothers, friends etc.
The 9th from ascendant and from the Moon for
general fortunes, religion, meritorious
activities etc.

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