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All that We are Created to Be

Copyright © 2009 by Ronald M. Ash, Jr., Apostle, D.D.
ISBN: 978-1-44959-220-2
Published by RMA Associates
228 Putnam Avenue
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Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW

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Dedicated to my friend and colleague in spirit,
love and light who without her kind words and
inspiration I may have never found the true
essence of my Being.

This one is for you, Mary-Lou.

When we speak out about what we want the

Universe shouts it right back to Us!


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………...5

CHAPTER ONE: Focus on All ………………………………………..7

CHAPTER TWO: Moving Forward ………………………………….21

CHAPTER THREE: Sin or Symptom ...…………………………….26

CHAPTER FOUR: Curse or Character ………………………………31

CHAPTER FIVE: Circles or Cycles …………………………………36

CHAPTER SIX: More Time …………………………………………43

CHAPTER SEVEN: Who We Are …………………………………..49

CHAPTER EIGHT: Paper Chase ……………………………………67

CHAPTER NINE: When Prayers Manifest …………………………76

CHAPTER TEN: Power Praying ……………………………………79

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Nightmare Machine …………………………86

CHAPTER TWELVE: We are what we do not what we used to …...95

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Letting Go ………………………………100

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: The Tip of the Wave…………………....105

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Get Our Hopes Up………………………....110

CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Changing Our Course …………………….119

FINAL THOUGHTS: Knowledge and Wisdom …………………..127

So we have taken our next step in this infinite
journey of enlightenment. A series of events
have taken place that has brought us to where
we are right now. This is the most important
time of our lives. It is in this very moment
which exists prior to a thought that we have the
potential to be.

Being exists in this moment in this time and

knowing, seeing, feeling and experiencing All
that there Is right “NOW.” It really is All that
there Is. The Master knew the power of this
incredible law. This is how He created
incredible miracles everywhere He went. It is
by the power and the intentional manipulation
of the now that will determine the outcome and
contribute directly to our experiences in the

Where do we exert our energies? Do we spend

our lives searching for everything we already
have? Are we concentrating on the choices we
made yesterday rather than the choices we can
make right now? If we answer yes to any of
these questions it is very important for us to go
on. The Universe has brought Us together for
one specific reason. We are about to realize All
that We are created to be. Here we will
experience our being!

I wrote this book to help us discover who we
truly are. So many people I know both young
and old struggle with Truth every day. They fail
to recognize the obvious from within and
instead fixate on the external world around
them. It is my wish to dispel the many myths
that exist in our shared physical realm of
existence. I wish to make us immune to the
disease of this illusion. In teaching how to
manipulate the thoughts which create our
delusions we will in fact begin to intentionally
create our own world.

It is important to remember to forget all that we

have learned upon entering into the proceeding
pages. For it is only with a blank slate and an
open mind will we be able to grasp the
incredible powers within All. By clearing our
minds of our previous perceptions we will be
gifted with wisdom.

"Wisdom comes from experience and experience

comes from Being." -Rahn

Chapter One
Focus on All

“Sometimes we can concentrate so much on the

players that we miss the play.”

So much of our lives, up to this point have been

based on who we assume we are to be. We
easily look to those around us for clues about
who we are. Expressions like, “The in crowd,
being in style, fitting in, keeping up with the
Jones’ have plagued us and bound us in a prison
of our own minds.

In this we continually resist being all that we are

created to be. That’s right; we are who we are
created to be. It is in this very moment that lays
all Truth in what we are continually and
infinitely being. Not only can we not be
someone else, but they cannot be us either. Try
as they may or as we may it is not an option to
be anything less than the super special and
unique individual which is our creation.

The first clue that we are not being whom we

are created to be is the feeling of dissatisfaction.
When we concentrate on what we think we
should be we miss the beauty in who we are. In
this very moment in time, before thought, is the
mystery of Truth. Happiness exists in this very
moment and It is by our thoughts and the
emotions associated with them that the course is

set for what we will experience in the NOW
moments to come.

“We are always best at being who we are.”

You see we are always best at being who we are

created to be and when we are being whom we
are we are happy. Everything feels right when
we accept ourselves for who we are. We have
no need to compare ourselves to anyone else.
Then we learn another little secret; we are happy
for others who are blessed too. No longer do we
have the need to bring people down or make
their blessings and accomplishments seem less
than they are. Why? Well, it is because today
we are the best that we are created to be. All
other things no longer concern us because we
are now euphoric in our being.

Here is the second clue that we are not being

true to ourselves. We are inundated with
resentment. The accomplishments of others and
the things they posses become a thorn in our
side. From this we begin to affirm lies
passionately and with our most intense
emotions. We emphatically state, “I don’t want
a life like that!” Perhaps we believe, “She
must have cheated her way into that position.”
Maybe we adamantly explain, “My life sucks! I
would change places with you in an instant.”
There are many examples of this type of
negative mind set, but the bottom line is that it
all comes down to one thing, “So what!” None

of these things have anything to do with who we
can become in this instant.

Do we believe that we are our souls and our

spirits created in the image of God? Are we
totally aware of exactly what that means? We
are not mistakes! We are not errors! Every One
of us is a unique beautiful wonderful creation of
infinite possibilities. So why would we only
strive to fit in?

“We are only limited by what we think is


The greatest people in history, as unique as they

were, had no more potential for success than we
do right NOW. We decide how far we can go,
what we can do and how great we want to be.
We have the power which comes from the
Creator and resides in our hearts and souls to
create ourselves. It is a matter of choosing who
we will be. We must choose the life that we

How many times have we said “I don’t have

time? Not right now.” How often do we say
“Maybe later” when asked to take some time to
enjoy right now do we cling to the mundane
tasks of the day? Have we forfeited today for
what could have been done tomorrow. Do we
miss the opportunities to enjoy life now because
we have chosen to put ourselves on a rigid
schedule of unnecessary and overdone tasks?

Do we resent others who refuse to fall into the
same cycle of never “Being” as we have? Well,
if so it is time to break those chains of our self
imposed oppression and "Be" now!

You see my friends the grass does not always

need to be cut on Saturday. Go some place
special with your kids when the sun sits high in
the sky and enjoy the gift of a gorgeous day.
Take your daughter to diner and a movie. The
laundry can be done anytime. She is available
and wanting to spend time with you today.
Don’t sit home and sulk on a rainy day. Take
the opportunity to visit family at their home.
There just may be something in all these things
that needs to happen in order for us to move on.
In these moments could be the knowledge and
wisdom, that comes through the experience, that
will launch us forward in our journey to being
all that we are created to be.

We have been pondering the signs that tell us

we are not being who we are. It is now easier
for us to identify everything that we have been
unintentionally doing to avoid “Being”. Why?
It is because we have never or not recently been
told to be what our heart tells us to be. We have
accepted the illusion of “get real” and now live
our life by default. Only occasionally do we
revisit our dreams, contemplate our aspirations
and wonder, “Who Am I?” I Am all that I Am
created to be.

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God has given us an incredible gift, a unique
specialty and a wonderful purpose. Where is it
you ask? It is wrapped inside the most beautiful
package and seated on the shelf of our living
room. It is covered with dust and waiting
patiently for us to pick it up, hold it near to our
hearts and unravel the mysterious gift within.

“Passion is the soul’s recognition of God’s


Here lies the secret which enables us to be the

greatest “We” that we are created to be. Many
of us have been avoiding what we have already
known our entire lives. There is something that
we love to do, but someone long ago, possibly
well intentioned, told us that we are not worthy
of the gift. When we use these gifts hours seem
like minutes and we can do them all day
everyday and for the rest of our lives. This is
what we are passionate about and passion is the
soul’s recognition of God’s gifts. When we use
these gifts we are guaranteed success. We are

We can choose to be happy today. There is no

reason to think that we have to jump through a
series of hoops before we can be happy. It is a
silly illusion to believe that what will make one
person happy will make everyone happy. There
exists no cookie cutter program for happiness!

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So why have we conditioned ourselves to settle
for less? Well meaning people who loved us
felt the need to protect us from failure. They
did not believe in us and we began to not
believe in ourselves. They had bought into the
illusions that were sold to them. In turn we
accepted these myths and decided to play it safe.

What were these illusions you ask? There were

many basic rules like we will be happy when we
have enough money, marry the right spouse,
attend the right school or get the right job. Yet,
how much is enough money? What is enough
for one is not enough for another. What is the
right school, right spouse or right job? It is all
subjective. This especially holds true when
happiness is concerned. What is the biggest
untruth of all? We are average. Wow! What an
incredible contradiction in thought exists in this
statement. Average! How could we look at the
most basic principle of creation and believe we
are any less than spectacular?

(Genesis 1:26 ) And God said, Let us make man

in our image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.

Never second guess what our heart knows.

There is no ceiling restricting our rise. Our
ascension is a limitless infinite journey of

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“Being”. Sometimes we have to close our eyes
in order to see; in seeing is our “Being.”


What is success really all about? Are you

successful? Am I successful? Well, I am that I
am. The only answer comes from God and the
Spirit within us. Success is really about being
All we are created to be.

Many of us have been brainwashed into

believing at an early age that success’ come in
some very limited forms. Doctor, Lawyer and
Stock Broker are the career paths most of our
parents would have chosen for us if they could
have. Who knows if we would have done any

Many of us have dreamed of being a sports

hero, singing star or a famous author. The real
question is not if these choices would have been
right or wrong for us, but why we would

Did we arrive at the decision to become a doctor

because of our overwhelming need to solve the
negative elements of the human condition?
Perhaps we looked at being a lawyer as a way to
solve intolerable social injustice? Maybe we
felt that if we could only assist people early
enough in their lives to develop a proper
portfolio than they would not have to rely on

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their social security and thus thought to become
a Stock Broker? These are all very honorable
reasons grounded in a passion for doing what is

What of the child who aspires to become

famous for the sake of fame? Could he/she find
a way to use this to the advantage of others?
I’m certain they could. It happens all the time.
Famous athletes, musicians, actors and authors
donate huge sums of money and at the very least
vast amounts of their time towards many worthy
causes. Yet, this is rarely the reason one aspires
to delve into these career paths whole heartedly.

The truth of the matter is that much of our

choices in following a career path have been
initiated by an unquenchable need to be seen as
more than we think we are, to yearn for what we
think we don’t and to have the things we only
think we want. We bought into the advertising
and are being seduced by the most deceptive
marketing plan of all time. In this we have
inadvertently turned from God and towards the
idol gods of the day. We have given up success
for what we have been shown success to be.

Do I have your attention?

So many of us today continue to follow the

mirage and ignore the oasis. We sit by so
eloquently sipping the sand instead of dropping
our cup deep into the well. We chose what we

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have been taught is the finest of sparkling water
over the essence of all the there is. If only we
would put down the illusion and realize that
only the living water can quench an infinite

Money, power and fame have sucked us into an

unreality. We have been given a key that
unlocks no lock. Years, decades and centuries
of influence from worldly sources have taught
us to poke our paddle deep into the river and
make our way to the top as fast as we can.
Guess what, many have struggled their entire
lives to get to that place, some have even found
their way by doing everything they thought they
should do to get there. They struggled, toiled
and sold their souls for an empty box adorned
with a beautiful ribbon.

“There is no guarantee that every box adorned

with a pretty ribbon will contain the same gift.”

You see, not everyone is meant to have the same

thing. We must look inside ourselves in order to
find our own special gift. The secret is in the
inner mans ability to recognize ones passion.
This is the system created within us that allows
us to be who we are created to be. With this
comes joy and timeless endeavors. If that
sounds like happiness to you than you now truly
understand the nature of success.

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Success cannot be gauged by money, property,
cars or clothes. It is a measure of the I Am, that
I Am. Within us all is the special talent that will
enable us to initiate the first steps in His plan for
us. It is here that we begin our journey towards
our ultimate destiny.

These other distractions are placed in front of us

to slow us down. Absent of sustenance they
will never truly be able to hold our attention for
more than a few short months. This is the
absolute irony which I relate to the sipping of
the sand. The more we drink the thirstier we

How many times in our lives have we yearned

for a material possession? We thought if only I
could have this I know I will be happy. Perhaps
we sacrifice by saving. Maybe we compromise
our ethics in some way. Finally, after all is said
and done we hold the idol ever so dearly. “Wait
until they see me in this!” Ah ha! What we
were looking for was part envy and part pride.
In not truly understanding our relationship with
God we chose these idols as our foster parents.
We let things tell us and others that we are as
good as they are.

The entire scenario kind of reminds me of

fishing with a lure. When I was a kid on the
pond I seldom had live bait available to me.

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Periodically my mom would buy me a few new
lures as my older ones were wearing out. The
thing about a good lure is that you can catch
many fish with it cast after cast. The fish just
don’t know the difference between the lure and
the real thing. They put all their energy into
chasing that lure and get nothing in return. One
of two things will happen when the fish gets
tricked; they get thrown back hungry or get
taken back and eaten.

In all fairness I have to say that it is ok to own

nice things as long as we don’t allow them to
own us. Understand that the happiness derived
from them is temporal. I guarantee that the
dream car we’re driving today will feel just like
the car we traded in within a few short months.
Watch out! We don’t want to get reeled in by
another lure.

Last night I mentioned to my wife an incident

that took place several years ago. I was in my
final years of high school and was working on
figuring out what I wanted to study in college. I
have always had a talent for being very
insightful and as long as I can remember people
were always talking to me about the issues
which troubled them. Somehow, absent of
advice, they always felt better after talking to
me. The funny thing is this made me feel
elated. I would get people stopping at my table
in the cafeteria during lunch, coming by my
house after school and more than a few late

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night calls that always started with, “Ron, can
we talk?” I remember those nights well; barely
awake with the phone hand set as my pillow. I
never minded though. Something about it all
just filled me up.

One day my dad came to me and asked, “Have

you decided what you’re going to be when you
grow up?” Although I did not appreciate his
choice of words; what teenager would? I told
him that I wanted to be a psychologist. “Oh no
that’s all we need!” Perhaps he figured he may
be subject to constant analysis, so he adamantly
rejected my decision. He continued, “Why
don’t you go into advertising. I have a friend in
Boston who will give you a job right when you
get out starting at six figures.”

Be careful parents. You have an incredible

power of influence over your children. Use it
the right way. Even when my father gives me
advice today I take it into serious consideration.
In this case I went for it hook, line and sinker.
His dream became mine, but it never
materialized. It was not part of God’s plan.

Parental influence is an incredible tool for

manipulating the current of the ocean in which
our children swim. I am reminded of an
automobile accident I was in as a teen. The
memory of a 1974 Chevrolet Impala crossing
the yellow line and hitting my tiny sports car
head on will be etched in my mind forever.

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Who knew that people drive drunk on Sunday
mornings? The most prominent thing was that
big chrome grille forcing me closer and closer to
the side walk. It was crash, poof, crash and my
car catapulted backwards into a telephone poll.
Flames were shooting out of the engine and my
door was jammed shut.

Suddenly I gained strength that I never knew I

had and forced it open, got out and went to the
nearest house for help. My first thought was to
get some water to put the fire out, but the closest
thing I had was a tea kettle given to me by the
old Portuguese women who answered the door.

Talk about being angry with that driver. I just

had some major repair work done on my car
only the day before. Now it was totaled. Even
worse was that the drunk driver had no
insurance and it was not even his car. As my
mom attempted to explain this all to me I grew
even angrier.

“Mom, he better pay for my car!” I exclaimed

repeatedly. It just wasn’t right. She then
explained to me that she talked to the attorney
and was told that the only thing we could do
was attach the drivers pay. “Good!” I said. “He
deserves it!” That is when my mom responded
with a few words that looking back today
contributed more to my character than every
text book I read in college. “You wouldn’t want
someone to do that to you Ronny.”

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Well, let me get back to my point. We all know
what we love to do. It is our passion and our
gift from God. This is success and we must
never let anyone tell us different. This is the
true reality of our being. All other things are
just going to leave us hungry, thirsty and
wanting more. Remember one very important
thing. It is never too late to dip our cup into the

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Chapter Two
Moving Forward

It is a physical fact that we were designed for

forward movement. Everything about our
anatomy confirms this undeniable truth.
Forward motion is an essential element of our
being and plays a predominant role in us being
all that we are intended to be.
Everything in our bodies is meant to move
ahead. Our feet, legs, knees and torso all
contribute to this principle function. As we lean
forward we move ahead. It is our eyes position
in front of our head that guides us forward. We
can turn our neck and body left to right to see
where to turn and how far ahead we must go.
The head does not turn three hundred and sixty
degrees around. We are built to bend forward
and not backwards.

Isn’t it strange that we can move in reverse?

The difficulty is very apparent in every potential
action that contradicts our design yet, we can do
it. It takes a lot of practice and concentration to
walk blindly backwards and the risks can be
immense. What types of obstacles are behind
us? We could walk into a fire, off a cliff or into
the path of a moving vehicle. On top of it all
the movement is extremely slow and restrictive.

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Often we wish we had eyes in the back of our
heads. Why? Although it would contribute to a
tremendous improvement in multi direction
versatility this is seldom the reason for the
request. Most often it is that we don’t want
anyone sneaking up on us. Think about that for
a moment. What are the possible effects of
being caught off guard, surprised or
unsuspecting? Well, fear places highest on the
list I’m sure. We may be taken down in a
number of ways. Much loss physically,
emotionally or even financially can be had.
Maybe we fear being held back or pulled down;
making our efforts fruitless.

The ego also plays an overwhelming roll. Most

do not want others to move past them, overtake
them or get to the finish before they do. We all
want to get there first, but many of us want to
coast uphill to achieve our goals. In order to get
where we are going we must continually strive
in advance. There is a time to climb and a time
to coast.

The Truth is that there is no finish line and the

only race is being created in our own minds.
We are all on an infinite journey forward.
Everyone has their own pace and their own jobs
to do. It is by being all that we are created to be
that we travel the path to Purpose. Forward
thinking creates forward movement!

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When we think of the things that could have
been or should have been we ground ourselves
in disappear and anchor ourselves in inaction.
Wadding water will only serve to keep our head
above the surface. If we want to see what is on
the other side we will need to swim ahead. Our
reward is in the crossing!

Forward movement requires forward motion.

As we think of where we want to be the brain
signals the body to prepare for movement. We
think of where we want to be and our brain says,
“Head turn forward, eyes open wide and foot
take a step.” Action is always required! So my
friends, movement requires motion and motion
depends upon emotion. Emotion is the key to
our mode of transportation and transformation.

Remember, our emotions play an important role

in determining where we are going and how fast
we will get there. In The Apostle’s Recipe for
Happiness I spoke of how subjective time and
distance are. I often mention how passion is the
soul’s recognition of God’s gift and how when
we are using our gifts hours seem like minutes.
Well, through the mastery of our emotions we
can intentionally create the most powerful and
energy efficient vehicle to take us to where we
want to be. We can move forward quickly and
easily by concentrating on where we want to be,
seeing what it looks like and feeling the
emotions associated with our visions. We are

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the pilot, driver, engineer and captain of the ship
we call ourselves.

Spirit, soul, heart and body all contribute to who

we are. When we move forward we advance,
but when we move backward we retreat. As we
stay motionless and hold on so desperately to
where we are and what we have we forfeit our
future and the Promise that is there. There is an
incredible and supernatural power in the
“NOW” that must be used to propagate all that
we are intended to be.

If we are to use this fact to our advantage we

must appreciate with the utmost gratitude all
that we have in this moment. This is how we
build energy to fuel our vehicle. As we express
the emotions associated with gratitude,
contentment and appreciation we fill our fuel
cells with high octane racing fuel. It all has to
do with vibration. The intensity of our vibration
is in direct correlation to the positivity we feel.
Likewise, negative emotions are low vibrating
attractors that send out a signal to drain the cells
of essential energy and slow down, stall or
reverse our advancement.

You see if we let our fuel tanks run low we have

a greater chance of clogging up our fuel lines
and fuel filter. The energy cannot get through to
the engine. Sludge has built up in the bottom of
the tank over time. All the bad stuff has
separated from the fuel, dropped to the bottom

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of the tank and created a haven for dirt and
debris. By driving continually on “E” we have
sucked up all that junk into our system and
rendered it inefficient. We can’t seem to get our
motor started or keep it running. It chokes up,
sputters and stalls constantly. We have gummed
everything up and are desperately in need of
some Gum Out!

Although, this is an interesting and somewhat

humorous analogy, we are not machines. In our
humanity there exists one constant factor that
separates us from them. We think therefore we
are! In order to clear out our systems we need
to use a different kind of cleaner. We must top
off our energy cells with positive emotions. As
we keep our vibrations high we will continually
experience efficient forward motion. Next, we
must envision our destination, see where we
want to be, create a vivid picture in our mind of
what that looks like and experience all the
emotions associated with it “NOW!”

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Chapter Three
Sin or Symptom

“Sin can be forgiven and in forgiveness is

freedom and in freedom is Truth.”

Sin is often a symptom of the problem and not

the problem itself. There always exists an
underlying weakness which makes one
susceptible to sin. This weakness becomes a
magnet for failure in career, relationships and all
other aspects of wealth.

The most common practice that I have observed

in society today is that of sinning for salvation.
Many times we are drawn to initiate very
dangerous and self destructive behaviors as a
way of freeing ourselves from the current
situation or circumstance. In a total disregard
for all things logical we begin to seek sin to
replace the pains of the present.

Present is a very interesting word and one we

should never take for granted. This instant is
our true Gift and all that is real. When we
initiate steps to detach ourselves from the now
we forfeit our existence and release ourselves
from the Promise.

The Promise is in being all that we are created

to be. It is what we are supposed to do. In
order to be this we must be in the now

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continually. You see, all that we need to fulfill
our destiny is in the present time. In the instant
before thought is the essence of all that we are.
When we take alternate routes we sidetrack or
side step our right to happiness, success and

What we are missing are the tools we will need

to continue our mission. Here are all the things
we need to know in order to fulfill what is to be.
There are signs everywhere! If we don’t keep
our eye on the ball we will inadvertently
continually drop the ball. “We need to take the
ball and wait a minute.”

It is our responsibility to be still, pay attention

and observe. This is how we are able to access
Divine Guidance. Most often the things that we
need to continue our journey are right under our
nose, but if we become distracted and look
sideways we will miss what has been placed
right in front of us.

"There is a reason why God put our eyes in the

front of our heads.”

Sin is the distraction which causes us to veer off

course. It pulls us away from the Source of all
things and causes us to spiral downward and
away from the Promise. This is the perfect trap
to suck us into a perfect storm.

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Time and again I have counseled couples who
have unknowingly been the victim of this
debilitating disease. In the mist of chaos they
start the process of grasping at straws in a futile
attempt to take back control of their lives. With
finances in turmoil, feelings of emptiness and
knee deep in victim stance we take the first step
toward everything we never wanted. Now we
are more than ready to sacrifice the eighty
percent of all that we have for twenty percent of
what we perceive we are missing.

“Often we turn to sin for simplicity and end up

with complications and confusion.”

We begin to rationalize that the people in our

lives are responsible for making us happy.
Guess what? They are not! The truth is that
happiness comes from within. It must be in our
spirit, heart and soul. From the essence of all
that we are comes the force which attracts all
that we are worthy to behold. We are
responsible for our own happiness. Remember,
we will only get what we are willing to give.

Here is the typical scenario. Our partner is not

making us happy. We adamantly believe that
there is another somewhere out there that will
satisfy our every need. So now the hunt begins
for the perfect person. Well the fact of the
matter is that they do not exist.

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Now the illusion usually begins with the biggest
distraction of them all; sex! Yes this physical
act can make us believe that we have discovered
the answer to all our problems and can now
detach ourselves from all that we know and fall
freely into the evil we don’t. It is the addiction
that draws us away from love and commits our
souls to the consequences of lustful desires.

The obsession has begun and we rapidly

matriculate towards the end of all things now
and into the possibilities of what may or may
not be. We have been snagged, snatched and
hooked by sin.

What is really going on here? You see, there is

a preexisting condition which has caused these
symptoms to arise. We have not yet discovered
all that we are created to be. Instead we have
decided to put a bandage on the problem rather
than searching for the cure. We may pluck the
dandelion, but if we don’t get at the root we will
soon have another to deal with.

Identifying the problem is crucial to formulating

the process of recovery. In this scenario the
partner is not able to exist as One and therefore
is unable to contribute to All. They have failed
to identify who they are and why they are here.
They search for the soul’s recognition of God’s
gift, but instead find fool’s gold. The passion
which they are experiencing is not real. It is not

- 29 -
the passion experienced by one who is utilizing
God’s gift.

As we justify our actions we in fact have

grounded ourselves in inaction. Instead of
focusing on getting to the top of the tree so that
we can see where we are going we continually
go off on various branches hoping to catch a
glimpse without exerting all the energy that it
will take to get to the peek. The only problem is
that the further we venture out on the branch the
less it will be able to support us. That branch
will only bend so far before it breaks!

This is true in all things. If we fail to recognize

the cause the symptoms will continually persist.
Whether it is sex, drugs or any other obsession
the rule remains the same. We cannot achieve
success in life if we fail to admit that the
problem exists. Only by addressing the true
root of the issue will we be able to succeed in
our career, relationships and all other aspects of

It is very easy to blame others, make ourselves

the victim and lie about why we are what we
are, but the truth is that we can turn our lives
around on a dime. Once we discover what the
problem is the solution will soon follow.

- 30 -
Chapter Four

Curse or Character

So if sin is a symptom than what is the disease?

Well, in order to answer this question we must
first take a very close look at character.
Character is in actuality the essence of all that
we are. It is from here that we determine what
choices we will make.

“Character is one of the attributes or features

that make up and distinguish an individual.”
-Merriam Webster

What is it that distinguishes us from everyone

else around us? Is it the clothes we wear?
Could it be the positions we hold? Perhaps it is
the community in which we live? Those would
all be good guesses and could in fact be a result
of our character. However, they are not and
have little to do with the essence of all that we

Chances are that we are all presently in the

company of people who match the vibration of
our character. You see, as we change our
thoughts, the way we look at the world, the
people around us will change. Old friends and
acquaintances will slowly disappear from our
daily lives. New people will begin to enter our
world. We will often struggle with this. It is
very understandable since it is our nature to hold

- 31 -
on to what we have, but rest assured, there will
always be a place for our soul mates The visits
will be less frequent, but they will always be

There are certain people who are brought into

our lives for a reason. They become an
important part of all that we are. They are
always here for us as we are here for them. We
never hold back our thoughts from one another
and speak freely on all topics. When we are on
the wrong path they will tell us even if it means
they may lose our friendship forever. They
know our strengths and our weaknesses, but
love and accept us all the same. As our paths
fork off in different directions and the times we
share grow fewer and far between intimate
connections still exist between us. Then the
Universe provides us with the wonderful
opportunities to come together and laugh, cry
and share the past and present with each other.
Whether it be days, weeks, months or years time
seems to stand still on the day we come together
in the joy of our infinite friendship. It always
feels as if we are just picking things up from
yesterday. These are our soul mates that have
been given to us by the All and the One.

(2 Corinthians 6:14) Be ye not unequally yoked

together with unbelievers: for what fellowship
hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and
what communion hath light with darkness?

- 32 -
People have various internal and external
characteristics. Some external characteristics
are naturally born, indigenous or sociological
and others are a reflection of choice. The ones
of choice are the near perfect window to the
internal characteristics of people. However, it is
the tongue which is a far superior tool for the
classification of one’s soul. It is the undisputed
champion in the battle to distinguish character.

(Matthew 15:11 New International Version)

“What goes into a man's mouth does not make
him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth,
that is what makes him 'unclean.' "

As our character changes so does our language.

We are beginning to change on the inside and
this is reflected on the outside too. This is
where we begin our rebirth and enlightenment.

(1 Corinthians 14:11) Therefore if I know not

the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him
that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh
shall be a barbarian unto me.

Again, I spoke earlier of symptoms and this

certainly falls into the category of such, but it is
the deficiency of righteous character which is
the disease. Our Character is what will
determine our choices. It is from character that
we chose to sin. You heard me right, “Sin is a

- 33 -
In order to make better choices it is imperative
for us to build better character!

We all come standard with the internal guidance

system which was placed in our hearts by the
Creator. When we do wrong deeds an alarm
goes off that lets us know. It tells us to hide it
from our friends, sneak around, don’t tell
anyone and above all “admit nothing!”

Not having a righteous character is not only

about doing bad things. It is often about doing
good, but having the need to let everyone know
about it. This exhibits a lack of righteous
character too. It shows a lack of faith in the
power of good deeds. In this there is only the
reward of acknowledgement. Therefore, the one
thousand fold reward will not be seen. In this
we have taken the little prize before us and
passed up the dream vacation package behind
door number one.

So, where do we find the information necessary

to build a righteous character? Well, one of the
greatest sources of information on this topic is
the Holy Bible. Many religious and secular
books have been created from the Word within.
Combined with our guiding conscience we
already have a pretty good assortment of tools to
build a positive effective character capable of
bringing incredible blessings into our lives.

- 34 -
(Matthew 22:37-39 NIV) “Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.' This is the first and
greatest commandment. And the second is like
it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

Everything we have and that we are is

composed of the choices we have been making
all our lives. When we decide we want to live a
better life we must take the necessary steps to
improve our character. In every choice we must
ask ourselves; is this something that I would do
to someone I love? How would I feel if this was
done to me?

“You can make life into what you want or life

can make you into what it wants. The choice is
ours, and even choosing not to choose is a
choice.” –Paul Calhoun

Choosing not to choose is something many of us

do not consider. Many times it is by default that
we receive what we do not ask for. The secret
really is to ask for what we want and allow it to

Be still and pay attention to the little gifts that

cross our path sent by God to facilitate our
journey. We must act on the opportunities as
miracles materialize from the vibration of our

- 35 -
Chapter Five

Circles and Cycles

Listen, many times we will find ourselves

caught up in a circle within a cycle of
continuous repetitive actions. We exist within a
plane curve equidistant from a fixed center and
become imprisoned in a time interval in which
an event occurs repeatedly. Trapped by our
own impatience, fears and indecision we
continuously forfeit the reward which we seek.

All that we cherish and everything we hold so

dear becomes little more than a hopeless
unattainable desire which we so adamantly
know with the essence of all that we are; we can
never achieve. Therefore in the interest of
playing it safe we decide it is best to cut our
losses and return ourselves to the previous
situations and circumstance of which we with
only mild motivation decided to aspire to.

Aspiration and motivation are two of the most

beautiful words in the English language. Wow!
Every time I say those words I actually become
absorbed by their presence. It is because of
their immediate proximity in time and space that
they are just that, presence. These words are in
fact an absolute state of being. Often we can be
described as having a presence as we move
forward in our thoughts, words or actions. We
often describe someone as having a certain

- 36 -
poise or confidence saying, “He had such a
presence as he walked into the room” or “As she
walked across the room we all experienced her
presence.” These are people who are being real.
They have submitted themselves to all that they
are created to be and in doing so vibrate and
emit an incredible energy which is felt by all
that surround them.

This comes from having the utmost confidence

in being who we are. We will move forward
without fear when we become or in other words
allow ourselves to be the being we truly are.
Then we can be ambitious about striving
forward without hesitation towards the fountain
of our dreams. We become aspirant in our quest
to take all that is ours!

Our motif is clear, but what cost will be

associated with the journey we choose? It will
be necessary to put our journey into motion.
We will need to build up our internal energies in
order to motivate ourselves and those around us
in order to facilitate our goals. Believe me, if
we do not believe in ourselves few will believe
in us.

Both aspiration and motivation are key elements

which have ignited the flame of many journeys.
Dreams are nothing without the powers within
and the guidance without. Yet, these are only
the first steps in the launching of our ship full of
hopes which sets its course with sails full of the

- 37 -
winds of our aspirations. Will we move out
straight forward toward what stretches beyond
the prominent horizon for the unseen or will we
instead relinquish our dreams to fear and
continually circle an island?

One of the biggest mistakes I see are the ones in

which the aspiring souls cover the facts of their
fears with a blanket of unrelated excuses. What
I mean is that they find other reasons for the
why in an attempt to avoid dealing with the fact
of their fears. The Ego wants to be protected
and held blameless for the decision to retreat
from battle and instead quietly submits to

We can either face our fears or live in the

shadows of them. If we choose to back off and
play it safe we will always lose. In this we
subject ourselves to a limited existence and in
doing so exist within a circle of our own
perceived limitations.

How much are we willing to lose in order to

have all that is ours? It is easier today to blame
others for our decisions to immobilize ourselves
and to relinquish our dreams, but if it is unjustly
stated to us and others we have sealed ourselves
in a circle and submitted ourselves to a cycle of
failure. We will only find ourselves where we
once were; yearning for advancement,
achievement and aspiring once again. When we

- 38 -
fail to deal with the actual problem we will
never discover the corresponding solution.

Trust me, if we do not come clean about the

truth in our reasons we will create a false sense
of the experience we create. In not dealing with
the facts we fall victim to the fabrication. We
tell ourselves and others falsities and as we do
so repeatedly the lies take on a life of their own
and begin to reiterate the lie and prove the
falsity of our statements through karma. What
we state; will inevitably have to be proven in

Most recently a friend of mine who I care for

deeply reenters the restrictive circle which I
have spoken about today. He has a pattern
which continually brings him back to exactly
where he does not want to be; far from his
dream. Knowing what our passions are is never
enough. In order to achieve the realization and
use our Gifts as we know that we must we have
to have the guts to move forward without fear of
the unseen. Four times over the last fifteen
years I have seen him do exactly the same thing.
How many times will he drive down the same
road and expect a different destination?

When the going gets tough the tough get going!

It is sad for me to see this pattern exhibited

repeatedly by my friend. He is always so close
to getting everything he wants and then retreats

- 39 -
back to the place where he has much of what he
does not. I think this time will be the hardest
time for him. This time he has no one to blame
for his self perceived failure. Only now he runs
away from the complexities of his circumstance
and without knowing the tragedy which waits
for him in relation to the reasons that he states
for the decisions which he makes. You see, this
time he chose to include his daughter in the
alternate allegations to the facts conceived. On
top of that he was given everything he thought
he always wanted. The business that he
dreamed of owning was given to him for free,
but when the going got tough he decided it was
best to get going and chose to return from
whence he came. So close to the Promise yet he
walked away from the seed which was planted.
It just needed a little more time and a little more

“Dreams are the promise of tomorrow. Give

them the attention they deserve and they will
reciprocate in kind.”

(James 1:3-4 New International Reader's

Version) Your faith will be put to the test. You
know that when that happens it will produce in
you the strength to continue. The strength to
keep going must be allowed to finish its work.
Then you will be all you should be. You will
have everything you need.

- 40 -
Our minds are very powerful and our thoughts
create things. As we tell ourselves and others
the reasons for our decisions that are only
partially true we become subject to these
falsities and become conditioned by them.
Overtime we hold the lies as truths. It is here
that we may begin to resent others who we have
falsely blamed for our inability to move forward
in faith when in reality it was our lack of faith
that limited us and pushed us back into the all
encompassing circle bordered by our fears.
Instead of being propelled into our next cycle in
our constant ascension we have chosen to exist
once again in a place where we are restricted
from being all that we are created to be.

“The fire is never really as hot as we think it is,

and the water is rarely as cold.”

If we truly want to advance towards the Promise

we must travel forward without fear. It is the
power from within that will ignite the power
from without. If we continually make the same
decisions over and again we will undoubtedly
achieve the same results. As we concentrate on
the possibility of losses we will inevitably create
failure in our lives. It is only by trusting that we
are able to realize the potential of our being.

(2 Corinthians 4:16, 18) "Therefore we do not

lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting
away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day
by day. . . . So we fix our eyes not on what is

- 41 -
seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Remember, often we are sent to the feast by way

of the fire.

- 42 -
Chapter Six
More Time

More Time, we always think we have more time

than we do. I remember those words as they
were spoken to me by an old woman in an
antique shop several years ago. They rang true
then and today they seem even more so.

On this first day of August I am feeling as if I

had just lost my best friend. He has
accomplished all that he was to do here and has
ascended. It is a new beginning in a journey
which will have no end.

As I think back to that day at the antique shop

and remember the old widow I recall the odd
experience which followed. You see, several
weeks had passed since the day I bought my
grey ceramic elephant planter in her shop. On
this day I returned to the small Connecticut
town to find that the shop was closed. Since I
was very captivated by the women and the
wisdom which she possessed I looked forward
to the visit. I decided to stop at a few
neighboring stores to inquire as to when she
would return. To my surprise the answers that
returned to me were, “that antique shop has not
been open for years.”

It would seem that I had been visited by an

angel who was letting me know, in her own

- 43 -
way, that a friendship which I cherished was
coming to an end. The time was over and the
relationship had accomplished all that it was
supposed to. The purpose of that person in my
life had run its course. They were an important
part of the rebirth of my spirit. It was that
person who helped foster the rebirth of all that I

It was during that time in my life that my

connection to the spiritual realm had been
rediscovered. The little insignificant
happenings in my life suddenly made sense.
The mysteries, synchronicities and visitations
were explained. In this my insight into the
reality of all that there is had been magnified
one hundred fold.

When I was eight years old I knew things. My

parents and immediate family did not talk about
it, but they all knew how very connected I was.
However, as time went on and I grew older this
seemed to go into remission. I have to assume it
was largely caused by a shift in my
consciousness. The concentration came from
the spiritual and turned to that of the physical.
Mainstream society had convinced a young man
that happiness would be achieved only from the
accumulation of possessions and the admiration
of man. It was here that I decided to get on
board. I would live today for what I thought I
wanted tomorrow.

- 44 -
Six months. In general I found that it would
take this short amount of time to get over the
perceived joy of having anything that I thought
would make me happy. This applied to people,
places and things. After six months I would end
up exactly where I started, empty and seeking
answers. It is funny how many times we will go
down the same road time and again expecting
something different there.

The coping device would be the same during

these in between times. Eat, drink and pretend
to be merry. Anything to avoid dealing with the
reality of the life which I had continued to
create would suffice. I had forfeited the joy of
today for what may be tomorrow. It was the
action of numbing my being today with hope
that relief would come tomorrow.

By religiously using this formula I had anchored

myself in inaction. Never allowing myself to be
all that I am created to be would rob me of the
natural joy of the moment. I would run on a
proverbial treadmill and get nowhere fast.
Blessings did not come to me because I was not
where I needed to be. My life was on hold and
my intended path would wait to be followed.
God’s gifts would remain unwrapped and

One day I decided to step off the treadmill and

move forward. I picked up a college
application, filled it out and mailed it away.

- 45 -
Soon I would find myself on the path which I
was intended to follow. It was here that I would
find my life and wife. Everything I needed to
necessitate my departure from days gone by
would be given to me.

The most difficult thing for me at this time was

that the friends that I held so dear to my heart
would begin to slowly drift away. As our lives
change so do the people in them. This is not a
matter of choice. The fact is that like attracts
like. As our life changes so will the people in it.
Our vibration will be changed as our thoughts
and actions do. Those who are stuck in the old
way will remain in the old way and those who
match our current vibration will be drawn to us.
This is the law of the Universe and is not subject
to change.

I would attempt to resist without avail. Doing

the same old things as the past became
increasingly more difficult for me. It was
torture to sit around wasting time in the old
redundant ways of the past. The joy that I once
perceived in these things was gone forever.

Friendships are friendships and those we love

will always be loved by us. With a few friends
time can go by, but when we get together after
weeks, months or even years it is as if no time
has gone by at all. These are our soul mates.
The ones who we confide in and who confide in
us and understand the law that governs the level

- 46 -
of our connectivity as time goes on. Therefore,
we eventually give into the law and allow each
other to be who we choose to be. Yet, we are
always here for each other in times of difficulty
and when the timing is right God always brings
opportunities forth which allow us to be part of
each other’s lives.

Unlike the friendship that had run its course

back at the time the women in the antique shop
spoke to me this time my eternal friendship
would be transformed. His friendship would
leap from the physical realm of existence to the
spiritual realm in what would be the process of
his ascension. Although, in truth what the old
women said did still ring true, for me it would
merely apply to our temporal existence here on

We always think we have more time than we do.

He was in my thoughts on Saturday at a car
show as my sister and I reminisced about his
1966 Impala SS and the times we spent which
preceded his ascension, but I only thought to
stop by to visit. I drove through the old
neighborhood and by his old home with
thoughts of the times we spent there in the past,
yet did not dial his number and give him a call.
I thought to myself, “maybe latter” and went on
with my life.

Well, we all know how this story ends. There

was no latter, the time had passed to spend the

- 47 -
time with my good friend in the physical.
Today my contact with him is in the spiritual
realm. His visits touch me as a vibration of
energy and I know with the essence of all that I
Am that he is free.

- 48 -
Chapter Seven
Who We Are

“We are what we do, not what we used to.”

Do you know that we are all that we are created

to be? It’s true! There is no man or women on
this earth that can define us other than
ourselves. Everything we are today is being
created day by day. Who we were yesterday is
only a memory of what exists within us today.

Although, the past does affect our present we

don’t have to allow it to dominate, restrict and
predict our future. It is true that our lives are
composed of our choices, but we can start right
now to create the life that we want. The secret
is to begin making better choices.

We all used to this and used to that, but that is

the past. That time is gone and the future has
not yet been created. Right now, this very
instant, the moment before the thought is all that
is real. From this place we can co-create our
future and live the life of our dreams.
Remember, everything that we have and are, is a
compilation of the choices we have made all our
lives. Choose carefully!

I have to reiterate a fact of life that often is

repeated without fully understanding the
disadvantages of the procedure. We can’t

- 49 -
change the past so don’t reconsider choices after
the fact. You know what I mean. All those
“should of haves” only serve to take up space in
our minds and extract energy from our hearts.
These things cannot be changed. Even if they
could be changed; changing them now would
only serve to reverse the growth which was a
direct result of the experience. In essence we
would not be the inner person we are today if
we had not made those choices and experienced
the affects of them.

Several days ago I began to look back at some

choices I made over the past few years. The
main thought was, “I should have taken that
offer!” You see, several years ago I had an
offer on the property that houses our community
center. It was more than four times the price
that I paid for the building. I thought to myself,
“I could have been on easy street!”

However, who would I really be today? What

would I have done with that money and my
time? Understand this, if I did not go through
the struggle which stemmed from the negative
experience which led to the offer on the building
I would have never accelerated to the level of
spirituality and connectivity to the Creator that I
enjoy today. From not accepting that offer
came, the essence of all that I Am.

It was then that I decided to pursue the vision

of the Creative Cultural Center. CCC was not

- 50 -
just a place for me to help others; it was also a
place for those others to help me. Unknowingly
I was being trained and prepared by the
attendees to become the minister of the Word
whom I Am today. Not only that, but I was able
to do the most important thing any man or
women will need to do in order to find the path
that we are intended to follow. I would be
shown my Gift! It would be through the
discovery of my passion that all that I Am
would be discovered.

“Passion is the soul’s recognition of God’s


The groups began to take place at Creative

Cultural Center. I started to share my stories of
how Source had enlightened me, provided for
me and directed me along my intended path
while promoting me from one level to another.
Hours seemed like minutes! People began to
thank me for helping them change their lives.
My heart became full as they continually
inspired me to inspire others. This led me to
other places, people and groups while further
expanding the tools necessary for us to continue
our journey.

I had written my first book The Apostle’s Recipe

for Happiness. It was now in print and available
to readers around the world. The second book
The Secret of Divine Intervention was already
waiting in the wings. With every experience,

- 51 -
positive or negative, a new chapter was written
and more lives were changed. The Gift of
breaking things down in a way that people could
get the message was birthed from the
experiences along the path which was set forth
by the Creator. All I needed to do was have
faith that everything would always work out for
the greatest good. Never give up and never
surrender. God will send his angels to give us
signs and place checkpoints along the way.

If it were not for a betrayal the book would not

exist. Readers would not have been inspired
and uplifted by it. I would not have been
inspired by their letters and endorsements. My
ministry could have fizzled away. I can’t really
say where I would or would not be right now,
but I know that I would not want to be any
different than the soul that I Am today.

Everything is for a purpose. It is all part of our

infinite development. We are our souls and our
spirits created in the image of God. Some say,
“We are the fingers of the hand of God.” It is
through us that the Creator creates. As we think
forward we move into the future which we
create. This is why we must not waste our time
by thinking about the “should haves.” It is our
job to concentrate on what we have right now
with the utmost gratitude and be grateful for
what we have asked for as our prayers have
already been answered.

- 52 -
Through the Divine combination of great
appreciation and powerful imaginations we
constantly evolve ourselves and all which we
have been given charge over. It is in Divine
Science that man becomes continually and
infinitely all that we are created to be. From
thought to conception to birth and resurrection
we learn, improve and continually develop our
potential to achieve God consciousness.

Who are we? We are all that we “are” created

to be. Continuous creations moving endlessly
from the physical realm to the spiritual realm in
our infinite journey are all that we are. As we
experience ourselves; in this very moment we
are all that we are created to be. No longer are
we the frightened child, drug abuser, arrogant
know it all, egomaniac or sinful soul. We are
who we choose to be today! I Am, I Am, I Am
all that I Am created to be.

Perception of Emotion

I find it so very interesting how a simple

comment can be taken in different ways by
different people. There is much to be learned
from the reactions to words and phrases and
compound scenarios. It is truly our perceptions
that dictate what we see. For it is by our
reaction, rebuttal and tunneled discord that we
relinquish what it is we see in our own eye, in
our own heart and by our very soul to others.

- 53 -
What course of thought have we plotted by our
own emotions? Reactions vary greatly to
various stimuli, yet it is in what has been
preconceived that we react in one way or the
other. Do we have the habit of taking the low
road or do we adamantly pursue higher reason?
Is the light that we shine on others just a cast
reflection of the one which shines on us?

Most recently I experienced two independent

incidents which exhibited the possibilities of
varied perceptions. Each in which the sender
sent forth the vibration which was decoded by
the receiver in a way which was not a correct
assumption. You see, these assumptions were
highly based on the negative view they had of

In all fairness I must admit, although my

intuition tells me otherwise, that the second
incident was presented in a way in which the
receiver could have been honestly professing his
emotional perceptions. However, it seems more
likely that his initial perceptions were indeed
favoring or at the very least highly considering
the negative rather than the positive intentions
of the sender.

The most interesting was the reaction to the man

in the first scenario for in this instance he truly
was emotionally empathetic to what he
perceived as a negative comment about a
women who he seems to hold very dear to his

- 54 -
heart. This is obviously a close friend who he
values a great deal and did not want to see hurt
in any way. Yet, if we look closely we can see
that his reaction was largely based on the
perceptions that he presumed she had of herself.
Through their friendship I would assume that
there have been a multitude of times where she
may have voiced her uneasiness about an aspect
of her physical being or perhaps a deeper social
stigma which has affected her ego.

As I perused through my friends web site I came

across an incredible picture of a mutual friend of
ours. The photo was romantically lighted with a
soft luminescence. She sat alone at a bar as her
spirit emitted a brilliant glow. Her hair was
amazing and her outfit was spectacular.
Everything about the image fit perfectly into the
scene. What an incredible backdrop for such a
flattering photo. I thought to myself, “If seeing
a women like that is not enough to break ones
concentration than I don’t know what is.”

Highly affected by the photo and happy to see

my friend looking so well I decided to post a
comment under the photo. “Is she what caused
your bike to come out from under you?”
Several days earlier he was in an accident while
riding his motorcycle. Basically, he was
distracted, the rear wheel of the bike locked up
and he went down. Thankfully he was ok, but
the bike was slightly damaged. The response to
my comment was a complete surprise, “That

- 55 -
was a (insert expletive) thing to say.” This is
where I could see that a miscommunication had
been made.

We all have this little receiver in our heads and

hearts. Like a cable television box it decodes
and descrambles the signals it receives. It
allows us to tune into the channels and programs
we wish to see, hear and experience. Some love
to view scary movies that ignite emotions like
fear and surprise and others like to view
comedies that make them laugh and feel happy
emotions. Love stories are also another way
that viewers experience emotions of happiness,
joy and a deeper fulfillment inside.

Did you ever notice laughter during a horror

movie, anger and tears during a comedy sketch
or frustration and malice from someone viewing
a love story? Well I am positive just about
everyone has, but why is this the case? We
relate emotionally to our own perceptions.
Laughing during a horror movie could be the
result of viewing what we perceive as ridiculous
or just the way we deal with our darkest fears.
Negative emotions during a comedy sketch
could be derived from the experience we have
had in the past or present that hit a soft spot and
thus enabled our Ego to bring us down the path
of negative emotion and create a lesser
consciousness. Perhaps we think everyone sees
us in this light and the comedian is embarrassing
us by his words and actions thus casting the

- 56 -
light of insult upon us. Adding insult to injury
is the most common phrase referring to this
scenario. Love stories can make us feel the
most wonderful heartfelt emotions of joy,
wholeness, togetherness, love, hope and
happiness. We shed tears of joy and relate on
the highest level of consciousness to the
characters in the film. However, if we just
experienced a bad breakup or are involved in a
relationship which lacks the elements being
exhibited our Ego can make us view only the
negative aspects of what we see and cause us to
be repulsed by what others find attractive. It is
our perception and the emotions that govern
them that create our consciousness.

In the case of my friends a reality was created

based on self consciousness. The women
viewed her physical being in a negative light
and her friend viewed her in the reflection of
that same light. In their combined perceptions
they decoded the statement that I made to fit
their own preconceived conception or what they
continually experience as their reality. To them
it was not the positive aspects of the women
which caused the accident, but instead it was
what they perceived as her negative physical
features that they thought I was referring to. As
I was seeing through God’s eyes they were
seeing through the eyes of their own ego.

(Genesis 16:13) She gave this name to the

Lord who spoke to her: 'You are the God

- 57 -
who sees me,' for she said, 'I have now seen
the One who sees me.’

The second incident was only a few days

after. I had been called into a meeting
concerning my participation in the
development of the social media campaign
for a company I have been working with for
about five months. It seemed that they had
jumped into the world of social media
without really considering what affect it
would have in regards to conflicting with
their current doctrine. The premise of the
conversation was “can we truly participate in
social media and still maintain the necessary
boundaries which are crucial to the success
of our organization and to the protection of
our clients?’

Well, toward the end of the meeting

something which I wrote in a letter to human
resources was brought up. The Vice
President of Programs mentioned to me that I
should be more careful in how I choose my
words. I had stated that I felt a position in
the company would be opening up soon and
that I was confident in my abilities to
accomplish the tasks involved in the position
and would be able to greatly increase the
efficiency of that program. He said, “If I did
not know you I would think that was a dig at
the person who currently holds that
position.” I answered, “I go a lot on feeling

- 58 -
and I am very intuitive. There was a time
that I would hide that fact, but that time is

What did I learn from his statement? He

does not think highly of the person who
currently holds that position. His perception
has created this reality for him. All outside
stimuli is thus interpreted by him as negative
affirmations which all coincided with his
experiences which have ignited his emotions
and created the reality which he perceives.
In this he has chosen the lower path of
consciousness via lesser emotion and
disregarded that of the higher consciousness.

The Ego initially had blinded him to the

other possibilities which exist. There is
more than one way for a position to open in a
company. It just so happened, not so
coincidentally, that I went to check my
corporate email after the meeting and found
this very interesting message from the
company CEO.

- 59 -
Dear Friends and Colleagues:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce the

retirements today of the Director of Program
Planning and Administrative Assistant at this
facility. Both of these employees have been with
us for more than twenty-five years and during
that time have influenced and changed many
lives. One helped by designing innovative
programs that were responsive to market
demands and the other who for many years
represented a pathway to recovery for all
residents. We will miss all that they do for our
company and our community.

One is looking to do some travelling with his

wife and the other is looking to spend time in the
south with her family. I am sure you join me in
wishing them both a healthy and enjoyable


My intuition spoke out to me once again. It

would not take the firing of an employee to
open up the position I spoke of. Instead it
would take the retirement of two upper level
employees, to create a corporate current that
would bring everyone up a few more steps in
the hierarchy of the organization. I love
when I speak out without fear about my Gifts
and add to a sea of witness!

- 60 -
Perhaps it is by our own views and our own
actions that we are blinded to the truth within.
As we are created in the image of the most high
we are perfect. As we concentrate on the
negative and give into Ego we set the stage for
our own destruction. We concentrate with all
our being on what we perceive as physical flaws
while looking outside of ourselves for
reassurance and miss the path to a higher
consciousness. We settle for only what we can
see, feel and touch in place of what exists down
deep in our souls. Here lies the Truth of our
Being absent of the perceptions of Ego. Blinded
by our own misconceptions and false
perceptions we become frozen with key in hand
unable to unlock the door.

(Genesis 19:11 New International Version)

Then they struck the men who were at the door
of the house, young and old, with blindness so
that they could not find the door.

Thoughts of Others

It is very common for us to give much more

thought into what others think of us than what is
healthy for our being. By allowing others to
define who we are we choose to manifest their
reality over our own. In this we have forfeited
all that we are created to be and bought into the
illusions of others. Do we really want to exist in
their reality?

- 61 -
We all know the answer to that question? Well,
maybe we don’t? Perhaps we find great comfort
in the acceptance of others and wish to satisfy
their expectations of our being. Sometimes it
seems easier just to fit in and blend in with the
crowd, but truthfully as long as we are not being
ourselves; we will never reach our maximum
potential of being.

There is no ceiling on what we can accomplish

in this physical realm of existence. Truly, we
determine how quickly we travel along the path
of destiny. There is no final destination! We
are on an infinite journey of enlightenment. We
are all Destin for greatness!

This greatness is up to us to seek out. It is far

reaching and ever expanding. There exists no
final destination final accomplishment or
absolute being. We continue to learn, expand
and accomplish!

Today we hold a dream in our hearts,

contemplate all that it is and visualize it in our
minds while feeling all the emotions associated
with it. It exists! We just need to take the
initial step forward and our path will be
illuminated by Spirit. Signs will materialize as
checkpoints along the way.

Our dreams, goals and accomplishments will be

many. As we reach out and grab hold of one,
there will come another one greater on the

- 62 -
horizon. Swinging from branch to branch is
what will move us forward. Again, there is no
final destination.

We are not designed for stillness. Stillness is

only meant to gather the information which
comes from all our senses and allows us to
receive the messages of information from the
Source of all things. Next we must act on this
information and move forward along the path
which we are intended to follow.

Everyone’s path is different. We all have been

given a special gift and all will experience what
we must in order to move on into the waves of
our ultimate infinite ever changing destiny. We
are created to create, learn and experience.

This is why it is so very important to be

ourselves. Worrying about what others think
will only serve to diminish our experience while
extracting our energies. It will redirect the fuel
for manifestations away from where we need it
to be.

In this scenario we are wasting energy on what

we perceive others want and expect from us. In
a matter of sorts, we are in fact attempting to
live their dreams and are spending on their
illusions. We are who we are and the thoughts
of others have nothing to do with that unless we
choose to allow them to.

- 63 -
Our thoughts are very powerful things when we
direct them intentionally. Whether our
intentions are towards what we want for us or
what we perceive others expect from us makes
little difference. Our energies will flow in the
direction of our thoughts.

When we let others limit us by telling us who

we are and who we are not we become very
limited beings. Their thoughts are adopted by
our egos and hold us back from being all that we
are created to be. We have allowed what they
think of us to determine what we will or will
never be.

Perceptions are a funny thing. We all have a

certain image in our minds of who we are and
an idea of what others think of us, but how
much weight do we give these perceptions? Do
we allow our perceptions to become
conceptions? If we do we have chosen to live
our experience, our life, by default. In this we
have passed on our God given option to realize
our potential and unwittingly fallen into a trap.

In being confined to these limited images we

will be grounded in disappear. We will not
move forward because we have come to believe
that we are what we are rather than who we are
created to be. Our passion is too good for us so
we discount this incredible gift and fail to
realize our potential for being.

- 64 -
So, what do we choose? Is it the reality of those
around us or the reality that we create? What is
real? Reality is found in our heart, soul and
spirit. We feel it all the time. Actually, we even
feel it when we suppress the feelings associated
with all that we are. This does not feel good.
You see, not using a special gift will not give us
joy but sorrow.

This is why we feel negatively charged

emotions like sadness, despair and depression.
We are not doing what we are supposed to be
doing and are not being all that we are created to
be. Our lives have been put in ultimate limbo
and we have volunteered to abstain from our
dreams. Other’s having told us that they are
unrealistic and we have said. “You are right. I
need to get real.” How ironic it is that in this
statement we are being as far from real as we
can get. We have given up reality in order to
protect our ego. Fear of failure has grounded us
in defeat.

From our heart we pray for truth, but through

our ego we praise the lie. For some reason we
find a great comfort in giving up on what is real
in favor of what is not. We ask without
believing we have received and wonder why we
remain motionless. Without motion there is no
life, no experience and no reward.

As we continually pacify our inactivity with

drugs, alcohol, pity and other energy wasting

- 65 -
time evaporating addictions we forfeit our
experience. We stay in a holding pattern and
fail to take the first step in reclaiming our lives.
Our gifts remain unused, untouched and sit on
the proverbial shelf collecting dust. They are
unused and unappreciated. In this we may
never be the recipient of these gifts again.
Instead we will continue to sit on the sidelines
and wait for what is already here.

Everything we need is right under our noses.

The fact is that no one can see them besides us.
It is up to us to recognize the incredible
opportunities that are placed along our path. As
we look inside ourselves we will be given the
answers we seek.

- 66 -
Chapter Eight
Paper Chase

(Psalm 97:6-8 Amplified Bible) The heavens

declare His righteousness, and all the peoples
see His glory. Let all those be put to shame who
serve graven images, who boast in idols. Fall
prostrate before Him, all you gods. Zion heard
and was glad, and the daughters of Judah
rejoiced [in relief] because of Your judgments,
O Lord.

I often wonder what fellow Christians would do

to Jesus if He were to return today. I am sure
head pastors would write him off as trouble.
Perhaps they would encourage him to join a
bible study group to help him ascend the
hierarchy of the church. I'm sure he would have
difficulty presenting His great wisdom to the
many famous Christian leaders. His letters
would be ignored I'm sure. His warnings would
be discarded I bet. Sadly, his help would be
rejected. All in all, not much would change.
Perhaps, it would help if He came back,
attended seminary, got a degree in divinity, took
a job as associate pastor and someday owned
His own church? I wouldn't want to be the guy
who signed His ordination papers.

(Habakkuk 2:18 Amplified Bible) What profit is

the graven image when its maker has formed it?
It is only a molten image and a teacher of lies.

- 67 -
For the maker trusts in his own creations [as his
gods] when he makes dumb idols.

It is so easy to take our eye off the ball and veer

off the path of righteousness as we unknowingly
begin to seek the admiration of man. In all that
we are and in all that we are created to be there
is the essence of all that we are. There is
nothing of man that can change this fact of our

(Romans 11:29 Amplified Bible) For God's

gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never
withdraws them when once they are given, and
He does not change His mind about those to
whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends
His call.]

(1 Peter 4:10 Amplified Bible) As each of you

has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent,
a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one
another as [befits] good trustees of God's many-
sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely
diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians
by unmerited favor].

Many fail to recognize and use God's gifts.

Through the worship of earthly idols and by
seeking the admiration of man they miss the
mark. The key is passion! Passion is the soul’s
recognition of God's gifts. When hours seem
like minutes and we can do it all day; we are
being all that we are created to be.

- 68 -
As we conform to the expectations and buy into
earthly illusions we fall further from God’s
grace. Our egos become the dominant force in
our lives and we lose track of who we are. It is
in this drifting away from Truth that we begin to
put great value in papers which bear the
signature of man. Such things as certifications,
ordinations and various degrees are now what
give us a perception of self worth. No longer is
our calling of value to us. We have been
clouded by fear and drained of our confidence
which once came from Spirit. A need to prove
who we are begins to manifest in our hearts as
we look to idol gods for verification of our self
worth. Insecurity has alienated us from
ourselves and the prince of lies, in tiny moves,
has begun to slow the advancement of the
Kingdom through pride and ego.

If we are to remain steadfast in continuing the

mission of Jesus on earth it will be imperative
that we are able to guide others in their quest for
Truth. We must have no ulterior motives in this
grand journey of salvation. There is no
signature of man that could trump the one that
God has etched on the hearts of His sons and
daughters. This is an irrevocable trust!

(1 John 5:21 Amplified Bible) Little children,

keep yourselves from idols (false gods)--[from
anything and everything that would occupy the
place in your heart due to God, from any sort of

- 69 -
substitute for Him that would take first place in
your life]. Amen (so let it be).

I have often wondered what it is about

ceremonies, in regards to degrees and
certifications that have never captured my
interest. For some reason the charge from
walking down the aisle to get my reward never
held much water for me. This seemed to always
be at my parent’s dismay by the way. I just
never had the need to go through the motions. I
understood my accomplishments, but never
could be bothered with all the pomp and
circumstance. Now I can see why. All the
jumping through hoops and worthless papers
were not necessary to be who I Am. This is
why I did not even attend my college graduation
ceremony. The requirements were superficial
and had little to do with who God created me to
be. In fact, I could have learned ten times more
by sitting in the library reading than I learned in
an entire semester of college.

Perhaps this is intentional. How else could the

learning process be dragged out and would the
maximum corporate profits be received? Who
decided on what hoops would have to be
jumped through or what maze would need to be
followed? It all has very little relevance as I sit
here today absorbed with the Truth and
knowledge of Spirit. Bottom line is that
whether I am called doctor or the village idiot
makes no difference in whom I Am. The gift

- 70 -
that is inside has very little to do with the
package in which it is contained.

(Proverbs 29:26 Amplified Bible) Many crave

and seek the ruler's favor, but the wise man
[waits] for justice from the Lord.


Back in my college years I went to my first

Greyhound race. Today, the former Lincoln
Downs is just short of being a full blown casino.
In fact, I heard that they were thinking of
eliminating dog races all together. Last time I
drove by there the building was adorned with
giant teepees which actually looked more like
the sails of tall ships rather than anything else.

I never had a good feeling about the

transformation of Lincoln Park to Twin River.
Funny, even the name change reeks of
misrepresentation. There were a lot of promises
given to the citizens of our state as well as the
local government of the Town of Lincoln. Many
were honored and even more were not. In fact,
the entire operation is constantly on the verge of
bankruptcy. Sure, the taxes from the casino did
pay for a beautiful middle school, but what is
the actual cost of turning to income from
gambling to finance the education of our
children? What message are we really sending?

- 71 -
From the beginning I could see the costs to local
businesses would be great. Income is limited in
the state as well as pretty much everywhere else
in the world. There is only so much money out
there and when we print more of it what there is
becomes worth less. So, if people are spending
more money gambling they will spend less
money at local restaurants, cinemas and retail
stores. To me gaining income from the
gambling industry made no sense at all unless
somehow the state could increase its year round
tourism in order to extract funds from out of
state residents. After all, this is how places like
Las Vegas and Atlantic City began to thrive
shortly after gambling became their primary
tourism booster. Yet, even that soon was not
enough to draw people in. Today, Las Vegas is
becoming more of an amusement park every
year. The powers to be have realized the
importance of bringing families into the mix and
have drifted away from catering to seedy clients
of day’s gone buy.

I’m afraid my principle income generating

business was one of which was effected by the
establishment of the Twin River Casino. Shortly
after the reopening of this igniter of false hopes
was setting the dreams of Rhode Islanders
ablaze I began to notice a sharp decrease in my
overall sales figures. Of course we did get one
or two winners in over the years that were
anxious to waste their winnings, but overall the
majority of customers entered the store with a

- 72 -
great big “BUT!” “I was going to buy these, but
I lost all my money at the casino.” This became
the most common factor in the decline of my
stores sales. Even layaways became a thing of
the past as many of the poorer customers would
take that money weekly and invest it in what
they perceived as a possible fortune waiting to
be had at Twin River.

How easy it was for the leaders of the residents

of Rhode Island to quickly give in to what
seemed to be the answer to all their problems. It
is amazing how, for political gains we can so
easily put all our ethical beliefs aside in order to
make those we should be leading happy with
our performance. Is this how we should gain
positions of leadership? I know it’s not. Imagine
a general leading his troops in this way. By only
taking what is perceived by them to be the
easiest path, but in actuality is just a path full of
false hopes and empty promises. In favoring the
bandage instead of the cure our leaders have
sealed our fate and signed our death certificates.

There are no easy, painless or miracle cures that

come from the compromising of our moral
ethics. All these quick fixes come from the
worst seed. From bad seed comes bad fruit and
bad fruit will only serve one purpose. It will
give us all indigestion! This is what has
destroyed the orchard of our society and
rendered us ineffectual worldwide. We have
spoken, acted and dreamed as barbarians.

- 73 -
No longer do we accept sacrifice for a better life
tomorrow. Instead we have chosen to neglect
what will guarantee us a greater future in favor
of what will soften the inevitable pains of our
slow demise. Today we stand without
appreciation for all that we have and forfeit the
joy of today for what may or may not be
tomorrow. Surrounded by luxury we adamantly
declare and endlessly protest that it’s not
enough. We want the easy way out. The widest,
flattest and smoothest path is the one we seek.
In this we are just spinning our wheels and
traveling to a destination which ends where we
will not want to be.

We are chasing false idols. They will not make

us happy in the long run. Our hunger will never
be satisfied and our thirst never quenched.
Satisfaction can only be achieved internally.
The real dreams are all fulfilled in our hearts.
These other things are just empty gestures and
hollow promises. By giving into the external we
fail to nurture the internal.

“The goal of money for happiness is like

quenching our thirst with sand. We just get

I remember vividly the first day I skipped class

to go to Lincoln Greyhound Park. Funny thing
is that the teacher whose class I skipped was
there too. I guess he canceled to try his luck
with the dogs. Ironically, in the light of that, it

- 74 -
would be even more difficult to proclaim the
value of gambling to support education.

Do you know why the dogs run around the track

so desperately to the finish line? The truth is I
did not. It looked like they were chasing
something, but I could not for the life of me
figure out what that was. It turns out that during
their training they are made to believe that they
are chasing a rabbit around the track. Although
it is nothing but a false image they continually
chase it time and again. They rarely catch it and
even if they did would immediately realize it
was not at all what they expected it to be. As a
matter of fact, the finish line is not what they
thought it would be either. They are stuck on a
track and continually going in circles repeatedly
chasing after a phony prize. After years of
working as hard as they could many are put
down and few are adopted, but none ever
achieve what they perceived would be their

- 75 -
Chapter Nine
When Prayers Manifest

You know, prayers are not always paid out in

one lump sum. Sometimes they come to us in a
payment plan. Little by little our prayers will
continually manifest.

Several weeks back I found myself at Barnes

and Noble Booksellers for no apparent reason. I
really had no idea how I even came to be inside
the store, but I knew that there had to be a
reason. There are no coincidences in life;
everything is an opportunity waiting to be

I thought to myself, "Since I'm here I might as

well grab a cup of coffee." Then I was inspired
to act. I decided to go out to my car and bring
in a copy of The Apostle's Recipe for Happiness.
My thought was to take a picture of it on the
shelf in order to help with the manifestation

I walked over to the Christian section of the

bookstore, placed it on the shelf and took two
photos. As soon as I took the last photo a
women passed in front of me, placed an
inventory tag to the left of my book and entered
my ISBN: 978-1593524296 into the store’s
inventory device. A bit at a loss as to what I

- 76 -
should do next; I chose to leave the book and
exit the store.

About a week later my wife and I stopped at

Barnes and Noble to see if the book was still
there. I noticed that it was listed on the B&N
website as being in stock at the Smithfield
branch. It was on hand at the store too so I
decided to make the purchase. I figured the
realism of purchasing my own book from the
store and having a receipt for the purchase
would further increase the power of the
manifestation. Therefore, I made the purchase
and headed home.

A few more weeks had passed since that day. I

never really gave it much thought since then
until I had another inspired thought. My
thought was to post the picture of my book on
the shelf and the photo of the receipt on my
Word Press blog. I also wrote this, “I could not
resist purchasing my own book at Barnes and
Noble Booksellers. That is as real as it gets! The
power of intention and the strength of
manifestation all on one tiny slip of paper.
Thanks Guys! The power of the reader is

I then took a ride to take care of some errands.

After I was finished I randomly decided to
swing by the office to check the mailbox. This
was not in my itinerary. I pulled into the lot,
walked to the box and pulled out a letter from

- 77 -
Barnes and Nobles Booksellers. It stated, “In
order to make your title, The Apostle’s Recipe
for Happiness, available to any of our customers
who ask for it, we want to stock your book in
our distribution network.”

God’s hand is blessing us continually. His

guidance is pushing us forward and presenting
us with many opportunities to facilitate success.

- 78 -
Chapter Ten
Power Praying

Often we travel along our life path and hit little

stumbling blocks in the road. Many times our
biggest issue is nothing more than a small rock
wedged in between the tread of our tire. We
hear the constant and continuous clicking every
time the tire completes a rotation. Either way,
life will never dish out more than we can take.

Some of life’s most pressing problems are really

nothing more than a small bump in the road.
They only become as big as we make them. As
we direct all six senses toward these minor jolts
along our life’s journey the more intense our
perception of the problem will be. Even that
small rock wedged in between our tire will
begin to set the tone for our entire journey if we
allow it to. Our concentration will be on the
click and our minds will begin to play a fatal
trick. Energy will flow where our attention

Our mind is a very powerful thing. It can be

used to either bring incredible happiness or
undesirable situations or circumstance into our
lives. This is all determined by what we think
of and how intensely we think of these things.
Do we have the tendency to become inundated
with the news of the day or can we take the
information for what it is worth and move on to

- 79 -
a better space? This is what will make the
difference between living the life we want and
living a life we don’t. It is very easy to fall into
the trap of world drama and sidestep our
spiritual journey.

We must make the right choice if we want to

live the life that we want. How do we do this?
The answer is simple! Concentrate on the
things that make us happy right now. Gratitude
has everything to do with creating an elevated
vibration that will attract everything we want
into our lives. When we find ourselves in a
state of appreciation we become inundated with
success, happiness and positive energy. In this
state of being we become a magnetic force
pulling like elements into our consciousness.
We are connected!

The signal strength is excellent over the

Universe’s wireless network. This is the best
way of explaining the amazing grid of energy in
which we exist. We are smaller fields of energy
existing in a larger field of energy. Individual
fields of energy vibrate at various frequencies.
Like frequencies attract like frequencies. It is

So what is energy exactly? "It's in and through

everything, and all that ever was and shall be. It
has always existed and it can never be created or
destroyed. It's always coming into form, moving
through form and out of form." This is a quote

- 80 -
from James Arthur Ray which sums it up best.
You see, this is how I describe God. God is
everywhere and in all things!

Knowing this is a major step in our infinite

quest to become increasingly more connected to
God’s energy. In optimizing our connectivity
incredible miracles will quickly manifest into
our lives. It’s the power of prayer personified.
Prayer Baby!

There are three important factors which will

determine the effectiveness of prayer. First, we
must know exactly what we want and be very
careful about how we ask for it. Many people
miss the boat on this one. They ask for things in
a roundabout way and end up requesting
something as far from what they really wanted
as they could get. There are laws that even God
has subjected Himself to. One of these being,
He will not operate outside of free will.
Although He knows exactly what we want
before we ask; it is required by law that we ask
for these things specifically.

This law was originally enacted as a protection

device against the fallen beings. God had to
create an operant law to restrict the interference
of the beings which inhabit the spiritual realm
and those of the physical realm. We were given
dominion over this world. Heaven will not get
involved in the affairs of the physical realm
unless we ask for its assistance.

- 81 -
(Genesis 1:26 Amplified Bible) God said, Let Us
[Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in
Our image, after Our likeness, and let them
have complete authority over the fish of the sea,
the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over
all of the earth, and over everything that creeps
upon the earth.

Creflo Dollar defines prayer as:

1. Us giving God the right to get involved.

2. Us giving heaven the right to influence
the physical realm.
3. Us giving license for the heavenly
beings to interfere.
4. Us exercising our legal authority in the
physical realm to evoke heavenly

(John 4:24 Amplified Bible) God is a Spirit (a

spiritual Being) and those who worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).

God who is Spirit made himself subject to this

law to ensure there would not be any loopholes
in the contract. He needed to make sure that
fallen angels would never again be in a position
to wreak havoc upon the planet as they did in
the circumstances that enabled the creation of
giants. This is why Jesus had to be born as a
man in order to save us. Any spirit without a
physical body is illegal.

- 82 -
The next step in this process is to believe. We
must believe that our prayers have already been
answered. This is why I do not believe in
praying for the same thing over and again. In
this we doubt God without realizing it. Instead
of repetitive praying try to continually thank
Him for the continued facilitation of our
prayers. Do you see the difference?

The way to supercharge this process is through

our emotions. It is critical that we feel what it is
like to have what we requested. Picturing it in
our minds and relishing in all that it is will add
rocket fuel to the manifestation of our prayers.
People tend to concentrate on the wanting more
than the feelings associated with the reward.
Concentrating on wanting is the best way to get
more wanting. Believing with all our hearts that
it is already here will bring more of what we
want into our lives quickly and efficiently. So
by playing a movie in our minds over and again
of what we want our lives to be and feeling all
the wonderful emotions associated with that
movie, we will experience the vision we see.

When we look back at everything we ever

wanted or did not want we will find that these
elements existed. Whether we were dreading
with all our emotions what we did not want or
we were adamantly calling into our lives what
we did want; the same principle applies. Our
feelings launched our manifestations into

- 83 -
It is a sad fact that we are better at bringing poor
circumstances into our lives than wonderful
experiences. We so adamantly feel with all that
we are the worst possible scenarios to life’s little
bumps in the road. It’s not a rock in our tire
tread, but the beginning of the worst possible
scenario we can imagine. Are we picturing
ourselves broken down on the side of the road
out of hope and out of commission or do we
choose to say, “It’s just a little rock!”

The final thing that we need to do is allow and

prepare to receive God’s gifts. We are worthy
of everything the Creator bestows on us. As His
children He gladly blesses us with everything
that lines up with the Word. This is where
people often struggle with their worthiness to
receive God’s grace. We must, with the utmost
gratitude, eagerly and graciously accept what
He has saw fit to give. There is nothing worse
than giving a gift that will never be used. We
are His children and as such He wants the best
for us. By making room in our closets, areas in
our homes and space in our hearts for all that we
ask; we are saying to God, “Thank you for
blessing me with infinite abundance.”

(Matthew 21:22 Amplified Bible) And whatever

you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really]
believing, you will receive.

I would like to add one more thing that has been

incredibly effective in achieving the wonderful

- 84 -
manifestations of my prayers. Asking in the
name of Jesus has given my prayers a powerful
boost. I have been repeatedly amazed by the
speed and accuracy of the blessings that have
followed my requests. By asking in the name of
Jesus our prayers are sent via the most expedient
route to the Father in heaven and in short time
brought into existence in this temporal realm
called Earth.

(John 14:13 Amplified Bible) And I will do [I

Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My
Name [as presenting all that I AM], so that the
Father may be glorified and extolled in
(through) the Son.

- 85 -
Chapter Eleven
Nightmare Machine

As we sit and ponder the realities of which we

have created we must ask ourselves a very
important question. What do we want? Most of
us have no idea what we want and therefore
continually live our lives by default. Everything
in our lives today has been created through
thought. Whether we were intentional or not
those thoughts have created our realities.

(Genesis 6:5 Amplified Bible) The Lord saw that

the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination and intention of all
human thinking was only evil continually.

Everything from what we think of ourselves to

what we believe others think of us plays a
powerful roll in what we interpret ourselves and
our lives to be. It all has to do with interaction.
We are all fields of energy existing in a larger
field of energy. This is what I often refer to as
God’s energy.

(John 4:24 Amplified Bible) God is a Spirit (a

spiritual Being) and those who worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).

God is everywhere and in all things. He is

constantly working through us. In fact we are
co-creating our lives and everything in it with

- 86 -
Him. This is done by our thoughts and
facilitated with the help of many heavenly
beings. Many times we are given incredible
gifts of inspiration; ideas which direct us along
the path that we are intended to follow. These
heavenly beings are our guides.

(Psalm 91:11 Amplified Bible) For He will give

His angels [especial] charge over you to
accompany and defend and preserve you in all
your ways [of obedience and service].

This is very difficult for some Christians to

accept. Over the years the church has purposely
festered fear in the hearts of its people for the
purpose of protecting the gravy train. As we
look back to the early parts of the thirteenth
century and examine the events surrounding the
horrifying senseless slaughter of non
denominational Christians in Europe this fact
becomes more apparent.

The crusades stemmed from control. This is

why the early governments of the world turned
to Christianity. They could see the power that
was created through the ministry of Jesus and
understood one simple thing. If you can’t beat
them join them. Followers of Christ were
making powerful statements to support this
analogy. They were being tortured and killed,
yet many were facing these demonstrable
situations fearlessly.

- 87 -
The power of Christianity’s original purpose
had begun to saturate the population of Europe.
Government needed to unify and standardize in
order to maintain control. Therefore, they
decided to structure Christianity into what they
believed would assist them best in controlling
the people. Taxation was the prominent
actuator in this crusade to manipulate.

The government would come to use the religion

of Christianity to create a standardized tax. This
tax was the beginning of what we know today as
the tithe. You see, tithing was never meant to
be what it has become today. The tithe was
created as a way to tax the people and justify it
through a manipulation of scripture. There was
never supposed to be a standard tax or tithe.

This is why many Christians complain of their

tithes not bringing their prayers to volition.
Coerced giving will not bring about results.
Giving must come from the heart. We can’t
give expecting to receive. It is by the power of
empathy that we are rewarded by the Father. He
knows our thoughts and intentions.

When we give from the heart incredible Gifts

will come pouring into our lives. One thousand
fold is the number I have experienced most
often. This type of giving is straight from the
heart. It is an emotionally charged giving.
Love for love is the conduit of the manifestation

- 88 -
of miracles. Through this all things are

(2 Corinthians 9:7 Amplified Bible) Let each

one [give] as he has made up his own mind and
purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or
sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves
(He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things,
and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a
cheerful (joyous, "prompt to do it") giver
[whose heart is in his giving].

This giving of energy, receiving of energy and

re-giving of energy boost the power within and
without. This creates what was intended. It is
what Jesus was teaching us; the greatest
commandment. Give love, receive love, give
love receive love and the power of love grows
and becomes all encompassing. Darkness
cannot survive in the light. This is the light of
the world. It is the Kingdom within us.

(1 Corinthians 13:5 Amplified Bible) It is not

conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it
is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act
unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not
insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is
not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or
resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to
it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].

This is what the church has feared for centuries

upon centuries. If we discover the Kingdom

- 89 -
within the external will cease to have purpose.
In fact, since love trumps negative charged
emotions, fear would fall by the wayside.
Without fear the church would lose power and
purpose. God in us would make the hierarchy
of the church obsolete. The present age would
cease to exist.

(Matthew 13:39 Amplified Bible) And the enemy

who sowed it is the devil. The harvest is the
close and consummation of the age, and the
reapers are angels.

How would we prevent this from happening if

we found ourselves in this position? In this new
age of enlightenment there would be no need for
war. Greed, jealousy and the plethora of other
sins would quickly become nonexistent. The
only way to preserve the old would be to instill
fear in the people about the coming of the new.
Thus the metaphor of the old wine skins was
used to exhibit this principle.

Old wine skin refers to the old thoughts and

belief system that us and others have created
over the years. It was the most ingenious
psychological plan of all time. Through fear the
people would quickly, without thought, close
their minds to any new ideas regarding new
thought. This would turn into the most
successful manipulation of all time.

- 90 -
There were several things done to contribute to
this programming. One of the biggest was the
editing out of crucial teachings which made up
the original context of what we know today as
the Holy Bible. The teachings of Jesus would
be recreated to suit the needs of the early church
and the higher powers that they clung to. The
power over the minds (the government) had
partnered with the powers over the souls (the
church) to create a nightmare machine.

This machine, powered by the fears of the

people, would create the wealthiest most
powerful people and organizations of all time.
The people would reject the Truth without
verification and would disallow proof which
was contrary to their beliefs. To seek
verification of fact had been made heretical and

In fact, as I mentioned previously, God’s many

assistants in the heavens would become
ineffectual by law. It is only by free will that
He and All that is Him can spring into action.
We cannot find Truth unless we seek it. It was
for our own protection that God made himself
and all other beings, heavenly and otherwise,
subject to His law.

(Galatians 4:4 Amplified Bible) But when the

proper time had fully come, God sent His Son,
born of a woman, born subject to [the
regulations of] the Law,

- 91 -
Thus the church brilliantly labeled all these
beings and any connection to them as demonic.
Christians began to believe that any thought or
association with the spiritual realm would
culminate into their early demise. They would
be on the fast track to burning in the fires of
hell. Their only way to absolution was through
the church which would gladly forgive sins and
protect their souls for a nominal fee.

Brilliant! How else could Satan fight against

the Promise? How else could he attempt to stall
the next stage in the evolution of humanity? Oh
yes, evolution is God’s creation. It is not a
random rock from outer space that landed in a
puddle of silt. Evolution combined with our
thoughts and imagination is how God
continually creates all that there is. Physical
and spiritual reality is continuously expanding
and unfolding via evolution.

It is a process of balance, creation and growth.

In the beginning of what we interpret as time we
were born of spirit and were transformed to the
physical. Then came the flood, a river of
knowledge directly from God, and we were
predominantly spiritual. In Exodus we
experience a third transformation and returned
to an external consciousness. Thus the
wandering in the desert metaphor was used to
exhibit this move from the Spiritual. Then there
comes Jesus! Thousands of years later we find
ourselves where we are today. We are on the

- 92 -
verge of transformation! The savior has
returned to assist us in our elevation to Christ
Consciousness. It has already begun. The
physical reality that we have become
comfortable with is being replaced by a growing
spiritual reality that we are not accustomed to.
Those who are not prepared will be left behind
and experience great suffering. Remember, new
thought is the new wine and the only way to
contain this new wine is in new wineskins.

(Mark 2:22 Amplified Bible) And no one puts

new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine
will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the
bottles destroyed; but new wine is to be put in
new (fresh) wineskins.

All things start with thought, bring us forward in

consciousness or hold us back from achieving
what is to be. We must be very careful in
choosing what we give our attention and must
verify our beliefs by scripture. If we earnestly
believe what is good is bad than bad will also
become good. Knowledge can never pass into a
closed mind. Those against God have caused us
to reject heaven’s gate. They have posted a
“Beware of Demons” sign at the entranceway
and successfully blocked the entrance via our
own thoughts. By the manipulation of our free
will we commit ourselves to wandering in the
proverbial desert.

- 93 -
(Joshua 5:6 Amplified Bible) For the Israelites
walked forty years in the wilderness till all who
were men of war who came out of Egypt
perished, because they did not hearken to the
voice of the Lord; to them the Lord swore that
He would not let them see the land which the
Lord swore to their fathers to give us, a land
flowing with milk and honey.

Ideas are the seed of tomorrows Promise. When

we block out the messages we never receive
these incredible Gifts of creation. We stall the
expansion and evolution of all that we are
intended to be. We adopt the horror of
ignorance and reject the peace of knowing.

(John 8:32 Amplified Bible) And you will know

the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

- 94 -
Chapter Twelve
We are what we do, not what we used to

It is so very common for us to get caught up in

our past failures or success’. We dwell on the
negative and relish in the positive, but through it
all end up stalled out and inactive. The
questions we ask ourselves create feelings of
powerlessness, regret and helplessness.

“I had all that once; the company car, the

expense account and all the other luxuries that
went along with them, but I will never have that
again.” Perhaps we find comfort in a “Been
there done that” attitude towards our past
accomplishments and in that mask our most
recent perceived failure to achieve worldly
expectations. Attempting to convince others
that “it doesn’t matter” to us anymore will not
change the negative feelings and emotions that
we carry around with us throughout the day.

In the most common scenario we continue to

adamantly complain about how we have not and
never will have anything we desire. This is the
most effective way to continue to live a life of
lack and disillusion. We complain daily to
ourselves and others about how nothing ever
works out for us and how nobody cares. This is
most commonly referred to as a “Victim
Stance” and is one of the most effective ways to
get everything we do not want.

- 95 -
The other major cause of becoming anchored in
inactivity is caused by continuously dwelling on
our mistakes. This process causes us to
concentrate on undesirable past activities and
the negative emotions associated with them.
This again causes us to continually reproduce
similar scenarios and will cause us to hold
ourselves back and forfeit our future. We tell
ourselves, “They wouldn’t want a person like
me in their lives” or “I just don’t have the
education that is required to do that” or “It’s too
late and I’m too old to change.”

Well my friends, when we get honest with

ourselves and recognize who we truly are
“Right Now” there will be no limits to who we
will be tomorrow. Our only limits are what we
believe, with the essence of all that we are, to be
impossible. Once we consciously make a
choice to ask for what we want, believing we
are worthy of it and accept that we can be all
that we are created to be; we will begin to live a
life full of passion.

Passion is the soul’s recognition of God’s gift.

This is the special unique gift that we were
conceived with. It was incorporated into His
original plan for us long ago. This is the
essence of all that we are created to be. Here is
the place absent of time where all things joyful
continually exist infinitely. We recognize it by
all the positive emotions within and without. It

- 96 -
is when hours seem like minutes and work is
like play. This is what we are supposed to do!

When we buy into the self perpetuated illusions

that we paint of ourselves, often through the
eyes of how we think others perceive us, we
avoid, put off and fail to complete the Divine
design which we are. In accepting what appears
to be the easy path we inevitably avoid the
smooth effortless path to our intended
destination. We struggle and fight to steer
ourselves along the path we chose, driven by
ego, and neglect the smooth effortless path that
is God’s itinerary.

Recently, I commented to Gail Hyatt on a

question Andy Andrews had asked her: “Why
do we say something is "out of whack"? What is
a whack anyway?” It means that we are out of
alignment. Like when we drift away from Truth
and begin to feel lost and disconnected.
Negative feelings and emotions become
stronger and we no longer feel good. When we
are in alignment we feel the best we can feel.

We can also look at it like this. Our car is out of

alignment. The steering wheel is pointing in the
wrong direction, the car is pulling us off the
road, and we experience excessive vibration and
tire ware. The journey becomes difficult to
travel. After we leave the mechanic shop, all
fixed up, we experience smooth and effortless

- 97 -
travel absent of struggle and anxiety. Our
vehicle is setup and acting as it was designed to.

In order to fix ourselves up we need to

understand that the past is gone. It no longer
exists. What we have done is done, but today
we can choose to become what we do. We need
to “Act Now!” If we made it a habit of doing
things that did not line up with God’s plan than
we need to get back on track. As we begin to
make righteous choices our experiences will
improve. It all starts with what we believe.

Whack is something we don’t want. When we

are out of whack we are inefficient and
ineffective. People often refer to things as being
whack as things that just don’t line up with how
they think things are supposed to be. Things
that are whack just don’t feel good to them.
“This job is whack! That place is whack! My
life is whack!” are commonly expressed.
Bottom line is that we do not want to be

So let’s get out that “Chilton Auto Repair

Manual” and get to work. The Bible has
everything we need to help us put all the parts
back where they are supposed to be as they
should be. By following God’s instruction we
will find our way along the path we are intended
to follow. We are the vehicle and He has the

- 98 -
Remember, we are unique and in so being
require very specific instruction or directions to
achieve what is meant to be achieved. What
works for others may not work for us. Things
that make others happy, elated and successful
might not do the same for us. Don’t buy into
their illusion.

- 99 -
Chapter Thirteen
Letting Go

“We will never finish the book if we get stuck on

the same chapter.”

Many times we get stuck in the past and

concentrate on it so fully that we put the future
on hold indefinitely. The energy which we
exert on rehearsing or visualizing the past
causes us to miss out on the future. In this we
choose to forfeit the rest of God’s plan for us
and put off our ultimate destiny.

Let us think back to a time when we were

consumed by thoughts of vengeance.
Consumed is a very interesting word as applied
to these types of situations. You see, it
demonstrates with utmost perfection the
physical reality as a bi product of our spiritual
reality. In us being consumed mentally we
become effected physically. The thoughts of
revenge are eating us alive physically and

In this quandary we become obsessed with the

one we detest. We have given incredible power
to the person who we are cutting out of our
lives. Being non present in our lives they still
afflict us by our own will. Often we lose sleep,
eat carelessly or delve into counterproductive

- 100 -
recreational habits. As time passes we begin to
disintegrate via the consumption of our souls.

Why in the universe would we be willing to

give this power to those we detest? How can we
exert so much precious energy on someone who
in our minds has hurt us so badly? In actuality
we are harming ourselves on both planes of
consciousness. We are stalling our progress and
regurgitating a meal we did not enjoy.

Again we fail to see Truth, yet it is the Truth

that will set us free. In freedom we shall rise to
the next level in our journey. By empathizing
with who we perceive as our enemy we shall
cleanse our spirit and break the chains of our
own self imposed oppression.

Absent of ego we shall take our true positions in

the scheme of universal consciousness. It is at
this point in our growth that the acceleration of
our infinitely developing spiritual being
explodes into mass consciousness. We are now
aware of our existence in all things, of all things
and by all things. The energies which we exert
from the heart center begin to call the
manifestation of all things necessary for our
journey into our lives. It is from the spiritual
realm in which the physical manifestation of the
want or need will come.

Suppose we concentrate solely on the not want

rather than the want. This is definitely not the

- 101 -
best choice in any situation or circumstance, but
for experimental sake let’s looks at the
possibilities. In this scenario we must consider
what we are concentrating our energies on.
Think about someone who you do not like,
perhaps this person has hurt you or just
constantly tries to make you feel less physically,
academically or emotionally. First, how do
you feel as you think about this person? Are
you angry or sad? Do you feel frustrated and
powerless? Most likely it is a combination of
all these things.

Now you are consumed with these negative

emotions all of which make you feel terrible. If
only you could get them back. What could I do
to make them feel worse than I feel? We seem
to believe that as we push we will not be pushed
on, but in reality as we push against, at least
equally, the person will push back. Therefore in
this we exert energy to remain in place.

This is a place we do not want to be in, around

or about. How do we know that we don’t
belong there? It is because it feels bad. Our
emotions are telling us that we are drifting away
from Spirit. Our connectivity is very low over
this wireless network.

How do we improve our connection? We must

find the root of those negative emotions. In
empathy we will find solstice, peace and power.
Many times those who we allow to hurt us have

- 102 -
been hurt themselves and are trying to regain
self through the degradation of others. In fact
they feel powerless and have become consumed
with trying to rise above their own

Instead of us being mad at them we must

empathize with their situation. Now we feel bad
for them. In the recognition of their weakness
we see the truth and are free from the illusion.
Illusion is the projection of the images and
sounds of another soul. We must be very
careful not to get sucked into the illusions of
another. This is especially true of one who does
not understand our connection to Spirit.

In Our understanding of the simultaneous

existence of our souls on both realms of
consciousness we can choose the experiences
we wish to experience. Following the most
positive emotions will take us to the greatest
possible experience. Good feelings will bring
us an abundance of goodness. As we
concentrate our energies on positive emotionally
charged feelings we quickly find our way back
to Source.

It is here that we have purged our hard drive of

unnecessary files which clog up our bio
computer. We need to free up some space for
the information waiting to be downloaded. This
is what will propel us forward at light speeds
into the ultimate state of spiritual consciousness.

- 103 -
From this action we will receive an equal or
greater positive reaction.

We must look at this with our heart. I hate you!

I love you! You’re ugly! You’re beautiful! I
don’t want you! I need you! Talk about being
on an emotional roller coaster. As we look with
our heart we are feeling with our soul. This is
the secret of All. It comes from the One.

The greatest and most powerful emotion is that

of love. Love brings us to God faster than any
other emotion. As you can see from the
previous statements above; love brings us up!

Forgiveness is the action of one who knows the

love of God. It is in this that we are free to
enjoy the incredible gifts that the universe holds
for us. In empathy we find forgiveness and in
forgiveness we realize love is the eternal and
supreme state of being. We must share love,
nurture love and be love.

Remember, forgiveness does not have to be

accepted. It is enough that we forgive since
God knows our hearts. In this we are
guaranteed the benefits of these heartfelt
actions. He will reward us somehow and in
some way at the best possible time. What we
thought was impossible will be made possible.

“We must let go of time for it is but an instant.”

- 104 -
Chapter Fourteen
The Tip of the Wave

Here we are at the point of no return. We’re just

waiting to see what will happen next. Will we
get everything that we want by keeping our
balance or will we wipe out completely? Can
we ride it all the way in or will we choose to
jump off the board far from the shore.

Today I was driving and thought of just that. In

life do we have a chance to maximize the
potential of the situations we are given into? Is
it possible that we may be in a position to hang
on tight without fear and receive the maximum
reward for our trials and tribulations? Well, the
answer came to me with a resounding yes!

The truth of the matter is that this is exactly how

our universe works. We are promoted and
rewarded in accordance to the strength of our
faith. If our faith is strong we will hold on
longer and realize the maximum potential of the
work being done in our lives. However, if we
fear and worry and take matters into our own
hands by doing damage control we in effect
lessen the rewards we would otherwise had

Often this is the exact thing that keeps many of

us away from the biggest prize and out of the
optimal reception mode. It is this fear and

- 105 -
worry factor that stops us in our tracks or turns
us completely away from everything we ever
wanted. In an attempt to keep everything we
have we forfeit everything that we want. The
funny thing is that once we asked the end result
had already begun to form. The seed has
germinated! It is at this time that we choose not
to receive the dream and let it fade into non
existence. We have asked, but not accepted,
dreamed without imagination and ran from our

Look at it this way. A man once planted a seed

in a garden. Every day he went out to the
garden, watered the ground and plucked the
weeds. One day he looked at the ground and
said, "All this time and effort yet, no plant, no
blossom and no fruit." He then decided to walk
away believing his efforts had failed. However,
what he could not see was the plant just below
the surface ready to break through the top soil.
Once untended it dried up and died.

This is how things are in all things. As we

impatiently wait for things to happen the way
we want them to they are actually being
facilitated in ways we may have never
considered. Whether it would be what appears
to be a non fruitful tithe, actions without
apparent appreciation or that seed that was
becoming a plant we must consider that things
will be when they are meant to be. All things

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will happen at the best possible time in order to
benefit the most faithful spirits.

So many times I have seen those closest to me

fall into this trap. Could it be fear of the
unknown? Would we rather dangle from the
ledge than put our feet down on the terrace
bellow? Taking security in the material things
which we possess will only weigh us down and
keep us from our infinite journey. We must let
go of the illusion and grasp the truth. In doing
so, we will receive the greatest effect of all of
our work. The more patient and faithful we are
the more positive results we will receive. The
blocker is in our fear of lack.

We keep jobs that we hate, live with people we

can’t stand and create ourselves as defined by
our situation. This is the perfect recipe for
having nothing we desire. In submitting to the
illusion of our physical being and ignoring the
strength of our spiritual existence we fail to be
what we are created to be. We chose to grasp
what we don’t really want and walk away from
that which we do.

Do you know people around you who have

fallen, but don’t realize they fell? It is a trap
you know. Constant fear of failure will keep us
from experiencing success. Success is under
our noses most every day, yet when we are not
in the now we miss the opportunity to enjoy the
fruits of our labor. We chant and thus affirm,

- 107 -
“Not enough, not enough, not enough, not
enough…” Calling into our lives not enough!

What we should be calling into our lives is

everything that we are, we have and we hold
right now. Everything is supplied to us in
abundance. My dad loves to tell me that “you
can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.” The
thing that he fails to realize is that once we run
out of toothpaste the universe will supply us
with something else to meet the same need. By
constantly worrying about how long it will last
we fail to appreciate what we have right now!

Be very careful not to get sucked into someone

else’s illusion. I did it a while back and found
myself making decisions out of fear and worry.
Adopting the illusions of those around us can be
very easy to do. “Hmmm, maybe she is right?”
I said. “Maybe I should slow my roll?” I
thought, but actually I needed to do the opposite
and kick my transmission into high gear. That
is the formula that has launched me into a life
that others only dream of. This is exactly how I
accumulated the wealth and lifestyle my family
has become accustomed too. You can’t make
dollars by clinging to pennies!

Security, what is that? I can tell you without a

shadow of a doubt exactly what it is. Security is
the biggest illusion known to man. The only
absolute truth of the universe is the Universe
itself. All other things are subjective.

- 108 -
“If I had a million dollars I would be secure”
said the mother on government assistance. “If I
had one hundred million dollars I would be
secure” said the man who is wealthier than
most. “Not enough, not enough, not enough…”
Affirmation after affirmation and as if reactions
after as if reactions and the seed of lack have
been sowed so deep in their hearts that they are
now prisoners of a world where there is never

Ride the wave all the way in! Understand that

there is another wave coming behind it! Enjoy
the ride, take gratitude in the now and let it take
you as far as you will go. With faith we can
experience all that there is.

- 109 -
Chapter Fifteen
Get Our Hopes Up

“The death of a flower is only an illusion. It is

this transformation that produces the seed.
Hope is our flower. Faith is our seed. Love is
our sustenance”.

Many times in our lives we are tempted to

protect ourselves and others from the pain we
associate for what we perceive to be our failures
or what we perceive as that which could be the
failures of others. We so readily go into this
protective mode of operandi in order to save
ourselves or those we love from the experience
of heartache, the grips of misfortune and the
bounds of fear. It is only through the
submission to these pangs of nothingness that
we can indeed fail to be. You see this is a goal
that will only serve to keep us from trying,
inhibiting us from moving forward and save us
from realizing our potential for being.

We must be proactive in our being! By

welcoming the experience we allow
transpiration, transition and transformation. Our
ascension is a process which requires
experience. From doing comes experience and
from experience comes wisdom and from
wisdom comes fulfillment. This is our purpose,
our meaning and the essence of all that we are.

- 110 -
Sometimes we will trip. There are times when
we will fall. These are but simple and honest
errors in judgment. In these are the lessons and
experiences of life which give us the tools to
move on and the understanding to conquer our
greatest challenges, to heel our deepest hurts
and to forgive the most horrid atrocities. It was
at the first trip that taught us to look before we
leap. Was it not the first fall that taught us to
prepare for impact by putting our hands out in
front of us? The first time we chose what was
wrong because it felt so right and were thrust
into the chaos which was a direct result of the
choice which enabled us to reach the ultimate
wisdom brought forth from the experience. It is
often our failures that teach us the most valuable
of life’s lessons.

"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I

haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because
every wrong attempt discarded is another step
forward” -Thomas Edison

So my friends’ failure is not really failure at all.

In error comes enlightenment. Our journey is
infinite and many of our greatest achievements
will be things that we may have otherwise
considered mistakes. Many of the greatest
inventions, cures and discoveries of all that we
interpret as time have been birthed while
searching, experimenting and attempting an
unrelated action. An educated man can find

- 111 -
what he seeks, but a wise man seeks what he

Wisdom is our freedom! Living is motion and

motion requires emotion. Sometimes it requires
joy, but often it requires pain. Our heart will
grow stronger as we exercise our power to
choose and our soul will be energized in direct
correlation to the power of our experience.
These will expand and contract continually and
ever so increasingly in the establishment of our
infinitely developing being. It is in these
spiritual exercises that we are further prepared
for our ascension.

What is to wither away will wither away. This

is but a requirement of growth and
transformation. Letting go of the past will
relinquish the seed of our future. In this seed
rests more beauty, greater love and endless
possibilities. To attempt to go back to what no
longer exists is futile. There is no hope in a
flower that has already relinquished its seed.

How many times in our lives have we been told

not to get our hopes up? Looking back, has this
ever served us well? It may have protected us
from hurt and sheltered us from emotion, but it
has never gifted us with promise, hope and
wisdom. It is a cold hard fact that the non
experience has burst our hopes wide open and
rendered the seed unsubstantial. In not trying
we have ceased the pursuit of the Promise and

- 112 -
turned our noses up at hope. We have dreamed
with hope of an incredibly beautiful flower yet
ever so callously walked away from our duties
to the seed. To sow without tending is a
travesty and a sin against the soil.

Let’s get our hopes up and keep them up! Let’s

challenge our perception of who we are and leap
forward into our being! Why should we give
our power of being to the lived? We can only
choose to move forward without fear and in the
tongue of Shakespeare scream, “Be gone from
me Ego. I choose not to relinquish my
sustenance to the one who is but a tool used to
defile my seed! I Am that I Am and all that I
Am created to be. Not in perceived failure or in
self adoring glorification will I give into thee?”

We must persist! Once we master one level it is

up to us to accept the challenges that will carry
us to the next. Wadding water will never get us
anything but tired, bored, depressed and
possibly eaten alive. We must have hope, move
forward in faith and nourish ourselves with love
if we are to experience the joy of being.

Don’t get our hopes up? By every means

necessary we must aspire to get our hopes up as
high as we can because when we do this hope
will guide us. Getting our hopes up is a
requirement of success! As we see this shinning
city high upon on a hill we will be drawn
towards it. Our energies will conspire to

- 113 -
facilitate our goals! It is from our thinking that
our being manifests.

Persistence and Perseverance

I recall a day several years ago at my former
home in North Providence. At an early age my
mother had gotten me interested in bird
watching, so much so that even today I am a
proud member of the National Autobahn
Society. My love of birds was one of those
unsuspecting gifts given to me by my mother.
Even today thoughts of her always come to
mind whenever I recall the names of the many
birds indigenous to the New England region.
She never said, “Look at the bird Ronny.”
Instead she noted the exact species and from
that I am today able to recall them all. Funny, I
remember her saying that after she ascended she
would come back to visit me as a bird.
Well, on that day in my old backyard I had
unwittingly engaged myself in a battle against
several squirrels who were wreaking havoc on
my birdfeeders. I had inserted a hanging post
on which to mount my feeders several days
earlier. In my mind it would be nearly
impossible for my furry friends to climb the thin
metal post and pillage the seed. After all, it was
nothing like the textured bark of the oaks and
maples which surrounded the rest of the yard
and of which made my previous defensive
maneuvers ineffective. Hanging a birdfeeder on
the branch of a tree is one of the best ways to

- 114 -
assist a squirrel in breaking and entering a
One day I received an epiphany. I came up with
what I thought was an incredible idea. Why not
grease the pole? So I immediately went outside
and sprayed the six foot post with non stick
cooking spray. I reentered the house with what
I am sure was a somewhat smug grin upon my
face and prepared to watch my newest scheme
foil the attempts of those birdseed bandits.
It was not long before the first thieves arrived
on the scene. Sure enough, they jumped up on
the pole and slid right down to the bottom. It
was the funniest thing that you would ever want
to see. Hand over hand they attempted to scale
the feeder post, but quickly slid down with
every attempt. I began to feel an incredible
wave of satisfaction come over me. The battle
had been won!
Soon I would discover that my victory would be
short lived. You see, those pesky little critters
decided they would never give up. Surrender
was not an option for hungry squirrels anxious
to bust into my storehouse. They knew it could
be done. They tried several different ways at
first. One decided to climb to the top of a
nearby maple and attempted the most stunning
aerial attempt I have ever witnessed, but it was
to no avail. As he leaped off the towering
branches, he hit the top of the feeder and

- 115 -
plummeted to the ground without abducting a
single seed.
It was not long after that that they decided to
stick to the game plan. They would indeed scale
that pole. One attempt after another they
continued to climb. With every attempt they
seemed to get closer and closer to achieving
their goal. The grease was wearing off the post!
In striving for their goals constantly and
continuously they had won!
This reminded me of a picture I have been
seeing in my mind over the past few weeks.
The vision consists of several monkeys side by
side attempting to reach new heights on what
seemed to be some sort of carnival game. So
often they would reach a certain level barely
reaching their goal before seemingly giving in
and falling back. I immediately related this to a
very common scenario I see much more often
than I’d like to say.
As we attempt to pursue our dreams and goals
many of us give up just short of them and slide
back down to where we were prior. It is only by
constant and continuous persistence and
perseverance that we will be able to one day
hold the prize in the palm of our hands. Only by
continually trying will we be able to continually

- 116 -
Back some time ago I volunteered to chaperone
a fieldtrip for my son’s school. After an
incredibly noisy bus drive we arrived at the
Roger Williams Park Zoo. The kids were
wonderfully excited and in awe of the many
species of animals on display. The ones that
stuck in my mind most of all were the gigantic
elephants who were barely restrained for their
feeding. Attached to their ankles was a thin
length of rope tied on to a small stake in the
sand. I thought how easy it would be for any of
those mammoth creatures to free themselves
from that which seemed so successfully to
confine them to their current position, keeping
them from eating each others’ food. Then I
recalled a story I heard many years ago about
why this is so.
When elephants are very young they are tied
this same way. Early in life they realize that
they cannot escape from that which binds them.
In a short time they no longer attempt to free
themselves. They no longer persist or
persevere. Although their bodies have changed
and grown larger and stronger they still
adamantly believe they cannot escape and
therefore decide to no longer try.
There is an incredible life lesson in both stories.
By not giving up the squirrel eventually
received his reward, but the elephant fell back
and accepted his defeat. As in our own lives,
we sometimes feel that all the work we do is in
vain. We are only going to slide back down the

- 117 -
pole anyway. Well, maybe we will wear the
grease off the pole by continually trying? I
believe that life is exactly this way. Through
our trials and tribulations we will experience
many test and share as much inspiring
testimonies. In the course of our travel, as we
persevere, no matter how far away we perceive
ourselves as being, we most likely are only a
few attempts from experiencing our greatest
dreams and accomplishing our most sought after
“Persistence allows us to continually move
forward despite obstacles and perseverance
enables us to constantly overcome them.”

- 118 -
Chapter Sixteen
Changing Our Course

Often there will be times in our lives when we

will get the strong feeling that there is really no
remedy for our current situation. We may feel
that there is nothing we can do to improve it and
we may as well just throw in the towel and
admit defeat. To continue on seems to be futile.
In this we favor rolling up in some remote
corner of the room in the fetal position and wait
to die.

Hey, we tried our hardest. Every day we got up

went to work and continued to do what we had
to do. It was nothing more and nothing less
than what was required to stay right where we
are, but we did it. Sometimes we gave a little
extra effort, but for the most part we lacked
consistency. Now we are exactly where we are
and have no one to blame for it besides
ourselves. We never built momentum in our
quest for success.

How often have we passed on doing the little

extra things that got tossed onto our plate? How
many times did we fail to make those phone
calls, check those want ads or do anything else
to possibly improve the lives of which we live
in despair? How many times did we fail to act?
Are we constantly exhibiting indecisiveness,
laziness or just constantly changing our minds;

- 119 -
bouncing off walls. Perhaps we would get a
little momentum going but just decided to coast
without exerting any more energy into the ride.

We are where we are because we made choices

that contributed to bringing us here. Sometimes
we chose to act and many times we chose not to.
Often we decided to react and other times we
rationalized not to. Either way, our lives are a
direct result of the choices we have been making
all our lives.

So since this is the case in the lives of a good

eighty percent of us let’s make a decision to
start making better choices right now. The first
step is to take an inventory of everything we
have to be grateful for. Take out a blank piece
of paper and write everything down. Don’t
forget to include all the necessities of life as
well as the things that we could live without.
Next, on a separate piece of paper write down
all the people that we are thankful to have as a
part of our lives and why these relationships
mean so much to us. On another sheet we must
put down all the knowledge, skills and abilities
we have been gifted with, have earned or

- 120 -
Our Gift List

Sheet# 1 Sheet#2 Sheet#3

1. Food 1. Spouse 1. Painting
2. Shelter 2. Children 2. Carpentry
3. Clothes 3. Parent 3. Auto repair
4. Water 4. Sister 4. Draw
5. Health 5. Brother 5. Sing
6. Clean air 6. Aunt 6. Instrument
7. Heat 7. Uncle 7. Idea man
8. Hot water 8. Grandparent 8. Writer
9. Plumbing 9. Coworker 9. Counselor
10. Electricity 10. Friend 10. Director
11. Car 11. Mentor 11. Speaker
12. Cable TV 12. Teacher 12. Cameraman
13. Cell phone 13. Friend 13. Swimmer
14. Microwave 14. Pet 14. Computer
15. Coffee pot 15. Counselor 15. Driver
16. Dishwasher 16. Lover 16. Biker

Although these lists are very short they do allow

us to get started in taking ourselves in a whole
new direction. I am sure that just writing down
the few that we have has already elevated our
vibrations to some extent. Getting our
vibrations up as high as we can is crucial to us
moving forward in our journey to be all that we
are created to be. Concentrating wholly on what
we have, and, not on what we don’t is the
greatest way to accomplish this goal.

Now the energy can more easily flow in the

direction we want it to. The next thing we need
to figure out is, “Where do we want to be?”
Often it takes knowing what we don’t want to

- 121 -
find out what we want, but we must be very
careful not to concentrate on the things we don’t
want. Contrast is good, but if we marry the
unwanted experience it will become difficult to
break free. As we concentrate on the things that
we don’t want in our lives they will begin to
manifest as quickly as we assign the
corresponding emotions to them.

Taking the time to write down everything that

we want and being as specific as possible about
our wants will help the most. As we do this we
will be better able to paint a picture of exactly
what this will look like, but this exercise is so
much more than seeing. We must feel all the
emotions associated with living the life that we
want right now.

Mastering the manipulation of our emotions will

be the key in pivoting our direction. We must
commune with the higher self, our soul and
spirit which are created in the image of God.
We do this by impressing our subconscious or
lower self with the idea that we already have all
that we desire. In doing so, by affirmations and
visualization we have caused a rift in the current
of energy and have begun to change the course
of the river. Picture that in your mind. Can you
see the shift?

It is from within us that changes without us

occur. We are becoming a magnetic force for
change which is attracting like energy. Whether

- 122 -
we concentrate on the good or the bad, that
energy will attract more of the same. The
energies we employ correspond directly to the
synergies we receive. This is a recipe for
abundance! The river is now working for us
instead of against us.

I remember buying a small round swimming

pool for my kids when they were little. We
loved that pool. I paid one hundred and seventy
five dollars for the frame, liner, filter and
accessories. It lasted for years too. Anyway,
we would walk in a circle following each other
around the outer walls of the pool. The more
we moved in any one direction around the
stronger the current would flow. Our
concentration was on going in the same
direction. As we continued to move faster the
current became faster until eventually it was
pulling us around the pool. Once the whirlpool
became strong enough we would just lay back
and enjoy the ride. Swimming against it was
futile for we had already set our course in

If we stood still in the pool or all went off in

different directions we would have never
experienced the momentum which was built.
We would either waste our time wadding water
or just expend our energy without achieving any
positive results. A house divided cannot stand
and a pool divided will not flow.

- 123 -
We must increase the strength of our vibration
and make it as positive as possible by being
grateful for all that we are and all that we have.
It is imperative that we concentrate our energies
on a single purpose and set the river’s current in
that direction. As the momentum builds our
energies will increase and the facilitation of our
affirmations and visualizations will beget our

- 124 -
Gratitude is Key
Being grateful for all that you have right now is
the best way to elevate your vibrations. As I
previously mentioned; make a list on paper or in
your mind of all that you have to be grateful for.
Do this when you get out of bed in the morning
and just before you go to bed at night every day.
Gratitude will increase your positive vibrations
and make your affirmations and visualizations
more effective. Consistency is a necessary part
of building all aspects of your Being. The
following are some simple yet powerful
programs for achieving success.

Exercises for Success


I AM, I AM, I AM_______________________

I AM, I AM, I AM_______________________
I AM, I AM, I AM_______________________
And all that it means to be.

Repeat once in the morning and once at night

for five minutes.


Create a story board of how you want your life

to be, feel how wonderful it feels and
experience all the emotions associated with
living that life NOW. Make a movie in your

- 125 -
mind of exactly what you want your life to be.
Play it over and again. This is the same concept
as a memory only it is a future memory.

Repeat this process twice a day for five to ten

minutes per day.

- 126 -
Final Thoughts
Knowledge and Wisdom

"Wisdom comes from experience and experience

comes from Being."

Knowledge comes from education wisdom

comes from experience and experience is
furnished by God. You see, everything in our
lives, good or bad, has the incredible purpose of
teaching us a lesson. As we learn we gain
knowledge which soon after becomes applied
wisdom. This is the stuff that enables us to
make the right choices along our journey.

(Ecclesiastes 7:12-13) For wisdom is a defence,

and money is a defence: but the excellency of
knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them
that have it. Consider the work of God: for who
can make that straight, which he hath made

Our lives here on this physical realm of

existence consist of many levels. I see them as
steps in our ascension. In reality the steps span
infinitely into what will be our constant and
continuous ascension. We never stop growing!

(Genesis 1:27) So God created man in his own

image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.

- 127 -
(Genesis, 2:7) And the LORD God formed man
of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul.

.(Genesis 2:23) And Adam said, This is now

bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she
shall be called Woman, because she was taken
out of Man.

There will come a day when we will no longer

need the physical suitcases of our soul.
Remember, we are our souls and our spirits
created in the image of God. As we ascend to
the next realm of our existence we will become
as one with ourselves and others. The duality of
existence will cease to exist.

The purpose of our visit is simple. I often

wonder why people make it so complex. It is so
very obvious, but the question is often asked
with a tremendously daunting emphasis on a
question that begs to a higher power for its
answer. “What is the meaning of life?”

We were created by Spirit as spirit first. Next

we became flesh and blood. Why? Well, are
you sitting down? We were created to create
and experience what we could not experience
otherwise. It is our thoughts that create things
and it is our words that have the power to propel
these thoughts into existence.

- 128 -
(Genesis 1:3) And God said, Let there be light:
and there was light.

I can probably very easily go through the book

of Genesis or pretty much any other religious
text to prove this point, but that is not how
wisdom is received. This is why Christ spoke in
parables. He knew it would not be enough for
the children of God to just be educated in fact;
they would need to feel, hold, love and envision
Truth in order to own the Word. Through
parable the story would enter the soul and plant
the seeds of wisdom within the hearts of all who
had “ears to hear.”

The biggest issue we all experience today was

also given to us in parable by the Master. I’m
paraphrasing a bit, but there have been so many
translations I’m sure nobody will mind. We
don’t put new wine into old wine skins. If we
do they will burst and the wine may be spilt or
at the very least contaminated by mixing with
the old. This is the problem we all have with
receiving new knowledge. Problems are created
when we continually attempt to mix our new
knowledge in with the old. This contaminates
the new knowledge and makes it diluted or
unproductive. In this the wisdom never comes
and the seed which was planted never lives to
see the light of day, never sprouts its stalk and
branches and will not ever produce its fruit.

- 129 -
“Wisdom comes from the Lord. The rest is
education.”-Bill F.

Education plays an important role in gaining

knowledge. Without it most will never truly
learn how to think. I remember the frustration I
felt back in the early nineties upon graduating
from college. My dad was the closest receptacle
at the time so without hesitation I unloaded. “I
don’t know why I even wasted my time and
money on this degree.” Many don’t like to hear
this and often it hurts to say, but in the majority
of the cases a constant does exist. As children
of our parents we may get smarter, but they will
always be wiser than us. It all stems from life
experience. What he said to me that day hardly
comforted me or defused my anger, yet it did
get me thinking. One day far off in the not so
distant future, I revisited his statement and the
seed of wisdom was planted in my soul. I
vividly remembered Dad looking into my eyes,
as though looking into my heart with his and
saying, “You know Ronny, nobody can ever
take it away from you.”

(Ecclesiastes 7:11) “Wisdom is good with an

inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that
see the sun.”

As the years rolled by I began to realize the

advantage of being educated. I had some pretty
good tools in my box and some fabulous
weapons in my arsenal. I learned the value of

- 130 -
the knowledge I received as I began to
experience more of the life I was creating. The
most important and essential of all the obvious
skills and abilities often alludes the most
educated. What is it you ask? The ability to
think, imagine and apply the knowledge which
is received while maximizing the potential of
the opportunities which life presents. This in
addition to all the little things we so adamantly
stated we would never need to be what we
thought we were going to be in our lives. One
of my favorite statements was, “Why do I need
to learn algebra? I’m never going to use it
outside of the classroom.” Well, I ended up
using it while running a wheel and tire store
everyday for about seventeen years. In fact I
was the guy that everyone else went to when
they needed to figure out the overall diameter of
a custom wheel and tire package.

Sometimes in life the money we make is the

money we save. In business we may end up
using our abilities gained through education
combined with common sense and other
practical experience obtained in the real world.
I actually learned basic accounting skills
without ever knowing I had. This gave me an
incredible advantage in business. I never had to
wait for an accountant to let me know how my
business was doing. Often the time waiting for
that information could end up costing a
company thousands. By catching the problem
sooner rather than latter I was able to easily plug

- 131 -
the holes in the dike before pouring my profits
out into the storm drain.

Marketing was another example of this. I was

very frustrated that I had spent numerous credit
hours to obtain a degree in communications. I
took advertising, marketing, television
production, news writing and so many more
related courses only to find little or no jobs in
this area for someone with these abilities.
During those seventeen years of business all
these skills had been an incredible valuable
asset to me. I created my own advertisements,
set forth my own marketing plans, produced my
own commercials and published my own
magazine. As a matter of fact the magazine
alone was so successful that I opened a new
store every year for the first three years of
operation. It turned out to bear more fruit than I
could have ever imagined. The funny thing is
that it did so much more than I originally
intended it to.

"An educated man can find what he seeks, but a

wise man seeks what he finds."

What started off as a simple advertising journal

turned into an informative and well read
magazine shortly after the first issue appeared in
the “Take One” baskets of local pharmacies and
supermarkets throughout southern New
England. Two things created a stir in the
market. First, I included an article about a local

- 132 -
customer in every issue. This created a certain
element of competition. Enthusiasts wanted to
be included in the magazine. It became
somewhat of a big deal to have a spread of
photos and a description of what was done to
the vehicle in the magazine. After all, I
published ten thousand at a time and never had
extras. The next thing was the technical section.
Remember the algebra? Well, I wrote a full
article that solved the mystery of plus sizing for
everyone. I laid it out in the simplest of terms;
algebraic formula and all. This led to a rush of
customers who wanted to go from their factory
wheel size to the largest they could tuck under
their fender well. We offered them fitment
without fear! With this knowledge in hand and
the wisdom to know what to do with it; we
quickly became the largest auto accessories
store in the state and the only one to stock
custom wheels and performance tires.

As we look back over our lives we all have had

experiences similar to this. Some on a smaller
scale and others on a higher, but I am positive
that this has happened to all of us at sometime
and in some way. The key is to never be afraid
to learn something new.

"Selective knowledge constrains wisdom."

We must be as adventurous in obtaining

knowledge as we are with experiencing life. By
reading a book we would not ordinarily read,

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seeing a film we would not usually consider or
by listening to music we otherwise would never
choose opens the door to the benefits of a vast
array of experiences. How do we expect to
successfully debate someone on any given topic
without totally understanding their platform?
The truth is we can’t.

"Knowledge comes in a case; not a box."

It is a shame that we exert so much time in

argument while ignoring and denying the
wisdom gained from an open mind. If only we
would truly explore the beliefs of others we
could quickly accelerate to the next level of our
mutual existence. Instead of concentrating on
what is different about us we should be relishing
in the beauty of what we all have in common
with one another. After all, we are the All and
the One.

"Wisdom is not being afraid to explore

information that may be contradictory to our

Human Beings are created in the image and

likeness of the ultimate Being; God! He does
not make mistakes. We are not errors! How
could perfection create imperfection? It could
not and would not. We are created to create and
to experience that which is created. The truth is
in our Being. Being is God!

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(Proverbs 23:23) “Buy the truth, and sell it not;
also wisdom, and instruction, and

I encourage All to release ourselves from the

bonds of our previous perceptions and truly look
into studying the Word with a clean slate. Over
the years movies, television and a vast array of
other media have painted an abstract picture of
all that we are and all that we are created to be.
Let’s face it; much of what we think we know
has been obtained from the word of others and
not from the Word Itself. Very few have taken
the time to truly verify what they have heard.

(Matthew 11:15) He that hath ears to hear, let

him hear.

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The Author
Ron Ash is the chief facilitator of the biggest
empowerment community in Southern New
England. This spiritually based collaborative,
Creative Cultural Center, has inspired and
uplifted a community of One. His most viewed
titles, The Apostle’s Recipe for Happiness and
The Secret of Divine Intervention, have met
with incredible success and continue to be
favorites worldwide.

Ron is an inspiring spiritual inspirational author.

In addition, he’s a teacher in non
denominational and secular organizations. He is
ordained by Spirit as a comfort to humanity.
Ron is a gifted clairvoyant, empathic as well as
a telepath and as such has the wonderful ability
to identify the root of many issues, access
problems and formulate an effective approach
and resolution.

A celebrated inspirational profit, leader and one

of the nation's leading experts on happiness,
success, and the principles of ask, believe and
receive, Ron has inspired thousands of people
around the world, sharing his simple methods

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for personal spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Apostle and founder of Disciples of Love
Ministries, he delivers fantastic messages and
seminars on being the best that we are created to
be to corporations, professionals, non-profits
and religious organizations.

He has been an incredible force for positive

change and continually donates his time to help
troubled teens realize their potential. As a
highly endorsed authority on success and
happiness, Ron is often approached by media
for his insights and advice.

Ron earned his BA from Rhode Island College

and holds an advanced certificate as a pastoral
counselor. He recently received an honorary
doctorate of divinity in recognition for his life
altering inspiring writings and unparalleled
works in the community. He is a founding
member and on the board of directors of the
Creative Cultural Center, a group of
inspirational leaders empowering people in the
self improvement market.

Through his books and his presentations, Ron's

messages have touched the hearts and redirected
the spirits of lost souls throughout the world. He
is dedicated to fulfilling his life’s purpose of
helping people be all that they are created to be.

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ISBN: 978-1-59352-429-6 $14.95


ISBN: 978-1-44959-995-9 $16.95

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