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Face Reading (Physiognomy): Eyes

Since eyes are the primary sensory organ for light, it is no surprise that eyes have been called the windows of
the soul. Our eyes reflect our outlook, our attitudes, and our openness. Conversely, they tell when we filter or
screen out information. Only the very noticeable examples count. If you cannot immediately tell whether a
persons eyes are very wide apart or very close together, dont read the feature.
A. Widely Spaced (more than one eyes width apart): You have a broad, open perspective and a far-sighted
imagination, but you hate dealing with details. You may be less grounded than most people and may even be
considered spacey by those with a narrower field of view. Your challenge is gaining the financial reward you
deserve for your broad insights, because compensation for your efforts is a detail you may overlook.
B. Closely Spaced (less than one eyes width apart): You are very focused on details and excel at exacting
tasks where minute details are important. You do well in positions that require extreme focus, such as
accounting, technical support, proofing documents and the like. Your challenge is learning to see the big picture
and relating to others on their terms.
C. Angles Up (outer corner higher than inner corner): You are good at inspiration and imagination. You are an
optimist with a focus on the positive things in life. You expect things to turn out for the best. This attitude allows
you to accomplish goals others would never try. Your challenge is to keep an even keel if plans dont work out as

D. Angles Down (outer corner lower than inner corner): You dont see the world through rose-colored glasses.
In fact, you expect problems, and you are especially good at spotting potential trouble. You may find that others
come to you with their problems because your eyes also show a genuine compassion for the suffering of others.
You are quick to admit your errors and correct them, and you expect others to do the same.
E. No Angle (inner and outer corners on same level): You have a balanced view of life and tend to be pragmatic
(sensible, businesslike) and objective. You are not easily discouraged and possess resilience under stress. If
plans dont work out at first, you can continue on undaunted until they do. You are also concerned with fairness
and justice.
F. Deep (eyes are deep in sockets): You may seem calm and relaxed, but you are constantly evaluating
everything. Even when you are nodding your head, it doesnt mean you are agreeing with whats being said. You
question and weigh matters carefully and need proof before accepting anything. You protect your inner self by
being reflective, reserved, cautious, and observant.
G. Bulging (eyes appear to be bulging out of sockets): You are naturally enthusiastic and eager to participate.
You dont have to run the show, but you want to be included in whatever is happening. Your challenge is that if
you are interrupted, you may feel criticized and you will put up emotional walls because you dont feel
H. Abundant (most of upper lid is visible with eyes open): You have a strong need for intimacy. In relationships,
you are a person who incorporates and bonds with your partner. You want someone who will consider you and
share all aspects of life with you. For example, if your partner is going to be late, you want to be informed. You
understand the meaning of commitment. Your challenge is learning to give your partner his or her space.
I. Thin (only small part shows with eyes open): You have a balanced intimacy requirement in relationships. You
appreciate closeness, but are also capable of acting independently. You are a person who is neither a loner nor
overly dependent. You appreciate intimacy, but you need your own space at least part of the time.
J. No lids (none visible when eyes are open): You have the gift of extreme focus and need your own personal
space. In relationships you need someone with enough ego strength to allow you plenty of room and not try to
smother or control you. When you are focused on a task, you dislike demands from a partner on your time and
attention. You are capable of intimacy when you are ready for it.
K. Straight (bottoms lids form a straight line naturally): You are maintaining an emotional distance or
self-protective attitude. You may be suspicious, mistrusting, anxious, or even shy. You keep your guard up and
can be initially difficult to approach. Once you may accept someone, however, you can be the most loyal friend,
lover, spouse, or supporter. [Body language: If someones bottom lids become straight (squinting) while you are
talking to them, the person has become suspicious and guarded. They are screening out information through a
wary, mistrustful mental filter. Eye-blocking is a nonverbal behavior that can occur when we feel threatened.]
L. Curved (bottoms lids are curved naturally): You are positive, receptive and open to people and new ideas.
You are willing to take in and want to consider all facts and information. [Body language: If a persons lids
become more curved as you talk, then he or she has become more open to you and is truly listening.]
M. Round (bottoms lids are extremely curved): You are extremely open and possibly emotionally vulnerable.
You are trusting and sometimes naive with an almost childlike innocence. Your challenge is that you can
sometimes be very blunt and lacking in tact.
N. Thin Lashes (short & thin): Because you are so sensitive, you may get your feelings hurt easily and be quick
to anger. Your challenge is to learn to be more objective and try not to take things quite so personally.
O. Thick Lashes (long & full): You have a tolerant, accepting attitude and a gentle disposition (state of mind).
You are easy to get along with because you keep everything on an even keel.
"Amazing Face Reading" by Mac Fulfer, Juris Doctor
"What Every BODY is Saying" by Joe Navarro, FBI Special Agent (Ret.)

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