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Advanced Anatomy: Myofascial Meridians (3

Continuing Education Hours)

This course is approved for 3 hours of Continuing Education for Massage Therapists
by the Texas Department of State Health Services: Approved Provider: MARK SCOTT
URIDELCE0009 and for Registered Yoga Teachers by the Yoga Alliance. Mark S.
Uridel is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and
Bodywork (NCBTMB) as an approved continuing education provider.
This course provides foundational information about the myofascial system in the human
body and indentifies the major myofascial meridians. Pictures are provided to point out
major anatomical structures and guidelines are given for the practical application of massage
and yoga when working with the myofascial meridian system. The massage techniques are
not demonstrated via video because on-line courses are not allowed to contain technique
Learning Objectives: After reading this course, you will

be able to describe the anatomy of fascia.

be able to explain the anatomy of the myofascial net.
be able to describe the anatomy of the myofascial meridians throughout the body.
be able to identify access points along the myofascial meridians for bodywork

In most anatomy courses, the emphasis is placed on the bones and muscles while
the fascia,the connective tissue web that surrounds the muscle, is neglected. This fascia not
only surrounds the muscle, but invaginates the muscle tissue to the cellular level and morphs
into the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone.
The fascia affects the structure and function of muscles and therefore it affects the posture
and movement of our body. To disregard the fascia is to disregard a major component of our
body structure that affects us down to the cellular level. As you see below,
the epimysiumsurrounds the whole muscle, the perimysium surrounds bundles of muscle
fibers and theendomysium surrounds individual muscle fibers. These all join at the end of the
muscle forming the tendon.

Anatomy of Fascia
From basic anatomy we know that there are 4 tissue types: epithelial tissue, nerve tissue,
muscle tissue and connective tissue. Although we make distinctions between these tissue
types, remember these tissues interact with one another in complex ways. Epithelial tissue
forms boundaries as in between our inner world and the outside world (eg. the skin) and
between cavities inside our body (eg. membranes). Epithelial tissue is also involved in
secretion (eg. glands) and absorption (eg. intestinal wall). Nerve tissue functions in
communication and control. It sends electrochemical signals from the brain to all parts of
the body and back. Muscle tissue has the primarily function of contraction, whether it is the
cardiac muscle that contracts the heart, the smooth muscle that contracts around the blood
vessels and our digestive tract, or the skeletal muscle that contracts to move us and hold our
posture. Connective tissue is the unique tissue that holds everything together. On one end
of the spectrum is loose areolar connective tissue like the visceral and parietal fascia that
gently suspends the internal organs within their cavities and wraps them in layers of
connective tissue membranes. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that gives cushion and
support to our joints. Ligaments connect from bone to bone providing passive support to our
skeletal structure. Bone is also considered a type of connective tissue and the outer coating
on bone (the periosteum) is a type of fascia that provides a strong connection for ligaments
and tendons. Dense Connective Tissue (DCT) forms strong yet flexible connections between
muscles and bone (eg. tendons) and also forms the deep fascial connections we will be
looking at in this course. The deep fasciae envelop all or our bones (periosteum and
endosteum); cartilage (perichondrium), and blood vessels (tunica externa) and become
specialized in muscles (epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium) and nerves (epineurium,
perineurium, and endoneurium).
Fascia is composed of reticular fibers (collagen) and elastic fibers (elastin) in an extracellular
matrix (ECM) aka ground substance. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the
deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much
extensibility and resilience it will have. These collagen and elastin fibers are suspended in a
gelatinous extracellular matrix made of proteoglycans, fibrillin, fibronectins, laminin and
polysaccharides like hyaluronic acid.
Proteoglygans (glycosaminoglycans) are carbohydrate polymers and are usually attached to
extracellular matrix proteins. Proteoglycans have a net negative charge that attracts water
molecules, keeping the ECM and resident cells hydrated. Fibrillin is a glycoprotein, which is
essential for the formation of elastic fibers found in connective tissue. Fibrillin is secreted into
the extracellular matrix by fibroblasts and becomes incorporated into the insoluble
microfibrils, which appear to provide a scaffold for deposition of elastin. Fibronectins are
proteins that connect cells with collagen fibers in the ECM, allowing cells to move through the
ECM. Fibronectins bind collagen and cell surface integrins, causing a reorganization of the
cell's cytoskeleton and facilitating cell movement. Fibronectins are secreted by cells in an
unfolded, inactive form. Binding to integrins unfolds fibronectin molecules, allowing them to
form dimers so that they can function properly. Fibronectins also help at the site of tissue
injury by binding to platelets during blood clotting and facilitating cell movement to the
affected area during wound healing. Laminins are proteins found in the basal laminae of
virtually all animals. Rather than forming collagen-like fibers, laminins form networks of weblike structures that resist tensile forces in the basal lamina. They also assist in cell adhesion.
Laminins bind other ECM components such as collagen. Hyaluronic acid in the extracellular
space confers upon tissues the ability to resist compression by providing a counteracting
turgor (swelling) force by absorbing significant amounts of water. It is a chief component of
the ECM gel.
Reference: Kielty CM, Baldock C, Lee D, Rock MJ, Ashworth JL, Shuttleworth CA. Fibrillin:
from microfibril assembly to biomechanical function. Biol. Sci. 2002;357(1418):20717.
Several types of cells inhabit this matrix of fibers and ECM ground substance. Fibroblasts are
full-time residents of the ECM. A fibroblast is a type of cell that synthesizes the extracellular
matrix and collagen. If the fascia is injured, fibroblasts are responsible for synthesizing the
repair components that create scar tissue. Adipocytes are fat cells that are sometimes
present in fascia, especially in the superficial fascia just below the skin. A mast cell
(ormastocyte) is a resident cell of several types of tissues, including fascia, and contains
many granules rich in histamine and heparin. Although best known for their role in allergy

and anaphylaxis, mast cells play an important protective role as well, being intimately
involved in wound healing and defense against pathogens. Macrophages, white blood cells,
are wandering part-time residents in fascia. Their role is to phagocytose (engulf and then
digest) cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or as mobile cells, and to stimulate
lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen. Due to its diverse nature
and composition, the ECM can serve many functions, such as providing support and
anchorage for cells, segregating tissues from one another, and regulating intercellular
communication. The plasticity and pliability of our fascia is related to the quantity and
quality of collagen and elastin fibers, the consistency of the ground substance and the
hydration of the tissue. Many factors influence this, like our diet, our posture and movement
habits and the level of mechanical stress and mental/emotional stress in our lives.

The Myofascial Net

So you can see that fascia is a complex and important connective tissue in the body. The
fascia not only provides an important structural function, but is involved in communication,
wound healing and immune function. Fascia interpenetrates and surrounds muscles, bones,
organs, nerves, blood vessels and other structures. The Myofascial Net is an uninterrupted,
three-dimensional web of connective tissue and muscles that extends from head to toe, from
front to back, from interior to exterior. Now we will explore the way the deep connective
tissue fascia and muscles are interconnected throughout our body in continuous lines, or
meridians. This material is presented in a fairly linear fashion where one myofascia connects
to another often with a boney attachment in between. Some of the myofascial meridians are
straight forward and some are more complex. Ultimately, understanding the interplay of
these meridians will be important to fully understand the practical application and functional
implications of this information. At the end of each section, I will attempt to provide this
applied insight for bodyworkers and movement specialists.

The Superficial Back Line

The Superficial Back Line is a myofascial meridian that connects the entire back side of the
body from the plantar surface of the toes to the brow-line of the frontal bone on the
forehead. This symmetrical line originates on the plantar surfaces of the toe phalanges of
both feet and follows the plantar surface of the foot, including the intrinsic flexors of the toes
(quadratus plantae and flexor digitorum brevis) and the plantar fascia.

Quadratus Plantae & Flexor Digitorum Brevis

Plantar Fascia
At this point the intrinsic flexor muscle tendons and plantar fascia attach into the calcaneus
(heel bone) and the connective tissue wraps around the heel and unites with the Achilles
tendon. The Achilles tendon serves as an insertion for the triceps surae muscle group, which
is comprised of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

Achilles Tendon and Gostrocnemius Muscle

The gastrocnemius inserts on the left and right femoral condyles and functionally links to the
hamstrings. I say functionally because the gastrocnemius and hamstring tendons do not
attach to the same place. The hamstrings are comprised of three
muscles. The semitendinosusand semimembranosus insert on the proximal medial tibia and
the biceps femoris inserts on the head of the fibula. So both the hamstrings and
gastrocnemius cross the knee- the hamstrings from the top and the gastrocnemius from the
bottom. As they cross the knee, they come in contact with one another and when the knee
is straight, they form a functional link in the superficial back line. So, although there is not
a true myofascial continuity here, when the knee is straight, it is "as if" these muscles are

connected. When the knee is bent, this functional link is broken and the superficial back line
is divided into the lower leg portion and the upper portion (that we will now see).

Functional Attachment of Gastrocnemius and Hamstrings

The hamstrings originate on the ischial tuberosity, sitting bone, and it is here that the
hamstrings connect with the fibers of the sacrotuberous ligament. The sacrotuberous
ligament is a strong, wide and thick ligament that connects from the sacrum to the ischial
tuberosity. Since we have two sitting bones, there are two sacrotuberous ligaments that
attach to the back of the sacrum on each side of the spine of the sacrum. At this point, the
sacrotuberous ligaments become continuous with the sacrolumbar fascia, the connective
tissue attachments of the erector spinae muscle group to the lower back (lumbar vertebrae)
and sacrum.

Hamstrings- Ischial Tuberosity- Sacrotuberous Ligament - Lumbosacral Fascia

The erector spinae is a large muscle group made up of the iliocostalis muscles, longissimus
muscles and spinalis muscles (lateral to medial). Each of these muscles overlaps its superior
counterpart. Iliocostalis lumborum overlaps iliocostalis thoracis, which overlaps iliocostalis
cervicis. Longissimus thoracis overlaps longissimus cervicis, which overlaps longissimus
capitis. Spinalis thoracis overlaps spinalis cervicis, which overlaps spinalis capitis. These
muscles all have myofascial continuity on their respective side of the spine. At the top of the
spine, these muscles attach to the base of the occipital bone. Just underneath these muscle
attachments are the suboccipital muscles. Although not true structural components of the
superficial back line, the rectus capitis posterior and obliquus capitis muscles are considered
integral functional parts of the superficial back line.

The erector spinae attach at the base of the occipital bone at the superior nuchal line. Here
the superficial back line continues via the galea aponeurotica. The galea aponeurotica (scalp
fascia) is a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue which covers the upper part of
the cranium(skull); in the back, it is attached to the occipitalis muscle, to the external
occipital protuberance and highest nuchal lines of the occipital bone; in the front, it forms a
short and narrow prolongation between its union with the frontalis muscle, which goes on to
attach to the brow-line on the frontal bone.

This completes the myofascial anatomy of the Superficial Back Line. Below is a visual

Superficial Back Line

Yoga Applications
From an applied functional perspective, the superficial back line actively holds the body in an
erect position when standing. In strengthening backbend postures like salabhasana (locust
pose), the superficial back line is activated anti-gravity and strengthened. To see a graphic
animated display of this yoga pose click on this
link: (then click on salabhasana tab) Can
you identify the key muscles of the superficial back line?
In forward bending postures, like uttanasana (standing forward bend), the superficial back
line is stretched. To see a graphic animated display of Uttanasana, click on this link and then
click the uttanasana tab. (click on the
uttanasana tab)

Massage Applications
In massage, I often spend considerable time using myofascial release techniques to release
the erector spinae, including the lumbosacral fascia. This is an exellent place to begin
lengthening work on the superficial back line (SBL). Particularly the lumbar erector spinae
and lumbosacral fascia are often restricted and cause compression on the lumbar vertebrae.
The cervical erector spinae are also an important access point for the SBL. Often there is
tension in these muscles that can be released by inferior to superior stripping finger glides
and OA release techniques. The hamstrings, gastrocnemius muscles and plantar fascia often

respond to functional releases, which stretch the tissue in a more active way. Many of my
patients suffer from plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the plantar fascia. To learn more about
this condition, you can check out another course on this website, Research-Based Massage
for Plantar Fasciitis

The Superficial Front Line

The next myofascial meridian that we will examine is the Superficial Front Line (SFL). The
Superficial Front Line functionally balances the Superficial Back Line in the sagittal (anteriorposterior) plane. As we saw earlier, the SBL acts to contract the back of the body and then
stretches during forward bends. The SFL, antagonistic to this, acts to contract the front of
the body and then stretches during backbending activities.
The SFL begins on the dorsal surface of the toes through the short and long toe extensor
muscles. This includes the anterior crural compartment and the anterior tibialis muscle. The
boney station that the meridian attaches to is the tibial tuberosity.

Extensor Digitorum Longus (bright red) and Tiabilis Anterior

From the tibial tuberosity superiorly the SFL follows the patellar ligament to the patella (knee
cap) and upward to the patellar tendon, which is the insertion point of
the quadriceps tendon.

Patellar Ligament, Patella and Quadriceps Tendon

The quadriceps consists of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus
intermedius. All of these muscles insert on the patellar tendon. The vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis and vastus intermedius all originate on the femur bone. The rectus
femoris originates on the pelvis.

At this point, the Superficial Front Line attaches on the Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS),
which is the origin of the rectus femoris. This is just below the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
(ASIS). It is here that the SFL takes up a new origin point as it continues upward on the
pubic tubercle. Since the bones of the pelvis are fused, this new origin is structurally
connected to the ileum and therefore has myofascial continuity. The continuation of the SFL
now follows the rectus abdominis muscle on either side of the mid-sagittal line. Thelinea
alba offers a mid-sagittal connection for the two halves of the rectus abdominis.

The rectus abdominis muscle attaches from the pubic tubercle to the 5th rib bilaterally. Now,
the SFL continues up the sternum via the sternochondral fascia and continues from the origin
point of thesternocleidomastoid muscle on the sternum up to the insertion point on
the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (Origin: Sternum & Clavicle; Insertion: Mastoid

This concludes the run of the Superficial Front Line myofascial meridian. It is worthy to note
that scalp fascia wraps around the backside of the head connecting the two
sternocleidomastoid muscles. Below is a visual summary of the SFL:

Superficial Front Line

Yoga Applications
The Superficial Front Line acts to contract the front of the body. A perfect example of this
is navasana or boat pose. In this pose the entire SFL is anti-gravity. Follow this link Bandha
Yoga and click on Navasana.
The Superficial Front Line stretches in backbends and one of the quintessential backbends
is Ustrasana or Camel Pose. Follow this link Bandha Yoga and Click on Ustrasana. Notice
how the SFL is being lengthened in this pose.

Massage Applications
In massage, key muscles involved in releasing the SFL are rectus femoris, especially just
below the origin at the AIIS. This opens the front of the hip and helps to reduce anterior
pelvic tilt, which aids in reducing lumbar lordosis. The sternocleidomastoid muscles are
important to release forward-head posture. The sternocleidomastoid wraps around the back
of the skull and acts as a sling that pulls down and forward. Using a three-finger pincer

technique with light pinching and gliding with the client in supine works best. Combine this
with chin-tuck and nod for optimum results!

The Lateral Line

As the name implies, the Lateral Line traverses the sides of the body. The Lateral Line begins
at the base of the 1st metatarsal at the insertion point of the peroneus longus muscle. The
peroneus longus assists in holding up the medial and lateral longitudinal arches.
The peroneus brevis inserts on the base of the fifth metatarsal and joins the line here.

Now, the peroneals travel up the outside of the lower leg and insert on the head of the fibula

The Lateral Line makes a short jump to the lateral tibial condyle via the anterior ligament of
the head of the fibula. From there the Iliotibial Band (ITB) takes over and connects the
Lateral Line up the outside of the thigh to the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia
lata muscles.

The Lateral Line attaches via the Iliotibial Band, the Tensor Fascia Lata and Gluteus Maximus
to the iliac crest. From here there is an interesting series of "basket weave" connections up
the outside of the torso. The first criss-cross comes in the form of the internal and external
abdominal oblique muscles. The external obliques are back ribs to front of pelvis (as in
placing your hands in your front pockets) and the internal obliques are front ribs to back of
pelvis (as in placing your hands in your back pockets). The second criss-cross comes in
between the ribs as the external intercostals (same fiber direction as the external obliques)
and the internal intercostals (same fiber direction as the internal obliques).

Lateral Line criss-crosses up the side of the torso

At the top of the ribcage, the criss-cross pattern repeats once last time via the splenius
capitus muscle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). The SCM originates on the
sternum and inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone (following the fiber
direction of the external intercostals). The splenius capitus originates on the spinous
processes of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae and inserts on the lateral border of the
occipital bone and posterior border of the temporal bone (following the fiber direction of the
internal intercostals).
This concludes the path of the Lateral Line myofascial meridian. A visual summary is
provided below:

The Lateral Line

Yoga Applications
The lateral line is activated in strengthening sidebends like ardha chandrasana (half-moon
pose). Click this link to see this yoga pose Bandha Yoga Then click on ardha chandrasana
The lateral line is stretched in lengthening sidebends like utthita parsvakonasana (extended
side-angle pose). Click this link to see this pose Bandha Yoga Then click on utthita

Massage Applications

The lateral line is most often accessed at the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial band to release
lateral hip and thigh tension, especially in runners. The myofascia can be released with fist,
forearm or knuckle deep glides superior to inferior. Another common access point is the
splenius capitus, as this muscle is often implicated in the posterior neck tension. Deep thumb
and finger glides inferior to superior work well with the client in prone or supine. Lastly, the
SCM is a common place for trigger points and asymmetrical anterior neck tension. As
previously eluded to, the SCM is notorious in pulling the head down and forward. Three
finger pincer pressure and gliding is indicated here.

The Spiral Line

The Spiral Line myofascial meridian is somewhat more complicated than the lines we have
already examined. It forms distinct spirals of deep myofascial connections looping around the
legs and torso.
The first part of the Spiral Line that we will look at is a spiral loop that starts at the anterior
superior iliac spine(ASIS) and follows the tensor fascia lata muscle and iliotibial band down
the side of the thigh connecting to theanterior tibialis muscle just below the lateral knee and
following the tibialis anterior to its insertion on the base of the 1st metatarsal. If you
remember from the Lateral Line, the peroneus longus tendon also inserts here and now the
Spiral line continues up the peroneus longus muscle to the insertion of the biceps
femoris muscle, which is the lateral hamstring muscle that attaches on the head of the
fibula. From here, the Spiral Line follows the biceps femoris to its origin on the ischial
tuberosity (sitting bone). This "myofascial loop" gives structural evidence of the connection
between pelvic tilt and the arch of the foot. In other words, if the arch of the foot is collapsed
then this can be related to anterior pelvic tilt. This is functionally very significant.

The Spiral Line continues into the torso where the lower portion left off. It continues from the
ASIS on the anterior pelvis and traverses the front of the abdomen via the internal
abdominal oblique on one side of the body and crosses over to the external abdominal
oblique on the other side of the body. This follows the functional connection of contra-lateral
obliques during twists of the torso. The spiral continues around the side ribs via the serratus
anterior muscle.

Now, the Spiral Line continues around the back as the serratus anterior connects through the
scapula to the ipsilateral rhomboids and then across the spine to the contralateral splenius
capitus and splenius cervicis.

The final connection of the Spiral Line in the torso is from the occipital ridge (where the
splenius capitus attaches) down the erector spinae, through the lumbosacral fascia, across
the sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament and back to the ischial tuberosity (sitting bone). So
there are essentially two spiral from the ASIS around the foot and back to the
ipsilateral sitting bone and another from the ASIS across the torso contralaterally, around
the upper back to the ipsilateral neck and down the back to the sitting bone. This is a
complex myofascial meridian and has functional implications. Below is a visual summary in
two parts:

The upper portion of Spiral Line is very complex in that it crosses the over the midline of the
torso. I have already introduced the functional implications of this myofascial meridian. Now,
we will look at yoga and bodywork applications.

Yoga Applications
In yoga, the Spiral Line comes into play in twists of the torso and lifts of the arch. As
in utthita trikonasana(triangle pose), the torso is twisted and the arch lifts to support pelvic
position. Follow this link to look at triangle pose... Bandha Yoga Click on trikonasana

Massage Applications
In massage, the most practical application of releasing the Spiral Line is for balancing
postural asymmetries. One access point would be the TFL and ITB to release anterior and
inferior forces pulling the pelvis into anterior rotation. Another access point would be

contralateral rhomboid to ipsilateral splenius capitus to release spiral tension across the
upper back into the posterior neck. These myofacial release techniques need to be learned in
a hands-on format to fully embrace the proper application.

Front Arm Lines

There are two Front Arm Lines (Superficial and Deep)
The Superficial Front Arm Line begins on the sternum, clavicle and ribs at the origin of
the pectoralis majormuscle. Although the latissimus dorsi comes from the back of the body,
it is a part of the Superficial Front Line due to its anatomical and functional relationship to
the pectoralis major. The latissimus dorsi inserts on the medial bicipital groove and along
with the pectoralis major connect here to the medial intermuscular septumalong
the humerus. The intermuscular septum then is continuous with the common flexor
tendons that originate at the medial epicondyle of the ulna. Finally, the Superficial Front Arm
Line passes through the carpal tunnel and ends in the insertion into the palmar surface of the

The Deep Front Arm Line begins on the 3,4 and 5 ribs at origin of the pectoralis minor which
inserts on thecoracoid process of the scapula. From there, it is continuous with the short
head of the biceps brachaii muscle all the way to its insertion on the radius and deep along
the periosteum of the radius, across the scaphoid to the thenar eminence of the thumb.

Yoga Applications
In yoga, opening the chest and shoulders (heart openers) are key to releasing tension in the
Front Arm Lines. This can be accomplished with any open-kinetic chain movements of the
arms into horizontal abduction. Along with stretching the Front Arm Lines, strengthening the
Back Arm Lines is important to functionally maintain the openess of the Front Arm Lines. To
accomplish this, strengthening backbends like salabhasana (locust pose) with the palms
down and arms lifting up and out can activate the arms to resist "rounded shoulder"
posturing. You can see a picture of salabhasana if you follow this link. Bandha Yoga click on
salabhasana NOTE: the arm position in this posture is in the classic palms up
position. To full access opening the Front Arm Lines, you would turn the palms
down and lift the arms up and out. In the closed kinetic chain, adho mukha
svanasana(downward facing dog pose) elongates the Front Arm Lines. Follow this
link Bandha Yoga click on adho mukha svanasana

Massage Applications
In massage, the most important implication is for myofascial release of the Front Arm Lines
for decreasing tension associated with "rounded shoulder" and "forward head" postures. By
releasing along the pectoralis major and underneath it, the pectoralis minor, the "down and
forward" myofascial pull can be reduced. I use a stool with a pillow on it to allow my client to
open their arm out to the side to release the Front Arm Lines.

Back Arm Lines

There are two Back Arms Lines (Superficial and Deep)
The Superficial Back Arm Line begins on the wide origin of the trapezius muscle, the nuchal
line of the occipital bone, nuchal ligament (nuchal line to C7), and spinous processes of C7T12. All of the fibers of the trapezius muscle converge on the spine of the scapula and then
continue into the deltoid muscle. The middle and lower trapezius fibers continue into the
posterior deltoid, the cervical trapezius fibers are continuous with the middle deltoid and the
occipital trapezius fibers continue into the anterior deltoid. The three heads of the deltoid
converge on the deltoid tubercle on the humerus. The Superficial Back Arm Line then
continues along the lateral intermuscular septum to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

From here the line melds into the common extensor origin and follows the wrist and hand
extensor muscles under the dorsal retinaculum and then on to insert on the carpals and

Superficial Back Arm Line

The Deep Back Arm Line
The Deep Back Arm Line has two orgins. One begins at the origin of the rhomboids (C7-T5
spinous processes) and follows the rhomboids over to their insertion on the medial border of
the scapula. From here the line continues on the fibers of the infraspinatus and teres
minor muscles (two of the rotator cuff muscles). The second origin of the Deep Back Arm
Line begins on the lateral occiput at the origin of the rectus capitus lateralisand continues to
the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Now, the line continues down the fibers of
the levator scapula to the superior angle of the scapula and melds into
the supraspinatus muscle in the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. The supraspinatus is
another rotator cuff muscle and it is here that the two origins converge on the head of the
humerus. The rotator cuff muscles keep the "ball" of the humerus in the "socket" of the
glenoid fossa of the scapula. From here, the Deep Back Arm Line connects into the triceps
brachiimuscle and down to the olecranon process of the ulna. The line continues along the
periosteum of the ulna to the hypothenar eminence. That concludes the Deep Back Arm
Line...below is a visual summary.

Yoga Applications
The mobility of the shoulder joint and the shoulder girdle require a balance between the
Front Arm Lines and the Back Arm Lines. The general tendency is for the Front Arm Lines to
be shortened and the Back Arm Lines to be lengthened. As this is often the case (due to the
functional use of our arms), yoga postures would be good to open the chest and front of the
shoulders and strengthen the upper back and back of the shoulders. Refer to the Front Arm
Line section above.

Massage Applications
In massage, tightness in the levator scapula is very common. Functionally, this can be
related to a stress-related "turtle" response and/or improper use of the lower trapezius in
raising the arms. Either way, releasing the levator scapula is important in relaxing posterior
and lateral neck tightness. The rhomboids, while often tight, are usually "locked long" and in
need of shortening. So it is fine to work on trigger points in the rhomboids, but know that
you will most likely have to release the Front Arms Lines to achieve a balance here.

The Deep Front Line

The Deep Front Line makes up our myofascial "axial core." This means that out of all the
myofascial meridians, it is the deepest and has the function of maintaining our core
alignment and core stability. Not to say that other muscles and structures are not also
important in maintaining our core, but the Deep Front Line is a key component of all things
The Deep front Line begins on the sole of the foot with the distal phalanges and the flexor
digitorum longus andflexor hallicus longus. Also a part of this origin is the posterior
tibialis, which has attachments to all of the metatarsal bases and most of the tarsal bones
(ankle bones), except the talus. These tendons, together with the anterior tibialis and
peroneus longus "stirrup", help to lift the arches of the foot.

The Deep Front Line continues along these tendons and muscles up the back of the leg,
including the popliteusmuscle behing the knee.

From the attachment of the popliteus on the medial condyle of the femur, the Deep Front
Line continues upward via the adductor muscle group. This group is comprised of
the adductor longus, adductor magnus, adductor brevis and pectineus. These muscles, along
with the intermuscular septum, insert at the ischiopubic ramus of the pelvis.

From here the Adductor Group continues through the ischiopubic ramus to the obturator
fascia and unite with the pelvic floor, which consists of the levator ani muscles, and then on
to the anterior sacral fascia. Another aspect of the Deep Front Line connect from the
pectineus to the Iliopsoas, which makes its way upward along the transverse processes via
the quadratus lumborum and the vertebral bodies via the psoas and anterior longitudinal

The anterior sacral fascia unites witht the anterior logitudinal ligament on the front of the
lumbar vertebral bodies and then travels upward. The Deep Front Line now splits into three
portions, anterior to posterior. The anterior portion follows the respiratory diaphragm
anteriorly and attaches to the back side of the sternum and upward to the hyoid muscles.
The middle portion follows the crura of the respiratory diaphragm to the pericardium to the
pharyngeal raphe and upward to the scaleni muscles. The third and deepest component of
the Deep Front Line follows the anterior longitudinal ligament up the front of the spine all the
way to the longus colli and longus capitus muscles.

The functional implications of this are vast. The involvement of the respiratory diaphragm as
an integral part of our core stabilization, and therefore our breath. This also eludes to the
core stabilizing function of the hyoid muscles, the core implications of our pharyngeal raphe
(throat) and scalene muscles, and lastly the importance of the activation of the longus colli

and longus capitus in anterior neck stabilization. The Deep Front Line is not only complex,
but is perhaps the most important myofascial networks in our body. The last important piece
is the connection of the pelvic floor to the pubic bone (via the pubococcygeus muscle) and on
to the linea alba up to the umbilicus (navel). At the deepest level, this connection wraps
around the entire abdomen via thetransversus abdominis muscle (the deepest of the
abdominal muscles). This then completes the Deep Front Line's core connection through the
entire body. Below is a visual summary:

Deep Front Line

Yoga Applications
The Deep Front Line is the "up" line in yoga. As in "lift the inner arches" ; "activate the inner
thighs" ; "lift the pelvic floor" (mula bandha) ; "draw the navel in and up on the exhales"
(uddyana bandha) ; "deep diaphragmatic breath" with "ujjayi pranayama" ; "scoop the chin

in and up" and "grow tall through the crown of the head." All of these cues are associated
with axial core support and the Deep Front Line.

Massage Applications
I usually associate the Deep Front Line with an active support system, so the only time I see
myofascial release as appropriate is in the case of overuse of some portion of the line. As in
the case of overuse of the adductor muscle group, which could use some release of tension
or perhaps overly tight psoas from too much sitting. It is important not to just randomly use
myofascial release techniques, but the techniques should be used specifically for specific
reasons. This is why in-depth hands-on courses are the cornerstone of application of this
advanced anatomy information.

The Functional Lines

These lines are more involved in functional movement and thus the name reflects this. They
are seen as myofascial continuations of the Arm Lines.
The Front Functional Line begins with the pectoralis major and its connection to the lower
ribs, where it has myofascial continuity with the rectus abdominis to the pubic bone and
down via the contralateral adductor longus. This forms a functional line of mechanical
connection during movement activities.

The Back Functional Line begins with the latissimus dorsi muscle and connects into the
lumbosacral fascia and crosses over to the gluteus maximus on the contralateral side. The
line continues into the iliotibial band andvastus lateralis muscle on the lateral thigh.

Yoga Applications
The Front Funtional Line is considered active mainly in asymmetrical contraction of the
mover muscles on the front of the body, especially in sports-related activities like the tennis
serve, pitching a baseball, etc. In yoga, we use the Front Functional Line symmetrically in a
criss-cross fashio in navasana (boat pose). Follow this link to see navasana...Bandha
Yoga click on navasana
The Back Functional Line is considered active mainly in asymmetrical contraction of the
mover muscles on the back of the body, especially in sports-related activities like the motion
of making a layup in basketball. In yoga, the pose that activates the Back Functional Line
is virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1 pose). Follow this link to see virabhadrasana I... Bandha
Yoga click on virabhadrasana I

Massage Applications

In massage, the most practical release for the Front Functional Line will be the pectoralis
major and contralateral adductor magnus in athletes or others who overuse these muscles
and have myofascial tension, especially with asymmetrical activities like the tennis serve
where the dominant arm and contralateral leg will have the tension. Likewise, the Back
Functional Line can be released in people who perform a lot of asymmetrical activation of the
back of the body. The main access points are the lumbosacral fascial attachment of the
latissimus dorsi and the iliotibial connection of the gluteus maximus into the lateral thigh
(ITB) and vastus lateralis.
This concludes the Advanced Anatomy: Myofascial Meridians course. To receive a Certificate
of Completion for Continuing Education documetation, simply click on "TAKE THE TEST" link,
pass the short test with a score of 75% or better, and you will be able to pay on-line and
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