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Mission Walkthrough v1.3
by Mark A. Nonymous
WARNING: Reading this walkthrough can reveal significant parts of the plot that
would ruin one's first time playing through. I've written it to minimize this,
so if you do not read ahead to missions you do not have available then you
should not encounter this problem.
-----------------TABLE OF CONTENTS:
-----------------Copyright Info
Version Info
Game Plotline
Mission Walkthroughs:
Eliminate Fugitive
Destroy Berserk MTs
Recover Meteorite
Retrieve Secret Files
Assault Transports
Cavern Invasion
Attack Terrorists
Attack Chrome HQ
Defend Submarine
Enemy Fortress
Assist Marine Lab
Destroy Cannon
Board Spaceship
Destroy Giant Tank
Enter Abandoned Mine
Defend Laboratory
Assist MTs
Eliminate Intruders
Enter Factory
Copyright Info
-------------This mission walkthrough is for private and personal use. It can only be
reproduced electronically with my permission. Please give credit where credit
is due. It is not to be used for profitable nor promotional purposes. This
includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books,
guides, etc. in any way.
Version 1.3 8/17/00
--------------------Trying to update this as quickly as possible and provide the best data and
advice I can is starting to give me a headache, so I'm going to slow it down a
little. I'll still be working on it, the updates will just come less
frequently. Please bear with the FAQ at this time, it's still got a lot of bugs
and holes in it. This version, I completely re-wrote the shoddy jobs on "Attack
Terrorists" and "Attack Chrome HQ," as well as just ran through a lot of the

earlier missions and fine-tuned them. Note that many of the later missions
haven't been gotten to all that much.
Version 1.2 8/14/00
--------------------Today I just went through and reorganized everything. I played through the
entire game, adjusting _most_ of the missions (mostly to conform to monetary
constraints and to fix typos). I deleted a lot of the opinion based and useless
stuff I wrote. I added the game plotline, which tells what triggers what events
during the game. Includes the emails, too, which I'll probably take out in a
later version because you really don't need to know about them and it just makes
it harder to read through. I also put in a table of contents. Anyway, I'm
probably not going to be releasing another version for at least a week or two
while I sort out more bugs and add some things (maybe).
Version 1.1 8/13/00
--------------------Added a more specific title and changed what I said about v1.0. Too bad I
already sent it in to GameFAQs. :\
Version 1.0 8/13/00
--------------------This is the first version, released within an hour of finishing the info on the
last mission. No big title, no credits, no Arena guide, no nothing except for
the raw data I scribbled down about each mission. They're biased and out of
order. I've read no professionally published resources, no game guides or
anything. What little of others' info I've used I just remember reading
somewhere (in many places), and is usually common knowledge. I just played it
and wrote my opinions and views about it. If you have any advice, any pointers,
anything at all that you would like to say to make this walkthrough better,
email me at, please. Thanks.
------------GAME PLOTLINE
------------- Start. Mission "Eliminate Fugitive" and no access to Arena or Sub-Arena.
- Complete mission "Eliminate Fugitive." You will get access to missions
"Destroy Berserk MTs" and "Recover Meteorite." I'd go for the "Destroy Berserk
MTs," if nothing else, just for the head part.
- Complete one mission. You will be given additional access to missions
"Retrieve Secret Files" and "Assault Transports."
- Complete two more missions. Your mission list will be replaced with the three
missions "Cavern Invasion," "Attack Terrorists," and "Attack Chrome HQ." None
of these has a reward (the purpose is for you to destroy an AC to test your
ability). I advise Cavern Invasion because it has a hidden part that should
provide plenty of money to compensate for damages.
- Complete one mission. You will get email "Arena Registration" (which comes
with 50000 C and the LS-1000W). Your mission list will be replaced with the
missions "Defend Submarine" and "Enemy Fortress."
- Complete six events (beating a Sub-Arena member or completing a mission is one
event). Your mission list will temporarily be replaced by mission "Assist
Marine Lab," and your Sub-Arena license will be temporarily suspended until you
complete this mssion.
- Complete mission "Assist Marine Lab." Your previous mission list ("Defend

Submarine" and "Enemy Fortress") will be returned, plus "Destroy Cannon," "Board
Spaceship," and "Destroy Giant Tank."
- Complete four out of the five missions provided since your Sub-Arena license.
Your mission list will be replaced with mission "Enter Abandoned Mine."
- Complete mission "Enter Abandonded Mine" and destroy AC The Wolf. You will
get email "Promotion" (which comes with 50000 C and the WG-RF/E). Your mission
list will be empty, and you will now have a license to compete in the full
- Defeat Arena member #10, Fayde. You will get mission "Defend Laboratory."
Your Arena license will be temporarily suspended until this mission is complete.
- Complete mission "Defend Laboratory." Your mission list will be empty, return
to the Arena.
- Defeat Arena member #7, Carson. You will get mission "Assist MTs." Your
Arena license will be temporarily suspended until this mission is complete.
- Complete mission "Assist MTs." Your mission list will be empty, return to the
- Defeat Arena member #4, No. 03627. You will get mission "Eliminate
Intruders." Your Arena license will be temporarily suspended until this mission
is complete.
- Complete mission "Eliminate Intruders." Your mission list will be empty,
return to the Arena.
- Defeat Arena member #2, Pandora. You will get mission "Enter Factory." Your
Arena license will be suspended for the rest the game.
- Complete mission "Enter Factory." The game ends, and you will be #1 on the
Arena. You may now access all Arena battles (except for some Ex Arena) and all
missions that exist in the game. Have some fun, and try to beat everything.
-----------------ELIMINATE FUGITIVE
-----------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 32000 C
Theater of operations: Isaac City Botanical Zone No. 7
Enemy forces: Security MTs (unknown number)
Objective: Capture Fugitive
We've recieved a request asking for assistance in tracking down an escaped
criminal. The fugitive is a chronic corporate hacker. He has hijacked an
Armored Car and locked himself in the Botanical Zone. He hacked into the
facility's security system, and all security MTs are now under his control. The
offensive capability of a single MT is no match for an AC, though they can be a
nuisance when encountered in groups. Immediately destroy all MTs you come
across. The building's structural data has been prepared. You goal is to
capture the fugitive. You have permission to take him out if necessary.
Prep-Of course, this is the first mission, and it's easy. All you will be
encountering are security MTs, and they go up in smoke at four shots of the
rifle. I won't recommend very many parts because the ones you're given are
plenty enough, and with over 8000 AP to boot! Use your map if you get lost,
it's pretty simple to get through. You will find several big rooms. These
aren't difficult in that each has either one or two entrances.
Use the predetermined setup, if you like. It's an easy mission. The on

change would be getting a more powerful gun (I advise getting the WG-XP2000) to
take out the MTs faster.
The Mission-Immediately upon entering, you will encounter a door with a MT behind it
Down the hall, you will encounter two more, one at a time. Take them out. When
you reach the junction, turn right. A door and an MT later, you will encounter
another junction. Right again, and you'll then come upon a large room. Be
careful, there are three MTs waiting for you, and you've got to get them at
once (if you want, you could just sit and wait and see if they shoot each other-this happens sometimes). This may be difficult for new players, but you'll get
used to it soon enough. Don't even evade, just aim and shoot. No biggie. From
here on you'll be encountering single MTs constantly, just get through them,
it's not too difficult.
Now, inside the room, just forward and to the left is the door out. Go
down the hall, and you'll hit another door. Keep going, and you'll reach a
junction. Go left. There's another one just a ways down. Go right.
After a bunch of MTs and a long hallway, you'll come to a door. Behind
are four MTs, all waiting to feed on your cybernetic brains. Take 'em out.
Just behind them is a huge control pillar controlling a gate. Destroy it. You
could shoot it up and waste ammo, or you could just walk up to it and sword it
twice. Only does 50 damage.
Now retrace your steps down the hall until you come back to the junction
Go left. Then go left at the next one, too. Soon, you'll come to a big blue
door, which you just unlocked by destroying the pillar. Press circle to go
through it. Down the hall, you'll encounter a normal door with a big room and a
pair of MTs behind it. Take 'em out, and keep going.
From here, it's the road to victory. You've got a bit of hallway to go
down and a bunch of MTs to take out. Along the way is one big room with three
MTs, then one fork (just go right--the left is a dead end). Don't expect a big
boss fight, because you won't get it. Just enter the last room and watch.
------------------DESTROY BERSERK MTS
------------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 36000 C
The mission requester is PROGTECH. Their Weapon Factory's Maintenance Computer
has malfunctioned, and the Combat MTs produced there are out of control. The
computer continues to produce the faulty MTs, and the situation is worsening.
Thankfully the problem has not spread outside the facility, but it is only a
matter of time. Your mission is to restore the situation at the factory. As
long as the computer is operating, it will continue to produce MTs. Destroy the
computer, then combat the MTs.
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Weapons Factory
Enemy forces: Combat MTs (unknown number)
Objective: Destroy all combat MTs
Prep-All right, here's the basic low-down. You're going to enter the facilit

blow open the main door, find the computer, destroy it, then scour every inch of
the place destroying all the leftovers. Not too hard, but be prepared for a
long haul.
You don't really have to worry about the prep for this one. You'll be
fighting a slew of low-AP, fast-moving, rapid fire units, so you might want to
equip gun arms or a good rapid fire gun. A WG-XP2000 Pulse Rifle will destroy
one MT in two hits and doesn't cost anything for ammo (MAJOR recommendation!).
I like using rockets, especially in the hallways where it's hard to miss, but
you might not, so it's your choice there.
At the stage you're in, you probably can't afford many good parts. IF y
can afford it, definitely get some M118-TD back ammo. Assuming you have just
the pregame setup and very little spare money, I'd suggest you get a nice rocket
(WR-S50 works well) and a rifle or machine gun (I prefer a WG-XP1000 or WGXP2000). Assuming you're conservative with your ammo and don't shoot blindly,
that's about all you'll need.
The Mission-You start out in a parking garage facing a set of doors. You'll have to
blow these up to get through (a small rocket or your sword would work). Inside,
you'll find two MTs waiting for you. Say hello, because you'll have to really
get used to them if you're to get through here. Right in the center of this
room is a big grate. Blow it up like you did the door (you may have to pan down
with R2) and drop through to the room below.
You'll land in red MT land. Ignore them, the more you kill the more com
out. A non-stop line is constantly churning out the things. Find a ramp
leading up to a big gray door, and sword it to get through. You can't get
through the second door until you unlock it. Go either left or right, down the
narrow hallway, until you reach the end. Go through the door there, blow up the
generator. Repeat on the other.
You can now get through the second big door. Hit "O" to open it. On th
other side you'll find a big hallway and five or six MTs waiting for you. Take
them out. Do not go straight yet, that way leads to just a big empty room and a
bunch of MTs. Go into the left hallway. Just wander around and kill MTs until
you find what you're looking for; you'll have to kill all the MTs eventually,
In here, you'll encounter a big gray room with big gray boxes. Don't
shoot or harm them in any way, they're very explosive and will detonate the
whole room (and the head) if you do. Somewhere around 300 AP of damage if
you're in the room when they go off. When you walk in, hang an immediate left.
Facing this way, jump over the stack of boxes in front of you, so that you land
in the corner. Here, you will find the HD-HELM, which is, in my opinion, one of
the best well-rounded heads in the game. Press "O" to pick it up (make sure you
don't accidently sword the boxes). As you're leaving, give the room a good-bye
shot and run (just for fun).
Also in the left hallway is the main computer that you need to shut down

There's a long ramp-like hallway leading up to it. You could waste ammo and
shoot it, or you could walk up and sword it; it doesn't damage you. This will
stop the production line in the main room where you dropped through.
Now comes the fun part. You must now scour every inch of the facility,
destroying every red MT that exists. Sorry, there's really no way to write this
up, you've just got to do a little dungeon crawling. It sounds harder than it
is. If you run out of ammo, just approach quickly and use your sword. Good
----------------RECOVER METEORITE
----------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: R&G Industries
Reward: 38000 C
The requester is R&G Industries. This mission pertains to the anticipated
impact of a meteor with our planet. The meteor's existence has long been known,
but it wasn't until just recently that a discovery was made indicating that the
metwor may contain rare minerals. R&G Industries would like to recover the
meteor, but there is a problem. Several of their competitors also want
possession of it and are willing to fight for ownership. Your mission objective
is to eliminate any units, sent by R&G's competitors, intent on retrieving the
meteor. You must not allow it to fall into their hands.
Theater of operations: North Haven's Rock, Supply Point No.8
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Prep-You will be encountering several flying units, so be sure to equip a goo
missle (WM-S60/4 with the COMDEX-GO FCS works well at this point) or machine gun
of some sort. Keep in mind though, that unless you get some distance from the
flyers the missles won't be terribly accurate. A WG-XP1000 Pulse Rifle will do
fine, because the WG-XP2000 is a little slow and it's hard to hit the flyers.
If you can't afford it, try a standard machine gun (WG-MGA1, WG-MG500, or WGAR1000). Don't even think about rockets. The origional rifle stinks on the
flyers, and only works so-so on Regulon (and only if you're an expert). Do not
equip any back weapons that require you to plant to use them (nothing with a
"WC-" on the front). Inky may pulverize you with his chain gun if you do.
Get a very light, fast AC, but try not to sacrifice too much AP to do so
-you'll need it. To do so, you'll probably want to focus more on your engine
and/or booster opposed to leg, core, arm, and head parts. A GRD-RX5 and B-T2
combo is good, because it allows you to boost for a long time without
threatening to exhaust your energy. Be sure to test all of your weapons and
equipment in the "AC Test" in the garage before you head out.
The Mission-You start off witnessing the amazing spectacle of a meteor impacting the
earth. It looks like a burning tomato flying through a glowing slinky and
thunking solidily into the desert. Also, it cools instantly. Odd. Anyway, you
now have a small crater and a relatively flat and unblocked terrain to fight in.
You're immediately set upon by five moderately fast, hovering, laserslinging and machine-gunning flying units. You may need to hop into the crater

to dispatch some of them. They're relatively difficult to take out, I'd suggest
using a machine gun or missles (if you can get enough distance to make them
You then find a silent observer, whom you must now fight. It's Regulon,
an AC out of the sub-Arena piloted by Inky. He loves rapid-fire weapons, and
uses a chain gun like no other. I'd advise meeting him with easily mobile fire
(so that you can easily shoot and strafe at the same time). I like using a
machine gun. Strafe--and if you can, boost-strafe--while you fire. Switch
direction frequently so he can't get a good lock on you or anticipate your
movements, and so that his missles hit less often. He can move outside of the
boundaries and you can't, so be careful. The boundary warning area is small
enough as it is.
--------------------RETRIEVE SECRET FILES
--------------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Izumo Materials
Reward: 33000 C
Izumo Materials' research group was just attacked and top-secret files stolen.
The attacker escaped through the city's Underground Passage and is still at
large. Security forces have been deployed, but our assistance has also been
requested. Find and destroy the Armored Car that the thief has commandeered.
The Armored Car is highly visible, and the thief can't run forever. He must
have planned an alternate means of escape. Your target is the Armored Car.
Ignore all other enemies you may encounter. Act quickly.
Theater of operations: Isaac City Underground Passage
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy the Armored Car
The Prep-Relatively easy, you'll really just want to take what you're comfortable
with. I'd recommend some large rockets, but other than that just equip what you
want. A machine gun or pulse rifle does nicely.
Take a nice, powerful missle that doesn't have too many shots. You'll
need it in the long tunnel with the mine launchers. Also, as far as FCS goes,
you'll need more long range than wide viewpoint during this mission.
The Mission-You start off underground. During this time you'll encounter a bunch of
big white droids. One direct hit with a large rocket should finish them, don't
worry too much. Watch out for their lasers, though. Also, you're not on a
timer yet, so don't feel rushed.
Follow the tunnel until you come to a fork. Go left. Follow this tunne
until you come to a door and a side passage. The door is locked, so go right.
Finally, you'll come to a door leading into a long sewer.
You're now going against two devices that launch floating mines in your
direction. It's difficult to avoid getting hit by them, so boost down the
passage as fast and as far as you can before you start encountering mines. Then
begin launching whatever big guns you've got with you at one of the devices.
Two large rockets will take it out, or try a few of your missles. Once you see
it blow up, just duck into a space provided by the pillars in the center of the
hall, and wait for the last of the mines to pass you on that side. Proceed down

the passage. You can shoot (or sword) the other or not, it's your choice, but
you don't need to.
After a walk, you'll come to a door. On the other side you'll find a
panel with a big green button on it. Press it. Down will come a platform lift.
Beware: once you step onto or over the platform, the car starts moving and you
have to move fast.
Lana will warn you about Lucky Hopper, but just ignore him. You don't
need to defeat him to finish the mission. Look for a red triangle on your radar
that seems to wiggle back and forth quickly. This is the armored car, and it's
very slow and weak. Destroy it before it leaves with the chopper (you have a
little over a minute).
-----------------ASSAULT TRANSPORTS
-----------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 35000 C
You've been requested to execute an attack on a specific group of units. They
are transporting materials which must be destroyed. We aren't sure which units
are the ones carrying the material. In order to guarantee its destrouction, all
units must be eliminated. According to our information at this point, the group
consists of three trucks, and four MTs. Though they may have reinforcements we
are not aware of. If even one unit escapes, the mission will be a failure. You
must eliminate them all.
Theater of operatinos: Union Line Undersea Tunnel
Enemy forces: Trucks x3, MTs x4
Objective: Destroy all enemies
Prep-You will be targeting MTs, weak trucks, and flying units. Get yourself
set of missles (with lots of ammo and a fast lock-on) for the flyers and some of
your favorite guns or rockets for the MTs and trucks. By now, you should have a
good idea of what you like to use. I just go with gun arms and nothing but,
because I trust my own eye for the flying units and a gatling round will take
one down.
You want a balanced AC. Go for a heavy if you like one, but try to
average out your speed and armor. You don't have to move exceptionally fast,
and you'll be taking a heavy beating. LN-SSVR legs are good, because they're
cheap, give +600 AP, and have exceptional shell defense.
The Mission-You start out planted on a beach near the tunnel. Immediately, before y
engage the MTs, do an about-face and start running down the bridge. Run out
over the water until you meet the trucks. Blow all three up (your priority, and
they move quickly), then turn back to the MTs. You've got four MTs to take out.
Destroying one will trigger enemy reinforcements coming in: four flying units.
Target the MTs first, then raise your eyes to the sky and go for the flyers.

They're very weak; one direct hit of just about anything will take one down.
But they are fast, so it's hard to target or them with missles. Once all three
trucks, all four MTs, and all four flyers are taken out, you win.
--------------CAVERN INVASION
--------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Reward: 0 C
Rumor has it, that a group of enemies have infiltrated the Cavern in the SE
sector of the city. According to our information, the Cavern is being used by a
company to store important minerals. We think the enemy forces that entered the
Cavern are after these minerals. The target is a Raven AC hired as an escort.
Ignore all other enemies. Seek out and destroy the AC, then escape.
Theater of operations: SE Isaac City Cavern
Enemy forces: AC (Evil Kiss) x1, MTs x 7, roof-mounted guns x 6
Objective: Destroy AC and escape
Prep-Equip whatever you want. I wouldn't advise a rapid fire gun unless it's
the gatling gun arms, because you'll be going against nothing but moderatelystrong enemies. If you like rockets, equip some. It's fairly easy to hit MTs
in the narrow hallways. You might want to take along a rifle, a chain gun, or a
laser cannon. Maybe a grenade launcher. Equip some good missles for Evil Kiss.
As far as defense goes, shoot for extra AP and shell defense. The MTs u
what appear to be short burst chain gun type rounds, and can do a moderate
amount of damage if you get pummeled with them. They don't stun very much,
though, so if you've got room you can strafe.
NOTE: If you would like to fight one of the other two missions provided
this time, you may enter this level, get the part, and leave. This provides a
lot of funds. To do so, equip a powerful energy weapon (AW-XC5500 arms work
well) because the rounds do not cost anything and they destroy the MTs before
they give you much damage.
The Mission-You start out in a tunnel that emerges into a large room. Be sure to sa
hello to the MT, you'll be getting to know them a lot better in the near future.
This is a very long hallway riddled with lots of MTs. Fortunately, there's a
shortcut with only two. In the center of the first room, look straight up. See
if you can fly through that hole and up into the tunnel.
Proceed down this short tunnel. When you get to the "T," turn left firs
where you'll encounter a large room. In here are six roof-mounted guns which
can do a moderate amount of damage. You could shoot them down if you'd like,
but I'd get in and out fast. In the opposite corner from the tunnel mouth is a
back-mounted plasma AC part, called the WX-ED2. It's worth a bundle and should
compensate for the damage cost of this mission four times over (at least). Get
Now come back down the hallway, going straight at the "T," and enter the

huge cavern at the end. Evil Kiss, piloted by Sweet Devil, isn't as tough as
Lana makes it seem, though it will take a bit of shooting to get through with
him. It takes about 300 standard machine gun rounds to beat him. Missles,
rockets, and grenades will take him even faster. He wields a pulse rifle, an
ion cannon, and a massive missle. The missle is your primary concern. If you
see a small object speeding toward you, get out of the way! They're not very
accurate or fast, and rarely uses them, but they're quite deadly and he has an
unlimited number (restricting values do not apply to mission enemies).
Once you get through with him, look at your map. After checking it,
orient yourself so that you're facing the two openings. The right and top one
is the long way, the left and bottom one is where you came out. Exit the cavern
the way you came in. When you drop from the tunnel, the exit is to your left.
----------------ATTACK TERRORISTS
----------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Reward: 0 C
I've sent out a mission request to all Ravens on the NEST network. The request
I sent out, was for the removal of MTs attacking the Construction Site East of
the city. The real objective is for you to crush any ACs that take the bait.
Goldy, from the Sub-Arena, has already accepted the mission. MTs are easy
targets for Ravens, so she probably won't be ready for you. Take her when she
least expects it.
Theater of operations: Isaac City East Construction Site
Enemy forces: Sub-Arena AC Goldy (and Super Bow)
Objective: Destroy enemy AC
Prep-Don't get it too narrow, but you'll definitely need a FCS with an averag
or better range. The COMDEX-G8 works all right and is inexpensive. You may
want to equip the SP-ABS to prevent stunning by Superb Hunter's hand gun and
Ideal's missles, and the SP-E/SCR to eliminate a bit of damage from that laser
Take a back-mounted chain gun or another cannon weapon (WC-). Take a ve
nice rapidfire weapon, too, because they jump a lot. Definitely equip some
shock-absorbing parts, because Superb Hunter has a hand gun that can stun you
while Ideal unloads her rockets into you.
My ideal setup is a WC-CN35 chain gun, AW-MG25/2 gun arms (because they'
got a wider hit area than the gatling gun arms and your targets are going to be
moving fast) and M118-TD ammo. Note that you might not be able to afford the
last, don't worry about it and just replace it with a good missle or something.
The Mission-This mission is very simple, and easy if you can focus. Lana thought
there would only be one, but there are two ACs for you to take out: Superb
Hunter and Ideal, piloted by Super Bow and Goldy respectively. Though you have
to fight both at once, it seems as though they have much less AP then in the
Superb Hunter is the green one. He has a hand gun, a laser cannon, and
missle launcher. He's kinda jumpy, so target Ideal first if you can. She's the
yellow one, and is jumpy, too, but not as much as Superb Hunter.

Here's your general strategy (but since the AI acts randomly, may not
always be 100% accurate). Move left and forward a little ways (you should
situate yourself on top of the nearest purple square in that direction), and
plant your back cannon weapon. Wait for them to come to you. Ideal should
appear in between the buildings off to the left, near the other pillar (watch
for her boosters, ignore the radar). As soon as she gets in range, unload your
weapon (chain gun preferred). If you provide a constant stream, she should be
destroyed about the same time that Superb Hunter starts using his laser cannon
or overhead missles. Switch to your rapidfire weapon and head toward him,
dodging left, right, and up at random to skew his aim. Fire all the way once
you lock him. Keep at a close enough range that he probably can't dodge your
fire, but if you start getting hit badly, move back. He might switch to his
hand gun during all of this, in which case you don't need to dodge, just keep
---------------ATTACK CHROME HQ
---------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Reward: O C
Your target is a Raven recently hired by Chrome, Isaac City's largest
corporation. The Raven is Hercules, a member of the Sub-Arena. He has signed a
long-term contract with Chrome as a guard at their Corporate HQ. Chrome already
has a complex security system in place, the Raven has been hired to put
additional pressure on anyone attempting to breach their HQ. I can take care of
the security system, but not the Raven. We have three minutes tops, you must
destroy him within that time frame.
Theater of operations: Chrome Corporate HQ
Enemy forces: Sub-Arena AC Hercules
Objective: Destroy the AC in 3 minutes
Prep-Though Bugzy loves sword battles in the Sub-Arena, he doesn't seem to us
his blade at all here. He uses mostly missle attacks (XCS-9900), so equip for a
lot of damage. He is designed for shell defense and has a much lower resistance
to energy weapons. His other weapon is a WG-HG1 hand gun, which means that all
of his ammo is solid. You might like to focus on defending against solid rounds
and attacking with energy rounds.
He will jump around somewhat, but not that much, and he'll occasionally
on a stretch where he's just airborne for a little while. Gun arms of any kind
are good, especially energy-type. If not, get the WG-XP2000 for a hand weapon.
It is possible to effectively use back-mounted cannons (WC-), so equip one if
you really like them. The WC-O1QL is very suited in this case. Note: If
you're going to utilize energy weapons, your main focus should be putting aside
enough cash for the GBG-XR generator. It's the best well-rounded and mid-weight
generator in the game, and is about twice as expensive as those you've probably
been getting used to.
The Mission--

Very forward and simple, the mission description has it all. You have
three minutes to kill this guy, no little twists or anything. You kill him, you
win. You die or the time runs out, you lose. Simple as that. Reasonably,
you're in MUCH more danger of getting killed than exceeding the time limit, so
take your time with him.
---------------DEFEND SUBMARINE
---------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: R&G Industries
Reward: 34000 C
Your objective is to escort a marine transportation battalion. You will board
an T&G Industries' Transport Submarine and accompany it to its destination. R&G
Industries has become a target of recent terrorist activities, we believe that
another attack on the company is imminent. We have no way to predict what
problems might occur en route. Therefore, be prepared to handle any
circumstances that may arise.
Theater of operations: R$G Industries Steamship Route
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Escort Submarine
Prep-First, all of the shock absorbing you can muster. That cannon can knock
you off real easy. I recommend a good caterpillar base, because then you can
fire shoulder mounts and compensate for shock at the same time, but if you
prefer humanoids, I'd go with the LNKS-1B46J. Definitely get the SP-ABS and the
SP-SAP for optionals, and if you're getting caterpillar legs, you might as well
get that massive generator that's really heavy.
You want a good set of missles for the choppers and a good long-range
cannon for the battle cruiser, unless you're willing to fly over and sword the
things, then ignore the cannon part. You might want a good radar head or some
back radar to keep all of your targets in sight and range. The battle cruiser
seems to be around a range of 10000 to 15000 at any given least, you
should equip yourself for that range. I suggest a grenade launcher (WC-GN230)
or laser cannon (WC-01QL or WC-IR24). The WC-IR24 is expensive and heavy, but
very effective. For the choppers, you'll want either a WC-CN35 chain gun or
some of your favorite missles. Triple missles or greater and a fast FCS are
nice, because it allows you to make locks on multiple choppers and they're
fairly weak. Alternatively, you could get some gun arms, since you won't be
using a sword this battle unless you plan to fly.
To boil it down, my preferred setup: LC-MOS4545 caterpillar legs, AWGT2000 gatling gun arms (you might want missle arms), WC-CN35 chain gun, and the
WC-IR24 laser cannon. The laser cannon doesn't quite seem to reach the cruiser
at times, but three shots will take out a cannon and two the missle launcher, so
it works fast. I don't like messing with missles, I prefer my own shooting to
take choppers down. Thus, I like to use the QX-AF FCS. If you really want to
get prepared, give yourself a XCH-01 core.
The Mission-You're stuck on a little sliver of land in the middle of nowhere, and if
you fall of, you fail. Not only are you bombarded by long-range cannon fire,
but overhead missles and birds of doom. You've got to be either risky enough to

fly over and sword the cannons (and you can land on the ship), or you've got to
have an FCS and a weapon with a long enough range to do so. Not only that,
unless you're a really good shot you've got to have an FCS with a wide range to
take out choppers. While you dodge cannonfire and missles. And on top of that,
you have to defend that submarine, because it can blow up!
You want to stay toward the left side of the sub (because of the
cannonfire recoil). This is all about time. Choppers will constantly appear,
no more than three at once. The battle cruiser will appear about the time the
second wave of choppers comes. The cannons and missle launchers are your
priority, take them out first. Then focus on the choppers until you submerge.
You shouldn't have to destroy more than nine or ten of them in total.
-------------ENEMY FORTRESS
-------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 36000 C
We have pinpointed the location of the base that terrorists have been using for
their strikes on Isaac City. You mission is to attack this base. The base's
location is in an Old Castle in the NW sector of the White Land Area. The
castle, now a fortress, is protected by many gun Emplacements. The gun
emplacements surround the entire fortress and will attack if given a target. Do
not let your guard down, even for a moment.
Theater of operations: NW White Land Old Castle
Enemy forces: Gun Emplacements x 9 (plus a handful of tanks and Stalker)
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Prep-I don't particularly prefer this mission, mostly because Ninya (with the
AC Stalker) is a bit too powerful after you've taken a battering from everything
else. Fight Ninya in the Sub-Arena first to get a feel for how he moves.
You'll be going against four types of enemies. Three cannon emplacements first,
then machine gun emplacements, then missle-firing tanks, then Ninya.
For this mission you're going to need a really, exceptionally good pair
boosters and/or engine. You'll be hopping and flying around a lot, especially
when you come up against Stalker. He likes using rockets, so get some antirecoil stuff (optional parts, primarily) without sacrificing too much speed. If
he gets you caught in the rocket limbo, where you can't really move enough to
aviod fire and he keeps stunning you with rockets, your AP is going to go fast.
For the tanks and gun emplacements, you're going to need some good,
powerful weaponry unless you plan to waste a lot of ammo. I suggest WR-M70 or
WR-L24 rockets, because the gun emplacements can't move and the tanks move
slowly. My personal choice is the WR-L24, because one hit plus few machine gun
rounds will take out an emplacement. Twenty-four rockets is all you really
need, anyway, and if you run out just use normal ammo. Of course, if it takes
you a few shots to get your rockets set straight, go with the WR-M70 or your
favorite missles.
Other than that, just go with what you're comfortable with. I like usin
a standard machine gun with some extra ammo. Going light is good, so that
you're maneuverable. Your main concern is what you're going to use against

Stalker, since during the mission you will have lost about half of your AP to
the tanks and gun emplacements.
The Mission-Right off the bat, your transport starts taking cannon fire. I despise
those three cannons, 'cause they get real annoying and deplete some of your
early AP. Take them out quickly.
Now everything is quiet, and will remain quiet for a while. You're goin
to methodically and patiently pick off the emplacements one by one, taking as
little damage as possible. Refer to your map occasionally to orient yourself.
Turn to those two blue triangles first, and choose one. Fly up until you're
level with it and take it out (from the air). Then land on top.
Now go around the entire castle, from turret to turret, and take out the
rest. Stand a good ways away, out of their range, and fire a rocket or
something similar to make it go up in smoke. You may encounter tanks on the
way, if so, dispatch them and continue.
You'll have a couple pairs of tanks appear on the far horizon and head
toward you, firing missles. You could hop down and strafe around them to take
them out, if that's what you prefer. My choice, though, is to stand on the wall
or a turret and aim sideways, down the length of the wall, and rocket 'em to
death. Wastes less ammo that way. If you do, make sure that the side of your
AC with the rocket is the side facing outside the castle.
Either way, you've just got to keep circling and circling the castle unt
all of the guns and tanks get taken out. It's a lengthy process, and only ends
when you've gotten all the guns and eight tanks. Once you're finished, a cocky
Ninya shows up and decides to squash you under his blue boot.
I'd take the battle around to the front of the castle, near where you
dropped off. It's flat, though sloped. Keep your eyes somewhat high, as he
likes jumping and flying a lot. Retreat and pan until you can see him, and hit
him the hardest when he lands. Some kind of missle would be useful here.
----------------ASSIST MARINE LAB
----------------Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 46000 C
An emergency situation has come up. We'll be sending a mission request
directly. The PROGTECH Marine Laboratory is under attack by an unknown MT. The
attacker's objective is still unclear. We've already sent in another Raven, but
he was unable to complete the mission. The best he could do was stall the
enemy's invasion of the facility. An important company official is housed
within the facility. It is vital that he be rescued and brought to safety. As
is our right as your sponsor, we are temporarily revoking your license to
participate in the Arena. This mission is now your top priority.
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Marine Laboratory
Enemy forces: MTs x 5
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Prep-By now, you should have enough credits to buy just about whatever AC
assembly you want. This is a mandatory and fairly easy mission. It's short and
to the point. Really, just equip whatever you want to; missles, rockets, and a
rifle or high-powered gun would be okay. Equip AP over speed.

The Mission-You start out on a transport. Simply leap off (watch that water) and
start taking out MTs. There are five of them positioned in various places
around the facility. It takes a lot of machine gun fire to get rid of them, I
prefer shooting 'em out of the water (no pun intended) with two large rockets at
point blank.
After you take out all five, walk up to the door and release Fritz. Thi
event will trigger the coming of the "boss," a very slow moving but powerfullyequipped MT. I'd suggest taking him out with rockets or grenades; there's
really no point in prolonging the battle and he's easy to hit anyway. Five
large rockets should do the trick. It doesn't really matter if Fritz dies, but
if you're a moral person (and want the money for beating him in the Sub-Arena),
distract the MT long enough for him to peel out.
Oh, and be prepared for a chewing-out when you get back.
-------------DESTROY CANNON
-------------Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Izumo Materials
Reward: 33000 C
The requester is Izumo Materials. We've recieved information indicating that a
colossal cannon, built during The Great Destruction, is in the process of being
restored. Verify this information, and if the reports we've recieved turn out
to be true, destroy the cannon before restoration can be completed. Izumo
Materials, whose emphasis is space development, has plans to launch a satellite.
The cannon is apparently set to target this satellite. If restoration of the
cannon is indeed underway, explosive charges must be set and the cannon
destroyed completely.
Theater of operations: Borian Highland Cannon Ruins
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy the Cannon
Prep-For this one, you need a good engine and set of boosters, something that
can jump (humanoid or back-jointed), and whatever anti-AC weaponry and equipment
you're comfortable with. Fight Locagos first to get a feel for how he works if
you have the option. Equip some big guns, you'll have to do the job fast.
You'll be taking some unavoidable damage, working as fast as you can, then
you'll go against a Sub-Arena pilot, Locagos, and his Toll-Keeper AC. Don't
worry, he seems to have a much more limited AP (either that or he can't jump
around as much as he can in an Arena fight and is easier to hit) than in the
Sub-Arena. Equip some shock-resistant parts, as you'll be bombarded with
missles while setting bombs and you don't want the recoil slowing you down.
The Mission-This mission is very simple and straightforward. Your objective is a
cannon, a big pillar with four levels on it. Around you are walls of a crater,
limiting your movement. You have exactly five minutes before the thing fires,
and within that time you have to set the bombs and destroy an AC. Work as fast
as you can.
When you're dropped, you immediately start taking machine gun and missle
fire. Ignore it. You don't have time to waste on flying units. Turn right

toward the pillar, rocket to the door, and press circle, planting the first
bomb. Now jump, moving backwards enough to clear the next landing, and rocket
up to the next level. Strafe RIGHT, counterclockwise, to the next door, and
plant another.
Repeat this on the last two doors. Try not to fall's a long an
painful way back up. Always go right from one door the the next, because it'll
be a shorter distance than going left. If you can, try to set the bombs within
the first minute or two. Working quickly, I set them all in about 30-45
seconds, which leaves plenty of time for the AC.
Once you're done, simply drop backward off of the landing, hit the groun
and start moving to avoid fire (you can return fire if you want, but it's kind
of pointless and wastes ammo). The next event will occur automatically. Soon,
another transport will appear, housing you-know-who. He'll drop out of the sky
and attack.
Unfortunately, though it seems they've disappeared, the flying units wil
return and begin attacking you. Ignore them, and focus on Locagos. Keep him in
sights as much as possible and strafe to avoid his lasers. He's a jumpy thing,
be prepared to back up and look for him (and keep an eye on your radar). Defeat
him as quickly as you possibly can. Your transport cannot pick you up until
he's gone, and you have to do it within the time limit.
Once you defeat him, just run around and avoid fire until the scene ends
If you survive with enough ammo and AP to actually get some good money out of
the mission, you truly do deserve a medal.
--------------BOARD SPACESHIP
--------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 42000 C
A rather strange mission request has just been received. It entails the
investigation of a recently discovered Derelict Spaceship. It isn't known when
the Spaceship was built, but it was probably sometime before The Great
Destruction. Many technologies were lost in The Great Destruction, so any
materials or information found dating prior to this event are extremely
valuable. PROGTECH sent a Research Team to investigate the Spaceship, but three
days have gone by without any contact. There must be trouble aboard. Your goal
is to locate the Research Team. Remember, nothing is known about the Spaceship,
so excercise extreme caution.
Theater of operations: Derelict Spaceship
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Locate Research Team
Prep-The ship came to rest vertically, so you're going to be doing a lot of
wall-climbing. Get a good, light AC and some excellent boosters. I suggest a
GBG-XR engine, since it's relatively light and has good output. You'll also be
encountering a lot of low-AP units and nothing else (unless you want to fight
William), so get yourself a good chain gun, machine gun, or gun arms. I use AWMG25/2 arms and extra ammo. A pulse rifle works all right, but it takes a bit
to kill a unit.

The Mission-This mission is hard...unless you are familiar with the ship, which most
people aren't. So I'll be providing a map with locked and unlocked doors. It's
a giant labyrinth unless you really know what you're doing. Take a long look at
your in-game map and get to know how the ship works before you go. If you get
off track of this guide at all, it's virtually impossible to pick it up again
(since there really aren't any "mile markers"), so either pay attention well or
plan to hoof it on your own.
There are two "layers" to the ship. I'll be showing the map as it would
appear in the in-game map. In other words, one map layer (below) does not
directly correspond to the other. They're reversed so that if you look at them
in the game (you have to rotate it), you can figure out how to get through
easier. That doesn't seem to be useful, but if you're planning your route it's
the way it has to be.
This map is not bird's eye. Sorry, but the length of the ship is
Map legend:
-| - Pathways (NOT walls)
+ - Pathway to take
O - Open door
L - Locked or closed door
#, X, Y, or Z - Connection to other layer
START! - Starting point
AVOID! - Where you fight the AC. You don't need to, so don't go here.
That is, of course, if you want a totally pointless (except for the challenge)
GOAL! - Target of mission (the rescued crew member). Go here to finish
the mission.
A few hints. Use the map for reference, and keep track of it as you go

along. Check the in-game map often to make sure you're staying on the track I
tell you. There are a lot of roof-mounted guns and little flying units, you may
destroy or not destroy them as you see fit and I won't be covering where they
are. You should destroy both groups of flying units, though, because where they
are you might have to take several tries to access an area and would fall back
into the midst of them repeatedly.
When you start out (S), you're facing a doorway (Y). Go through it. To
your left, along the wall, is a vertical set of doorways. Be careful, in this
chamber there's a set of three doors and a set of two doors on different walls.
You want the wall with two doors. Skip the first one and enter the second. You
have just entered the "spine" of this layer of the ship. The walls should be a
more tannish color. Drop all the way down and enter the doorway you find at the
bottom (Z).
Now go sraight up. This will require you to pan your sight to the very
top using L2 and "aim" your AC so that it goes through the little hole. Hang an
immediate right (the only door that's unlocked) and go right, into the other
layer (1). You are now directly opposite the starting area.
Look up. Long way, huh? You have to fly all the way to the very top of
this chamber and through the little hole at the top. Good luck, it may take a
few tries. Utilize the pillars strung across the hall or the doorways to either
side. Once you get up through, you have to go up again (don't enter the door to
your right). The wall behind you (if you stayed oriented the same way the whole
time) has a hole in the top (5). Enter it. Then simply drop down the shaft and
find the last surviving member of the crew. You win.
If you want to fight the AC, instead enter the door to your right I told
you not to a second ago. You can hear him on the other side of the door across
from you, but it's locked. Go up. You'll enter another chamber, where you'll
find a hole in the wall far above you (6). Enter it. Now, to your left is an
unlocked door (a bit above you). Enter it. On the wall to your left is a hole,
at the very top (7). If you enter it and drop through, you'll fight him.
I will not cover how to fight William in too much detail, as you really
don't need to and he's a pain to beat anyway. He's 15th in the Arena, and it's
hard to combat him in that tiny space. But if you want to, go for it. Do a
little machine gunning, that should do the trick. Other than that you're on
your own. And getting back out is up to you, too.
-----------------DESTROY GIANT TANK
-----------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 40000 C
A few surviving members of a successfully splintered terrorist organization are
making a last stand. They're attacking nearby facilities with a giant Tank.
Your mission is the elimination of the terrorist controlled Tank. It is in the

Battleship class and was most likely built before The Great Destruction.
Destroy all Tank defenses and render it inoperable. This will be much different
from fighting ACs or careful.
Theater of operations: Zearm Desert East Barrens
Enemy forces: Tank x1
Objective: Destroy all defenses
Prep-This is one of the easiest missions in the game...if you can pull off th
first maneuver. For this one, I will advise one thing and one thing only: stock
up the big guns. Cannon guns or arms (I like the AW-DC/2 arms), rockets,
grenade launchers, mortar launchers...just everything you can think of to do
lots of damage fast. Totally immoble targets. There's only one catch. You'll
be doing a bit of flying, so you need to keep the weight around or below 5000
and get a good generator. Unfortunately, the ammo is costly, so you might have
a chunk bitten out of your budget during this mission. Either that, or get some
energy cannons (the WC-01QL can destroy a side turret in under ten shots).
Energy saves your cash a lot, but make sure you take enough ammo.
The Mission-It's very easy to totally disable the tank. First of all, there's a big
gray hatch right behind the "head" that you see poking up. Every so often it
releases a volley of overhead missles that are your worst enemy on this mission.
Nothing does more damage or is as annoying as them.
So what do you do? Immediately run forward and fly straight up and over
the head and the big front gun. You'll have one or two missle sets launched at
you, but it shouldn't do too much damage and if you're lucky won't knock you too
much off track. Land on top of the tank and unload your weapons into that hatch
(one AW-DC/2 shot or a few WC-01QL rounds should do it). Once it's down, then
turn from side to side and pick of the five gun turrets around you.
Fortunately, they weren't meant to strike something that's on top of the tank,
and thus cannot get at you. The sixth, in front, you cannot reach from the top
of the tank. Just run around can't get you if you stay on the
-------------------ENTER ABANDONED MINE
-------------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 49000 C
A Secret Material, developed by PROGTECH, was stolen. We are still
investigating, but it appears as though the culprit may be The Wolf, a ranked AC
sighted nearby. The last known location of the thief was in the vicinity of
Fort Garden. You mission is to search the Abandoned Mine and recover the stolen
material. As this request originates with your Arena sponsor, and is a priority
mission, your Arena challenging rights have been suspended.
Theater of operations: Fort Garden Abandoned Mine

Enemy forces: Unknown

Objective: Recover secret material
Prep-Here, equip whatever speed and/or armor equipment you're comfortable wit
I'd advise gatling gun or fast-reloading cannon arms, or if not arms a rapidfire
weapon. You'll be fighting a lot of low-AP units before you get to The Wolf
(piloted by Prime). The Wolf is 14th in the Arena, so if you take him out it's
your ticket into the big leagues.
My equipment of choice is a light AC, gatling gun arms, a back-mounted
chain gun, and extra ammo. I plant and use the chain gun for a lot of the
normal enemies, and save my gatling ammo for The Wolf. No rockets, they're too
hard to use and you'd just waste ammo trying to hit a lot of the units.
The Mission-As a general note, always turn around before you enter a shaft, and back
into it. There are many long vertical "tubes," and usually, if you just walk
into one, you'll come to the bottom with the enemy behind you. So unless there
is an obvious reason not to, always walk into a shaft backwards.
You'll start out facing a shaft. Back into it, and drop to the room
below. Take out the units and keep going. You'll come to another shaft. Drop
down and enter the hallway, where you'll find a big green button on a platform.
Push it, and turn around (to face the way you came and that yellow triangle on
your radar). You'll decend past several trucks. Ignore them, and wait until
you reach the bottom. If you have a chain gun, you might want to plant yourself
while you wait so that you can take out the waiting unit before it hits you.
Now, the next shaft is different. Don't decend to the very bottom if yo
can help it. There's nothing there but enemies. Go to the middle floor. There
you'll find several ground and flying units, and that's the way you need to go.
The next shaft is a long one, and punctuated by two extra rooms. Ignore
them, and go into the hall at the very bottom. Continue through here to the
next shaft. This time, enter the shaft facing forward and take out the unit.
You'll have to boost upward to enter the next hall. Same thing on the next
The next shaft after that does have a room above you, but ignore it and
down. After taking out the biggest group of units yet, you're ready to face
Prime. Drop down the last shaft, take out the two units, and enter the cavern.
The Wolf has two flying units with them. You'll have to dispatch them
eventually, so you might as well get it over with. Like Evil Kiss in the Cavern
Invasion level, this guy is packing a very powerful missle. Avoid it at all
costs, it's a killer! He also has two grenade launchers (one back, one arms),
so strafe back and forth quickly to avoid taking damage.
Once you destroy him, consult your map to find the door. Enter it, and
pick up the package. Oh, wait a minute! You just killed a pilot that was in
the Arena. Guess what happens now?
----------------DEFEND LABORATORY
----------------Requester: PROGTECH

Reward: 52000 C
An emergency situation has arisen. Our Laboratory at the center of the city is
under attack by unknown forces. The invaders have divided into several small
groups and are attacking via different routes. We assume their target is Elan
Cubis' Lab. There may be some connection between these units and the ones that
attacked out Marine Lab, but we aren't sure. All 4 Gates leading to the
Laboratory are located in Block 7. These key locations must be defended.
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Lab Block 7
Enemy forces: MTs (Details unknown)
Objective: Defend all gates
Prep-Take a good machine gun and some rockets or missles. This is just a
regular plow-through-enemy-units fight. Equip a good radar head or a backmounted radar, you'll need to be able to find the attackers.
The Mission-Relatively simple. You're stuck in a low-ceilinged, pillar-strewn arena
where you have to run around and squash attempts to open gates. It sounds
harder than it is. The gates are only attacked one at a time and it's easy to
pick off the units. Whenever the increasingly cocky voice comes on, look for a
bunch of red triangles on your radar and head in that direction.
The MTs are small, weak, and come in pairs. They sling missles and
sometimes machine gun fire at you. They actually can break down the doors, so
you have to distract them.
When the voice says "unit" instead of "units" (it's the fourth
time)'s Hustler One. Confront him. He won't attack until he asks why
you're there, so give him all you've got beforehand. He's all alone, and if
you're familiar with your weapons, he shouldn't be too difficult to destroy.
He's got a grenade launcher and a bunch of missles in his arsenal. Watch out
for his sword. The pulse rifle is his weakest weapon, so count it a blessing if
he starts using it. After you deplete his AP enough, he'll retreat to regroup
and you win the day.
---------ASSIST MTS
---------Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 55000 C
We're requesting you to assist our transportation team. They are now moving
from the Marine Laboratory to our HQ, but they have come under attack. The
transportation team is being guarded by our Escort Team, but they are being
overwhelmed by the enemy's forces. You must be careful...all units, both friend
and foe, send the same signal. You'll need to make visual contact before
initiating an attack. Otherwise you might hit our team. Attacking blindly may
lead to friendly fire casualties. Be selective and save as many of our units as
you can.
Theater of operations: Isaac City Center Street
Enemy forces: MTs x6
Objective: Save friendly units
Prep-Just equip some good anti-MT stuff. I suggest machine gun arms, or mayb
the WG-RF/E sniper rifle with ten shots (if you're confident). Also get a good
engine and booster, as well as a light AC and fast legs. You won't take much

damage, but you're going to have to travel fast.

The Mission-I will divide the map in compass directions. You start out facing "sout
near the center square. Southeast of you and north of you are where most of the
shooting is going on. You have three allies to save and six enemies to kill.
The gold units are your allies. Do not shoot them, but they send the sa
signal as the grey units, which are your enemies. Since there's so many
shadows, a way to double check is to get up next to a gray-looking unit. If it
shoots you, shoot back.
Hit the southeast battle first, then head north. Warning: you will take
out three units in the south. Only kill two in the north battle if you want the
hidden FCS! Leaving one MT running around will keep the mission from ending,
and you don't have much danger of it killing all three gold MTs.
Now head northeast. In the northeast sector, you will find a bank-like
building, with pillars in front. It sort of looks like city hall. Blow it up
and go through the hole below.
You will emerge into a narrow tunnel. Go forward until you get to the
intersection, then go left. Follow the path until you come to the end, then
shoot the wall until it blows up. On the altar (what would you call it?) is the
FCS "P/CV." It's a one-lock FCS, but it has standard sight type and well-aboveaverage preformance at up to mid range. For non-missle users, this is the best
FCS in the game.
Then get back out and destroy the remaining MT, which finishes the
------------------ELIMINATE INTRUDERS
------------------Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 56000 C
We've relocated our Chief Scientist, Elan Cubis, to our Corporate HQ.
Unfortunately our timing couldn't have been worse, as the building is now under
attack. The ID of the intruders is unknown and all attempts to stop their
progress have failed They're making headway towards the building's core and
Elan's location. We have no time to waste. A top-class Raven such as yourself
is needed immediately. Take out the intruders.
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Corporate HQ
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy all enemies
Prep-There is really no easy way to beat this one. It is a crawl level, you
have to make your way painstaikingly through enemy forces, and you'll be beaten
and battered and low on ammo when you come up upon Nine-Ball.
The only thing I can advise is get some good-preforming balanced parts.
Get what you like using, it's a long crawl and you'll need to be at your best.
I'd suggest taking along a little something for Nine-Ball (I use gatling gun
arms, they're my favorite) and taking a chain gun for the regulars. The chain
gun should take out most all of your enemies, just use your regular ammo for
what's left. You might also want to take along a M118-TD ammo. You're really
too confined to use missles effectively, but you can try if you want.

The Mission-You start out in an empty room with a big green button by an elevator.
Elan Cubis will sort of give you pointers in this one. Press the green button
and wait for the elevator to come down. Walk onto it, press the button there,
and go up. You'll emerge in another seemingly empty room with another button.
Press this one, too. When you do, a panel to your left will open up and
release two MTs (one regular, one fighting). Beware of the fighting MT, and
don't let it get too close! It has a sword that can do a good bit of damage.
Take both of them out and get on the elevator. Going up?
Now, as you start ascending, turn around to face the room and plant
yourself with your chain gun (if you brought one). As soon as the enemy comes
into view, blast away before you get hit. Careful...while you're hitting one,
the other may come up and try to sword you. If this happens, just jump over him
and retreat to the other corner of the room, plant, and blast away.
There is a door in this room with a trigger-happy MT behind it. Open th
door, and take out the MT. Move down the hallway. You'll find another door
with two MTs behind it. Take them out, and move to the elevator button in this
room. Pressing it will release another panel with two regular MTs and a
fighting MT. Take them out quickly...these guys can do a lot of damage.
Ascend the elevator and take out the three MTs waiting for you. You may
start to run out of ammo on your chain gun...that's okay, just use your regular
ammo. There's no more to fight after this until you reach Nine-Ball.
Continue through the door, the hall, and the elevator. There's no more
traps. Going down the last elevator, you'll come to a small room with a hallway
leading to a door. Behind this door awaits Nine-Ball. After a brief
confrontation, you have to annihilate him. Be wary of his pulse rifle and his
sword. Keep moving and strafe around him. If he starts using his back weapons,
just keep strafing to avoid fire and he'll eventually go back to his pulse
rifle. If you keep focused and target him constantly, some good gatling gun
fire or other powerful rapid-fire gun will destroy him in a matter of seconds.
------------ENTER FACTORY
------------Sender: Lana Nielsen
Reward: 60000 C
There is a Factory near Isaac City that no one knows of. I am waiting there.
Scientists attacked...Ravens targetted...The best AC in the Arena lives even
after defeat...Do you think you've figured it all out? Come meet me to see if
you're right.
Theater of operations: Factory
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective Reach the innermost sector of the Factory
Prep-You're on your own. No one can tell you what to use, you've got to be
comfortable with your equipment and you have to know how to use it. I'll be
including a little data picked up from, but I personally will
not cover the final showdown except to tell you what you're up against.
The Mission-Upon entering, you will fight one Nine-Ball. After a lot of plot and
storyline, you will fight two Nine-Balls at once. You will then descend an
elevator and fight Ultimate Nine-Ball (fortunately, you get your ammo reserves

and AP restored before the final battle). Watch out for his sword and boost a
Is it all over? Is there nothing left to do? Pshaw, of course not! Wh
all three secret parts and all the missions and head over to the Ex Arena! tip, provided by
Hint: Defeating Ultimate 9-Ball
To defeat the Ultimate 9-Ball use a combination of Large Missles and a Karasawa.
You should be able to get it on your third try.

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