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The Improving Students Writing Achievment Through Mind Mapping Technique On

Senior High School 10th Grade Of Muhammadiyah 1 Taman, Sidoarjo

A. Background of the study
Language is a way of expressing ideas and feelings using movements,
symbols, and sounds. (Oxford: fourth edition, page: 247, 2008). Language cannot be
separated from human lives because it takes almost all the part of human alive. One of
the languages which are often used as a means of a communication is English.
English is the most spoken one all around the world. It is a very interesting and useful
language as one can have many advantages from knowing it.
In Indonesia, English is as the second language. Indonesian must learn English
to make them better using English.One of the components which take the important
aspect of learning English is writing. In the teaching of language, in this case, English,
there are four language skills that should be taught to the students. The four language
skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing as one of the important
aspects has a position in the four language skills.
The writer took research at the Tenth B Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Taman-Sidoarjo which consists of 40 students. And the minimum score that students
have to reach is 75. But in the fact, the students who are able to reach the minimum
score or more is only 25% , it means there are only 10 students who can reach it. And
75% or 30 students couldnt reach it. It happened because the teaching learning was
monotonous and bored, the teacher still used the traditional method and media. Thats
why the writer implement mind mapping technique to improve the students writing
Writing is most likely to encourage thinking and learning when students view
writing as a process. By recognizing that writing is a recursive process, and that every
writer uses the process in a different way, students experience less pressure to get it
right the first time and more willing to experiment, explore, revise, and edit.
(Harmer, 2009:325)
B. Scope and Limitation


: students Muhammadiyah 1 sidoarjo senior high school


1. Indicator variable independent : mind mapping

2. Indicator variable dependent : analytical exposition

C. Statement of the problem

how to implement mind mapping to improve students writing achievment?

D. Objective of the Study

Generally, the purpose of this research is to increase student
achievement in writing skill. Specifically, the purposes of this research are to
get information about:
1. To find out the procedure of the use mind mapping strategy in the class.
2. To find out whether mind mapping strategy to improve percentages of the
students ability in writing, especially in analytical exposition text.
3. To find out the use of mind mapping strategy to improve writing skill in
analytical exposition text.

E. Significance if the study

The writer hopes that the result of this research can give information
about the level of students to improve writing skill and the writer hopes that
using mind mapping strategy in teaching writing will be useful for both, for
the teachers, the students and the researcher. The benefits of the study are as
1. For the students
This research can help students to know how to improve writing
skill and compose paragraph analytical exposition use mind mapping
2. For the teacher
This research can help the teachers to support and motivate their
students in writing paragraph
3. For the researcher
From this research, the writer can learn the way to give motivation
to the students in writing skill.

F. Action Hipothesis
If mind mapping technique implemented, so the students writing achievment will

G. Definisi Operasional

Mind mapping
Mind-map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your
brain. Mind-map is a creative and logical means of note-taking and notemaking that literally maps out your ideas (Buzan, 2006:6)

Writing Achievment
Writing skill is specified into the skill in organizing ideas. (Rohman,
2009:5). Writing is to share the information about everything to the reader in
written form.

A. Review of Literature
1. Definition of writing
Writing is most likely to encourage thinking and learning when students view
writing as a process. By recognizing that writing is a recursive process, and
that every writer uses the process in a different way, students experience less
pressure to get it right the first time and more willing to experiment,
explore, revise, and edit. (Harmer, 2009:325)
2. Teaching Writing
Teaching Writing is instructing students to write or express their ideas,
thoughts and feelings. It is complicated to teach writing because there are so
many aspects that we must have. They are grammar skills, vocabulary
knowledge, composition of writing, and interesting media.
3. Kind of Text
a) Narration
Narration is a story told to make a point. The purpose of narrative
is to amuse the Reaser and give moral to the reader. It consist of
conflict, climax and resolution (Pardiyono,2008:93).
b) News Item
News item is a type of writing that has the main function or
communication purpose is to inform readers or listener about
events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important
c) Analytical Exposition
According to Grace and Sudarwati (2006: 15) an analytical
exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to
persuade the listener that something is the case, to make the

persuasion stronger, the speaker or written give arguments as

the fundamental reasons why something is case.
d) Description
It is type of writing in which the objective is to describe a certain
object, especially about person, place or thing. (Pardiyono,
e) Recount
According to Knapp (2005: 224), Recount Text, basically it is
written out to make a report about an experience of a series
of related event.
f) Hortatory Exposition
Exposition is the common method of development whether of his
evokes specific sensory detail. For a description or complies
pertinent evidence foe an argument, he argument, he must provide
example to illustrate the purpose. (Pardiyono, 2008:86).
g) Anecdote
Anecdote is a story about funny or silly events that have occured in
order to invite readers to share your emotions with the reader.
Because it is ridicolous, basically has a funny character.

4. Techniques
a. Portfolio
The portfolio is a compilation of students work, which demonstrates
how much effort they have put into their work, their progress and
achievement in their learning, and their reflection on the materials
chosen for the portfolio. (Yang, 2003:16)
b. Mind Mapping
Mind-map is a highly effective way of getting information in and
out of your brain. Mind-map is a creative and logical means of notetaking and note-making that literally maps out your ideas (Buzan,

c. Drilling
Drilling technique is very useful in teaching pronunciation because it
can create correct and accurate pronunciation. (Senel, 2006)

B. Previous study
The teacher found Mind Mapping to be an effective method of note-making
and arranging thoughts. While some students enjoyed the unique approach of Mind
Mapping and the creativity it engendered, a sizeable proportion found the additional
effort required to create a Mind Map to be a barrier to their learning. This reaction
may have been different if more time was spent introducing and practicing the
technique. The teacher suggests introducing Mind Mapping and other note-making
methods to students at an early age as it may fit in well with young childrens
cognitive and writing skills development. It is also implied that Mind Mapping may
be more appropriate for students to use for organising their own thoughts during
revision, rather than note-taking in a lesson. (Gemma Boyson:2009)
The authors concluded that Mind Maps provide an effective study technique
when applied to written material and are likely to encourage a deeper level of
processing for better memory formation. The increased use of Mind Maps within
medical curricula should therefore be welcomed. On a cautionary note, it is
recommended that consideration is given towards ways of improving motivation
amongst users before Mind Maps are generally adopted as a study technique. The
authors suggest that effective training is provided so that students are enthusiastic
about adopting this approach in preference to other conventional study techniques.
(Farrand and Hennessy:2002)

C. Conceptual Frame Work

1. Planning
In this research, mind mapping is choosen as solution. The writer make
RPP and research instrument. The writer also has a partner while doing this

2. Acting
In the acting step, the writer applied the RPP which has been made. The
teacher begins the lesson and explain the rules of analytical exposition. After that,
the teacher applies mind mapping with the students.
3. Observing
In this observation, the writer identified the students involvement in
classroom activities and their writing achievements when using mind mapping.
4. Reflecting
In this reflecting, the writer do reflection and analysis the data whether
there is improvement or not about students writing achievement by using mind

Desain /rancangan : penelitian tindakan kelas karena apa

Conceptual framework (dijelaskan lebih detail)
1. Hasil dari pretest dilengkapi dngan RPP garis besar
2. Apa yang kita lakukan dengan Acting dan observing.
3. Refleksi. Mengungkapkan kapan dilakukan, siapa saja yang terlibat dalam
melakukan refleksi.
Decriptive qualitatif
Rumus presentase (p/n x100%)
P=jumlah siswa yang berhasil
N=jumlah siswa seluruhnya

Instrumen pengumpulan data penelitian

Teknik pengamatan menggunakan lembar observasi
Teknik pengumpulan/ pengambilan data menggunakan test

Chapter 3
C. data collecting technique
teknik: 1. Tes 2. Pengamatan
instrumen: 1. Tes 2. Lembar observasi
1. Tes: presentase formula : p/n x 100%
2. Non tes : descriptive qualitatif

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