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Channeled and written by:

Brenda Silverwolf Hanlon

August 2007

More and more of us are awakening to the idea that our bodies, minds, and spirits are one;

this is a principal theme of alternative and vibrational healing. In the same sense the
physical world merges with a world of spirit, one whose powers and gifts are available to
us once we open ourselves to it.
One way to make the world of spirit part of our normal reality is to create and deepen our
connection to the animals. Many cultures believe that animals can bring us messages
from the spiritual plane and can guide us during our explorations in that dimension, and
simply to open ourselves to the energies of a different kind of being expands the
dimensions of consciousness.
As we open ourselves to a deepened awareness of animals we become more able to
appreciate how the physical and spiritual worlds are one.
I, like the animals, am a spiritual being in a physical body.
We all have power animals - spirit animals - that are connected to us as protectors.
Many power animals are our spirit guardians that exist in other realms.
Some animals were with us from past lives but may have been another physical
form. Example: We might have had a wolf or other wild animal as a friend or
protector. In this timeline the animal incarnates as a dog.


Frog teaches of cleansing and honoring our tears because they cleanse
the soul.
Frog can teach you when it's time to refresh, purify and refill the coffers of the soul. It
teaches you to breathe, relax, step away from stress in what ever form it make be
appearing in your life.
This medicine teaches you to rid yourself of distractions and replace them with clear
energy. This medicine teaches how to clear away negativity and give support where it's
needed. Rain that is accompanied by the frog can bring forth new life and harmony.
Frog's familiar song is associated with rain, for frogs and toads must lay their eggs in
moisture. Many tribal peoples pray to Frog during drought.

Folk wisdom tells us that dreaming of Frog means good fortune and if Frog visits your
home you will find romance.
When you see or hear Frog, close your eyes and visualize prosperity. Then give thanks to
Frog for calling forth the healing, life-renewing rain.

There are numerous species of frogs found all over the world. Their bodies are designed
for jumping and their sharp eyes help them capture their prey, mostly insects. Because
the frogs eyes bulge out from the sides of the head they are able to see in nearly all
directions. This provides them with excellent depth perception.
Frogs have a well developed sense of hearing. Behind each eye is a large disked
membrane, an external eardrum that picks up sound waves and transmits them to the
inner ear and then to the brain. This coupled with their exceptional sight give them both
clairsentient and clairvoyant abilities.
The frog produces sound similar to the way humans do by forcing air from the lungs over
the vocal cords. Their variety of complex calls from ribbets to croaks associates it with
language. Those with this totem have the potential to take command of the spoken word
and are often bilingual.
Tree frogs are strong jumpers and despite their toes being only half webbed they are also
strong swimmers. One of the most interesting characteristics of the tree frog is the
changing of its colors from bright red, green, orange, to aqua. Color change is brought
about through the stimuli of light and moisture which create physiological change and
result in contraction or expansion of the pigment cells in the skin. These bright colors
appear on flanks, groin, surface of the thighs and the belly and serve in species
recognition or in confusing predators. One species native to South America has brightly
colored eyespots on its rump. When approached by a predator, the frog lowers its head,
elevates its rump thus confronting the predator with a seemingly much larger head. The
study of color and its affects on a persons psyche is helpful.
With the exception of a few species, most frogs do not care for their young. They mate
and then abandon their eggs. Because of this lessons associated with survival are
common in frog medicine people. Scientists believe that the health of frog populations
reflect the health of the eco system as a whole.
Because frogs are found in water and on land they hold the magic of both. Water has long
been associated with emotional cleansing. Mud the combination of earth and water is
used in healing therapies to rid the body of toxins. Because those with this medicine are
extremely sensitive the use of mud baths is advised.
The frog is a totem of metamorphosis. Most frogs undergo a two stage life cycle. Eggs
hatch into tadpoles which grow and eventually become adults. This signifies the
awakening of ones creativity. When frog leaps into a persons life it is an invitation to jump
into their creative power. To do this it is helpful to know which stage of life you are
presently in. By studying the characteristics of the frog the discovery of your present life
cycle is known.

Meeting the Animal You Are Being Attuned To.

Meeting a power animal creates a resonance between the consciousness of the totem and
our human consciousness. This inner resonance allows us to bring into the work the
intelligence, qualities, aspects, and worldview of the totem.
Often there is a subconscious link between you and your power animal that expresses
itself in your love for its species, even though you are not always aware of its influence in
your life. When you develop a conscious relationship with a totem, it becomes your ally.
Totems are powerful messengers, healers, and protectors, and they bring great benefit to
those who build and maintain such relationship.
Totemic initiations are powerful interactions that install the energetic configuration of the
totem nto your own energetic system at a deeper level.
Animal Totem Meditation
Smudge and create a comfortable space. Close your eyes, ground and center, using the
breath to fill your belly on the inhale, and exhale downward through your tailbone to
connect yourself with the earth.
Devote attention to your heart flame, directing love to make it grow and spread its
radiance throughout your being, filling you with warmth and light.
Imagine a golden cauldron in your abdomen, and stir the waters there. Notice as the
waters rise to meet the flame in your heart, and experience the conversion as the water
meets the fire and turns to steam.
The steam rises, opening the shamanic passageway at your throat to fill your head. Place
your entire attention within the steam. As it gathers in your head, it will lift your
consciousness up through your crown and into your light body.
It is dark. The first sense that awakens is smell. Then you notice the temperature. You are
starting to get an idea of where on the planet you are. There are sounds. The senses you
have awakened intensify. Tune in and concentrate on them. You realize your eyes have
been closed.
Open your inner eyes and look around. There is a sound; something is nearing. Listen.
What is it?
It pauses. . . You are getting more and more information about your surroundings, even
the time of the day or night. . . There is that sound again. Your totem animal approaches
When you turn your head toward it, you will find yourself looking directly into the eyes of
your totem.
This power animal is here to help you, to show you something about your life. . . Open

your heart in greeting as your request an experience. . .

Follow your totem. Watch. . . Listen. . .Feel to the fullest. . . Learn from what is offered. . .
When you feel it is time to return. . . Take a moment to consider what you can give back to
this totem, and be sure to offer your gratitude for the experience and the lessons learned.
Return into your physical body. Ground and center.

This manual may not be copied or altered in any way without the written permission of the
author Silverwolf

Brenda Hanlon August 2007

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