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How to Use Simple Acupressure

Points to Overcome Fear and

Posted by admin on February 10, 2013 in Health 1 Comments

HJ: Fear and anxiety create energetic responses in the body that be
controlled and modulated through the use of specific pressure points
(otherwise known as acupressure) on the body. While these will not
cure or eliminate the underlying cause of fear, they can rapidly
attenuate and diminish many of the associated symptoms fear causes,
which allows for the individual to better handle and eventually
overcome the tendency to move into that state. If we are overwhelmed
by the effects of fear and anxiety, it can be very difficult to maintain
ones center and balance throughout the experience, which is ultimately
necessary if we are to master our reactions to external stimuli.
Using these acupressure points when combined with affirmations and
visualizations can create powerful circuits and imprints in the body
and mind that help us to permanently alter our response to fear,
anxiety and stress. Until one learns to effectively understand and
disarm their fears permanently, the use of acupressure points can be a
potent tool in the management of the associated symptoms and
physiological reactions.
- Truth
By James Holliday and Kevin T. Boyd | James and T

Acupressure, acupuncture, and related practices Do-in, G-Jo, Shiatsu,
and Myotherapy, practiced in Asia for thousands of years, have only
gained wider acceptance in the West in recent times. Traditional Asian
medicine emphasizes personal responsibility for ones health. This page
is designed to put the relief of common and minor discomforts and
symptoms into your own hands.

By learning how to stimulate your own pressure points, you can relieve
minor or moderate symptoms, and reduce the need for nonprescription
drugs. Unlike most drugs, relief is usually immediate.

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine bodywork technique based
on the same ideas as acupuncture. It involves placing physical pressure,
by hand, elbow, or with the aid of various devices, on different pressure
points on the surface of the body (which may be far distant from the
symptom, related by what is called the meridian system) to bring about
relief through greater balance and circulation of energies in the body
(qi). It is intended to affect and balance the energetic system of the body
in order to treat the human body, mind, emotions, energetic fields, and
While some practitioners believe that first hints of acupressure or
reflexology have been found in ancient Indian texts, the first formally
recognized mention of qi is in the Chinese writings of the Shang dynasty
oracle bones which were produced between the 16th to 11th century B.C.
Possibly the earliest evidence of use of the meridian system for health
purposes has been found in Europe, of all places. tzi the Iceman, a
5,000 year old mummy found preserved in an Alpine glacier, seems to
have tattoos, some of which correspond to points that a modern
acupuncturist or tui na specialist would use to treat symptoms of
diseases that tzi seems to have suffered from, including digestive
parasites and degenerative bone disease. However, it is difficult to
speculate on the meaning of the tattoos as to whether they served a
decorative, religious, or a medical function.

Many East Asian martial arts also make extensive study and use of
acupressure for self-defense and health purposes (chin na). The points or
combinations of points are said to be used to manipulate or incapacitate
an opponent. Also, martial artists regularly massage their own
acupressure points in routines to remove blockages from their own
meridians, claiming to thereby enhance their circulation and flexibility
and keeping the points soft, or less vulnerable to an attack. Attacking
the acupressure points is one theme in the wuxia genre of movies and

Do not use acupressure to replace standard emergency procedures or
licensed medical treatment. If you are seriously injured or have
persistent symptoms seek urgent medical treatment
Acupressure should not be used:

As the only treatment for illness; if you are sick, see a doctor
If you have a heart condition
Just before or within 20 minutes after heavy exercise, a large meal,
or bathing
If the point in question is under a mole, wart, varicose vein,
abrasion, bruise, cut, or any other break in the skin
If you are pregnant, especially if more than 3 months

Note that symptoms marked (M) indicate that the need for medical
attention is likely, and those marked (EM!) indicate that emergency
medical attention may be needed if the condition is severe or lifethreatening. For these symptoms, only use acupressure to supplement
professional medical care, or when no professional medical care is
available. Only try acupressure for these symptoms after seeking
professional care and after using standard first aid and emergency

How Does It Work?

The concepts of internal and external environment are very important to
the philosophy of traditional Asian medicine. The human body, it is
believed, encloses a perpetual flow of bioenergy, or life-force, called chi,
ki or qi. This energy flows into the body and along specific pathways
called meridians, influencing the functioning of all the organs. In
healthy individuals, this flow maintains a constant balance with both
itself and the external environment. When external or internal events
occur which disturb this balance, disease ensues. Along the meridians
are a large number of pressure points that act as valves for the flow of
chi. The stimulation of these points, when properly performed, acts to
restore balance to the internal environment, thereby relieving symptoms.

Directions for Using Acupressure

To stimulate an acupoint properly, you must apply deep probing
pressure. Therefore, only apply pressure with:

Before beginning, try to accuratley classify your problem. For example, if

you have a backache brought on by stress, you might be better off
treating the stress rather than the backache itself.
You can browse the alphabetical list of symptoms, or use one of the pulldown menus to get a list of acupoints to try. The figures and text give the
approximate location of a point. Explore the area with a deep probing
pressure, until the exact point announces itself to you with a sharp
twinge. It starts as a jolt, and after a moment becomes a numbing
sensation, or a tingling radiating from the point. It can be quite a shock
the first time, but sensitivity decreases with experience.
When you have found the point, apply pressure for 15 to 30 seconds.
Repeat using the same point on the other side of your body. You should
feel immediate relief. You may feel a release of tension, sinus drainage or
perspiration. Sometimes points on opposite sides of the body will have
different effects. If symptoms increase, do not use that side or point.
If the first point doesnt work, try the next point or points until you find
one that does. There may be more than one approach to your symptoms,

such as kidneys vs. backache. When you find a point that helps, use
that point. If the relief is temporary, re-stimulate the point. Sometimes a
pain will go away and return three or four times, lesser each time.
You are trying to harmonize your inner environment, so isolate yourself
from the external environment as much as possible. Find a quiet place,
sit down, and try to relax. Avoid loud music, exercise, food, and any
drugs, including alcohol, while stimulating your acupoints.
Once you are familiar with using acupressure on yourself you can try it
on others, but be cautious. Most states have laws against the practice of
remedial massage, or medicine of any kind, without a license. I suggest
that you only attempt to use it on your family and friends.
When you do use it on others, be cautious of the warnings listed. Also, be
sure to explain what you are doing and what they can expect. Remember
that thumb widths and hand widths shown on the diagrams refer to the
width of the thumb or hand of the person being treated. Ask for feedback from them to be sure youve located the right spot, as exact
locations of points vary from person to person.

Finding Acupoints

Bioenergy control: Fear

Acupoint 03
Two thumb widths above the outside of the wrist, lined up
with the middle finger

Acupoint 06
One palm width below the bottom edge of the kneecap, on the
outside, in a depression between the shinbone and the leg
muscle; effective for most problems from the waist down,
especially when used with acupoint #5

Acupoint 11
On the largest crease of the inner wrist, on a line with the little

Acupoint 15
On the middle finger, just above the nail, on the side closest to
the thumb

Acupoint 31
Just above where the big toe and the second toe separate, on
the upper surface of the foot

Acupoint 19
On either side of the place where the spine meets the skull

Acupoint 21
In the middle of the sole of the foot, just behind the ball

- See more at:

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