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Reason of formation of the Universe.

Head I: Universe emergence from a point with zero volume and
infinitely the high in density and in temperature in
result Big Bang could not cause
its educations.
Head II: The reason of emergence, development and death of the Universe can be
only Withtop Global forces making work
certain contents and properties, as a result which
to our Universe occurs or process of its emergence,
either development, or destruction process.


The standard opinion in a modern science considered that:

The Universe arose from a point with zero volume and is infinite the high in
density and in temperature. This condition called by a singulyarnost, not underit is
given to the mathematical description".
"The Universe resulted from the Big Bang. About 10-20 billions years ago the
substance which blew up, was in a condition of a so-called singulyarnost, that is
possessed infinitely big density and very high temperature. In such conditions did
not operate

physics laws also could not exist atoms. The very strongly compressed substance at
the moment of the Big Bang started to extend with unimaginable speed.
At the moment of the Big Bang the temperature reached billion degrees. Within
only several minutes the matter, space, time and a chemical composition of the
Universe were created. At that time the Universe was extremely hot and consisted
of quanta of high energiya.
Owing to expansion the substance started to be cooled, and through any time
optimum conditions for formation of kernels and atoms were created. And only
through millions years the heated gases began about in stars and

It is askedwhether there corresponds this opinion of objective reality?

The first:whether can to exist in the real world surrounding us point with
in zero volume?
"Point" as space cannot really exist, but it can
to exist in the form of a matter, material object or energy, and each of these
fundamental elements of our real world has real concrete volume. Matter, any of
the material objects, any type of energy cannot have zero volume, as to zero
volume there corresponds also zero quantity the containing in it matters or weight
or energy. Therefore "something" cannot be formed of "anything" real and
concrete, and especially ours The Universe, in which are concentrated global on
to scales quantity of a matter, material objects and energy.

The second: whether can to exist in the real world surrounding us

dot volume of a matter or material object with infinitely high density and dot
volume of energy with infinitely high temperature?
If to assume that once really there was a material object with
in infinitely high density and in temperature, that it existence should mean and
existence influencing it Withtop of Global Forces possessing in infinitely high
density and in temperature, which:
- first: would compress the Universe till such tiny sizes with infinitely in high
density and in temperature;
- and secondly: would hold her in such condition.
After all the Universe could not in itself to be compressed till such dot sizes and
to be in such condition any time, and then without any external reasons, in itself
sharply began to extend, that is blew up.

The such in a way therefore, indispensable condition existence the initial

The installed material point with infinitely high density and
in temperature is existence round it universal over global forces with infinitely
high density and temperature made and making over it work on its compression.
And as as in the standard opinion that the Universe was formed from a point with
zero volume both infinitely high density and temperature as a result
Big Bang, there is no instruction on existence of such forces,
therefore without presence of these forces is not present and cannot go what
speeches about existence that point.
From the real point of view real existence material point with the zero
in volume both in infinitely high density and in temperature means that this point
possesses infinite number of weight and infinite number of energy. And infinite
number of weight and infinite number of energy not probably to concentrate in to
point with zero volume,

as to an infinite number of weight and energy can correspond only infinite on the
sizes volume.
And if after all to assume that a little billions years ago in the real world there was
a process, in which over global forces influencing our Universe compressed it till
the sizes of a material point with infinitely high density and temperature, that
therefore, existence "Big Bang" could mean only the following:
- or disappearance universal over ny forces and by that termination them
influences on "initial the material point" and as a result of it its sharp
expansion, i.e. its explosion;
- or sharp reduction of their force influences on "initial the material
point" and as a result of it its sharp expansion, i.e. its explosion.
Therefore as a result of the Big Bangthe initial the universal material
point should to turn from the compressed force in extending force, that is in force
capable to influence the environment surrounding it and to make over it work.
For some reason it is considered to be that at the moment of "Big Bang" of a
starting universal material point round it was nothing, that is was
empty space. But such cannot be actually:
- first if to our Universe there was a compression process, surely round it should
exist, as external over
global forces, and various over global external forms
matters through which there was this compression;
- and secondly as a result of compression of our Universe till the sizes of a
minimum it could get over the global number of weight and energy only

only as a result transformations:

- masses over global external forms of a matter in its weight, as from "anything"
there is no "something", and consequently formation of infinite dot weight could
occur only at the expense of infinite weight over global external forms of a matter;
- energy over global external forces in its energy, as from "anything" there is no
"something", and consequently formation of infinite dot energy
could occur only at the expense of an infinite number of energy,
which possessed over global external forces.

Therefore even in this case process of formation of our Universe could not
to represent only process of transformation of a matter and energy
concentrated in a starting universal material point in elementary particles,
atoms, chemical compounds, planets, stars and galaxies. And if actually in our
universe once also there was "Big Bang", it meant:
- end of an era of compression of our Universe;
- and its transformation in extending force, that is in force which became
it is capable to influence people around its external over global forces and various
over global external forms of a matter and to make over them work. The essence of
this work should consist:
- in energy absorption these external over global forces;
- in destruction these various over global external forms of a matter and in
transformation them in an initial material for educations, growth and development
of its own forms of a matter.

The third: there is no answer to a question: and that was reason emergence
"Big Bang" and whether there was it in general?
As in the standard opinion on formation of our Universe there is no mention on
existence around points with the zero
in volume both in infinitely high density and in temperature any
external global processes, that therefore emergence reason
"Big Bang" there could not be external conditions, as according to it
their opinions simply did not exist. Such in a way remains only one option
internal conditions, namely:
- or dot matter with infinitely high number of weight;
- or dot energy with infinitely its high quantity.
And as it is supposed that around points with zero volume both infinitely high
density and temperature there are no external
processes, that therefore, it cannot to receive, to give concentrated in it an infinite
number of weight and energy. It means for this point existence of constancy of
internal conditions and by that excludes them as reason the generated "Big Bang",
that is proves that at absence around points with zero volume both infinitely high
density and temperature existence of external global processes, to it there could not
be not that that "Big Bang", and could not occur at all what "explosion".
But even if and to assume that such "Big Bang" really took place, essence of work
of any "explosion" - it first of all the destructive
work made by the blown-up matter and energy. Whereas formation of atoms,
chemical compounds, planets, stars, galaxies and the Universe it first of all
creative work made by creative forces

a certain contents over material objects of the corresponding

contents. Therefore during "Big Bang" course could occur only destruction over
global forces and external forms matters being around the blown up points with
zero volume both infinitely high density and temperature, but not education of
chemical compounds, planets, stars, galaxies and Universe. Them
education is result of work of creative forces which went, it was regulated and
supervised by Reasonable force. And She created and supports all natural laws
existing in our universe. "Big Bang" as destructive force it was not capable of it.

The fourth: the existing conventional opinion on how our Universe was formed,
recognizes in to point with zero volume and
in infinitely high density and in temperature existence only matter and energy. But
indisputable and established fact is that besides such fundamental categories of our
universe as matter and energy, exists also such fundamental category as Reason.
Proved that fact that also is the matter turns only into a matter, and energy turns
only into energy. The matter cannot turn into energy, and energy cannot turn into a
Therefore, neither the matter, nor energy never can to turn into Reason, and
especially to create existing in our world physical, chemical and others laws. Just
as one form of a matter is formed of other form of a matter, and one type of energy
is formed of other look, like it one form of Reason is formed of another. And
consequently any of forms of Reason cannot be formed of a matter,

from energy. It means that the starting universal material point should possess
not only initial matter and energy, but also still Protoreason, that is that, from what
in a consequence such forms of Reason as Universal, Galactic, Star, Planetary and
human were formed.
For some reason conventional it is considered opinion that The reason is inherent
only in the person and consequently it is the unique form of Reason in our
universe. Such opinion corresponds to level of that era when considered that all
planets, and also the Sun rotate round Earth. And this opinion does not recognize
that Reason can possess and a planet and Star both Galaxy and Universe and more
powerful formations of a matter and energy. As from "anything" there is no
"something", that therefore human Reason on our planet it could be generated only
by the Terrestrial planetary Principal Reason. Just as the human body expresses
itself material essence which provides existence, work and development of human
Reason, like it our mother Earth expresses itself material essence which provides
existence, work and development of the Terrestrial planetary Principal Reason.
The terrestrial planetary Principal Reason has other, distinct from human Reason,
material essence (speaking in images a body) for that simple reason that its sizes
and scales of the energy consumed by it necessary for its work, are not comparable
to a human body.
Reason existence at our Universe, the Galaxy, at our Sun and ours
planets Earth is the same objective reality as existence of a matter (substance) at
them and energy.

Reason - as operating force, energy as labor, matter and

material objects as initial material, form any process

the occurring and occurring in our Universe and by that determine by itself its

So let's sum up to stated all above. It is reduced to the following:

inozniknoveniye It is installedache from a point with zero volume and it is infinite
in high density and in temperature as a result of the Big Bang could not cause its

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