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Application Programming Interface. A set of data and function definitions that d
efine how programs access the capabilities of a computer system. DirectX and Win
32 are examples of commonly used APIs.
2. Assembler
A program that converts a symbolic representation of a machine language program
into machine language.
3. Barf
The junk left on the screen or in files after a program dies. Originally referre
d to the core dump file generated on early operating systems.
Basic Input Output System. Originally the BIOS was a small piece of code that re
sided in ROM on a computer that did two things, it "booted" the computer and it
provided a minimum input/output system, usually just enough to support character
mode communication with simple programs.
Over time the term "BIOS" came to mean any code stored in ROM on a computer or a
nd add in card. For example, the VGA BIOS is a small piece of code stored in ROM
of VGA cards that provide character output on the VGA screen and control settin
g and querying the current video mode.
5. BLiT
Copying a block of pixels from one place to another. Originally the name of an i
nstruction on the DEC 10 that was very good for copying pixels.
6. Boot
I may have this wrong, but I like this story so here it is. The term "boot" come
s from "bootstrap" which comes from the legend of Pecos Bill. At one time Pecos
needed to cross the Brazos river, so he carried himself across the river by lift
ing himself up by his bootstraps.
So, to boot a computer or to bootstrap a computer, is the process by which a com
puter brings itself up with no outside help. The bootstrap loader knows how to u
se the BIOS to find the initial program to run, loads it, and runs it.
7. BTW
By The Way - A standard acronym used in email, USENET postings, and chats.
8. bugfairy
Someone who reports bugs in you program. Often a beta-tester. But, if the testin
g is being done off site then the person who sends bug reports to you.
9. Compiler
A program that converts another program written in one programming language into
another programming language while retaining the semantics specified by the ori
ginal program. Usually used to convert programs written in a high level language
like C++ to a low level language such as assembly language, machine language, o
r Java byte codes.
10. DLL
Dynamic LInk Library. Microsoft's way of loading libraries at run time.
11. DOS
Disk Operating System. Now days most people use "DOS" as a synonym for Microsoft
's MSDOS. But, MSDOS is just one of the many different DOSes that have run on ma
ny different computers.
12. Handle
A handle is a pointer to a pointer.

13. HIMP
Ho Iz Mo Prof - Who Is More Professional! Russian game programming jargon. An ex
clamation made by a game programmer when he did something almost unreal.
14. IEEE
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
15. IMHO
Abbreviation for "In My Humble Opinion."
Abbreviation for "In My Not So Humble Opinion."
17. Kilo
Usually seen as and abbreviation "K" means 1000 to everyone but computer people
who think it means 1024. It as been suggested that K means 1012, plus or minus 1
18. Object Module
A linkable file. Usually the output of a compiler or assembler. Most programs co
ntain references to functions and data that whose interfaces are known to the co
mpiler but whose definition is not known. An object module is usually a mixture
of machine code and symbolic references to external functions and data.
19. Operating System, OS
The lowest level software on a computer. The software that controls access to ph
ysical devices. The software that loads can controls execution of other programs
20. Pixel
The smallest rectangular region of a picture or a frame buffer for which you can
specify unique properties such as color and transparency.
21. Platform
The combination of the hardware and all the software that your game runs on.
22. Pflastering
Programming by adding patches and hacks to a piece of code that is to fragile to
modify in any straight forward manner. Usually means you wish you could find th
e original programmer and make his life as miserable as he has made yours.
23. Pointer
In programming a pointer is the address of another piece of data. In other words
, a pointer variable contains the address of another variable.
Role Playing Game. A game like Dungeons and Dragons.
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch", meaning that what ever you do, ther
e's always some kind of trade-off to give, be it time, speed, etc.
26. Troll
To post flames in a newgroups for the purpose of starting a flame war.
27. Verblundgalet - fur-blun-ja-let
Totally messed up, like a rat in a blender. Claimed to be a Yiddish programming

28. VESA
Video Electronics Standards Association. VESA is an organization of electronics
manufacturers who establish standards for video displays, monitors, and connecto
rs. They created the VESA BIOS Extensions that provide established a standard wa
y of controlling super VGA display cards.
29. Voxel
A voxel is a volumetric pixel. Let's try that again. A pixel is a little rectang
le that has a color. That's how we draw pictures in a plane. A Voxel is a little
cube that has a color. That's how we draw solids in space. Well, sometimes that
's how we do it.

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