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Landstuhl, Germany

May 1993

Field Address: Don Bridges

Kaiserstrasse 66
6790 Landstuhl

West Germany

The American presence in Europe is changing. Communities that

once indicated an American population have been returned to the
German government. While many bases, posts and sights have
been or are being shut down, a few areas are building up.
Landstuhl is one of those areas. The population here is
experiencing growth even after units from here have been
deactivated or deployed or re-assigned elsewhere. There is
actually a housing shortage in this area because of all the
personnel being transfered to here. All indications are that this
area will be one of the main regions for the U.S. military.
Along with the drawdown changes taking place, I have noticed
other ways in which the military is changing. Since President
Clinton has taken office, the military have had new policies and
tensions emerge. Landstuhl is the major hospital serving southern
Germany, the Middle East and North Africa. A policy change
which has taken place is that abortions are now allowed to take
place in military hospitals. However, all of the military doctors (at
least, as far as 1 know) have refused to perform the procedure! In
the Stars & Stripes newpaper letters to the editor column, many
have written in praise of the doctors' decision not to perform

abortions. Of course, there are some who disagree, but they are

not the ones who have this power to take life in their hands.

Another issue is that of allowing homosexuals (the word "gay"

tends to softpedal the issue!) into the military. Again, a storm of

protest can easily be seen by merely reading the letters to the
editor column (one succinct letter read "God created Adam and

Eve, not Adam and Steve!"). Recently, a task force was sent to
hear what active duty Navy sailors thought about this issue-and

the response was open and frank. Morale would be greatly

affected! It is one thing to talk about an issue, but it is altogether
different when it is a reality that must be dealt with day by day.
In our local area, it seems another issue is on the table. Wiccans

(a nice word for witches) have sought the right to use base

chapels for their meetings. According to the witches, they do not

perform sacrifices or hold orgies, but they are merely nice people
who want to help others. One day, I had the president of the local
wiccans chapter in the bookstore. He kept saying that it was hard
to find anything that was accurate about witches. I asked him how
he knew if it was accurate? It was then he identified himself as

the president. Advertisement has appeared announcing thenmeetings. I have even seen a classified ad announcing a "pagan

support group." (How sad that even "pagans" need to have a

support group!) The controversy continues.

These are just a few of the issues which are battling for the
hearts and minds of the men, women and children here.

Vandalism, theft, marriage infidelity and divorce are more, and

the list could go on. There is a solution for all of this, however,
but only one. Jesus, the Son of God, is the only answer!

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to

the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but
divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are

destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the

knowledge of God, and we are tsiking every thought captive to the
obedience of Christ." "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures
upon earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... for

where you treasure is, Aere will your heart be also." "Fixing our
eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faifh..." These verses
sum up what the ministry at Landstuhl Christian Church is all

about. We spend a lot of time looking at Jesus, trjdng to create

faith in Him. When people believe Jesus, they are willing to do
whatever He asks!

The bookstore expands that ministry. I have a lot of people who

come into the store to get materials they can use for themselves
and for others. If Landstuhl Christian Bookstore did not exist,
there wouldn't be any place locally to obtain materials (for us or
anyone else). Quite often conversations arise about passages in
the scripture, issues in the community, or why I don't carry
certain materials. This gives me an opportunity to plant some
seeds. I steer clear of opinions and traditions, but ask how their
Bible reads about this subject. Quite a few churches in the area
use materials I recommend which are published by Standard or
College Press, and they come back for more of this kind! I think

it is important to get good materials into people's hand.


This past year, Janet and I have moved. We now have a house
with a spare bedroom. If you are in the area, we will be more than
happy to put you up. After living in my apartment for over 11
years, the landlady got emotional when I left. She said it would
be hard to find a good renter like me. I thanked her for the
compliment. Janet and I have been enjoying a heated houseno
more going out to get ten liters of heating oil and filling the room
heater every two days! It's really nice not to have to hurry to
another room to find some semblance of warmth.

AIM, Adventures In Missions, came this past year to do the

youth program at the Mid-Winter Rally. The church and ourselves
hosted tiie group and enjoyed their work and witness. Their

willingness to help in anyway they could was greatly appreciated.

This past May 15th, I lost a friend and companion whom I've
had for the past 18 years. My dog Kuia died of old age. She was
known by many in Landstuhl because she had only three legs.
She helped to start many conversations with others because of her
uniqueness. Many have inquired about her recently because they
haven't seen us walking in the woods. People tell me, 'she was a
good dog.' I agree with them. I will miss her! (Of course, I
understand that unless you are a dog lover, you will not
understand this emotional loss. Just think of losing a close friend
after 18 years of being together.) "then the dust will return to the
earth as it was, and the spirit will retum to God who gave it."
In Christ,



This is a copy of picture taken January 10, 1993

preaching in his Church.
only a shadow there.

He does not have a beard

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