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(Conversation 1)
Satuan Pendidikan
Mata Pelajaran
Kelas / Semester
Pertemuan ke

: B.Inggris
: XII IA & IS / Ganjil
: 1,2,3 ( 3 x 90 menit )

Standar Kompetensi
1. Listening
Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Speaking
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
1. Listening
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan inter personal resmi dan berlanjut secara kurat, lancar dan
berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dan melibatkan tindak tutur mengeluh dan memberi saran,
memohon, membahas kemungkinan, melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah..
3. Speaking
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan inter personal resmi dan berlanjut secara kurat,
lancar dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dan melibatkan tindak tutur mengeluh dan memberi
saran, memohon, membahas kemungkinan, melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah..
1. Listening
Menemukan informasi tertentu
Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar pembicara
Mengidentifikasi tindak tutur ; mengeluh dan memberi saran, memohon, membahas kemungkinan,
melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah..
Merespon tindak tutur mengeluh dan memberi saran, memohon, membahas kemungkinan,
melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah..
3. Speaking
Menggunakan ungkapan mengeluh dan memberi saran, memohon, membahas kemungkinan,
melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal.

Alokasi Waktu



: 2 x 45 menit
Beban Belajar
Tatap muka

Penugasan terstruktur


Tatap Muka


Penugasan terstruktur


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Bentuk Kegiatan
- Menjawab pertanyan dan mengisi rumpang
berdasarkan teks yg didengar
- Mendiskusikan tindak tutur yang ditemukan dalam
teks lisan
- Melengkapi dialog rumpang dengan tindak tutur
yang sudah dipelajari
Mencari variasi ungkapan lain dari buku sumber
yang berbeda.
- Menjawb pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog yang
- Berdialog dengan menngunakan ungkapan yang
baru saja dipelajari berdasarkan situasi yg diberikan
Membut script dialog berdasarkan situasi yang
ditentukan sendiri dengan menggunakan ungkapan
yang baru dipelajari.

: Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang dialog yang didengar dan

dapat melakukan dialog yang menggunakan tindak tutur mengeluh dan
memberi saran, memohon, membahas kemungkinan, melakukan sesuatu
dan memerintah


Materi Pembelajaran
1. Complaining
o I complain about.
o This is crazy
- Im sorry about that
o I want to complain about .
o It is really unsatisfactory!
2. Giving suggestion
o Its better for you to ..
o I suggest you to
X Thank you for your suggestion
o I suggest you that you
Thank you for reminding me
o Why dont you
2. Memohon
o I beg you
- All right
o Im on my knee
o ................, please!?
3. Membahas kemungkinan
o Is it possible for me to pass the test?
- Of course. If you try hard
o Could it be possible for me?
- Why not
4. Memerintah
o I order you to . . . .
- As you wish, Sir
o I give you command
o Stay outside until I call you


Metode Pembelajaran


Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

: Two cycles Four Steps, Role Play

A. Tatap Muka
.Kegiatan Awal
1. Memberi salam
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Memberi Tanya jawab tentang situasi
Mis :
Teacher : You are class 12 now. How do you feel?
Students : Feel happy, Maam. ( Kemungkinan jawaban )
Teacher : Do you have some marks under KKM? Dont forget to ask for remedy to the
Students : Yes, Maam.
Teacher : OK. We are going to have a listening activity. There will be some tasks. I
hope you can follow this activity well till the end.
4. Memberi tahu KD dan tujuan pembelajaran .
Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract the students attention by showing a picture and giving question and answer.
- Look at the picture. What is it about? What are they doing? ( a teacher and a student are
- What are they talking about? ( about the lesson. Or perhaps a student doesnt understand
the lesson, then he asks the teacher to explain it more.)
2. Write some questions on board ( content questions)
3. Ask them to understand the questions. ( teliti, rasa ingin tahu)
4. Play the recorder. Play again when necessary.
5. Ask them to answer the questions in pairs. ( komunikasi, menghargai pendapat orang
6. Check the answer by referring to the cassette
7. Give another question ( concept question )
8. Play the cassette again.
9. Ask them to answer while listening to the tape recorder.
10. Check the answer by referring to the recorder.
11. Lead them to conclude the use of the expression used in the dialogue
12. Give good conclusion.
13. Give them reinforcement by giving some situations.

14. Ask them to make the suitable response based on the situation.( mandiri, bertanggung
15. Monitor and check together
16. Give them uncompleted dialogues
17. Tell them that they have to complete one-sided dialogue with suitable expression while
listening to the cassette.
18. Play the cassette
19. Ask them to complete
20. Check the answer together
21. Ask the ss to repeat sentence by sentence after the cassette
Kegiatan Akhir
1. Ask the students to tell their difficulties in listening
2. Give them response or suggestion to their difficulties
3. Tell the students about their attitude during the class. If there are any students show not good
habit, suggest them to do better next time. If there are any students show good habits, give
them praise.
4. Tell the students that they are going to have a dialogue next meeting
B. Penugasan Terstruktur
Secara individu, siswa mencari variasi ungkapan dari buku sumber lain. ( mandiri, kerja

A. Tatap Muka
Kegiatan Awal (5)
Memberi salam (Greeting)
Mencek kehadiran peserta didik
Bertanya-jawab tentang tugas.
: How was the task that I gave you?
Student A
: Everything is OK. We have done it. (kemungkinan jawaban)
: Good. Hi, Dini. Where were for last two meeting?
Student B
: I had to accompany my mom in the hospital last week. (kemungkinan
: Oh.. Im sorry to hear that. I hope you can ask your friend about the last
OK. Lets discuss about our task last meeting.
Kegiatan Inti ( 80)
1. Activate students mind about last lesson by giving question and answer
- Do you still remember what expression did you get in the dialogue last week?
- Mention them, and what are the examples of the expression
( membangun rasa ingin tahu)
2. Ask them to sit in pairs
3.Give them minitalks.
4. Ask the pairs to read and understand it
5. Give them some questions about the content of the minitalks
6. Ask them to answer the questions ( komunikasi, )
7. Monitor and check the answers together by referring to the text. Dont forget to invite other
students answers
8. Invite students conclusion about the expressions they found in the minitalks
9. Write good conclusion on board
10. Give the student time to copy the conclusion
11. Write some situation on board
12. Ask them to understand the situations
13. Ask a student to call one of his/her friends name, and talk by using the proper expression based
on the situation. His/her friend will give the suitable response. The second student will talk
something by using the proper expression based on the next situation to his/her friend, and the
third will give the suitable response. He/She will continue with the next situation to the fourth
student. Do this activity that all students take their turns. (komunikasi, kerja sama,menghargai
pendapat orang lain)

Kegiatan Akhir ( 5)
Ask students opinion or their feeling about their activity theyve just done.
Ask them if they still have difficulties in doing it
Give them some feedbacks
Tell the students that they are going to have a dialogue on next meeting, so ask them to
choose a partner.
Give explanations that the partners have to choose a situation in which they use the
expressions, and create a dialogue.
B. Penugasan Mandiri Terstruktur
In pairs, students choose a situation and create a dialogue based on the situation
C. Kegiatan Mandiri Tidak Terstruktur
Melakukan kegiatan hunting dengan guru Bahasa Inggris lain secara berpasangan
Melakukan dialog dengan guru tersebut
Merekam dialog mereka dengan HP
( mandiri, kreatif, kerja keras, kerjasama, percaya diri)
A. Tatap Muka
Kegiatan Awal (5)
Memberi salam (Greeting)
Mencek kehadiran peserta didik
Bertanya-jawab tentang tugas.
: How was the task that gave you? Is everything okay?
Student A
: Yes, Maam. We have done it. (kemungkinan jawaban)
: Good. So, Can we start now. Let me see your script first
Student B
: Maam. Would you help us, we cannot end this dialogue ( kemungkinan
respon dari siswa)
Kegiatan Inti
1. Ask the partners to show their script of the dialogue (bertanggung jawab, percaya diri)
2. Correct the script when necessary
3. Give them time to prepare a performance
4. Ask the partners to perform the dialogue in front of the class ( percaya diri)
5. Ask the other students to give opinions or some advices to the performance
6. Do that until all partners take their turn
Kegiatan Akhir
Give comments on their performance
Ask them to tell their difficulties on both preparing and performing.
Give positive feedback to their responses.

Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber

Buku Sumber
Ranah Kognitif
Bentuk penilaian
Jenis penilaian
Ranah Psikomotor
Bentuk penilaian
Jenis penilaian

: Kaset yang direkam sendiri, tape recorder, Students Worksheet, Minitalks

: Being Competent in English 3 hal 47-49
: Tertulis (Listening)
: Quiz
: Complete the dialogue with suitable expression
: Performance test (Speaking)
: Berdialog
: Create a dialog with your partner based on the situation given, and perform it
in front of the class.

Ranah Afektif
Bentuk penilaian : Pengamatan selama kegiatan berlangsung
Jenis penilaian : Score List


SOAL QUIZ (Listening activity)

Listen to the dialogue, and then complete the dialogue by choosing a, b or c.
1. A
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------B
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------A
: a. Youd better ask for the teacher to change the book.
b. I complain about that, too
c. I will talk to the teacher.
2. A
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------B
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------a. You dont like the novel b. Im not satisfied with the story
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------3. A
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------B
: a. Why dont you see on the CD
b. Why dont you complain to the TV station
c. I like the film, too.
4. A
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------B
: a. Its good. It works too slowly
b. I got a complaint about it. It works too slowly
c. Its new. It works too slowly.
5. A
a. Do you think I can find my dog back?
b. Are you sure I can find my dog back?
c. Would it be possible for me to find my dog back?
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------6. M
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------N
7. A
8. X

c. I suggest you to read it

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------: Oh, Mom. a. Let me go with my friends

b. I beg you
c. Im sorry about that
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------: ----------------------------------------------------------: ----------------------------------------------------------: ---------------------------------------------------------: a. Sorry. I cannot do it
b. OK Mom. Whats next?
c. Why should I?
: a. Is there any chance for us to get good mark in this test?
b. I complain about our test just now
c. Can you give me some suggestion about the test just now?
: ------------------------------------------------------: -------------------------------------------------------




1. a. Youd better ask for the teacher to change the book.

2. c . I suggest you to read it
3. a. Why dont you see on the CD
4. b. I got a complaint about it. It works too slowly
5. c. Would it be possible for me to find my dog back?
6. b. I beg you
7. b. OK Mom. Whats next?
8. a. Is there any chance for us to get good mark in this test?





Jml skor X 5


Study the dialogue

Mrs. Susi
Mrs. Susi
Mrs. Susi
Mrs. Susi
Mrs. Susi
Mrs. Susi

: Excuse, me. Mom. May I talk to you for a minute?

: OK. What can I do for you ?
: I have to take remedy for 10 subjects. Can you tell me what I should do ?
: Sure. Do you have the list of the remedied subjects ?
: Yes, Mom. Here you are.
: Well, I suggest you to finish them soon.
You have to make a Time Schedule. Then, find the teachers to ask for the remedy.
: But I complain about them, Mom. Its hard for me to find them since they are busy.
: Why dont you make an appointment with them first.
: Thank you for your suggestion, Mom.
: And youd better follow their instruction well.
: Ok, I will. Thank you very much, Mom. Good bye.
: Bye.

I. Answer the question based on the dialogue above

Who was Arif ?
Why did Arif want to talk to Mrs. Susi ?
How many subjects that Arif have to take remedy ?
What did Arif complain about ? What did he say ?
What did Mrs. Susi suggest to Arif ?
What did Arif answer ?
Can you find the other expression of suggestions ? What are they ?
What will you say if someone give you an advice/ a suggestion?
II. What do you say in the following situation
One of your friend is on strike. You want him to come back to school
Your friend is not allowed to follow the class because he didnt do the homework.
Your friend often plays truant.
You received unsatisfactory treatment from the administration officer.
Its hard for you to see the writing on board because you sit in the last row.
You dont like your new class because it is always noisy.
III. Listen to the dialogue, and then complete the dialogue by choosing a, b or c.
1. A
: Hi, Erwin. You look confused. Why is it so ?
: The teacher gave me a task to write a story. Its hard for me because the book is so thick.
: a. Youd better ask for the teacher to change the book.
b. I complain about that, too
c. I will talk to the teacher.
2. A
: Hi, Nadia. It seems you enjoy reading. What book is it ?
: Da Vinci Code novel. Its very interesting.
a. You dont like the novel b. Im not satisfied with the story
c. I suggest you to read it
: Thank you. But I dont think I like the novel. Its so complicated.
3. A
: I like the Avatar Aang film. But the TV channel never plays it till the end.
: a. Why dont you see on the CD
b. Why dont you complain to the TV station
c. I like the film, too.
: Good idea. Thank you.
4. A
: How is the computer in our school?
: a. Its good. It works too slowly
b. I got a complaint about it. It works too slowly
c. Its new. It works too slowly.
5. A
: a. Do you think I can find my dog back?
b. Are you sure I can find my dog back?
c. Would it be possible for me to find my dog back?
: Yeah, sure. It is a smart dog. It will be back before evening
6. A
: You look confused happened?
Kepala SMA N 1 X KOTO

X KOTO , Mei 2014

Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP : 195609071979031005

NIP: 196907091995122001
NARRATIVE (Monologue 1)

Satuan Pendidikan
Mata Pelajaran
Kelas / Semester
Pertemuan ke

: SMA Negri 1 X Koto

: B.Inggris
: XII IA & IS / Ganjil
: 4,5,6
: 3 x 90

Standar Kompetensi
2. Listening
Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Speaking
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation dan
discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
2.2 Listening
Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan berbagai ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative
4. 2Speaking
Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan berbagai ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative
Menentukan informasi tertentu
Mengidentifikasi tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat, tempat dan waktu kejadian dari cerita yang didengar
Menganalisa masalah yang dihadapi tokoh
Mengidentifikasi pemecahan masalah
Menenetukan tujuan komunikasi
Menceritakan kembali cerita yang baru saja didengar dengan kalimat sendiri
Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 45 menit
Beban Belajar
Tatap muka



Penugasan Terstruktur


Tatap Muka


Bentuk Kegiatan
- Menjawab pertanyan dan mengisi rumpang
berdasarkan monolog yg didengar
- Menyusun gambar acak menjadi urutan yang
benar sesuai denganmonolog yang didengar
Menuliskan judul-judul cerita petualangan
(adventure) yang mereka ketahui baik itu dari
film,novel,, komik,dll, nama tokoh dan tema cerita.
Melakukan monolog dengan menceritakan kembali
cerita yang baru saja didengar

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan tentang sebuah cerita yang didengar dan mampu menceritakan
kembali dengan kalimat sendiri secara lisan.
II. Materi Pembelajaran : III. Metode Pembelajaran : Two Cycles Four Steps, Diskusi
IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 4

A. Tatap Muka
Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Tell the students what competence they have to attain
Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract the students attention by showing a picture of Avatar Aang, and giving question and
answer ( picture attached)
- Do you know this picture? What picture is it?
- Do you like to watch this film?
- What TV channel does usually play this film? ( Global TV)
- Can you tell me the characters in this film ? ( Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Azzura,
Appa, etc)
- Do you still remember the opening introduction of the film? Who does tell the
introduction, Aang or Katara? (Katara)
- Can you follow the introduction clearly on TV? ( No, I cannot)
- I will play the record of the introduction, Will you listen carefully
( rasa ingin tahu)
2. Play the CD
3. Distribute a task
6. Ask them to understand the task (rasa ingin tahu, teliti)
7. Ask them to do the task while listening to the CD ( replay the CD when necessary)
(bertanggung jawab)
8. Monitor
9. Check the answer together
Kegiatan Akhir
Ask them to find one of the stories of Avatar Aang at home. They may find it
from the CD or TV. (mandiri)
Tell them that they are going to tell the story next meeting.
B. Penugasan Terstruktur
Ask them to mention another adventure stories they know; from the films, the novels, or the comics. Write
the characters and the theme of the story. (mandiri, kerja keras)
Pertemuan 5
A. Tatap Muka
Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Tell the students what competence they have to attain and what activities
they are going to do
Kegiatan Inti
1. Activate students memory by giving Q/A
- Who are the characters involved in the story?
- What is the main conflict?
- How did the conflict decrease?
- How did the story end?
2. Tell them that they are going to listen to a story of Avatar Aang, and next they have to retell the
story by their own words
3. Preteach the key words
4. Show the students a model of how to tell a story well
5. Tell it attractively and in a dramatic way.
6. Give them some questions in certain parts to check their involvement in listening and their
7. Distribute a task paper
8. Ask them to understand the task (rasa ingin tahu)
9. Ask them to do the task ( bertanggung jawab)
10. Monitor and check together (percaya diri)
11. Ask the students to sit in group of four

12. Ask them to identify the characters, the complication, the solution, structure of the story / text,
and the purpose of the story (komunikasi, menghargai pendapat)
13. Give them time to do it
14. Ask the group to report their result of the discussion (percaya diri, bertanggung jawab)
15. Ask the other students to give comment or suggestion (berani, komunikasi)
16. Do it until all groups take their turn.
Lead the students to find a conclusion about narrative in spoken form
Tell them that they are going to retell the story by their own words next meeting.
Giving questions and answers about the situation that day, such as the weather, Ramadhan fasting
month, etc.
e.g. Teacher : How are you today?
Student : We are fine. How about you, maam?
Teacher : Im OK. What do you think about the weather now?
Students : it begin cold, Maam( kemungkinan jawaban siswa )
Teacher : Youright . But I hope it doesnt affect your fasting.
Students: No, Maam. ( kemungkinan jawaban )
Teacher : Do You still keep doing Shalat Tarwih in the mosque?
Studetns : Yes, Maam ( kemungkinan jawaban )
Teacher : Good. Today is your time to perform a monolog. I hope everybody is ready to do it.
Before that, tell me your problem in practicing it!
Student : In general there is no problem. The only problem is that we feel worried..
Teacher : Dont worry . Im sure you can do it. We have to practice English as much as we can,
Tell them that they are going to perform a monologue
1. Remind them about how to tell a story
e.g; - tell in a communicative way, interestingly, dramatic way
- good order structure
2. Give the students time to prepare and to make sure of themselves to perform the monologue
3. Ask the students to perform one by one.(bertanggung jawab, percaya diri). Dont forget to take
some notes. Take their mark by using a rubric.

Give comments on their performance

Have the students tell their difficulties on preparing their performance
Ask them to tell their opinion, feeling about this activity.
Give positive feedback.

V. Alat/ Bahan/Sumber

Ranah Kognitif
Bentuk penilaian
Jenis penilaian
Ranah Psikomotor
Bentuk penilaian
Jenis penilaian
Ranah Afektif

: Gambar tokoh AvatarAang, , /search/afe?query,

LCD, Laptop

: Tertulis (Listening)
: Quiz
: Complete the paragraph based on what you are listening to
: Performance test (Speaking)
: Monolog
: Retell the story by your own words in front of the class.

Bentuk penilaian : Pengamatan selama kegiatan berlangsung

: Score List

1. Tes Tulis (Questions for Listening )
I. Listen to story carefully, then answer the following questions based on the story you listen.
1. When did the story begin?
2. How was the situation for the first time?
3. Who could stop the brutal war?
4. Who was the name of the last Avatar?
5. How old was he?
6. Did Avatar Aang master all four elements?
What did he do then?
7. Who were the names of Aangs friends?
8. Did Aang succeed making the world peace again?
1. Long time ago
2. the four people lived in harmony
3. the Avatar
4. Aang
5. twelve years old
6. No, he didnt. He learned the other three elements
7. Katara, Socca, Appa and Momo
8. Yes, he did

Jml skor benar
----------------- x 100

2. Tes Praktek ( Psikomotor)

Soal : Retell the story by using your own words.


Kesesuaian monolog dengan tema
Isi monolog sudah sesuai dengan tema yang diminta
Isi monolog tidak sesuai dengan tema yang diminta


Kesesuain Urutan monolog dengan struktur genre

Urutan monolog sesuai dengan struktur genre.
Urutan monolog sesuai dengan struktur genre, tetapi ada bagian yang tidak
Urutan monolog tidak sesuai dengan struktur genre.



Ketepatan penggunaan kosakata

Penggunaan kosakata sudah tepat
Penggunaan kosakata banyak yang sudah tepat
Penggunaan kosakata banyak yang tidak tepat
Lancar dan komunikataif
Monolog lancar tidak tersendat, dan melibatkan pendengar
Monolog lancar tidak tersendat, tetapi tidak melibatkan pendengar
Monolog kurang lancar dan agak tersendat, tetapi melibatkan pendengar



Monolog kurang lancar dan tersendat, dan tidak melibatkan pendengar.


Pengucapan bagus dan benar
Banyak pengucapan yang sudah benar
Sedikit pengucapan yang benar



3. Afektif
Penilaian selama proses berlangsung.
B. STUDENTS WORKSHEET ( for Modelling of storytelling)
I. Look at the pictures. They are not in good order according to the narrator telling. Give the number for the pictures
based on the order that the narrator told
II. Answer the question
1. Who masters all four elements
2. The narrator discovered a new airbender. Who was the name?
3. The Avatar could master the four elements. What element did Avatar Aang bend?
4. What did the narrator believe about Aang?
III. Match the word given with the definition
1. a man who can manipulate the power of air
2. disappear or gone ; cannot be seen anymore
3. live together side by side and help each other
4. fight the opposite with brutal
Kunci Jawaban
1. Avatar Aang
2. Aang
3. air element
4. she belived Aang could save the world
1. C
2. D

a. attacked
b. harmony
c. airbender
d. vanished

3. B

4. A

Kepala SMA N 1 X Koto

X KOTO, Meei 2014

Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP: 19560907197903 1 005

NIP: 196907091995122001


Mata Pelajaran
Pertemuan ke

: Bahasa Inggris
: XII/ Ganjil
: 7,8,9,10,11
: 6 x 90 menit

Standar Kompetensi:
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan
discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative,
explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

Kompetensi Dasar:
Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
dalam teks berbentuk: Narrative.
Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk:
- Menemukan informasi umum
- Menemukan informasi tertentu
- Menemukan informasi rinci
- Mengidentifikasi tokoh dan setting cerita
- Mengidentifikasi komplikasi
- Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks
- Menghasilkan sebuat teks tulis narrative
Alokasi Waktu
Beban Belajar
Reading Tatap muka


: 6 X 90 menit

Penugasan Terstruktur


Tatap Muka


Bentuk Kegiatan
- Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang isi
teks dan langkah-langkah retorika.
- Mengerjakan latihan kalimat pasif berbetuk past
Mencari teks narrative petualangan dari sumber
Menentukan ide pokok
Membuat draft
Melakukan revisi
Menghasilkan sebuah teks narrative


Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Siswa dapat memahami cerita dan langkah langkah retorika dari teks yang dibaca dan menulis sebuah
teks narrative.


Materi Pokok/pembelajaran:


NARRATIVE ( adventure )
Purpose of the text : to entertain the readers through a story
Generic structure : - Orientation
- Complication
- Resolution
Language Features
: - Past Tense
- Direct and Indirect speech
Metode Pembelajaran
: - Three phase technique
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar:
a. Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Relate the lesson today with the last lesson.
- What kind of story did you hear last meeting?
b. Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract students attention by showing a picture
2. Ask the students some questions related to the picture (rasa ingin tahu)
- Tell me everything about the picture
- What was the relation between them?
- Where was the location you see in the picture ?
- Can you guess what the story tells about ?
- Do you want to know how the story is? Please, read it.
3. Ask them to read the story at a glance
4. Give them questions
5. Ask them to understand the questions (teliti)
6. Ask them to answer the questions in 10 minutes (mandiri, bertanggung jawab)
7. Monitor and check together by referring to the text
8. Give the following questions
9. Ask them to understand the questions
10. Ask them to answer the questions in pairs ( kerja sama, komunikasi, menghargai
pendapat orang lain )
11. Monitor and check together by referring to the text
12. Ask them to find the orientation of the text
13. Ask them to write the conflict
14. Check the answer together
15. Ask them to mention the differences between the kind of narrative text they have
known with the text theyve just read.
16. Lead the students to have a conclusion
17. Give good conclusion on board
18. Give them time to copy the conclusion
c. Kegiatan Akhir
Have the students tell about how they like the story
Have the students tell their difficulties in understanding the story
Give comments on their opinion
Tell them that they will explore the text more next meeting

A. Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation .
Relate the lesson today with the last lesson.
- What kind of story did you read last meeting?
Tell the students what competence they are going to attain
C. Kegiatan Inti
1. Activate students memory by giving question and answer ( rasa ingin tahu)

- Do you still remember who were the characters involved in the story?
- What was the conflict ?( Jack was trapped in a room)
- Do you think that the story had the end ?
- Are you ready to finish the story ?
2. Lead the students to guess some alternatives on the resolution of the story
3. Propose them one alternative by showing a picture
4. Ask them to understand the picture ( teliti)
5. Ask them to sit in pairs
6. Discuss the steps how Jack could run away ( kerja sama, komunikasi, menghargai
pendapat orang lain )
7. Elicit the students answers
8. Write the answers on board
6. Ask them to write the paragraph of the resolution. ( bertanggung jawab, mandiri)
7. Teacher may help when necessary
6. Submit their work.
D. Kegiatan Akhir
Have the students tell their difficulties on making the paragraph.
Give comments on their opinion.
Alat/ Bahan/Sumber
: Buku paket Being Competence3 hal 33
Buku Arthurs Adventure hal 20
- Kognitif : Tes tertulis ( Essay berstruktur)
- Psikomotor: Unjuk Kerja.
- Afektif : Pengamatan selama KBM berlangsung
Lampiran lampiran

: Yeah, youre right

Answer the question based on the text
1. Where did the story begin?
2. What did Jack look for? Could he find it?
3. What happened to Jack when someone pushed him behind
4. Where was he taken?
5. What did they do to him then?
6. Who came into the room after a while
7. Did the man like what Jack did?
8. What would they do tomorrow morning
9. Could he ran away?
I. Complete the passage based the text youve just read.
Complete the passage based on what you read from the text.
Jack . . . the secret plans in the room. He tried to look for it . . . a picture on the wall. Im
sure its kept in it he talked to himself. Then he found a small metal safe. He took it out and . . . it. But
before he knew what was in the case, someone hit his head and he . . . . Then he didnt know anything else.
When he came around, he found that . . .
. . . and . . .
were tied up with rope. He
tried to . . . the rope but it was too strong. A few minutes later, the door was opened and
. . . . . .
came into the room. One of them was Brian, the mad scientist.
Brian said that the . . . . . . was kept in a safe place, and Jack couldnt find it.
So, what are we going to do with him, boss? asked the second man.
. . . him! But let him stay here for this night. Now, lets go.
They left the room. The door was locked from out side. Jack looked around the room and thought how to
. . . out. The door was made from , and there was no
. . . . There was no escape! Jack . . .
. . in the room.


X Koto, Mei 2014

Kepala SMA 1 X Koto

Guru Mata Pelajaran B.Inggris



NIP. 195609071979031005

Satuan Pendidikan
Mata Pelajaran
Kelas / Semester
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar


Alokasi Waktu

NIP: 196907091995122001
(Genre Explanation)

: SMA Negri 1 X Koto

: B.Inggris
: XII IA & IS / Ganjil
: LISTENING ( Pertemuan 1)
Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
: Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan inter personal resmi
dan berlanjut secara kurat, lancar dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan dan melibatkan tindak tutur menyalahkan/ menuduh, mengakui
kesalahan, dan meminta maaf.
: 1. Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar pembicara
2. Menentukan informasi umum
3. Menentukan informasi tertentu
4. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan
5. Merespon tindak tutur menyalahkan/ menuduh, mengakui kesalahan, dan
meminta maaf.
: 2x 45 menit

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tindak tutur menyalahkan/ menuduh, mengakui
kesalahan dan meminta maaf dari teks lisan yang didengar.
Materi Pembelajaran :
Menyalahkan/ menuduh( to blame)
Negative answer:
- Youre the one to blame
- Are you accusing me?
- Its your fault
- No, its not me
- Its your mistake
- It was your responsibility
- You have to be responsible
- You must admit that youre wrong
Mengakui kesalahan ( to admit)
- I admit it
- Its good you admit it
- I admit that I was wrong X
- Ive told you before
- OK. I did it. Im sorry
- Apology accepted
- Its my fault. I apologize
- Its my fault, isnt it. I must apologize


Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi

Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
A. Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Tell the students what competence they have to attain
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract students attention by giving question and answer
- Example your friend has a CD film, Do you know CD ? and you borrow it for one week.
But it is destroyed (rusak) because of your little sister. What would you do? You just give it to
your friend , or you change with the new one? The following is a dialogue about destroyed CD.
Here is the dialogue
2. Distribute the paper of dialogue to the students. (attached)
3. Ask them to read aloud in pairs. Teacher points the pairs; three or four pairs.
While reading it aloud, discuss new vocabularies
4. Give some questions ( task 1)

5. Ask them to answer it in 5 minutes

6. Check together
7. Give following task ( task 2)
8. Check the answer together
9. Lead the students to find a conclusion
- From the answers on task 2, what expressions are used in the dialogue ?
( to blame, to admit and to apologize)
- How do you say if you blame someone, you admit your mistake and apologize on your
- Do you know other expressions?
10. Give good conclusion
11. Give students time to copy the conclusion
12. Give them last task. ( task 3)
13. Check the answer together
Kegiatan Akhir
- Tell them that they are going to have a dialogue next meeting by using the expression they
have just studied.

Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat



: Buku Developing English Competencies 3; Doddy, Achmad; dari
: Tertulis


Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar


Alokasi Waktu
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

: BERBICARA. . Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional

dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
: Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksioanl dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut secara akurat dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dengan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyalahkan/ menuduh, mengakui kesalahan/
meminta maaf.
: 1. Menciptakan dialog dengan menggunakan tindak tutur menyalahkan/
menuduh, mengakui kesalahan/ meminta maaf.
2. Berdialog berpasangan dengan menggunakan tindak tutur menyalahkan/
menuduh, mengakui kesalahan/ meminta maaf.
: 4x 45 menit
: Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur menyalahkan/ menuduh, mengakui
: Disklusi

II.Materi Pembelajaran
III. Metode Pembelajaran
IV. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Langkah- langkah
Kegiatan Awal


Motivate the students by giving question and answer

- What expressions did we get from the dialog last meeting?
Kegiatan Inti
Tell the students that they have to create a dialogue in pairs based on the situation given

Give the students some situations (terlampir)

Ask them to understand it

Ask them to sit in pairs

Ask the pair to choose one of situations they like

Ask the pair to create a dialogue by using the expression of blaming and admitting based on the
situation they choose. Teacher may help the students when necessary.
Give them time to prepare themselves before perform the dialogue
Ask the pairs to perform it in front of the class.
Take their mark
Kegiatan Akhir
Give comments on their activity
V. Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat
VI. Penilaian
: Performance assessment
Bentuk : Bermain peran

Afektif Table List

Standar Kompetensi

: Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion..
: Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan berbagai
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk explanation.
: - Mengidentifikasi informasi umum dari teks lisan explanation
- Mengidentifikasi proses terjadinya suatu fenomena dari teks lisan

Kompetensi Dasar

Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran
: Siswa dapat memahami teks lisan berbentuk explanation
Materi Ajar
: III.
Metode Pembelajaran :
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar:
a. Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Tell the students what competence they have to attain
b. Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract the students attention by showing a picture and giving question and answer (gambar
- Look at the picture, what things do you see in the picture? ( rain, a man watering the flower,
tree/ plant)
- Do you see the two arrows ?One is pointed to below, and one is pointed to above. What does it
mean? (water falls DOWN to the land, and water rises UP to the sky.)
- So, what does the picture tell about? ( about the water cycle)
- Now, I will read a text about the water cycle. Before that, please understand the following task.
2. Guide the students to understand the task (terlampir on task 1)
3. Read the text only paragraph 1
4. Ask the students to complete the sentence based on their listening.
5. Check the answer together
6. Read paragraph 2
7. Ask the students to complete the sentences while listening
8.Check the answer together
9. Read paragraph 3
10. Ask the students to complete the sentences while listening
11. Check the answer together
c. Kegiatan Akhir
1. Ask them to tell their opinion about the activity, and their difficulties on the activity.
2. Tell them that they are going to explain how the rain forms
V. Alat/ Bahan/Sumber

: Teks lisan, gambar dari buku bse /search/afe?

: Tes Tertulis

Paragraph 1
The water cycle is the never-ending movements of the earths water.
Water goes from the ocean to the air, to the land, and back to the ocean again.
For that reason, its movements is called a cycle.
Paragraph 2
This cycle begins when the heat from the sun turns the ocean into water
vapour. Water vapour is water has become a gas. The water vapour rises into the
sky, where it cools off. The cooled water vapour changes into the tiny drops of water.
The drops are held up in the sky by rising warm air.
Paragraph 3
When billions of these drops of water cluster together they form a cloud.
The water in the clouds eventually falls to the earth as rain. If the water vapour
is cold enough, it turns into ice and falls as snow. Most rain and snow fall into the
ocean, but some fall on land. In time, this water also flows back to the ocean and
the water cycle starts again.
Task 1. Complete the sentence based on what you hear from your teacher.
Water cycle is the movements of water from the . . . to the air, to the land, and back to the .
. again.
The movement of water is never . . .
Paragraph 2

The cycle begins when the ocean turns hot by the . . . .

The hot ocean becomes water vapour which . . . high into the sky.


The water vapour .

off, and changes into tiny .

of water.

Paragraph 3

The billion of drops water form a . . . .

When the cloud is full of drops of water, the water falls as . . . .
When the water is very cold, it falls as . . . .
The water or snow flow to the ocean, and the . . . starts again.

1. ocean - ocean
2. ending
3. sun

4. rises
5. cools - drops
6. cloud

7. rain
8. snow
9. cycle

Standar Kompetensi

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan

Kompetensi Dasar

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan secara akurat,lancer, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk explanation.

Alokasi Waktu
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

: 2 x 45 menit
: Menjelaskan tahap-tahap terbentuknya hujan
: Siswa dapat berkomunikasi secara lisan dengan menjelaskan tahap-tahap
terjadinya suatu fenomena alam.
II. Metode Pembelajaran
: III. Materi Pembelajaran
: IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaraan
1. Kegiatan awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Aperception by questioning what competence the students got last week
2. Kegiatan Inti
Ask the students to prepare themselves to the speaking activity
Ask them to explain how the rain forms in front of theclass
Take mark and note for their performance
3. Kegiatan Akhir
Give comments on their performance
Ask them to tell their difficulties on their performance
V. Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat
VI. Penilaian

:: Performansi


Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar

Alokasi Waktu

: Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tertulis esei berbentuk
narrative, explanation dan discussion
: Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupa sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses iilmu pengetahuan dalam
teks berbentuk explanation.
: 4 x 45 menit
: 1. Menemukan informasi tertentu
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca
3.Menemukan informasi rinci
4.Mengidentifikasi pernyataan umum suatu gejala alam/ sosial
5.Mengidentifikasi proses sebuah gejala alam/social
6. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
II. Metode Pembelajaran
III. Materi Pembelajaran

: Siswa dapat memahami teks tulis berbentuk explanation

: Diskusi, Tanya jawab

Social function : to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural or sociocultural
phenomena. Usually the text contains the explanation of HOW or WHY question
Generic structure:
General Statement
Language Feature

: provides a general statement to position the reader.

: tells a sequenced explanation of why or how something
: Use Simple Present tense
Sometime Use Passive voice
Generic non-human participant

IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal
Aperception by relating the last lesson with the coming lesson. Tell the students what competence they
are going to attain
2. Kegiatan Inti
Attract the students attention by giving question and answer about fuel
- If you want to drive a car, what fuel do you need? ( petroleum, solar)
- If you want to cook, what fuel do you use? ( kerosene, gas)
- Do you know where do kerosene, gas, solar and petroleum come from? ( from fossil, called
fossil fuel )
- Do you know how fossil fuel forms ?
- The following you will read the text about how fossil fuel forms
Distribute a text
Ask the students to read the text
Read the text aloud
Ask some students to read the text aloud in turn
Check their pronunciation
Give task 1 ( attached)
Ask them to understand the statements
Ask them to answer in 7 minutes

Monitor and check the answer together by referring to the text

Give task 2 ( attached)
Ask them to understand the words
Ask them to find the answer, not more than 15 minutes
Monitor and check together
Lead the students to find the genre of the text and its specification
- What is the text talking about?(how fossil fuel is formed)
- What is the purpose of the text; to entertain the readers, to give argument, or
to explain the form of fossil fuel?
- So thats why the kind of the text is called Explanation
Distribute the analysis text.(attached)
Give good conclusion
Give them time to copy the conclusion
Give another text
Ask the to read
Give them task 1
Monitor and check together by referring to the text
Give task 2
Monitor and check together
Give task 3
Monitor and check together

3. Kegiatan Akhir
Have the students tell their difficulties in understanding the text
Give comments on their difficulties
V. Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat
Gambar menara Eiffel, teks tulis
VI. Penilaian
: Tertulis
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar

Alokasi Waktu

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
: Mengungkapkan makna kalimat dan langkah retorika dalam teks monolog
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative,
explanation dan discussion.

: 2 x 45 menit
: Menghasilkan teks berbentuk explanation

Tujuan Pembelajaran
II. Materi Pembelajaran

: Siswa dapat menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraph explanation


Social function : to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural or sociocultural
phenomena. Usually the text contains the explanation of HOW or WHY question
Generic structure:
General Statement
Language Feature

: provides a general statement to position the reader.

: tells a sequenced explanation of why or how something
: Use Simple Present tense
Sometime Use Passive voice
Generic non-human participant

Metode Pembelajaran :
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
A. Kegiatan Awal
1. Greeting
2. Motivation
3. Aperception. Relate the last lesson with the coming lesson
B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Activate students memory explanation text
2. Give them a topic ( Tsunami)
3. Ask them some questions about how the tsunami happens
4. Give the students pieces of sentences
5. Ask them to understand them
6. Ask them to rearrange the sentences orderly
7. Ask them to make it into a good paragraph of explanation. Use conjunction when necessary
8. Give mark on their works.
C. Kegiatan Akhir
1. Ask the students to conclude how to make a text of explanation
2. Have them tell their difficulties on doing the activity
3. Give comments and suggestion on their difficulties
Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat
: Buku paket Look Ahead 3 hal 80
Potongan-potongan kalimat teks Tsunami
: Unjuk Kerja

Kepala SMA 1 X Koto

X Koto, Mei 2014

Guru Mata Pelajaran

NIP. 195609071979031005

NIP: 19690709199512201

Activity 2
Student :
Librarian :
Student :
Librarian :
Student :
Librarian :
Student :
Librarian :
Student :
Librarian :

Excuse me. My teacher gave me an

assignment to write a book report.1Can you tell me what book I should read?
2Sure. Did your teacher set a speci c book?
Yes. A contemporary novel, actually.
Well, 3I'd like to suggest you read Life of Pi. The book is great. Its about
the life of Pi and his great adventure. I think you should read the book.
That's great. 4It sounds like a good suggestion. 5Do you mind if I borrow
the book now?
6I have no objection. You can borrow it for a week.
Thank you, but I think I need it for a longer period. 7Would you mind
making a copy of it?
Oh, 8sorry to say that no part of the book may be copied.
OK. 9Will you extend the due date by two weeks?
10Sure, I will. Here you are.

Read aloud the following dialogue with your friend
Nadia : Hi, Riki. Adi has just told me about his CD. Its destroyed.
: Oh, yes. Its terrible, isnt it? Its my sisters fault.
Nadia : But you have to be responsible. You should buy Adi a new CD
: Look, Nadia. Its none of your business
Nadia : Yes, it is. Adi is my friend. Its not fair.
: OK. Its my fault. I must apologize.
Nadia : Its good you admit that.
Task 1
Answer the questions in 5 minutes
1. Who borrowed Adis CD?
2. Who destroyed the CD?
3. Why did Nadia ask Riki to buy a new CD?
4. What did Riki do then?
5. Did he buy a new CD for Adi?
Task 2
Answer the following question based on the dialogue above
1. Whom did Riki blame on the destroyed CD? What did he say?
(His sister .Its my sisters fault)
2. Did Nadia blame Riki on the destroyed CD? What did she say?
( Yes, he did. You have to be responsible)
3. Did Riki admit that it was his fault? What did he say?
( Yes, he did. Its my fault. I must apologize)
4. What did Nadia reponse?
( Its good you admit that)
Task 3

Your teacher will read some dialogues. Complete the dialogue by choosing suitable response
( Jelaskan kepada siswa bahwa bagian yang kosong adalah percakapan yang harus didengar
oleh siswa, bagian yang digaris bawahi adalah yang harus dijawab dengan memilih jawaban a,
b, atau c).

1. Dani

: What's the matter, Sir?


: Sit down, Dani. One of your

classmates told me you cheated o the examination
: ___________________________________
a. I do apologize, Sir.
b. Really?

c. What?
2. Teacher
: Is anything wrong, Nana?
Nana : I do apologize, Sir. I cheated on last examination
: _______________________________________ , but you have to take another exam. And
dont it again next time.
: I promise, Sir.
a. I dont think so.
b. I promise
c. Apology accepted

3. Nina
: Titi, My sister lost the book you lent me.
: You have to pay for it
Nana : OK. Its my fault, isnt it?
: _______________________________________
a. I have to admit it.
b. It's good you admitted that.
c. Apology accepted.

Read aloud the following dialogue with your friend

: Hi, Riki. Adi has just told me about his CD. Its destroyed.


: Oh, yes. Its terrible, isnt it? Its my sisters fault.


: But you have to be responsible. You should buy Adi a new CD


: Look, Nadia. Its none of your business


: Yes, it is. Adi is my friend. Its not fair.


: OK. Its my fault. I must apologize.


: Its good you admit that.

Task 1
Answer the questions in 5 minutes
1. Who borrowed Adis CD?
2. Who destroyed the CD?
3. Why did Nadia ask Riki to buy a new CD?
4. What did Riki do then?
5. Did he buy a new CD for Adi?
TASK 2 Answer the following question based on the dialogue above
1. Whom did Riki blame on the destroyed CD? What did he say?
2. Did Nadia blame Riki on the destroyed CD? What did she say?
3. Did Riki admit that it was his fault? What did he say?
4. What did Nadia reponse?
1. Dani

2. Teacher

Your teacher will read some dialogues. Complete the dialogue by choosing a, b or c
: ___________________________________
a. I do apologize, Sir.
b. Really?
c. What?
: _______________________________________ ,
a. I dont think so.
b. I promise
c. Apology accepted

3. Nina
Nana :

: _______________________________________
a. I have to admit it.
b. It's good you admitted that.
c. Apology accepted.

Study the following situation. Choose one of them, and then create a dialogue in pair. Dont forget to use the
expression of blaming and admitting.

You returned a book to the school library. But the librarian blamed you a careless student because the
book was damaged. You told that it was not your fault. It was your classmate did it. The librarian refused
the book and asked you to change it with the new one.
Your basketball team did not win in a basketball competition. Your friend blamed that it was because you
did not play well. You told him that you were not fit that day. But your friend said that you were not
discipline on exercise. You admitted that it was your fault. You apologized and promise to get exercise
seriously next time.

LISTENING ACTIVITY 2 (Explanation text)

Paragraph 1
The water cycle is the never-ending movements of the earths water.
Water goes from the ocean to the air, to the land, and back to the ocean again.
For that reason, its movements is called a cycle.
Paragraph 2
This cycle begins when the heat from the sun turns the ocean into water
vapour. Water vapour is water has become a gas. The water vapour rises into the
sky, where it cools off. The cooled water vapour changes into the tiny drops of water.
The drops are held up in the sky by rising warm air.
Paragraph 3
When billions of these drops of water cluster together they form a cloud.
The water in the clouds eventually falls to the earth as rain. If the water vapour
is cold enough, it turns into ice and falls as snow. Most rain and snow fall into the
ocean, but some fall on land. In time, this water also flows back to the ocean and
the water cycle starts again.
Task 1. Complete the sentence based on what you hear from your teacher.
Water cycle is the movements of water from the . . . to the air, to the land, and back to the .
. again.
The movement of water is never . . .
Paragraph 2

The cycle begins when the ocean turns hot by the . . . .

The hot ocean becomes water vapour which . . . high into the sky.
The water vapour . . . off, and changes into tiny . . . of water.

Paragraph 3

The billion of drops water form a . . . .

When the cloud is full of drops of water, the water falls as . . . .
When the water is very cold, it falls as . . . .
The water or snow flow to the ocean, and the . . . starts again.

1. ocean - ocean
2. ending
3. sun

4. rises
5. cools - drops
6. cloud

7. rain
8. snow
9. cycle


Text 1

How Fossil Fuel is Formed

Task 1. Write T if the statement is true, write F if the statement is false. Show the line
1. Kerosene is formed by the remains of animals which died million years ago.
2. It needs a very long time to get petroleum
3. The press of the rock plays important role in forming fossil fuel
4. Man can produce gas from the remains of dead animals.
1. F
Line 2 animals and PLANTS which died
2. T
Line 5 over a long period of time,
3. T
Line 6-7 .under the rock and are pressed.
4. F
All Line needs million years, and the pressure of the rock in order to produce the fuel.
TASK 2. Find the word in the text which has similar meaning with the following word.
Kunci jawaban
1. remains
2. stay
3. gather
4. today
5. got


(Genre Discussion)
Satuan Pendidikan
Mata Pelajaran
Kelas / Semester
Standar Kompetensi

: SMA Negri 1 X Koto

: B.Inggris
: XII IA & IS / Ganjil
: Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Kompetensi Dasar

: 1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal

resmi dan berlanjut secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur ; mengakui kesalahan,
berjanji, menyalahkan,menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuandan hasrat,
dan menyatakan berbagai sikap


: 1. Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar pembicara

2. Menentukan informasi umum
3. Menentukan informasi tertentu
4. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan
5, Merespon tindak tutur

Alokasi Waktu

: 2x 45 menit

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

: Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tindak tutur mengungkapkan hasrat/

keingintahuan dan membahas segala kemungkinan dari teks lisan yang

II. Materi Pembelajaran :

Mengungkapkan hasrat/ keingintahuan (curiosity)
I wonder if (inf).
Why not
Id like to know why the headmaster
Bans the use of mobile phone
I wish I knew how to operate this mobile phone
What I really like to find out is
Id be very interested to know..
Ive been meaning to ask you about..
Id love to know
Membahas segala kemungkinan
Would there be any possibility of ?
Yes, I think there possibility
Do you think we are capable of ?
Would it be possible for (somebody) to ? X
Yes, I think so
I think that would be possible ....
Why not
Is it possible to ?
Yes, there is a possibility ....
I think that would be possible
Expressions for Giving Opinion
III. Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi
IV. Proses Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Awal
Motivation by giving question and answer
Appreciation . Tell the students what competence they have to attain
Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract students attention by giving question and answer about mobile phone
2. Tell the students that they have to listen a dialogue
3. Play the recorder
4. Ask them to understand the questions
5. Ask them to answer the questions while listening. Play the recorder when necessary
6. Check the answer together
7. Guide the students to find the language function and its use

8. Give them task

9. Ask them to understand the task
10. Read the dialogue aloud
11. Ask them to chose the answer
12. Check together
Kegiatan Akhir
- Tell them that they are going to have a dialogue next meeting by using the expression they
have just studied.

Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat : Buku Developing English Competencies 3; Doddy, Achmad; dari
: Tertulis

Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar

: Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.
: Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur ;
mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan,menuduh,
mengungkapkan keingintahuandan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai

: Menggunakan tindak tutur men
Alokasi Waktu
: yatakan keingintahuan dan menyatakan segala kemungkinan.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
: Siswa dapat berdialog berpasangan dengan menggunakan
ungkapan menyatakan keingitahuan dan mengungkapkan segala
Materi Pembelajaran : III.
Metode Pembelajaran : IV.
Kegiatan Proses Belejar Mengajar
Kegiatan Awal


Motivate the students by giving question and answer

- What expressions did we get from the dialog last meeting?
Kegiatan Inti
Tell the students that they have to create a dialogue in pairs based on the situation given

Give the students some situations (terlampir)

Ask them to understand it

Ask them to sit in pairs

Ask the pair to choose one of situations they like

Ask the pair to create a dialogue by using the expression of curiosity and possibility based on the
situation they choose. Teacher may help the students when necessary.
Give them time to prepare themselves before perform the dialogue
Ask the pairs to perform it in front of the class.
Take their mark
Kegiatan Akhir
Give comments on their activity


: Buku Developing English Competencies 3; Doddy, Achmad; dari



: Performance assessment ( berdialog berpasangan)

Standar Kompetensi

: Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion..

Kompetensi Dasar

: Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan berbagai

ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk discussion.
: Mengidentifikasi keuntungan dan kekuranagn dari sebuah benda
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat memahami teks lisan berbentuk discussion
Materi Pembelajaran : III.
Metode Pembelajaran : IV.
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract the students attention by giving question and answer about watching television
- Do you watch television at home?
- What program do you like to watch, film, quiz, music or talk show?
- Do you feel that watching television disturbs you in doing homework?
- What do you think if there is no tel3evision at home? Why do you say so?
- Well, the following is a text about plus and minus of television. I will read for you. Listen
2. Read a text about advantages and disadvantages of television aloud. Repeat if necessary.
3. Ask them to answer some questions
4. Check together by referring to the text. So teacher needs to read the related sentence
5. Ask them to write the advantages and disadvantages of television based on what they have heard
6. Check the answer together
7. Ask them to discuss about how to overcome the problem of clash between their want to watch
television with their obligation to do the homework
Kegiatan Akhir
Ask them to make a conclusion about what they have learned
Have them to find a topic which has advantages and disadvantages.
Tell them that they are going to tell about it next meeting

Sumber / Bahan/ Alat : Buku Look Ahead 1 : teks Television

: Tertulis

Standar Kompetensi

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan

Kompetensi Dasar

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan secara akurat,lancer, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk discussion

: Menggunakan kalimat argumentasi
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x45 menit
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
: Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kelebihan/ kekurangan, pro/ kontra dari
sebuah topik
II. Materi Pembelaran
Well, today I'm going to talk about mobile phones.
Nowadays, everywhere you go, you see people using
mobile phones. But is it good or bad? Of course there are
advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones .
III. Metode Pembelajaran :
IV. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Kegiatan Awal

Have them tell what competence they have got before. Tell them what competence they are
going to have.
Kegiatan Inti
1. Attract students attention by giving question and answer about some topics
- What do you know about cloning?
- Do you think that it is good for human, or bad?
- What about abortion, do you agree with it? Why?
- What about using mobile phone at school? Does it have positive or negative effects for the
2. Ask the students to choose one topic
3. Ask them to think about the positive negative side
4. Ask them to tell the idea
5. Give them to prepare themselves
6. Ask them to convey their idea one by one
7. Take their mark or some notes
Kegiatan Akhir
Give comments on what the students have done
V. Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat :
VI. Penilaian
: Performance assessment
Standar Kompetensi

: Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tertulis esei

berbentuknarrative, explanation dan discussion

Komptensi Dasar

: Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupa sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses
iilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk:


Menemukan informasi tertentu

Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca
Mengidentifikasi isu wacana
Mengidentifikasi argument pro dan kontra
Mengidentifikasi kesimpulan akhir dari isu
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks yang

Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat memahami teks yang berbentuk discussion

Materi Pembelajaran :

Social function : to present (at least) many different aspects of an issues ( good or bad, advantages and
disadvantages, pro and cons)
Generic structure :

: introduces the statement and previews of issue

: states of differing points of view (arguments for and against the
: states the recommendation of the issue

Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi

Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Kegiatan Awal
Aperception by relating the last lesson with the coming lesson. Tell the students what
competence they are going to attain
Kegiatan Inti



1. Attract the students attention by showing a picture of mobile phone use sign and giving question
and answer about it (picture taken from thr reference book page 63)
- Look at the sign, what does the sign mean? (no using mobile phone in certain area)
- What do you think about the sign, do you feel comfortable with the sign ? Why?
- Now, we will read a text about using mobile phone
2. Distribut the text of Mobile Phone
3. Ask the students to read the text
4. Ask them to find advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phone
5. Monitor and check together
6. Ask them to find what is the conclusion or recommendation of using mobile phone
7. Monitor and check together
8. Give them next task (Match the word with the meaning. attached)
9. Monitor and check together
10. Give them following task ( Complete the sentence with the word in the former exercise)
11. Monitor and check together
12. Guide the students to find the communicative purpose and the features of discussion text)
13. Give good conclusion
14. Give them to copy
15. Give them another sample of discussion text (A Ban on Cell Phone Use at the Wheel: Motorists
to Face Jail Terms for Using Cell Phones )
16. Give them Task
17. Monitor and check the answer together
Kegiatan Akhir
Ask the students to conclude the skills they have got from the activity
Tell them that they are going to have writing competence next meeting
Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat : - Buku Interlanguage Scince 12 and Social, Joko Priyono hal 103 dari
- Buku Developing English Competencies 3; Doddy, Achmad; hal 62 dari

:- Tes Tertulis

Standar Kompetensi

: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
: Mengungkapkan makna kalimat dan langkah retorika dalam teks monolog
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative,
explanation dan discussion.

Kompetensi Dasar

Alokasi Waktu

: 2 x 45 menit
: Menghasilkan teks berbentuk discussion

Tujuan Pembelajaran

: Siswa dapat menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraph berbentuk

Materi Pembelajaran
Social function : to present (at least) many different aspects of an issues ( good or bad, advantages and
disadvantages, pro and cons)
Generic structure :

: introduces the statement and previews of issue

: states of differing points of view (arguments for and against the
: states the recommendation of the issue

Metode Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Kegiatan Awal
4. Greeting
5. Motivation
6. Aperception. Relate the last lesson with the coming lesson
Kegiatan Inti
7. Activate students memory about discussion text



Give them a topic (taken from the reference page 74)

Ask them some questions about the topic
Give the students pieces of sentences
Ask them to understand them
Ask them to rearrange the sentences orderly

13. Ask them to make it into a good paragraph of discussion. Use conjunction when necessary
14. Give mark on their works.
Kegiatan Akhir
15. Ask the students to conclude how to make a text of discussion
16. Have them tell their difficulties on doing the activity
17. Give comments and suggestion on their difficulties
Sumber/ Bahan/ Alat
: Buku Developing English Competencies 3; Doddy, Achmad; hal 74- 75 dari

VI. Penilaian

: Unjuk Kerja

Kepala SMA 1 X Koto

X Koto, Mei 2014

Guru Mata Pelajaran

NIP. 195609071979031005

NIP: 196907091995122001

Lampiran soal-soal latihan

( Dian is doing a school survey on using mobile phone during school )

: Hi, Adi. I wonder if you really approve of stopping mobile phone use on school l?
: Well, that depends.
: What do you mean? You can say "yes", "no", or "not sure".
: No, I'm sure. It depends on the use of the mobile phone. If a student needs to inform something to
his/her parent, then the mobile phone is very useful.
: OK, thanks. What about you, You say "no" too?
: Well, if the use of the mobile phone disturbs others who are studying I agree with the rule.
: So your answer is "yes"?
: That's right.
: Is there any possibility of the teachers policy reconsidering this rule?
: I think that would be possible.
: OK. Thank you both. I appreciate your opinions.
: No problem.
: Good luck with your survey

Answer the question based on the dialogue above
1. What are the persons talking about?
2. What are their relationship ?
3. Who was having a survey?
4. Did Adi agree with the rule stopping using mobile phone during school? What was his reason?
5. What did Tania think about the rule?
6. How did Dian express his curiosity about Adis opinion?
7. Is there any possibility What does it mean ?
8. What did Dian answer?
Listen to your teacher reading a dialogue. Then complete the pause part by choosing a, b or c.
1. A:. _______________________________________________
a. What about if
c. Id like to know b. Do you think that
2. A:

A : ____________________________________________
a. I wonder
b. Do you think
c. Do you agree
3. A ;
. ____________________________
a. Do you think
b. How about
c. Is there any possibility
II. Listen to your teacher reading a dialogue. Then complete the pause part by choosing a, b or c.
1. A:. . . why the principle bans the use of mobile phone at school?
B : He said that mobile phone disturbs our lesson.
a. What about if
c. Id like to know
b. Do you think that
2. A: Excuse me, Sir.
B : What can I do for you
A : . if I must take the remedy lesson.
B : OK. I will announce in the class later.
a. I wonder
b. Do you think
c. Do you agree
3. A ; I have taken remedy lesson. . . . that I can get good mark on semester report?
B : That depends on you. That would be possible if you try hard .
a. Do you think
b. How about
c. Is there any possibility
4. A :
I think that would be possible for us
B :
Mobile Phones: Good or Bad?
Everywhere you go nowadays, you
see people using mobile phones. From
school children to the people, you see
them talking in the supermarket, on
trains, in the street, everywhere!
So what are the advantages of
mobile phones?
First of all, they are very convenient
because you can phone from nearly
anywhere. Another advantage is that
they are really useful in emergency
For example, if you are alone in
your car and it breaks down, you can
get help quickly. In addition, you
can also use your mobile to text your
friends or connect to the Net.
However, there are disadvantages
such as the cost. Mobile phone calls cost
more than normal calls. Furthermore, it
can be annoying if you are on a train or
a bus and you have to listen to someone
else's boring conversation. Finally,
people can contact you anywhere, at
any time, unless you switch your phone
In conclusion, there are both
advantages and disadvantages.
Personally, I feel mobile phones are a
good thing because they give us more
freedom and make communication
The following paragraphs are jumbled. Rearrange
them based on text structure.

Helpful and Harmful Effects of Technology

1. Technology has helped people in many different
ways. First of all, it allows them to make more things
now than they did in the past. For example, 150 years
ago, people and animals did most of the work on
farms in the United States. Today, machines do most
of the work on U.S. Farms.
2. Another way technology has helped people is by
giving them more time to relax. Because machines
can do so much work, people today do not have to
work as hard as people in the past. Technology has
also made work easier and safer.
3. Today, technology helps people meet goals that
would have been impossible a hundred years ago.
But it also presents great challenges, or issues to
think about. One challenge is nding ways to end
the harmful effects of technology. Another is how
to make sure the same problems wont happen with
new technologies.
4. Another problem with technology is that it lets people
produce more powerful weapons. Such weapons
make the world a more dangerous place.
5. The technology that helped bring about our modern
society began about 200 years ago. At that time, more
and more factories were built. These factories began
using machines powered by steam. The machines
could make things faster and often cheaper than
people could make them by hand. This kind of
technology affected peoples lives more and more.
It has had both helpful and harmful effects on the
6. Computers and other machines have replaced people
in the workplace. Its often hard for these people to
nd new jobs.
7. Pollution is one of the most harmful effects of modern
technology. Many countries face air, water, soil, and
noise pollution. Our technology also uses up many
natural resources, such as oil, wood, and coal. Many
of these resources cannot be replaced after they are

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