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Apa sispro

Sistem adalah kumpulan dari unsur unsur maupun komponen komponen yang saling
mempengaruhi antara satu dan yang lainnya sehingga tecapai suatu tujuan tertentu.
Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan produksi ialah kegiatan menghasilkan sesuatu
dengan cara mengubah suatu masukan menjadi sebuah keluaran yang memiliki nilai
lebih dari sebelumnya.
Dari uraian di atas, maka sistem produksi dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan dari
subsistem subsistem yang saling berinteraksi dengan tujuan mentransformasi input
produksi menjadi output produksi.
Subsistem subsistem dari suatu sistem produksi terdiri dari beberapa hal, diantaranya
adalah sebagai berikut :1. Perencanaan produksi 2. Pengendalian kualitas hasil produksi
3. Penentuan standar standar operasi 4. Penentuan fasilitas produksi 5. Penentuan
harga pokok produksi

Keseluruhan proses mulai dari raw material hingga produk jadi yang melibatkan: Sistem manufaktur ; Manusia ;
Uang ; Equipment ; Materials&supplies ; Market;Manajemen/TQM/TBM dsb ; Kualitas produk (SPC-Taguchi-QFD) ;
Semua aspek komersial (manufaktur, sales, advertising, profit, distribusi)
2. JIT
Pendahuluan = Makna harafiah : tepat waktu Banyak dan berhasil untuk industri di Jepang . Kemampuan
pemasok bahan baku atau komponen untuk menyerahkan pesanan tepat pada saat dibutuhkan dan pada
tingkat dibutuhkan saja. Usaha-usaha untuk meniadakan pemborosan dalam segala bidang produksi,
sehingga dapat menghasilkan dan mengirimkan produk akhir tepat waktu untuk dijual.
Pull production concept
Kanban production
Quick setups
Flexible resources
High quality
Cellular manufacturing
Small-lot production
Supplier networks
Berusaha untuk mendapatkan kesempurnaan dengan berusaha melakukan perbaikan terus-menerus untuk
mendapatkan yang terbaik
Menghilangkan Pemborosan
Menghilangkan Ketidakpastian
Menghilangkan pemborosan dan konsisten dalam meningkatkan produktifitas->Zero Inventories
Zero defects Zero Inventories;Zero set-up Zero handling;Zero queues Zero breakdown;Zero leadtime Zero lot
excesses Zero schedule interuptions
Masuk Pertama Keluar Pertama
Banyak digunakan oleh perusahaan khususnya untuk kepentingan internal
Biaya persediaan dihitung berdasarkan asumsi bahwa barang akan dijual atau dipakai sendiri dan sisa dalam
persediaan menunjukkan pembelian atau produksi terakhir
Persediaan kahir dari metode FIFO ditaksir secara teliti (hati-hati) berdasarkan nilai aktual saat ini
Ketika harga bahan baku dan biaya lainnya dijadikan sasaran perubahan, maka metode FIFO tidak mungkin
berhasil dalam melakukan penyesuaian biaya terhadap pendapatan saat ini
Perubahan biaya dapat menciptakan penyimpangan laporan rugi laba
Contoh=Catatan persediaan secara periodik diperlihatkan dalam tabel, atas suatu item. Catatan secara fisik
menyatakan tanggal 1 April terdapat persediaan akhir 300 unit. Berapa nilai persediaan akhir tersebut?
Berapa harga pokok barang yang dijual untuk periode tersebut?
Metode ini dapat digunakan untuk sistem persediaan periodik maupun kontinyus
Contoh=Catatan persediaan secara periodik diperlihatkan pada tabel atas suatu item. Catatan secara fisik
menyatakan bahwa tanggal 1 April terdapat persediaan kahir 300 unit. Berapa nilai persediaan akhir tersebut?
Berapa harga pokok barang yang dijual untuk periode ters

3. Kanban, Japanese word for card

Pronounced kahn-bahn (not can-ban) Authorizes production from downstream operations Pulls
material through plant May be a card, flag, verbal signal etc. Used often with fixed-size container. Add or
remove containers to change production rate

Adalah kartu yang menunjukkan jumlah produksi standar

Berisi info : nomor, barang , dll
Kanban produksi dan Kanban Pengambilan
Production kanban - a card authorizing production of goods
Withdrawal kanban - a card authorizing the movement of
Each kanban is physically attached to a container
Rule 1: Move a Kanban only when the lot it represents is
Rule 2: No withdrawal of parts without a Kanban is allowed.
Rule 3: The number of parts issued to the subsequent process
must be the exact number specified by the Kanban.
Rule 4: A Kanban should always be attached to the physical parts.
Rule 5: The preceding process should always produce parts in the quantities withdrawn by the
subsequent process.
Rule 6: Defective parts should never be conveyed to the subsequent process.
Rule 7: Process the Kanbans at every work center in the order in which they arrive at the work center.

4. Material Handling

Material handling means providing the right amount of the right material, in the right
condition, at the right place, at theright time, in the right position, in the right
sequence, and for the right cost, using the right method. Automation in Material
Handling, Involves automatic handling between machines and continuous
automatic processing at the machines
Why production automation? Safety, environmental issues, etc.;Quality;Eliminate
monotonous work and associated errors;Reduce set-up times and increase
flexibility;Improve productivity and reduce costs
Why automate material handling? Safety;Increase space
utilization;Security;Productivity improvement (Locating, picking sequence, material
movement); Reduce handling damage
Choosing your Conveyor
Factors affecting choice: Pack size;Pack weight;Speed;Hygiene; Purchase
cost;Maintenance cost
Advantages of conveyors:; Faster response time;Reduce labor cost; Eliminates
excessive handling; Reduces cycle time;Cleaner and more hygiene;Adaptability and
What are robots?:Reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move
materials, parts, tools or other specialized devices variable programmed motions for
the performance of a variety of tasks.
Robots are machines that: Hold, move, or grasp items;Perform monotonous or
dangerous tasks;Are used when speed, accuracy, or strength are needed
Industrial robots usually: Programmable;Multi-functional;Designed to move
materials, parts, tools or special devices;Through programmed motions;To perform
many different tasks
Advantages of Robots=Some of the advantages of using robots in the manufacturing
industry includes: 24 hour operation increases productivity; Handling dangerous
material or in extreme conditions. High precision movemenT;High reliability; High
flexibility;Can be integrated with other automation systems
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) small driverless battery driven trucks
transport material between operations. Advanced material handling system
transport materials from various loading locations to unloading locations without the
need of a driver
Advantages of AGVs Flexibility, Guides can be changed easily. Loads are not
confined to specific size or

shape Higher reliability, Battery operated AGVs reaches designated stations on time
without delays. Offers minimal down time with no margin for error. Higher operating
savings and lower investment Cheaper to invest compared to permanent material
handling system. Saves manpower, energy and time Unobstructed movements,
AGVs move in predetermined route, unwanted movements of vehicles are eliminated,
thus human and machine movements are not obstructed. Control units in AGVs help to
avoid collisions.
AS/RS: storage system that uses fixed-path storage and retrieval (S/R) machines
running on one or more rails between fixed arrays of storage racks. [Material Handling
Institute]. AS/RS performs the following functions: Receiving, identifying and
sorting of storage Dispatching and placing in storage Retrieving from storage
Order accumulation, packing, shipping and record keeping Provide for automatic
placement and withdrawal of parts and products into and from designated places in a
warehouse. There are 3 main types of AS/RS Carousel Miniload Warehouse.
Advantages Space efficient due to cubical space usage. Storage capacity is
increased and able to reach far corners. Improve inventory control system (inventory
reduction) Faster response time to locate, store and retrieve materials Reduce
labor cost Improve security Eliminates excessive handling Flexible and can be
used with other computerized systems (JIT,FMS, etc.) An important factor in JIT
concept Reduces loss from damaged, lost, or stolen parts

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