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Short Resource list for Learning About Racism v. 1.

Racism = prejudice + power.
Racism combines personal prejudice with institutional power. The addition of power (through institutions,
history, systemic patterns of behavior by groups in power) is what makes the effects of racism so powerful and
widespread. There is no such thing as "reverse racism" (aka racism against white people). White people can
experience prejudice.

Aversive Racism: Color Blind or Just Plain Blind?
Many liberal white people will not publicly and consciously express bias against blacks, but, because they have
unconscious negative feelings about blacks, they will discriminate in subtle ways. This subtle and unconscious
bias is what we mean when we refer to aversive racism.

White privilege exists.

Privilege is not about having lots of money or prestige. White privilege is another part of racism. Racism
unfairly denies advantages to certain races, and unfairly gives advantages to people for being white. White
privilege is about the advantages white people have, which they believe everyone gets and are "just normal."

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Examples: “I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race. I am never asked
to speak for all the people of my racial group.”

How Not To Be Insane When Accused Of Racism (A Guide For White People) or

Project Implicit
This is a joint research project between Harvard University, the University of Virginia, and University of
Washington. It measures implicit bias which are the biases people don't realize they have. These biases affect
people's behavior. For instance, not being white negatively affects health care one receives

I can fix it! or
Artist damali ayo created a list of ten things individual people can do fix racism, She is also the vision behind

The Greatest Cliché: The Unexamined Propaganda of "Political Correctness" or
As it's commonly used, "PC" is a deliberately imprecise expression (just try finding or writing a terse, precise
definition) because its objective isn't to communicate a substantive idea, but simply to sneer and snivel about
the linguistic and cultural burdens of treating all people with the respect and sensitivity with which they wish to
be treated. Thus, the Herculean effort required to call me "Asian American" rather than "chink" is seen as a
concession to "the PC police"

This work is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States
License. This resource is located at
The privilege of politeness
What these people fail to understand is that if you’ve said something racist and fucked up you’ve already been
rude to me. You’ve already offended me and ignorance is no excuse because you are a grown person, you can
read, you can research, you can figure out how to treat people with respect and equality.

Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward
freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more
devoted to "order" than to justice; ... who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot
agree with your methods of direct action";

"I can do anything...I'm a nice white lady!" or
A MadTV parody of feel good movies where a nice white lady rescues people of color, who are of course
unable to help themselves.

Stephen King's Super-Duper Magical Negroes or
I first heard of the Magical Negro from author Steve Barnes during a Clarion East Science Fiction and Fantasy
Writers' Workshop discussion in 2001. He explained that a Magical Negro was a black character—usually
depicted as wiser and spiritually deeper than the white protagonist—whose purpose in the plot was to help the
protagonist get out of trouble, to help the protagonist realize his own faults and overcome them.
As I sat there listening to Barnes, I realized with dismay what bothered me about several of Stephen King's
novels. Several of his greatest works hinge on Magical Negroes and, furthermore, the result was a propagation
of racial stereotypes
A blog by white people working to unpack and dismantle racism. Both serious and funny
A blog, written by three black women, talking about race, gender, politics, sexuality and sci-fi.
Tim Wise is a noted anti-racist educator and speaker. His site contains many of his essays.
A pointed guide on how to derail discussions of oppression faced by marginalized groups.
A variety of resources, including reading lists, focused on increasing racial and ethnic diversity in speculative

"Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?": A Psychologist Explains the Development of
Racial Identity by Beverly Daniel Tatum. ISBN 0465083617

This work is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States
License. This resource is located at

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