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Santa Eufrsia do S. Corao de Jesus
Virgem, Congregao das Religiosas da Me do Carmelo

Religiosa professa da Congregao das Religiosas da Me do Carmelo, nasceu em 1877, na diocese indiana de
Trichur, em Edathurhty; seu nome era Rosa Eluvethingal. Pertencente Igreja Oriental de rito siro-malabar, foi
superiora geral das religiosas carmelitas de Koonammavu e recebeu dons carismticos. Na ndia ela recordada
tambm por sua entrega durante uma grande epidemia de clera. No convento carmelita de Ollur, onde havia
permanecido 48 dos 52 anos de sua vida religiosa, faleceu em 1952. L foi sepultada. Beatificada no dia 3 de
dezembro de 2006. Canonizada pelo Papa Francisco em 23 de novembro de 2014.

Senhor, que hoje nos alegrais com a festa anual de santa Eufrsia do S. Corao de
Jesus, concedei-nos a ajuda dos seus mritos, Vs que nos iluminastes com o exemplo
da sua virgindade e amor ao prximo. Por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, vosso Filho, que
Deus convosco na unidade do Esprito Santo.

Sor Eufrasia Eluvathingal, la "madre que ora," es santa

Esta maana en el Vaticano estaba el consistorio ordinario para la canonizacin de la religiosa
india y otros cinco beatos. Sern inscritos entre los santos del 23 de noviembre 2014. La
hermana, amada por toda la India, vivi en la adoracin y en el servicio a los novicios.
Ciudad del Vaticano (AsiaNews) - La "madre que ora", como era conocida Sor Eufrasia
Eluvathingal del Sagrado Corazn, es santa. Esto fue decidido por el Papa Francisco, que esta
maana celebr el consistorio ordinario pblico para la canonizacin de Sor Eufrasia y otros
cinco beatos. El Papa decret que los bienaventurados sean registrados entre los santos 23 de
noviembre 2014, en la fiesta de Cristo Rey.
La nueva santa naci como Rosa Eluvathingal el 07 de octubre 1877 en una familia de la
aldea Siro-Malabar Kattoor, cerca de la ciudad de Thrissur, en el estado indio de Kerala. Rosa
es la hija mayor de dos terratenientes ricos, Antony Cherpukaran y Kunjethy Eluvathingal. Fue
bautizado 25 de octubre 1877 en la iglesia de la Madre del Carmelo en Edathuruthy. La madre
es una devota del rito siro-catlica, que la lleva a rezar el rosario y asistir a la misa. A la edad

de 9 aos, Rosa recibe la gracia de una aparicin de la Virgen Mara, y sta la convence de
permanecer virgen y dedicar su vida a Dios
En la adultez, Rose expresa su deseo de unirse a las Hermanas de la Madre del Carmelo, que
siguen la Regla de la Tercera Orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos. El padre se opuso en un
primer momento, porque le gustara verla casada con el hijo de una de las familias adineradas
de la regin. Pero al ver la determinacin de su hija est de acuerdo: ser l quien la
acompae al convento. A la edad de 10 aos entra en el colegio de la comunidad carmelita de
la Iglesia siro-malabar, fundada por el Beato Kuriakose Elias Chavara y el p. Leopold Beccaro
en 1886 en el distrito de Ernakulam Koonammavu.
En 1897 Mar John Menachery, primer nativo en ser obispo de Thrissur, abre el convento
carmelita de Amazakad (ahora dentro de la dicesis siro-malabar de Irinjalakuda). El 9 de
mayo, es el propio obispo quien lleva todas las monjas y estudiantes de Koonammavu a la
nueva estructura: entre ellos estaba Rose. Al da siguiente, Rose es aceptada como postulante
y recibi el nombre de Sor Eufrasia del Sagrado Corazn de Jess; ser admitido al noviciado
10 de enero 1898. Sin embargo, su situacin mdica delicada amenaza su estancia en el
convento, por lo que los superiores consideran la posibilidad de alentarla para su tratamiento.
La profesin solemne de Sor Eufrasia se lleva a cabo el 24 de mayo de 1900, durante la
bendicin del nuevo convento de Ollur. Despus de tomar los votos, es responsable de ayudar
a las novicias. Aunque sigue siendo muy frgil de salud, la Hermana Eufrasia muestra un
coraje moral poco comn y un alto sentido de responsabilidad. En 1904 fue nombrada jefe de
los novicias de la Congregacin, cargo que ocup durante nueve aos. En 1913 se convirti
en la madre superiora del convento de Santa Maria di Ollur, donde vivi hasta su muerte,
permaneciendo en el cargo hasta 1916.
A pesar de las TAREAS pesadas, vive una vida de oracin constante y enorme devocin al
Sagrado Corazn de Jess, por lo que comienza a ser llamado "la madre que ora". Sor Eufrasia
pasa la mayor parte del da en la capilla del convento, en la adoracin del Santsimo
Sacramento, por el que tiene una gran devocin. La monja muri el 29 de agosto 1952 en el
convento de Ollur: su tumba pronto se convirti en un lugar de peregrinacin, donde segn
muchos fieles hacia milagros.
En 1987 fue declarada "Sierva de Dios" por el arzobispo de Thrissur, Mar Joseph Kundukulam,
que abre la fase diocesana de la causa de beatificacin. El 5 de julio de 2002, el Papa Juan
Pablo II para reconocer sus virtudes heroicas, la declara "VENERABLE ". En junio de 2006, el
Vaticano reconoce y aprueba un primer milagro atribuido a ella: la curacin inexplicable de un
carpintero que sufra cncer de hueso.
El 3 de diciembre de 2006, en la iglesia de San Antonio en Ollur, el cardenal Varkey Vithayathil
celebra en nombre del Papa Benedicto XVI, la ceremonia de beatificacin. Despus de la
beatificacin, el difunto purpurado record - hablando con AsiaNews - - la gran estatura
moral y religiosa de la "madre que ora". El 03 de abril 2014 el Papa Francisco autoriz a
la Congregacin para las Causas de los Santos promulgar el decreto sobre el nuevo milagro
atribuido a la intercesin de la Hermana Eufrasia.

Blessed Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Evuprasiamma), C.M.C.

October 17, 1877
Edathuruthy, Thrissur District,Kerala, British India
August 29, 1952
Ollur,Thrissur, Kerala, India
Honored in
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
December 3, 2006, Ollur,Thrissur byMar Varkey Vithayathil
August 29

Blessed Euphrasia Eluvathingal or Sister Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus C.M.C. (October 7, 1877 August
29, 1952) ,also known as Evuprasiamma, was an Indian Carmelite Religious Sister of the Syro-Malabar Church which
is anEastern Catholic Church and a part of the Saint Thomas Christian community in Kerala. Her canonization was
announced on April 3, 2014.[1][2] [3] [4] [5]

Early life

She was born Rosa Eluvathingal on 7 October 1877 in a Syro-Malabar Catholic Nasrani family in the village
of Kattoor, near the city of Thrissur in Kerala, India. Rosa was the eldest child of wealthy landowners, Cherpukaran
Antony and Kunjethy Eluvathingal. She was baptized on 25 October 1877 in the Mother of Carmel Church in
Edathuruthy. Her mother was a devout Syrian Catholic, who taught her to pray the rosaryand to participate in
the Mass.[6] At the age of nine, Rose is said to have experienced an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which led
her to make a commitment never to marry, and to commit her entire life to God. [1]
As she grew older, Rose desired to enter the Sisters of the Mother of Carmel, who follow the Rule of theThird
Order of theDiscalced Carmelites. Her father opposed this as he wanted to arrange a marriage for her with the son
of one of the other prosperous families in the region. Seeing her resolve, her father finally relented, and himself
accompanied her to the convent.[6] When she was ten, she entered the boarding school attached to the first
indigenous Carmelite community in the Syro-Malabar Church, founded by SaintKuriakose Elias Chavara and Rev.
Leopold Beccaro 1866 at Koonammavu inErnakulam district.

Religious Life

In 1897, Mar John Menachery, the first native Bishop of Thrissur, established a Carmelite Convent in Ambazakad
(now belonging to the Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Irinjalakuda). On May 9 he brought from Koonammavu all
who belonged to his Diocese including Rosa. The next day Rosa was received as apostulant, taking the name
Sister Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and was admitted to thenovitiate of the congregation on 10 January
1898. The constant ill health she experienced, however, threatened her stay in the convent, as the Superiors
considered dismissing her.
Sister Euphrasia is said to have had a vision of the Holy Family, at which point the illness she had long felt ceased.
Sister Euphrasia made her solemn profession on 24 May 1900,[1] during the blessing of the newly founded convent
at Ollur. After she took her perpetual vows, she was appointed assistant to the Novice Mistress. Though frail in
health, Euphrasia exhibited rare moral courage, and a very high sense of responsibility and in 1904 she was soon
appointed Novice Mistress of the Congregation in which position she worked for nine years. In 1913 she was made
Mother Superior of St. Marys Convent, Ollur, where she was to live the rest of her life, serving as Mother Superior
until 1916.[1]
Despite these duties, she endeavored to lead a life of constant prayer and of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
becoming known by many people as the Praying Mother.[2][7] Mother Euphrasia spent much of her day in the
convent chapel before the Blessed Sacrament, to which she had a strong devotion. She also nourished a great love
and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary.[1] Mother Euphrasia[8] died on August 29, 1952 at the Ollur Convent. Her
tomb at the convent has become a pilgrimage site as miracles have been reported by some of the faithful.
The bed where Blessed Euphrasia took her last breath in St Marys convent, Ollur, Thrissur, shown in the museum.


Mar Joseph Kundukulam, the Archbishop of Thrissur instituted the Diocesan Tribunal for the Cause of Mother
Euphrasia in 1987 by declaring her Servant of God. On July 5, 2002, Pope John Paul II, recognized her heroic
virtue of Euphrasia, declaring her Venerable. A miracle attributed to her intercession and approved by
the Vatican in June 2006 concerned the apparent healing of a carpenter from bone cancer. On December 3, 2006,
she was beatified in St. Anthonys Forane Church, Ollur, Thrissur, with the declaration of the Major
Archbishop, Varkey Vithayathil on behalf of the Pope Benedict XVI.
Apostolic nuncio to India Archbishop Pedro Lopez Quintana and Archbishop Jacob Thoomkuzhy of Syro-Malabar
Catholic Archdiocese of Thrissur joined 30 prelates and 500 priests for the beatification events.Ollur parish belongs
to Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Thrissur, part of the Syro-Malabar Church, one of the two Catholic Orientalrites based in Kerala. Herfeast day is August 29.


On 3rd April 2014, Pope Francis authorised the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decrees
concerning the miracle attributed to Evuprasiamma intercession.[9] This confirms Popes approval of
Evuprasiamma canonisation.[10] The canonisation ceremony is on 23rd [9] of November 2014.[11]


^ Jump up to:a b c d e Bl. Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Vatican News Service
^ Jump up to:a b Praying mother in beatification list. Times Of India. June 30, 2006. Retrieved 2011-0706.


Jump up^ The New, Indian Expres. Euphrasia sainthood.

Jump up^ Euphrasia, Eluvathingal. Euphrasia. The New Indian Express.
Jump up^ Euphrasia Eluvathingal, Ollur, Thrissur. Euphrasia sainthood along with Chavara Kuriakose
Elias. The Hindu.
^ Jump up to:a b Congregation of the Mother of Carmel Blessed Mother Euphrasia
Jump up^ Cured Catholic cancer patient recalls miraculous intercession of praying nun'. Catholic Online.
Retrieved 2011-07-06.
Jump up^ Euphrasia.
Jump up^ CMC, Nirmala Province. Nirmala Province

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