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Determination of Voltage Regulation of an Alternator by EMF Method

(Synchronous Impedance method / pessimistic method)

In this method, all the armature parameters (armature resistance, Armature leakage
reactance, armature reaction) of an Alternator are considered. The drop due to armature
reaction is not because of any physical element but due to interaction of armature flux with
main flux. Hence, in order to quantify the voltage drop due to armature reaction, armature
winding is assumed to have a fictitious reactance called armature reaction reactance X ar
Now, the Sum of armature leakage reactance and armature reaction reactance is called
synchronous reactance of an alternator XS.
XS = XL + Xar
Hence the impedance of armature winding can be defined as ZS = Ra + jXS /phase
and is called synchronous impedance of an alternator.
In EMF method, all the quantities are treated as emf quantities, that is, the voltage
drop due to armature resistance(Ra) and the drop due to synchronous reactance(X S) is
considered, both the drops are emf quantities. In other words, drop due to
synchronous impedance(ZS = Ra + jXS) is considered, hence the name synchronous
impedance method.
This method is also called pessimistic method, because the voltage regulation
obtained by this method is more than the actual value.
The EMF method requires the following datas to determine the regulation

Armature resistance/phase

Open circuit characteristics (OCC)

Short circuit characteristics (SCC)

Armature Resistance per phase can be obtained by conducting stator resistance test and by
using the formula Rac = 1.6 Rdc [Refer text book for further details and diagram]
The Alternator was made to run at synchronous speed by adjusting the field rheostat
of the dc motor.
The stator windings of alternator are kept open.

The field current of the alternator was varied in steps until the machine attains its
maximum voltage. The corresponding readings were noted down.
The system is brought back to its initial position by varying the field rheostat of the
Diagram(Refer book)
The stator windings of alternator are Shorted and an ammeter is connected to measure
the current flow.
The Alternator was made to run at synchronous speed by adjusting the field rheostat
of the dc motor.
The field current of the Alternator was adjusted so that the armature current reaches
its maximum rated value.
Note the corresponding current readings.
Diagram(Refer book)

Determination of ZS from the graph or Procedure to determine the voltage regulation

The value of Zs to be determined for the SAME VALUE OF FIELD EXCITATION
1. Plot the OCC and SCC curve in a graph.
2. For the rated full load current(Isc) of alternator[which is to be found from the rating of
alternator], draw a line that cuts the SCC curve, from that draw a vertical line towards
the x-axis and find the field current(If).
3. For that field current, extend the line so that it cuts the OCC curve and find the open
circuit voltage Voc volts (phase value).
4. Now, we know the open circuit voltage Voc volts and short circuit current Isc. From
this, determine the value of ZS using the formula,
V oc
ZS = I sc
5. From the known resistance value and determined ZS found the value of Xs using the
XS =



6. Now, using the following formulas, obtain the value for Eph,

lagging pf, Eph =


for leading pf, Eph =




Cos+ I a R a ) + ( V ph sin+ I a X s )


Cos+ I a R a ) + ( V ph sinI a X s )

7. Finally the regulation can be determined from the formula,

Voltage regulation =

E phV ph
V ph

Phase voltage
Isc amps
Open circuit
voltage Voc


Rated full load current Isc

Field current If amps

For same excitation

Determination of Voltage Regulation of an Alternator by MMF Method

(Ampere-turns method / Rotherts MMF method / optimistic method)

For alternator, it requires mmf (which is a product of field current and turns of field
winding) for two separate purposes.
1. It must have an mmf necessary to induce the rated terminal voltage on open circuit.
2. It must have an mmf equal and opposite to that of armature reaction mmf.
The field mmf (If1) required to induce the rated terminal voltage on open circuit can be
obtained from OCC.
This method replaces the effect of armature leakage reactance by an equivalent armature
reaction mmf so that this mmf may be combined with the armature reaction.

The MMF method requires the following datas to determine the regulation

Armature resistance/phase

Open circuit characteristics (OCC)

Short circuit characteristics (SCC)

same as explained above.

Procedure to determine the voltage regulation

1. Plot the OCC and SCC curve in a graph.
2. Find the value of induced emf with the resistance drop using the formula , if
resistance is given,
Eoph = Vph + IaphRa cos
Vph - rated terminal voltage of alternator
Iaph - full load armature current per phase
Ra - armature resistance per phase
Cos is the power factor
3. For this voltage Eoph, find the corresponding field current from graph, denoted as If1.
4. If2 is the field current required to circulate the full load armature current, that is
obtained from the graph, corresponding to the full load short circuit armature current.
5. Now the resultant field current can be obtained from the phasor diagram, by applying
cosine rule to it.
For lagging power factor,

If1 90+

By using cosine rule for the triangle OAB,

If = I f 1+ I f 22 I f 1 I f 2 cos( 90+)

For leading power factor,




By using cosine rule for the triangle OAB,

If = I f 1+ I f 22 I f 1 I f 2 cos( 90)
6. From the resultant field current, note the corresponding open circuit voltage from the
graph and denote it as Eph.
7. Finally the regulation can be determined from the formula,
Voltage regulation =

E phV ph
V ph

*** Another method to determine the voltage regulation by MMF method ***

For Leading Power Factor:

1. Plot the OCC and SCC curve in a graph.
2. For the rated voltage(Vph), draw a line that cuts the OCC curve, from that, draw a
vertical line and find the field current If1 and mark it as A.
3. Find the field current If2, that is responsible to circulate the full load short circuit
current(Isc) by balancing the armature reaction. This is obtained by drawing a line for
full load short circuit current.
4. Now, With A as centre and If2 as radius, draw a semi-circle.
5. For Leading power factor, current leads the voltage, so considering AB as voltage
phasor, draw the current phasor such that it leads the voltage by inside the semicircle(the angle b/w this current phasor and x-axis is 90- in anti-clockwise direction)
and mark the point on the semi-circle as C.
6. Join OC, which is the resultant Field current(If) that is responsible for generating rated
voltage with the drops.

7. Now, in order to find the corresponding voltage, with O as centre and OC as radius,
draw an arc that cuts the x-axis at point D.
8. From this point D, draw a vertical line which cuts the OCC curve, from that draw a
horizontal line to y-axis and find the no load voltage (Eph).
9. Finally, voltage regulation is calculated from Vph and Eph.

For Leading Power Factor:

1. Plot the OCC and SCC curve in a graph.
2. For the rated voltage(Vph), draw a line that cuts the OCC curve, from that, draw a
vertical line and find the field current If1 and mark it as A.
3. Find the field current If2, that is responsible to circulate the full load short circuit
current(Isc) by balancing the armature reaction. This is obtained by drawing a line for
full load short circuit current.
4. Now, With A as centre and If2 as radius, draw a semi-circle.
5. For Lagging power factor, current lags the voltage, so considering AB as voltage
phasor, draw the current phasor such that it lags the voltage by inside the semicircle(the angle b/w this current phasor and x-axis is 90- in clockwise direction) and
mark the point on the semi-circle as C.
6. Join OC, which is the resultant Field current(If) that is responsible for generating rated
voltage with the drops.
7. Now, in order to find the corresponding voltage, with O as centre and OC as radius,
draw an arc that cuts the x-axis at point D.
8. From this point D, draw a vertical line which cuts the OCC curve, from that draw a
horizontal line to y-axis and find the no load voltage (Eph).
9. Finally, voltage regulation is calculated from Vph and Eph.








For Unity Power Factor:

1. Plot the OCC and SCC curve in a graph.

Field Curren

2. For the rated voltage(Vph), draw a line that cuts the OCC curve, from that, draw a
vertical line and find the field current If1 and mark it as A.
3. Find the field current If2, that is responsible to circulate the full load short circuit
current(Isc) by balancing the armature reaction. This is obtained by drawing a line for
full load short circuit current.
4. Now, With A as centre and If2 as radius, draw a semi-circle.
5. For Unity power factor, current is in phase with voltage, so considering AB as voltage
phasor, draw the current phasor such that it is in phase with the voltage inside the semicircle(on the voltage phasor itself) and mark the point on the semi-circle as C.
6. Join OC, which is the resultant Field current (If) that is responsible for generating rated
voltage with the drops.
7. Now, in order to find the corresponding voltage, with O as centre and OC as radius,
draw an arc that cuts the x-axis at point D.
8. From this point D, draw a vertical line which cuts the OCC curve, from that draw a
horizontal line to y-axis and find the no load voltage (Eph).
9. Finally, voltage regulation is calculated from Vph and Eph.

Eph for Unity PF



A Isc


This method is also called optimistic method, because the voltage regulation obtained
by this method is less than the actual value.

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