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\' I sr[NK, som.

$Jly nose loc{<s liko an extra-l*rg* lgaguio eau{iflowor. But unfortunately,
!'m nevei picky with srnells arNi *dor"-e. Yet thrs mega-pclwered bad breath was
ja:st foooo n:uch.
,.,r.:,,. :,

You see. lwas riding on a bus one day, $sat6d beside a huge fellow,
when it seemed as tlrough Ged was telling me. "Iafk ta that guy abouf yaur faith."
Being obedient, I said yes. $*, ! turned around, and srnilad at Mr. Hulk beside
rn,*. Eut when he snrlled back, his face sorfte elght inches fnem my nose, whamo-
chenllcal warfanrc began. t"tis open lips released @tent gases that made my h*ad
spin, my vlsion blur, and nty thnoat geigi"bkay, So I'm being mean. But then, if !
Ca:n't qlescribq it this way, you wor;ldn't know what I was going through"

!started sneozing.
onL&rd,don't Vaw havserlyc>rre etrse (o talk to thtis guy?" ! found myself
asking. "someone wftfi a srrafler mose 3'*erfiaps?"

I tried to sriort'non-contaminated air from the other direction, angiing my

postrils to the ernpty aisle bmide rne. No dice. Everything within a meter radius
was poisoned already.

"hli, {hachoaj mgr wame is Ba.lffhats 3,rerurs? {tt*choa}"


, ftis first spken word ums iike a nuc[ear explosion. it caulgod terrrporary
amnesia. lffierc was l? Who was l? Was I still alive? Why wes n'!y whole life
suddenly flashing before rne?

tsut very deep within rne, I felt a stirring of conscie;'lc*. GmaJ t,sas?& y*e,l fo
fotr& fo hlm, &w, so *adfr to ,firms, trlrrget yourse${ yo*l s ff?sfi &oeo.

I asked God for forgivenes$, and started talking abcr""tt faitit to the gian{.
Sonttspeatrr, lwanted to tell hlm, jusf l;*ftm, akay?

But then hi* eyes began tc rnoisten, an{d he be6an pr:uring out his sotrol'/
tn me. t-lis grief. His anger tcrimrds Gori. Tho man shared how his wife had died
a fgyr mofiths before because of caneer !-'ter cruel sickn$&s and the enCIrmou$
pain SIe went thrue.lgh. And hovr ho goes tfiror.:gh fris
existene today v+!th
eleep despair. "SCI, f don't wanf to Jfve #rryrnore," he crieC.

$uddenly, he vrasn't & man with Lruld breath.


: \.(
t4 , HB uflas a man that desperately needed my love - and yet here I was hrey

\) loving myself. I almoot embraed him. Abq$ this fu that sultrsred with him, mi
-\ grieved as he lost hb wiE. About{tis Godtrrat was carrying him tn hie ptn.
The rido u@ orsr e,!d I had to get offi srs bus. But not uerure ne *rn
t$nfed me pro4.eoly,
- tera rolling dorn htB ctrceks, his hrqo k exploding
with hoPe. cbu'E*t,

AB lHrdksd horno, lnm fillsd with ffi"-ft*me. t rresied rnrtroso brcggl

roally etank.

For in Hebrew, breah ie tre Ip.rd roripirte And irrwar#y. I rmtiad that
my spirit ullas stinking: !t was still rgffig u,trh the tuut setfishrms. And
It almost stolo away fion me aiSprtuntty b tov6sareore l*at &y.
lstink, God.
Heal me, will you?

Exoefi fom the Mk Thank God Ho's Boss

By Bo Sanclrez pp. 97-99

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Date: February 28, 2OOB
]ILCF True Lo ve Waits Paft II

Gr',d as *re Creator of sex, ought to [:e our guide in dre use of sexualily',
Sex is a big thing because it's a big d-ring to God
Sex rs a 11 it*God qives to married people for heir muural en;oyment,
c,rd oer,ffi-d
as [art of the t ,' n ,]ri
relationship of rrarnage.
Sex is ir,il:;r.C when dr)ne.rrGtE'ili-ut*,nrlaries of marriage,
Sexual experience nrust be limited tur tte
il(irrlfirc **
relotionship to avoid hurrtnrg ourseh,es, our relationshipr
with God, atrd our relatturrrshilr widr tdrers,
1.4 kOr:rr,;ttrDti'
God told Adam and Eve to "be ancl tilIj:L- This was part of drerr riomrnic,n of the
ear*r, Irr procreation we cooperate oflering our bodies, marriages, and homes a the occaions for His
creation of neir' liie,


When Adanr was I,-.nely, God drdrr't grve hinr a n']an. an aninral, or a crcrwd of people, but a wc:nran=-diftererrt
than he, yet nrade wifr hrm in God's rmage, When Adam first gazed urpon his new companit--:n, he \,vas so rrstorrishetJ
drar he cried, "Thrs et last is h,r-rne of n'r\r bor-re and flesh of my flesh," Love isr-r't just ronrantic teelir-rgs. Loire rs a
,'.r, of the will to the b'ue goo,:1 of the other person. Otherwise, how could a L-yrde and grourm prenrise
to lov'e each other? \'oLr can't prc'mise to have a feeling,
Tlris unity also helps prepare drem to be par*nts, and dre hope of cl-nldren;oins lflem in solidarity wid-r errery past
atrd fuh-tre generetion,

Casual sex can't achieve fiat, It endlessly lorrrs and severs, irrins and severs,
From d-ie ,ir(+gifts come dre u,r;i.:;+ miseries, if we are too foolish to folloiv the Giver's directrons.
"Thereforc, wc need b understand its natJre and participate in it as it was meant to be."

Bible Reading: lTtressaloniens 4 l 1-8

Keli vglo*, God wants 1,ou to be holy, so you should keep clear of all sexual sin, Then eaclr of yor"l r,vill contrrrl your
body and live in holiness and honor n,:t in lustful passion as dre pagans do, in dreir ignorance of C;od and His vraye ,

(1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)
A. God rr€i;iti se<.
1. Licrd drrected of
that sex to stay within the c:ontext i'lirrtiAt:C _ (Gen. 2:22-24),
:. is
Sex . i,tJ,t i it's not shrmeful or gross (Gen, 2:25; Pro. 5l18-19).
B.Setrrn hss .Blr-vrrii:ri
-; sex,
1, . {z:*r r;Uif,ilU, of marriage, sex is a sin (1 Cor, 15-20; Heb. 1314),
, and nrasttrbation are sins (Matt. 5:27-28),


1. furriirn.{rDi? or Pre - Marital.Sex - sexual inhcourse with someone to whonr you are not
2. Adltflert; - sexual intercoume betweelr a married petson arrd someone whom that person
s not mailE(l.
3. $r{r')''ax!i\r'riif- - sex with a person of tre Same sex. (man to man/ worTt;tn to woman)
Bible reading: Deubronorny 22:13-30 .,,,.

1, Sexual Sin is ifl ;fi-lul and ali{+ratfivt .ltts powerfr,rl destoyer of relationships
Brble readiryt; Prol'erl''s 6:20 - 35
"The man who comtrits adr-rltery is atr utler iool, for he destroys his own soul."

2, Sexual sin lregitrs wit]r desire and ends in [v.rnrhqr

3, $ex outside marriage always ,h,il'{,*( gornebody.

BiL,le reading: l Corinthians 6r 12-20

Key bible Verse: Run away from sexual sin, No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For
sexual inrrnorality is a sin against your own body, (1 Corrn*rians 6:18)

4. The porver of sexual sin must not be urXlrres+{Fnltftj

Gcrddoes not forbid sexual str JUSI to be difficult, He knows its power to destoy us physically and spir rb-rally It has
devastated countless lirres and destroysfl families, churches, communities and even nabons,

5. Sexual sin is dl,rn'U4, nc'r , evett when the effects Bre not inrmediately apparent.
It hurt$ God because it sfiov/s drat rve prefer following ,)ur own desires instead of dre leading of fre Holy Spirit

" L'lSt is arr udullery rn he h*art, It i$ rue drat when you inragine having sex widr sorneonei you ha've rrot
consummated it with that person physrcally. But in your heart, you have," Lust is fe b,r ilr',1 i against God's word r
Key Brble Verse; Anyone who looks at a rsman with lust in his eye has aheady conrmitted adultery with her rn his
heart, 9Matdrew 5:28)


1., j,fL-4L_
.+._ or televlsion JC[','c _ promote prernarital sex
2, v\.rr-;l( afld ,.lr,kirrrr. portrayed in television confuse :love"with infatuation, sex
and romance
3, cvber gtd orinted'-t
' i. iurtTiiit--irirV ^''-"v. ;-;1 i-,,1
" !1Fa (r) sex". t lany people befieve that teens will avnrd d-re physical consequences of sex if
drey t's1" certafi"r prreczutiorrs, includirrg:

b. Knr:wing their potential partrer's sexual history and avoiding havrng sex with
-" someone who has had many par!'rers
6, irlrr,:^fi,,ec'

Other Factors that Can Lead to Teens Having Sex

. *icailll and drug use

c A i re{!,ly boyfriend or girlfriend
r A 'i:,cir?.' tlrat adolescent sex is appropriate. A belief that adolescent sex is inevitable,
. lt'ili, grade-point averagel/--*i$,L- attachment to school decisions on fie furure,


1. Loss of
'ultirif nr.rr
Loss takes place not only on the enrotional and spiriu.ral level, but also rn the phvsicel
6Fect since fie couple who engsge in sex do exchange L",crtii$ fluids and much more,
Sex l,Eutr enhances a teenage romance..

Tlte " self-concept". Early sexual experiences enhance self-esteem

but usually leave a sEong feeling of having,been Lrsed, vic,lated and devalued
2. Loss of fYJIR-l for each other,

Sex outside r:f the commitment of a marital relationship devalues the act and Sre indrrrrduah

3. Lossof 1]raikyllC and the loss of '+,;ittJ-+ in the other

4. Premarital sex may result light to severe feelirrgs 6f Feiif , guilt anct sharne.

5. Tlre tenderrcy to 'il,t i',rrr t

premarital sex tends to be L," il forming.
6. Increased tolerance to irir .

The rnore bmes we commit the sin, the less we feel remorse for doing rt.
* PenorMr, sin creates' a sptritlml lraze drat blinds us,
7. Sexually ,lrnncfni-ir frl
The rncidence c,f sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has reached epidemic proportrons. Serreral of these drserse::
are incurable, sorlrc are faEl, and niany lrave long-term phirsi(:sl and emotitrnal consequenr:es,
8. i,r,^,r'.iffrl pregnancy. .i


1O. Pre-marital sex increases the risk for cervical A){,((.f among young t?omen who enoage in sez r*rrth
rnultrple parmers,

I l. Pre-nrarital sex can result in sexual riryrlrf,*ap- for ttre nmle,

12. Prre-marital sex "lz,:lrtr,{' the value and meanirrg of the honeynroon.

13. Pre-marital sex erodes a relationship with GJ

14. -
Emotional' toil

Sex outside of marriage is ;,{;'.,r to one's physical, emotional and

spiritual health. (all aspects)

fhink of t*k:
Pre-maritalsex can affect four Fm,rrf r
- especial[ tour u.i,{ rn rtrrid . Past sexual experiences
and emotional b4rgage that comb wffii it finds iE way to came grrilt, regret and even misbust for a

t'fist tirrc" is be symbol of-T---:--

-losh McDgr,,rrell nobs that the to a NrCt-!fUf-. What happens if it is given
awaY before nmrriage?


1.Is Prerarital SrxAc,ceotablc to Go€

2. Is it Acceotiblc for Couqles to Livc Toaethcr Without Marriaoc?

(a) Sexual ,nn) v,n*4 - "For this b the will of God, your sanctification: that you should atrstahr fr'orn
sexual immorality" (1 thess.4:3)
(b) The J Di.:,.rrt i,,-,: l, of Sin -- Not
only does the Bible bach that believers are not to live a life-style of
sin, but they are even to avoid the "appearance" of sht (l Thess. 5:22). Even if a couple does rrot lraye
sexml relations while living together, sheping in the same dwelling gives every appearance that they do.

(c) EtqoeurG to
r.. r,-,rl itr. rr
-- The Bitlle terlres us to flee lusb and other tenptations which
could cause us to shr (2'Tim. 2:22). When we give our desires over to lust and temphation, it hads to sin,
and the Bible says that sirr leads to death. "But each one is btnpted whelr he is dralrrn away by his owrr
desires and enticed. Then, when desire hm conceived, it gives birth to sitr; and shr. when it b full-growrr,
brings fordr deatr" (Janres I:14-15.

3.Is it Pcrmissiblc to Entertain $exual Fantasies?

The Bible says that through Christ we should bring discipline and conbol to our thougrht-life. Our thougrhts
should not control us, but we should rule over our thoughts. Get your mind out of the gutter and
discipline your thoughts on good, and holy things. "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to
lust for her has already comrnifted adultery with her itr his heart" (Mafr. 5:28). (Read Mark 7:21-23, Eph.

Reasons to. Hold Our Values

can never be what God intended the sexual relationship to be.

2. There's no medical or psychological evidence Umt i'f,r f rt,,., sexual intercourse (aus€s any
lasting physicalor emotionalharnt to ntahs or females.

3. The danger of __ and odrer sexually disea* are very real. Became rnany
STDs exhibit no outward synptoms, an infected person rnay be unaware, but contagious,
nevertheles. The AIDS virus can hrcubate for more than l0 years before the infected individual
tests positive. yet Urat person can barsmit the virus all along.

4. When two people haye intercourse, eah also b, in a sens, having sex with every other sexual
parbrer in the other's life. So the more serualcontact one has, the Bre risk of li iii,'
contactirrg arr STD.

5. Tlrere is no absoft-rteJy safe per iod when a fernale can be msured of not becontirrg pregnant. Jrrst
fi{f - occurence woulcl already be too nuch for a

6. Other than abstinene, there h in, 100 percent foolproof lnethod of birth conh'ol, even
when dfuections are followed correctly.

7. Babies born to
irt'i,,iLrgf; . mothers are two to three times as Iikely to clie clLning the first
year. Lifelong, such children more ofterr display lower intellectualand academir: achievennnt,
plus problenu of self-conbol and social behavior.

B. Women who become modrers hr dreir teen years are lkely to have jobs wisr
',i-i].,,:,, incomes, - iei',. stah-6,
_ ,i',. ffid _
satisfaction all drrough dreir lives.

9. People vrho lrecome parents during their teers may be more likely to become .61;4 .',i i':ll ,
perhaps because of resentment over what they've missed.

10. 80 percent of teenage marriages end in : i. r{i _ within five years.

.i, , \
. it-,- il r-.rl\r f
- refraining from all sexual activity including intercourse and
mutual masturbation.
1. {icr,r conscience wiflr God.
2. of mind in your life and fufure relationships, and marriage.

3. More ,teii. -respect and tnore respect for eacll otrerr anrt respected by other peoph.
Atways rementber, in a healthy relatiorrship, respect precedes tove.a And prernarital sex only
throws irway your self respect and your partrer's.

4. You enter marriage with a more ii. ),i ,t outlook and wihout carryhrg emotional baggage.
5. Personal frecdom for both of you and your (fuh-rre) marriage parbrer.
6. Significantly better chance in lraving more satisfying and morc stable marriage.
7. fLi.:l:r lasting retationship. Prerrmrital sex surprbingly breaks up more dating rouples
than any other factor.

B. No ij:r'(r"1,,i/rt , or being compared sexually in marriage"

9. No i..-., io about pregnancy and $ID-s,

10. Lf,i* urorries about bad reputation.
11. It's a fact $rat persons and couples who have prenrarihl sex are likely to have
exbamarital affahs m well.

12. Pre-trurital sex often il',ri;-, a person into marryklg someone who really isn't right for

13. You don't lrave to put yourself under soneone ebe's mercy not to reject you. Ills stilla fat, that
the more "experienced" guys and girb are generally less ,.r{, r}r,rr.r,{.,,i.i' _ and less
' ;ipi.,+t_' iis dating or nrarriage parbrerc.

14 . Realize there is a gB percent clrance you will

r) " i.u ;
marry Ure persolr you clate in high
schooltt, so it is atways betbr to keep yoursetf pure fo,r Ure right person, that is your fuhrre wife
or husband.
15. t"rrr:' ft'oln unintentional exploitation.
16. - -4.{-r.-- to pursue life goals.
17. _ :.ti,.." . to establish greater bust in marriage.
l$. .-
i: '. hom rnarrying too soon.

20. i i,:
19. from the pain of having to give your baby up for adoption.
'1 to enjoy being teenager wi$rout pressure.

Reason #t - 6od Tetls us f i+ to Have sex outeide of Marriagrc

InsteseventhofGod's i,,::,.)rr;::ii: :!iti;t.i ::.jrhehrsbucEusnottohavesexwith{lnyoneotherthanour
spouse. It is clear that God forbids sex outside of marriage When we obey God, he is pleased. He honors
our obedience by blessing us,
Deutaronomy 28:1€
If yott fully obey tlrc LCzRD yar tud ... {tpJ will set fou hdl afuiye alt the nttiar;ry; on eab. All
fiesellssniAr pviil utme Won yan *td a{ffitrptilUt yun if you abey the tORIl yot{ C,od ... :,.
Reason #2 - Wc Won't Miss Out on the of the Wedding Hight
If we dorr't wait, we mbs out on a verf special bhssing from God.

1 Cotinthians 6:16
Ser It as txtch spbifud mystay re physkal tatt. As writbn n Scrg,thte, "The two berttna one."
Siryce we want bs hecome spkifually ute wfrt #rc fvlateq we not pwsue the kitd of sex
that avoftls commftment and intimxy, learbg us fiore lonely llnn ever-the ki,td of sex tlwt can
rxytr "lttxotil€ rrle. "(The Message)
Reason #3 - We Will Be _;g-:t _ Healthier.
As we cottbmte to feed our fleshly clesit'es, ou' sph it will grorru weak and our relationship wiUr Gocl will be
destroyed. Complacency widr sin leads to worse sirr, ard evelrtually, spirihral deaUr.
Ronranr 8:8,13
Ttvtse rontolled by the siryful rl,a,h"a.e ramot plwe C,od. Frtr if yan live according to trrc shful
flattre, yau,will die; but if hy the Spls;S t* put to dedh the misduds of the body, you will liye

Reason #4 - We lffill Be !., - ' '! Hralthier

This otre is a no-brainer. If we refrain from sex or.rtside of marriage, we will be protected fiorn Ure risk of
catching sexually borrsnritted diseases.
1 Corinthians 6:18
Run from sennlsi,tl No other sin so chaly alfecb the hodt, as this one does. For sexua!
immot"ality ra srh aganst yow own buly. . ,

Reasan #S - tIVc Will Be ,. t a.] ,, .1..: Healthier

Certainly God can forgive ilre past, br-rt that doesnt mean we're free from the baggage that can linger irr
orr minds.
Hebrews 13:4
Ffiarri+le slnxri/lu lrorwed by all, and #rc mxriage bed kqt pwe, tur cod will ]tdge dte
ar:trlfe.ecr adall the rerually imrwral.':

R.eason #6 - llUe Will Show .;,: il.' '{. -iii-ii'"'* f;or Our partner's Wrll-Bcing i

If we put our partner's needs above oLrr own and consider their sp.irihral well-being, we'll be conpellecl to
wak For sex. We, like God, will want whals best for therrr.
Ephesians 5:2
tive a trfe ftltetl with love, folktlbtg the exanytle ol'fivist. tte hvd us ad ollrrred hinseli as a
sarr/te tt:r tts, a pleasi,tg iff.o,rr{t to C,txl.
Philippians 2:3
Do nothi,tg farn se//hfurss or erpty cotrceit, but wilt humilt$ ot nti,xl regwd tvre anollts as
nxxe irnpwtant ffmn yottselves;
Reason #7 - Waiting is a Test of l' - lnve
Love is patier-rt. Thnfs about m simple as it gets.
We can learn dre sincerity of our parfrer's love by their willingness, or lack thereof, to wait.
1 Corinthians L3:4-5
lrrre Fpafii.*rt, htve is kbtd- It does rrat envy, it t*tes t:zi.t baast, t is tnttrvoud. It is rwt rtxlp, it is
rtrf se./f,-stultiiryf -..:' i:. :

Reaeon #8 - UYe Will Have No i, /ri,t .1ii.L Consequepces b Deal With :

Hebrews 12:1 shows that sin hinders our lives and easily entangles us. Vrle will tre rnrrh better off if we
avoid drese negative corsequences.
Rearon #9 - We tlVill Keep Our Christian Testinony _*i_ __,
We don't set a very gooil example of gorlly tivhrg when we disobey'GorJ" fhe Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:12
to "be an example to all believers in what yolr sayrhr ilre way you live, in your love, yout faidr, and your.
R.eacon #1O - We Won't Srttle For ,tt-t Than 6od's Perfect Will
Wlretr we choose to have sex outside of marriage, we setle for less than God's perfect will * for
ourselves and for our parbrer. And if we do this, we don't know what we rnight end up with. Perhaps
we'llend up hr a miserable marriage.

So. here's some food for drought: If your parbrer wants sex before marriage. consider this m a warning
sign about their spirihral condition. If you are the one who wants sex before marriage, corsider this m a
warning sign of your own spil ih.ral condition.


There are Five Important Pcrsons Who Deserva and Necd Your True Love

1. UEt, bves you and He wanb the best for you. He says wait.
We express our love for God by offering our bodies to Him. God desires our mind, soul, sbength
and heart. Matthw+ 72:37, Romans 12:1

t. "Jov are a specialperson and yott deserve bue love.

By keeping this in nrhld, we gain a clearer perspectirre why we need to stay *xually pure until
marriage. Read 1 CorilrUrians 6:18-20

3. Your 50.l,fr,t"r and *'n*'t61t deserve bue love.

vou uEE.t Gffi by ure cHices yoLr make about love.
Many a parent's heart has already been broken by a son or daughter's wrong decbions about
love and sex. Show your bue love to your parenb and spare them from unnecessary paln. People
aloud you deserve you true love.
4. Your fufure itGle, - deserve your b'ue love.
Yor-rdon't know hinr or her yet, brrt your fuhre wife or hr.rsbancl whom God is preparirrg for you
deserves b'ue love, lrot jnst *cond rate love. Keep yourself pure for your fu[ne nute.. Start
beirrg faiflrfulto him or her fi'om tris day otr.

5. Your future UuUrLr,n /kids deserve your bue love. Chances are someday you'll become a
rnom or a dad. You can start loving your little ones beginning today. These are the
people who need your bue love.
How to Wait
seek &d . I lohn 4:7-21
Guard your ftr n{,t . Plrilippialrs 4;7-B
Guard your . 2 Corhrthiarrs l0:5
Look at others in a different lr*t
iriu" ro.. p,Lu1r,
a. Dress to u?ffisef-"u*nlilffiu
not your sexuality.

Prepare your answer f{rst'- to

Get involved in somethind much dran your self.
Thhk of your sirrglene$s as a iik*l-B

Chasti$ is "saved sex." Choosing to posgone sex until marriage may not be a decision teens or TV
often talk about. but it is definltely Ure safe and nural choice, one deserving the highest
consideration. When you choose chastity, you will llkely find many other teens who support and agree
with your values. Acknowledge Iour feelings and seek to understand them. Think carefully about your
feelings and flre actiors based on them. Seek support and act responsibly. The decbions you make
now will affect dre rest of your life.

'tThe hest gift you can give to your futurc husband or wile is your virginity"

"BoUl man and woman ttrG commanded bythe Lord b bt stxually pure till marriage."
f-ltr" *)\.t: *-< :b . (- i-. .--. :

i'i!' f'.7r'-?rrrr

Integrity Tested By Fire


Shadrach, Mtshach. and Abednego replied o rhe king.

"O Nehacbtvlnezru.r
we do rutl need lo defend ourselves
be.fare you in lhis malTer.
If we ore thrown into the blazing.firrnace,
tlrc God wv svttv is'sble to *ttv as/ivm it,
and He will rescue us -from yaur hand, O king
But even if He does not,
we want you to know, O king,
that we will rutl serve your gods
or worship the image of gold you have set up. "
Daniel 3:16-18

When we are surrounded by peers who do not fear God and do disgusting things
that He hate, what should we do? When these people make fun of us and say evil things
against our integrity, should we defend ourselves_iust to prove that we are successful?

l. Shedrech, lllehshach, end Abednego feced the triel of integrity

. They faced the trial when serving other gods was the law of the land and they
were different.
. They faced the trial when defending themselves was the easiest thing to do
and they did not.

II. Shadrach, Mehshach, and Abednego proved their uprightness before God
not matter the cost.
. They chose to go into the furnace besause God will rescue them.
. They chose to go into the furnace even if God will not rescue them.
ill. God was with Shadrach, Mrhshach, and Abednrgo through thc trst of fire.
o No trace of harm could be found in them.
. God promoted them.
Our integrity will face the test of fire, We can prove to God that no matter what
happens to us, we remain true to our declaration. Singles who successfully pass the test
of infegrity are not left alone in dithcult situations. God is with them through it all. He is
the One who defends and promotes us.

REFLECTION: Let us ask aurcelves thefotlowing questions:

o Was there a time in my homeo workplace, or ministry when people
around me did not care at all if they were upright before God or not?


-- Did I feel that I was different from them?

-- Why or wh.y not?
-- How did I feel?

o Was there a time when people started to gossip about me and tell lies
about me just to question or disguali& my integrity?
-- How did I feel about it?
-- Did t defend mysel{?
-- Why? lf not, why not?

o Was I willing not to defend myself no matter the cost?

-- Why? If not, why not?

o lVas fhere aay Wrmanent harm flraf happen ed to meafrerouch dillicult

-- If yes, what was it?
-- If none, what do I think could be the reason?

o Did God promote mc after a difficult test in my integrity?

-- How was it?

State me nt of Co mmit me nt

Whenever I feel different because I am the only one remaining to serve God, t
will continue to serve Him. Whenever I feel different because I do not protect my own
interests when others do so, I will continue to be selfless. I am willing to count the cost
in keeping n),integnt), befipre Gsd. I rvi]J trust Him that noharm rvill fall on me and that
in His perfect time, He will promote me.

"Watch your lhoughts; they become wotds. Watch yourwords; they become

acrtons. lWcfr youractrbns; tlcy become fiabfr. W'atcfi yoarlwbrt9; lltey

fuoome character. Watch yow charader; it beoomes yaur d*{iny."

Frank Outlaw
7 i,.ir-," -9a,.i..{rr-< 13' tu,;{a*.
l{ * Lk+r*"-'[

The Paralyzing Grip of Remembered Pain


"But Joseph said to them, 'Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God?

You jnfended tol:atmmg butGod jntended itforgmdtaaccomp$sh whatisnowbe;ngdong
the saving of many lives. So then, don"t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.'
And tre reassurcd them and spoke to them kindly. Joseph stayed in Egypt, along with all his
father's family. He lived a hundred and ten years."
Crsnesis 50:19-22

Remembered pain is unforgiven pain. Whether that pain is from the hand of a
person, a situation or one's own fault, if its memory brings agony, then it is unforgiven
pain. Unforgiven pain restricts and paralyzes.

L Joseph remembered the pain.

o Self-deception and self-denial produce unhappiness and bitter wounds
o Self-deception and self-denial must be confronted with brutal honesty

lL Joseph looked for God's sovereign hand in his memory

o Pain is allowed by God for a reason
o Pain teaches
/1/. Joseph surrendered the pain and was freed from its paralyzing grip.
o Llnforgiven pain mars happiness
o Forgiveness brings peace, prosperity and fulfillment.
No social or financial success can mask the torture of remembered pain.
Remembered pain can only be dealt with if it is faced in all honesty and through
compleJe surrender to God.

RE F LECT, Oll:. Let us ash ourselves th e fotlowi ng q u estions :

o What memorT pains me even now?

Why is the memory painful?
" How have I dealt with it?

o Did I learn from the pain?

If so... what?
If not. . . do I want to learn from it? Why or why not?



o Did I try to find Godos sovereign hand in that incident?

If so... why?
If not... then why not?

o Why does God allow painful experiences to occur?

o What do I think God wants me to do ahout it?

Is it unreasonable? Why or why not?
What am I going ts do about it?

- statement af commitment
Whenever something bothers me, I will make an effort to deal with it then and
there with total honesty and surrender to God. I will never again be a victim to the
paraly2ing gip of remembered pain.

Qur Greatest Need

lf our greatest need had been information, God woutd have sent us an educator.
lf our greatest need had been technotogy, God unuld have sent us a scientist.
lf our greatest need had [een nroney, God woutd have sen! us an ecommist.
lf our greatest need had been pleasure, God ramuld have sent us an entertainer.
But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

Unfinished Business, Charlds Sell, Mulfnomah, 1989, pp. 121f

lr'rt, (a'.[t;. * l:5

ii- ?afi.t.,.i

Richer Faith As We Progress


'Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forry-five years
since. t}e. ilme he se^rd this lo,Moses, u,ii]e IsraeJ moved about in t}e desert.
So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out;
l'rn just as vigorous to go out to battle norx as I was ttwn.
Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.
}'ou yourself}eanl fi\ea dml t&e Anakifes were fhen, and rftsir oi(ies wers large anl ltJrtified,
but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said."
Ioshua'14: l0-12

They say that as wine ages, the better it is. But to many of our more advanced
brothers and sisters, this seems to be true only in the abstract: it is a reality that the body
becomes worn and torn as the bod.y ages; it is a realit_y that no matter how wise a senior
has become, this is off-set by his new physical, social and financial limitations.
But with Caleb, the story s€ems to be different.

I Caleb remembered- he did rmt det-elop amnesia

o Being embarrassed to rejoice over one's past successes because ofone's age is
false pride.
o The past, well-lived or not, should be a constant source of both upliftment and
censure - as befits one's present situation.

II. Caleb made full use of his time - he did not waste time on the "valley of
o One's physical, social and financial limitations are merely quagmires, not
o When one looks through glass, he sees other people's needs and what he can do;
rvhen one looks at a minor, he sees only ]21, needq his Iirnitations and his

III. Caleb led to God - he did not just sit in the sidelines.
I o Age is an advantage: use it to be led in wise faith.
I o Age is an advantage: use it to lead and set the example in wise faith.
Caleb looked back and saw the hand of God; he looked ahead and saw His
glory .. Caleb knew the God he served and this is the reason why he knew that no matter
what was behind him, what is with him or what will be ahead, nothing can daunt a man
who knows his God.

REFLECTION: Let us ask ourselves the following questions:

o Do I know the God I servt? :

Can I still recall one of,His most triumphant acts in my life?

What are they?
Can I now see hand in the most painful sceres )n my )ife?
Looking at myself now, do I really know the God I serve?

o Do I believe the God I serue?

Can I give-just one time when I knew I walked with Him in faith'- no
matter how trivial or how vital that time may be?
. Ncw, can I give a situation that 1 are facing now that I honestty felt that L

doubted that God could really do something?

So... do I believe the God I serve?

o What limitations am I facing now that I wished I could do without?

Physicall-y? Sociall-y? Financiall-y?
Why do I wish I didn't have these limitations?

o What practical steps can,I, do to deal with these limitations?

Why do I think the.y will work?

o t ooking at my very real limitations, how can God use me?

- sfittement of commitment
--:4-- --z :
Whenever I feel down, I will not have amnesia and will look back at His glorious
hand in my life. Although I will'acknowledge my very real limitations, I will now dwell
there; I will look lbrward to what God can do through them.

"How tragic to live our entire lives, only toend them with nothing of
eternal worth to show for our labors. To paraphrase Jesus' words, it i6
much better to be rich toward God than to work for treasure that can't
last." ' ' ir
l)6- Sr-o(nw. b. ,i*sog

fu - fah'.a-t


BIBLICAL TEXT: Luke 19:l-6

I. Zacchaeus went to where Jesus was, but his limitations kept him from seeing
Jesus (w. 1-3). Don't allow an.ything to hinder or to distract you from seeing
Jesus. Even though Zacchaeus was rich and had material goods, he was empty on
the inside. You must recognize that you need God to change your life What is
keeping you from seeing Jesus?

U. Zacchaeus realized that Jesus wes hisonly hope to be different. Jesus wants to
meet your need, but you must make an effort to meet Him. Zacchaeus pushed
pest everJr obstacle and became desperate to be changed. Despite what others
migh, thin} him, he made tbe extra effort b climb a tree in srder lo see
Jesus (vs. 4).

m. Jesus saw his effort and stopped (vs. 5). Zacchaeus got Jesus' attention. You
cannot allow Jesus to pass you by. IIe wants to heal you, to set you free, and
to fill you with the Holy Ghost- It doesnt matter what your need is, Jesus is here
this weekend to change you. You must do whatever it takes to gei all that God has
for you. Don't let Jesus pass you by.

W. Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus gladly, and salvation came to him (vs. 6). You must
welcome Jesus into your life and allow Hirn to do everything He needs to do in
your life. Even though Jesus knows everything about you, you must be real with
Hirn. Open your life and ellow God to change you.

Reflection: What DoYou Desire?"



A. What is a hero?
i. A hero is a person of "distinguished courage or abilit.y, admired for his
brave deeds and noble qualities." A hero is "any person who has heroic
qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal
to lollow (Webster's Dictionary)."
2. W'ho are tfte fieroes fn your lifet
Anyone that you admire or aim to be like can be a hero. This may be a
' mom or a dad, a close friend, a "star," or spor.s player. Who do you hold
in high esteern for his or her "noble qualities?" Do you regard anyone as
a "model" or "ideal" that you can pattern your life after? Who, in your
opinion, has performed a heroic act that is unequaled by anyone etse?

B. Wfiat have your fteroes done for youl

l. Some of your heroes may genuinely be concerned about you, and some
may even go out of their way for you. However, since most heroes need
-your admiration to make them what they are, they're more concerned
about themselves and their own reputation. ln order to keep their "hero
status," they'll take from you rether than give to ycu.'o
2. If you place your trust in any hero besides Jesus Christ, you will be let
down. tVfore tfian likely, all ofyour heroes have let you down. They have
failed you. There is no hero on earth that can change you. However, there
is one hero who will never leave nor forsake you - Jesus Christ.

II. THE REAL HERO (Phil. 2:5-l I)

A. lVho is Jesus? (v. 6)

Before Jesus carne to earth, tle had everything. He had all power and all
wealth. He was famous; He was the King's Son!

B. What did Jesus do? (n. 7-t)

Even though Jesus was equal with God, He left the splendor of heaven for us.
He sacrificed everythl:ng so that God could have a relationship with each of
us (Rom. 5:8) He was wilting to be made of no reputation. He came as a
servant to give His lile for us (MatL 20:28).

C. The result (vv. 9-l l)

' God hos given Jesus everything. Jesus is more powerful than ever. He's all
we need. He's the only One we need to depend upon and look to. He alone
desenres tobe fi in our Ji'yes.
t:'A'*. .';rni6;.<\<i \:.' i.-< r-.\
ii: - Pdi ir ,-. +


There are hurts in your life as a result of placing trust in heroes other than Jesus. Who has
taken the place of "hero" that only belongs to Jesus? Anyone or anything that u,e depend
upon, other than Jesus, is an idol. Jesus wants to heal the hurts that have been caused as a
result ofpufling ofhers in the p)ace lhaf onJy God desen,es.


tJ /


I. THE CREATION OF MAN (Gen. lz27-28,31)

A. "So God created people..." (v.27a).

Consider this simple statement. God didn't make man like the rest of the
animals. Godformed man from the dust and breathed life into him (Gen. 2:7).
When God made man, Ele got persoruilly inv<tlved.. His hands formed us.

B. ' ftis own image; God patterned flrem affer ftimself,.." (v.27b1.
God created man unique: no other creature rvas made in the image of God.
Our lives bear the imprint or mark of God Almighty. He created us in I*t
likeness. Each personis aportrair, as it were, of God

C. *God bleswd them..." (v" 28a).

God is a good God. He has blessed us, not cursed us. For example, many
times we may feel like God has blessed others with, for exampfe, good fooks,
while we are unattractive. However, the Bible says that God has blessed us.

D. "Then God looked over atl he had made, and he saw that it was excellent
in every lYay" (v.31).
God hasn't made any mistakes. He has made you just the way you are and
has declared thatyou &re "very goodl"

A. Evolution
Other beliefs or doubts concerning the Creation will lead you to think less of
what God has made. Remember: God made us in filis imnge and likeness.

B. Comparing ourselves to others

Many times when we compare ourselves to others, we be little the way God
has made us. You must be satisfied that God wants you jast the way you ate.

C. Bad experiences in life

Negartve u,ords and actions. from others can affect the way we view
ourselves as God's creation. When coming from those we love, these things
can g)ve us feeJings of rejection Embnmt,Niag momeals can also Jead us fo
reject ourselves.

2 Corhrthians 5:17-19

Because of the Cross, we are now reconciled to the Father- In other words, we have been
brought back into relationship with FIim. Sin made this impossible, but now Jesus has
made it possible.
l,\c,.' j.;,-[-pn-. 0' lz;<r.y

i ,J - irr h*,."t


God wants you to begin to release every "gray dot." You must repent of thinking less of
yourself than God has made you to be. You must let go of all the rejection in your life.
You must let go of every huaful word someone else has spoken against you. You cannot
al]ou,olhers fc, fell .1,ou x,ho )Du are. Only God can tell;,ou u,ho )/ou are. God is the One
who defines us.

"Until you make peace with who you are,

you't[ rever be content with what you have."

But godtiness with contentment is great gain. Timothy 6:6




IIIBLICAL TEXT: Luke 15:lt-24

The parable of the Prodigal Son is a beautiful illustration of the genuine repentance of the
son and of the unfailing love of the Father. The love the Father has for us is too great to


There are three important steps in the proc'ess of genuine repenlance:

A Renerv your mind (v. l?)."When he finally came to his senses..."

The son made the decision to leave the sad situation in which he found himself,
and fo rerurn ftonre fora second cftance.

B. Make the right decision (v. lS). "I will go home to my father..."
Repentance is to acknowledge -your condition and to decide to return to the right

C. Confess your sin (v. lSb). "...and say,'Father, I have sinned against both
heaven and -you."' Confession should be the result of a broken heart brought
about by the acknowledgment of one's sin (Ps. 32:5).


A. He sees the son from afar (v. 20). God always looks at us with mercifu! eyes
no matter how far we have gone away from Him.
B. He was filled with love and compassion (v. 20). The sinner has offended God
b;,his acf,ions and hes caused the Lord fo be angr1, ryifh him (Is. I:I8). If doesn',
matter how big the sin is, if we turn to the Father, He will reach out to us with
His mercy and forgiveness

C. He cnme out to meet,him (v.20).':,,.his father... ran to his son, embraced him,
and kissed him." From the moment we make the decision to repent, the Lord
runs to meet each of us and opens His arms of love to give us protection and

D. He put the finest robe on him (v. 22'5. Shabby clothes represent sin.
Righteousness is represented by new clothing. New clothes symbolize a
, complete change in the inner man.

E. IIe put a ring on his finger (v.221 This shows that God restored the authority
that was lost. Jesus has given us authorit-y over every opposing power.

F. He put sandals on his feet (v. 22). The Father entrusts His sans and daughters
f4_r^. !..,.i-tr71.- {, trr. ct1l
ii:'- i),.h,r."1-

with the greatest ministry-preaching the gospel. For the believer this means to
walk in full relationship with the Word of God and to be able to share it with
others. The Apostle Paul said that we should clad our feet with the preaching of
the gospel (Eph.6:15)

G. fi(e restored tfte son's joy (v. 23). "W'e must celebrate with a feast..." The
Christian life should be full ofjoy. This is represented by dancing


It is necessary for the youth to understand that genuine REPENTANCE means feeling
pain for our sins, and that our heavenly Father is faith{ul and just to forgive us no matter
how great our sins are. Genuine repentance allows the Holy Spirit to change our lives.
Since each youth has e,xperienced repntance at the Cross and been n,ashed in tbe blood
of Jesus, he must now feel the acceptance of his Heavenly Father.


ra I
fr,(.a. f""["u.n"< lh . l_.t, t c;(
ir: - |a"fis-.f

. One who is Separated (John 17.16)

. One who is Sustained (2 Cor. 9.8)
. One who is a Son of God (Rom. 8:14)
. One who is a Si,int (1 Cor I .2)
. One who is a Servant (Col. 3:2a)
. One who is a Supplicant (l Tim. 2:I)
. One who is a Soldier (2 Tim. 2:3)
. One who is a Stone (l peter 2:l l)
. One who is a Sheep (l Peter 2:25)
. One who is a Steward (l peter 4:10)
. Onewho is a Sufferer (l peter 4.16-tg)
. One who will see the Lord (1 John 3:2)

The Path We Tred

From vattey to valley out over the hilttops,

From sunshine to fog tike the darkest of night;
5o we fottow the Lord down tife's winding pathway,
And watk much by faith and ti$te by sight.

'fwou(d be easy to see were Hfs presence (fke (ightnrng,

And easy to hear if tike thunder His voice;
But He leads in the quiet by the voice of the Spirit,
And we fottow in love for we've made Him our choice.

The path that we tread by the cross is o,er shadowed,

And the gtory at times by pain is made dim;
Temptations assail and the spirit grows weary,
Yet we're eyer sustained by ttre #sion of Him.

The years of our lives be they few or be many,

Will soon pass away as dreams of the night;
Then we'[[ step through the portats on eternity,s morning,
And greet Him in gtory as faith turns to sight.

Rrchard L. Baxter

Psalm 91

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighry. t''l
2 I witt say It:J
of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare

and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that statks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,

ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

B You will only observe with your eyes

and see the punishrnent of the wicked.

9 lf you make the Most High your dwellinE,-

even the LORD, who is my refuge-

10 then no harm will befall you,

no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he wilt command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
v Ita'
S*b+,- !. 6.*c'3
ry - hfi'r*&

L4 "Because he loves ffi€," says the LORD, !'I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my satvation."

Psalm 23
A psalm of David
1 The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores rny soul.

He gqides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of death, [ ,]

I will fear no evil,

far you are wfth me,'
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies.
You anoin,t my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and tove will follow me

all the days of my life.
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

l,la.*tben_ F. tnns
lr- ?c.hL.t

Lesson 7
ffi;in TnATDEST[,ovs YouRlvrrND "

"Media Thot Destruys Your Mind" should make the youth aware of the negative
influences of media (music, movies, and television) through what we hear and what we


Explain the history and origin of music and movies

Show that subliminal messages influence and manipulate the mind.

"...those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore,
for the old life is gone. A new life has begun" (2 Cor. 5:17). There are many old things
that have passed away in your life. Now, you're dead to sin (Rom. 5:ll-14). Today, we
want to show you that there are some new things you ned to learn. Jesus didn't'only dic
for you. he also lived o holy life so that we would have an exanple to foltow. There are
things back home that are waiting for you. You must make the decision"here, before you
leave, that you are going to live a nsw lrf" io Christ


Music, movies, internet, television, books, etc.


A. Media stimuletes our emotions and senses.

tt can manipulate out minds and controlour action

B. IIow docs medie stimulate end manipulate us?

l.Media "preoches" t$essages, both direct and subliminal.
The occult, witchcraft, violence, sex, sin, and godlessness are all messagcs that
media imparts to us. These messages'will viry possibly be reflected in our
auitudes and actions.
2.Oar spirits are Sfected by the media we allow into our lives.
Media is a medium (a channel) through which a certain spirit can be
transmitted to our spirits. Aw eyes and eors are winfuws to our souls (our
mind, will, and emotions), which affect the choices we make.


trlustration: Your life is like a garden. This weekend God has broken up a lot of hard
ground, pulled some weeds, and moved stones so that your garden is clean and ready
for new planting. What will you plant? Will you clog up your life with the same old
junk that got you here?
A. We cannot ellow anything t9,g"o4trol of our lives. We can only allow what
is spiripally beneficial to influence us (l Cor. 6:'12).If we're not careful, we will
become slaves to whatever can master us (2 Peter Zif 9bl

B. No secular music. What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever

(2 Cor.6:15b-7:1)?

C. We must ask the Hoty Spirit to lead and guide us. trf we watch or listen to
something that is harmful, we must receive His conviction and correction.


We must maintain purity in all that we hear and see.

Reflection: Philippians 4:8- I 0


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*'*, Ior .rd ed-:ts& .6tr {*c *r*
rr,c .Gr*
'!otl Il
bt\o& $ t$.FFc. a_hJok hF{s hq ir, $c.jnrnno
"{er, I rdd \.i^g bib\r:- cd,.\ cdd-dql^\.d. &b: 'j-k&qF. q xg qo.;x
':,1- *.3.;{ 'rJ * ;;..
,*r;r o,,.r,o!E '

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;'*;;Jr;o-*'r* ,r"* o*,.:-,r*orebf Y,^"L}ua
.ta& g,b\u rtrgkalnt
."od ^.q,,La
il t" a yair hmd.t!s4- +to
f,. "-
'' -'- "-,
* rrr*
$ Sf,. V,a{E
"f /
{1k{t rs h9.
drou,.ior\r' o,,.dr-re .ltn^t U^d.,,u'rq[ oti ttv',.
- fl,fudia4Ii!)- _'-'"
- ' - .=--l-
\,gr, ,\r 5a! lha qvro, r,t or \irr. \',,nrww r{'\"d .
h {.
n*txUaa n \qt "t"*t ba- 1t^xrsrd { q coNrrb\ahi .l,hh, ;l'tilf l{-i}f",ll" L .i1.tq, gulqn {r* ,, rtd w'it^a^r
'il {

b ,.r sor" +p c,ed{or uz +e .r*.rr.L;-ANrlIir;,i""- ; o,*"-..=****or$nqtorn r. ooac''

, I \cr( kr^o,,r'. r.t* Ch*t r^our tf"
1r d"i q*a.< ,9 I ro^la 5.6 { +: b.r[r+E UrUi*ii-rA" kn g,rr grd hr.&
iao \tr- 'r;,tvour
,*,. \ d$rn*.j./s.r,L^o s;:u,ur-r-'.-.*sllTi & ffd -
*". /S
** *" i*,..',f ;ffil,
$nr.rnurvr\cahig tD uL flnroug5 thic -\)odr,11 t&ri
$llrrsft, clrsr {y\o\Es- =&_!l+!^.^^_L.rsa\u}]
{,r\e SnoLrclra of -OailJ^trl{ira:$ in Uirv _V&]._ *,r.-
$qn in a/oS Yury-amlr hi(\oyU e[ lua_ _distslsnG _\one brur _
W\adp iVr a.,urSnrgf- .{o . \ C4irr!{a[O tUS if,tssCclp_
-oad . Or:i
hi:',. irn[\ra\r" t lN\rs lrrh: otqc*-i luL L cz,r^-go b _ G;--
rf$,A o.t\+ itr Vne$djr g-eY rruat"rr_ {0 6od O^^Xl hear1.go j^srr- G ;
F oa,vr nrhr,rn ,\ssisskd bg at-\. .{lon- {€lruus$r-i 0t eqrs
1 _ f ,^
- Llcqp
N.ilthon, , i
' S{har-tn I d,rs fc {hv 1ai{,[. o1 Jrsul Chris\5 qar-Etjr,\ _ ;
iti* F,rvn hy" og o b"ry li1r,,1'- _pri$",e\ *ulliJ". G
'Ih^t'bou1c ,vc'i^hk t{r .11* \s\.r\.}-revhaoL\ oF rJ\qi*d ";;L-rd:
Ms gria,t g MWq b,l $* V.*.1-4q" ;r- i*= "d; :
'lfu?yt desug
dqus [hncl.'" - ,,',
t,'- . _=-= te -

*tNruuSt\ 0hncl.'"-' ar&gr^ $SIq
ar&gr^ ,$SI,!g it ,.
_=-=, ...
.{,hat \ {tint--, oi.t {0n*r..[ .].*per,gXi- ,{tv^t ,\ uu*lg;oA,t_. G

Iy *Td ti,rc ;or-, is toasrd ,.1m lfu. d,ruut ,f _r}**.dh;:uu a
'i3, or l\
): q q{.p uor\drs
q5 \*-r rm.oumtl tyEe' i ruvtu,Hmrh" 3
6rak*t lnorn,'1.: _nnq ,{irr,e, g
S1 l.,qy +{Urr&vi _ct ,d.e $^h.U,l'
-,Sd,#*!rt* !
L'-::,.:,,--. -lr. G
\\'[o {hc ,^tUO\e wofr, , $ru ryv,slr, K not_ jn *y
U,rctWSlzv,nd (I
Fr,or.:bu.t t" dl {trrs 6,1i, unil-.un' iv, ,1wg (fi\rprgvlr&r {ul U ii,,. G
\\D ?cwttr,, g [t^r,,t i \-rrrou.t Urtliror,tl _o do,alu], And *hrn t.d& - G
ltnrs. {ttn 1 a. r,rnctnvr\ateo ty \ 0!b _a,i qa.rce . ', - lr0-_Jskhg-'t}
u f\p b,b\e rS
h,b rlnenn, bo\ brat fr \\ul,ng Cser,\*,lrgr \lilha o(rt tnrx(a$*-udJir,&.qo 6h fuT*ql I*X /hdfrMo.t. i
th ,

j.rwor *o.1 Lr'yru\ss a.l.t {hr\t oqow_rt..l Roo*dr*, Coies,.r,

. ; . ^rl-
nuelr'\r\-+nryfu^A $r\ r^,s\ opo&r dt""$. 0, d!4!n q .
Qv.'t\tinq1re, tI mgs"l;, hr,l'e yo"*id engrls, h+t uryvr rarUd

&{ *o.,]\ tmr.ntl^


. [rrlmnrtm fv,nto.\'

r*r.A!it^[t oJ)',t dl,wual=
; J0nrhumoortr-Silt$
'I\rr\ti" oo -,t
d.i, \tuese, Otcnhorrs 0f oU15 6(/nrus A*.t*,,V 1-npry,, ]_ewS 6hp
] hi4pu+ yU* rio*Uar., I "nn^^o& ;\^I,V,'\t -q thJal^*fof i
1o'r,ud,ed h,f rq,.n \ouc- q ,b U\b \lOT( dqr*it\iUnt cD $ Dh^I.I.o hhfl^ JA\ ilh\ g\y+tbr^f ,\x-,ii rr\al
"*t\t, E ffj"';
d .I:Jdl,r

' ': '- ,..--"1.*;

.' .: , .!-r' I

,.'r I
. I

- li:lt.
'; * ,$UI{R!SE
F Br Bb/l) F'
$unrhe l"m fisfina praise l{h fiama Intro : I:.m-Cs-ts'l - Arr:l -F7
ts tli, BblD F Em "i.m7
Sunsd l'm gonna prcise Hb na.?s l'm reaohing for tha prize...l'm gMrq arerything
Eb Bb/D F ts7
.v l'nr gonrra praEe l{ls nenre I gi\'4, rny life for thb.,"it's wl'refr I tirle for
Eb BbiD ,[ .&'ot
N'm'gonna pr&e $Jis namo f*ott'ling wilt keep me frorn ell tflst yd, hsrro fos me
Eb nb/D An? 87
l'm gonna praiea Yau hold my hed up high I live for yai
F' Bb7 A:ct? D Am7 Br
Prafee Slnn Grauterr s h{e that's llving in rne than hs lhat b in fia world
F Bh? &]tr Ci 87 .Am? BV
Praise i'lin: Faih I oan nmre, the mountain I can r*o ell thtutgs thraryh Chrbt ! hnos
F Bb? Em CS 87 An7 B7
Praise t{irn Fsith standing and tlelieving I can do ull things through Chrbl sfio $lrongthana me
Eb Bb/D ," F
l'ryt gonns prdnw !'{in nano
6,5 Bb/D r IdY ffi&Dfrfr}Sf;R TIVES
I'm gonna praiee His na,:ro
Eb BdD E A g A E.r,' E.n
l'rn gonna gxuiso Iknw lte rescued rny sor,rl, His blood co\rtrsd my BFrs I bc$€nS I1g0ere
My shsrne Flc's taken awEy, fi,ty pain is haahd in Hb name, I &steers. I kxnllmraril
BLESS Tt{E NArss ur;disug BAB
l'!t i"aise a banner cau6e my [ord haa cmquered ths grarG
Bless the rarrm qf Jmus EAC#nB
F hdy raduerner livoe My redwner livoe
Praise the narne c*f J*us EAC#mB
(:G My redearna lives My redener lircs
Sing urno the l{ng d krd D A/C#
C You lift rny burdens !'ll risa wittr you
Bh+u ttm norna of Jeus
Il F#m G#w , I
i'rn r"iaicing cn this nrountein iop tro sco your kingdan corne
Preise the name d Jeaus
Sing unt,. i'irs l#rp of lsrail

r-CG{C7 lnlr,v E-u,'F.-A)

Glory, glor!. ghry to l-tis name $orever
FCGC E Esus4 E-Esus4
!-lore in tris house d the great King
Glory, gicry, gtory to His rirne C#x7 A2
c{rfie toS€i!"er r,trr' to wcship H&t
il Esus4 E-Etils4
Thb house ie buik on Christ cxrr rock
G C#mT .42
\- I(:call Jesus my woflderful cqJnsdor Cannd 0e shak€r, cannot be shd<en
G G D/F*.EN E 12 E.Az
$h, ghry Hallolu!*, oh, $lory Haitetuliatr God is arvacome in this place
CLI7,'D fr E A2 Bsus4 B
Gbry hdi*lnrloh t6 ttle d8cn $\..',S We $engo His pr€fisrce a we sing Hi$ praise
r:F#.c {} Ciirn Bfis4 C#n
!-iving hle lcs!,€d rne, Dying He seved rre There is pmer here for the mirals to sd ttre crytives frs
Euried Ha *anienl my $in farerray And mdre thE broken vftole
G c A/c# F: .12 E A2
Rising He lustfied fr$ ms forsrer God i$ awrrsoflr€, He s so *d€some
G/D BD* En cn47iil G E42E
Ona day ffs1s i.]orrring b**k Gbrians day God ia ases{$ni in ttrls ptace
(;CG At tqJ7" AMajT A6 AMajT-A6
Oh gdory hsllduioh, oh gtory halle{ujnh, i've fo:nd where I belong I'm a living stane
S D/F# Ew Ailie_lt-ia E
oh ghry halifluiah in r'''is 1p4,;su i will grow
ci{|tl} {}
C,loy hallatujah to the risar t$ng
$ewi it s,n dffiylr, Ss$d it on dcnxn.
Lord ld tila tioty Ghost corne rm cjarn
G 6 D/l'ti g*
S€nd ii on dnm, Ssnd it on dotn
CM7/il S
Lord le* the Holy Ghoat csne on ds,yiil
Am#G'C ^fA lRrl: CIJ.'B I;.7-F
Hero I rn waiting aba{rs, in nre I pray ti c t'jig
An I) G-C/C-C $ay thtr wrd enrt I will sing f'r Ya; i:
i{se I an krn$h{ for yur En? r'-G
AmfiS(' f)vsr r:ruane desp I wlll {*'lk"m ' ' ::l

llkte mc in yotr low b$ing rne lo my knms ,,lm F"7ifr$

AM b G.qG-C/D I sJctr $rer rrs a softil and e. ri y breeth # witqd preior :

niey I knor Jcus ntore and mrye ,4n? Dl:'

GCAWD ti urould still fall by ftr tc ssy :{, rry hEft mr$*iw
Csrn liw in me di rry ftfe td(e oY€r F Gsa.cC
GCAn I eimply live,
Ccrrre brudhe rn rnE ard I wif rlse I
F Gsw4 C
DG. I simply livo for you
C/8. F
G c fittt?
As ttte gtery cf yotlr I'res€nca nss, fills this pla€
I'lfi l,{u0d$RY FoRVou C/E II
h $us will m#st yoJ facG to ftm,,
G CM?/D G Alr.j G Am &',,i
I'm hurq;31lo you, l'm hungry to( you Tfge b ndhing i.r thb worit to whiStr \"Jr; sgr: 69 fli-rv$rqlr&l
.,G,8 C ,, D F :ry!; G
I nod yo$r truch, ! ccdr rrqr face Glsy on aiq-t orrire rrpon ,;&!3i
Crru- r.r C t*a?
I naad y*rr fnuadrce Yo,u binrj tI€ bi{*.an lmsrtsd ad @*.m *B my tao;e
G CMTjD b.. A/G Arrd by ya;;r aror<l yor se( ths cd$,tfue.fru€
.-- I'it''| dcpcre.for you, l'm dcporee fo you Am Eht.r
G4BC D There i: n$thiiis in thie wtrlrl thrrt \h,l r.atn.t dqr
I ttcd yur tcrch, I oati( ycJr face F .i i' c(.
Gsus- G I si,flili {it^,, I Eirnpiy live ts!"fnu
3 nod yurr p.rsdr€*
Ju$i: t,o ieel Yu.rr airns ar{rrrrd ntg
, {:/D D/CI {i i#n B
llrs€ is a pcrct, lhere i6 a rct Just to kncc, Your gr#? mB fc,und iirs
- C!,laj? Dsus - D E BIEb
'rnet settlq rr6rB in yor prirsance Just tc h*ar Youi v'oie Sunqtnd t;i*
En D CG/B C#n i/ll
tlhen your {am in very near Culling ,ny 6ar*
tlr* D
Your lwo erasau amry faar T!
G/D G-hn C -Ll B6/Eb C#m
lfs th€ porilor of yor prcasn€F I"hfl(bwhylmove
G-Er An-G/&C-D ,4,'B E Bilib
- ltr thc str€ngth of your hsnd irr mine That is rrhy my heert c.ennd Bo t l
G NF* &*DC-G/B C#t,l-AlB
lfs thc giory ai your S10*168 With ant Yo;
kn0G 'Ihat is why I sing
thst hm tho pcarver to chage my tfe
E$lEb Cin
Tlrat ia why : trY
dESUS YOUR PRESE},ICE fillAKEE Mffi UUHCILE n/8 u frii,li;t
n ThS ie why no cthsr hve hut Yrx.l
.- roBu6 0h Jemg \tlill edisfu
.$,lE .d;'B l:
Jcus Oh ie$trs Tlrat ie why
c# a#/FN
J*ut (lh ii'uttr 0 tu'Ei
BmEA Just to st-;vrci bosiJe You k'1il'ir'g
Yalr preeanrr; ruah* nre whole C#m B
orornls8d th6q Yot,'re never g$r,.i
i NEt
[,ievur kovirl6, ehArsy$ fli]klififl
C#n'r A/t]
"'lr:lding nrY hcrid

r. i

' l"l ' : i";' t;:''' I

OIIEDAY T&{iS r$ r{ow wcE svEffi#*fuE
l- Gsss .r.77- Gr'u.,rr n . i' r

QEnTF Your light broks throjgh my n0gat r6$tot€d

lke than I corld hape tr drctrn €f
c 6xc4sit.g ioy
You harya pcnrrud yqr t*ury en fii€ ,". ,

O&n7F Your gre*e ftll like th$'rain efid t:{tala this dslai' l,'r'n
Ono day in the housE of God i!
C{ c.G -i - 6j tlmn ;* ttuor,msnd dry6 iq thn worltJ "yeu hS!,6 turnAd rnrl rfl$r,rnriiiJ iF$*ti{.iig'i$ h'iit ,i , "'r:
Gtt i] ilm7 gilr7 C-G ,f - {,:
$cblwas I aen'l c*ntain it '' You nave turned rnY sorrout irttl* joy 'i . . ' .

G/C T} 8rl7 Em7

$e much, l've ga8 ?o h nry*y F Gsas i;/A",'1sks l' t?,r,'t .r."i141.,1. $,r1-J.!r -
GlC It r:lwl CIivo EtnT F l'curi hanS lift€d tYis up I rt*nri! c:r hryi:w grnort;i
Your brra tilgl{ me to liw no*r F iislr.s f/d-(,-ors;i fisas ); :

L-l!: Dsr.'s,i G Your pr*ioe ffEe in ny heflt F.xi rnad*; ti'tG rmllry eing .. , },
vou Bru r ;.rr th&n grouoh fry rno . ,:i

lJ .L}"il,q r {- $"$-&ri*l f Gsuc {lA * {}txs - FIA'F

t.ord, Y'o{,!'ra mon.,a then wxNrgh fr me Tnis is hoPJ we e"rtrcoE)a : ''' 1

F Ccu,r i;i4-Gsw-lt/A"F
This is ka* wa cusr*#ne
EVHRVSAY F Gsr*s F,.{-Gs!rr-Fll.F
This ls h#,rJ ws o\rg.66gne, hl {l,r -
ttBc*B# F $rss lil{4,rar'-;?.*-Jr
What to i-;+y inrd?.EF yqil:rfr*-gave me iiie erd I , .

E ^B G$a F*
Cen't €rchin iust h6r, rnuch you rn&an,t6 rn$ now
g a :,G$,u .F# '

i'vE BEE|{ REBHBhttr$f t LOVfr .qE$ilS a'i

Thei you herre 8e\€d nro Lord I giveoll th# I arn ta yru D
E 8'Gtm.rr$ l'r.+ bmn ffiffiIIed k$ the bqr?d th [.!rr*'
d ,:jfr . " i...
Ths'l avsr,l*"ly I cd.!&tse ligftt M,sfrhffi ?#li'ntrfle A,"
E B ##rlt ,1.. L l'ur besx red€€*?led hy rh8 bbod d tl^m t^-erll?
EveryOey Lord lll lq{ $@d urcn your,#sd
B G#n ', .F'# E i've been re*i'xrnecl bY th* b,re* of thf, i,*rfib
Anrl I prav $hat l) tF$t't rni*ktmne to kf)ffi- I$i rnors L' 8m
ts G#n ,';# E Er*ved a;id tsanctitisc I ar.
Thal yan :vorikl gukie r$e in srar-y single st+ | t€i{o &aat ,-' ,,D ;

FJi my sin$ sr6 wast!6d alrry !:v* bllEn ri*rs$rfl{x,

B G#lrn f#;. & 47D
Ercrv'.iry i (:Bn Ds yzur ligtrl unto r$6 world You can tqk ahctrt nae atl tlrst y$rJ $lr}*S,s a,
B E C:bn f* B E G#rrIY I
Everydey tfa vrtr lxl lirB for, l'll faika* dtor yor Yql can iak almut m* air i;hst f*J F{r{i6{,
E ii#,T' F# rr.. ;.18*S- G#ra - 61ii .. S G
fwryday f'li vualk with you nry Lonl Yeu cun ?slk $hfiit rno *!l thtd y#"i a.)|sdit{*
fr E G#ia-F# B b G*r--.W DBfr
It e yul I live fur everyday, itryou { tive fcr €tus.{ydsy, t'll talk sbc{ you wlten l'or on rry kn*e
ll g U#ff-n$i ..*r . - Ait
ifs you I t*us fsr s\rsydsy All my eins arg wshtrl olr$fli, !'vs ilclff rryi6erlr0.s{i :


*.j',1'"' g&gb'11/
And thsf('s nst all th€rcs more bei**

TffiADll{G trrlY $Gffi ffi {H{'.;

And llrd's ftot all t?ffis's mafe hmHe
Ab :'''':i::'r' I{1'&
F 8b DnC Y 'bn C .i"
BD :t, And that's nal all theres mora ire*:iq
I'm trdiry !r# ${xr(Br, i'nr trar$p my shsrne
F Bb ^&n C
l've been tc the rivor std I'rsr hcsr f'-14n;x:
i'm trying *rurn dfiwn fsr Uo jats of. th€ t-Drd
fi$ '
F g& Jrar i,, gr 1 ,;&s ;, DFr C AI rny sin* ara waEhryJ durrgr-v l'rr''a *Hffi rc&wntr,

l'm hadirB rty sickr€6s, I'm ssing nE pain

Jr Eb *s. rl F-17
I tove,jreus yos; I do
!'m layiqg tilsm d&iln fs theioy of tt$ i"srd r!

lla .fl: "

;! i
F Strl bL'i rt - .l "'

Yes Lord, yen i,ffi Yw, yc Lord

! lcqre Jwue hrav ab&4 iotel

F P.$ 'fo*;Dm .C C7 E,I:?

Yes {*rd, tsd I lole ie* yes I do

rm Lsd yer
ttb -.,r&#E C 11 '
Y& LorS, Ye#,.{"fi.d Yss, y6s Lor.S I low.ieeur h$ff ab*rt !'eu
,':.j., , G* itti
Amen E
The hcftonr line tf,e sr6ry to win i* i:p' with HUo drfitn x':th- sii)
$# l'k;t;; C :'r ';l
Tlrs vuord is clear s#y ts see on$ #larimt c** 3# ysu :fre

ehrbt can $e y,)u lrs

mercy to deliver me, and upon His Son to save me. The only glimmer of light I would
find was in a crack in the ship in the floor above me, and I looked up to it and screamed
for help. God heard me.

Thirty-one years passed, I married a childhood sweetheart. I entered the ministry. In

every place that I served, rooms had to be added to the building to handle the crowds that
came to hear the gospel that was presented and the story of God's grace in my life.

Born 1725, Died 1807

A clerk, ance an infidel and libertine,
A servant of slaves in Africa,
was by the rich mercy of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ,
pre s erv ed, re s t or e d, p ardone d,
and appointed to preach thefaith
. he once long labored to destroy

I decided before my death to put my life's story in verse

and that verse has become a hymn. The Hymn?
Amazing gracet (how slreet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like mel
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, l

And grace my fears reliev'd;

How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first beliav'd!

: Thro' many dangers, loils and snares,

t have already come:
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promis'd good to me,

His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as Jife endures.

Yss, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A tife of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,

The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who call'd me here belor,
Will be forever mine.
' - John Newton-
ty'.;, - iu (r:..-, ll,
' l-t_, .:.(,-{_

I t: - \ur th'r ..i

Life On Earth Is A Test

God continually tests our character, our faith, our obedience, our love, our
integrity, and our loyalty.

The words: frials, ternptation, refining and testing appear more than 200 times
in the Bible. God tested Abratram, Jacob, Adam and Eve, Joseph, Ruth, Esther,
and Paul. The list goes on.

CHARACTER is both developed and revealed by tests

We will be tested by major changes, delayed promises, impossible problems,

unanswered prayers, undeseryed criticism, and even senseless fiagedies.

Nothing is insignificant in our lives!


He never allows the tests you face to be greater than the grace He gives you to
handle them! God keeps His promises and He will not allow you to be tested
beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test. He will
give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.

2. My brethren, it au joy -.", ,:;::";"r" temptations;

3. Knowing this,"ount
that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4., But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting
5. lf any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea
driven with the wind and tossed.
tir' "l'ri'i j'< rb l"" r"(
( t', i' ,,1', e ,l

A Christian Commitment
:€at gsu.rt Liat"rt s ol,tan t*fiaxa ine,a.
tlat tfug rtz.t, ea g*u.n gead, t re,r.I?*-
a-.^fi- AQ-tet:i.bl4 d*{,l,t Fa"t}g,t t-a in tca,aQ.n.
?I,l.a.ttt'at.r 5'tr6

I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the
line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is
redeemed my present makes sense, my future is secure.

I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning,
smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking,
cheap living, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence,
prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to
be right, fnst tops, recognized praised regarded, or rewarded.

I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by

prayer, and labor by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is
heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions few, my
Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, deluded, or

will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the
adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, or meander in the maze
of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up,
stored up, praye{up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus.

I must go till He comes, glve till I drop, preach titl all know, and work
till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no
problem recognizing me - my banner will be clear!

author unknown
,\ ,* I.dra+ tg jz,-;
ga 6irg, is S2iar{t ,F {r!{-
;jl€ir.r- ,- iitl
I ,.o. ., ..-

fl^' '>r{*i.. ir' Li- c'(<
it,:- 1->rtr r:'...i

Who am I?
I was bom in 1725 and I died in 1807.

The only godly influence in my life, as far back as I can remember, was my mother,
whom I had for only seven years. When she left my life through death,I was virtually an
orphan. My father remarried, senl me to a strict military school, there the severity of
discipline almost broke my back. I couldn't stand it any longer, and I left in rebellion at
the age of ten. One year later, deoiding tha! I wouldnever enter formal eduoation again, I
became a seaman apprentice, hoping somehow to step into my father's trade and lgarn at
least the ability to ri.illfdty navigate a ship.

Through a process of time, I slowly gave myself over to the devil. And I determined that
I would sin to my fill without restraint, now that the righteous lamp in my life had gone
out. I did that until my days in the military service, where again discipline worked hard
against me, but I furthef rebelleil. My spirit wou.ld not'break, and I'became increasingly

Because of a number of things that t disagreed with in the military, I finally deserted,
only to be captured like a.cornmon criminal and beaten publicly several times. After
enduring the punishment, I again fled. I entertained thoughts of suicide on my way to
Africa, deciding lhat wgqfd,be the place,I could"gFt farthcst fror.n apyone that knew me.
And again I m4de apact with the devil to live fur him.

Somehow, through a process of events, I got in'touch with a Portuguese slave trader,and
I lived in his home. His wife, who was brimming with:hostility, took a lot out of me. She
beat me, and I ate like a dog on the floor of the home. If I refused to do that, she would
whip me with a leash. I fled, penniless, owning only the clothes on my back, to the
shoreline of,,Africa where l-built a,fire, hoping to,attract a ship that was,passing by. The
skipper thorrght that I had gold or slaves, gr iyory:to sell and was surprised because I was
a skilled navigalo:. It was there that I virtually lived for a long period of time. It was a
slave ship. I went through all sorts of narrow escapes with death only a hairbreadth away
on a number of occasions,

One time I opened some crates of rum and got everybody on the crew drunk. The
skipper, incensed.with my actions, beat me, threw me down below, and I lived on stale
bread and sour vegetables for an irnendurable amodnt of time. He brought me above and
beat me again, and I fell overboard. Because I couldn't swim, he harpooned me to get me
back on the ship. I lived with the scar in my side, big enough for me to put,my fist into,
until the day of my death.

On board, I was inflamed with fever. I was enraged with the humiliation. A storm broke
out, and I wound up again in the hold of the ship, down among the pumps. To'keep the
ship afloat, I worked along as a servant of the slaves. There, bruised and confused,
bleeding, diseased,I was the epitorne of the degenerate man. I remembered the words of
my mother. I cried out to God, the only way I knew, calling upon His grace and His
(4 n-. b ivA; .'<",t-
(l .- f,,;t (-..a..,i

mercy to deliver me, and upon His Son to save me. The only glimmer of light I would
find was in a crack in the ship in the floor above me, ard I looked up to it and screamed
for help. God heard me.

Thirty-one years passed, I married a childhood sweetheart. I entered the ministry. tn

every place that I served, rooms had to be added to the building to handle the crowds that
came to hear the gospel that was presented and the story of God's grace in my life.

Born 1725, Died 1807

A clerk, once on infidel and libertine,
A servant of slaves in Africa,
was by the rich mercy of our Lard and Savior,
Jesus Christ,
pr e s erv ed, re s t or e d, pardoned,
pnd appointed to preach thefaith
he once long labored to destroy

I decided before my death !o put my life's story in versp

and that verse has become a hymn. The Hymn?
Amazing gracel (how sweet th€ sound)
. , That sav'd a wretcJt like rnel
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now lsee.

. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears reliev'd;
Thro' many dangers, loils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
. And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promis'd good to me,

His word my hope secures:
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yes, when this flesh and haart shall fail,

And mortal life shatl cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,

The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who cali'd me here belor,
Will be forever mine.
- John Newton-

Life On Earth Is A Test
God continually tests our character, our faith, our obedience, our love, our
integrity, and our loyalty.

The words: trials, temptation, refining and testing appear morb than 200 times
in the Bible. God tested Abraham, Jacob, Adam and Eve, Joseph, Ruth, Esther,
and Paul. The list goes on.

CHARACTER is both developed and rwealed by tests

We will be tested by major changes, delayed promises, impossible problems,

unanswered prayers, undeserved criticism, and even senseless ftagedies.

Nothing is insignificant in our lives!


He never allows the tests you face to be greirter than the gface He gives you to
handle them! God keeps His promises and He will not allow you to be tested
beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the tost. He will
give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.

James 1:2€

2. My brethren, count it alljoy when ye fall into divers temptations;

3. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4." But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting
5. lf any 6f you lac* wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea
driven with the wind and tossed.
7 d,i,,,. ti,(-t *o iit i,r: rr.:.(

- 1\: - f,,inc,its

So my friend if today, or this week or this year have been tough for you,
recognize it as a test and know that He has given you everything you need to
pass the test.

2 Corinthians 12:9
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee."


Christ died upon the cross, just for you and me

v/e died to save us from our sins, for all eternity
(,each up to Him for forgiveness and repent of all your siris
r nvite Christ in your heart and His Spirit shall enter in
J tand up tall and praise His name, for He is l-ord our King
f each His narne to others, praise His name and let it ring
s{ iracles He does perform, and answers all our prayers
tl(ou'll see His love unending, because He truly cares

J o much love is in His heart, to share with you and I
,l[ lways there when you need Him, always standing by
Oalue Him with all your heart, worship His name true
r f He is in your heart and soul, then He is always with you
obey the Ten Commandrnents, that's what He asks of us all
(ewards will be in Heaven, so be ready when He calls

I love you Lord Jesus!

You are rzot a.Tt
Long before we were conceived by our parents, we were conceived by God.
Many children are unplanned by their parents, but they are not unplanned by


Psalm 139:15-16

15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and
l curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all
my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as
yet there was none of them.


{ou dre wfr.o ltouarefor d reoson.

'You?e pafi of anintricate pkn.
{ou?e a preciotu arr"dpetfect uruiqut design
Ca{te d E odr spe ciat wunnn or mdrL

fou {oo?rti,fig you tooffirared^son

Ar $o[mate rc mista$g,
Ite f,git you togetfierwitfrin tfre wott6,
{ou?e just wfrat lte wanted to naf;gt
f)a' g,-ta,* b. t.*(otc
. irl - ?.jz."l.].d._+

Jou frn[were tfre onss tte cfiose

fie pureflts
An[ rc matter frow yu truyfeet
lIfrry were cu.stun-designe[witfr gol's pknin minl
Antr tfrzy 6ear tfie ful.aster's seat

No, tfrat traunu youfacedwas rw easJ

Ann Eodylft tfrat it fiurt you s-o
(Butitwas a[Ioutedto sfiape your fieart
So tfiatinto 1{i$ fifrgness Yu'dgrow,
tou are wfr.o 1ou arefor a rod.son,
{oube fieenformed b tfr" *Laster's rod
{ou are wfi.o ltou are, ilehrted
(Becawe tfure is a bvtng
.l ,

- WseftKpiSer -


lsaiah 44:2
saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb"
Have a blessed day knowing that you have a definite purpose.

Spend today seeking HIS PURPOSE for your life

as you reach out and touch those around you!


God's Positive Answers

For all negative things we have to say to ourselves,

God has positive answers.

We Say God Says
"All things are Luke l8:27
"It's impossible"

"f'm too tired"

.I will give you rest" Matthew I l:28-

"Nobody really loves uI love you" John 3:16

mett John 13:34

"My grace is 2 Corinthians

"I can't go o suffrcient" 12:9

"I can't figure things 'I will direct your Proverbs 3:5.6
out" steps"

"I can't do it" "You can do all things" Philippians 4:13

2 Corinthiaql
"I'm not able" "I am able"

"It's not worth it" "It will be worth it" Roman 8:28

lJohn l:9
"I can't forgtve myself' ''I FORGIVE YOU'
Romans 8:l

"I will supply all your Philippians

"I can't manage" needs" 4:19

"I have not given you a

"I'm afraid" 2 Timothy l:7
spirit of fear"

"I'm always worried and lCasl,all your cares on

I Peter 5:7
frustrated" ME'

"I don't have "I've given everyone a

Romans 12:3
enough faith* measure of faith"

"I'm not smart "I grve you wisdom" l Corinthians

. enotrgh" Ij3A

'I will never leave you or Hebrews l3:5

"I feel all alons" forsake you"

Touch Me Lord, Lord, and let me hear
The hurl in others'voices,
Torch rne, I,ord, and help rne see
To make the better choices.

Touch me,i,Lord, whisper to me
That I mayface tomorrant.
::;i-: -.i.i ':i Tgqqh me, Lord, tlrat I might help
Someone in deepest sotrow.

Touehme, Lord, shotl me theway,

Tlwt,I may help all others
,Touchme, Lord, to do tltywill,
And always love my brothers.

,lauchme, Lord,let me live

A life that'sworth living.
Touch me, Lord,leach me to
pratse AM' tet me be forgiving.

',,, ,0,, , fQNghfiq, I"w"d;latmc obeY,

and Honor You by hou, I Live.

N\a, tu.b r.,- (r' l-.t, 3o.3

Touch me, Lord, please make me whole,

Let me be quick to give.

Touch me, Lord, please let mefeel,

compassion for all manhnd,
Touch me, Lord, let me obey.
Never let this slip my mind.

Touch me, Lord, far

You are wise,
Let Yourwisdom take control
Touch me Lord, and take rway,
All my sins and malre me whole.

Touch me, Lord, that I'll obey,

Your serttant, Lord, I would be.
Touch me, Lord, let your spirit,
Always be alive in me

Touch me, Lord, and dratv me near,

And cradle me in Your love.
Touch me, Lord, while I am here,
Lead me to my home above.

Touch me, Lord, that I won't hurt,

The very ones I loye most.
Touch me, Lord, wrth thy power
Father, Son, ond Holy Ghost.
- author unlcnown -

You've Got to Have Faith


When hope seems to have faded away,

Like the sun behind a storm cloud,
We have our faith to cling to,
And faith has always been the silver lining
That shines through the darkest thunder cloud.

Faith keeps us strong,

Faith keeps us focused.
Faith means we never have to give up,
Regardless of the odds that have been stacked against us

For faith always rekindles hope anewl

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I oied,

Quietly, patiently, lovingly God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate,
And the Master so gently said, "Child, you must wait."

"Wait? You say, wait!," my indignant reply.

"Lord, I need answers, I need to know whyl
Is Your hand shortened? Or hav-e You not heard?
By Faith, I have asked, and am clbiming your Word,
My future,and alt to which I can relate,
Hangs in the balance, and YOU tell me to WAIT?

i'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,

Or even a 'no'to which I can resign.
And Lord, You promised that if we believe
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
Lord, I've been asking, and this is my cry,
"I'm weary of askingl I need a reply!"

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,

As my Master replied once again, "You must wait,"
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
And grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting ,,, for what?"
He seemed, then, to kneel, and His eyes wept with mine,
And He tenderly said, 'lI could give you a sign ...

i could shake the heavens, and darken the sun.

Icould raise the dead, and cause mountains to run.
All you seek I could give, and pleased you would be.
You would have what you want - But, you wouldn't know Me."

You'd not know the depth of My love for each saint;

You'd not know the power that I give to the faint;

tt,lr:t. S...'*t, *- (5- ,,^) (r.*
. ,\i - Q.t+j a-.1

You'd not learn to see through the clouds of despair;

You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there;
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence were all you could see."

"You'd never experience that fullness of love

As the peace of My Spirit descends like a dove;
You'd know that I give and I save .., (for a start),
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heaft.'i

- author unknown -


The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured,

regardless of make or year, due to the serioue defect in the primary and
central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named

Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all
sub$equent units.
/i.(ri' 521(-i:, n*. ii (*-4+!
' itl - ii,tu,:...t

This defect has been technically termed, "Sub-sequential lnternal Non-

morality," Or more commonly known as "SlN". , :;.::.

Some of the symptoms of this serious defect are:

1. Loss of direction
2. Lack of peaceandjoy
3. Depression or confusion in the mental component
4. Foul vocal emissions
5. Selfish, violent behavior
6. Amnesia of origin
7. Fearfulness
8. Rebellion
To correct this SIN defect, the Manufacturer, Who is neither liable nor at
fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and seryice FREE

The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the
entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no
additional fee reguired.

The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected,
please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure.
Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the
heart component.

No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:

1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Kindness
5. Goodness
6. Faithfulness
7. Gentleness
8. Patience
9. Self-control
Please see the operating manual, HOLY BIBLE, for further details on the
use of these fixes. As an added upgrade, the Manufacturer has made
avai[able to all repaired units directhonitoring and assistance from the
resident Maintenance Technician, the Holy Spirit. Repaired units need only
make Him welcome and He willtake up residence on the premises.


WAFl llltg*i{)l :,i i, ,,' . r,'.i,, . ,\:_1,' I .:.i.: i;r ,,, . .

.,1:.1 r;iu.,l';
Gontinuing to operate the hur*an being unitwithout,making,these .r.'
corrections yoids the Manufacturc/s warranty, expoeing the unit to many
dangets and problems and,will result in the h{ unit being,,pgrmanontly

For free emergency se(vice;,call on'JESUS

,"'' ' . .,:' 'j The'nk yourattgntion!
fou'for ," r; i . .'
' ,'...'t: '' 'i ''

- author:'unknorr,to, : ':;;

j'*,,]1:;,'ri,,1,1.',;! rn,:;j.: i, I .;
,*", .,:i:.';,,"':;r :.11 -.i.{.1 I :,'

.. L.i,'

: '+ .':,,'. :l t

Oiary of a cti6k

January -
It's a busy time for me. Most of the family had decided to read me through
this year. They kept me busy for the first two weeks, but they have
forgotten me now.

lFe|ruary -
Clean-up time ... lwas dusted yesterday and put in my place. My owner
did use me for a few minutes last week. He had been in an argument and
was looking up some references to prove he was right.

futarcfr -
Had a busy day first of the month. My owner was elected President of the
PTA and used me to prepare a speech

"nprit -
Grandpa visited us this month. He kept me on his lap for an hour reading
from 1 Peter 5:5-7. He seems to think more of me than do some people in
my own household.

94ay -
I have a few green stains on my pages. Some spring flowers were
pressed between my pages.

lune -
I look like a scrapbook. They have stuffed me full of newspaper clippings -
one of the girls got married.

lub -
They put me in a suitcase today. I guess we are off on vacation. I wish I

could stay home; I know l'll be closed up in this thing for at least two

flugust -
Still in the suitcase.

- A{2, " S,;(-c .*e rb - Lrt (;i t
" irj' ?"'h .'-..i

Septemfier -
Back home at last and in my old familiar place. I have a I of of company.
Two women's magazines and four comic books are stacked on top of me.
lwish I could be read as much as they are.

Octo\er -
They read me a little bit today. Someone in the house is very sick. Right
now I am sitting in the center of the coffee table. I think the Pastor is

,t.! :.

Back in my old place, Somebody asked,toclay if I were, a scrapbook. :

The family is busy getting ready for the holidays. I guess I'll be covered up
under wrapping paper and packages again ... just as I am every
Christmas. Oh well, at least l'll be read again for a coupile of weeks next

Author Unknown -
.|l.L- Sh[.o1-. lb. t-.o^S
. tu. Fa*.,r.+

The Bible contains...

the mind of G0d; ': l

thg state of man, i * - e1. s;",.7.$

the doom of sinners,

the happiness of believers,
light to direct you,

comfort to cheer you. '

It is...
I the traveler's'urap;,,

I the pilgrim's staff

t the pilot's compass,
t the soldier's slv-ord,
I the Christian's gharter,
I a mine of wealth,"
I a paradise of glory,
I aliver'of p-lbasure.'

You should ..,

. read it to be w,ise;
. believe it to be safe,
practice,il: to be .hgly.

It should ...

. fill the memory,

' rule the heart,
r guide the feet.

I ltl?i,, fre'$i6b::,
I am $o['s tllonlerfat Lifirary.

r am ahtay atf -
to tfre weary pibri*,
I am a Qoo[strong Stoff,

To tfre one wfro dts in fikcftgbom,

I am ghrious Ligfrt,

to tfrose wfio stoop fimeatfi freauy 6urdens,

I amSweetfust.

to frimwfro fias hst friswa1,

I am a Safe Quine.

to tfrose wfio fiatte 6een frurt,

I amlteafr:ng cBa{m.

to fiiscouraged t wfrisper

A g[a[tuLessage of ltope.

to tfrose wfio are distressef 6y tfie storms of frfq

I aru annncfr.or,.. sure an^[stea[fast,

To tfrose wfio sufferin fone$ sofitule,

I am as a coot, Sofittand
Wstug on afevered6row.

Ofi, cfrit[ofmary to 6est [efen[tute,

lwt use fuLe!

-Author Unknown-
64q" ii,r\c,r',-r C. .Lr,,a\
" itl ' tatz,, i

Who ls God According To The Bible?

Consider the themes of the sixty-six books:

ln Genesis, He is the Creator God.

I n Exod us j_"
ln Leviticus, sanctification.
ln Numbers, He is your guide,

rn Deutero:":l teacher
In Joshua, He is the mighty conqueror.

ln Judges, He gives victory over enemies.

ln Ruth, He is your kinsman,

your lover, your redeemer.

ln 1 Samuel, He is the root of Jesse.

ln 2 Samuel, He is the Son of David.

ln 1 Kings and 2 Kings, He is King of Kings

and Lord of Lords.

ln 1st and 2nd Chronicles, He is your intercessor

and High Priest.

ln Ezra, He is your temple, your house of worship.

ln Nehemiah, He is your mighty wall,

protectins y:ify enemies.
ln Esther, He stands in the gap to
del iver yo: t:"ll:T
enem ies.

ln Job, He is the arbitrator who not only

understands your struggles, but has the power
to do something about them.


ln Psalms, He is your song and your reason to sing,

ln Proverbs, He is your wisdom, helping you

'make sense of life and live it successfully.

ln Ecclesiastes, He is your purpcse,

delivering you from vanity.

ln the Song of Solomon, He is your lover,

ln lsaiah, He is the mighty counselor,
the Prince of Peace, the everlasting Father, and more.

ln Jeremiah, He is your balm of Gilead,
the soothing salve for your sin-sick soui.

ln Lamentations, He is the dver-faithful one

ir,upon whom you can depend.

ln Ezekiel, He is your wheel in the middle of a wheel,

the one who assures that dry, dead benes will come alive again.

ln Daniel, He is the ancient of days,

the everlasting God who never runs out of time.

ln Hosea, He is your faithful lover,

always beckoning you to come back,
even when you have abandoned Him.

ln Joel, He is your refuge,
keepins t119: of trouble
I": :I"_ii
In Amos, He is the husbandman,
the one you can depend on to stay by your side.

:: ::Ti"j the Kinsdom
ln Jonah, He is your salvation,
bringing you back within His will.

ln Micah, He is Judge of the Nation.

ln Nahum, He is the jealous God.

ftAcu {-,r1*uu q. i-c) ,-"o*s

1u- F>'h o'

ln Habakkuk, He is the Holy One.

ln Zephan,:l the witness.

ln Hagsai,j_"::jT:*: the enemies.

rn Zecharia:, j: :::1of Hosts

ln Malachi, He is the messenger God.

ln Matthew, He is King of the Jews.

ln Mark, He is the Servant.

ln Luke, He is tn"_:o::tY:, jTling what you feel.

ln John, He is the $on of God.


ln Acts, He is Saviour of the world.

rn Romans of God
ln 1 Corinthians, He:t_,l"jl": followed lsrael,
ln 2 Corinthians,
:i': T:IyT:ant, victorious one.
ln Galatians, He is your liberty ... He sets you free.

rn Ephesiai.: church
1"_,i 1"j1 ]y"
ln Philippia:tj lov
ln colossiT':
::,: IT:Tmpreteness.
ln 1 rhessl"jf hope
it_ :i,t_r:r'
ln 2 Thessalonians, He is your patience and discipline,

ln 1 Timothy, He is your faith.

ln 2 Timothy, He is your stability.

)I..t i r;'

ln Titus, He isthe truth.

ln Philemon, He is your benefastor.

'ttri''HiSbier&9, H6 is your pbrreution: '


ln Jamds;'He'is the power behind yourfaith.

: -. ,i j' .
ln 1 Peter,'He is your 6xample.
; .

ln 2 Peter, He,i$,io-ur purity.


In 1 John, He is your life,


ln 2 John, He is your pattern.

In 3 John, He is your motivation.

'' :qi
- - a, - n -'.- ^r'? i:' ;

ln Jude, He is the foundation of your faith.

,):.,' ',.,", ',1 j,.'. ,:+r ,!*i:, - liid nr r.j'r.,r,
: ; :' -

ln the Revelation; He is your coming King.

i,"^ ".'.:'.' :':'': .',',. i , i'..,.r. .)' -;. s '-.i : i'

l"r::.,: .ii- "i i:i

lAo" So(o"* t). r-,.., (,'.S

Where To Find In You are in danger

The Bible'When.... Psalm 9l

You need rest and peace You want courage

Matthew l1:25-30 Joshua 1:1-2

You Worry You need assurance

Matthew 6:19-34 Romans 8

You are lonely or fearful You forgot your blessings

Psalm 23 Psalm 103

You need peace of mind You are looking for joy

Joln 14.27 Colossians f
Philippians 4:6-8
You are traveling
Men fail you Psalm l2l
Psalm 27
You are thinking of
You grow bitter or critical investments
1 Corinthians 13 Mark l0:17-31

You have sinned You need guidelines for

Psalm 5l living
I John 1 Matthew 5:Z
Romans 12
You are discouraged
Psalm 34 You need rules of
God seems far away Exodus 20:t-|7
Psalm 139
You need to know God's
The world seems bigger Will for your life
than God Proverbs 3: 1-6
Psalm 90

You are sick

Psalm 4l A Prayer for God's Help
Psalm 28
You are sorrowful
John 14
Psalm 46


Personal Spiritual Audit

1. Are you content with who are becoming? Every day brings you
one step closer to who you will ultimately be. Are you becoming a
person of grace, wisdom and one who is mature thinker?
2. Are you becoming more spiritual and less religious? The
Pharisees were religious. Christ is spiritual. There is a big
difference in religion and spirituality.
3. Does your family recognize the authenticity of your spirituality?
They know and recognize the real "you." Do they think you are
faklng it or is it really you? Dare you ask their opinion?
4. ls there a quiet center to your life? There's an important
difference between the fast track and the frantic track. Jesus was
not frantic, and it's not His will for you, either.
5. Have you defined your unique calling in ministry? Do you minister
to God's people out of who you are ... or who He wants you to be?
Unless you know the things you can do uniquely well, you end up
doing many mediocre things ... just to please others.

improving? One good test of your prayer life is

6. ls your prayer life
this: do your decisions have prayer as an integral part, or do you
make decisions out of your desires ... and then ask God to bless
7. Have you maintained a genuine awe of God? You can't just
express your awe of God on an auto bumper. Awe inspires. lt
overwhelms. lt humbles. !t inspires you to worship the true and
living God, who has called you into His Vineyard and whorn you
8. ls your humility genuine? Nothing is so arrogant as false hurnility.
Humility dernands that we consistently check our motives.
L ls your "spiritual feeding" the right diet for you? Your devotional
time is your "feeding time." We can't all wear the same glasses,
nor take the same medicine. Just so, you must find the spiritual
feeding that's right for you.

How did you rate?

Judge yourself fairly.
No one will know the results but you!
I' r1'. - $.a, ia, 1-1 D \.r, r ...G

' tv - t;rt ai

A ManNamed Soul
There once was a man named Soul who was walking in a garden. He was
whistling a real sweet tune for he was saved and had the joy of the Lord. But he
was a "Baby Christian".

As he was walking a beautiful and seductive woman came out from behind a tree.
Soul was very startled.

He said, "Hello, I'm Soul, what is your name?"

She replied, "I am Temptation, I have what"you want."

'What do I want?" replied Soul.

"You want to do all things which are of the flesh," said Temptation.

Soul replied, "All right then, lead me."

So he and Temptation went off and fulfilled the desires ofthe flesh.

When Soul returned to the garden, he met a man named Condemnation.

Condemnation said, "H"y, I see you have met my friend, Temptation."

Soul said, "Yes, who are you?"

"I am Condemnation, I come after Temptation ... we work hand-in-hand. And for
the time that you have spent with Temptation you now have a debt that you must

Then Condemnation jumped on Soul's back and began to beat him. He hit him in
the face and kicked him when he was down. This went on for several days.

On abott the third day a man named Mercy came running and said, "I command
you, Condemnation, to stop beating Soul."

Condemnation snickered, "Make me. "

So Mercy unsheathed his sword and cut Condemnation in two. As Soul watched
in astonished pain, he was overwhelmed by the power of, Mercy.

Mercy walked up to Soul and said, "l have dealt with Condemnation before. He
should not show up around you anymore."

Soul replied, "How can I ever thank you?"

"Well," replied Mercy, "I was sent here by God, and He told me to introduce you
to a dear friend of mine. His name is Redemption."

Redemption walked up and said, "Hello Soul, I see that you are not doing well."

Soul replied, "Not until Mercy came along. It is a pleasure to meet you

"Well", said Redemption, "I am glad to meet you ... but are you ready to accept

"What do you mean?" asked Soul.

Redemption said, "Well, when you accepted Jesus and decided to walk with Him,
you chose to accept the things of Him and His love. I am a part of Jesus' love. I
help you feel forgiven. You will never have to deal with Condemnation again.
Temptation may come around, but I have someone I would like for you to meet
that can help you with that. Her name is Grace." ... i;

Grace walked up to Soul and said, "Hello Soul, I have been waiting for you. As a
matter of fact all three of us have been waiting to meet you. I will help take you
out of the way of Temptation whenever she comes around.

There is one more person we want you to meet ... her name is Faith."

"Hi Soul, I am Faith, and I will help you stay strong and keep your beliefs strong,"
said Faith.

Soul began to cry. When he began to cry Redemption said, "It's going to be ok ,..
this is what we are here for Soul, Jesus gives you His Mercy to redeem you, and
keeps,you saved by Grace through Faith. Jesus loves you, Soul."
.9u,(**^ b. l,*t,-.o<
tu- P.""t,".".-t

-i,.,',.:., .. :i :

to Pray
, ,' .. i ..',,

Please teach me, Lord,

. :! ,lwan[tg knqu ,,, r , ,,

Exactly how to,p.ray'

I need sofiterwords
lVhich ones are right?
Plmse tell me urhat to say" ,

I've bowed my ": head,

:, I have knelt down, ., ,
But ... should I be upright?
Ilve,closed rsy eyes,. .

I.1ve raised my hands, j',, i,

Or ... shouldl fold them dehff

,.,,Do I stand pp? . .

S.hquld,I sit.dgrarq? i,.:, r, ,, ,,..
Dear Lord ... what do you like?
Are lights turned on
Or are they offl
,.r,,, Maybe1,...cffidl€,light?,,,'

Wear,rny, glasses?' :

Takgthent,offl,, ';'; :i ,':.:

Be ad,rnf,dpskor table? ,;, . :

Should,Iw*iiqp€r? , ..
Speak out loud?.
, ::;;, Pot q"ote tfre , ,, -"
: :i' '-
What do you tttink
Abou1.the time?
Do You prefer the dawn?
Should I pray fast,
Or keep it slow?
Better short ... or long?
I'm new at this,
What are the rules?
I want to do it right.
How do I know
You'll even hear
That I am in Your sight?

And while I sat there quietly,

Waiting for some sigr,
I heard a gentle voice say,
"Oh, dearest child of mine ...
D0 you think I really care
About the time of day,
Or whether you are standing up,
Or kneeling when you pray?"

"I don't care about your posfure,

Or about the place you choose;
Just open up your soul to me,
I have no other rules.
Tell me what is in your heart,
And tell me what you seek;
Tell me of your sorrows,

And of those things that made you weak. "

"Speak to me in private
About what concerns you most;
I know about your good deeds ...
You have no need to boast.
My child, you don't need lessons,
Just talk to me each day;
Tell me anything you want, dear child,
Anyone can pray."

- Virginia Ellis -
rn- h' (-'rt ca1!

tr- tahL*

I am a soldier in the Army of My God.
The Lord Jesus Christ is rny Commanding Officer.
The Holy Bible is my code of conduct.

Faith, Prayer and the Word

are my weapons of Waifare.
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit,
trained by experience,
tried by adversity,
and tested by fire

' I am a volunteer in this Army,

and I am enlisted for eternity.
I wili either retire in thi$''Army at the rapture
or die in this Army;
but I will not get out, sell out, be talked out,
I am faithful, capable, and dependable.

If My God needs me,

I am there,
If He needs me in Sunday school to teach children,
work with the youth, help adultq, or just sit and learn.
He can use me,
:,bccause I am therel

I am a soldier.
I am not ababy
I do not need to be pampered,
petted, primed up, pumped uP,
picked up, or pepped up.

I am a soldier. No one has to call me,

remind me,

write me, visit me,
entice me, 0r lure me.

I am a soldier.
I am not a wimP.

obeying His orders, praising His name,

and building His kingdom!

I am':a soldier.
No one has to send me flowers,
gifts, food,
cards, candy,
or give me handouts.

I do not need to be cuddled, cradled,

cared for, or catered to.

I am committed!

I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around.

I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside.
I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.

When Jesus called me into this ArmY,

I had nothing,
If I end up with nothing,
I will still come out even.

I will win.
My God will supply all my needs.
I am more than a conqueror.
I will always triumPh.
I can do all things through Christ.

I am a soldier.
Devils cannot defeat me.
People cannot disillusion me.
Weather cannot weary me.
Sickness cannot stop me.
Battles cannot beat me.
Money cannot buy me.
Griiemments c.annol Sil&rce me,
and Hell cannot handle me!

I am a soldio{. ,.:-,
Even death cannot destroy me.
For when rnyoommander cal,ls me fronr.thiS baElefield,

He will promote me to a captain

and then bring me back to.rule thisworld.with Hirn.

i I am a soldier in the A*y,

and I'm marching, claiming victory.
I will not give up.
I will not turn around.

I am a soldier,
*AChing Heeven boithd,
Here I stand!
-i 'i; "':-'
Will you stand with me?

lJav Sarav- {b' t-o @s

" l\r- Pah'a*$


o"Tl,{'xH oa*1 alter a ra$tY

|,,A'.ltit of ,, rxill,:koep' youin,gocdrsfianding.', ;

. Don't put a question mark where God put a period.

; ;;: ill": ' i ..1 ,'tl ' : '. ,. :
Dont rvait for,,six strong men to.. take you torehuich

Exercise daily r..; walk with the Lord!

,: , i. .r:, ,t-,.':,.. ''',4,'l i'...,,,
'..-i .
Give God yghat'sr;ght,tnot what's left!
;r.... . ;ll .' .; .t- '

Give Satan an inch and he'll be a ruler.

- li.':l : i,,: ;i .

God doesn't callrthg,.{$ql4figd, He;gWtrjfies the called.

God grades on the cross" not the curve.

'."'-, '. . "i: ,t"iri
God loves everyone, but probably prefers
'fruits of the spirit" over "religious nuts"

. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

Having truth decay? Brush up on your Bible!

He who angers you, controls you!

He who is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

He who kneels before God can stand before anyone!

Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.

Never give the devil a ridel He will always want to drive!

Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.

Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

. f l
f'(q'' fun * b. Lo c.q

r-31 .,!,*r*:.rn{ g"b". 1 }} - *.151-'"

"P.ay" is a four letter word that you can say anywhere. .

'. y
> '
Prayer - Don't give God instructions - just report for dutyt#'r"t)
" }F *ir$ '

. The Will of God will never take you

where the Grace of God will not protect you.

This Church is "Prayer Conditioned"!

WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning!

Watch your step carefullyl Everyone else does!

\ We don't change the message, the Message changes us.

V/e set the sail; God makes the wind

Weire too blessed to be depressed

Wisdom has two parts.

\\ l, Having a lot to say
2. Not saying it

Worry is the darkroom in which "negatives'1are developed.

What is a Christian?

The word "Christian" has lost much of its meaning in our culture. It means "Christ in
one." As you communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ, this is what God expects of a

. He expects us to GROW (2 Thess. 1.3; I Peter 2.2:2Peter 3:18).

. He expects is to GO (Mark 5.19; Luke 14'.23 Acts l:8).
. He expects us to GLOW (Matt. 5.16; Luke 8:16; Phil. 2.15).
, IIe expecrs us to SOIY (Marl 4:1-2O; Luke 8:4-8; Psalm 12:6-8).
. He expects us to SHOW (Psalm 91'.1-2; Luke 8:39; I Peter 2:9).
. tle expects us to KNOIY (1 John 5:13, 2 Cor. 5:1;2 Tim 3:1-5).

What is a Christian?

l. A Changed Person (Acts ll:26)

a. changed in thought and action

b. converted from the old to something new

2. A Committed Person (Acts 26.28)

a. one who has made a definite choice for God in Jesus Christ

b. a definite commitment

c. a dedication to the Kingdom of God

3. A Challenged Person (1 Peter 4:16)

a. challenged to serve others-

b. challenged to "save" others

c. challenged to witness."

A Christian is . . .

. One who is Saved (2 Tim 1.9)

. One who is Sealed @ph. 1:13)
. One who is Seated (Eph. 2:6)
. One who is Sanctified (1 Cor 6.l l)
. One who is Secure (John 10:28)
with the greatest ministry-preaching the gospel. For the believer this means to
walk in full relationship with the Word of God and to be able to share it with
others. The Apostle Paul said that we should clad our feet with the preaching of
the gospel (Eph.6:15)

G. IIe restored the son's joy (v. 23r. "W'e must celebrate with a feast..." The
Christian life should be full ofjoy. This is represented by dancing


lt is necessary for the youth to understand that genuine REPENTANCE means feeling
pain for our sins, and that our heavenly Father is faithful and just to forgive us no matter
how great our sins are. Genuine repentance allows the Holy Spirit to change our lives.
Since each youth has e,xperienced rcpentance at the Cross and beuen nashed in the blood
of Jesus, he must now feel the acceptance of his Heavenly Father.

BIBLICAL TEXT: Luke l5zll-24

The parable of the Prodigal Son is a beautifui illustration of the genuine repentance of the
son and of the unfailing love of the Father. The love the Father has for us is too great to


There qre three imporlant steps in lhe pracess of gemtine repenlance:

A. Renew your mind (v. t?)."When he fi.nalty came to his senses..,"

The son made the decision ta leave the sad situation in which he found himself,
and fo reftnr honre for a second chance.

B. Make the right decision (v. l8). "1 will go home to my father..."
Repentance is to acknowledge -your condition and to decide to return to the right

C. Confess your sin (v. 18b). "...and say,'Father, I have sinned against both
heaven and _you."' Confession should be the result of a broken heart brought
about by the acknowledgment of one's sin (Ps. 32:5).


A. He sees the son from afar (v. 20). God always looks at us with merciful eyes
no matter how far we have gone away from Him.
B. He was filled with love and compassion (v. 20). The sinner has offended God
b1, his act,ions and has ceused the Lord fo be angr1, u,ifh him (Is. I;I8). If doesn',
matter how big the sin is, if we turn to the Father, He will reach out to us with
His mercy and forgiveness. _

C. He came out to meet him (v. 20). "...his father... ran to his son, embraced him,
and kissed him." From the moment we make the decision to repent, the Lord
runs to meet each of us and opens His arms of love to give us protection and

D. He put the finest robe on him (v. 22) Shabby clothes represent sin.
Righteousness is represented by new clothing. New clothes symbolize a
, complete change in the inner man.

E. He put a ring on his finger (v.221. This shows that God restored the authority
that was lost. Jesus has given us authorit-y over every opposing power.

F. He put sandals on his feet (v. 22). The Father entrusts His sons and daughters


God wants you to begin to release every "gray dot." You must repent of thinking less of
yourself than God has made you to be. You must let go of all the rejection in your life,
You must let go olevery hurtful word someone else has spoken against you. You cannot
a.lJou, others fo fell ;,or,l u,ho you are. Only, God can teil;,orl rvho )ou arc. God is the One
who defines us

"Untit you make peace with who you are,

you'tt rrever be content with what you have."

But godliness with contentment is great gain. Timothy 6:6

I. THE CREATION OF MAN (Gen. l:27-28,31)

A. "So God created people..." (v.27a).

Consider this simple statement. God didn't make man like the rest of the
animals. Gut formed man from the clust and breathed life into him (Gen. 2:7)
When God made man, f,le got personally involved. His hands formed us.

B. ' ftis own image; God patterned tftem after ftimself.." (v.27b1,
God created man unique: no other creature rvas made in the image of God.
Our lives bear the imprint or mark of Gntl Almighty. He created us in .EIis
likeness. Each person is a portrail, as it were, of God.

C. "God blessed them,.." (v.28a).

God is a. good God. He has blessed us, not cursed us. For example, many
times we may feel like God has blessed others wrth, for example, good looks,
while we are unattractive. However, the Bible says that God has blessed us.

D. "Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent
in evely wayo' (v.31).
God hasn't made any mistakes. He has made you just the way you are and
has declared that you are "very goodl"

A. Evolution
Other beliefs or doubts concerning the Creation will lead you to think less of
what God has made. Remember. God made us in fiIi.s image and likeness.

B. Comparing ourselves to others

Many times when we compare ourselves to others, we be little the way God
has made us. You must be satisfied that God wants youjust the way you are.

C. Bad experiences in life

Negative u,ords and actions from others can aflect the way we view
ourselves as God's creation. When coming from those we love, these things
can give us feeJings of rejection Emborrussiag momeals can dso lead us 1o
reject ourselves.

2 Corinthians 5: l7-19

Because of the Cross, we are now reconciled to the Father. In other words, we have been
brought back into relationship with Him. Sin made this impossible, but now Jesus has
made it possible.


There are hurts in your life as a result of placing trust in heroes other than Jesus. Who has
taken the place of "hero" that only belongs to Jesus? Anyone or anlthing that we depend
upon, other than Jesus, is an idol. Jesus wants to heal the hurts that have been caused as a
resul, ofpufting ofhers jn fhe p)ace that onJ;,,God desen,es.



A. What is a hero?
1. A hero is a person of "distinguished courage or ability, admired for his
brave deeds and noble qualities." A hero is "any person who has heroic
qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal
to follow (Webstels Dictionary)."
2. W'fto are the fteroes fn your lifel
Anyone that you admire or aim to be like can be a hero. This may be a
mom or a dad, a close friend, a "star," or sports player. Who do you hold
in high esteem for his or her "noble qualities?" Do you regard anyone as
a "model" or o'ideal" that you can pattern your life after? Who, in your
opinion, has performed a heroic act that is unequaled by anyone else?

B. W'hat have your heroes done for you?

1. Some of your heroes may genuinely be concerned about you, and some
may even go out of their way for you. However, since most heroes need
-your admiration to make them what they are, they're more concerned
about themselves and their own reputation. ln order to keep their "hero
status," they'I take from you rather than give to you."
2. If you place your trust in any hero besides Jesus Christ, you will be let
down. rVfore than likely, all ofyour heroes have let you down. They have
failed you. There is no hero on earth that can change you. However, there
is one hero who will never leave nor forsake you - Jesus Christ.

tr. THE REAL HERO (Phil. 2:5-l l)

A. Who is Jesus? (v.6)
Before Jesus carne to earth, tle had everything. He had all power and all
wealth. He was famous; He was the King's Son!

B. What did Jesus do? (n. 7-S)

Even though Jesus was equal with God, He left the splendor of heaven for us.
He sacriftced everything so that God could have a relationship with each of
us (Rom. 5:8). He was witling to be made of no reputation. He came as a
servant to give His life for us (Matt. 20228).

C. The result (w.9-ll)

' God has given everything. Jesus is more powerful than ever. He's all
we need. He's the only One we need to depend upon and look to. He alone
deserves tobe #1in our Jirres

BIBLTCAL TEXT: Luke l9:l-6

Zacchaeus went to where Jesus was, but his limitations kept him from seeing
Jesus (w. 1-3). Don't allow anything to hinder or to distract you from seeing
Jesus. Even though Zacchaeus was rich and had material goods, he was empty on
the inside. You must recognize ttrat you need God to change your life What is
keeping you from seeing Jesus?

II. Zacchaevs realized that Jesus was his only hope to be different. Jesus wants to
meet your need, but you must make an effort to meet Him. Zacchaeus pushed
past every obstacle and became desperate to be changed. Despite what others
might rhink abouf hjrn, he made fhe extra effort to climb a tree )n order to see
Jesus (vs. 4).

m Jesus saw his effort and stopped (vs. 5). Zacchaeus got Jesus' attention. You
cannot allow Jesus to pass you by. He wants to heal you, to set you free, and
to filt you with the Holy Ghost It doesn't matter what your need is, Jesus is here
this weekend to change you. You must do whatever it takes to get all that God has
for you. Don't let Jesus pass you by.

rv. Zacchaeus weleomed Jesus gladly, and salvation came to him (vs. 6) You must
welcome Jesus into your life and allow Him to do everything He needs to do in
your life. Even though Jesus knows everything about you, you must be reai with
llim" Open your life and ellow God to change you.

Reflection: What Do You Desire?"

REFLECTION: Let us osk ourselves the following questions:
: ' i:
o Do I know the God I serve?
Can I still recall one of His most triumphant acts in my life?
What are they?
Can I nolr/ see His Joving hand in the most painfu) sceres )n my life?
Looking at myself now, do I really know the God I serve?

o Do I believe the God I serue?

Can I give-iust one time when I knew I walked with Him in faith - no
matter how trivial or how vital that time may be?
Now, c&n I give a situation that 1 are facing now that I honestly fett that L

doubted that God could really do something?

So... do I believe the God I serve?

o What limitations am I facing now that I wished I could do without?

Physicall-y? Sociall-y? Financiall-y?
Why do I wish I didn't have these limitations?

o What practical steps can I do to deal with these limitations?

Wh-y do I think they will work?

o l,ooking at my very real limitations, how can God use me?

: stefiement af commifment -=
, Whenever I feel down, I will not have ampesia and will look back at His glorious
hand in my life. Although I will acknowledge my very real limitations, I will now dwell
there; I will look forward to what God can do through them.

"How tragic to live our entire lives, only to end them with nothing of
eternal worth to show for our labors. Toparaphrase Jesus'words, it is
much better to be rich toward God than to work for treasure that can't
Richer Faith As We Progress


'Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years
srnce f}rr timebe said this lo Moseg r+,hile IsraeJ mot,ed about in the desert.
So here I am today, eighty-five years oldl I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out;
I'm just as vigorous to go out to trattle no.w as I was tlren.
Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.
l'ou yuurselflreani h\en tlraf dre Anakites wrrre fften, and fftsircicies wers large and r$crtified,
but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said "
Ioshua ll4: 10-12

They say that as wine ages, the better it is. But to many of our more advanced
brothers and sisters, this seems to be true only in the abstract. it is a reality that the body
becomes worn and torn as the bod_y ages, it is a realit_y that no matter how wise a senior
has become, this is off-set by his new physical, social and financial limitations.
But with Caleb, the story s€ems to be different.

I Cctreb remembened- ft€ did nof develop amnesia.

o Being embarrassed to rejoice over one's past successes because ofone's age is
false pride.
o The past, well-lived or not, should be a constant source of both upliftment and
censure * as befits one's present situation.

IL Caleb made full use of his time - he did not waste time on the "valley of
o One's physical, social and financial limitations are merely quagmires. not
o iVf,"n one looks through glasi, hi6 seeiother people's needs and what he caq do;
u,lren one,looks at a minor, he sees only fti5 needg his limitations and his

III. Caleb led to God - he did not just sit in the sidelines.
o Age is an advantage: use it to be led in wise faith.
o Age is an advantage. use it to lead and set the example in wise faith.

Caleb looked back and saw the hand of God, he looked ahead and saw His
glory .. Caleb knew the God he served and this is the reason why he knew that no matter
what was behind him, what is with him or what will be ahead, nothing can daunt a man
who knows his God
Lesson 7
,.1 r", i r : : ., i,,,'.


"Media Thot Destroys Yoar Mind" should make the youth aware of the negative
influences of media (rnusic, movies, and television) through what we hear and what we


Explain the history and origin of music and movies

Show that subliminal messages influence and manipulate the mind.


"...those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore,
for the old life is gone. A new life has beguni'(2 Cor. 5:17). There are many old things
that have passed away in your life. Now, you're dead to sin (Rom. 6:11-14). Today, we
want to show you that there are some new things you need to learn. Jesus didn't'only dic
for you; he also lived a hob hfe so that we would tnve an *atnpli to follirw. There are
things back'home that are waiting for you. You must make the decision.her€, before you
Ieave, that you are going to live a new lrfe in Christ


Music, movies, internet, television, books, etc.


A. Media stimuletes our emotions and senses,

tt can manipulate out minds and iontrot our action

B. IIow docs media stimulatc and manipulate us?

L Media "preach6" mzrisoger', both direct and subliminal.
The occult, witchcraft, violence, sex, sin, and godlessness are all messages that
media imparts to us. These messages will very possibly be reflected in our
attitudes and actions
2. Our spirits are affectedby the media we allow into our lives.
Media is a medium (a channel) through which a certain spirit can be
transmitted to our spirits. Ow eyes and ewr are windows to our souls (our
mind, will, and emotions), which effect the choices we make.


Illustration: Your life is like a garden. This weekend God has broken up a lot of hard
ground, pulled some weeds, and moved stones so that your garden is clean and ready
for new planting. What will you plant? Will you clog up your life with the same old
junk that got you here?
A. Wc crtrnot dlorv anything rg talrc.cpntrol of our lives. We can only allow what
is spiritually beneficial to influence us (l Cor. 6: l2). If we're not careful, we will
become slaves to whatever can master us (2 Peter 2;l9b).

B. No seculer music. What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever

(2 Cor.6:15b-7:l)?

C. We must ask the Hoty Spirit to lead and guide us. If we watch or listen to
something that is harmful, we must receive His conviction and correction.


We must maintain purity in all that we hear and see. .

Reflection: Philippians 4:8- I 0

Integrity Tested By Fire


Shaclrach. Meshach. and Abednego replied to the king,

"0 Nehtcbnd.nezza.r,
we do nol need to defend ourselves
before you in lhis mstter.
I.f we are thrown into the blanng.furnoce,
rlre God wv sene is'*ble lo saw as/furm it,
and He will rescue us _from your hand, O king
But even if He does not,
we want you to kttow, O hng,
that we wiil not serve your gods
or worship the image of gold you have set up. "
Daniel 3:16-18

When we are surrounded by peers who do not fear God and do disgusting things
that He hate, what should we do? When these people make fun of us and say evil things
against our integrity, should we defend ourselves-iust to prove that we are successful?

L Shadrach, Mehshach, end Abednego faced the triel of integrity.

. They faced the trial when serving other gods was t}re law of the land and they
were dffferent.
o They faced the trial when defending themselves was the easiest thing to do
and they did not.

il. Shadrach, Mehshach, and Abednego proved their uprightness before God
not matter the cost.
o They chose to go into the furnace because God will rescue them.
o They chose to go into the furnace even if God will not rescue them.
UI. God was with Shadrach, Ntehshach, and Ahcdntgo through thr test of frre.
o No trace of harm could be found in them.
. God promoted them.

Our integrity will face the test of fire. We can prove to God that no matter what
happens to us, we remain true to our declaration, Singles who successfully pass the test
of infegrity are not left alone in diffrcult situations. God is with them through it all. He is
the One who defends and promotes us.

REFLECTION: Let us as* ourtelves thefollowing qaestions:

o Was there a time in my home, workplace, or ministry when people
around me did not care at all if they were upright before God or not?
-- Did I feel that I was difTerent from them?
-- Wh-y or why not?
How did I feel?

o Was there a time when people started to gossip about me and tell lies
about me just to question or disgualify my integrity?
-- How did I feel about it?
-- Did I defend myself?
-- Why? If not, why not?

o Was I willing not to defend myself no matter the cost?

- Why? If not, why not?
o lYas the:re any Wrmaneat harm fhaf happened to meaftersuch dillicult
-- lf yes, what was it?
-- If none, what do I think could be the reason?

r Did God promote me after a dillicult test in my integrity?

.- How was it?

St at e me nt of C o mmit me nt

Whenever I feel'different Uecausi I am the only one remaining to serve God. I

will continue to serve Him. Whenever I feel different because I do not protect my own
interests when others do so, I will continue to be selfless. I am willing to count the cost
in keeping m),integrit, before God. I rvill trust Him that no lrarm u,ill fall on nte and that
in His perfect time, He will promote me.
l:,, :, . :

'Walch your thoughts; they bemme twds. Walch your vuonds; they bcome
actlbns. l/hfuir yottr-acrfons; ttey becdne trubits. tIlatch yow lnbtt?; they
bewme character. Walch yow characler; it beoomes yow destiny."

Frank Outlaw
I. THE CREATION OF MAN (Gen. l:27-28,31\

A. "So God created people..." (v.27a'1.

Consider this simple statement. God didn't make man like the rest of the
animals Grxlformed man from the dust and breathed life into him (Gen. 2:7).
When God made man, fIe got perconally involved.. His hands formed us.

B. ftis ovrn image; Gotl paf(rrned tftem after himself..." (v.27b1.
God created man unique: no other creature rvas made in the image of God.
Our lives bear the imprint or mark of God Almighty. He created us in IIis
likeness. Each person is a portrait, as it were, of God

C. "God blessed them..," (v.28a).

God is a good God. He has blessed us, not cursed us. For example, many
times we may feel like God tras blessed otfiers with, for example, good looks,
while we are unattractive. However, the Bible says that God has blessed us.

D. "Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent
in evera way" (v.31).
God husn't made any mistakes. He has made you just the way you are and
has declared that you &re "very goodl"

A. Evolution
Other beliefs or doubts concerning the Creation will lead you to thirrk less of
what God has made. Remembrer: God made us in l{is imtge and likeness.

B. Comparing ourselves to others

Many times when we compare ourselves to others, we be little the way God
has made us. You must be satisfied that God wants yau just the way you are.

C. Bad experiences in life

Negative utords und actions. from others can affect the way we view
ourselves as God's creation. When coming from those we love, these things
can give us freJings of rejection Embnrassiag momenls can also Iead us fo
reject ourselves.

2 Corinthians 5:17-19

Because of the Cross, we are now reconciled to the Father. In other words, we have been
brought back into relationship with Him. Sin made this impossible, but now Jesus has
made it possible

There are hurts in your life as a result of placing trust in heroes other than Jesus. Who has
taken the place of,"hero" that only belongs to Jesus? Anyone or anlthing that u,e depend
upon, other than Jesus, is an idol. Jesus wants to heal the hurts that have been caused as a
rezu,lf ofpulling others in f}e place thaf onJ;, God deserves.

1e-ri.t! f'}' llli{!te1'ril'ci$ r.i l"
iU Pcrvicl

Honesty is
rn &t.




,urgos us to conduct our daily lir.rrg wjJh col\{PLETE HONESTY

,. | '''.'
Why is it importalt to be honest? I i :

,1 ,

1. Honest dealings reveal your

Matthew l2: i3 A tee is identified 0y its f'utt.
E. Honesry brings aclear (U''rtiCrtci
Timothy l: l9 Always keep your conscienc'e clear. For some people
c'o n s c i e n c e ; d s a r e su h
H;; fr:iT::',I; :::#: ,::
: 1
ff :l

B. God blesses us whrn we are cor:cemed nof..aLorit how milch t'e g*t. Sut
about Flt'itb #cfirst in
Deuleronomy 25: 13-16 Youmtul zue acctiate scales u,hen yottvteigh'
out mdrchsndise, and you tfiitsl use full and hoiesl
meastt)-es... Jo that:youtuill enjo1, a long life

.: .l

4.'rDishonesty and deception is a fonn o1 i-q*iP,af-F becauge we are

alwayir trying to hide our real motives.'l'fhere is freedom in ]ronesty
becausd ii aU--ows for:irr f,lVi ll(,rii , Vjtlnty'"iirli'fii , '"
Ci,ii:rr'r(.iC arrO,-ltf,..,i T
Proverbs I l:3 Goodpeopte are giided b1, 17si, honesg; teaclterous
Peoqle are destol'sfl 4,lheir dishoAg!'
5. Honestly eValuatrng,our walk, with the Lord is the only way to keep
growing in luikr .

.R.omans I2;3 Be honest in your esrtmatu of yburselves.

git ,x)#

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