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– A break in the continuity of the bone. They occur when the physical force
exerted on the bone is stronger than the bone itself.

Other Name of fracture:

– Broken Bone
– Bone fracture

There are many types of fractures:

1. Closed simple/ uncomplicated fracture

 bone breaks but there is no puncture or open wound in the skin.
1. Open compound/ complicated fracture
 Involves trauma to surrounding tissue and a break in the skin.
1. Comminuted fracture
 a fracture in which the bone fragments into several pieces.
1. Greenstick fracture
 an incomplete fracture in which the bone is bent. This type occurs
most often in children.
1. Spiral ( torsion)
 Involve a fracture of twisting around the shaft of the bone.
1. Transverse
 Occurs straight across the bone
1. Oblique
 Occur at an angle across the bone (less than a transverse)
1. Pathological Fracture
 Result from weakness in bone tissue.


-Crushing force or direct blow

-Torsion fracture can occur from sudden twisting
-Extremely forceful muscle contraction

Predisposing Risk factor

-Age- aging process

- Sex

-Pathology- Paget’s disease, Osteomyelitis, Ricket’s

Sign and Symptoms

- 5 P’s
1. Pain
2. Pallor
3. Paresthesia
4. Polar
5. Pulselessness

- Edema
- Tenderness
- Abnormal movement
- Crepitus
- Loss of Function
- Ecchymoses
- Visible deformity


Diagnostic Studies
– An x-ray examination is used to determine the presence of a fracture.

Medical Management

Surgical management

Nursing Management

– RICES Management

R- Rest

I- Ice Compress

C- Cast

E- Elevation

S- Safety

– Give meds as ordered

– Prevent infection
– Cover any breaks in the skin with clean or sterile dressings
– Safety of the client during transfer

Possible Complications:

– Fat Embolus
– Compartment Syndrome
– Nonunion of the fracture side
– Arterial damage during treatment
– Infection
– Sepsis
– Hemorrhage leading to shock

5 Nursing Diagnosis

1. Pain related to fracture, soft tissue damage, muscle spasm and surgery.
2. Impaired physical mobility related to fractured hip
3. Impaired skin integrity related to surgical incision
4. Risk for disturbed thought process related to age, stress of trauma, unfamiliar
surroundings and drug theraphy
5. Risk for impaired urinary elimination related to immobility

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