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Collaboration and Content Strategies

In-Depth Research Overview

What's Up, .DOC? ODF, OOXML, and the

Revolutionary Implications of XML in
Productivity Applications
Version: 1.0, Jan 11, 2008

Peter O'Kelly

Guy Creese


Content Management

The OpenDocument Format (ODF)/Office Open XML (OOXML) debate is part of a significant
phase in the evolution of productivity application, with the shift to Extensible Markup Language
(XML) file formats displacing traditional binary and proprietary file formats. The stakes are
huge, with compelling new opportunities for content management, as well as both opportunities
and challenges for software vendors. Organizations will gain important benefits by exploiting
opportunities to improve information management and reduce vendor dependencies by shifting
to XML file formats.


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Table Of Contents
Synopsis.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
What's In a Name?: Innuendo..................................................................................................................................... 5
Productivity Application Market Dynamics............................................................................................................... 6
Productivity Application Domains..........................................................................................................................6
Productivity Application Model Concerns............................................................................................................. 7
Content................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Presentation......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Structure.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Behavior.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Application Settings............................................................................................................................................ 8
Templates............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Productivity Application Workflow........................................................................................................................8
The Software as a Service Shift.............................................................................................................................. 9
Recap: New Realities and Requirements.............................................................................................................. 11
ODF, OOXML, and Other Document Models......................................................................................................... 13
OpenDocument Format.........................................................................................................................................13
OOXML................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Other Important Document Models...................................................................................................................... 15
File Format Translators: Actual Results May Vary . . ......................................................................................... 16
The Parallel Universe of the World Wide Web.................................................................................................... 16
Reciprocal Benefits: Standards and Standards Procedures...................................................................................17
Recap: File Format Form Follows Function......................................................................................................... 18
OOXML Will Be Successful................................................................................................................................ 18
Microsoft Will Aggressively Compete but Also Play Well with Others on OOXML......................................... 19
ODF Will Continue, Albeit in a Relatively Minor Role....................................................................................... 19
The W3C Model Will Prevail in Many Domains................................................................................................. 20
PDF Will Continue to Dominate Nonrevisable Document Contexts................................................................... 21
New Vendor Challenges and Opportunities..........................................................................................................21
Recommendations..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Distinguish Between Application/Service and Format Decisions........................................................................ 21
Discount the Political FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).................................................................................22
Require Vendors to Sincerely Commit and Contribute to Related Standards...................................................... 22
Exploit OOXML................................................................................................................................................... 23
For Now, Use ODF by Exception Rather than by Default................................................................................... 23
Get Out of the (Traditional) Office More Often................................................................................................... 23
The Details.................................................................................................................................................................... 24
An OOXML Example............................................................................................................................................... 24
An ODF Example......................................................................................................................................................29
OOXML Resources...................................................................................................................................................31
ODF Resources......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Notes............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Author Bio ....................................................................................................................................................................37

BURTON GROUP 7090 Union Park Center Suite 200 Midvale · Utah 84047 · P 801.566.2880 · F 801.566.3611 ·
The software industry has rarely seen debates as intense as those surrounding OpenDocument Format (ODF) and
Office Open XML (officially “Ecma 376 Office Open XML” [also known as ECMA-376 and OOXML]) during
recent years. It's a story that has many elements appropriate for a James Bond movie, with multibillion dollar
business empires at risk, global political intrigue, and even some conspiracy theories at the intersection of
capitalism (commercial software products), democracy (industry standards), and communism (e.g., related
standards controlled by the People's Republic of China). This is improbably heady stuff for what's ultimately a
debate about something as mundane as file formats.
The ODF/OOXML debate is significant in part because it will have a major influence on the future success of
Microsoft Office, one of Microsoft's largest and most profitable product families. If ODF, the primary rival to the
Microsoft-sponsored OOXML format, prevails, ODF-based productivity application suites, including products such as IBM Lotus Symphony, the Novell Edition of, and Sun
StarOffice, may gain market momentum at the expense of Microsoft Office. The productivity application market
shift to Extensible Markup Language (XML) file formats may also expand opportunities for software as a service
(SaaS) alternatives such as Google Apps.
Standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) play a subtly significant role in the ODF/OOXML
debate. While few people think of the W3C in productivity application domains today, both ODF and OOXML
leverage W3C standards, and it's possible the productivity application model will hit a tipping point, with a focus
on webpages containing document, spreadsheet, and presentation components displacing the traditional stand-
alone productivity application file model.
From an enterprise perspective, the shift to XML file formats presents new opportunities for improved
information management and reduced vendor lock-in. To exploit the emerging opportunities, organizations must
understand how and why productivity applications have radically changed over the last decade. They must also
undertake a mindset shift from application file management to XML content component management, with
productivity applications serving more as specialized editors than stand-alone quasi-platforms. It's also critically
important to provide tool selection guidance to information workers, to reduce the potential for defaulting to e-
mail messages with productivity application file attachments.

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The recent industry debate about OpenDocument Format (ODF) and Office Open XML (OOXML) often comes
down to the blunt question, “Which one will lead?” There are three answers.
The first answer is, “It depends on who you are.” On one hand, government agencies and other organizations
seeking to use a free, non-Microsoft productivity suite will be happy to use ODF, the file format behind (and derivatives such as IBM Lotus Symphony). On the other hand, libraries and large
businesses, faced with storing and using years of Microsoft Office legacy documents, will prefer OOXML, as
OOXML can more faithfully recreate the look and metadata (such as spreadsheet formulas) stored in Microsoft's
binary file formats.
The second answer is, “Within the larger market, OOXML will lead,” for three reasons. First, many enterprises
are not that caught up in the standards debate; they just want to use what works for their needs. Microsoft Office
2007 defaults to storing documents in OOXML format, so, by migrating to Office 2007, many companies will let
Microsoft make the decision for them. Second, OOXML is an extensible standard. It allows vendors and
enterprises to extend the standard within an OOXML-defined framework. For example, the .XLSM file format,
used to support a Microsoft Office 2007 Excel macro-enabled workbook, is not part of the base OOXML
standard, but rather a Microsoft-created extension. This built-in ability to augment the OOXML standard is a
safety valve for future innovation, allowing new features to be added without forcing vendors to invent yet
another separate file format or wait for standards bodies to give their approval. While such extensions initially
decrease interoperability, it's Burton Group's belief that this issue will resolve itself over time, as popular
extensions are adopted by other vendors or eventually move into the baseline specification. Third, OOXML
supports “overlay” custom schemas (not in ODF 1.0, promised in ODF 1.2), which can be used as views into the
business information stored in documents. This separation of document and views allows enterprises to more
easily perform tasks such as programmatically updating a “Stock Price” element or corporate logo within a
document, compared to ODF's method of serially inspecting and updating the document itself. In short, because
OOXML is more ecosystem- and application-oriented than ODF, most vendors and enterprises will see it as more
useful than ODF.
The third answer is, “In the long run, perhaps neither.” Software as a service (SaaS) productivity applications are
bringing mashups and dynamic web-based documents into the enterprise, challenging the long-held idea that a
document must be monolithic and static. Over the next decade, standards being put forth by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) may ultimately dominate the document standards domain (not to the exclusion of OOXML
and ODF, however, since both use W3C standards; it's something of a circular reference, but ODF and OOXML
may eventually become secondary to W3C standards).
In short, the blunt question has no single answer. In order to explain the potential roles and impacts of ODF, Open
XML, and other Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based content models, it's useful to first review
productivity application market dynamics. This section begins with an overview of key market dynamics,
continues with an assessment of ODF, OOXML, and other document models, and includes projections and
recommendations for organizations seeking to optimize their use of XML file formats.

What's In a Name?: Innuendo

All participants in this debate agree on the name of the first specification: OpenDocument Format, or ODF for
short. However, the name used for the second specification varies, often based on who's talking and the
impression they're trying to pass along. Microsoft likes to call it “Open XML Formats” (emphasizing the “open”
nature of the standard), while IBM and Sun reference it via its Ecma name of “Office Open XML” (as reminder of
its origins in the proprietary Microsoft Office file formats). In the spirit of vendor neutrality and a short
abbreviation, this overview refers to the Ecma 376 Office Open XML standard as Office Open XML, or OOXML
for short. If the official name changes in the future—as it may following the February, 2008 ISO ballot on
ECMA-376—this overview will be updated to reflect the revised names thereafter.

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Productivity Application Market Dynamics
Productivity applications have been the “killer applications”—the tools that made personal computer (PC)
purchases mandatory in many business domains—since the dawn of the personal computing era approximately
thirty years ago (e.g., VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet application, was introduced in May 1979). Because the
productivity application model has changed in subtly significant ways over the years, this section starts with a
review of productivity application domains, models, and workflow.

Productivity Application Domains

The four primary productivity application domains are:
• Document: This is the domain dominated by word processor applications. Common document examples
include status reports and customer meeting summaries.
• Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet applications are widely used for business scenarios, such as expense reports and
sales tracking.
• Presentation: These applications are used to present and persuade, and are typically more outline oriented than
word processor documents. Presentations are widely used in business domains such as new product launches to
educate sales team members and prepare them to present new product information to customers.
• Database: Database applications are primarily used to manage lists of similarly structured data, such as
product price lists and inventory data.
Document, spreadsheet, and presentation productivity applications are more widely used than database
applications today, in part because popular examples of the latter (a market segment dominated by Microsoft
Office Access and Apple FileMaker for the last decade) require more up-front planning and design than work
focused on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
Many information workers also use productivity applications for:
• Graphics: Specialized image editors are often used, for example, to prepare graphics for document and
presentation tasks.
• Domain-specific content: Mathematical equation editors, for example, are widely used within scientific and
engineering domains.
• Form-based content collection: Forms-oriented applications for structured content are commonly used for
business transactions such as equipment purchases and benefit enrollment option updates.
• Information item collection/creation and organization: This productivity application category is used for
more free-form information management, working with collections of content snippets from websites or other
applications. Products such as Microsoft Office OneNote and services such as Google Notebook fit in this
E-mail is another primary productivity application. For the context of this overview, e-mail tools should be
considered a combination of document- and form-oriented editors, along with services for asynchronous
messaging. E-mail is also widely used as a productivity application file transfer mechanism (i.e., sending e-mail
messages with file attachments); this usage pattern that often creates information management challenges.
Productivity applications have been phenomenally successful, driving the global deployment of PCs. Microsoft
estimates that more than 500 million people currently use Office, for example, and, the
organization behind the open source productivity application suite of the same name, estimated 100 million
downloads of offerings as of September 2007.

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Initially restricted to professional information worker roles, such as administrative assistants and accountants,
productivity applications are now routinely included in elementary school curricula, and the global collection of
information captured in productivity application files is measured in exabytes (i.e., quintillions of bytes). A key
problem with productivity applications, of course, is the fact that they have not, historically, been very effective
for information management: Because files tend to accumulate on PC hard disks and as e-mail file attachments,
it's impossible to precisely calculate the total amount of information currently captured in productivity application

Productivity Application Model Concerns

While the simplicity and power of productivity applications have made them attractive to hundreds of millions of
people, the underlying conceptual models can be quite elaborate. This section summarizes the primary
productivity application model concerns.

Productivity application content includes text, numbers, dates, images, and other basic types of information. A
sentence in a document such as this is a type of content.

Presentation concerns include attributes such as font, type size, display style, and color. (Note that “presentation”
in the model concern context is not the same thing as the presentation category of productivity applications.) In
this overview, for example, the subsection heading preceding this paragraph is associated with a presentation style
that specifies font, type size, and other attributes.

Structural concerns are related to content models. A document, for example, is based on structural elements such
as paragraph hierarchy and sequence. A spreadsheet is defined in terms of structural elements including
workbooks, worksheets, rows, columns, ranges, and cells. Common database structural elements include tables,
columns, forms, and reports.
Some structural elements are consistent across all productivity application domains. Examples include basic
metadata such as the file author, the date/time the file was last updated, and reviewer comments. Embedded links
are also structural elements; “Burton Group's website,” for example, combines the text (content) “Burton Group's
website” with a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), in this case,
Structural elements can also include custom schemas specific to business domains. An order form, for example, is
likely to include collections of related structural content elements for a customer (e.g., customer name, identifier,
and shipping address) and a product (e.g., product name, identifier, description, and list price).
Productivity applications are powerful in part because they make it possible for information workers to stay
focused on domain-specific content without having to be concerned with underlying structural details.

Productivity application behaviors include operations based on user actions and content changes. Some behaviors
are included in the applications, such as saving files when users select File/Save menu items (or click related
toolbar icons). Most productivity applications also support behaviors such as launching a web browser with a
URL when an embedded hyperlink is clicked.

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Behaviors may be associated with business processes. An expense report may include a “submit” button, for
instance, programmed to save, digitally sign, and send the resulting file to the expense report creator's manager
for review and approval. Tools for capturing this type of behavior range from keystroke macro recorders to
sophisticated programming environments.

Application Settings
Productivity application settings refer to user-selectable options, such as whether rulers are displayed or edits are
captured in Track Changes mode. These settings also include action-based attribute values, such as the cursor
position when a file was last saved, or the printer selected when a document was last printed. Application settings
may seem mundane, but information workers tend to get annoyed when their settings are not preserved across
editing sessions, so settings constitute an important part of the productivity application model.

Productivity application packages are container mechanisms for all of the elements referenced in this section. A
productivity application package is typically a multipart file with a manifest defining the package parts and
relationships between the parts. Although a file with the extension .doc is widely understood to be a Microsoft
Word document, for example, the file is actually a multipart package based on elaborate schemas.

Productivity application templates are used to enforce model elements across template-based files. Rather than
having employees create expense report spreadsheets from scratch, for example, most organizations create and
manage expense report template files that include presentation, structure, and behavior elements and settings.
From a model point of view, templates are essentially productivity application file schemas.

Productivity Application Workflow

While productivity applications have been fundamental to the success of personal computing, many productivity
application usage patterns today are actually interpersonal in nature, being used for workflow scenarios that help
people communicate and collaborate through content managed in productivity application files. Workflow
actions, as depicted in Figure 1, usually involve content creation, review/comment, and publication.

Figure 1: Productivity Application Workflow

Although a group working within a single department of an organization may start and end the workflow using
the same applications, it's increasingly common for different applications or tools to be used for different
workflow steps. A business process shared between business partners, for example, may start in Microsoft Office
Word, be saved to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file for external review and comment, and be published to
a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) webpage when the workflow is complete. In many cases, the productivity
application file is ephemeral, used only to present and capture user actions for business transactions that are
ultimately captured in enterprise systems rather than stand-alone productivity application files (i.e., the files are
destroyed when the transaction is complete and captured in other systems of record).

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The Software as a Service Shift
The advent of software as a service (SaaS) offerings focused on productivity application domains is another
important market dynamic. Vendors such as Central Desktop, EditGrid, ThinkFree, and AdventNet (creator of
Zoho) offer low- or no-cost tools for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, and other domains.
Although such SaaS offerings are sometimes relatively simplistic, in terms of productivity application features,
they typically augment the traditional models with communication and collaboration capabilities, exploiting their
underlying service-oriented and web-centric architecture. For work scenarios in which communication and
collaboration are critical, and content is relatively straightforward, SaaS offerings can thus be more productive
than traditional, stand-alone productivity applications.
SaaS productivity application-related offerings are also available from major vendors such as Google and Adobe
Systems. Google Apps is probably the most widely publicized, due to the broader competitive landscape between
Google and Microsoft. The Collaboration and Content Strategies report “Google Apps in the Enterprise: A
Promotion-Enhancing or Career-Limiting Move for Enterprise Architects?” provides an extensive review of
Google Apps. Google also distributes Sun StarOffice (a non-SaaS, traditional productivity application suite) with
Google Pack, a free collection of productivity tools and services.
Adobe is a recent entrant to the productivity tools SaaS market with its September 2007 acquisition of Virtual
Ubiquity, creator of the Buzzword web word processor. Adobe Buzzword, as suggested in Figure 2, is unlike
many other web-centric document editors because of its focus on rich user experience, precise document layout,
and intra-document collaboration.

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Figure 2: Adobe Buzzword (Beta) Example
Microsoft is also exploiting the SaaS wave in its enterprise- and consumer-oriented offerings. The screen shot in
Figure 3, for example, is Excel Services, a feature in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 that
makes interactive spreadsheet features available to people using web browser clients.

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Figure 3: Microsoft Excel Services Example (Source: Microsoft)
Excel Services makes Excel capabilities available to information workers without requiring the traditional Excel
client. It also facilitates improved information management, because all users interact with a single copy of the
underlying spreadsheet. Microsoft offers similar capabilities in Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 (a capability
also bundled with MOSS), which makes InfoPath forms accessible to browser clients. In the consumer-oriented
SaaS market, Microsoft Office Live Workspace is a free service offering for Office users who wish to share and
collaborate on the Web (Office Live Workspace is also SharePoint-based). In all cases, Microsoft emphasizes a
“software plus services” value proposition, offering the services to augment rather than displace its traditional
productivity applications.
SaaS offerings in part represent an important market dynamic because they often rely on database management
systems (DBMSs), rather than traditional files, for storage. Central Desktop is built on PostgreSQL, for example,
and both Adobe Buzzword and Microsoft SharePoint use Microsoft SQL Server for storage. The services also
support traditional files, primarily for import/export and print-oriented workflow scenarios, but their primary
storage models are not file based.

Recap: New Realities and Requirements

Although some scenarios can still be addressed with basic document editor or spreadsheet tools, most large
organizations are now working with more elaborate and workflow-based usage patterns. Ubiquitous e-mail, the
Internet, PCs on many desktops, laptops on many laps, and wireless connections have all combined to make
collaboration easier and even expected.

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Some increasingly common productivity application requirements include:
• Document assembly: Rather than using monolithic files, document assembly means dynamically composing
documents, often from disparate sources. For example, a sales report may be generated from a document
template and interactive queries into sales tracking systems such as
• Content reuse: Improving content reusability entails a shift to managing content components (also known as
information items and microformats) rather than monolithic files. Examples include the need to consistently use
corporate branding and legal boilerplate text in business proposal documents.
• Content query: To make productivity application content a more productive resource in broader information
management (e.g., to easily find all information pertaining to a specific customer or research project, regardless
of content type or location), organizations need to go beyond simple content indexing and exploit metadata
ranging from basic fields and tagging/categorization to custom schemas.
• Document inspection and sanitization: Requirements in this context include ensuring authors haven't
inadvertently left reviewer comments or other remnants from work-in-process versions in productivity
application files. Inspection and sanitization are also used to ensure that content complies with organizational
policies (e.g., to automatically remove unacceptable or potentially offensive terms from documents before they
are distributed).
• Document archival: To integrate productivity application content with corporate systems of record for
information management and record-keeping requirements.
Until recently, it has been exceptionally difficult to address these requirements because of constraints associated
with the binary and proprietary file formats used with traditional productivity applications. These historical file
formats present both developer complexity and intellectual property challenges that greatly complicate
interoperability and workflow. Intellectual property issues also create concerns about vendor dependencies,
especially for content that must be maintained for time periods that may exceed the lifetimes of the software
product vendors that created the productivity applications (or services) used to create the content.
These new realities and requirements have resulted in the widespread need for new productivity application
content models that are:
• XML-based and technology and vendor/product independent in order to reduce the potential for vendor lock-in,
expand competition, and facilitate the development of ecosystems of vendors providing complementary
products and services.
• Built on open schemas for common productivity application domains including documents, spreadsheets, and
• Designed to support a clean separation of concerns for content, presentation, structure, and behavior in order to
facilitate improved content reuse and developer productivity. Separation of semantics and presentation also
enables better accessibility support.
• Compatible with the exabytes of existing productivity application content, since no organizations have the
luxury of instantly ripping and replacing already-deployed productivity applications, and most organizations
also need to exchange content with other organizations that can't be expected to be using the latest productivity
The market-dominating position currently enjoyed by Microsoft Office is a multifaceted consideration in this
context. First, the fact that the vast majority of existing productivity application content is captured in binary and
proprietary Office file formats is a pivotal concern, as any content model alternative that alters content,
presentation, structure, or behavior concerns is problematic. This is especially troubling for organizations that rely
on operating systems for which Microsoft doesn't offer Office, including all Linux and UNIX clients.
A second important consideration pertaining to Microsoft file formats is the fact that many Microsoft competitors
have attempted to exploit the transition to open, XML-based file formats in order to more effectively compete
with Microsoft Office. While some of its competitors have very little hope of establishing successful products that
directly compete with Microsoft Office, they may still seek to disrupt Microsoft's business by making Office less
profitable, thus depriving Microsoft of opportunities to use Office profits to subsidize product development efforts
in other market segments.

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With these new realities and requirements in mind, it's time to turn to a review of the productivity application file
format alternatives. Despite the somewhat mundane context that is file format focused, the story offers
dimensions worthy of a James Bond movie, including multibillion dollar business empires, global political
intrigue, and even some conspiracy theories at the intersection of capitalism, communism, and democracy.

ODF, OOXML, and Other Document Models

Several XML-based document model alternatives have emerged over the last few years, all designed to address
the requirements outlined in the “Productivity Application Market Dynamics” section of this overview. This
section reviews the leading alternatives.

OpenDocument Format
OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an open, standards-based (and standardized) XML document model for word
processing, spreadsheet, and presentation files. ODF is currently somewhat simple (and simplistic) compared with
alternatives such asOOXML, but it was the first XML productivity application file format to be standardized, and
as such has been promoted in association with many government and other domains in which standards are
In terms of productivity application model concerns, ODF is primarily focused on content and presentation
domains, and it is far less useful for scenarios requiring advanced structure and behavior capabilities. For
example, ODF (currently in a 1.1 revision) supports a single table type for use within document, spreadsheet, and
presentation applications and offers a rudimentary spreadsheet formula language.
In another important consideration for enterprise application developers, ODF does not support custom schemas:
It concerns itself only with defining the document format. Structured elements can be included in ODF document
content, but no mechanism enables associating content elements with external (to the document content) schemas.
The inability to do an external schema overlay—somewhat similar to a view in database parlance—hinders
enterprises when programmatically manipulating the document, such as updating a stock price element within a
ODF started in 1999 with an XML model created by the StarOffice group within Sun Microsystems. StarOffice, a
multi-platform productivity suite was created in 1994 by StarDivision, a productivity application company
founded in 1984. Sun acquired StarDivision in 1999 for $73.5 million and released much of the source code of
StarOffice in June 2000, fostering the creation of an open source initiative called
The first Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) ODF Technical
Committee (ODF-TC) meeting was held on December 16, 2002. ODF was approved as an OASIS standard on
May 1, 2005, and was subsequently approved as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard
on May 3, 2006.
While there is debate about the extent to which ODF is tied to, and some ODF-compliant
productivity applications are not derived from (such as KOffice), ODF started as a refined XML
serialization of file formats and the two initiatives are still very closely aligned. Indeed, several
vendors interviewed for this overview indicated that it's essentially impossible to get ODF proposals approved if
they're not also supported in, and further noted that Sun closely controls (much as
it also holds control over Java).
ODF has been strongly supported by IBM, Novell, Sun, and many other smaller and specialized vendors (see the
list of ODF Alliance members for examples). ODF has been publicized in part because of its selection by many
government organizations, including, controversially, the state of Massachusetts, which generated significant
news and blogosphere coverage in 2005 by announcing that it would require ODF rather than Microsoft Office
file formats.1 The 2005 Massachusetts policy implied, at that time, that the state would also abandon Microsoft
Office, a move many Microsoft competitors and open source advocates heralded as a significant leading indicator.

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Additional ODF resources can be found in the “ODF Resources” section of this overview. In terms of establishing
sufficient context to compare and contrast ODF with OOXML and other XML document model alternatives, it's
important to understand that many ODF advocates have conflated open standards and open source. They imply
ODF is superior to OOXML in part because ODF-based productivity suites, such as and KOffice,
are open source initiatives, while Microsoft Office 2007, the only productivity suite that is fully based on
OOXML, is closed source.
Surprisingly to some Microsoft detractors, Microsoft also supports ODF, announcing in mid-2006 that it
sponsored an open source project focused on creating an OOXML/ODF file translation adapter for Microsoft
Office. This was a pragmatic move on Microsoft's part, because, if successful, the adapter would make Office
viable for organizations such as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that (at that time) mandated ODF support.
Microsoft also highlighted, in its press release announcing the investment, that ODF constraints would entail
“certain compromises and customer disclosures” since ODF is not compatible with the full range of expressions
possible in Microsoft's traditional file formats (e.g., file metadata and markup may be lost in workflows involving
Office and non-Office client applications). Due to a variety of reasons—file incompatibilities mentioned above,
usability issues with non-Microsoft suites, and OOXML becoming an Ecma standard—Massachusetts eventually
endorsed OOXML along with ODF.
Overall, ODF can be a useful option for organizations that have relatively simple document model requirements
and that do not always require full-fidelity round-trip workflow support with Microsoft Office applications. ODF,
through its support in free productivity application suites such as, has also been promoted in
conjunction with budget-constrained domains such as developing nation government agencies and educational

OOXML is, as is ODF, an open, standards-based (and standardized) XML document model for word processing,
spreadsheet, and presentation files. In terms of productivity application model concerns, OOXML was designed to
fully address document, spreadsheet, and presentation concerns for all Microsoft Office file formats, including
both the default XML file formats used in Office 2007 and the proprietary and binary file formats used in earlier
releases of Office. As such, OOXML is considerably more expressive and complex than ODF, including support,
for example, of multiple table types (i.e., different table-based capabilities for documents, spreadsheets, and
presentations), a full spreadsheet formula language, and multiple options for incorporating custom XML schemas.
OOXML's support for custom XML schemas is important for integrating productivity application content with
external systems. It's also pivotal to Microsoft's ability to offer features in Office 2007 that are outside the scope
of the OOXML (Ecma International) standard, such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide libraries, a feature
supported in conjunction with MOSS 2007.
OOXML's roots can be traced to the late 1990's, when Microsoft introduced Office 2000, a release that included
limited XML support. Microsoft expanded XML support in Excel for Office XP (released in 2001), and
significantly expanded XML support in Word and Excel in conjunction with Office 2003. Office 2003 also
introduced the use of custom XML schemas inside Word and Excel. Office 2007, a vast development project that
started several years before its January 2007 commercial release, adopted what Microsoft called Open XML as
the default file format for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Note that it wasn't possible for Microsoft to embrace
ODF during this period, as Microsoft's investment in XML file formats was long underway before ODF became
an OASIS standard in 2005 (and because of Microsoft's need to maintain compatibility with earlier Microsoft file
In terms of standardization, Open XML was submitted to Ecma International in November 2005. The first Open
XML-focused Ecma International Technical Committee (TC45) meetings were held during December 2005.
TC45 was chaired by Microsoft and included members from Apple, Intel, NextPage, Novell, and other vendors,
along with user organizations including the British Library and the U.S. Library of Congress. Ecma International
approved Open XML as a standard (ECMA-376) in December 2006 and changed its name to Office Open XML.

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Recognizing that Ecma International standardization was insufficient for some organizations, OOXML was also
submitted (by Ecma) to ISO for its fast track standardization process. In September 2007, after a controversial
ballot phase, ISO announced that OOXML had not received the required number of votes for fast-track approval,
and the Ecma OOXML supporters started working to address the complaints raised during the ISO balloting
process. A final ISO ballot is currently scheduled for February 2008.
Additional OOXML resources can be found in the “OOXML Resources” section of this overview. In terms of
establishing sufficient context to compare and contrast ODF with OOXML and other XML document model
alternatives, it's important to understand that OOXML is already a legitimate (Ecma International) standard as
well as an emerging de facto standard based on its use as the default file format for Office 2007. While ISO
standardization would accelerate the use of OOXML in many standards-focused organizations, the February 2008
ISO ballot will not determine the overall fate of OOXML.
In the considerable market debate about the degree to which OOXML is a meaningful standard, topics include the
fact that OOXML is only fully implemented by a single vendor (Microsoft) and the possibility that full use of
OOXML entails the use of proprietary Microsoft technologies in domains such as digital rights management.
Also, something of an intellectual property expert full-employment act is in effect as Microsoft's patents, licenses,
and other business policies are being scrutinized for any scenarios in which Microsoft could inappropriately
leverage OOXML to its advantage. For an example of the critical views of OOXML, see “Microsoft and Open
Standards,” a Microsoft-critical webpage that includes a useful overview of several concerns and a collection of
links to other resources such as IBM and Google comments on the September 2007 ISO OOXML ballot process.
The debate and scrutiny are not surprising, given Microsoft's historical track record as an extremely aggressive
competitor and convicted monopolist, but it's important to understand that Microsoft appears to be sincerely
committed to making OOXML a substantive standard, a topic revisited within the “Projections” section of this
overview. It's also important to recognize that some of Microsoft's competitors may be hypocritically engaging in
precisely the sorts of behind-the-scenes power plays that they've asserted Microsoft, if left to its own devices,
would inevitably employ.

Other Important Document Models

ODF and OOXML are not the only alternatives for XML document models. This section provides an overview of
PDF and UOF, two other important models.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format for platform-independent document exchanges. Introduced by
Adobe in 1993, PDF was based on a vision described in 1991 as the “Camelot Project” by Adobe co-founder John
Warnock. While PDF does not address productivity application model concerns at the same level of abstraction as
ODF and OOXML, it is very widely used for workflow phases including review, comment, and publication, in
part because Adobe Reader, freely available on a variety of operating system platforms, facilitates full-fidelity
document viewing, printing, and workflow.
PDF is a de facto standard (e.g., it is the preferred format for electronic submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration [FDA]). It is also an industry standard, with subsets optimized for domains such as document
archival (PDF/A, or ISO 19005-1:2005) and prepress printing (PDF/X, described in ISO Standards 15929 and
15930). In early 2007, Adobe announced plans to submit the entire PDF model for standardization; ISO voted to
approve PDF 1.7 as a standard in December 2007 (ISO 32000). Adobe's XML architecture integrates the PDF
model with XML for metadata management and the use of custom XML schemas. Adobe also has a research
project called Mars that is focused on creating an XML-based representation of PDF documents.
UOF, for Uniform Office Format, is associated with the “Specification for the Chinese office file format based on
XML,” a national standard of the People's Republic of China. UOF was published in 2005, after three years of
standards work by the Chinese government, software vendors, and academic institutions. UOF was influenced by
the needs of RedOffice, a Chinese productivity application suite based on (and thus ODF). For
more background information, Rob Weir, an IBM employee focused on ODF, maintains a page referencing
several UOF articles and resources.

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In April 2007, several Chinese government agencies and Sun Microsystems Chairman Scott McNealy called for
consolidation of UOF and ODF, but the work required to reconcile the standards is expected to be complex and
time-consuming. As a further complication, some ODF advocates believe intellectual property and patent
restrictions are associated with UOF. When interviewed for this overview, one vendor expressed uncertainty
about how much it was going to be able to do with UOF support due to patent restrictions, and also noted that
Sun's relationship with Redflag, the Chinese vendor responsible for RedOffice (more precisely: the Beijing
Redflag CH2000 Software Co, owned in part by the Chinese Academy of Sciences), is unusual in many respects.
For example, Sun allows Redflag to make changes to without giving Sun control of the resulting
intellectual property, as Sun requires for other vendors.
Although it will take years before market patterns become clear in terms of the relative success levels of ODF,
OOXML, PDF, and UOF, it's clear that none of the alternatives is entirely free of (direct or indirect) intellectual
property and licensing complications.

File Format Translators: Actual Results May Vary . . .

Most organizations will be working with a variety of file formats for the foreseeable future, both because
productivity application upgrades can be protracted processes and because of the need to participate in file-based
workflows with external organizations. Several file format translation tools have been introduced to simplify
interoperability. Some of the major options include:
• The Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Office XP and Office 2003, that updates Office applications to
provide the ability to open and save OOXML files. Microsoft also provides an option for Office 2000 users to
convert OOXML files to binary file formats, which can then be opened in Office 2000.
• An OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office, the result of an open source initiative sponsored by
Microsoft (with key contributor firms including Clever Age, DIaLOGIKa, and Aztecsoft) and hosted by
SourceForge. This add-in makes it possible for Office applications to open and save ODF files, although
Microsoft doesn't directly support the add-in and has noted that working with ODF can cause some file fidelity
• An ODF-UOF Converter open source initiative, also hosted by SourceForge, and designed to work with
popular Chinese productivity application suites including RedOffice and EIOffice.
• The Novell OpenXML Translator, which enables users to directly open and
save OOXML document files.
• The Sun ODF Plugin 1.1 for Microsoft Office, which, like the OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office,
enables Office users to open and save ODF files. The plug-in works with Office 2003 and Office XP
documents, spreadsheets, and presentations; support for Office 2007 is planned for a future release. Sun notes
that its plug-in is based on StarOffice technology and is the only converter available with enterprise support.
Since ODF is less compatible with the earlier binary Microsoft file formats than OOXML, file format translations
involving ODF can result in the loss of file fidelity, a constraint that limits ODF's utility for organizations that
need to support file-based workflow involving Microsoft and non-Microsoft applications.

The Parallel Universe of the World Wide Web

Most people don't immediately think of the World Wide Web or related standards created by the W3C in the
context of productivity applications, but the W3C has created a family of standards that, collectively, is very
relevant to productivity application market dynamics. As the Adobe Buzzword and Microsoft Excel Services
examples in “The Software as a Service Shift” section of this overview suggest, web-centric approaches can be
both complementary to—and competitive with—traditional productivity applications. Indeed, in many respects
the web-centric model is already ahead of evolving non-web alternatives in important areas such as content reuse
(see the Collaboration and Content Strategies overview “Content Reuse: DITA, XML, and Other Ways to Keep
from Reinventing the Content” for more details).
Examples of key model concerns addressed by the W3C include:

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• Content: XML
• Presentation: XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
• Structure: XML Schema, XML Pointer Language (XPointer), and XML Linking Language (XLink)
• Behavior: XForms (which has overlap for structure as well)
Although the W3C has not directly addressed application domains for documents, spreadsheets, and
presentations, several vendors and open source initiatives have built on W3C technologies to create productivity
application products and services including the example referenced in “The Software as a Service Shift” section
of this overview. The W3C has also created standards that are directly relevant for related areas such as:
• Graphics: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
• Equations: MathML
• Multimedia: W3C Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
In some respects, the web-centric approach represents something of a Copernican revolution for productivity
applications. While the traditional model has productivity applications and related files at its core, the web-centric
approach is centered on collections of webpages, and the pages may contain components for document,
spreadsheet, presentation, and other needs.
The W3C has also chartered working groups to simplify the integration of its myriad related standards, including
Web Integration Compound Document (WICD) and Compound Document Formats (CDF) groups. The latter
garnered some press attention in October 2007 when it was positioned as an ODF alternative by a then-disbanding
group called the OpenDocument Foundation (see this Gary Edwards blog post for more details). The
OpenDocument Foundation, as its name suggested, was initially created by several participants of the OASIS
ODF-TC who sought to expand the ecosystem of ODF supporters. It was unable to successfully address
requirements for capabilities related to workflows with Microsoft Office applications, however, and parted ways
with the OASIS ODF-TC after it failed to gain approval for several proposals designed to make ODF more
capable for addressing full-fidelity file format operations involving Office clients.

Reciprocal Benefits: Standards and Standards Procedures

Despite all of the debate and controversy surrounding ODF and OOXML, it's important to recognize that the
standards organizations are working as designed, and that both the standards and the organizations are
constructively evolving as a result. The ISO review process for OOXML resulted in several thousand suggestions
for improvements, all of which Ecma International OOXML supporters set out to address before the February
2008 final ISO ballot. Similarly, the OASIS and ISO groups focused on ODF have provided a useful venue for
industry debate about the relative importance of Microsoft Office file compatibility in the ODF standard.
The standards procedures have been challenged, by, for example, Microsoft and the broader OOXML community
recruiting new participants for the ISO OOXML balloting process during mid-2007. It's likely ISO will revise its
procedures to prevent similar disruptions in the future, so in some respects the OOXML episode will produce
some useful stimulus/response improvements within ISO.
Debate will continue about whether it's meaningful or useful for a standards organization such as ISO to support
more than one standard in a given domain, but it's clear that ODF and OOXML started with different priorities
and requirements, and that they're not interchangeable in all contexts. It's also clear that different standards
organizations have different modus operandi, with the W3C often moving more swiftly, successfully, and
apolitically than standards bodies such as ISO.
Broad recognition of OOXML as a legitimate (real and de facto) standard is probably not what some of
Microsoft's competitors had in mind when they started promoting ODF standardization as a reason to displace
Microsoft Office, but several historical examples of attempts to use (real or planned de facto) standards as a
wedge in competing with Microsoft include:
• Vendor Independent Messaging (VIM), which was an attempt to displace Microsoft's Messaging Application
Programming Interface (MAPI)

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• Integrated Database Application Program Interface (IDAPI), a failed attempt to out-standardize the Microsoft-
sponsored Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
• OpenDoc, a compound document model in the mid-1990's that was originally code-named “Bento”; OpenDoc
was developed by Apple, IBM, and other vendors to compete with Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding
(OLE) model.
In these and other earlier encounters, when Microsoft's competitors sought to collectively compete with Microsoft
by leveraging standards, the everybody-but-Microsoft standards have generally failed to achieve significant
market momentum. Of course, Microsoft has also attempted and failed to direct some industry standards, such as
The relative success of ODF and OOXML, in any case, will be determined more by its utility and which
community effectively exploits W3C standards than it will by one or the other more effectively navigating
through ISO standards procedures.

Recap: File Format Form Follows Function

The utility of a model is assessed relative to stated objectives in a given domain; a modeling endeavor never has a
simple right or wrong answer. For enterprise-class productivity application scenarios, especially those involving
interoperability with earlier (binary and proprietary) file formats, the model requirements are both intricate and
expansive. Productivity applications have become a multibillion dollar business and are used by hundreds of
millions of people worldwide, in part to isolate information workers from the underlying complexity.
Having surveyed the productivity application market dynamics and alternative XML file format models, it's time
to explore projections about the likely relative success of ODF and OOXML at addressing current and emerging
productivity application requirements.

If productivity application evolution had peaked around the feature set of Office 97, and if there weren't exabytes
of files captured in earlier Microsoft Office file formats, it's possible that ODF could have succeeded as a global
standard for productivity application file formats. Instead, vendors of these applications continue to innovate in a
wide range of approaches ranging from Office 2007 to SaaS solutions, and the installed base remains a critical
concern. The rest of this section explains several projections about what's likely to happen next in terms of
productivity application XML model market dynamics.

OOXML Will Be Successful

OOXML will be more pervasive than ODF for several reasons. It's a better form-follows-function fit for most
productivity application usage patterns and, much to the chagrin of Microsoft competitors, Microsoft appears to
be sincere in its efforts to make OOXML a meaningful and global industry standard.
OOXML is considerably more complex than ODF, but it's not unnecessarily complex for the contexts it was
designed to address. It's also important to recognize that a very small percentage of application developers and
content designers will actually need to master the totality of OOXML. Just as relatively few people have mastered
all facets of languages and models such as PostScript and PDF, the vast majority of people who interact with
OOXML will do so through developer frameworks and tools that work at higher levels of abstraction.
OOXML will gain market momentum as vendors such as Altova and Mindjet introduce products that support
OOXML. Altova, the leading vendor of tools for XML-focused developers and designers, added OOXML to its
XMLSpy product line in 2007. Ominously for ODF advocates, Altova Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alexander
Falk commented, in an interview for this overview, that Altova has not received a single request for ODF support,
while the OOXML features in XMLSpy were created in response to significant Altova customer demand
(Alexander Falk noted that he is often asked about ODF, but only by journalists and industry analysts).

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The OOXML ecosystem is also supported by community resources such as and Unsurprisingly, both sites were created by Microsoft, but they also facilitate open
collaboration in discussion forums (including extensive critical commentary).
The scope of OOXML is likely to expand to include application domains such as databases, but the expansion
probably won't gain momentum until after the February 2008 ISO OOXML vote, as OOXML-focused people at
both Ecma International and Microsoft will remain focused on addressing issues raised during the previous vote
cycle until February 2008.

Microsoft Will Aggressively Compete but Also Play Well with Others
Without a doubt, Microsoft created OOXML in order to expand market opportunities for Microsoft Office, a
nontrivial challenge for a product with market share greater than 90% in many areas. Critics have asserted
Microsoft will go to extremes to protect its phenomenally profitable Office business, and that's certainly the case
in terms of the billions of dollars Microsoft invested in Office 2007 and additional investments it has made in
complementary (and complimentary [i.e., free]) services such as Office Live Workspace.
While there have been episodes of over zealousness in the drive for ratification—for example, Microsoft
Sweden's offering marketing contributions to its partners as a way to encourage them to vote for OOXML in the
ISO approval process—these appear to be the exception. Considering the global scrutiny applied to ISO and other
standards processes, plus the fact that Microsoft is even more closely scrutinized because of its position as a
convicted monopolist, it would be self-defeating for Microsoft to attempt to subvert the standards processes or
somehow establish an intellectual property-based advantage for itself in order to thwart other vendors seeking to
exploit OOXML. Realistically, it's also extremely unlikely another vendor will attempt to exploit OOXML in
order to produce a comprehensively competitive alternative to Microsoft Office, given the considerable resources
that would be required to do so and the economies of scale that would need to be achieved in order to make the
endeavor sustainably profitable.
In other words, although many Microsoft competitors face challenges based on the dominant market position
enjoyed by Microsoft Office, no clear evidence suggests that Microsoft is illegally abusing (or planning to abuse)
OOXML in a concerted fashion to protect its Office franchise. While some have argued the OOXML
documentation is incomplete or inconsistent, for example, it's highly likely Microsoft's own developers faced
similar frustrations when working with Microsoft-internal Office documentation—and both Ecma and Microsoft
have established an impressive track record for addressing shortcomings in the OOXML design and

ODF Will Continue, Albeit in a Relatively Minor Role

ODF represents laudable design and standards work. It's a clean and useful design, but it's appropriate mostly for
relatively unusual scenarios in which full Microsoft Office file format fidelity isn't a requirement. Overall, ODF
addresses only a subset of what most organizations do with productivity applications today. It will continue to
evolve (e.g., adding support for multiple table types, a spreadsheet formula language, and custom XML schema
support), but ODF's evolution will likely be slow and complex, in part because of the fact that,
the primary implementation of ODF, is arguably still, in some respects, controlled by Sun Microsystems.
ODF advocates often suggest that it, along with, will be successful in extremely budget-
constrained environments where Microsoft Office doesn't have deep penetration, such as government agencies in
developing nations. Success in even this demographic is not a foregone conclusion for ODF, however, partly
because Microsoft is aggressively competing in this market segment as well with, for example, Microsoft Student
Innovation Suite (including Windows XP Starter Edition, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007, and other
tools) for $3 per user for governments and students.

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It's also not clear that ODF will prevail on platforms Microsoft doesn't support for Office, such as Linux and
UNIX, since vendors such as Novell have provided translators that make it possible for users to
save to OOXML on non-Microsoft platforms.
The most significant value of ODF-based alternatives to Microsoft Office, for many organizations, may be in
establishing a viable alternative that provides opportunities to negotiate more favorable pricing/licensing
agreements with Microsoft. This doesn't mean productivity suites are actually more cost-
effective than Office, since most enterprises would opt to purchase support and maintenance contracts for the
Office alternatives (e.g., IBM Lotus Symphony, the Novell Edition of, or Sun's StarOffice) and
since Microsoft has been able to exploit very large economies of scale to keep Office relatively inexpensive.
While competitors compare their prices with the official retail prices of Microsoft's offerings, the reality is that
Microsoft heavily discounts some of its Office products. In 2003, Microsoft began selling Microsoft Office to the
Chinese government for $10 a seat. As of December 2007, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007, for
example, is selling for around $125 (suggested retail price is $149) with a license to install on up to three PCs, and
an “Ultimate Steal” option for many students to purchase Office Ultimate 2007 for Student/Teacher Edition
selling for approximately $60 (less than 10% of the full Office Ultimate list price of $679).
Although Sun could considerably simplify ODF-related processes by yielding full control of both ODF and to standards bodies and open source initiatives, it's probably already too late for such a move to
make a significant difference to ODF's trajectory. Sun appears to have placed strategic bets that (1) it could
continue to control ODF (through, under the auspices of international standards, without
thwarting industry support for the standards, and that (2) Microsoft would seek to subvert standards procedures in
order to inappropriately gain competitive advantage with OOXML. If Sun implicitly or explicitly placed these
bets, it appears to have lost both.

The W3C Model Will Prevail in Many Domains

The W3C model, building on XML, CSS, and other W3C standards, is likely to ultimately be more influential and
pervasive than ODF and OOXML. It's also something of a circular reference, of course, since both ODF and
OOXML are defined in terms of several W3C standards, and web-centric productivity application view
mechanisms such as the Excel Services example in “The Software as a Service Shift” section of this overview are
rendered exclusively in web standards.
In terms of the primary productivity application domains (documents, spreadsheets, and presentations), the W3C
model is more complementary than competitive with ODF and OOXML. That could change, however, if W3C
initiatives such as XForms gain market momentum. Vendors including EMC (through Documentum) and IBM
(with IBM Lotus Forms) have placed strategic bets on XForms, and XForms is also supported in ODF (but not
OOXML). W3C-led standards may also prevail in domains such as digital rights management, again potentially
constraining the scope of future ODF and OOXML expansions.
XML Query (XQuery) is another pivotal W3C standard that will influence the development of ODF and
OOXML. The Collaboration and Content Strategies report “XQuery and Its Implications for Content and Data
Management” provides more XQuery information.
For now, it's likely that web-centric, SaaS-focused productivity application vendors such as Adobe, Central
Desktop, EditGrid, Google, and AdventNet (Zoho creator) will eventually need to add OOXML support for
import/export operations, regardless of the storage models they use within their own offerings, if only for
interoperability with Office 2007 files. Apple, for example, already supports OOXML in its iPhone (Apple also
beat Microsoft in terms of productivity application support for OOXML on Mac OS X, as Apple's iWork product
added support for OOXML before Microsoft added OOXML support to Mac Office).

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The expanding role for the W3C model is part of a broader market shift from file-based to hypertext models, a
trend explored in the Collaboration and Content Strategies overview “Hypertext and Compound/Interactive
Document Models: Collaboration and Content Management Implications.” As blogs and wikis continue to gain
momentum (often displacing traditional productivity applications), the hypertext model will become more
pervasive and influential. It's still not an either/or proposition, however, as many information workers will spend
more time using web-centric editor/viewer tools and continue to launch content into traditional productivity
applications for beyond-the-basic requirements.

PDF Will Continue to Dominate Nonrevisable Document Contexts

PDF, especially the PDF/A standard focused on document archival, will continue to play a key role for
nonrevisable document domains, such as reviewing and printing final-format documents (e.g., business contracts
and tax forms). PDF is very effective for needs in these contexts, and it's also already broadly deployed.
If ODF and OOXML didn't exist, it's possible the role for PDF could have expanded, addressing a wider range of
hypertext document scenarios for emerging productivity application usage. Instead, market momentum for ODF
and OOXML will likely obviate the Adobe Mars project and continue to relegate PDF to a role primarily focused
on cross-platform/product document viewing and printing. Even Adobe's own Buzzword service will likely add
support for OOXML—again, if only for Office 2007 file compatibility.

New Vendor Challenges and Opportunities

The rapid expansion of OOXML and the more limited, but still influential, market uptake of ODF will present
some significant challenges and opportunities for software vendors. Most significantly, the use of OOXML in
Office 2007 will dramatically increase the amount of XML content used within large organizations, and this will
create opportunities for vendors focused on XML content management. Altova, for example, now has a new
category of content to be used in conjunction with its XMLSpy product, and XML content management system
vendors such as Mark Logic will have new opportunities to add value in XML content management scenarios.
In terms of challenges, the growth of OOXML is likely to create new problems for vendors and open source
initiatives that compete with Microsoft Office. Novell may prove to be an exception, as its multi-platform version
of the suite includes support for OOXML (along with other customer-driven extensions such as
support for Visual Basic for Applications [VBA] in its spreadsheet program). As the second most
successful commercial Linux platform vendor, Novell is likely to benefit from its support for both
(the productivity application suite) and OOXML (the file format).
Traditional content management vendors that aren't moving to embrace XML and XQuery will also be challenged
by the market shift to OOXML and ODF, as the range of operations now possible with familiar productivity
applications is expanding to subsume domains once the province of specialized XML authoring tools.
Overall, Microsoft will be, by far, the biggest beneficiary of OOXML's market success. As the premier OOXML
content creation suite, Office 2007's support for OOXML, and the new opportunities OOXML presents to
Microsoft's customers, may ultimately prove to be more important to the Office business than any other new
feature introduced with Office 2007.

This section includes several recommendations for organizations seeking to exploit emerging XML file format
opportunities. Note that the recommendations are for Burton Group customers—large commercial, higher
education, and government organizations—and are not meant to apply to organizations of all sizes and industries.

Distinguish Between Application/Service and Format Decisions

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The often passionate debate about ODF and OOXML has, in some cases, conflated open source and open
standards and has also confused the distinctions between file format and application/service alternatives. As
explained in the “File Format Translators: Actual Results May Vary . . .” section of this overview, currently a
many-to-many relationship exists between applications/services and file formats, and it's possible to use Microsoft
Office with ODF—or with OOXML—at least for relatively simple scenarios.
However, for scenarios requiring complete interoperability with Microsoft Office files—historical (binary and
proprietary) formats or OOXML—organizations must use Microsoft Office. OOXML is the only XML file format
that has high compatibility with earlier Office file formats, and Office 2007 is the only productivity application
suite based on OOXML (although both Office 2000 and Office 2003 can read and write OOXML documents with
the addition of the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack). This may be an inconvenient truth for Microsoft
competitors, but it will remain so unless Sun and other ODF supporters revise ODF to include full Office file
format compatibility.

Discount the Political FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)

Much of the considerable amount of political posturing in the ODF/OOXML debate over the last few years has
been influenced by broader objectives such as the desire, shared by many ODF supporters, to perform a
“cashectomy” on Microsoft's Office-based revenue and profit streams (i.e., to significantly reduce the value of
Microsoft's Office-based business). “Guilty until proven innocent” has also been a part of conventional wisdom
among many Microsoft detractors, who have implied Microsoft will invariably seek to exploit opportunities to
thwart open standards. This is in some cases paradoxical, since many of the same vendors work closely with
Microsoft to establish industry standards in other domains.
Fortunately, as noted in the “Reciprocal Benefits: Standards and Standards Procedures” section of this overview,
the procedures used by organizations such as Ecma International, ISO, and (especially) the W3C offer a high
degree of visibility and accountability in standards-related initiatives. If Microsoft abuses standards initiatives, the
market response will be swift and severe. Similarly, if Sun continues to force its competitive agenda on and ODF activities (while stating that Microsoft will invariably engage in the type of tactics Sun
is itself employing), Sun will only be hindering market potential for and ODF.
Nobody should expect the February 2008 ISO ballot on OOXML to have market-altering ramifications. While
ISO support for OOXML would make it simpler for Microsoft to do business with assorted world government
agencies and other organizations that have mandated the use of global standards for productivity application files,
OOXML will continue to gain momentum as an Ecma standard regardless of the ISO vote. Of course, ISO
support for OOXML would, as a corollary, increase momentum for OOXML, and, as such, would also create new
challenges for ODF supporters.

Require Vendors to Sincerely Commit and Contribute to Related

Many of the players in the ODF/OOXML debate have conflicts of interest (e.g., their desire to reduce Microsoft
Office profitability relative to their desire to help advance unfettered industry standards). This is inevitable, at the
intersection of capitalism (e.g., selling software products) and democracy (e.g., egalitarian, community-guided
standards initiatives), so it's critically important for enterprises to make their standards-related requirements and
expectations clear to their software suppliers. This applies to W3C standards (such as XForms and XQuery) as
well as ODF and OOXML.
Eventually, if all vendors address real-world customer requirements, it should be much simpler to support
ODF/OOXML interoperability. However, that's only going to happen if customers make their voices heard. In
some cases, the political dimensions go beyond standards organizations. For example, if it turns out the People's
Republic of China is working with Sun to leverage standards and patents as a means of effectively mandating productivity applications for organizations doing business in China, those organizations
should contact their local government representatives to register complaints.

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Exploit OOXML
Any organization directly or indirectly (e.g., exchanging files with business partners) using Microsoft Office
applications should plan to exploit OOXML. In addition to being the default file format in Office 2007, OOXML
offers significant compression and security advantages relative to earlier, binary Microsoft Office file formats.
Although moving to OOXML file formats involves some administrative challenges, the opportunities for
improved content management and productivity outweigh the short-term inconvenience of migrating from binary
file formats. Microsoft has invested considerable resources in easing migration challenges. Organizations should
also explore options for content and application salvage operations, migrating existing Office-based content and
applications to OOXML.
Developers should exploit frameworks and tools that make it possible to avoid low-level OOXML details. Low-
level OOXML development is not an optimal use of resources when mainstream tools such as Altova XMLSpy
can be used at higher levels of abstraction.
As noted in the “Projections” section of this overview, this recommendation is predicated on the assumption that
Microsoft will continue to sincerely commit to OOXML-related standards initiatives. If Microsoft were to change
its strategy, and, for example, effectively require the use of proprietary Microsoft digital rights management
technologies in conjunction with OOXML file-based workflow processes, OOXML would be deeply stigmatized.

For Now, Use ODF by Exception Rather than by Default

ODF is insufficient for complex real-world enterprise requirements, and it is indirectly controlled by Sun
Microsystems, despite also being an ISO standard. It's possible that IBM, Novell, and other vendors may be able
to put ODF on a more customer-oriented trajectory in the future and more completely integrate it with the W3C
content model, but for now ODF should be seen as more of an anti-Microsoft political statement than an objective
technology selection.

Get Out of the (Traditional) Office More Often

Today, most organizations default to using traditional productivity applications in many domains that may be
more effectively addressed with other types of productivity tools and services. For routine content collection and
workflow processing scenarios, such as expense reporting and customer meeting note sharing, for example, it's
likely that web-centric, XML forms-based solutions (including blogs and wikis) are more efficient and effective
than productivity application file-based workflow alternatives. This does not exclude a Microsoft-based approach
(e.g., using MOSS Excel Services or [InfoPath] Forms Services), but it also doesn't require the use of traditional
Microsoft Office applications.
Microsoft and its competitors—both traditional competitors, such as Adobe, IBM, Novell, and Oracle, as well as
nontraditional competitors such as Google—all seek to compete by innovating with products and services
designed to exploit the trends described in the “Productivity Application Market Dynamics” section of this
overview. Organizations need to look beyond the ODF/OOXML debate to understand and exploit the emerging
opportunities, and also need to provide guidance to information workers and developers (see, for example, the
Reference Architecture technical position “Asynchronous Collaboration Alternatives”) to ensure that the right
form-follows-function tools and formats are picked.

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The Details
This section provides more detailed information about Extensible Markup Language (XML) productivity
application file format-related concepts. Due to the complexity of OpenDocument Format (ODF) and Office Open
XML (OOXML), and to the abundance of information available on both formats, this section is meant to be more
illustrative than exhaustive.

An OOXML Example
Figure 4 is a screen shot of a very simple Word document, containing a Burton Group graphic and the text “Hello

Figure 4: A Simple Document Example

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When saved in the .doc format associated with Office 2003 and earlier releases of Microsoft Office, the document
is serialized into a binary stream. Figure 5 is a screen shot of the .doc file opened in Microsoft Notepad. It's
unintelligible without tools that incorporate the Microsoft file format.

Figure 5: A Simple Document Example in Notepad

When saved to the .docx file format used with Word 2007, the file becomes a multipart ZIP-compressed file (i.e.,
if you change the file extension from .docx to .zip, it can be opened in a ZIP file utility). Figure 6 includes a view
of the file package parts. Note that the specific folder and part names are associated with Word 2007 rather than
the Ecma 376 standard.

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Figure 6: A View of .docx File Package Parts
Reviewing the parts in more detail:
• The “_rels” part is an XML file describing the relationships between all of the parts in the package.
• The “docProps” part captures the document properties (again in XML).
• The “[Content_Types].xml” part stores a list of content types for each part inside the package.
• The “word” part is a directory with the contents in Figure 7.

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Figure 7: A View of the Word Part Contents
As suggested in Figure 7, the “word” part is also multi-part, with multiple subdirectories. The “media”
subdirectory, in this example, contains a single image file (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: A View of the Word/Media Part Contents

Figure 9 shows the contents of the document.xml part within the “word” part. The “Hello world!” text from
Figure 4 is highlighted (surrounded by a red rectangle) in Figure 9.

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Figure 9: A Document.xml Example
Although the example in this section suggests that even simple Word documents result in very complex OOXML
files, OOXML for the most part simply provides more accessible views of content that was also captured in the
earlier binary file formats (i.e., the complexity was always there, because of the application domain and model
concerns modern productivity applications must accommodate). Indeed, OOXML files are in most cases much
smaller than their binary counterparts.
Note that most application developers, when manipulating Office 2007 content, will work with tools such as
Altova XMLSpy rather than Windows Explorer and NotePad. Figure 10 is a screen shot of XMLSpy working
with Office 2007 content.

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Figure 10: XMLSpy Example (Source: Altova)

An ODF Example
Figure 11 is a view of an ODF document, created with (2.3) Writer. As with the OOXML
example, the .odt file depicted in Figure 11 is a multipart ZIP file.

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Figure 11: An Writer Example
Reviewing the file parts in more detail:
• The “Configurations2” part describes user interface elements such as the menu bar, tool bar, and status bar.
• The “”META-INF” part contains a single file, “manifest.xml,” which is an index of all of the other parts in the
• The “Pictures” directory contains one file per image used in the document.
• The “Thumbnails” directory contains a thumbnail image of the first page of the document.
• The “meta” part includes document metadata such as creation date and editing duration.
• The “mimetype” file contains a single line of text identifying the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (
MIME) type for the document (“application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,” in this example).
• The “settings” part contains metadata such as window size and position and whether the ruler is visible.
• The “styles” file contains details about the styles used in the document (separating content from presentation, as
does the OOXML “styles.xml” part in Figure 8).
• The “content” part is an XML file with the document content, which is excerpted in Figure 12.

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Figure 12: An Writer Example
Comparing the XML examples in Figures 9 (OOXML) and 12 (ODF), it's clear that the OOXML markup is more
cryptic and harder to understand, a subject of extensive criticism from the ODF community. Microsoft has stated
it was a deliberate choice to help reduce the size of OOXML files, but as a general rule, an ODF version of a
document is slightly smaller than its OOXML counterpart.2

OOXML Resources
Figure 13 depicts relationships among the major components of OOXML.

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Figure 13: Ecma International OOXML Components (Source: Open XML Explained)
The four primary OOXML components shown in Figure 13 are:
• Core technologies, including the ZIP compression scheme, XML, and Unicode (for global content)
• The Open Packaging Convention (OPC), a file format defined in terms of packages and parts.
• Shared vocabularies for elements used in multiple productivity application models (i.e., in documents,
spreadsheets, and presentations), including drawings, metadata elements, equations, and bibliographies. Vector
Markup Language (VML) is accommodated as a legacy format because of its use within Microsoft Office, but
VML is obsolete (it has been supplanted by SVG).
• Markup languages that are application model specific for documents (WordprocessingML), spreadsheets
(SpreadsheetML), and presentations (PresentationML).
Some resources for additional OOXML information include:
• The Ecma International Standard ECMA-376 site, which includes the five-part OOXML specification
• “Office Open XML Overview,” an Ecma overview written by Tom Ngo (of NextPage)
•, a Microsoft-managed resource including Microsoft's assessments of several “Open
XML myths”
•, a Microsoft-created community site for OOXML developers
• Brian Jones' blog: Brian Jones is a Microsoft program manager focused on OOXML
• “Custom schemas revisited”: A blog post by Microsoft employee Doug Mahugh explaining the OOXML
custom schema options
• The Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, which describes Microsoft's adapters for making earlier releases of
Office compatible with OOXML files.
• Open XML Explained, a free book by Wouter Van Vugt
• Altova's Open XML resource page

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ODF Resources
ODF has an architecture similar to the OOXML architecture depicted in Figure 13, again starting with ZIP, XML,
and Unicode. ODF also specifies markup languages for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and common
elements such as drawings and equations, but its markup languages are simpler and less expressive than their
OOXML counterparts. Figure 14 depicts the primary ODF elements.

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Figure 14: ODF Elements (Source: Sun Microsystems)
Some resources for additional ODF information include:
• The OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC site
• The OASIS ODF v1.1 Specification
• The ODF Alliance, a community resource site for ODF developers
• OASIS OpenDocument Essentials: Using OASIS OpenDocument XML, a free ODF book by J. David Eisenberg

BURTON GROUP 7090 Union Park Center Suite 200 Midvale · Utah 84047 · P 801.566.2880 · F 801.566.3611 ·
The OpenDocument Format (ODF)/Office Open XML (OOXML) debate is part of a significant phase in the
evolution of productivity application, with the shift to Extensible Markup Language (XML) file formats
displacing traditional binary and proprietary file formats. The stakes are huge, with compelling new opportunities
for content management, as well as both opportunities and challenges for software vendors. Organizations will
gain important benefits by exploiting opportunities to improve information management and reduce vendor
dependencies by shifting to XML file formats.

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1 Countries that have mandated the use of ODF by government agencies include Norway and the Netherlands.

2 For example, this document's different file sizes are:

• 1.86 MB: .DOC, Microsoft binary file format created by Microsoft Word 2003
• 1.64 MB: .DOCX, OOXML file format created by Microsoft Word 2003
• 1.57 MB: .ODT, ODF file format created by IBM Lotus Symphony Documents.

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Author Bio
Peter O'Kelly
Research Director
Emphasis: Communication/collaboration workspaces, applications, and tools; XML and document/database
management system convergence, and extensive experience with IBM and Microsoft communication/collaboration
Background: 25 years of software career focused on application architectures, XML and database topics, and
collaborative applications. Enterprise application developer and data modeler. Software product management,
business development, and strategy roles with companies including IBM/Lotus, Groove, and Macromedia.
Analyst/author of dozens of reports and articles on Microsoft platform and product strategy, XML standards, DBMS
market dynamics, and other topics. Consultant to enterprises and software vendors on topics including application
architecture, data/conceptual modeling, and product/company strategy.
Primary Distinctions: Led IBM Lotus Notes product management during the pivotal Notes R4 release. Established
product management and competitive strategy for collaborative application pioneer Groove Networks. Macromedia
VP Strategy during the launch of its MX product line. Frequent speaker at many major industry events such as
Lotusphere and Enterprise 2.0. He is continually quoted and looked to for insight regarding major movements in
collaboration and communication fields. Avid blogger since early 2000 (<a href=""

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