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Here is a walkthrough:

1. First, how to stay alive. If the green bar is low, you need to eat. If the bl
ue bar is low, you need water (from coconuts, pineapples etc), If the red bar is
low, you need to sleep.
2. Second, when I mention an area of the map, it is organised like this:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
3. Pick up items on the beach. Special items include a KNIFE (to cut down grass
and vines) and a SAW (to clear tree stumps). HINT
Each time the tide changes, ther
e are new items, but if you save and re-open, the items reappear and you don t have
to wait for a new tide before the next items appear.
4. Make an AXE. You need 1 stone, 1 branch, 1 vine. Once you have made an axe, y
ou can collect logs.
5. Make a TENT, at the flag. You need 3 branches and 1 sail. It is important to
build a camp, as this will enable you to make other objects.
6. Make FIRE so you can eat your collected food. You need 3 dry grass, 2 branche
s and 2 stones.
7. Make a BOW. First, you will need to make a rope (with 2 vines), th
8. Make an ARROW.
9. Saw down the tree stump in the way and continue through to the next section.
10. Saw the second log, and turn right and down. Have a go at killing the goat it
is great for food.
11. When you get to the two tree stumps, cut them down (sleep first if the red b
ar is low). Then, proceed to the next beach
beware of the snakes.
12. At the bottom right, you should find a MACHETE.
13. Collect at least 4 nails on this beach.
14. Then, proceed up on to the thin strip of beach. When the tide allows, cross
the water.
15. Cut a pathway in the bamboo and cut across to the other side of the park (be
ware of snakes and tigers), where you will find two small islands. On the top is
land, there is a NEEDLE and on the bottom island there is GUNPOWDER.
16. Go back across the park and across the water on to the narrow stretch of bea
17. Cut a pathway in the bamboo at the bottom of the beach, then work you way up
and across the park, until you reach another beach, with some islands.
18. On one of the islands, you will find a PLANE, to make planks.
19. Go to the top of the beach and, when the tide is out, go through the sea, ar
ound the edge of the wall, to the next beach (AREA 1). At the top of the beach i
s an island, where you will find some SCISSORS.
20. Go to the grassy area next to the beach and blow up the boulder blocking the
pathway. Proceed right and down, until you see another boulder blocking a pathw
ay. Blow up the boulder and proceed on to the next beach (AREA 2).
21. When the tide goes out, go around the next edge on to the next beach. You wi
ll find an ANCHOR here. You will also see two boulders blocking two pathways. Bl
ow up the one on the right, and proceed to AREA 3.
22. Go to the right, and enter the area with cotton flowers. Collect as much cot
ton as you can.
23. Leave that area, then go around to the next area, with tigers. In this area
you will find ****FILL THIS IN****
24. Leave this area, then follow the path back past the cotton field, and down a
s far as you can go. You will see another path blocked by a boulder. Blow up the
boulder and enter the mangroves (AREA 5)
25. Go down past a broken BOAT. Go all the way along the bottom of the mangroves
, until you hit water. When the tide is low, you can cross the water to an islan
d, where you will find a HAMMER. Take the hammer, and go back MEND the broken BO
AT. If you don t have enough supplies, you will need to go back to places you ve been be

fore and collect them.

26. Before you get in the boat, you need to get supplies (you will be mending a
PIRATE SHIP soon). Head back to the original beach at the start. There is a quic
k way: Go to the beach by the boat. When the tide is out you will be able to go
up and back down AROUND the water. Blow up the boulder in your way. Work your wa
y down and left (towards the beach). To the right of the bottom of the beach is
some bamboo
cut it down. Go through, down and left, and through the next pathway.
Go to the bottom, and you will come out on the original beach.
27. Build a CABIN.
28. Build a WEAVING MACHINE (if you can t see it in the options, make a plank, stick
and rope, then you should see it).
29. Make FABRIC.
30. Make a LARGE SAIL.
31. You now need to get the map. Leave the beach along the grassy area, then go
through the pathway and right and up to the next pathway, to the beach. Go to th
e top of the beach, and blow up the boulder. Go through the pathway and down unt
il you see a pathway blocked by a giant log. Saw down the log, and enter the par
k, where you will find a MAP.
32. Collect and make supplies to mend the pirate ship. You need: 1 large sail, 3
giant logs, 8 nails, 5 ropes, 6 sticks and 5 moss.
33. When you have collected all the materials, go back to the mangroves and get
in to the boat and go to the right hand SIDE of the mangroves, where you will fi
34. Then, go to the top right of the mangroves and get out of the boat. You will
see some large boulders blocking a pathway. Blow these up and go down the pathw
35. Go to the p

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