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Tarot Reading for

Astro Tarot Forecast - Feb 2015

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

Two of Cups

Expect quite a shakeup this month, Aries, and for good reason: Mars enters your sign in
February, and brings with it the pioneering spirit that it's known for. And since your sign has a
cosmic kismet with the planet (considering Aries and Mars both exude the same impulsivity and
drive) you can expect more of a push than any other sign during this pairing. What this means for
your work, basically, is that your drive to succeed and compete to be the best is in full force right
now. Nothing can stand in your way, Aries!

This is a great month to be a single Aries. Your sexual dynamism is in peak performance right
now, and even the most sexually prolific partner may have trouble keeping up with your stamina.
But even more exciting, you will seem much more attractive to interested parties during this
time. Don't be surprised if you turn heads nearly everywhere you go. People who you may have
been interested in that didn't reciprocate your feelings before may now start actively seeking you.
Enjoy this fruitful month Aries, but be careful not to overextend yourself.

In Love
This will be a very positive month in which to grow closer to your partner, but be forewarned:
You may feel a twinge of boredom if you've settled into a routine with your loved one. This
doesn't mean that you'll be tempted to cheat, but rather that you may just need a little shakeup in

your relationship. Trying out a new sexual position, a new restaurant, even a new shampoo might
be all that is required to reinvigorate your love life. A touch of variety in the right place will do

With Mars in your sign right now, the impulsivity that you're nearly always known for will be
even more striking and profound, and while this can be a very good thing under a lot of different
circumstances, it is never wise to be risky and spur-of-the-moment when it comes to investing.
Try to avoid making any knee-jerk decisions regarding money during this time, because you may
be unable to stop yourself. Once Mars leaves your sign (and the Eclipse comes and goes next
month) you'll be much more poised to look at your finances objectively and make the proper

Try to eat in moderation this month, Aries, because the tendency to overeat will be strong with
you throughout February. Naturally, overindulging in something healthy like broccoli or spinach
isn't the worst thing in the world, but you'll be driven toward fatty, greasy, unhealthy foods that
can wreak havoc not only on your waistline but your most vital organs. February is a short
month, though: Keep yourself in check and these cravings will dissipate by mid-March. If you
simply must treat yourself to that triple-layer fudge cake, try to get a couple extra workouts in
each week, just to keep your body from falling apart.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May:

Five of Wands

A bit of self-doubt may creep up on you at the workplace this month, Taurus, so do be careful of
that. You may second guess yourself more often than you'd like during this time, and you won't
be the model of efficiency that you're typically known for. Luckily, this feeling will start to phase
itself out over the month. It won't last all of February, but rather taper itself off so that by the
time the month is three quarters of the way out, you'll be back to your normal self. Still, for about
ten days or so you'll feel that muddiness in your head, so do your best to combat it.


The desire to formulate a lasting relationship will be strong with you this month. You'll crave the
kind of companionship that comes with a true connection, rather than the cheap thrill of a new
person to go to bed with. In truth, much of 2015 will have to do with your growth in this area,
and we're just now seeing the beginning of this trend. While it may seem at times like you can't
find anybody who truly gets you, keep the faith: You will find just such a person and though it
may not happen this month, it is indeed on the horizon.

In Love
Some great news ahead for anybody in a relationship with a Taurus: This month the bull will
be rather more like the lamb, in that Tauruses will be much sweeter and kinder than usual. This
isn't to say that a Taurus is inherently cold and uncaring. Quite the opposite A Taurus cares
about his or her family quite a great deal, sometimes to a fault. But Taurus does tend to eschew
the cutesy side of love, preferring action to sentimentality. This is why Taurus' sweet side is so
striking whenever it does appear, as it most likely will this month.
With Mars in your work sector during this time, you'll likely be thinking a lot about your income,
and whether or not you're being paid enough for your job. The call to action, the desire to
increase your earning power, will be prominent this month. And, really, this is rarely a bad thing.
Many signs would kill to have the kind of drive and impetus that Taurus sometimes takes for
granted. One thing to keep tabs on, however, is your stubbornness in this regard. The
bullheadedness of your sign can sometimes get the best of you. Try to make sure that your
determination doesn't come at the cost of the more important things in life.

Low energy stores can be a problem for some Tauruses this month. Mental acuity and drive will
remain high, but the actual physical energy that you exert may leave you more sapped than usual
throughout February. In most cases, this shouldn't be too striking of a problem. A little more
coffee may be all that is needed to get you through the drudgery of the day, and in truth many a
Taurus (notably those born nearer the cusp) won't even notice much of a difference in their
physical stamina.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun:


XIV Temperance

With Mars currently ruling your life goals and career, this is the perfect time to set up a plan for
the year vis a vis your occupation. Do you want to rise up the ranks faster than you have in
previous years? Are you considering transferring to a new locale, or leaving this job altogether?
Whatever the case, let the action-oriented Mars help you set up a definitive plan. Sure, you may
alter your course a bit as the year goes on, but it would be a shame to waste this opportunity to
lay out a clear-cut plan for your future.
Expect to retain a bit of that baggage that has been hindering you in the love department over the
last few months. Naturally, this is something you don't want to hear, Gemini, but rest assured that
the hard part is over and you're very nearly over the hump. Come April, you'll find it very easy to
rid yourself of the thought processes and memories that are to blame for your current romantic
woes. In the meantime, remember that relationships are just one of many ways to find happiness
in life. You needn't pin all your hopes and dreams on them.

In Love
Geminis in a relationship may find that there are still some issues to work through with your
partner. This month, the problems that arise will most likely be due to niggling faults that you
find in your significant other. But luckily you have your horoscope to remind you that these
problems you can't help but notice are most likely not nearly as pronounced as they seem, and
are rather more a product of your own frustration and self-loathing. Treat them as such, and if
you can, try to go easy on your partner.

Geminis who live and die by networking will be happy to learn that around this time your ability
to schmooze with like-minded entrepreneurs will be in full force. Much of this is due to Jupiter
being fully enmeshed in your third house during this period. Among other things, the third house
rules such things as interpersonal and community-related interaction. Contracts, bartering, and
business all fall within this realm, and Jupiter is a planet of abundance, making this the perfect
time for you to increase your financial circle.

Stomach ailments are a bane of many a Gemini, and this month you'll want to keep tabs on any
issues that are related to such. Gallbladder inflammations, indigestion, acid reflux all are things
that may creep up on you in February. If you are a Gemini who is even more predisposed to these
problems than usual, remember that a healthy diet can go a long way toward eviscerating the vast
majority of your stomach problems. Cut out the fried and processed foods and you'll be surprised
at how quickly you'll start to feel better.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul:

Ace of Cups

As Mars leaves Gemini's career and goal sector in the middle of this month, it heads into your
sign, Cancer. This means that you can enjoy the foresight and planning that Gemini
HOPEFULLY took advantage of during that period. Mars will remain here until the end of
March, so you'll have about a month and a half to utilize this increase in planning power. This is
a wonderful time to get all your ducks in a row, and the energy of Mars will help you to be
efficient in your day-to-day work activities as well. All told, this looks to be a very productive
month for Cancers.

It isn't just your work life that will improve this month, Cancer. You'll be glad to know that the
pesky retrograde of Mercury, which has been causing you so much romantic strife recently, will
quickly become a thing of the past. As the year goes on, your prospects for love will become far
more pronounced, but even as early as this month you'll start to notice quite a bit more
fortuitousness in your love life. That being said, you needn't jump into the first relationship that
presents itself to you: This is definitely a year in which you'll have your choice of the cream of
the crop, as it were.

In Love
Naturally, Cancers in a relationship will also feel a burden lifted off their shoulders this month.
Free of the influence of Mercury, you'll find that you're less possessive, and you don't jump to
anger nearly as easily as you have in recent months. While you will certainly feel better simply
from the decrease in stress that comes with such outbursts, the happiest people will be those who
are in relationships with Cancers. They'll start to notice right away that you're turning back into
the person they fell in love with, instead of remaining the monster that terrorizes them
throughout their waking hours.

The watchword this month is planning. Now is a great time to set some goals for yourself in
regards to your financial future this year. Keep in mind, however, that this doesn't mean that you

should start investing or picking stocks at this point in time. That comes later. During this period,
your best bet is to simply determine what you want and need out of your portfolio. Then, when
the cosmos are in prime position for you later in the year, the time to start expanding will be
This month we recommend that all Cancers try to cut back on empty calories and unhealthy
foods. Now, of course, this is advice that should be followed at all times by anyone, regardless of
their sign. But it is important to remember that weight gain in the midsection is, sadly, one of the
prevailing problems that plague Cancers. And this month your propensity toward putting on belly
fat will be even more pronounced. If you simply must finish that last slice of pizza, you might
consider upping your aerobic exercise. Either way, it would behoove Cancers to keep tabs on
their waistlines this month.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

Ten of Wands

Ennui is something you will need to be wary of this month. Jupiter's influence is ruling your first
house right now, and since the first house rules things like recreation, travel, and overall
enjoyment of life, it will be very easy for you to look at your cubicle as if it's a jail cell, holding
you back from all the fun that you could be having right now. Jupiter will remain in your first
house for several more months, but luckily it will start having less of an impact on your
productivity in the workplace. If you can make it through this hump, you'll start actually having
fun AT work, which will be beneficial to all.

Leos who have been craving intimacy for the last couple months will be happy to learn that by
the middle of February the incessant need for companionship won't seem like such an important
factor. The idea of sleeping alone won't seem so, well, lonely, and you'll actually be able to enjoy
your own company again. And, after all, it helps all of us to remember that we don't need
someone else to bring happiness to our lives; we're fully capable of achieving happiness on our
own. We just need to be reminded of that fact sometimes.

In Love

Though we hate bringing news like this, there will be quite a few Leos who will likely go
through a breakup this month. With Mercury retrograding into your house of relationships, there
is the distinct possibility of loved ones leaving your life. But there is a silver lining: This
retrograde will also help many of you realize that your partners may not be ideal for you and
could even be holding you back. So the odds are pretty good that those Leos who go through a
breakup in February will actually be the one inciting the split, to their overall benefit.

A deepening interest in business matters should start to overtake you around this time, Leo, and it
will be a very educational period indeed. You'll be more interested in things like economics and
monetary systems, and you'll have a better grasp on some of the more complicated facets of these
issues. This is a wonderful time in which to improve your education on this front, and you should
take full advantage of it as it will prove to be very beneficial for you later down the road.

Your immune system is likely to be a bit more compromised this month, Leo, so do be careful to
avoid letting yourself catch one of the many possible viruses that may be floating around you.
We should note that this doesn't mean you will definitely get sick, but rather that you should
increase your vigilance. Natural immunity boosters like echinacea and goldenseal will help, and
of course you should make sure to wash your hands after touching things like doorknobs,
shopping cart handles, and anything else that has made contact with the masses.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

Two of Pentacles

Virgos working in fields related to physical labor (such as construction or landscaping) will find
that little is different about this month. Virgos whose careers involve desk work or mental output,
however, may find themselves easily distracted throughout February, to the detriment of their
productivity. Your mind will more easily wander, and focusing on the task at hand will be much
more of a chore. The only real consolation is that February is a relatively short month, and as
soon as it's over your mind should return to its typical level of focus.

As discussed last month, Mars has been in your relationship sector, causing you to become
infatuated more quickly than you typically would. The danger of not looking before you leap is
also indicative of this influence from Mars. But as we get through the midpoint of February this
feeling will dissipate, and you'll have a more levelheaded approach to intimacy. Thus, some
Virgos who started a fling last month will see it come to an end this month. Whatever the case,
you should be happy about a return to cool, calm, collected Virgo.

In Love
Virgos in a relationship will also see a return to normalcy, in their behavior toward their
partners. In the last forty-five days or so you've been a bit erratic and unpredictable, owing to
more than just Mars' influence. And, no doubt, this has most likely put at least a little strain on
your relationship. Luckily, you can rest a little easier knowing that the upcoming months hold
quite a bit more positivity for you and your lover. Just make it through the first two weeks of
February and you'll start seeing things turn around.

As mentioned in January's forecast, this month and the one previous are the perfect time to get
your financial house in order. The minor shakeups and changes that will occur this year will be
much more easily handled if all of your monetary concerns are consolidated during these first
couple months of the year. Balancing checkbooks, cutting down on expenses, and reworking
your budget are just some of the things you can do to help ensure that you have a better footing
during the middle of 2015, when small complications may arise.

Your ability to control cravings and addictions will be higher this month, so any Virgo who has
been considering quitting a vice like overeating, smoking, or drinking will be happy to know that
this is the perfect month to do so. This doesn't mean it will be an easy road, but even the slightest
bit of assistance in this area can do wonders, and help us stay strong when our weaknesses roar
the most. As such, there is no excuse to put off quitting for another month or even another year.
Now is the time, Virgo.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct:


Three of Pentacles

Your work life will take a backseat this month, Libra, as other areas of your life are enhanced
and focused upon. On the one hand, this isn't particularly good news for any Libra who has been
expecting a raise or a promotion. But that said, this also means that there isn't any negative
energy or bad news related to work this month, so you can at least take some consolation in that
fact. Some Libras may experience distraction or ennui at work this month, but this will affect just
a scant few of your sign, and even then it shouldn't be too detrimental.

Any single Libras who have been craving a new love will be thrilled to learn that this is the time
to make a go of it. Your sign isn't often the type to go out and seek romance, preferring instead to
wait for it to come, but with the influence of Mars on your relationship sector, you'll be quite a
bit more proactive in this respect, which is good. Love, after all, is a two-way street. With other
signs this could lead to blind love, or falling for the wrong person too quickly, but your natural
calm and level-headedness will ensure that not only are all the options there for you, but that
you'll also make the right decision.

In Love
Libras who have already found that special someone will fall into two categories during this
time. Those who are in newer relationships, under a year or so, will find that the kinship with
their partners will deepen and become more intimate much more rapidly. Those Libras who are
currently in long term relationships will also feel this, but not so much. Either way, this is a great
time to cement a solid foundation for the person you (hopefully) will spend the rest of your days

Some great news is in store for Libras who have been worrying about money in the last couple
years: The worrying is about to come to an end. You see, Saturn has been in Scorpio for quite a
while, and while in that sign, frustrations and delays can arise with ease. Generally Saturn has a
lesson to teach us, but it isn't always the easiest lesson. For Libras, Saturn in Scorpio has related
to your House of Money, and this has no doubt influenced you. Now, Saturn is still going to be in
Scorpio for a few more months, but the important thing is that it is on its way out, and around
now you'll start to see that the impact is already becoming more manageable. And just think, it'll
only get better.

Libras who enjoy imbibing should know that this is a month in which you may want to stay away
from alcohol or, at the very least, lessen your consumption. The drive to go out and have a good

time will be strong with you, and the nightlife is indelibly tied to booze for many of us. Libras
generally make good decisions, but sometimes can be overconfident, expecting that they'll
always know the right thing to do. When your inhibitions are down and your confidence is raised
even higher, even the balanced Libra can make a crucial error.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

VII The Chariot

Remember last month when we talked about how much work would be a burden because you
would rather be spending that time with your family? Well guess what? Now the script is flipped.
Mars was in your home and family sector last month, but it has since moved and been replaced
with a Mercury retrograde in the self-same arena, causing those same things that brought you
domestic bliss and tranquility to become a burden and annoyance. As such, the job that you
avoided last month will be a place of respite for you in February.

With Mars leaving your love sector this month, don't be surprised if you see a drop in your
libido. For some signs this could pose a problem, but since Scorpios are often some of the most
sexually prolific people out there, you may hardly even know a difference. And, in truth, this
could be a good thing. It may help you focus on just one lover instead of many. In the coming
months Mars will be in your relationship sector, which will be the perfect time to try out this

In Love
Tensions can arise for Scorpios who are married or cohabitating. This, too, is related to the
Mercury retrograde, and it can spell doom for the happiness of your home. Some signs, when
dealing with stress related to home life, can keep their heads down and their mouths shut, or look
on the bright side, or find an outlet for the stress. But Scorpio is a sign that loves to say what is
on its mind, and often the things you might say aren't very complementary. Try to keep that
aspect of your sign in check this month, and you should emerge out of February relatively


This is a month in which you'll be able to focus fully on financial matters without A) feeling
flustered or overwhelmed, and B) making rash decisions based on emotions. Put simply, now
would be the perfect time to start researching any investments you may be considering, or if
you'd rather not go that route, now is a great time to simply balance your budget and eliminate
unneeded expenses. Scorpios are wonderfully analytical people, and February is a month in
which that mindset will be unfettered by the other aspects of your life.

Skin ailments are a distinct possibility in February, and any Scorpio who has a susceptibility to
such issues should be doubly forewarned. Fortunately, the problems that arise will be, for almost
all Scorpios, very minor if they even come at all. Things like rashes, acne, and eczema are about
the worst you are expected to face. But that aside, it will behoove you to keep an eye on your
skin in case any discolored moles, or marks with irregular borders, pop up on your body. These
could be indicative of something very serious, and you must visit a dermatologist immediately if
you see anything of the like.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

Page of Cups

Sagittarians who work in fields relating to the service industry may be a bit overwhelmed this
month, especially if your job is heavily involved with personal interaction. It isn't that you will
get sick of people and end up snapping at them; after all, it's very rare for your sign to lash out at
others. But you will feel inundated with humanity, as it were, more so than usual. Fortunately,
February is a very short month and if anybody can get over a hump of this nature, it's a

This month you'll be focused more on family rather than love and intimacy, which is rather
interesting, considering there are few signs who adore new romances more than a Sagittarius.
But with Neptune in Pisces and Mars ruling your House of Home and Family, the idea of starting
a relationship simply will be lower on your to-do list. And that's not such a bad thing, because it
won't be until later in the year when your best chances of a true, long lasting romance will really
In Love

Sagittarians in a relationship will probably feel very little change this month, because of the fact
that you've almost certainly built up a shorthand with your partner when it comes to love and
romance. As such, the idea of you focusing on family will either be understandable to your
partner, who hopefully respects his or her in-laws. Also, this extends to your immediate family, if
you are indeed married and have children with your partner. So things will either improve or stay
the same, but they are hardly likely to get worse.

Later in the year you'll be in a very plum position in regards to money, and this month is quite
possibly when you start detecting the beginning of this trend. You're wasting less money than
you were before (and many in your sign do tend to overspend when trying to enjoy the good
things in life) and you're more sage when it comes to investing. Keep this trend up and you can
be sure that 2015 will be one of the most financially beneficial years you've had in quite a while.

Problems with your subconscious may come about this month, and indeed this trend has
probably bothered you a bit ever since Saturn entered Scorpio. You will be more likely this
month to question yourself and second-guess decisions that you typically wouldn't think twice
about. Your ability to get your views across will also be hampered a bit, as you struggle in vain to
communicate your thoughts in an appropriate way. These feelings will be a part of you
throughout 2015, but they will come and go, so you needn't be overly concerned about it.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Queen of Cups

Some good news and bad news this month, Capricorn. Yes, unfortunately, Mercury is still
retrograding in your House of Money this month, which will cause you more frustration and
confusion when it comes to earning income. But the good news is that you will start to see this
influence wane by the middle of the month, and come the end of February you will be in a much
better position. You've already made it through January. If you can get through these couple
weeks, you'll be golden, Capricorn.


With Pluto in your sign all year, it's quite likely that around this time you might start feeling
some of its intensity, namely in the realm of passion. While passion can be a great thing, it can
also be an Achilles' heel for some of us, especially when it comes to romance. Any new lover
you acquire during this time may have to deal with your obsession and aggression, and mood
swings will almost certainly be a part of this general jambalaya of intensity. We're not saying that
February is the exact time this will occur, but now is definitely a good time to lay it out for you
and make you aware.

In Love
Capricorns in a relationship may not have to deal with as much obsession as Capricorns in a new
love, when Pluto's influence on your sun sign rears its head, but you will have the problem of
jealousy to keep you company. Your mind may do you the dubious favor of making you suspect
infidelity is happening even when there is no earthly reason why you should have such thoughts.
The reason we tell you this is because if you know that these fears are unfounded and simply a
result of astrological influence, you'll be able to approach the situation in a more rational way.

As we mentioned above, you will feel a bit of difficulty when it comes to handling matters
financial and monetary, and your temper and patience will be rail thin throughout the first part of
this month, much as it was for all of January. But at least you're in sight of dry land now. After
Valentine's Day, you'll start to see these problems subside and you'll be back in your comfort
zone, and not a moment too soon. Just try to avoid any major financial decisions until that time.

Capricorns are at a distinct risk for low Vitamin D this month, and the fact that many of us are
dealing with the dregs of the cold winter months during this time is certainly no help. If you've
been having trouble getting a daily dose of sunlight, do your best to try to remedy that situation.
We realize that this won't be possible for some people, but we must reiterate that doses of
Vitamin D in supplement form (as well as the vitamin being added to things like milk and cereal)
just isn't as effective as sunlight when it comes to optimal absorption of this very necessary

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

IX The Hermit

The influence of Jupiter in your Seventh House this month will be quite apparent. The Seventh
house rules, among other things, business partnerships and rivals. And Jupiter, being the big,
friendly planet it is, will help to make sure that your experiences in this area are to your benefit.
This month you should notice that effect in full swing, and your relations with coworkers should
be very enjoyable, which of course lends itself to a better work atmosphere overall, exempting of
course anybody whose planets clash with the joyous Jupiter in your corner.

Last month we discussed a sort of stagnacy in love that will permeate your sign for the first
few months out of the year. Mars moves into the sectors ruling love, relationships, and intimacy
in a few months, and it is then that you'll be able to break out of this limbo that you've no doubt
been experiencing. But Aquarius is the type of sign that doesn't need romance to be happy. On
the contrary, you value platonic friendship above nearly all things, and you may be pleased to
know that, at worst, this lackluster beginning to the year in terms of love only means you have
more free time to spend with your besties.

In Love
Aquarians in a relationship needn't be concerned that the love they feel for their partner will in
any way wane. Truthfully, this is a great lull in which you can become comfortable with your
lover and get to know them as a human being. That will set you up perfectly for the middle of the
year, when this relationship will evolve and blossom into something even more enthralling.
Really, this is a great time to be an Aquarius in a relationship, and these first few months of 2015
can be seen as the calm waters that we all need to tread in sometimes.

Now would be a good month to put aside a little money at the end of every pay period. You don't
have to stow away too much just the amount that you might have spent on, say, a fancy dinner.
Repeat this next month, and then the one after that, and you should have a pretty decent amount
of investment capital for the latter months of the year, which will be the most opportune moment
to invest. We recommend this because it will be easier for you to put these savings into an
investment rather than having to move money around when the time comes and when you may
feel the crunch a bit more.

This month poses very little in the way of threats to your health. There is no reason to expect

anything major to befall you, or indeed even anything minor. And that's pretty good news,
considering that most Aquarians will be celebrating a birthday this month, and nobody really
wants to be under the weather during a time like that. Consider this a birthday present from the
cosmos, and rest easy knowing that this year, as a whole, will actually be quite uneventful for
Aquarius in terms of health ailments.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

Nine of Cups

This month, and much of March, will revolve around your work life, Pisces, and you'll be happy
to know that all of the machinations in this regard will be positive. You may have noticed that in
the last few months, including the latter part of last year, have been quite bountiful in terms of
your work life, owing to several different cosmic factors. This month, however, we have Mars to
thank. Mars is ruling your money sector during this time, and it will help you to push through
those long hours at work in order to increase your worth. Next month's eclipse will only heighten
that drive.

You won't be focused so much on finding love this month, which is all well and good, because it
isn't until the second half of the year that romance truly comes to the forefront of your life. After
all, who decided that we needed to have a partner every second of our waking life? Enjoy the
single life and don't worry about finding anyone to settle down with right now. You've got the
rest of 2015 to worry about. Just take this time to discover yourself; you'll be a much more
well-rounded person that way, when love finally does come around.

In Love
Pisceans in a relationship will feel a calm, peaceful feeling throughout much of February. You're
comfortable in your skin and you get on just fine with your lover. Neither of you feel the
pressing urge to move further with the relationship, whether that means finally getting married or
having children. This is a time of relaxation and comfort, and it should be treated as such. True
love is less like a fire and more like a slow, quiet burn. Don't worry the embers aren't going to
go out any time soon.


Last month we told you to hold off any any financial planning or investing, until mid-February
through March, when Mars would come in and give you the chutzpah needed to really take stock
in your fiscal livelihood. Starting this month and continuing on in the next few months, you will
be more savvy when it comes to investment. Make sure to do your research first, but you can rest
easy knowing that this is the perfect time to start increasing your portfolio and taking more risks
in this arena.

Pisces is advised to keep an eye on protein intake this month, especially if you are a female or
vegetarian. Protein is essential to health, to a degree, but too much of it doesn't do anybody any
good. The odds, though, are that you may be on the low side of the protein spectrum. If your hair
feels brittle or your fingernails are weak and breakable, there's a good chance that low protein is
the culprit. A tub of whey protein (or soy, depending on your sex) may be all the supplement that
is needed if you don't want to increase your intake of meat.

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