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Math 5A - Calculus I (31143)

Term: Spring 2015

Time: TR 1pm-3:30pm
Room: R 521
Prerequisites: Precalculus (e.g., Math 9 or 7AB)
Instructor: Leif Hopkins
Phone: 626-585-7331 (Math Office)
Office: R322L
Office Hours: By Appointment
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus by James Stewart, 7th Edition. A scientific (non-graphing) calculator will be
required on some exams.
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: (1) Demonstrate understanding of the rigorous defintion of the limit, and use limit laws and appropriate theorems to compute
limits. (2) Demonstrate understanding of continuity and related problems and theorems. (3) Use the definition
and apply the properties and theorems of differentiation and integration to calculate derivatives and integrals. (4)
Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between differential and integral calculus via the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. (5) Solve various application problems and graph functions, using calculus techniques.
Attendence: Attendence is required. Students must plan on attending every class. Ten or more hours of absence
may result in being dropped from the course.
Homework: Refer to the homework list. Homework is typically collected every Tuesday. I will grade the homework
based on completion and/or a few selected problems. Your homework should be neat and stapled, and each new
section should begin on a new page. I will take off points for homework which is particularly messy or incomplete.
Homework assigned from the textbook may be supplemented with additional problems. Late homework will not
recieve full credit.
Exams: There will be five exams during the semester. There will be no make-up exams, but the lowest exam score
will be dropped. Refer to the schedule for exam dates. Your midterm score will be the average of your first three
Final Exam: The Final Exam will take place May 5th from 1 PM to 3:00 PM. It will cover all course material.
You must take the final exam to pass the class.
Grading: Grades will be calculated as follows: Homework (20%), Exams (50%), Final Exam (30%). Letter grades
will be assigned as follows: 100-90 (A), 89-80 (B), 79-70(C), 69-60 (D), 59-0 (F).
Cheating: Dont. Seriously. I will handle cases of cheating very harshly. I will abide by the campus policy on
academic dishonesty, which can be found online.
Rules: Respect the instructor, respect each other, and respect the classroom. A first offense warrants a verbal
warning; upon a second offense, a student will be asked to leave the classroom.
Note: Some of the information above may be subject to change. Students are responsible for being aware of announcements made in class, even on days they are absent. We will try to adhere to the schedule, but I reserve the
right to modify the schedule if required.
In Case of an Emergency: Always send me an email. Any special accomodation (late hw, etc.) requires some
kind of documentation (doctors note, etc.) so plan accordingly.

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