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UCM Hands-On

Table of Contents
Practice 1-1: Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills........................................... 5
Practice 1-2: Reviewing Administrative Skills............................................................ 20
Practice 1-3: Enrichment Using The Expanded Search Form .................................. 27
Practice 1-4: Enrichment Using Query Builder ........................................................ 29
Practice 1-5: Enrichment Using Quick Search ......................................................... 33
Practice 2-1: Exploring Oracle Content Server Security ............................................. 36
Practice 2-2: Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template................................. 39
Practice 3-1: Managing Role-Based Security .............................................................. 44
Practice 3-2: Creating Security Groups and Roles ...................................................... 45
Practice 4-1: Creating Users ........................................................................................ 59
Practice 4-2: Creating User Metadata Fields ............................................................... 75
Practice 4-3: Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights ................................... 84
Practice 5-1: Reviewing the Account-Based Security Model...................................... 93
Practice 5-2: Enabling and Creating Accounts ............................................................ 94
Practice 5-3: Assigning Accounts to Users................................................................ 100
Practice 6-1: Creating Content Types ........................................................................ 116
Practice 6-2: Creating Custom Metadata Fields ........................................................ 122
Practice 7-1: Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) ........................................... 131
Practice 8-1: Creating a DCL (Part II)....................................................................... 155
Practice 9-1: Creating Global Rules .......................................................................... 167
Practice 10-1: Managing Global Rules ...................................................................... 188
Practice 11-1: Creating Content Profiles ................................................................... 206
Practice 12-1: Using General Configuration Options................................................ 253
Practice 12-2: Enabling New Locales........................................................................ 257
Practice 12-3: Enrichment Comparing Stand-Alone and Browser System Properties
..................................................................................................................................... 265
Practice 13-1: Installing and Enabling Components.................................................. 267
Practice 14-1: Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine ......................................... 273
Practice 14-2: Contributing Content by Using WebDAV ......................................... 291
Practice 15-1: Working with Batch Loader ............................................................... 302
Practice 15-2: Preparing a Batch Load File ............................................................... 307
Practice 16-1: Reviewing Workflow Types............................................................... 317
Practice 16-2: Reviewing Workflow Step Types....................................................... 318
Practice 17-1: Creating a Criteria Workflow ............................................................. 320
Practice 17-2: Writing to the Companion File........................................................... 344
Practice 18-1: Extending your Workflow .................................................................. 350
Practice 19-1: Creating a Workflow Step Template .................................................. 372
Practice 19-2: Creating a Workflow Script Template................................................ 381
Practice 20-1: Creating a Basic Workflow ................................................................ 392
Practice 21-1: Creating a Report................................................................................ 406
Practice 22-1: Managing Content .............................................................................. 414
Practice 22-2: Working with Subscriptions ............................................................... 428
Practice 23-1: Migrating System Configurations ...................................................... 438
Practice 24-1: Migrating Tables................................................................................. 455

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Practice 24-2: Migrating Content............................................................................... 470

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills

This practice covers the following topics:
Logging in to Oracle Content Server
Checking in new content
Subscribing to a content item
Revising content
Updating content metadata
1) Check in the following content. The content is located in the
E:\Stellent\Lab_Files\Acme_Activity directory.
Content Type






BW Corporate Logo




ADCORP Employee Phone List



1. Open a browser window and enter a URL similar to the following:
For example, http://hostname/stellent

Login icon on the Oracle Content Server Portal page. Enter

2. Click the
sysadmin as the username and idc as the password. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

3. Click New Check In on the menu bar.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

4. In the ContentID field, enter 01 and select ADMKT Acme Marketing
Department from the Type drop-down list.

5. In the Title field, enter BW Corporate Logo. Check that the Security Group is
Public. Click Browse to navigate to the file that you want to check in.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

6. Navigate to the E:\stellent\lab_Files\Acme_Activity folder and
select the Acme_Logo_BW.gif file from the listing. Click Open.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

7. Verify that all the entries are correct and click Check In.

8. The following confirmation message is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

9. Click Check In Similar in order to check in the Acme_Phone_List.xls file.
Change the values appropriately. Click Check In.

10. The confirmation message is displayed.

2) Subscribe to the BW Corporate Logo.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

1. Open the Content Information page for the BW Corporate Logo content item.
There are different ways to achieve this; one is to conduct a Quick Search. In the
Quick Search box, enter BW Corporate Logoremember that database searches
are case-sensitiveand click the Quick Search button.

2. When the Search Results page is displayed, click the


icon for BW Corporate

3. The Content Information page is displayed.

4. Click Content Actions and select Subscribe from the drop-down menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

5. If asked, enter as the email address. You are prompted for
an email address if your profile does not contain one.

3) Where can you view your subscriptions?

1. Expand My Content Server and click My Subscriptions. The BW Corporate
Logo subscription is displayed.

4) Check out the Employee Phone List.

1. Conduct a search for the Employee Phone List and open the Content Information
page for the content item. Click Content Actions and select Check Out from the
drop-down menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

2. The Check Out Confirmation message is displayed.

5) Open the Employee Phone List and add an entry with your name to the phone book.
1. Right-click the Acme_Phone_List.xls link and save the file to your desktop.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

2. Open the file and add an entry, your name, for example:

3. Save the sheet and close Microsoft Excel.

6) Check the Employee Phone List back in and review the content.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

1. On the Check Out Confirmation message page, click Check In.

2. The revision number has increased. Click Browse to navigate to your desktop (or
wherever you just saved your file). Click Check In.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

3. A confirmation message is displayed.

4. To check the phone book, click Content Info. On the Content Information page
click Acme_Phone_List.xls to open the file.

5. Verify that you can see the added entry.

7) Check out the Employee Phone List and undo the check out.
1. Follow the first step in #4 to check out the content item.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

2. In the content server Navigation pane, expand Content Management and click
Checked-Out Content.

3. In the Actions column, click the

icon and select Undo Check Out.

4. The Content Information page is displayed.

8) Update the metadata for the BW Corporate Logo content item. Change the title to
Black and White Corporate Logo.
1. Conduct a search for the BW Corporate Logo. Click the Actions icon and select
Content Information. Or you could click the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

2. On the Content Information page, click Content Actions and select Update from
the drop-down menu.

3. In the Info Update Form page, change the title to read Black and White
Corporate Logo. Click Submit Update.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Practicing Oracle Content Server User Skills (Continued)

4. The new title is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Reviewing Administrative Skills

This practice covers the following topics:
Identifying administrative tasks
Describing the typical managed content process
Finding administrative help
Associating administrative utilities with their corresponding function
1) List five administrative tasks.
Possible tasks include:

Understanding security concepts and implementing a security model

Implementing a metadata model

Configuring Oracle Content Server

Contributing mass content

Creating workflows

Managing content

Exporting, importing, and replicating content

Modifying content server pages

Creating custom HTML pages

Configuring the system to manage and index files

Archiving and replicating information

Working with content server security

Adjusting system properties

Reviewing log files

2) Number the processes listed below to show the correct order.


Content is revised and the process starts again.

If applicable, the content enters the workflow.

The content is released to the content server Web site.

Content is checked in to Oracle Content Server.

3 The Web-viewable format of the content item is placed into the Weblayout

The content is checked out.

The original file format of the content item is placed into the vault directory.

The content is full-text indexed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

3) Browse to the Administration Applets page and click Help.
1. The Oracle Content Server default home page is displayed.

2. The Navigation pane lists the Administration link.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

3. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Administration in the
Navigation pane.

4. Click Admin Applets.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

5. The administrative tools are displayed in the content panel.

6. Click Help on the main menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

7. The Help menu is displayed.

4) List the Contents Links.

Welcome, Planning, Content Server, Content Server Add-Ons, Folders/WebDAV,
and Records Manager
5) Browse to the My Content Server > My Profile page and click Help.
1. Click My Content Server on the navigation pane.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

2. Click My Profile.

3. Click Help on the main menu.

4. The Help menu is displayed.

6) List the Contents links.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Reviewing Administrative Skills (Continued)

Welcome, User Information, Folders/WebDAV, Image Manager, Physical Content
Manager, Records Manager, and Video Manager
7) What do you notice?
There are different menus depending on where you access Help.
8) Match the applet or link in Column A with its description in Column B. Remember,
you can always refer to the online Help available in Oracle Content Server.
Answer Column A

Column B


A. Edit the search results page.

Repository Manager

B. Create custom metadata.

Web Layout Editor

C. Replicate content.

Workflow Admin

D. Set up an approval process for content.

Configuration Manager

E. Design your security model.

User Admin

F. Delete expired content.

Answer Column A

Column B


A. Edit the search results page.

Repository Manager

B. Create custom metadata.

Web Layout Editor

C. Replicate content.

Workflow Admin

Configuration Manager

D. Set up an approval process

for content.
E. Design your security model.

User Admin

F. Delete expired content.

9) List the Administrative Utilities that are accessible from the Start menu where the
content server is installed but are not accessible from the Web browser.
Content Server Analyzer and Batch Loader

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Using The Expanded Search Form

This practice shows how to use the Expanded Search Form to build and save a query.
1) Open the Expanded Search Form and search for all the content items where the
Author is sysadmin.
1. On the Oracle Content Server top menu bar, click Search.

2. If the Query Builder Form page opens, click Search Forms and select Expanded

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Using The Expanded Search Form (Continued)

3. Complete the query as follows. Then click Search.

4. The Search Results page is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Using Query Builder

This practice covers using Query Builder to build and save queries.
1) Open the Query Builder Form and search for all the content items where Content
Type matches ADCORP or ADMKT.
1. On the Oracle Content Server top menu bar, click Search.

2. The Search: Expanded Form page opens. Click Search Forms and select
Query Builder Form.

3. The Search: Query Builder Form page opens. Under the Query Builder
section, select Content Type from the Select a Field drop-down list.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Using Query Builder (Continued)

4. Select Matches from the Substring drop-down list.

5. Select ADCORP - Acme Corporate Department from the drop-down list.

6. Click the plus sign to continue adding more metadata fields and values to the

7. Select the OR operator from the list.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Using Query Builder (Continued)

8. Select Content Type from the Select a Field drop-down list.

9. Complete the query as follows:

10. Click Search.

11. The Search Results page is displayed.

2) Save the query and name it ctsearch.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Using Query Builder (Continued)

1. On the Search Results page, click Query Actions and select Save Search.

2. Enter ctsearch and click OK.

3) Verify that the query was saved.

1. Click My Content Server > My Saved Queries. The ctsearch query is

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Using Quick Search

1) Perform a search using Quick Search.
1. On the Oracle Content Server main menu, click the
Quick Search field. Select Edit.

icon to the left of the

2. In the Targeted Quick Searches Defined by Admins section, click Create


3. Enter s as the Targeted Quick Search Key and Security Group as the
Targeted Quick Search Label.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Using Quick Search (Continued)

4. For Security Group as the desired metadata field, enter a value of #s. Then click

Note: Your screen may show Query Builder instead of Metadata Search.
5. The Targeted Quick Searches page lists the newly created search.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Recognizing the Oracle Content Server security components
Comparing sample security models
Verifying security

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Exploring Oracle Content Server Security

Identify the content server security component that is being described.
1) Which Oracle Content Server security component defines the permissions that users
have to security groups?
2) Which Oracle Content Server security component comprises a set of content items to
which users are granted permission based on their roles?
Security Groups
3) Which Oracle Content Server security component describes a person who has been
assigned a username and password for the content server?
4) Which Oracle Content Server security component is an optional component that
enables greater flexibility and granularity in a security structure than security groups
5) Compare and differentiate the two security models discussed in this lesson in the
space provided below.
The two basic security models are standard or role-based and account-based security

Standard or role-based security model

It uses the security groups, roles, permissions, and user security


Many roles can be created for the set of security groups.

Many users can be assigned a single role.

Many roles can be assigned to one user.

Account-based security model

Generally, accounts are used when you require more than 50 security

It extends the role-based security model.

It enables you to obtain greater flexibility and granularity in your security

structure than security groups alone

It is centered more on users than on information.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Exploring Oracle Content Server Security (continued)

6) Verify the security configuration of your Oracle Content Server instance. Open a
Web browser window and log in as sysadmin with idc as the password. Navigate
to the Content Check In page.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In on the main

7) Click the down arrow to open the Security drop-down list. The available security
groups are listed.

8) Is it possible to select more than one security group?

9) Does an Account field appear on the check-in page?
No. Accounts have not been enabled.
Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Exploring Oracle Content Server Security (continued)

10) What components of security are defined as a group of content?
Security Groups and Accounts
11) What component of security gives a user access to a security group?

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template

This practice covers how to create custom search result templates by identifying the
information and specifying the display options.
1) Create a custom search result template that contains the title, security group, release
date, and the native file extension information.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, expand My Content Server in the
navigation pane on the left. Click My Search Result Templates.

2. Click the plus sign in the Actions column for SearchResultsHeadline.

3. Enter MyHeadline01 in the Content List Template ID field and My Custom

Headline View in the Content List Template Label field.

4. Select the Title, Security Group, Release Date, and Native File Extension
metadata fields in the Available Fields column. Click the right arrow to add these
fields to the Columns section. You may use the [CTRL] key to select multiple

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template (Continued)


5. The selected metadata fields are listed in the Columns section.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template (Continued)

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

7. The Search Results Templates page lists the newly created MyHeadline01

2) Conduct a search for all content items where the author is sysadmin. Select My
Custom Headline View from the Change View menu on the Search Results page.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search on the main menu.

2. Click Search Forms > Expanded Form.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template (Continued)

3. For Author, select Matches from the drop-down list and enter sysadmin. Then,
click Search.

4. On the Search Results page, click Change View and select My Custom Headline

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Enrichment Creating A Search Result Template (Continued)

5. The search result is displayed in the format defined by the MyHeadline01 search

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Managing role-based security
Creating security groups and roles

Managing Role-Based Security

This practice covers the role-based security model components and how to use role-based
security to give users access to Oracle Content Server.
1) List the components that are used in the role-based security model in the space
provided below.
The components used in a role-based security model include:

Security Groups

2) Illustrate how the components from the previous question work together to give
people access to the content stored in Oracle Content Server.
A security group is a set of files grouped under a unique name. Every file in the
content server repository belongs to one and only one security group.
A role is a set of permissions (Read, Write, Delete, Admin) for one or more security
groups. The administrator creates and assigns roles to users within the system to
control access to the content stored in the repository.
Oracle Content Server includes four defined role permissions: Read, Write, Delete,
and Admin.
Administrators assign roles, permissions, and security groups to users.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Security Groups and Roles

This practice covers the following topics:
Creating security groups and roles
Assigning permissions to users
1) Group the content of the Acme Company by department with the exception of public
content. Public content should be checked in to the already existing Public security
group. Create the following security groups:


1. Use the User Admin applet on the Administration page to create security groups.
On the Oracle Content Server Home page, expand Administration. Then click
Admin Applets.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

2. Click the User Admin icon.

3. The User Admin applet opens in a separate window.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

4. Click Security > Permissions by Group on the menu bar.

5. In the Permissions by Group pop-up window, click Add Group.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

6. Enter Finance as Group Name and if you like, a meaningful description. Click

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create the Marketing and Human_Resources security

groups. All the security groups are listed. Click Close but keep the applet window

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)


2) As Acmes administrator, you met with each department head and charted out the
access and the permissions that each user needs. Here are Acmes requirements:

Department heads need RWD permission to their primary departments and R

permission to all other departments, except Finance.
All other employees need RW permission to their primary departments and R to
all other departments, except Finance.

Complete the chart by filling in the permissions based on the requirements.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Acme Employees






Marketing Director



Graphic Artists (part of

the Marketing



Marketing Analysts



HR Director





Chief Financial Officer




3) Develop the roles required to handle Acmes privacy policy.

There are multiple possibilities for roles. The first table shows how to design roles
according to the employees title. This will most likely give you the least amount of
roles, but it does not allow for a lot of flexibility.
Role Name

Defined Permissions


Finance (RWD), Marketing (R), Human_Resources (R)


Finance (RW), Marketing (R), Human_Resources (R)


Marketing (RWD), Human_Resources (R)


Marketing (RW), Human_Resources (R)


Marketing (R), Human_Resources (RWD)


Marketing (R), Human_Resources (RW)

The second table shows how to design roles according to the security group
permissions. This means more roles but also gives greater flexibility.
Role Name

Defined Permissions


Finance (RWD)


Finance (RW)

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)


Marketing (RWD)


Marketing (RW)


Human_Resources (RWD)


Human_Resources (RW)


Marketing (R), Human_Resources (R), Public (R)

4) How many roles did you list?

5) Create the roles required to handle Acmes privacy policy.
1. In the User Admin applet window, click Security > Permissions by Role.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

2. The Permissions by Role pop-up window opens. Click Add New Role.

3. Enter CFO as Role Name. Then click OK.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and create the roles, accountant, marketing_dir,

marketing_emp, hr_dir, and recruiter. When finished, the roles are displayed

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

in the Roles column.

5. Assign appropriate permissions to the roles. Start with the CFO role.
6. Select CFO and Finance. Click Edit Permissions.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

7. Select the check boxes for Read, Write, and Delete. Then click OK.

8. Verify that Finance is listed with RWD permissions. Select Human_Resources.

Click Edit Permissions.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

9. Select the check box for Read. Then click OK.

10. Human_Resources is listed with Read rights. Select Marketing and click Edit

11. Select the check box for Read. Then click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

12. The permissions for the CFO role are displayed.

13. Repeat steps 5 to 12 to assign appropriate permissions to the accountant role.

14. Repeat steps 5 to 12 to assign appropriate permissions to the hr_dir role.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

15. Repeat steps 5 to 12 to assign appropriate permissions to the marketing_dir role.

16. Repeat steps 5 to 12 to assign appropriate permissions to the marketing_emp


17. Repeat steps 5 to 12 to assign appropriate permissions to the recruiter role.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Security Groups and Roles (Continued)

18. Click Close. Keep the User Admin applet open.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating users
Creating user metadata fields
Granting subadministrator rights

Creating Users
During this practice, you perform the following tasks:
Evaluating necessary roles for each user
Creating users
Creating an alias group
1) In the previous exercise, you created security groups and roles. Now you are ready to
create user logins and assign appropriate permissions.
A subset of users is listed below. Evaluate the permission chart and roles created in
the previous activity. Write down the roles that you must assign to each user.


Haley Resource

HR Director

Mike Marketing

Marketing Director

Greg Graphic

Graphic Artist

Elena Edit

Marketing Editor

Tina Translator

Marketing Translator

Fran Chief

Chief Financial Officer

Ned Numbers


Required Roles



Required Roles

Haley Resource

HR Director


Mike Marketing

Marketing Director


Greg Graphic

Graphic Artist


Elena Edit

Marketing Editor


Tina Translator

Marketing Translator


Fran Chief

Chief Financial Officer


Ned Numbers



Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

2) Create the following users and assign each user their roles.
Hint: Deselect the User Filter check box in the User Admin applet to view your
global users.
Auth Type

User Name

Full Name




Haley Resource




Mike Marketing




Greg Graphic




Elena Edit




Tina Translator




Fran Chief




Ned Numbers


1. Create the hresource user. In the User Admin applet window, click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

2. Verify that the Authorization Type is Local. Click OK.

3. Enter hresource in the Name field and Haley Resource in the Full Name
field. Enter idc as the password and repeat it in the Confirm Password field.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

Click Roles.

4. Click Add Role.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

5. Select hr_dir from the list. Then click OK.

6. Click hr_dir to list the assigned groups and rights. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

7. The hresource user is listed.

8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the mmarketing user.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

9. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the ggraphic user.

10. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the eedit user.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

11. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the ttranslator user.

12. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the fchief user.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

13. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to create the nnumbers user.

14. Close the User Admin applet.

3) Open a new browser session and log in as the Human Resources Director, Haley
Resource, with hresource as the username.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server page, click Login.

2. Provide the login credentials: hresource as the username and idc as the
password. Click OK.

4) Navigate to the Search Page. What security groups appear in the Security Group
drop-down menu?

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

1. Click Search on the main menu bar. The Security Group drop-down menu lists
Human_Resources, Marketing, and Public.:

5) Navigate to the Check In page. What security groups appear in the Security Group
drop-down menu?
1. Click New Check In on the main menu bar.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

2. Click the Security Group drop-down menu. Only Human_Resources is listed.

6) Explain why the security group options differ.

Haley Resource was given Read and Write permission to the Human_Resources
security group but only Read permission to Marketing and Public. Because she does
not have Write permission to Marketing and Public, those options will not appear in
the drop-down list on the Check In page.
7) Can Chief Financial Officer, Fran Chief, check in a content item into the
Human_Resources security group?
No, because he has only Read permissions for the Human_Resources group.
8) Close all browser windows except the one where you logged in as sysadmin. Create
a Graphic Artists alias and include Greg Graphic.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

1. In the User Admin applet, click the Aliases tab.

2. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

3. Enter Graphic_Artists in the Alias Name field. Click Add.

4. Deselect the Use Filter check box and see global users as well.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

5. Select ggraphic and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Users (continued)

6. The Add New Alias window lists ggraphic. Click OK.

7. The Graphic_Artists alias is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields

Replace this text to describe your practices, and add steps here...
Acme wants the ability to filter its users based on Departments. To do this, you must
create a user metadata field with the following requirements:

Employees should be able to view this field in their user profile but they should
not be able to change it.
There should be an option list with the following options:
Research and Development
Human Resources

1. In the User Admin applet, click the Information Fields tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter Department in the Field Name field. Then click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

4. Select the Option List check box. Then click Edit.

5. Enter the list of options. Then click Sort Now.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

6. The list is now sorted. Click OK.

7. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

8. The Department field is listed. Click Update Database Design.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

9. To add the metadata, click OK.

9) Edit the sysadmin user and select Research and Development for the Department

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

1. From the Users tab, select sysadmin and click Edit.

2. From the Department drop-down list, select Research and Development.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

3. Click OK.

10) From the Web browser, view the sysadmins User Profile.
1. On the main menu bar, click My Profile.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating User Metadata Fields (continued)

2. The Department field is listed and its value shows Research and Development.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights

This practice covers making users subadministrators.
1) Acmes Marketing Director Mike Marketing (mmarketing) wants to create new
users, workflows, and manage content in the Marketing security group. Which are the
administrative utilities that he will need access to?
Mike Marketing needs access to the following applets:

User Admin
Repository Manager
Workflow Admin

2) Create the sub_admin role that defines the permissions required for a marketing
subadministrator with access to the administrative utilities from the previous
1. From the User Admin applet, click Security > Permissions by Role .

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

2. Click Add New Role.

3. In the Role Name field, enter sub_admin. Then click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

4. Click Edit Applet Rights.

5. Select the following check boxes. Then click OK.

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Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

6. Click Close.

3) Assign the sub_admin role to Mike Marketing (marketing)


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

1. Select mmarketing from the Users tab and click Edit.

2. Click Roles.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

3. Click Add Role .

4. Select sub_admin and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

5. The marketing_dir and sub_admin roles are listed. Click OK.

4) Log in as Mike Marketing (mmarketing) and navigate to the Administration page.

1. Open a browser window and enter the URL for the Oracle Content Server
instance. Click Login.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

2. Provide the login credentials: mmarketing as the username and idc as the
password. Then click OK.

3. From the navigation pane, click Administration.

4. Click Admin Applets. The assigned applets are displayed.

5) Explore the functions that the subadministrator can perform.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Granting Subadministrator Rights (continued)

Mike Marketing is able to access the Admin Utilities. By using the User Admin
applet, he is able to create users, but he is not allowed to edit or delete them. He does
not have the right to create roles.
6) Can Mike Marketing assign the appropriate permissions for a new graphic artist?
Why or why not?
Mike Marketing is able to assign the roles that he was granted to others. Therefore, he
can assign only the marketing_dir and sub_admin role but not the
marketing_emp role, which would have been the appropriate one.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Reviewing the account-based security model
Enabling and creating accounts
Assigning accounts to users

Reviewing the Account-Based Security Model

This practice covers the following topics:
Describing the account-based security components
Using the account-based security model to manage access to content
1) List the components that are used in the account-based security model.
The components used in an account-based model include:

Security Groups

2) Illustrate how the components from the previous question work together to give
people access to the content stored in Oracle Content Server.
Every content item is assigned to a security group and if you have enabled accounts,
content items can also be assigned to an account.
An account is a group of content that introduces another metadata field that is filled
out upon content check in. A user must have access not only to the security group but
also access to the account to check in or view content in that account.
Unlike the concept of roles, users are directly assigned permission (Read, Write,
Delete, or Admin) to an account.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts

This practice covers the following topics:
Setting up an account-based security model
Enabling accounts
Creating accounts
1) Acme has decided to use accounts as part of its security model. Enable Accounts.
Remember to restart your server.

In the navigation pane of the Oracle Content Server Home page, click

2. From the Administration tray, click Admin Server.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts (Continued)

3. The Oracle Content Admin Server page opens. Click the training instance button.

4. From the Options for training pane, click General Configuration.

5. In the General Configuration pane, scroll down to the Additional

Configuration Variables section. Add the following entry:

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts (Continued)

Hint: Configuration entries are case-sensitive.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts (Continued)

6. Click Save.

7. Restart the content server. Click the


8. Close the Admin Server window.

2) Acme requires two accounts:


Department heads will use the Classified account to secure highly confidential
content. For example, employee salaries in HR, paycheck files in Finance, research
and development files in Marketing.
Acme is launching a new campaign in Europe. Marketing reports, materials, and
analysis specific to Europe should be checked into the Europe account.
Create the Classified and the Europe accounts.
1. If the User Admin applet is still open, close it and reopen it. On the User Admin
menu bar, select Security > Predefined Accounts.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts (Continued)

Note: You can also perform this using the stand-alone applet.

2. The Predefined Accounts window appears. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling and Creating Accounts (Continued)

3. Enter Classified as the Predefined Account. Click OK.
Note: In the Predefined Account field, do not use spaces or symbols.

4. The Classified account is displayed. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to create the Europe

account. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users

1) Assign the department heads the Classified account with RWD permissions. Assign
the Department metadata field accordingly.


Haley Resource

HR Director

Mike Marketing

Marketing Director

Fran Chief

Chief Financial Officer

1. From the User Admin applet, select Haley Resource (hresource) and click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

2. Click the Accounts tab.

3. Click Add

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

4. From the Account drop-down menu, select the Classified account.

5. Deselect the Admin check box from the permissions list.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK.

8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 to assign the Classified account and the RWD permissions to
Mike Marketing and Fran Chief.
2) Assign the marketing users the Europe account. The department head should have
RWD permission and all other marketing employees the R permission.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)



Mike Marketing

Marketing Director

Greg Graphic

Graphic Artist

Elena Edit

Marketing Editor

Tina Translator

Marketing Translator

1. From the User Admin applet, select Mike Marketing (mmarketing) and click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

2. Click the Accounts tab.

3. Click Add

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

4. From the Account drop-down menu, select the Europe account. Deselect the
Admin check box from the permissions list. Then click OK.

5. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

6. From the User Admin applet, deselect the Use Filter check box. Select Greg
Graphic (ggraphic) and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

7. Click the Accounts tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

8. Click Add

9. From the Account drop-down menu, select the Europe account. Deselect the
Write, Delete, and Admin check boxes from the permissions list. Then click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

10. Click OK.

11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 to assign the Europe account and the R permission to Elena
Edit (eedit) and Tina Translator (ttranslator).
3) Open a new browser session and log in as the Marketing Director, Mike Marketing,
with mmarketing as the username.
1. Open a browser window and navigate to Oracle Content Server Welcome page.
Click Login and provide the login credentials: mmarketing as the username and

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

idc as the password. Click OK.

4) What accounts appear in the Account drop-down list on the New Check In page?
1. On the main menu bar, click New Check In.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

2. The Account drop-down list displays two accounts: Classified and Europe.

3. Close the browser window.

5) Open a browser window and log in as the Graphic Artist, Greg Graphic, with a
username of ggraphic.
Open a browser window and navigate to Oracle Content Server Welcome page. Click
Login and provide the login credentials: ggraphic as the username and idc as the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

password. Click OK.

6) Navigate to the Content Check In page.

On the main menu bar, click New Check In.

7) What accounts appear in the Account drop-down menu, if any?


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Assigning Accounts to Users (continued)

The Content Check In Form page lists no account.

8) Why does the number of accounts differ on Check In pages for Mike Marketing and
Greg Graphic?
Mike Marketing was assigned the Classified and the Europe accounts and he has
Write permissions for both accounts whereas Greg Graphic has only Read
9) Can Mike Marketing check in an HR classified file because he has been given RWD
permission to the Classified account? If not, why?
No, Mike Marketing is only allowed to check in documents to the Marketing security
group that he has been granted.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers:

Creating content types
Creating custom metadata fields

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Types

This practice covers creating content types.
1) Acme has decided to create its own content Types rather than use the default Types
installed with the content server. Create the content types that follow. Be sure to spell
these carefully as these Types will be used in later activities. Create an option list for
the Types.

Public News Release
Marketing and Training Materials


1. Close the User Admin applet window, if not already closed. Close all the Oracle
Content Server browser windows except the one where you are logged in as
sysadmin. From the Administration page, click the Configuration Manager
icon to create the News_Release content type.

2. On the menu bar of the Configuration Manager applet, select Options >
Content Types.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Content Types (Continued)

Note: You can also perform this using the stand-alone applet.

3. Click Add.

4. In the Name field, enter News_Release. Enter the Description as Public

News Release.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Content Types (Continued)

Note: In the Field Name field, do not use spaces or symbols.

5. From the Image drop-down list, select admkt.gif. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Content Types (Continued)

6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to create the other Types.

2) Delete all the default content types except ADMKT and ADCORP because there are
content items checked in using these.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Content Types (Continued)

1. Select the ADACCT type and click Delete.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating Content Types (Continued)

2. Repeat the previous step 1 to delete all other default types except ADCORP and
ADMKT. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields

This practice covers creating custom metadata fields.
1) Acme is an international company that wants to organize its content by language,
thereby enabling users to quickly, for example, locate Spanish content. Create a
custom metadata field named Language_Type with the following requirements:

Field Name: Language

Field Caption: Language
Field Type: Text
Field Order: 3
Enable on User Interface: Enabled
Enable for Search Index: Indexed
Option List Type: SelectListValidated
LanguageList: English, Spanish, French, and German

1. To create the Language custom metadata field, click the Information Fields tab.
Note: You can also perform this using the stand-alone applet.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter Language in the Field Name field. Then click OK.

Note: In the Field Name field, do not use spaces or symbols.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

4. Check that the Field Caption is Language and Field Type is Text. Change the
Field Order to 3.

5. Verify that the Enable on User Interface and Enable for Search Index check
boxes are selected.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

6. Select the Enable Option List check box to create an option list drop-down
menu. Click Configure.

7. As Option List Type, select SelectListValidated from the drop-down menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

8. Select Use option list and click Edit.

9. Enter the option list values: English, Spanish, French, and German. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

10. Click OK twice to close all windows. The Language field is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

11. Click Update Database Design.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Custom Metadata Fields (Continued)

12. Confirm that the Language field is added. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating schema table
Adding schema views

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I)

1) Which Oracle Content Server feature involves the structure that is set up and used to
manage the information lists and the corresponding option lists?
The metadata schema mapping feature involves the structure that is set up and used to
manage the information lists and the corresponding option lists.
2) List the schema elements in the space provided below.
Schemas comprise:

Tables database tables that store the choices displayed in the information field
(metadata) option lists
Views a tailored presentation of the corresponding table
Relationships define the dependencies between tables and are essential in
generating the appropriate dependent choice lists
Custom metadata fields to display on the user interface

3) Acme has determined that there is a need for the contributor to determine whether and
where a content item needs to be included on their Web site. Because of the numerous
sections on the site, you have determined that it would be best to create two metadata
fields called Web Section and Web Subsection. The contributor chooses a Web
section that will then populate the choices for the Web subsection.
Create the Web Section table. The table should consist of two columns:

ws_id (an abbreviation for Web Section ID)

This column is an integer and a primary key.


This column is varchar and 30 characters long.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

1. The Configuration Manager applet is used to create schema tables. Click the
Tables tab.

2. Click Create table.

Note: You can use the core Content Server system tables such as Revisions,

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

Alias, Documents, and Users; however, you cannot save any edits to those tables.

3. Enter WebSection in the Table Name field and Web Section table in the
Table Description field. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

4. Enter ws_id as the Column Name, select int from the Column Type drop-down
list. Select the Primary Key check box. Click OK.

5. The ws_id column is displayed. Click Add .

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

6. Enter SectionLabel as the Column Name, select varchar from the Column
Type drop-down list, and set the Column Length to 80. Click OK.

7. Click Add Recommended.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

8. The recommended columns are added. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

9. The WebSection table is listed.

4) Create the WebSubsection table. The table consists of three columns:

sub_id (an abbreviation for Web Subsection ID)

ws_id (an abbreviation for Web Section ID)

This column is an integer and corresponds to the ws_id column in the Parent
WebSection table.
Label varchar of a length of 30 characters

This column is an integer and a primary key.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

1. Click Create table on the Tables tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

2. Enter WebSubsection as the Table Name and Web Subsection table as
the Table Description. Click Add.

3. Enter sub_id as the Column Name, select int from the Column Type drop-down
list. Select the Primary Key check box. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

4. The sub_id column is displayed. Click Add .

5. Enter ws_id as the Column Name, select int from the Column Type drop-down
list. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

6. The sub_id and ws_id columns are listed. Click Add .

7. Enter Label as the Column Name, select varchar from the Column Type
drop-down list, and set Column Length to 80. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

8. Click Add Recommended.

9. The recommended columns are added. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

10. The WebSubSection table is listed.

5) Create two associated views named:



Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

1. From the Configuration Manager applet, select the Views tab. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

2. Select the WebSection table to be used in the view. Click Next >.

3. Select the columns for the schema view. Click Finish.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

4. In the View Name field, enter WebSection_view and add a meaningful View
Description. Click OK.

5. The WebSection_view view is listed. Repeat steps 2 to 4, selecting the

sub_id, ws_id, and SubsectionLabel columns, to add the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

WebSubsection table to the WebSubsection_view view.

6) For the WebSection_view, add the following column values:

ws_id Label




Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

1. From the Configuration Manager applet, select the Views tab. Select the
WebSection_view view. Click Edit Values.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter 1 in the ws_id field and Training in the Label field. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to add the additional values. Click Close.

7) For the WebSubsection_view, add the following column values:

sub_id ws_id


Course Descriptions

Course Locations

Contact Us

New Release Info


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

1. Select the WebSubsection_view view on the Views tab and click Edit

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter 1 in the sub_id field, 1 in the ws_id field and Course Description
in the Label field. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Dependent Choice List (Part I) (Continued)

4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to add the additional values. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Establishing a relationship
Creating dependent and independent metadata fields
Publishing a schema

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II)

This practice covers the following tasks:
Creating a relationship
Creating metadata fields using the relationship
1) Create a relationship named WebSection2WebSubsection. Define a relationship in
which the ws_id column in the WebSubsection dependent table corresponds to the
ws_id column in the WebSection parent table.
1. From the Configuration Manager applet, click the Relations tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter WebSection2WebSubsection in the Relationship Name and

Relationship Description fields.

4. Select the WebSection table from the Parent Info drop-down list and the ws_id
column that is used to establish the dependencies.
Select the WebSubsection table from the Child Info drop-down list and the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

ws_id column that is used to establish the dependencies. Click OK.

2) Create the WebSectionField custom metadata field with an option list. Select the
appropriate view to be used, but do not define dependencies. The WebSectionField is
the independent field.
1. From the Configuration Manager applet, click the Information Fields tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

2. Click Add .

3. Enter WebSectionField as the Field Name. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

4. Select the Options List. Click Configure .

5. Select Use view and select WebSection_view from the drop-down list. Click

3) Create the WebSubsectionField as a dependent, or a child custom metadata field

with an option list. Select the appropriate view and define the dependency and

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

1. On the Information Fields tab, click Add .

2. Enter WebSubsectionField in the Field Name field and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

3. Select the Option List and click Configure.

4. Select Use view and select WebSubsection_view from the drop-down list.

5. Select Enabled and select xWebSectionField from the Depends on field dropdown list. Select the WebSection2WebSubsection relationship from the drop-

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

down Relationship list. Click OK twice.

4) Update the database design and rebuild the search index.

1. On the Information Fields tab, click Update Database Design.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

2. An information message is displayed. Click OK.

5) Publish schema.
1. From the Configuration Manager applet, click Options on the main menu bar and
select Publish schema from the drop-down list.

6) Navigate to the Check In page and test the dependent choice list. Select both Training
and Support and make sure that the appropriate values display in the Web Subsection

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In on the main

2. Select Training for WebSectionField. The WebSubsectionField drop-down list

displays the appropriate values.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Solutions for Practice 1-1: Creating a DCL (Part II) (Continued)

3. Select Support for WebSectionField. The WebSubsectionField drop-down list
displays the appropriate values.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating global rules
Grouping metadata fields
Hiding metadata fields

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules

This practice covers the following topics:
Differentiating between a Profile and a Rule
Creating global rules
Grouping metadata fields
Hiding metadata fields
1) Differentiate between a Profile and a Rule.
Content profiles are used as a type of filter for the information that is displayed. A
complete content profile contains a set of one or more rules that are used to control
the display of metadata fields on the Check In and Search pages, and a trigger value.
Rules determine how metadata fields are displayed on the Check In, Update, Content
Information, and Search pages, and whether a rule will be used (depending on how it
is evaluated).
2) Which type of rule is always evaluated?
Global rules are always evaluated whereas non-global rules are evaluated only when
associated with content profiles.
3) Create a global rule named GroupDateFields that groups the Expiration and Release
dates under a header titled Date Fields.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

1. From the Configuration Manager applet, click the Rules tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

2. Click Add.

3. Enter GroupDateFields as the Name and enter a meaningful description.

Select the Is global rule with priority check box. Select the Is group check box.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

Select the Has group header check box and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

4. Provide the header title Date Fields and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

5. Select the Fields tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

6. Click Add.

7. Ensure that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

8. Select Release Date from the Field Name drop-down list. Click OK.

9. Select Edit from the drop-down list. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

10. Click Add.

11. Verify that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select Expiration Date from the Field Name drop-down list. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

12. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

13. Click OK.

4) Create a global rule named HideInhibitPropagation that hides the Inhibit

Propagation on all pages.(Use Comments if Hide Inhibit Propagation isnt in the list )

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

1. On the Rules tab in the Configuration Manager applet, click Add.

2. Enter HideInhibitPropagation as the Name and a meaningful description.

Select the Is global rule with priority check box. Select the Use rule activation

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

condition check box and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

3. On the Conditions tab, click Add.

4. Enter a Name. Click OK.

5. Select the Use action check box as the activation condition on the General tab.
Select Check In New, Content Information, Search, Check In Selected, and

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

Content Update check boxes. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

6. Click the Fields tab.

7. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

8. Ensure that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select Inhibit Propagation from the Field Name drop-down-list.
Click OK.

9. Select Hidden from the Type drop-down list. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

10. Click OK.

5) Navigate to the Check In page and verify that the Release Date and Expiration Date
metadata fields are grouped under Date Fields, and that the Inhibit Propagation field
is hidden. Also check that the Inhibit Propagation field does not show up on the
Search page.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In on the main

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

2. The Release Date and Expiration Date metadata fields are listed under the Date
Fields group header. There is no Inhibit Propagation field displayed.

3. Click Search on the main menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Global Rules (continued)

4. Click Search Forms > Expanded Form if the Query Builder Form is displayed.

5. There is no Inhibit Propagation field listed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Deriving a metadata field value
Using Idoc Script variables

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Global Rules

This practice covers the following topics:
Creating a global rule to populate a field
Using Idoc Script variables
1) Create a global rule named DeriveComments that populates the comments field with
the authors name when it is first checked in.
1. On the Rules tab on the Configuration Manager applet, click Add.

2. In the Name field, enter Derive Comments and add a meaningful description.
Select the Is global rule with priority check box. Select the Use rule activation

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

condition check box and click Edit.

3. On the Conditions tab, click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

4. Enter DeriveCommentsCond in the Name field. Click OK.

5. On the General tab, select the Use action and the Check In New check boxes.
Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

6. Click the Fields tab.

7. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

8. Verify that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select Comments from the Field Name drop-down list. Click OK.

9. Select the Is derived field check box. Click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

10. On the Conditions tab, click Add.

11. Enter CommentsCond in the Name field. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

12. Select Comments from the Field drop-down list. Select Contains for the
Operator value. Leave the value empty. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

13. Click Compute.

14. From the Select Field window, select the Author from the drop-down list. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

15. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

16. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

17. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

18. The DeriveComments rule is listed. Close the Configuration Manager applet

2) Configure the content server by adding the Idoc Script variables that are necessary to
make all the required field labels red and prefixed with an asterisk (*).
1. In the navigation pane on the Oracle Content Server Home page, click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

2. From the Administration tray, click Admin Server.

3. The Oracle Content Admin Server page opens. Click the training instance button.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

4. In the Options for training pane, click General Configuration.

5. In the General Configuration pane, scroll down to the Additional

Configuration Variables section. Add the following entry:

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

Hint: Configuration entries are case-sensitive.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

6. Click Save.

7. Restart the content server. Click the


3) Open the New Check In Form page to verify that your configuration was successful.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Managing Global Rules (continued)

2. The New Check In Form page displays the field style as expected.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating rules
Defining a trigger field
Creating a content profile

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles

This practice demonstrates the following topics:
Creating a rule that will be used for the content profile
Creating a trigger
Creating a content profile
1) Create a rule named HR_Benefits. This rule should activate on the Check In and
Search pages and be defined as follows:

Type defaults to Benefits and is read-only

Security Group defaults to Human_Resources and is read-only
The Account field is hidden

1. Start the Configuration Manager applet and click the Rules tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

2. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

3. Enter HR_Benefits in the Name field and select the Use rule activation
condition check box. Click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

4. Click Add.

5. Enter HR_BenefitsCond in the Name field and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

6. Select the Use action check box and select the Check In New, Check In
Selected, and Search check boxes. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

7. Click the Fields tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

8. Click Add.

9. Verify that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select Type from the Field Name drop-down list. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

10. From the Type drop-down list, select Info Only. Select the Use default value
check box and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

11. Click Add.

12. Enter BenefitsCond as the Name and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

13. Click the drop-down list for the Value field and select Benefits.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

14. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

15. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

16. To add a Security Group, click Add.

17. Select Security Group from the Field Name drop-down list. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

18. From the Type drop-down list, select Info Only. Select the Use default value
check box and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

19. Click Add.

20. In the Name field, enter GroupCond. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

21. Click the drop-down list for the Value field and select Human_Resources.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

22. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

23. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

24. Click Add.

25. From the Field Name drop-down list, select Account. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

26. From the Type drop-down list, select Hidden. Click Ok.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

27. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

28. The HR_Benefits rule is displayed.

2) Create a rule named HideWebFields. This rule should activate on the Check In and
Search pages and should hide the Web Section and Web Subsection fields.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

1. On the Configuration Managers Rules tab, click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

2. Enter HideWebFields in the Name field and select the Use rule activation
condition check box. Click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

3. Click Add.

4. Enter WebFieldsCond as the Name and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

5. Select the Use action check box and select the Check In New, Check In
Selected, and Search check boxes. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

6. Click the Fields tab.

7. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

8. Verify that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select WebSectionField from the Field Name drop-down list. Click

9. From the Type drop-down list, select Hidden. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

10. Click Add.

11. Verify that Display information fields is enabled and Display application fields
is disabled. Select WebSubsectionField from the Field Name drop-down list.
Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

12. From the Type drop-down list, select Hidden. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

13. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

14. The HideWebFields rule is listed.

3) Create a custom metadata field named Profile Trigger and select this field as the
trigger for all profiles.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

1. From the Configuration Manager applet, click the Information Fields tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

2. On the Information Fields tab, click Add.

3. In the Field Name field, enter Profile_Trigger. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

4. Deselect the Enable on User Interface check box and select the Enable Option
List check box. Click Configure.

5. Click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

6. Enter Benefits. Click OK.

7. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

8. Click OK.

9. Click Update Database Design.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

10. To confirm that the Profile_Trigger info field is added, click OK.

11. To select the Profile_Trigger field as the trigger for all profiles, click the Profiles

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

12. Click Select.

13. From the Field Name drop-down list, select Profile_Trigger. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

14. The xProfile_Trigger Trigger Field is listed.

4) Create a profile named HR_Benefits. Select a trigger value of Benefits. Add the
HR_Benefits and HideWebFields rules to the profile.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

1. On the Profiles tab , click Add.

2. In the Profile Name field, enter HR_Benefits. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

3. In the Display Label field, enter HR Benefits. From the Trigger drop-down
list, select Benefits. Click Add.

4. From the Name drop-down list, select HR_Benefits. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

5. Click Add.

6. From the Name drop-down list, select HideWebFields. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

7. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

8. The HR_Benefits profile is listed. Close the Configuration Manager applet

5) Verify the rule by viewing the HR_Benefits custom Check In and Search pages to
ensure that the requirements have been met.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In > HR Benefits.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating Content Profiles (continued)

2. The New Check In Form page displays the field style as expected.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers:

General Configuration options of Oracle Content Server
Enabling new user locales or localization options

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Using General Configuration Options

This practice covers Oracle Content Server General Configuration options and how to
change the settings.
Acmes administrator has been asked to configure the Oracle Content Server with the
functionality described below. Identify the General Configuration option that would need
to be enabled.
1) Users should be able to select multiple files to check out or download at the same
Enable download applet
2) Users should be able to check in multiple files as a single Zip file.
Enable upload applet
3) Content IDs should be generated automatically.
Automatically assign a content ID upon checkin
4) Enable the options described above. The Content IDs should have a prefix of ID_.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Administration> Admin

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Using General Configuration Options (Continued)

2. On the Oracle Content Admin Server page, click training.

3. From the Options for training list, select General Configuration.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Using General Configuration Options (Continued)

4. Select the Enable download applet, Enable upload applet, and Automatically
assign a content ID on check in options. For Auto Number Prefix, enter ID_.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Using General Configuration Options (Continued)

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

6. Restart the training instance to make your changes effective. Click the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3


Enabling New Locales (Continued)

7. Do not close the Oracle Content Admin Server. You will need it in the following

Enabling New Locales

This practice covers enabling new user locales or localization options.
1) Acme needs to enable additional locales, or languages, for its employees. Use the
stand-alone utility to enable the Spanish and German languages in the localization
system properties.
Hint: Remember to restart your server!
1. From the Windows system tray, select Start > Programs > Oracle Content
Server > training > Utilities > System Properties.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

2. The System Properties applet window displays. Click the Localization tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

3. From the Locales list, select Deutsch and Espaol. Click Enable.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

4. The Enabled column now shows True for Deutsch and Espaol.

5. Return to the Oracle Content Admin Server page. Restart the training instance to
make your changes effective. Click the


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

2) Change the User Locale option to Espaol or Deutsch in your User Profile.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click My Profile on the main menu.

2. Select the desired language, for example Deutsch, in the User Locale drop-down

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click Update.

4. The Home page is displayed in German.

3) Change the User Locale back to English.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

1. Click Mein Profil.

2. From the Benutzersprachschema drop-down list, select English-US.

3. Click Aktualisieren.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enabling New Locales (Continued)

4. The page and menus are displayed in English-US.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Enrichment Comparing Stand-Alone and Browser System

This practice shows that the different configuration capabilities use either the stand-alone
System Properties applet or the browser-based Web page.
Navigate back and forth using the browser (Admin Server) and the stand-alone System
Properties utility.
Certain system property options can be changed using the stand-alone applet, but not
through the browser. Identify the tool to make changes to the following options
Browser, stand-alone System Properties applet, or both.
1) Which tool(s) can be used to adjust options remotely?
Browser and stand-alone System Properties applet
2) How can you change the database configuration?
By using the stand-alone System Properties applet
3) Which tool(s) can be used to change the browser executable path?
The stand-alone System Properties applet
4) By using which tool(s) can you configure the SMTP port, the HTTP Relative Root, or
the Secure Sockets Layer?
The stand-alone System Properties applet

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Installing a custom component
Enabling a custom component

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Installing and Enabling Components

This practice demonstrates how to install and enable the Threaded Discussions
1) Install the Threaded Discussions component ( found
in your E:\stellent\Lab_Files\Administration\ folder.
Hint: Restart the server.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Admin Server from the
Administration tray.

2. Click the training instance button.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Installing and Enabling Components (continued)

3. Click Component Manager in the Options for training pane.

4. Click Browse next to the Install New Component field.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Installing and Enabling Components (continued)

5. Select the file. Click Open.

6. Click Install.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Installing and Enabling Components (continued)

7. Click Continue.

8. Click Click here to enable the components and go to the page to restart the

9. Return to the Oracle Content Admin Server page. Restart the training instance.
Click the


2) Search for any content item and view the Content Information page. A create
discussion link appears.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Installing and Enabling Components (continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search.

2. Click the Action icon. The drop-down list displays the Create Discussion link.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Setting up Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
Creating virtual folders
Assigning default metadata
Contributing content using WebDAV

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine

This practice covers the following topics:
Setting up WebDAV
Creating virtual folders
Assigning default metadata
As the administrator for Acme, you have been given the task of checking in content for
both the Marketing and Human Resources departments.
1) In order to check in content through Windows Explorer, you must first connect to the
Content Server through My Network Places. Set up the system folder on your
machine. Name the connection Oracle Content Server.
1. Install the Folder.Zip Component and enable the following settings :

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

2. On your desktop, double-click My Network Places.

3. Double-click Add Network Place.

4. From the Add Network Place Wizard, enter a URL similar to the following:
For example:

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

Click Next.

5. Enter sysadmin as the username and idc as the password. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

6. Enter Oracle Content Server as the name for the Network Place. Click

2) You now need to create folders that correspond to the content from the departments.
Each of these folders is to be created under the Contribution Folders folder. From
Windows Explorer, create a new virtual folder named Marketing.
1. Open Microsoft Windows Explorer. From the System tray right-click Start >

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

2. Navigate to My Network Places > Oracle Content Server.

3. If asked for, provide the login credentials and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

4. Select the Contribution Folders.

5. On the main menu, select File >New > Folder.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

6. Name the folder Marketing and press [Enter].

3) Create a second virtual folder named Human Resources.

1. Repeat steps 26 to create the Human Resources folder.

4) Under the Marketing folder, create a new folder named Materials.

1. From Windows Explorer, navigate to My Network Places > Oracle Content
Server > Contribution Folders > Marketing and choose File > New > Folder

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

from the menu.

2. Name the folder Materials and press [Enter].

5) Under the Human Resources folder, create two new folders named Policy and Forms.
1. From Windows Explorer, navigate to My Network Places > Oracle Content
Server > Contribution Folders > Human Resources and choose File > New >

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

Folder from the menu..

2. Name the folder Policy and press [Enter].

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the Forms folder.

6) In each new virtual folder, set the desired default metadata. At a minimum, set the
defaults listed in the following table:



Security Group = Marketing

Human Resources

Security Group = Marketing

Type = Materials
Security Group = Human Resources


Security Group = Human Resources

Type = Policy


Security Group = Human Resources

Type = Forms

1. Navigate to Browse Content > Contribution Folders. From the Contribution
Folders table, select the Marketing check box. From the Actions drop-down list,

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

select Folder Information.

2. On the Hierarchical Folder Information page, select Update from the Actions
drop-down list.

3. From the Security Group drop-down list, select Marketing.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit Update.

5. Configure the Materials subfolder. From the Actions drop-down list, select
Folder Information.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

6. From the Actions drop-down list, select Update.

7. From the Type drop-down list, select Materials Marketing and Training
Materials. From the Security Group drop-down list, select Marketing. Scroll
down to the bottom of the page and click Submit Update.

8. Navigate back to the Contribution Folders. From the Contribution Folders table,
select Human Resources. From the Actions drop-down list, select Folder

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

9. From the Actions drop-down-list, select Update.

10. From the Security Group drop-down list, select Human_Resources. Scroll down
to the bottom of the page and click Submit Update.

11. Repeat steps 810 to configure the Policy subfolder as required.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

12. Repeat steps 810 to configure the Forms subfolder as required.

7) Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to verify that the folders have been created in the
Oracle Content Server.
1. Open Microsoft Windows Explorer. From the System tray, right-click Start >

2. Navigate to My Network Places > Oracle Content Server.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

3. If required, provide the login credentials and click OK.

4. Select Contribution Folders.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

5. Expand all the subfolders to see the folder structure.

8) Where do you navigate to set the User Default Information Field settings?
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click My Profile.

2. On the User Profile page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the
Folder Configuration for <user> icon.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Setting up WebDAV on a Client Machine (continued)

3. You can access the Default Information Field Configuration for <user>.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Contributing Content by Using WebDAV

This practice covers the following topics:
Contributing content through Windows Explorer
Viewing content
1) Drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste the Acme content into the virtual folders. The
Acme content is located in the
E:\labs\Student_Files\Administration\Acme_Activity directory.

Marketing materials are located in the Acme_Activity/Materials folder.

HR Policies materials are located in the Acme_Activity/HR_Policies
HR Forms materials are located in the Acme_Activity/HR_ Forms folder.

1. Open Microsoft Explorer and navigate to the
erials folder.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

2. Select all the files and right-click. From the menu, select Copy.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

3. Navigate to My Network Places > Oracle Content Server > Materials. From
the right-click menu, select Paste.

4. The files are listed in the Materials folder.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

5. Repeat steps 14 to copy all the files from the
Policies folder to Oracle Content Server > Human Resources > Policy.

6. Repeat steps 14 to copy all the files from


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

Forms folder to Oracle Content Server > Human Resources > Forms.

2) Browse through your folder structure in the content server and view your content.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Browse Content > Contribution
Folders > Human Resources > Forms.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

2. All the copied files are listed.

3) View the content information page for the User Interface.doc file located in the
Marketing> Materials folder.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Browse Content > Contribution
Folders > Marketing > Materials.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

2. From the Materials folder table, select User Interface.doc. From the Actions
drop-down list, select Content Information.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

3. The Content Information page is displayed.

4) Does the content item have the same metadata as the folders metadata?
5) How did the content item get its title?
From the file name
6) Conduct a search of Type = Materials.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search > Standard Search.

2. From the Type drop-down list, select Matches. From the second Type drop-down
list in the row, select Materials Marketing and Training Materials. The
Materials field in the middle gets populated automatically. Click Search.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Contributing Content by Using WebDAV (continued)

3. The search result is displayed.

7) Do the content items appear on the Search Results page?


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Examining a batch load file
Creating a batch load file
Loading content in a batch using the Batch Loader utility

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Batch Loader

As the administrator of Acme, you batch load Acmes Public News Releases into Oracle
Content Server. The batch file has been created for you.
1) Open the news_batch.txt file in WordPad. The file is located in the
E:/stellent/Lab_Files/Acme_Activity/News_Release directory.
1. Open Microsoft Explorer and navigate to
E:\stellent\Lab_Files\Acme_Activity\News_Release. Rightclick news_batch.txt file and select Open With > WordPad.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Batch Loader (Continued)

2. The news_batch.txt file is displayed in WordPad.

2) How many content items will this batch file load?

3) Who is the author of the content items?
4) Where are those files located?
In the same directory as the batch file because there is no path name specified.
5) Load the content in a batch using the news_batch.txt file. Turn on the error file
but do not delete the native content after it has been loaded.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Batch Loader (Continued)

1. From the Windows System tray, click Start > Programs > Oracle Content
Server > training > Utilities > Batchloader.

2. Enter sysadmin as the username and idc as the password. Click OK.

3. Click Browse to navigate to the news_batch.txt file. Select the Enable error
file for failed revision classes check box. Click Load Batch File.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Batch Loader (Continued)

4. An information message is displayed. Click OK.

6) From the Content Server, conduct a search for your content. If you cannot find your
content, view Work in Progress. Why would the content appear in Work in Progress?
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search. In the Title field, enter
Acme as the search string. Click Search.

2. The search result lists all the five files that were uploaded during the batch load.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Batch Loader (Continued)

3. The content in Work in Progress is waiting to be indexed or has a future release
date. The Content Server indexes batched-in files every 10 minutes.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File

This practice covers the following topics:
Creating a batch load file
Loading content in a batch by using the new Batch Loader file
1) Prepare a batch file for the content located in the
1. From the Batch Loader applet, click Options > Build Batch File.

2. Enter the location of the files to be included in the batch load file in the Directory
Hint: It may be easier to complete the step below, and then copy and paste the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

path name in this field.

3. Enter the path and file name for the new batch load file in the Batch Load File
Hint: Alternatively, you can first click Browse, navigate to the folder where the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

file is located, and enter a file name.

2) Create a new map file and map with the following metadata:

Hint: You must enter all the values with the exception of <$filename$> that
appears in the list.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

1. To create a new mapping file, click Edit beside the Mapping field.

2. Click Add.

3. In the Name field, enter graph_map. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

4. Click Add to start setting metadata for the map file.

5. Enter the database name for the metadata field in the Field field. For example, the
metadata field for Security Group would be dSecurityGroup. In the Value
field, enter Marketing. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

6. Repeat step 5 for all the required metadata fields.

3) Build the batch load file.

1. From the Mapping List window, click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

2. From the Mapping drop-down list, select the graph_map. Click Build.

3. An information message is displayed. Click OK.

4) Open and view your new batch load file. How many records are there in the file?
5) Run your new batch load file.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

1. On the BatchBuilder main menu, click Options > Load Batch Loader.

2. Navigate to the
/gif_batch.txt file. Select the Enable error file for failed revision classes

check box. Click Load Batch File.

3. An information message is displayed. Click OK. Close the Batch Loader and
Batch Builder applet windows.

6) Perform a search in the Content Server for this content. How many results are

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Preparing a Batch Load File (continued)

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers workflow types.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Reviewing Workflow Types

1) Your benefits administrator has the following benefit content items for the upcoming
fiscal year:

Medical, dental, and vision

401K program
Employee Stock Purchase Program
Stock Options
Short-term and long-term disability

These items need to be approved but none are to be released until they have all been
approved. Which type of workflow should the administrator create? Why?
A Basic Workflow is best suited for groups of content items that need to go through
a workflow together or individual content items with unique workflow requirements.
2) Your Marketing department wants to have all marketing brochures approved by at
least one of the three graphic artists, the editor, and all of the marketing supervisors.
The graphic artists and editor should be able to edit the content, but the supervisors
should not have editing privileges. Which type of workflow should the administrator
create? Why?
A Criteria Workflow is useful for automatically submitting content for a review

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Reviewing Workflow Step Types

What Step Type Am I?
1) I am a workflow step that allows users to edit the content and maintain the revision.
What step type am I?
Edit Revisions.
2) I am a workflow step that contains no predefined users. That is because I am the
initial step of a Criteria Workflow and the contributor who checks in a content item
that enters my workflow process automatically becomes part of my step.
What step type am I?
3) I am a workflow step that allows users to review the content but not edit it.
What step type am I?
4) I am the initial step of a Basic Workflow.
What step type am I?
5) I am a workflow step that allows users to edit the content and create a new revision.
What step type am I?
New Revisions

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating a criteria workflow
Creating workflow steps
Creating an alias
Creating a token user
Writing to the companion file

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow

This practice covers the following topics:
Creating a criteria workflow
Creating workflow steps
Creating an alias
Creating a token user
Acmes Marketing department wants you to set up a standardized review process for their
marketing materials. If at any time a file is revised in the workflow process, a new
revision should be made. The defined process for marketing materials is as follows in the
correct order:
1. The Marketing Editor, Elena Edit, must review the materials for grammar,
spelling, and punctuation errors. Elena must have editing permissions in this step.
A new revision should be created if Elena makes edits.
2. Secondly, the graphic artists will review the layout, but are not responsible for
making changes. Add the Graphic Artist alias.
3. Finally, the original author should be notified when the workflow is complete.
The author is a variable user. Create an Author_Notify token, select User, and
add the following code: wfGet (originalAuthor).
Note: You can use dDocAuthor for the token, but if the content item is revised in the
workflow process, the author changes to the person that last edited the file.
1) Name the metadata used for this criteria workflow.
Security Group=Marketing
2) Draw a flowchart to represent the file process.

3) Create the MarketingMaterials workflow. Name the workflow steps accordingly.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Administration > Admin
Applets > Workflow Admin.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

2. From the Workflow Admin applet, click the Criteria tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

3. Click Add.

4. In the Workflow Name field, enter MarketingMaterials and in the

Description field, enter Workflow for Marketing materials. From the
Security Group drop-down menu, select Marketing. For Original Author Edit
Rule, select the New Revision option. Verify that the Has Criteria Definition
check box is selected. From the Field drop-down list, select Type and select

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

Materials as Value. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

5. Select the workflow in the Criteria Workflows pane and click Add.

6. In the Name field, enter Editing. In the Description field, enter Editors
review and revise items. Select the Users can review the current version

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

or create new revisions option. Click Add User.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

7. From the Users table, select eedit. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

8. Click the Exit Conditions tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

9. Verify that the At least this many reviewers option is selected and the value is 1.
Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

10. Create the next workflow step. Click Add.

11. In the Name field, enter Review. Enter a meaningful description, such as
Graphic editors review items. Verify that the Users can review the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

current revision option is selected. Click Add Alias.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

12. Select the Graphic_Artists alias. Click OK.

13. Click the Exit Conditions tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

14. Verify that the At least this many reviewers option is selected and the value is 1.
Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

15. Create the Author_Notify token. On the Workflow Admin applet main menu,
click Options > Tokens.

16. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

17. In the Token Name field, enter Author_Notify and add a meaningful
description. Click Add.

18. In the Name field, enter wfGet(originalAuthor). Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

19. Click OK.

20. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

21. Add the next workflow step. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

22. In the Name field, enter NotifyAuthor and add a meaningful description.
Click Add Token.

23. From the Tokens table, select Author_Notify. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

24. Click the Exit Conditions tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

25. Verify that the At least this many reviewers option is selected and the value is
set to 0. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

26. All the three steps are listed. From the Criteria Workflows table, select
MarketingMaterials. Click Enable.

27. A confirmation message is displayed. To confirm, click Yes.

4) Where can you verify that the file has entered the workflow?

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

In the Oracle Content Server navigation pane, select Content Management >Active

5) Test your workflow by checking in


1. On the Oracle Content Server main menu, click New Check In > Standard
Check In.

2. From the Type drop-down list, select Materials Marketing and Training
Materials. Enter a meaningful title. Click Browse to navigate to the
Publishing Process.doc file.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Criteria Workflow (continued)

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Check In.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Writing to the Companion File

An original author value must be saved to the companion file to be used in conjunction
with the Author Notification Token created in the previous exercise.
1) Add the following code to the Entry Event of the first step in your workflow that
contains the Author Notification Token:
<$wfSet("originalAuthor", dDocAuthor)$>

1. From the Steps table, select Editing and click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Writing to the Companion File (Continued)

2. Click the Events tab.

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0 Writing to the Companion File (Continued)

3. For Entry, click Edit.

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0 Writing to the Companion File (Continued)

4. Click the Custom tab.

5. Select the Custom Script Expression check box. Add

<$wfSet("originalAuthor", dDocAuthor)$>. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Writing to the Companion File (Continued)

6. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating a subworkflow
Editing a step with jump code

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow

Review the criteria workflow that you created in the lesson titled Criteria Workflows.
Acme requested a standardized process for all marketing materials. Acme now requires a
translator/editor step for all Spanish marketing materials.
1) What custom content metadata field on your system will help distinguish Spanish
2) The jump occurs upon exiting the first Editor step and jump to a subworkflow, which
handles the translator/editor step. After translation, the file should return to the
Graphic Artist step. Create the subworkflow consisting of one translator/editor step.
Tina Translator, the Marketing Translator, should have editing permissions. If the file
is revised in this step, a new revision should be created.
1. A subworkflow is created in the Workflow Admin applet. From the Workflow
Admin applet, click the Criteria tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

2. Select MarketingMaterials. Click Add.

3. In the Workflow Name field, enter Translation and add a meaningful

description. From the Security Group drop-down menu, select Marketing. For
the Original Author Edit Rule, select the New Revision option. Deselect the Has

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

Criteria Definition check box. Click OK.

4. From the Criteria Workflows table, select Translation. In the Steps pane, click

5. In the Name field, enter Translating and provide a meaningful description.

Select the Users can review the current revision or create new revisions

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

option. Click Add User.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

6. Deselect the Use Filter check box. From the Users table, select ttranslator.
Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

7. Click the Exit Conditions tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

8. Select the At least this many reviewers option and enter a value of 1. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

9. Click Enable.

10. Click Yes to confirm.

3) Circle the step in which the jump will occur. Draw the target and return points.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

4) Create the jump.

1. From the Workflow Admin applet, select the MarketingMaterials workflow
from which the jump will occur. In the Steps pane, select the Editing step that
will include the jump. Click Edit.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

2. Click the Events tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

3. On the Events tab, click Edit that corresponds to the Exit event.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

4. Click Add.

5. In the Jump Name field, enter Translation_Jump. Select the Has return
point check box and select Next Step as a return point from the drop-down menu.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

6. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

7. From the Field drop-down list, select Language. From the Value choice list,
select Spanish. Click Add..

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

8. For the Target Step, click Select.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

9. From the Workflows table, select Translation and from the Steps table, select
Translating. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

10. Click OK.

5) Test your workflow by checking in a marketing material with Spanish as its

Language value.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click New Check In > Standard
Check In.

2. From the Type drop-down list, select Materials Marketing and Training
Materials. Provide a meaningful title. Click Browse and navigate to the
s folder. Select any file, for example, Other Issues.doc. Scroll down to the

bottom of the page.

3. From the Language drop-down list, select Spanish. Click Check In.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

4. Open a new browser window and log in as eedit. In the Navigation pane, click
My Content Server> My Workspace Assignments. The workflow is listed.

5. Click Actions and select Approve.

6. Close the browser window and open a new browser window. Log in as
ttranslator. In the Navigation pane, click My Content Server> My

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

Workspace Assignments. Verify that you can see the workflow.

7. Click Actions and select Approve.

8. Close the browser window and open a new browser window. Log in as
ggraphic. In the Navigation pane, click My Content Server> My Workspace

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Extending Your Workflow (Continued)

Assignments. Verify that you can see the workflow.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers:

Creating a workflow step template
Creating a workflow script template

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Workflow Step Template

Most workflows created for the Human Resources Department will contain two review
steps where it is a requirement for directors to review HR content. Create a template with
two review steps:
A Marketing Director review step (MarketingDirReview). Assign Mike
Marketing to this step.
A Finance Director review step (FinanceDirReview). Assign Fran Chief to this
1) Create the HRReview template as outlined.
1. From the Workflow Admin applet, click the Templates tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

2. Click Add.

3. In the Template Name field, enter HRReview and add a meaningful description.
Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

4. In the Name field, enter MarketingDirReview and add a meaningful
description. Click OK.

5. On the Users tab, click Add User.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

6. Select mmarketing and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

7. Click the Exit Conditions tab.

8. On the Exit Conditions tab, specify how many reviewers must approve the
revision before it passes to the next step. Select the At least this many reviewers

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

option and set the value to 1. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

9. Repeat steps 48 to add the FinanceDirReview step. Click OK.

2) Start creating a new workflow and apply the HRReview template to the new
1. From the Workflow Admin applet, click the Criteria tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

2. Click Add.

3. In the Workflow Name field, enter Reviews and add a meaningful description.
Select Marketing for the Security Group and for Author Edit Rule, select the New
Revision option. Select the Use Template check box and select HRReview from
the drop-down list. Deselect the Has Criteria Definition check box. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Step Template (continued)

4. From the Criteria Workflows table, select the Reviews.

3) Click cancel to exit the new workflow.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Workflow Script Template

Various departments have expressed concern with content not being reviewed in a timely
1) Create a script template that sends a message to the reviewer if the content has been
in a step for more than 10 days.
1. From the Workflow Admin applet, select Options > Script Template.

2. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

3. Enter TenDays in the Script Name field and an appropriate Description. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

4. Enter a Jump Name and click the Message tab.

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0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

5. Enter a message and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

6. From the Field drop-down list, select Step Entry Date. From the Operator dropdown list, select Is Date Before.

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0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

7. From the Value drop-down list, select 1 day ago.

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0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

8. Change the dateCurrent value to 10 and click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

9. The Script Clauses section is populated with the condition containing the values
selected. From the Target Step drop-down list, select Restart Step.

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0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

10. The Idoc Script for the Target Step is displayed. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Creating a Workflow Script Template (Continued)

11. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers creating a basic workflow.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow

You have been asked to create a basic workflow for two HR Policies, Catastrophic
Leave Policy and Maternity Leave Policy. These documents were checked in to the
Content Server using WebDAV and exist in the Content Server.
Assign Haley Resource, the HR Director, as the contributor responsible for
checking in the items into the workflow. However, a new revision should not be
created if Haley makes edits during the workflow process.
It is important that each director understand Acmes Leave of Absence Policies.
The directors are responsible for communicating leave information with their
employees. Each Director must review the HR policies.
The workflow process is as follows:
First the Marketing Director, Mike Marketing must review the files.
Secondly, Fran Chief, the Chief Financial Officer needs to review the items.
1) Find out the Content IDs for the HR PoliciesCatastrophic Leave Policy and
Maternity Leave Policy. Note them down.
1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search.

2. Click Advanced.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

3. On the Metadata Search page, scroll down to Folder and click Browse.

4. Navigate to Contribution Folders > Human Resources > Policy. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the Search page and click Search.

6. The Search result page is displayed. Write down the Content IDs for
Catastrophic_Leave_Policy and Maternity_Leave_Policy. It is most likely that
the IDs are different on your Content Server instance. Note: If the ContentIDs are
not displayed, you must click Change View and select Headline View for your
Search Results template.

2) Create the HRPolicies basic workflow as described. Apply the two-review step
templates created in the lesson titled Workflow Templates.
1. From the Workflow Admin applet, click the Workflows tab.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

2. Click Add.

3. In the Workflow Name field, enter HRPolicies and provide a meaningful

description. From the Security Group drop-down list, select Human_Resources.
Select the Edit Revision option for the Original Author Edit Rule. Select the Use
Template check box and select the HRReview template name from the dropdown list. Click OK.

4. Because a workflow template was applied, the Steps pane is prefilled. To add the
Catastrophic_Leave_Policy and Maternity_Leave_Policy content items to the

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

workflow, click Select.

5. Select the content items from the list. To narrow the list of content items, specify
the criteria for the filter and release date. Click Define Filter.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

6. Select the Type check box. From the Type drop-down list, select Policy. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

7. Press and hold the [Ctrl] key while clicking each item. Existing content items
must have the same security group as the workflow. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

8. Click Add User to define Haley Resource as a contributor for the initial
contribution step.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

9. From the Users table, select hresource and click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

10. To start the Basic Workflow, click Start.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

11. Add a message such as HR Policies to be reviewed. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

12. The HRPolicies workflow is now active.

3) Test the HRPolicies workflow.

1. Open a new browser window and log in as hresource. Navigate to My
Content Server > My Workflow Assignments. The two policy files are listed

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

and awaiting approval.

2. Check out one of the items and check it back in.

3. Open a new browser window and log in as mmarketing. Navigate to My
Content Server > My Workflow Assignments. The file that hresource has
checked in is listed and can be approved. Close the browser window.

4. Open a new browser window and log in as fchief. Navigate to My Content

Server > My Workflow Assignments. The file that mmarketing has approved

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Basic Workflow (Continued)

is listed and can be approved.

5. Close the browser window.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers creating a report.

Creating a Report
1) Match the report in Column A with its description in Column B. Not all reports are

Column A

Column B

Archive History

A. List of actions performed on content, such

as check in, check out, update, delete
revision, and delete all revisions

Content History

B. List of workflow history, including when

the actions start, check in, approve, and
reject were completed and by whom

Workflow Items

C. List of archive history

Workflow History

D. List of defined workflows


Column A

Column B

Archive History

A. List of actions performed on content such

as check in, check out, update, delete
revision, and delete all revisions

Content History

B. List of workflow history, including when

the actions start, check in, approve, and
reject were completed and by whom

Workflow Items

C. List of archive history

Workflow History

D. List of defined workflows

2) Create a report that lists all users of Acme. This report should perform a database
query each time the report is run, generating a display of current information.
Hint: Because the report displays all users, you can leave the Query Definition blank
in the Edit Report Query window.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

1. On the Admin Applets page, click Web Layout Editor.

2. From Web Page Hierarchy pane, select index. The Index page contains a link to
the report.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

3. From the Page Links pane, click Add.

4. From the Link Type drop-down list, select Local Page. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

5. In the Link Title field, enter Acme User Information and add a meaningful
description. Click Create New Page.

6. In the Page Name field, enter acme_user_report. From the Page Type dropdown list, select Active Report. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

7. Click OK.

8. In the Web Page Hierarchy pane, select acme_user_report. Click Edit Report

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

9. From the Data Source drop-down list, select Users. Click OK.

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Creating a Report (Continued)

10. To verify that the report is working, click Show.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Creating a Report (Continued)

11. The Acme user report is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Managing content
Working with subscriptions
Creating a criteria subscription
Subscribing users to content

Managing Content
This practice demonstrates how to:
Filter and view content
Perform file management functions
1) Open Repository Manager.
On the Administration Applet page, click the Repository Manager icon.

2) Filter content based on Type=Policy. How many files are listed?


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

1. From the Repository Manager applet, click Define Filter.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

2. Select the Type check box. From the Type drop-down list, select Policy. Click

3. Select the Use Filter check box and deselect the Release Date since check box.
In this case, five files are listed in the Content pane. However, the actual number

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

may be different for your Content Server instance.

3) Filter content based on Type=Policy and Security Group=Finance. How many

files are displayed?
1. Click Define Filter.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

2. Verify that the Type check box is selected and set to Policy. Select the Security
Group check box. From the Security drop-down list, select Finance. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

3. The result is displayed immediately because the Use Filter was selected before.
No file met the filter condition; therefore, the Content pane is empty.

4) Filter expired content. Does any expired content exist?

1. Click Define Filter.

2. Deselect the Type and Security Group check boxes. Select the Expiration Date
check box and enter a meaningful date, for example, the installation date. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)


3. There is no expired content.

5) Check out the marketing material titled Other Issues.
1. Click Define Filter.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

2. Deselect the Expiration Date check box, select the Title check box and enter
Other %. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

3. It is most likely that the result on your instance are different. Select one ID. On
the Repository Manager main menu, select Functions > Check Out.

4. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

6) Update the metadata for an HR form titled Employee_Referral_Form. Update
the title to Company_Employee_Referral_Form.
1. From the Repository Manager applet, click Define Filter.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

2. Select the Title check box and enter %Referral %. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

3. Select the Employee_Referral_Form listed in the result. On the Repository
Manager main menu, select Functions > Update.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

4. Change the title to read Company_Employee_Referral_Form. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Managing Content (Continued)

5. The Company_Employee_Referral_Form is listed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions

This practice shows how to:
Create a criteria subscription
Subscribe users to content
1) Create a criteria-based subscription using the metadata fields Type=Policy and
Security Group=Human_Resources.
1. From Repository Manager, click the Subscriptions tab.

2. Click Add.

3. In the Subscription Type field, enter Type_SG and provide a meaningful

description. Enable Notifications so that email notifications are sent. Click

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

4. Select the Type and Security Group check boxes. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

5. Click OK.

6. The Type_SG subscription is listed. Close the Repository Manager applet


2) Test the criteria subscription. For example, perform a search using the following
metadata values:
Type=Policy and Security Group=Human Resources

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

1. On the Oracle Content Server Home page, click Search > Standard Search.

2. For Type, select Matches from the first drop-down list and Policy from the
second drop-down list.
For Security Group, select Matches from the first drop-down list and
Human_Resources from the second drop-down list. Click Search.

3. The result is listed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

3) Assign (Subscribe) Haley Resource, the HR director, to all Human Resources Policies
and all Human Resources Forms.
1. From Repository Manager, click the Subscriptions tab, if not already opened.
Click Subscribers.

2. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

3. Select the User option and click Select.

4. Select Haley Resource (hresource) to be subscribed. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

5. From the Type drop-down list, select Policy. From the Security Group drop-down
list, select Human_Resources. Click OK.

6. Click Close.

4) Test that the subscription is working. Log in as hresource and navigate to My

Content Server > My Subscriptions.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Working with Subscriptions (Continued)

The Subscription group is listed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Describing the migration process
Creating a migration template
Exporting a configuration
Downloading and uploading a bundle
Importing a configuration

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations

1) Describe the migration process for creating a mirrored content server.
Proceed as follows to create a mirrored content server:
1. Create and preview a Configuration Migration template.
2. Export the configuration from the source content server.
3. Download a configuration bundle from the source content server.
4. Import the configuration on the target content server.
5. Upload a configuration bundle on the target content server.
2) Create a migration template that exports all the system configurations except the

No Server Config except UseAccounts, AutoNumberPrefix, and

1. Click the Config Migration Admin link in the Administration tray and select
Configuration Templates.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

2. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Create New Template.

3. Select the Action Options for the export. In the Child Sections section, click
Content Server Sections.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

4. From the Actions drop-down menu, click Select All.

5. From the Section Name column, click the individual section name that you want
to exclude. For example, click Components.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

6. To exclude all items in the Components section as required, click Unselect All
from the Actions drop-down menu.

7. Navigate back to the Content Server Sections page. Click the Content Server
Sections locator links.

8. From the Section Name column, click Server Config.

9. To exclude all items in the Server Config section, click Unselect All from the
Action drop-down menu. Then, select the UseAccounts, AutoNumberPrefix,

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Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

and IsAutoNumber check boxes. Verify that these are the only ones selected.

10. When the template is complete, click Save from the Actions drop-down menu.
Note: If you do not save the template, your configuration changes will be lost.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

11. Enter a Name, for example ExportTraining and a meaningful description.
Click Save.

3) Export the configuration and download the bundle to your Desktop.

1. On the Configuration Templates Page, click the template link, for example
ExportTraining, in the Name column.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

2. Click Export from the Actions drop-down menu.

3. Note: If you select Export without previewing the bundle first, you are prompted
to confirm that you want to perform the export. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

4. The Latest Action Screen is displayed.

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and verify that the export finished.

6. Expand the Config Migration Admin link in the Administration tray and select
Configuration Bundles.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

7. On the Configuration Bundles page, select Download from the bundle Actions

8. On the File Download page, click Save.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

9. Select an appropriate location, for example navigate to E:\labs. Then click

10. Click Close.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

11. Verify that the export file exists.

4) Access the Oracle Content Server production instance. Upload the bundle into the
production instance.
1. Open a new browser window and click the Production Home Page link.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

2. Log in using the credentials sysadmin and idc. Expand the Config Migration
Admin link in the Administration tray and select Upload Bundle.

3. On the Upload Configuration Bundle page, click Browse to find and select the
zipped bundle file that you want to use.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

4. Navigate to the location where you saved the export file, for example E:\labs.
Select the export ZIP file and click Open.

5. If you want to use the template included with the bundle, select the Create
Export Template check box.
6. If you want the new bundle information to overwrite the existing Content Server
configuration information, select the Force Overwrite check box.
7. Click Upload.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

8. The Configuration Bundle is listed.

5) Import the configuration.

1. In the Administration tray, expand Administration > Config Migration Admin.
Click Configuration Bundles.

2. On the Configuration Bundles page, click on the name of the bundle that you
want to import.
Note: The Overwrite Duplicates option displays in place of the Custom Name
field. Selecting this check box permits the importing bundle to overwrite any
duplicate fields. If not selected, the imports will display an error on duplicates and
stop. It will continue if the Continue on Error check box was selected but a

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

status of fail appears on the Recent Actions Screen.

3. Click Import from the Actions drop-down menu.

4. Note: If you select Import without previewing the bundle first, you are prompted
to confirm that you want to perform the import. Click OK.

5. The Latest Action page is displayed.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating System Configurations (Continued)

6) Verify the import.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

This practice covers the following topics:

Creating a table archive
Exporting and importing a table archive
Creating a content archive
Exporting and importing a content archive

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating Tables
This practice demonstrates how to:
Create a table archive
Export and import a table archive
1) Create a new archive titled TRAININGtables on the training instance.
1. To access this applet, click Administration > Admin Applets. On the
Administration page, click Archiver.
Note: You can also perform this using the stand-alone applet.

2. On the Archiver applet menu bar, select Edit > Add

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

3. In the Archive Name field, enter TRAININGtables and add a meaningful
description. Click OK.

4. The TRAININGtables archive is listed.

2) Migrate the following tables:



Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

1. Select the TRAININGtables archive in the Current Archives list.

2. Click Edit in the Export Options section.

3. Select the Export Table Only option check box.

Note: You must deselect the Copy Web Content option to turn on the Export
Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

Table Only option. Click OK.

4. Click the Export Data tab.

5. Click the Table tab.

Note: The Table tab is used to add and define the characteristics for new tables

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0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

and edit existing tables in the selected archive.

6. Click Add.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

7. From the Table Name drop-down list, select Users. Select Create new table or
field if it does not exist check box. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

8. Repeat steps 67 to add the UserSecurityAttributes, WebSection, and
WebSubsection tables.

3) Export the archive.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

1. Select Actions > Export on the Archiver menu.

2. Click OK when prompted to confirm the export.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

3. Note: The status of the export displays at the bottom of the Archiver window.
Close the Archiver applet window.

4) Copy the archive from the training instance to the production instance.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

1. Click Start > Programs > Oracle Content Server > Production > Archiver.

2. Log in with the credentials sysadmin and idc. Click OK.

3. On the stand-alone Archiver applet menu bar, select Edit > Add.

4. In the Archive Name field, enter UserTables and add a meaningful


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

Select the Copy From check box. Click Browse.

5. Navigate to and select the desired archive file (archive.hda).

Note: Archives are located in the
E:/oracle/idcm1/archives/trainingtables directory. Select
archive.hda and click Open.

6. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

7. The UserTables archive is listed.

5) Import the archive on the production instance.

1. From the Archiver applet (Web version or stand-alone), select the archive in the
Current Archives list.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

2. In the Import Options section, click Edit.

3. From the Override Import Rules list, select Update. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

4. On the Archiver applet menu bar, select Actions > Import.

5. Specify the information that is to be imported. Verify that the Import Tables
check box is selected. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

0 Migrating Tables (Continued)

6. Note: The status of the import displays at the bottom of the Archiver window.

7. Close the Archiver window.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Migrating Content
This practice shows how to:
Create a content archive
Export and import a content archive
1) Log in to the training instance. Create a new archive titled TRAININGcontent on
the training instance.
1. To access this applet, click Archiver on the Administration page.
Note: You can also perform this using the stand-alone applet.

2. Select Edit > Add on the menu bar of the Archiver applet.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

3. In the Archive Name field, enter TRAININGcontent and provide a meaningful

description. Click OK.

4. The TRAININGcontent archive is listed.

2) Create an export query that includes the entire content server content.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

1. Select the TRAININGcontent archive. Click the Export Data tab. In the
Export Query section, click Edit.

2. Select a metadata field from the Field list, for example Content ID. Select an
Operator from the list, for example Begins with.
Note: Depending on the option selected in the Field list, you can enter text
directly, click the Select button and select from the available values, or select

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

directly from a list of available values. For example, enter ID. Click Add.

3. The query expression is added to the Query Expression box, and the SQL
version of the query expression is displayed in the Custom Query Expression box.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

4. In the Additional Data section, click Edit.

5. Select the Additional Data options, for example, select the Export Content
Configuration information and Export User Configuration information check
boxes. Click OK.

3) Export the TRAININGcontent archive.


Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

1. From the Current Archive list, select TRAININGcontent. Select Actions >
Export on the Archiver menu.

2. Click OK when prompted to confirm the export.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

3. Note: The status of the export displays at the bottom of the Archiver window.
Close the Archiver applet window.

4) Copy the archive from the training instance to the production instance.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

1. Click Start > Programs > Oracle Content Server > Production > Archiver.

2. Log in with the credentials sysadmin and idc. Click OK.

3. On the stand-alone Archiver applet menu bar, select Edit > Add.

4. In the Archive Name field, enter UserContent and add a meaningful

Select the Copy From check box. Click Browse.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

5. Navigate to and select the desired archive file (archive.hda).

Note: Archives are located in the
E:/oracle/idcm1/archives/trainingcontent directory. Select
archive.hda and click Open.

6. Click OK.

7. The UserContent archive is listed.

5) Import the archive on the production instance.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

1. From the Archiver applet (Web version or stand-alone), select the archive in the
Current Archives list. In the Import Options section, click Edit.

2. From the Override Import Rules list, select Update to specify how existing
revisions are added, replaced, or deleted during import. Specify whether the
option list values are validated during import. Specify whether to recalculate the
time in the metadata date fields to reflect the time zone of the target content

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

server. Click OK.

3. On the menu bar, select Actions > Import.

4. Specify the information that is to be imported. Verify that the Import Tables
check box is selected. Click OK.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

5. Note: The status of the import displays at the bottom of the Archiver window.

Oracle Stellent Content Server 10gR3

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