Anda di halaman 1dari 8



Adjuvant substance, 966
Advanced trauma life support (ATLS),
Airway maintenance with cervical spine
protection, 945
Alloantigen, 1024
Ambiguous genitalia, 1217
Amsterdam criteria, 1007
Anemia of chronic disease, 901
Anergy, 1022
Angiogenesis, 992, 994
Anorectal manometry, 1182
Antigen presenting cell (APC), 1022
Anti-inflammatory cytokines, 834, 837, 838
APC gene, 995, 1004
Apoptosis, 1022, 1026
Apoptosis, 830, 990, 991, 993. 1022, 1026
Appendicitis, 1177
Autocrine, 992
Autologous blood transufusion, 908

Bacteriology, 965
Banked whole blood, 905
Bethesda, 1007
Bile plung syndrome, 1204
Biliary atresia, 1197
Bioactive dressings, 1068
Blended current waveform, 1131
Blood transfusion, 904
Blood volume and blood replacement, 1153

Brain death, 1032, 1034

Branchial cleft anomalies, 1156
BRCA1 gene, 1002
BRCA1, 1003
BRCA2, 1003
Breathing and ventilation, 947
Bronchogenic cyst, 1162
Burn wound, 1080
Bystander effect, 1014

Calcineurin, 1022
Cancer genetics, 997
Cancer penetrance, 1011
Cancer phenotype, 1011
Carboxyhemoglobin, 1072
Carcinogen, 1011
Carcinogenesis, 996
Caspase, 1026
Catenins, 995
Catheter, 1152
CDH1, 1009
CDKN1, 1007
CDKN2A, 1007
Cell proliferation, 990
Cellular senescence, 1065
Central venous access, 1151
Cerebral salt wasting, 849
CHECK2, 1002
Chemokine, 1020
Cholodochal cyst, 1200
Cholestasis jaundice, 1195

1238 Index

Chronic wound, 1065

Circulation with hemorrhage control, 949
Coagulation current waveform, 1131
Community-associated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, 958
Compensatory anti-inflammatory response
syndrome, 829
Congenital abdominal wall defect, 1204
Congenital anorectal malformations, 1188
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, 1161
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 1158
Congenital lobal emphysema (CLE), 1161
Conns sydnrome, 856
Cowden disease, 1009
Crypotorchidism, 1214
Cutting current waveform, 1130
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), 990
Cystic hygroma (lymphangioma), 1157
Cytokine, 992, 1023

Disability, 951
DNA replication, 1007
Dormancy, 994
Duodenal obstruction, 1169

Eagle effect, 960
Early enteral feeding, 889
Early enteral nutrition, 919
E-cadherin, 995, 1009
Electrosurgery, 1130
Enteral nutrition, 887
Enterocolitis, 1186
Epithelialization, 1054, 1064
Erysipelas, 954
Escharotomy, 1079
Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophagel
fistula, 1163
Exposure/environmental control, 951
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase, 958
Extracellular matrix (ECM), 995

Damage-activated molecular pattern, 1020
Danger-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs), 830
Death-inducing signaling complex (DISC),
Delayed primary wound healing, 1054,
Dendritic cell, 1023, 1024
Diabetes insipidus, 1049
Direct trocar technique, 1116

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP),
Fas ligand, 1026
Fasciotomy, 1079
Fast-track surgery, 915
Feeding programs, 1150
Fetal wound repair biology, 1064
Flail chest, 948
Foreign bodies, 1163

Index 1239

Fournier gangrene, 955

Fourniers gangrene, 956
Fresh whole blood, 905

Gas embolism, 1120
Gastric outlet obstruction, 963
Gastroschisis, 1206
Graft rejection, 1027

Harris-benedict equation, 883
Hasson technique, 1114
Hazards of electrosurgery, 1132
hCHK2, 1002
Hereditary cancer, 994
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, 1009
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
(HNPCC), 1006
Hirschsprungs disease, 1179
HMG-1, 835
Hospital-associated pneumonia, 930
Host defenses, 966
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), 1021
Hyperaldosteronism, 855
Hyperkalemia, 859
Hypernatremia, 850
Hypertrophic scar, 1053
Hypokalemia, 855
Hyponatremia, 846

IFN-g, 1025

IL-6, 835
Immunoreceptor tyrosinebased activation
motif (ITAM), 1022
Indirect calorimetry, 884
Inflammatory cytokines, 834
Inguinal hernia, 1213
INK4A, 1007
Inosculatory phase, 1056
Integrase, 1016
Integrin, 995
Interactive dressings, 1068
Intestinal atresia, 1169
Intra-abdominal infection, 965
Intussusception, 1176
Iron deficiency anemia, 901
Ischemia-reperfusion injury, 1020

Laparoscopic surgery, 1103
Leukocyte-reduced packed red cell, 906
Li-fraumeni syndrome, (LFS), 1002
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 1002
Lymphadenopathy, 1155
Lynch syndrome, 1006

Macrophase inhibitory factor, 835
Maintenance fluid, 1140
Major histocompatibility antigens, 1021
Malrotation and midgut volvulus, 1170
Massive hemothorax, 949
Meckels diverticulum, 1177

1240 Index

Meconium ileus, 1172

Metabolic acidosis, 867, 868, 869
Metabolic alkalosis, 867, 876
MHC (major histocompatibility complex),
1019, 1021
Microsatellite instability, 1007
Mismatch repair genes, 1006
MMAC1, 1009
Moist wound healing, 1064
MTS1, 1007
Muir-torre syndrome, 1006
Multimodal analgesia, 1099
Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome,
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 1009
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, 829
Myoglobinuria, 1079

Neck mass, 1155
Necortizing enterocolitis (NEC), 1171
Necrotizing fasciitis, 954, 955
Negative-pressure wound therapy
(NPWT), 1068
Neuroblastoma, 1221
Neuropathic pain, 1086, 1089
NF-B, 1020
Nitric oxide, 837
Nociceptive pain, 1086
Non-opioid analgesics, 1093
Nutrition support, 878, 879

Omphalocele, 1206
Oncogene, 989, 997
Open pneumothorax, 948
Opioid analgesics, 1095
Oral nutrition supplement, 879
Organ preservation, 1047
Ovarian cysts and tumors, 1216

P16, 1007
P53, 1002
Packed red cell, 906
Paracrine, 992
Parenteral nutrition, 879, 887
Parkland formula, 1076
Patent urachus, 1212
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns,
Pattern recognition receptors, 829
Pectus excavatum, 1160
Pectus carinatum, 1160
Perioperative glycemic control, 932
Pneumoperitoneum, 1105
Preemptive analgesia, 1099
Prehospital care, 944
Pressive dressings, 1067
Preventive analgesia, 1099
Primary survey, 945
Primary wound healing, 1054, 1062
Principle of management, 968
Proangiogenic factor, 994

Index 1241

Programmed cell death, 991

Pro-inflammatory cytokines, 837, 838
Protein C, 839
Proto-oncogene, 997
Psychological-related pain, 1086
PTEN, 1009
Pulmonary sequestration, 1162

RB1 gene, 1000
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 1020
Recombinant human erythropoietin, 904
Reconstructive ladder, 1059
Refeeding syndrome, 884
Replication error, 1007
Replicative senescence, 1065
Respiratory acidosis, 867, 870
Respiratory alkalosis, 867
RET Proto-oncogene, 1009
Retinoblastoma, 1000
Revised bethesda guideline, 1007
Rhabdomyosarcoma, 1223
Routine postoperative NG tube, 924

Secondary contraction, 1056
Secondary wound healing, 1054, 1063
Seed and soil theory, 996
Serum imbibition phase, 1056
Severe malnutrition, 879
SIADH, 847
Skin flaps, 1056

Skin grafting, 1055

Smoke inhalation injury, 1072
Soft tissue infections, 953
Stress induced premature senescence
(SIPS), 1065
Surgical jaundice in infant and children,
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, 829, 833

Telomeres, 994
Tension pneumothorax, 948
Teratoma, 1224
Teromerase, 994
Thyroglossal duct remnants, 1156
TNF-, 1023
Toll-like receptor (TLR), 830, 1020
Topical anti-microbial agents, 1066
Topical solution/cream/ointment dressing,
Transfusion-related acute lung injury, 907
Trauma care systems, 942
Triage, 942
Tumor biology, 992
Tumor necrosis factor--related-apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), 992
Tumor suppressor gene (TSGs), 989, 997
TUR syndrome, 848
Turcots syndrome, 1006
Two hit hypothesis, 1001

1242 Index

Umbilical hernia, 1212

Vaginal anomalies, 1216
Ventilator-associated pneumonia, 930
Veress needle technique, 1114

Wallaces rule of nines, 1076

Wilms tumor, 1219

Wound bed preparation, 1062
Wound dressing materials, 1067
Wound dressing product, 1082

Z-Plasty, 1058

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