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1.1 Background
High blood pressure, better known as hypertension is a disease that gets the attention of all
people, considering its impact both short and long term and thus require long-term prevention
comprehensive and integrated. Hypertension cause morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) high.
Hypertension is a disease that arises due to the interaction of various risk factors a person has. Various
studies have linked between the various risk factors on the incidence of hypertension.
Based on research that has been done poorer prevalence (incidence) of hypertension increases with age.
From various epidemiological studies conducted in Indonesia showed 1.8 to 28.6% of the population aged
over 20 years are hypertensive.
Hypertension, currently there is a tendency that the more urban communities suffer from hypertension
compared to rural communities. This is partly connected with the urban lifestyle associated with the risk
of hypertension such as stress, obesity (overweight), lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, and eating foods
that are high in fat.
With age, almost every person has increased blood pressure, systolic pressure continues to increase until
the age of 80 years and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then
gradually reduced or even dropped dramatically.

1.2 Problem Formulation

a. How is the definition of hypertension?
b. How to measure blood pressure?
c. Explaining the causes of hypertension?
d. Explain the signs and symptoms of hypertension?
e. Explain the consequences of hypertension?
f. How the prevention of hypertension?
g. Explaining the treatment of hypertension?

1.3 Purpose
a. To know the definition of hypertension.
b. To find out how to measure blood pressure.
c. To determine the cause of hypertension.
d. To know the symptoms that caused.
e. To know the result of hypertension.
f. To determine the prevention of hypertension.
g. To determine the treatment of hypertension.


2.1 Definitions

Hypertension or high blood pressure, an increase in blood pressure or force of blood pressing on the wall
cavity where the blood is. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in blood pressure in the
arteries. (Hiper means Overrated, tension means the pressure / stress; so, hypertension is the circulatory
system disorders that cause an increase in blood pressure above normal values.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children normally have a blood pressure that
is much lower than the adult. Blood pressure was also influenced by physical activity, which will be
higher during activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure is also different in one day, the highest in
the morning and lowest at night while sleeping.

2.2 Measuring Blood Pressure

On examination of blood pressure will get two numbers. Higher numbers obtained when the heart
contracts (systolic), a lower number obtained when the heart relaxes (diastolic). Blood pressure is written
as systolic pressure diastolic pressure slash, eg 120/80 mmHg, read one hundred and twenty over eighty.
With age, almost every person has increased blood pressure, systolic pressure continues to increase until
the age of 80 years and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then
gradually reduced or even dropped dramatically.

Blood pressure is written with two numbers, the unit number mmHg (millimeters of mercury) on blood
pressure tool / tension meter, ie systolic and diastolic. Is the highest systolic blood pressure is when the
heart is being tapered or doing contraction. Diastolic is the lowest number that is when the heart expands
in the final relaxation.
For example, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg systolic pressure means 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80
Blood pressure is the pressure generated by:
a. Strength buds urgent heart fill the left ventricle to enter the blood into the shaft of the arteries.
b. Prisoners in the arteries of the blood flow.
c. Autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and the sympathetic.

Classification of blood pressure

Normal high
mild hypertension
hypertension is being
severe hypertension

< 120 mmHg
< 130 mmHg
130 139 mmHg
140 159 mmHg
160 179 mmHg
> 180 mmHg

< 80 mmHg
< 85 mmHg
85 89 mmHg
90 99 mmHg
100 109 mmHg
> 110 mmHg

Normal blood pressure

The blood pressure of each person varies daily, depending on the circumstances and is influenced by a
person's activity, so blood pressure normalpun vary.
Adults when blood pressure indicates the number 140/90 mmHg is considered normal up. There is an
assumption of low blood pressure is not good, it is less precise. Because statistics show that people with
low blood pressure have the same age with the so-called normal. The best thing is to maintain normal
blood pressure and the assumption that increasing age higher blood pressure is not a problem, is the
assumption that needs to be clarified, because it is based on statistical data of parents whose blood
pressure in the normal range, the tendency gets low stroke disorders. Check your blood pressure regularly
at least once every 6 months or every time a doctor / health facility.
2 classification known hypertension (based on the cause), namely:
a. Primary hypertension (hypertension idiophatik), where the cause is not known with certainty. It also
said that hypertension is the impact of lifestyle and environmental factors.
b. Secundary hypertension, hypertension that occurs as a result of disease from other diseases such as
abnormalities in the kidneys or keruskanan of the hormone system.

WHO classifies the presence or absence of hypertension by abnormalities in other organs, namely:
a. Hypertension without abnormalities in other organs.
b. Hypertension with heart enlargement.
c. Hypertension with abnormalities in other organs besides the heart.

Classification of hypertension based on high blood pressure are:

a. Borderline hypertension: blood pressure between 140/90 mmHg and 160/95 mmHg.
b. Mild hypertension: blood pressure between 160/95 mmHg and 200/110 mmHg.
c. Moderate hypertension: blood pressure of 200/110 mmHg and 230/120 between mmHg.
d. Severe hypertension: blood pressure of 230/120 mmHg and 280/140 mmHg.

2.3 The cause of hypertension

There are 2 kinds of hypertension, which is essential and secondary.
a. Essential hypertension is hypertension are largely unknown cause. There is 10-16% of adults suffer
from high blood takanan.
b. Secondary hypertension is a known hypertension causes. Hipertesnsi only a fraction of this type, which
is only about 10%.
Some causes of hypertension, among others:
1. The descendants
This factor can not be controlled. If someone has a parent or sibling who has high blood pressure, then it
is likely he suffered from high blood pressure greater. Statistics show that the problem of high blood
pressure is higher in identical twins than identical twins. A study shows that there is evidence derived
genes for high blood pressure problems.
2. Age
This factor can not be controlled. Research shows that as people grow older, blood pressure will rise. You
can not expect that your blood pressure will be the same as a young man when you get older. But you can
control that do not pass through the upper limit of normal.
3. Salt

These factors can be controlled. Salt can increase blood pressure quickly in some people, especially for
diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and they were black.
4. Cholesterol
These factors can be controlled. Excess fat in your blood, it can lead to accumulation of cholesterol in the
blood vessel walls. It can make blood vessels constrict and blood pressure will rise as a result. Control
your cholesterol as early as possible.
5. Obesity / Overweight
These factors can be controlled. People who weigh over 30 percent of ideal body weight, are more likely
to suffer from high blood pressure.
6. Stress
These factors can be controlled. Stress and emotionally unstable conditions can also lead to high blood
7. Cigarettes
These factors can be controlled. Smoking can also increase blood pressure becomes high. Smoking habits
may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, smoking habit which continued when
having high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and
8. Caffeine
These factors are controlled. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and cola drinks can cause an increase in
blood pressure.
9. Alcohol
These factors can be controlled. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes high blood pressure.
10. Less Sports
These factors can be controlled. Lack of exercise and movement can cause increased blood
pressure in the body. Regular exercise can lower your high blood pressure but do not do heavy exercise if
you suffer from high blood pressure.
2.4 Signs and Symptoms of hypertension

In most patients, hypertension causes no symptoms, although inadvertently some symptoms occur
simultaneously and reliably associated with high blood pressure (when in fact none).
The symptoms of hypertension, among others:

a. Most no symptoms.
b. Pain in the back of the head.
c. Stiff neck.
d. Fatigue.
e. Nausea.
f. Shortness of breath.
g. Restless.
h. Vomiting.
i. Irritability.
j. Difficulty sleeping.
k. The view is blurred because of the damage to the brain, eyes, heart, and kidneys

The complaints are not always going to be experienced by a patient with hypertension. Often a person
with symptoms of pain behind his head, irritability and difficulty sleeping, when measured blood pressure
showed normal blood pressure numbers. The only way to determine whether there is hypertension simply
by measuring blood pressure.

2.5 Consequences of hypertension

Complications / hazard that may result in hypertension:
1. On the eye: the narrowing of blood vessels in the eye due to a buildup of cholesterol can lead to
retinopathy, and the effects blurred eye sight.
2. At the heart: in case of vascular vasoconstriction in the old heart can cause a weak pain in the heart,
causing pain and even cause sudden death.
3. In the kidney: vascular blood supply to the kidneys down causing a buildup of excess waste products
and can cause pain in the kidneys.
4. In the brain: if the blood flow to the brain is reduced and reduced O2 supply can cause dizziness. If you
have severe narrowing of the blood vessels resulting in rupture of blood vessels in the brain (stroke).
2.6 Prevention of hypertension

A person's risk for getting hypertension (except essential), can be reduced by:
a. Blood pressure checked regularly.
b. Maintaining a healthy weight.
c. Reduce salt intake.
d. Do not smoke.
e. Exercise regularly.
f. Living on a regular basis.
g. Reduce stress.
h. Do not rush.
i. Avoid fatty foods.
Primary Prevention:
Adequate sleep, between 6-8 hours per day.
Reduce high cholesterol foods and multiply physical activity to lose weight.
Reduce alcohol consumption.
Consumption of fish oil.
supply of calcium, although only slightly lower blood pressure but calcium is also quite helpful.
Secondary prevention
Pattern yamg makanam healthy.
Reducing salt and sodium in your diet.
Physical active.
Reduce the intake Akohol.
Stop smoking.
Tertiary prevention
Control of blood on a regular basis.
Sports regularly and adjusted to the condition of the body.

2.7 Treatment of hypertension

The best treatment of hypertension are:
a. Always control the blood pressure regularly to see a doctor.
b. Always take medication regularly though without complaint.
c. Reduce salt intake.
d. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit.
e. Obeying doctor's advice.
In addition to drugs that are permitted by the doctor, there are other ways that tradisisonal namely by:
1. Two starfruit shredded and then squeezed into a glass of water so that the leatherback and drink every
2 bay leaves 4 pieces + 2 cups water to 1 cup boiled up, drink 2 cups / day.
3. Eat 2 pieces of cucumber / day or made juice
How to make cucumber juice:
d. kg of cucumber washed
e. Peeled and then grated
f. Filter the water using a filter / clean cloth
g. Taken every day 1 kg to 2 times the drink morning and evening


Hypertension disease is a public health problem which can be addressed either in some countries there are
in the world and in Indonesia.

How to set up a diet for people with hypertension is to improve the taste by adding sugar fresh red /
white, onion (red / white), ginger, and other spices kencur are not salted or contains very little sodium.
Food can be pan-fried to improve the taste. Put salt on the table while eating can be done to avoid
excessive use of salt. It is recommended to always use iodized salt and salt do not use more than 1
teaspoon per day.


1. Installation Nutrition Perjan dr Cipto Mangunkusumo and the Association of Indonesian Dietisien.
"Diet Guide"; New Edition, Jakarta, 2004, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
2. Mansjoer A, Triyanti K, Savitri R, Ward W. I, Setiowulan W, "Capita Selecta Medicine" 3rd edition vol
1, Media Aesculapius Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakrta, 1999

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