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During this time our country often run into problems . The problems often faced by
our country including the population problems and cultural problems . Actually the problems
being faced by our country is not just a matter of population and culture , there are many
other issues that our country was facing. Here I will explain a bit of the problems being faced








During this , the population problem in our country can say is very alarming , and still
not getting the attention from the government or other public figures . Actually , the
population problem can be addressed properly if that had always been there Considerable
efforts from the government . Turns population problem can cause a variety of social
Examples of problems that are often faced by the population of our country , among
others :
1 . population density
2 . malnutrition
3 . Competition jobs
4 . The increasing number of poverty
5 . Competition for settlement
6 . Lack of educational opportunities
7 . Crude birth rate ( CBR )
8 . transmigration
9 . The main marriage age
10 . marital status
11 . Total fertility rate ( FTR )
12 . IBI or child ratio
13 . On average children born and living
Here I will explain about the purpose dai population problems examples above :
1 . population density
Population density is usually often occur because of the many people who
transmigrate to Jakarta !

2 . malnutrition
Malnutrition is common for people who do not have sufficient knowledge of how
important that health care. Usually due to a lack of nutrient supply when the mother is
pregnant or Padda, when the child begins to grow !
3 . Competition jobs
Competition employment is caused by population growth in our country and a very
high population growth inni apparently not proportional to the number of jobs provided by
the government for this !
4 . The increasing number of poverty
The increasing number of poverty is usually caused by a lack of creativity
development community to create jobs themselves .
5 . Competition for settlement
Competition to get a decent settlement is common in urban areas, dense , and issues
like this are common due to inadequate housing so terliahan become rundown .
6 . Lack of educational opportunities
Because the birth rate in our country is very high , certainly the more facilities and
teacher performance are required , as a result not every child has the opportunity to go to
school and get a proper education and adequate .
7 . Crude birth rate
Estimates were calculated based Central Bureau of Statistics ( BPS ) , shows that in
Indonesian Crude birth rate has declined from 33.7 per 1000 population in the period 19801985 to 28.7 per 1,000 population and 25.3 per 1000 population in the period 1985 - 1990
and 1990-1995.
8 . transmigration
Transmigration is a movement of people from rural to urban areas with the aim to find
a job or to change their fate .
There are several ways that can be done by the government or other people to slightly reduce
the population problems that exist in our country , such as :
1 . Hold a family planning program
2 . Hitting the high level of transmigration back by returning the migrants to their home town
3 . Solving authoritatively
4 . Solving scientific
5 . Solving metaphysically

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