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Nikolas Zazula

Whap 6th Hour


Chapter 6 Analysis Questions 3-8

3. Social hierarchy was fundamental to Roman political and social life at all levels
throughout its history. Give examples from domestic life to civic life to imperial life.
Distinctions between social classes became increasingly clear as the Roman Empire
expanded. The majority of the social and economical benefits were distributed to the influential
and powerful aristocrats, while the less fortunate were left impoverished and bankrupt. This
lower class consisted of many war veterans, yet they were forced to live in unstable,
claustrophobic and fire-prone homes. The wealthy lives in spacious homes of extreme luxury,
equipped with the latest technology, and built of stones the like of marble. This extreme
separation led to the protest of equal distribution of land and resources, especially by war
These inequalities also existed within the Roman Empires own military. Centurions were the
leaders of the Roman military centuries and were assembled by the emperor to elect magistrates
and senators. However, only those with a significant amount of wealth were worthy of the
Centurion title, as the soldiers were ranked in order of the quantity and quality of the resources
they were required to provide for themselves. Those with more efficient and powerful weaponry
held a higher status in the army. (P.173 and 174)

Through observation of other civilizations such as the Persian Empire, it becomes clear that
the support of the people is vital, and that a loss in the ideology of an empire could be fatal to its
4. What was the policy of bread and circuses? How did it evolve? What do you think
were its effects?
The policy of Bread and Circuses was created as a means of the appeasement of the lower
class in the Roman Empire. It was devised by wealthy Roman politicians, and consisted of
winning over public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy,
but through the satisfaction of more minor needs. Meaning Bread and Games, enough food
was doled out daily to the lower class, and entertainment was provided in the form of gladiator
games were supplied to the public by the government to keep these people compliant with
current Roman policies. This policy evolved and was continually used to keep the Plebians at
bay without dealing with the large issue of unemployment. The effects of this policy allowed the
government to hide behind the faade of a caring and giving organization for the people, and
continue practices in disregard to the opinions of the Roman people, as they became oblivious to
this fact. However, when this policy was eventually unearthed, it gave a stigma of
untrustworthiness to the government, and resulted in rioting and revolt, though these were the
exact reactions the government was attempting to avoid with this policy. (P. 175)

5. What were the accomplishments in which Roman emperors took the most pride? In
our text, the example of Augustus is most fully discussed, but other emperors are
also mentioned.
Roman emperors took pride in their conquests and the role they play as the
imperator of the Roman military. Augustus, Trajan and Hadrian were able to expand the
boundaries of their influence, and extend the reach of the Roman Empire up to modern
Switzerland and England and surround the Mediterranean Sea. This allowed the Romans
to control the flow of resources and trade within the Mediterranean, and proved how large
their influence was.
Augustus, in particular, was able to annex modern-day Austria and Bavaria and
establish a frontier in central Europe at the Danube River. Throughout these military
endeavors, however, Augustus held his home as a priority. He held a role as a patron of
the arts, literature and the restoration of family order. Under his rule, the Empire was able
to develop artistically, and encouraged employment through the beautification of Rome.
He understood that in order to keep his power, he needed to tend to the needs of his
people. Though improving everyday life for his people through the establishment of
strong and beautiful architecture, to improving education and encouraging friendly and
family relations in society, he was able to win over the hearts of his people and become
designated even after his reign as a god. (P.181-184)

6. What changes took place in the Roman Empire and in Christianity that enabled
Christianity to become the dominant religion? Please note the stages of evolution.

Under emperors such as Nero, Decius and Valerian, Christianity began under
persecution by the upper class, though it appealed to increasing numbers of the Roman
population. It originally attracted the poor, due to Jesus concern for the downtrodden.
Later, however, the organization, message and greater promotion for the rights of women
that the concepts of Christianity contained began to resonate with the more powerful and
aristocratic classes.
By 313, the emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which legalized
Christianity, and recognized it as a valid faith. Constantine favored this religion over
polytheism, due to the prosperity and miraculous benefits it had brought to him and the
people of his empire. Through the networks of trade and administration routes, the ideas
of Christianity were spread throughout Roman Empire, and to areas under its influence.
With large trade networks such as the Silk Road in place, an environment existed in
which the transmission of both goods and religious ideas flourished, and Christianity was
able to extend its reach not only just within the Roman Empire, but to other civilizations
in the east. (P.191)
7. Why might historians say that the Roman Empire was dismembered, rather than
say that it fell?
During the fall of the Roman Empire, the civilization had split into two. The
western portion of the Roman Empire died off and collapsed due to continuing migration
and expansion by the Germanic nations, while the eastern portion lived to become the
Byzantine Empire. Though, through this manipulation by the Germanic nations, the
western portion of the Roman Empire can be seen as having been dismembered rather
than having fallen, as these nations created and extended upon their own kingdoms
with the former lands of this part of the empire. (P.194-196)

8. What factors enabled the eastern, Byzantine Empire to survive for one thousand
years after the end of the Roman Empire?
After the fall of Rome, the remaining eastern portion of the empire needed to stay
economically and socially sound in order to support itself. Taxes were collected regularly,
allowing for the establishment of a justice system and a military. With a strong form of
government as well, the Byzantine Empire was able to build a strong social foundation
and keep a form of order.
Along with this, the eastern empire was more geographically centered than its
western counterpart. Even in the event of the recession of its reach, the empire was able
to defend its central political power of Constantinople. This centralization created a
stronger urban tradition and allowed the Byzantine Empire to become a strong and
intimidating force, and a force to be reckoned with. Germanic invaders instead took to the
distraught and scattered western empire, which was much more vulnerable in the event of
invasion. (P.200)

Why does it Matter? To Summarize

The Roman Empire had a significant influence on the modern world, and helped
to form the social construction of modern-day western society. From their system of
government and the creation of a mail service, to the introduction of the first units of
measurement, the Romans were able to construct a foundation that our modern society is
built off of. The Roman Empire assisted in the popularization the idea of monotheism, or
the belief and following of only a single god, rather than the polytheistic belief of the

ancient Greeks. Furthermore, the Romans helped propel Christianity into the worldwide
influence it has become today, with an estimation of about 2.18 billion Christians around
the world. They were able to lay the foundations for religious development and
The influence of the Roman Empire is profoundly important to modern-day
society, as much of the social order we have today is derived from those very ideas. From
the urban development and the construction of society to the very languages that we
speak, these ideas have been altered and edited throughout history. However, these
concepts were able to arise within the walls of the Roman Empire, and extend their
influence into the modern world.

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