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Tornado Vortex Theory


Departmentof PhysicsandAtmospheric
Science,Drexel University,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19104


does. This common element allows the more benign dust

devils[Idso, 1974]and waterspouts[Golden,1971]to be

for someelements
of tornado
[e.g.,Bilbroetal., 1977;Schwiesow,
presentreview is to updatemy earlierreview [Lewellen, 1981].It alsomakesit difficultto maintaintornadostatistics
1976]. That paper, which will be referred to as L76, at- [Grazulisand Abbey,1983].This reviewis primarilycontemptedto provide a critical assessment
of the existing cernedwith the well-developed,strongtornado.
A number of reviews of the dynamics of the tornado
vortex are available in the literature. The purpose of the

theoretical models to see how well they describedthe wind

The essential elements of the tornado vortex are illus-

the flow in differentregionsof the tornadoin 1976,it wasnot

the thunderstorminto which the vortex feeds through a

and pressurefield in a tornado,to seewhatunderstandingtrated in the schematicin Figure 1, taken from Whipple
they providedas to the parameters
whichgoverntheflow, [1982].The flow spiralsradiallyinwardinto a coreflow
andto clarify someof the essentialquestions
whichremain whichis basicallya swirlingrisingplumebut mayincludea
to be answeredby futureresearch.Althoughit waspossible downward
jet alongthe axis. The radial flow is greatly
in the surfacelayer. The wholeflow is drivenby
to piecetogether
a relatively
of intensified

wallcloud.Thetornadovortexallowsa significant
to providea definitive
model.HereI will concen- rotating
trate on the considerable
whichhasbeenmadein fractionof the potentialenergyof the parentstormto be
intowindkineticenergyvery closeto the surface
this directionin the researchpublishedin the last 15years. converted
Again,I will restrictattention
to theimmediate
vicinityof whereit can causegreatdamage.Althoughthere is some

the tornado,within a radiusof approximately

1 km. A evidence that the tornado vortex may intensify the storm,
effectof thetornado
reviewon thunderstorm
by Rotunno themuchmoreimportant
[thisvolume]will updatethereviewbyLilly [1976]onthe loweringof maximumwind speedsfromhighin the storm
forthetornado.almostto the surface.Local concentrationof the vorticity
Since a number of relatively recent reviewshave been canleadto windspeeds
100m/swithina cylinder

of approximately
100m radius.As will be discussed
and Lighthill,1983;Davies-Jones,
1986;Deissler,1977;Lugt, 1983;Maxworthy,
1986;Ro- section6, there is even the opportunityfor the unique
tunno,1986;SmithandLeslie,1978;Snow,1982,1984, interactionbetweenthe vortex and the surfaceto permit
1987],I willfeelfreeto incorporate
in this maximumlow-levelwind speedsto exceedthat achievable
bya straight
of stormpotential
present review.
The mostessential
elementof tornadolike,


in particulateconcentrations
of ambient,
Thisispresent The sharpgradients
Theschein natural
[Lund- ringin tornadoes
Plate1, of a
to hurricanes
Thereareclear maticmaybe compared

betweenthe tornadoand the muchlarger westernKansastornadoonAugust28, 1979[Whipple,1982].
hurricane.The hurricaneis a complete,largestormsystem, It showsa large cloudof dust and debrisengulfing
of theclearregionto
while the tornadois an appendage
to a thunderstorm.bottomof thefunnel.Thepenetration
the sparseness
of cleardistinguishing
featuressmallerradiusat the surfaceprovidesevidenceof the strong
the coredynamics
of weaktornadoes
andother radial inflowin the surfacelayer. The top of the dense
naturalvorticesmakesit difficultto distinguish
weaktorna- surface
verticalvelocitiesinferredfor theseregionsfrom Figure1.
Its Structure,
andHazards. Thisis influenced
bothby particlesizeof the debrisandby
of appropriate





l:ig. I.

Schematic of tornado tlow taken from Whipph, [1982].

do's path. Above this dense cloud it is possible to .seea sharp

water cloud funnel boundary surrounded by a faint dust
sheath. !'he funnel cloud boundary does not denote u
streamline, but mtrc nearly corresponds to a constant pressure surface. It can occur in either the upfiow or the
downllow region of the schcmttic in Figure 1. The perception of a clear annulus between

the cloud funnel and the dust

sheath suggeststhat the funnel is occurring within the inner

downflow at this particular time. The sharp boundaries

that the level of turbulence

core, its interaction

to divide

the flow





regions ils in L76: region !, the core fiow; region I!, the
st,trace boundary layer flow; region !11, the central corner
flow; and region IV, the top layer. Three of these four
regions are seen in Figure I and P!ale I. The top layer is
ot'thc picture in both cases. I will concentrate on the central
corner flow region, because this is the region where the
maximum velocities {recur and where the dynamical mechanisms

are mosl distinctive.

in this core 11ow is low.

l'hc bend in the funnel cloud at height is not unu.sual for

tornadoes, particularly in the decaying phase. This is evidence that even when the thunderstorm flow pattern forces a

It is convenient

with the surface tends to

rioroea perpendicular intersection.

Perhaps the greatest advances in the last 15 years have
been in the area of numerical simulations, which were just
beginning to make significant contributions in the mid 1970s.
Thanks in great measure to the roughly 2 orders of magnitude increase in hardware computational capabilities during
this time period, fully three-dimensional, unsteady simulations are now easier than steady state, axisymmetric calculations were at the beginning of the period. 1 will present
some new "large-eddy simulation" results for turbulence in
the tornado vortex made during the preparation of this
review, which complement the axisymmetric, turbulent
transport results of Lea'ellen and Sheng [1980]. I think the
technology is now at hand, where it should be possibleto
take boundary conditionsfi-oma numerical storm simulation
and obtain valid estimates of the probability of different
levels of extreme winds occurring in different storms.


Co,i Ft,ow, RFGI()N I

In natural vortices the horizontal convergence tends to be

induced by positively buoyant plumes or updrafts. Conservation of angular momentum with respect to the center of
these updrafts then amplifies any ambient vertical vorticity.
In terms of the dynamics of vorticity [e.g., Morton, 1969,
1984], the existing vortex tubes are stretched, so that the
cross section becomes smaller and the vorticity amplified to
keep the product of the vorticity and the cross-sectionalarea
constant. At the barely discernable level this leads to the
small whirls in the steam fog rising fi-om a warm water pond
on a cold morning. Under large air/water temperature differences, as may occur after a winter cold front passes over
open water [e.g., Lyons and Pease, 1972], steam devils,
which are quite similar to dust devils, can occur. Hess et al.
[1988] have looked at the conditions necessary for such
boundary layer vortices to occur. They report that the
environment is favorable for their development when -h/L
> 100, where h is the height of the mixed layer and L is the
Monin-Obukhov length, consistent with the suggestions


Deardorff[1972]. Schmidtand Schumann[1989]haveuseda

large-eddysimulationof the convectiveboundarylayer to
look at theseconditionswherecoherentplumesareinitiated.



Entrainmentinto such a developingplume providesthe

convergencewhich can amplify any ambientverticalvorticity. The tiltingand stretchingof horizontalvorticitycanalso
be a major sourceof verticalvorticity for theseboundary



layer vortices [Maxworthy, 1973].

CORE '"'"

Once a buoyant plume vortex is formed, the strong

stability of the flow allows the flow to persist and even
amplify.This'featurecanallowthe swirlingplumeto be quite
distinctive.As a consequence
of their high Reynoldsnumco
ber, mostatmosphericflowsare turbulent,with a cascading

of energyfrom large scalesto smallscales.Althoughtornadolike vorticesoccurin a regionof relativelystrong,threeFig. 2. Schematic illustration (not to scale) of cumulus-outflow
dimensional turbulence, the rotational forces occurring interactionsin relation to vorticity generationfor a waterspout
within the vortex coreare ableto impedethe normalcascade according to Simpson et al. [1986].
of turbulent energy and allow the core vortex to dominate.

When the vortex is driven by its core buoyancy, this

dampingof core turbulencealsopreventsthe corebuoyancy [1989] for nonsupercell tornadoes. The same type of
from diffusingas muchas it otherwisewould. This provides close proximity between the cold downdraft and the warm
a natural feedback; the greater the height to which the core updraft appears to be involved in a thunderstorminitiating
buoyancy persists, the stronger the radial pressuredrop the strongtornado [Davies-Jones, 1986], but I will leave that
availableto drive the vortex. It also helpsexplain why fires to Rotunno [this volume] to explain.
may be intensified by the introduction of swirl [Church et al.,
1980]. In the normal inertial range of three-dimensional 2.1.



cascading turbulence there is an increase of enstrophy

Most researchersagree that the primary tornado vortex is
(squared vorticity) and decreasein energy with decreasing
axisymmetric within a radius of 1 kin. Although
scale. In a tornadolike vortex there appearsto be sufficient
effects are important, this axisymmetric nature
stability to allow the normal cascade to terminate and the
coherent vortex to intensify. I will return to this stability of the primary vortex reduces the geometricalvariation of
the core flow to a single parameter, the geometrical ratio of
the domain radius to the domain height, i.e., an aspectratio,

discussion in section 2.3.

A major problem in modelingthe tornado is in determining

how the thunderstormgeneratesthe high levels of vertical AR = to/h, with r 0 the radius of the domain and h the
height. The aspect ratio has a strong influence on the
vorticity necessaryto supply the tornado vortex. However,
this question is predominantly outside the domain of the interaction between the core flow and the top and bottom
current review, since it involves the storm dynamics on a boundary conditions.
The core flow through a cylindrical domain with fixed
scale larger than 1 km. In order to hint at how this generation
and concentration may proceed, Figure 2 shows a concep- aspect ratio is of course largely determined by the inflow/
tional schematicof possibleflow in the vicinity of a water- outflow boundary conditions. When this open tornado dospout from Simpson et al. [1986]. The convergence in the main is consideredto be drawn from a larger-scale, ambient
immediate vicinity of the waterspout is suppliedby an active flow, one of the most important parameters influencing the
inflow is some measure of the ratio of the ambient vertical
cumulus cloud. The problem (and probably the reason
waterspouts do not occur more frequently) comes in supply- vorticity to the ambient horizontal convergence. Such a
ing sufficientvertical vorticity, that the stretching associated swirl parameter, S, is usually taken as

with the convergence

canincreaseit to order1 s- within
the 10 min the cumulus is most active. On the basis of GATE

and extensive




simulations (their grid resolution of 0.6 km is unable to

resolve the waterspout, but they were looking to obtain
sufficiently high vorticity levels on that grid scale), they
conclude that conditions which bring together cool descending and warm ascendingair side by side are more likely
to increase both low-level convergence and low-level vertical vorticity sufficientlyto achieve waterspout intensity in
the lifetime of the cumulus updraft aloft. A quite similar
type of conceptualmodel is given by Wakimotoand Wilson

S = (ooro)/(2ahh)= Vo/Wo


with o,the ambient vertical vorticity, and a j,, the ambient

horizontal convergence.This may also be written as the ratio
of the tangentialvelocity,v0, of the inflowat r0, dividedby

the averageverticalvelocity, w0, at the top of the domain.

The value of the swirl ratio has a strong effect on the
interaction between the vertical and the horizontal compo-

nentsof vorticity. In the work of Lewellen [1962]I showed

that when S is large, any axisymmetriccore flow musthave

its axial componentof vorticity essentiallyindependent


the axial coordinate, z, over large stretchesof z.





substantialz variations in the axial component of vorticity

must occur in narrow layers in the limit of large S.
The influenceof physical scale size comes through some
Reynolds number, such as

Re = voro/v


Here v is the kinematicviscosityof the fluid. This is certainly


Simple Models

In the limiting case of incompressible,irrotational flow,

both the circulation and the total pressure are conserved as
the vortex flow converges radially inward. This implies a
minimumradius,re, insidewhich the flow cannotpenetrate.
This ideal minimum radius, where the maximum velocity
occurs, is given by

an importantparameter,for laboratoryand numericalsimur,.= F(2Ap/p)

lations.However, onlythe fact that it is a largevaluemay be
importantlbr actualtornadoes.With a few exceptions[e.g., where F is the productof the tangentialvelocity times the
Chi and ('ostopotous,1975;Lewellenand Sheng,1979,1980; local radius (circulation/2rr), p is the density, and Ap is the
Lewellen and Teske, 1977; Lewellen et al., 1979], numerical
simulationsare at relatively low Reynolds numbers since

pressuredrop drivingthe vortex. This providesa simple,

approximaterelationshipbetween three of the important
sometype of constanteddy viscosityis usedto adjustfor variablesdefiningthe vortex. For flows with roughlyequal
turbulence.i believethe dynamicalvariations pressuredrop, the coreradiusis proportionalto circulation,
in the effectiveeddyviscosityin differentpartsof the flow while for flows with similar circulation, the stronger the
are important,but thisis not universallyaccepted.More of pressuredrop, the smallerthe core radius. The pressure
the influence ot' Re will be considered when the corner flow

drop, Ap, is dividedbetweendrivingthe swirl and driving

the throughflow,so (4) assuresthat the swirl parameter,S,
A t'ourthparameterinvolvessomemeasureof the relative will have a stronginfluenceon the flow. In fact, when the
forceswithintheflow. In laboratory pressure
dropdrivingthe vortexflowis heldfixed,(4) canbe
flowsthis is usuallygiven in terms of a Froude number:
to showthat the swirl ratio governsthe mini-

is discussed.

Ft' ..?:

(3) mum radius to which the maximum tangential velocity can

penetrate.However,I expectturbulentdynamicsto playan

the detailedvelocitydistribuwhere&p is the pressuredrop drivingthe flow, Ap is the importantrole in determining
densitychangewithinthe tlow, and ftis the gravitational
constant. It is not clear how important this parameter is to
the tornadovortex. Certainly, buoyancydue to latent heat

Within the core flow the tangential velocity sufficiently

dominatesthe radial velocity so that there is an essentially

balancebetweenthe radialpressuregradient
releaseby condensation,or absorptionby evaporation, cyclostrophic
force. Radial integrationof the radial
playsa dominantrolein thethunderstorm
for anyassumed
velocitydistrithe tornado. However, much of this driving energy is trans- pressure
ferred to the smallertornado scale by pressureforces. The butionthen providesa relationshipsimilarto (4), with a
Froude numberdependsupon the relative ratio ot' these numericalfactordependingon the assumeddistribution.As
in L76, a favorite simplemodelof velocitiesin the
pressureforcesto the buoyancywithin the tornadocore. discussed
The Frotide numberwas varied in the laboratory simulations core flow is the Rankine vortex [Rankine, 1882] which sets
of a dustdevil by Mullen and Maxworthy[1977]and in the the radial and vertical velocities equal to zero and contains
numerical simulationsof Lewellen and Sheng [ 1980]. It is my an innerregionof solid-bodyrotation,v -- r, with an outer

v r -1. Thiscanbereadily
guessthatFr is sufficiently
largein thelow-levelcornerflow potential
for the radialbalancebetweenadvection
of the tornado that it is of relatively little importance here, uponby solving
but that it becomesquite importantat higherlevels.Its most

and diffusionin the presenceof sink flow with a constant

the maximum low-level velocities are limited to less than

1975].However, sinceI will arguein the later sectionsthat

dropsimilarto (4) whichare surprisingly

110-130m/s, the Mach numbersquaredshouldbe lessthan

0.1, and thus suchcompressibilityeffectsshouldbe rela-


to obtainthe Burgers-Rott
importantlow-levelrole is likely to be associated
with viscosity
betweensolidstabilizingthe core flow.
flow in the annularregionof
A few researchers have considered the influence of com- bodyrotationandpotential
et al., maximumvelocity.This providesfor somesimplerelationconsidering
that it ignoresturbulence
and all of the tight

tively small.Also, we mightadd a numberof additional

in attemptsto measurethe influenceof such
thingsastheshapeof theradialinflow,theshapeof theaxial
outflowat the top of the domain,andthe buoyancyreleased

tionswhichmustprevail.The coreradius,definedas the

importantasthe fourparameters
just defined.

minesthe coreradiusby the radialbalancebetween

radius where maximum velocity occurs, implied by the

modelis approximately
givenby(4)whenF istakenasthevalueatlargeradius
by integrating
due to condensationof water vapor within the domain,but p is the totalpressure
r = 0 andinfinity.Thisis
arenoteasyto formulatein a simpleway. cyclostrophic
modeldeterFurther, I am willing to speculatethat they are not as truein spiteof thefactthattheBurgers-Rott


tion and diffusionof tangentialmomentum,with no direct


vorticesappearingwith their axesapproximatelyparallel to

influenceof S onthe velocityfield.However,a strongeffect

of S is implied when the radial momentumequationis

the rotation

critical value (---3.75). For smaller values they surmised that

The rotational damping of turbulence may be even stron-


This transitionin the turbulent cascademay be partially

integratedto obtainthe pressuredrop.
explainedin terms of helicity, the vector inner productof
It might be argued by some that these simplemodels velocity and vorticity. Lilly [1986a, b] has proposed that
should not even be considered as tornado models because helicitymay be an importantdescriptivevariablein rotating
they leave out so much. However, I think that any model storms. Fundamental research on turbulence [e.g., Andre
betweenimportantvari- and Lesieur, 1977; Polifke and Shtilman, 1989] has shown
ables within the flow may justifiably be referred to as a that high levels of helicity tend to retard the cascadingof
tornadomodel.If only the completemodeldeservesthe tag, turbulentenergyto smaller scalesand thus reduce dissipathen we would still be without any models of a tornado. As tion. The stretchingand tilting termsin the vorticity equation
discussedin more detail in L76, the radial balance between are usually consideredto be most responsiblefor the casadvection and diffusion of tangential momentum has been cadingof energyinto the inertial subrange.However, purely
solvedfor a numberof differentassumptionsaboutthe radial helicalflow, when the vorticity vector is a constanttimes the
velocity [Bellamy-Knights,1970, 1971;Dergarabedianand velocityvector(Beltramiflow), allowsthesetwo termsin the
Fendell, 1967; Einstein and Li, 1955;Lewellen, 1962;Marchvorticity equation to exactly cancel with the advection
enko, 1961; Sullivan, 1959]. A model which has a stronger terms. Davies-Joneset aI. [1984] has suggestedthat helicity
couplingbetween the swirling velocity and the axial velocity can be used as a predictor of severe storms, with at least
is that by Long [1956, 1958, 1960, 1961] which assumes somepreliminarysuccess[Davies-Jones
conical similarity. Burggraf and Foster [1977] show that for I am sure more will be written about this storm scale helicity
in the rest of this volume. It may bejust as important on the
some relatively arbitrary initial velocity conditionsat z = 0,
laminar flows tend to approach one of Long's similarity tornado vortex scale. Certainly, there appears to be strong
solutions asymptotically, as long as the ratio of the axial dampingof turbulent eddies by local rotation in the core
momentum of the jet to the angular momentum is above a from the smoothappearanceof the central funnel in many
some type of vortex breakdown occurred. A number of
similarity solutionsalso include buoyancy to generatethe
updraft[Franz, 1969;Fulks, 1962;Gutman, 1957;Kuo, 1966,
1967], but, when a two-cell solutionoccursin one of these
buoyant models, the downdraftat the centeris forced by
colder temperatures,rather than beingforcedby the strong

swirl as occurs in the tornado.

ger in the presenceof a positiveradial gradientin density

which may exist in any buoyantlygeneratedvortex plume.
Thus even when the Froude number of the tornado flow is

moderatelylargeso that buoyancyeffectsmay be neglected

in the mean flow dynamics, it may still be important in

dampingthe turbulencein the tornadocore.The centrifugal

Some new similarity solutionshave been presentedfor

swirlingaxisymmetricflows [Paull and Pillow, 1985;Wang,
1991; Wu, 1985; Yih et al., 1982], but in general these
one-dimensionalflows require more artificial restrictions

accelerationof a 70-m/stangentialvelocity at a radiusof 50

deals with the corner flow where much of the strong inter-

0'/0o< 2F'/F - w'2r3/(4F


m is approximately10 timesEarth'sgravitationalaccelera-

tion. Thus strong damping of radial motions should be

expectedwhenthesewouldcarrywith thema negativeradial
flowsmay buoyantflux. When the Richardsonnumber criterion of
be readily integratednumerically.The most interesting, stratifiedturbulenceis carried over to axisymmetricswirling
recent core flow solutions are finite difference solutions,but flow, it says that turbulenceis dampedwhen the radial
since these also involve interaction with the top and bottom gradients(denotedby primes) of potentialtemperature,0,
regions,I will deferdiscussing
5, which axial velocity, w, and circulationsatisfythe relation



Stability Considerations


This oversimplifies
the stabilityproblem[Leibovich,1984],
but it does illustrate that radial buoyancy gradientsdo not

haveto be very large to be as importantas incompressible

Althoughthe tornadooccursin a regionof relatively rotational considerations.

the rotational
forces More details on the stability of tornadolike vortices may
withinthe tornadocoreareableto impede
the be found in the literature [Foster and Smith, 1989; Gall,

1983, 1985;Gall and Staley, 1981;Leibovichand Stewartson,

1983;Rotunno, 1978;Snow, 1978;Staley, 1985;Staley
vortex to dominate.This phenomenon
is apparentin the
resultsof therotatingtankexperiments
of Hopfinger
et al. and Gall, 1979, 1984; Steffens, 1988; Stewartson,1982;
normal cascade of turbulent energy and allow the core

the blockage
of the normal Stewartson and Leibovich, 1987; Walko and Gall, 1984].

of turbulentenergyin favorof the appearance
of When stable conditions exist, inertial waves may travel
a dramatic
in the alongthecoreandprovideanimportantpartof anyunsteady
[Maxworthyet al., 1985;SnowandLund, 1989].
turbulent flow field when the local Rossbynumberwas dynamics
a stability
decreasedbelow about0.2, with a collectionof coherent It is importantto notethat satisfying





such as (5) does not assure a laminar vortex, but rather

This representsthe balance between the vertical divergence

establishesconditionsfor which we can expect any existing

turbulence to be damped. Fiediet [1989] has arguedthat the
central jet eruption from the turbulent boundary layer in a

of the turbulent

full-scale tornado corner flow, to be discussed in section 5,

may be laminar on the basis of a local stability criterion. I
think this is unlikely, because of the time scalesrequired to
damp the turbulent eddies existing in the radial jet which is
converging to form the vertical jet. Although, the details of a
laminar corner flow are not appropriate for flow in a fullscale tornado, the core flow, which the corner flow transt3rms into, may have its turbulence sufficiently damped for
the flow to appear laminar, as indicated in the top part of the

in the tornado


in Plate

u'w' = -czOu/Oz

It has long been recognized that the retardation of a

rotating flow at a surfaceperpendicularto the axis of rotation
will induce a radial inflow within the boundary layer [Ekman,
19()51. A number of different solutions for the rotating
boundary layer were discussed in L76 [Barelion, 1967;
Bek'her et al., 1972; Bellamy-Knights, 1974; B6dewadt,
1940;Burggra,/'et a!., 1971; Carrier, 1971; Chaussee, 1972;
Chi and Glowacki, 1974; Chi and Jih, 1974; Chi et al., 1969;

Goldshtilc, 1960; Hsu and Te,s]lmariam, 1975; Jischke and

Parang, 1975; Kidd and Farris, 1968; Kuo, 1971; Rao and
Raymond, 1975;Rott, 1962; Rott and Lewellen, 1965, 1966;
Schwiderski, 1968; Smith and Smith, 1965]. The boundary

and the difference


If u'w' were constant, (7) would yield the logarithmic result

as it does for the tangential velocity:

v = c2 In (Z/Zo)



flux of radial momentum

between the local centrifugal force, which varies with z, and

the pressure gradient which is imposed by the centrifugal
force above the boundary layer. Close to the surface we also
expect a simple mixing-length, turbulent model to be reasonably valid for the shear stress, so that


Figure 3 gives the results of integrating (6) and (7) with the
aid of (8) and compares this result with the laboratory
observations of Savino and Keshock [1965]. In this comparison, three data points are used to determine the effective
surface roughness, z0, and the two components of the
surface shear stress, which are related to the two constants

c and c2. This is the same information required to determine the usual logarithmic layer. The pressuregradient is
given by the free stream conditions above the boundary

The comparisonin Figure 3 showsthat the addition of the

pressuregradient influencein the surface layer permits a
goodrepresentationof the radial velocity for a much greater
rangeof z, distancefrom the surface,than is the casefor the
layer beneatha vortex also has continuedto be a popular leadinglogarithmicterm. Naturally, this turbulentvariation
subjectsince 1976[Baker, 1981;Carrier et al., 1988;Chi, producesvelocitieswith muchsharpergradientscloseto the
1977;tlsu and Te,sJ,nariam,1976;Kuo, 1982;Leslie, 1977; surfacethan are producedin a laminar boundarylayer (the
Monji and Yunkuan,1989;Phillips, 1984, 1985;Phillipsand inherentresultproducedby a constanteddyviscositymodKhoo, 1987; Prahlad, 1976; Rostek and Snow, 1985; Ro- el). The sharppeak in the radial velocity very close to the
tunno, 1980;Sychev, 1989; Wilsonand Rotunno, !986]. A surfacein Figure3 indicatesthat if a constanteddy solution
majority of these boundarylayer analyseshave been for is to be used, it is probably better to combine a free-slip
laminar flow. These give a valid qualitative view of the boundaryconditionon the radial velocity, with the no-slip
boundaryinteractionwith vortexflow, but the variationin condition only applied to the tangentialvelocity.
turbulenceclose to the surfaceis important in determining
Local conditionsat any radiusprovide an estimateof the
the detailed structure of the flow. I will not attempt an

radial volume flow induced into the linear Ekman layer, but

individualcritiqueof all of theseeffortshere, but insteadwill

this is not generallyadequatefor the full nonlinearrotating

onlylookat whatI considersomekey featuresof flowin this boundarylayer. This requiresinformationon the historyof
the boundarylayer.A simpleestimateof thiswasreportedin
First, let us considerhow the surfacelayer is affectedby L76 as given by Rott [1962]:
rotation. The presence of a boundary imposesa strong
Qbl= -2.5cfF(ro- r)
constrainton the dynamicsof the turbulence.In the absence
of any bodyforceson the flowthisleadsto a logarithmiclaw
of the wall regionin whichthe flux of momentumis constant wherethenegativesignindicatesthattheradialvolumeflow,
while the velocitydecreaseslogarithmicallyas the surfaceis Qbt in the boundarylayer is radiallyinward, cf is the
turbulent skin friction coefficient, F is the circulation in the
This logarithmicvariationis validfor the tangentialvelocityin the boundarylayer undera tornadolike.outer flow, and r 0 is the outer radiusfrom which the
vortex but is only valid for the radial velocity extremely boundarylayer develops.Equation(9) providesa direct
close to the surface. This may be demonstrated by the

followingsimpleanalysisfrom LeweIlen[1977].
In the surfacelayerthe radialmomentumequationmaybe
approximated as

= 9v2/r- Op/Or


estimate of the flow which is diverted into the boundary

layerat largeradii and mustbe ejectedverticallyinto the

corner flow to be discussedin section5. It showsthat there

mustbe negativeverticalvelocityinto the boundarylayer

outsidethe radiuswhere the circulationremainsessentially

constant. When the circulation is not constant above



1979;Dergarabedian and Fendell, 1973;LilO,, 1976;Mitsuita

et al., 1987; Walko, 1988; Wylie and Anderson, 1983].
It is my opinion that most moderate tornadoes are not
associatedwith an eye extendingthrough the thunderstorm,




even when there is a central downdraft at low levels. Rather,

they are capped by a buoyant plume, a processthat still

remains to be accurately simulated. Such a process may be


expected to occur when the core radius increaseswith height


sufficientlythat (5) is no longer satisfied;then turbulenceis

allowed to grow and break up the core. The inner eye would
be capped at this altitude, with angular momentum transported outward by turbulence. This capping process may
have been almost captured in the laboratory results of
Pautey [1989], where the vertical pressuregradientalongthe
axis was observed up to a region where the strong inner
downflowappearedto be originating.I am willing to speculate that the vertical velocity would have been upward along
the axis just above the highestposition reported.
There appearsto be no physicalbarrier to prohibit exceptionally strongtornadoesfrom being associatedwith an eye




Z/Z +

Fig. 3. Surface layer, turbulent profiles of tangential, v, and

radial, u, velocities beneath a strong vortex. Comparison of the
solutionpredictedby Lewellen [1977]with the profilesmeasuredby
Savino and Keshock [1965] is shown.

boundary layer, (9) is stronglymodified,and some of the

radial flow may be ejected from the boundarylayer.
The primary additional parameter introduced into the
boundarylayer flow, not discussedin section2.1, is some
measureof the surfaceroughness,which may be introduced
as a secondReynoldsnumberwith r0 in (2) replacedby z0.

which penetratesthe entire depth of the storm. It is quite

possible,even probable,that a few F-5 classtornadoes(the
strongesttornadoesin Fujita's [197 la] rating system)have
had such we!l-developedeyes. Indeed, there is some supporting evidencethat the tornado core extendsfar up into
the thunderstorm for such storms. MacGorman [this vol-

ume] reports that lightningunderwent a sharp transition

from intracloud flashes during a strong tornado to negative

cloud-to-groundflashesafter the tornado. He also suggests
that the initial domination by intracloud flashes may be
associatedwith higherpenetrationof the warm moistcentral

jet (updraft)from the surface.This suggestion

is consistent
with the stabilitydiscussionin section2. The stabilityof the
vortex core structure would reduce the entrainment between

the rising warm, moist air and the cold downdraftwhich

appearsto be wrapping around it in the thunderstorm

The connection to the thunderstorm makes it difficult to



separateoutthe dynamicsin the upperregionof the tornado

The upperflowregion,whichmustnecessarily
includethe vortex. Rather than attempt to model this, I prefer to
top boundarycondition,containsa largedegreeof uncer- consider the tornado vortex model as a small inner nest of a
tainty,becauseit is buriedin the parentthunderstorm.
The numericalthunderstormmodel which cannotyet be modeled
isto as an interactivepart of the thunderstormbecauseof insufincludea baffle,whichdissipates
the angularmomentum,in ficientgrid resolution.Wicker and Wilhelmson[1990]have
flowat thetopof thedomain.This,of course, been able to obtain some of the coarse features of a tornado
vortex in a simulation which nested down to an inner grid
of 67 m in the horizontal directions. As will be
broughtinto the vortexat low levelsmustbe transferred

cannot occur in the real storm. The angular momentum

outward,eitherby diverging
flowat thetopor by turbulent seenin section7, a resolution approaching10 m appearsto
I argued
inL76thatatthetopofa swirling
updraft be neededto incorporatethe full dynamicsof the tornado
wherethe flow is forcedto divergeoutward,thereshouldbe


If the tornado vortex is considered an inner nest of a

a secondary
model,then the upperboundaryconditionsas
the low centralpressureat lowerlevels.If thispressure-

induceddowndraftfrom the top penetrates

to the surface, well as the outer radial boundary conditions can come
thenthe stormwill havean "eye" like a miniaturehurricane. directlyfrom the thunderstormoutput.Of course,one still
There hasbeenand continuesto be controversyas to when needs to look at the sensitivity of the resulting tornado

or if an eye existsin strongtornadoes

1985; vortex to variations in these boundary conditions which
Bluestein,1985;CarrierandFendell,1985;Carrieret al., would be subgridscale to the thunderstormmodel.





can lead to a local separation in the presence of the slight

adverse pressure gradient restilting from the stagnating radial velocity above the boundary layer. Relatively little swirl
is required to keep the flow attached as in Figure 4b. As S is
increased, the ratio of the volume of the throughflow passing
through the boundary layer to that above the boundary layer
increases, and the center jet is intensified. At a larger value
of S, which depends on both the inflow and the top outflow
conditions, the conditions for Figure 4c are reached. Here
the central erupting jet is stronger than can be supported
throughout the core flow by the top boundary conditions.
The restlit is a sharp transition in the tlow, a type of vortex
breakdown, at some distance above the ground. At still
highcr valucs oI'S, the boundary layer cruption occurs in an
annulus around the center, and the flow pattern of Figure 4d
appears. Whcn instabilities occur in the annular region of


Plate I.

lholograph o1'a tornado l'unncl over the western Kansas

, takent'rom
plain,,I Whipple,
a distance
o1'_.,-5 mi(5.6kin).

leaves open the question of how much the thunderstorm

model depends upon its subgrid parameterization. Lilly
[19831has argued that the reluctance of helical turbulence to
cascade in an inertial range makes rotating supercell storms
much less susceptible to turbulent uncertainties and therefore more predictable by numerical simulations without
uncertainties due to subgrid turbulent closure assumptions.
The extent to which this is true remains to be determined.




The most interestinginteraction with the surfaceoccurs in

the neighborhoodof r - 0, where the radial flow inducedby
the boundary layer must turn and produce some type of
verticaljet. The structureof thisjet dependson the relative
fraction of the volume flow which has been diverted to the

boundarylayer. This is qualitativelydeterminedby the swirl Fig. 4. Schematicof differenttypesof cornerflow [Davies-Jones,
1986]for increasingswirl: (a) very weak swirl so that the boundary
ratio. Figure 4, taken fi-om Davies-Jones[1986], shows a layerseparates,(b) one-cellvortex,(c) vortexbreakdownabovethe
schematicplot of the variationof the cornerflow with swirl surface, (d) two-cell vortex with downdraft penetrating to the
ratio. If S = 0, there is no excessflow in the boundary layer.
Instead, there is a deficit within the boundary layer which

surface,and (e) multiple vorticesrotating about the annulussepa-

rating the two




70 mjs




Plate 2. Meridional cross section of tangential, radial, and vertical velocities from the LES tornado simulation
described in the text. Pressure isobars are indicated by the light blue lines.

Snapshot of 3-D Unsteady Tornado Simulation

z = 100 m
500 m 1""7,'-:,".'7,.."...,/-/=/"./"'""/'"_"'""_=,.;:",.,...;.::;;~~..,..,.,....,....,

t' / / , ; ' / ........ - - - - - - ... -



.1 I" t' / / / / / / - - - - .......... ,


... "








IIII/////~-" " ,~""~


' I I I I 11/


: : \ I/l/~1.



I I \ \ \ ' \'

::-..\~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

'\\~)) ~ ~



~It 1\11
/1 /1/1 ~ : :

. \ \ \ \ '\ ,,\ '\....

\ \ \ , ,
...--/// / / 1 I I 1
, \\ ,
.-y// / / / / I I I
- " " " - , -~//////IIII



,500 m




...... ,

- - - - - - _ .... ' / / / / / 1 1 1
.... / / ; / / / / " I I

90 mjs






Plate 3. Horizontal cross section of tangential, radial, and vertical velocities from the LES tornado simulation
described in the lext.




Dynamic Pressure Surfaces

numerical simulations, but it becomes somewhat ambiguous

in the real tornado vortex because of its dependence on
domain geometry. Results of a laboratory investigation of
the characteristics of tornadolike vortices as a function of

swirl ratio are given by Chl/rch


al. [1979J. A plot of

minimum pressure versus S is given in Figure 5, as given by

Wilkells alld Diamond [1987J. They show that at least the

laboratory vortex goes through a number of transitions as 5
is increased, with both the geometry and the throughflow
held fixed. This figure also shows that variations with 5

depend upon the particular geometry. The Purdue chamber,

with its smaller aspect ratio, shows a much more distinct
minimum in pressure, where there is a transition from the
flow type in Figure 4c to that in Figure 4d [Pauley el al.,

1982]. Numerical simulations [Wilson {Ind ROil/lilia, 1986]

have been able to essentially duplicate the Purdue results at

low Reynolds number.

The flow in the corner flow is sufficiently complex that
solutions have required some degree of numerics even when
part of the analysis is analytical. When attempting finite
difference simulations, the difference between a corner flow
simulation and the full tornado vortex simulation is relatively
arbitrary since it is largely a matter of how the outer radial
and upper vertical boundary conditions are specified. I will

not distinguish between the two, nor will I repeat the

discussion of the pre-1976 finite difference solutions here.
Numerical solutions appearing in the last 15 years include
one-dimensional axisymmetric simulations by Carrier el al.
Plate 4. Three-dimensional perspective of surfaces of constant
dynamic pressure From the LES tornado simulation described in the
text. Tl1e squares on the surface are 100 m on a side.

concentrated vortiCity, coherent vortices, called suction

vortices [Forbes, 1978; Fujilo, 1970, 1971b; Fujilo et al.,
1976], may rotate around the primary vortex as in Figure 4e.
The sharp transition a short distance above the surface at
the center of the sketch in Figure 4c is an example of a type
of vortex breakdown. Vortex breakdowns in tubes, in wing
tip vortices, and in natural vortices have provided a fascinating subject for research [Benjamin, 1962; Browll and

Lopez, 1990; Burggraf and Fosler, 1977; Escudier, 1986,

1988; Hall, 1972; Leibovich, 1978, 1984; Lopez, 1990; Lugl,
1989; Sarpkaya, 1971]. The breakdown provides a jump
between two stable states of swirling flow. Upstream of the
jump the axial velocity is supercritical, in the sense that it is
faster than the speed at which inertial waves may travel in
this vortex environment. The axial velocity is reduced to a
subcritical value across the transition, analogous to a hy
draulicjump in stratified Row. Even when the classic break
down does not occur, axial variations in a stro.lgly swirling
flow tend to be either quite small or quite abrupt because of
the tight coupling between the velocity components forced
by axial variation in the tangential velocity.
The swirl ratio is easy to control in both laboratory and

[1988J, Chen and Watts [1979J, and Gall [1982]. These are
similar to the in viscid interaction model of Lilly [1969] in that
enough assumptions are made about the core flow and the
boundary layer flow to allow the interaction problem to be
reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations. Gall

[1982] is successful in matching the behavior of core radius

as a function of swirl obtained in the laboratory. Goldshlik
[1990] has reconsidered his conical similarity solution for a
line vortex perpendicular to a flat nonslip surface [Goldsltlik,
t960] with some apparent modifications in the critical Reynolds number above which no such similarity solution can
exist. This nonexistence of such a similarity solution at even
moderate Reynolds numbers suggests that something more
dramatic such as vortex breakdown may occur.
Laminar, two-dimensional axisymmetric, numerical simulations have been presented by Howells and 5m;III [1983],

Howells et al. [1988], Leslie [1977], Leslie {Il1d Smilh [1982J,

McClellall el (II. [1990], Proctor [1979], ROII/II1I0 [1977,
1979], ROIl/II1I0 alld Lilly [1981], Smilh [1987), Smith alld
Howells [1983], Smith and Leslie [1979], Walko [1988], and
Wilsoll alld ROlI/nllO [1982, 1986]. Turbulent, twodimen ional axisymmetric simulations have been presented

by Chi [1977], Lewellen alld Shellg [1979, 1980], Lewellell

alld Teske [1977], and Lewellell el al. [1979]. Threedimensional simulations have been presented by Rotunno

[1982, 1984], Walko [1990], and Wicker alld Wilhelmsoll




Influence of the No-Slip Condition

One of the most interestingfeatures of the corner flow is

that the radial inflow induced in the boundary layer forces

the strongest tangential velocities to occur close to the

surfaceas turningoccurs.The no-slipsurfaceboundarycondition can actually increasethe maximumvelocity a short
distance above the surface. Velocity distributionsobtained
whenfree-slipconditionsareapplied;for example,the results
of Walko and Gall [1986] show tangentialvelocity distributions with a maximum on the surface, with a slow decrease
as the vertical coordinate increases and the core slowly


smaller radius in the turbulent transport model than in the

laminarsimulation.Not surprisingly,the reductionin effective eddy viscosity predictedby turbulent transporttheory
close to a surface allows the maximum velocity to occur
closer to the surface. The differences occurring at full-scale

atmosphericReynoldsnumbersshouldbe even largerthan

the differences evidenced in this simulation of the moderate

value Reynoldsnumber appropriatefor this laboratory ex-

periment.This comparisonwas madefor swirl conditions

similar to those of Figure 4(,/. Probably an even bigger

difference would have been seen at lower swirl conditions

Figure4c. In a morerecent,high-resolution,
expands.Thismaybe contrasted
withthe no-slipresultsof laminar simulation of conditions more appropriate to this

Howells et al. [1988] exhibited in Figure 6. The no-slip

conditions result in an overshoot in the corner flow which

case which incorporatesa vortex breakdown,Wilsonand

Rotunno[1986]have obtaineda maximumvertical velocity

can more than compensate

for end-walllosses.Howellset
which is twice the maximum tangential velocity and occurs
al. showthat, at leastfor theirstrongswirlcaseandassumed
between the surface and the breakdown transition. I would
constantviscosity,the no-slipboundaryconditionproduces
not expecta highReynoldsnumber,turbulentsimulationto
a maximumvelocity approximately
25% greaterthan that

bya similarsimulation
At lower values of swirl the no-slip boundaryled to even

in the valueof themaximum

Influence of Turbulence

exhibit such a strong axial jet.

Howells et al. [1988] show that even in their laminar

simulation,the details of the corner flow are quite sensitive
to the simulationviscosity.They concludethat "due to the

extreme sensitivityof the flow to the value of the eddy

diffusivitycoefficient,any attemptto simulateactualatmo-

selfMost of the numerical simulationswhich include the sphericvorticesusing a model which incorporates
corner flow are for constanteddy viscosity,i.e., laminar regulatingturbulenceclosureshouldincludea thorough
flow. A comparison
betweena constant
eddyviscosity sensitivitytestof the parametersassumedwithinthe closure

[Ho,ellset al., 1988,p. 819].I agreewith

simulationby Rotunno[1979]and a turbulenttransport approximation"

by ewelten
and Sheng[1980]for conditionsthis comment and
similarto thoseobtainedin thePurduesimulator

add that modelers who use the simplest

turbulent closure of constant eddy viscosity should not

to provideveryvaliddetailsof the
al., 1979]showed
wasa little expecttheirsimulations


















18 minutes

t o








(b) 21 minutes (note scale change)

Fig. 6. Transient meridional cross sectionsof tangential, radial, and vertical velocities from a simulation with no-slip
lower boundary condition by Howells et al. [19881. Coordinates are in meters, and velocity contours in meters per

The turbulent transport simulations of Lewellen and

Sheng [1980] for low Reynolds number approximating the
laboratory conditions of Mullen and Maxworthy [1977] are
similar to that shown in Figure 6, as seen in Figure 7. The
simulation which led to Figure 7 not only had a relatively low
Reynolds number to simulate the laboratory conditions but
also was stabilized by relatively high heat flux in this dust
devil simulation. The simulated flow was very unsteady,
with the height of the vortex breakdown oscillating over a
large region. A similar oscillation was reported for the
laboratory results. At the simulated time correspondingto
Figure 7, the maximum vertical velocity was more than 60%
larger than the maximum tangential velocity.
The turbulent transport simulations of Lewellen and
Sheng [1980] over rough surfacesat high Reynolds numbers
were typically more conical at low levels as illustrated in
Figure 8. This figure is also normalized by conditionsat the
positionof maximum tangentialvelocity. The simulationwas

done with S = 1.3 5, uniform u and v set at 1 km radius, and

uniform outflow set at z = 1 km. The value of S was chosen

to correspond to that deduced from Brandes' [1979] observations of the Harrah, Oklahoma, storm of June 8, 1974. The
vertical velocity for the same conditions was quite small on

the axis with the largest values (0.3Vmax)occurring along a

cone just inside the cone on which the maximum tangential
velocity occurs.
The main point I wish to make in the present section is that
the corner flow is quite sensitive to turbulence. Rather than
show more results from axisymmetric turbulent transport
simulations, I will show new results from a more reliable



in section




One of the most important features desiredfrom a tornado

model is an estimate of the maximum wind speed within



In L76I argued

modelwas adequateto providea reliableestimate.DaviesJones [1986]providesa review of the resultsfrom several

to measure
analysis,and funnelcloudanalysis.Each of thesemethods
requires some knowledge of the structureof the tornado
vortex to properly interpret the measurement.Davies-Jones

in even

the strongesttornadoes do not exceed 110-130 m/s-!


ditionalcarefulstatisticalanalysisof the availablemeasurements are required to estimatethe probabilitiesof extreme

winds [Abbey, 1976;Abbeyand Fujita, 1979].
The maximumvelocityto zerothordermaybe determined

by thetotalpressure
dropavailableto theflowasimpliedby

(4). A number of researchers[e.g., Lilly, 1976] have dis-

cussedthe fact that an estimateof thispressure

madeby takingthe differencebetweenhydrostatically
integrating the environmentalthermodynamicsoundingand
integratingthe modelsoundingwhichcouldbe generatedby

lifting a surfaceair parcelto its ideal equilibriumlevel. The

pressuredeficit (typicallyabout50 mbar)providesa rough
guessbut is subject to considerableuncertainty. If the twocell core structurepersistsvertically throughoutthe storm,
i.e., if the storm has an eye, then the resultingsubsidenceof
dry, near-stratosphericair couldincreasethe availablepres-

I .)$


Fig. 8. Distribution of mean tangential velocity from a turbulent

transport simulation of Lewellen and Sheng [ 1980]for S = 1.35 and
0 = 0.04 m. Contours are labeled in tenths of the maximum
tangential velocity, and coordinates are normalized by the radius at
which the maximum velocity occurs.

sure drop by up to a factor of 3 [Davies-Jones, 1986]. Also,

when the immediate tornado core region is surrounded by a
cold downdraft created by precipitation falling into dry air in
the midtroposphere,then the contrast between precipitationladen downdraft and a central dry subsidence could be even
larger. The other difficulty with this simple estimate is that
the central corner flow region in the tornado is neither
hydrostatic nor cyclostrophic, as seen in section 5.
One of the principal conclusionsfrom my 1976 review was
that "the maximum velocities will occur below'the top of the
ground boundary layer (--100 m above surface) and may be
significantly higher than that predicted by a cyclostrophic
balance" [Lewellen, 1976, p. 136]. There were many doubters, since one is conditioned to expect the boundary layer to
reduce wind speeds. In fact, as recently as 1988 Carrier et al.
[1988] regarded this "as unlikely" to be true, although they
did admit to the possibility of a small overshootin the comer
flow region. Nevertheless, numerous numerical simulations
[e.g., Howells et al., 1988; Lewellen and Sheng, 1980] have
confirmed that the overshoot can be quite significant. Laboratory models have also noted that low-level pressureson
the centerline may be significantlylower than that obtained
by cyclostrophicbalance above the boundarylayer [Baker,
1981]. This led Snow and Pauley [1984] also to criticize the
hydrostatic,thermodynamicmethod of estimatingmaximum


Fiedler and Rotunno [1986]provide a physicaltheory for

obtained in the turbulent transportsimulationof Lewellen and why the most intense laboratory vortex velocities occur
Sheng[1980]for a relativelylowReynolds
numberapproximatingclose to the surface for the flow type representedin Figure
of MullenandMaxworthy
bythevalueof 4c. They argue that the erupting boundary layer flow is
supercritical and thus permitted to have an
the radius at which the maximum occurs.
Fig. 7. Transientmeridional
of tangential





owcr prcssurcthan that occurring along the centerline in the

subcritical flow, which is in cyc!ostrophc balance on the
other scle ot' a vortex breakdown transition. Their analysis

shows that the maximum azimuthal velocity at low levels of

a laminar vortex can be approximately 1.7 times the max,mum azimuthal velocity in the subcritical vortex alot. They
point out that a turbulent boundary may result in a somewhat
smaller effect, but demonstrate 'in any event, that the
boundary layer does not simply act as an energy sinkin a
much more subtle way it acts to focus the energy of the


+ 2o'v

06 \

larger-scalecycloncti)ward the smaller-scaletornado" [Fiediet tnd Rluno, 1986, p. 23391.

As staled n section 2.3, I do not accept the subscqucnt


'*''""'" 50



I ,,





argumentby b'i,dlcr[1989]that the full-scaletornado corner

11owmay bc laminar. However, I do agrec with P'iedlerand
Rolttnno's [19861 basic analysis. Also, I believe the intense Fig. 9. Maximum tangentialvelocity to be expectedin a tornado
velocities occurring n the corner region can be viewed n as a I'unction of ambient vertical vorticity (to) and horizontal
convergence(ah) measuredin atcylinderwith 0.8-km radiusfor a
st)mcwhatsimp!crand more general terms. The corner t]ov relativelysmooth.surface(z0 = 0.05 m, dashedlines) and a rough
velocities trc allowed to exceed those supported by tint .,uH'ace(:0 = 1.4 m, solidlines) accordingto the simulationsof
driving prcssurcdeficit availablc aloli, becauselhc expand- l,e'clh'n and Shetu4119801.
ing, swirling flow drcctly above the region of' maximum
vcl()cily'behaves as a (lifl'tser,providing a mechanismtbr
pressure rccovery. l'his is truc whether there is a very thunderstorm model. In the study resulting in Figure 9,
ct!icicnt presstire recovery as octtits il a sharp, laminar increasingthe ratio of the vertical velocity along the centerline at the top ot'the domainto the averageticrossthe top by
v)rtcx brcakdown ()r there is ll}c less efficient pressure
recovery which (ccurs in a region t)i' nearly conical, turbu- a factorot'2 produceda 15% increasein maximumvelocity,
lent 11owcvidenl in the results ot' Lc'e!len andShcng 119801. while decreasingthe same ratio to zero produceda 15%
II' swirlingtlow is tbrccd througta conventionalnozzle, one decreasein maximum velocity. On the basisot' theseresults
is not surprisedthat the maximum velocities occur in the we concludedthat the maximum velocity is less sensitive to
minimum cross scction ol' the nozzle. In this atnalogy the

the details of the outflow at 0.8 km than it is to the ambient

central corner 11owis the region ot' minimum cross section vorticity and convergence.
t:t(/ita[19701hatsshownthat maximumdamageis genertk)rthe 11ow.The subsequentmaximumvcl()citicswhich occur
ztt this cross sccti(m arc determined by lhc ctlicicncy ()1'the

ally associatcdwith unsteadypeak velocitieswhcre the

prcsstrcrccovcryprocess,as well as by the driving prcssure suction vortex velocity" adds to the mean tornado velocdrop. 'l'husthe uniqueinteractionswhichoccurin the corner ity. In our axisymmetricmodelthese suctionvorticeswere
t]()wR)cusingprovidea subtleIlow arrangementlk)robtain- interpretedasturbulenteddies.Sincethe turbulenttransport
ing tt local maximumin kinetic energy which exceedsthat model provided a predictionof the root-mcan-square(rms)
fluctuations about the mean velocity, twice the rms tangengenerallyexpectedfi'om the available stormenergy.

tial velocitywas addedto the mean tangentialvelocityin

nested region within the thunderstorm,as suggestedin constructingFigure9, whichwas intendedto providemaxsection4, then the maximum velocity shouldbe determined imum wind speedsto be usedfor damageestimates.
The dashedlinesin Figure9 denotethe contoursfor winds
by the boundaryconditionsimposedby the thunderstormon
such nests.Two primary inputs requiredfor sucha limited overa relativelysmoothsurfaceandthe solidlinesthosefor
modelor analysisof a
domain simulation are the ambient vertical vorticity and a roughsurface.If a thunderstorm
an averagevalueof verticalvortichorizontalconvergencefrom the desiredregionof the thun- Dopplerreturnindicates
derstorm.Although thunderstormmodelswere not capable ity equalto 0.03 s- andhorizontal
of supplyingtheseparametersin the late 1970s,Lewellen 0.01 s- Ibr a cylinderwith a 0.8-km radiusand a 0.8-km
and Sheng [1980] did attempt to see how the maximum heightabovethe surface,then Figure9 would predicta
velocitywoulddependuponthesetwo variables.The results maximumprobablewindof 75 m/s, if the tornadois occurIt' the tornado vortex domain is considered as a small

from their turbulent transport model, which are shown in

Figure 9, were intendedto help interpretDoppler radar

results.For puoses of thisfigurethe innernestradiusand
the top of the domainwere both set at 0.8 km, aboutthe
limitsof Dopplerradarat the time. The strongest
requireboth significantvorticity and convergence.
resultsmaybe expectedto vary somewiththedetailsof the
inflow and outflow which would be subgrid scale to any

ring over smoothprairiegrassland(z0 = 7 cm). This

maximum would be reduced to 60 m/s over rough terrain

withz0 = 1.6 m. Thelabeledpointsarevaluessupplied


Brandesfrom the analysisof dual Doppler radar observations of the Hurrah and Del City tornadoes[Brandes,1979,

1981].It is not clear whethersufficientstormshave been

et al., 1982;Uttal et al., 1989;Zrnic et al., 1985]to




CINT. 1.0


Tsnnt Wbcity

Trn - 7380




Trne. ;'420

R - Distmoe


Fig. 10. Tangential velocities exhibited by Wicker and Wilhelmson [1990] at different times in their tornado nest
within a thunderstorm


a confident bound on the combination



is 67 m.

of these two variables.

However, it appears that numerical storm simulations such

as those given by Wicker and Wilhehnson[1990] should now
be adequate to supply their own estimates of these limits.
It may be noted that the constant maximum velocity
curves in Figure 9 have the same general shape as the
tornado intensity maps given by Johns et al. [this volume],
where the convergence coordinate is replacedby convective
available potential energy (CAPE) and the vorticity coordinate is replaced by the ambient vertical wind shear. Although theseplots are for quite different domain scales,their
similarity is much more than just coincidental.CAPE provides a direct measure for possibleconvergenceinto coher-

ent plumes, and low-level vertical wind shear, horizontal

vorticity provides a direct source of vertical vorticity via
tilting [Davies-Jones,1986].On the otherhand,I do not wish
to imply that Figure 9 providesthe definitiveanswerfor the
maximumvelocity question.Too many uncertaintiesremain
about the domainboundaryconditionsand the
turbulenttransportmodel. If one were to attemptto produce
a figure equivalent to Figure 9 appropriatefor laboratory
vortices,it would have many kinks relatingto the transitions
in Figure 5 and a dependenceon bothReynoldsnumberand



the largest eddies responsible for the principle transport

within the flow. It is still not possible to do a direct
simulation of turbulence at full-scale Reynolds numbers, so
some subgridclosure model is still required. However, the
more resolution which can be incorporated into the simulation, the less importance the subgrid model assumes.
Rotunno [1984] made a three-dimensional simulation of
the Purdue simulation chamber under sufficiently large swirl
conditions to exhibit secondary "suction" vortices spinning
around the central core. He used a constant eddy diffusivity

with a Reynolds number (uoro/v) = 150. More recently

Walko [1990] and Wicker and Wilhelmson [1990] have made
three-dimensional tornado simulations, but both of these

were emphasizingsomewhat larger flow features. Wicker

and Wilhelmson were looking at a tornadonestedgrid within
a supercellstorm. Walko was looking at ways of introducing
the vorticity into the tornado. It is quite impressive that
Wicker and Wilhelmson were able to zoom in from the
thunderstorm scale to the tornado scale and see the features

exhibitedin Figure 10. They were ableto seethat the surface

no-slipconditionincreasesthe maximumvelocity and that
the maximum velocity occurs at low levels. In fact, they
found that the no-slip surfaceboundaryconditionincreased
the vorticity at low levels by 50% over that obtainedin a
free-slipsimulation.However, to resolvethe coredynamics
we have been discussingin this review, it is necessaryto

As mentionedin the introduction, fully three-dimensional, zoom in to even smaller scale.

unsteady simulationsare now easier, than steady state,

axisymmetriccalculationswere 15 yearsago.This presents
one way of at least partially circumventingthe problems
associatedwith modeling turbulent transport within the
tornado, that is, to providesufficientresolutionto simulate

While preparingfor this review, I askedmy colleaguesat

Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton to use the

large-eddysimulation(LES) code describedby Sykesand

Henn [1989]to attemptan LES modelof tornadodynamics.
As mentionedearlier, Schmidt and Schumann [1989]




tlscd a large-eddy simulation of the convective boundary

layer ti look at the conditions where coherent plumes are
initiated. ()ne might look at the conditions which allow these
t{ becomequite distinct dust devils, but our purposehere is
quite dit!krcnt. It is to provide sufficient resolution in the
corner ttow region to allow the dominant turbulent features

lute tangential velocity out of the plane, and the arrows

representthe radial/vertical velocities in the plane. The solid
lines represent three pressurecontours when a hydrostatic
vertical pressure gradient is added to the dynamic pressure
gradientsgenerated in the simulation. One of these pressure
contours might approximate the funnel contour depending
to bc resolved. We set the horizontal boundary conditions to upon the condensation level at the time. Even with the
approximate those expected on a 1-km cube with the tornado translation, the flow looks like an axisymmetric flow with
at the center of this cube. These horizontal boundary con- superimposed turbulence. The nature of the turbulence is
ditins wcrc taken as axisymmetric about the center. The
clearer in the horizontal slice shown in Plate 3. In this plate
ttngcntal velocity was taken t( have a vertical variation
the color coding represents the vertical velocity, while the
pr{p)rtonal t{) In {::/z{}) as expected in a fully turbulent arrows represent the horizontal velocity vectors. There are
boundary layer. i'hc radial velocity was given a variation at least three coherent eddies, each with their own up and
tpproximating that of }'::gurc3, with a maximum inward
down vertical velocities rotating about the primary vortex.
ra.dal vcl{cty at approximately 3(1 m height. The vertical These three eddies show up even more clearly in the
vcl}city wts set t( zero. 'l'hc top of the domain was set aI 2 three-dimensional perspective of two contours of the dykn where the vertical velocity was assumed unilbrm within
namic pressure in Plate 4. The lowest dynamic pressures
; cylinder with a 5(}(}-111
raditlS. ()utfiow boundary conditi'>ns occur just a little above the surface as illustrated by the dark
,rc applied to the rcmtining variables at this top boundary. blue contours. The central dark blue region represents the
'I'hc grid inc[tdcd 74 / 74 unil'orm horizontal points and 50 center of the main vortex, while the third 'suction vortex"
is not quite strong enough to show this contour, but the
pt)this siretched in the vertical. Initial conditions were taken
:tsappr{)ximtting a Burgers-Rott vortex above the surf'ace lighter color arm is clearly in evidence.
As was evident in the simulations discussed in section 5,
["t}l' the rcstlts shown in Plate 2, the horizontal velocities
the radial tlow penetrates to a smaller radius near the surface
at the t)utcr bt)tlndary were ct)nsistcnt with axisymmetric and resultsin a higher tangential velocity in this region. The
ct)ndilit)ns witIn b{)th the circulation
and the radial volume
maximum vertical velocities occur slightly off the center and
flow abovethe surl'acclayer constantat -;,r " 1.5 104 are somewhat lower than the maximum tangential velocity

m2/sandllr :::':
2 / I{}' m2/s.l)tringthecourseof themodel
sinulation spin-up, these ht>rizontal boundary conditions
wcrc held fixed except a 2{>rJ:
, random variation was permitted I,) simulate

this level of turbulence

in the inflow.


strl'ccb{mndary cnditions
assumeda surtktcemoving with
a c}nst:tnttranslatin o!' 15 m/s and with an equivalent

o[' (}.2 m correspondingto conditionsin
between the rough and the smooth surlStceconditionsconsdcrcd by Lc'ellet ad Shet.,[1980]. The vortex spun up
to essentiallya quasi-stationaryturbulent tlow aller about 3
mn of simulated time (-2000 time steps). Atter this quasistationarystate was achieved,the velocitieswere savedon a
vertical slice through the center and on a horizontal s!ceat
100 m height at t?equcntintervals to gather statisticson the
turbulence in the flow. Some 26 samples were taken at

intervals correspondingto approximatelyone third of the

periodof rotation in the regionof maximumvelocity.
The questionof how successfulwe were at resolvingthe
primary turbulencein the simulationmay be answeredby
comparingthe turbulenceresolvedby the simulationwith

by thesubgridparameterization
of theflow.

The maximum rms of the resolved velocity fluctuations was

3 timesthe maximumsubgridrmsvelocity.If

which reaches a local maximum

of 90 m/s. The overall flow

pattern is quite similar to the results of the axisymmetric,

turbulent transport model of Le,e!le a,'d Sherig [1980]
shown in Figure 8. It is interestingto note that although a
uniform vertical outflow was imposedwithin a radius of 500
m at the top of the computational domain (at 2 km), the
vertical velocity tends to be concentrated in an annulus
about an eyelike central region over most of the lowest
kilometer. On the ba:sisof the study of the sensitivity of our
axisymmetricsimulationsto variationsin the top boundary
condition [Letvellen and Sheng, 1980], previously discussed
in section6, I expect these low-level results to depend on
details in the prescribeddistribution of the outflow at 2 km
but not be highly sensitiveto them.

A snapshotof the helicityin the verticalslice(not shown)

indicatedthat the hellcityis primarily concentratedin braids
within the core. Somewhatsurprisingly,the low-level region
where the maximum value occurs indicated a strong asym-

merry. It is not clear how much of this asymmetrywas

associatedwith the rotating"suctionvortices" evidencedin
Plate 3 and how much was associated with the fact the
tornado is translating to the right.

This simulation raises as many questions as it answers.

Someof thesequestions
areasfollows:What is theunsteady
behaviorduringstart up and decay?How muchinfluence
claimingto havedonethiswell, but we believethatwe have would buoyancyhave on dampingthe turbulence?How
capturedenoughof theturbulencefor thesimulation
to have sensitiveis the flow to input parameterssuch as the swirl
ratio, surfaceroughness,
detailsof the horizontalinflow,and
reasonable validity.
The only variation
Plate 2 showsa snapshotof a vertical plane throughthe
wasa reduction
center of the vortex. The color coding representsthe abso- we triedin thispreliminary

this ratio held everywhere in the flow, it would indicatethat

90% of the turbulent energy had been resolved. We are not



theswirlinputratio.Theresultwasa decrease
in thecore achievespeedsthatexceedthosegivenby a straightconverradiusanda modestdecrease
in themaximum
velocities.sionof availablepotentialenergy'
to kineticenergy.


5. "No existingmodelis adequateto providea reliable

decreasein horizontalresolution,
the combination
of de- theoretical estimate of the maximum wind velocities which
creasedcoresizeand decreased
forcedmostof may occurin a tornado"[Le'ellet,1976,p. 1361.The key
the turbulenceinto the subgridunresolved
word here is reliable. There have been a numberof approaches used to estimate maximum velocities, but each is


subjectto a numberof questionable

reviewingthe differingapproachesto estimatingtornado

To summarize,
I will reviewhowmuchmy conclusionswinds, Davies-Joues [1986] concludes that most scientists
in thelast15 agreethat wind speedsin even the strongesttornadoesdo
years and recommendsomedirectionsfor future research.

Updating the 1976 Conclusions

not exceed110-130 m/s. I agreewith this statement.Further,

I think the technologyis now at hand, where it shouldbe
possibleto apply boundary conditions from a numerical
storm simulation to a tornado domain simulation and obtain

There were six conclusions

listedin my earlierreview, valid estimates of the probability of different levels of

L76. It is interestingto see how each of these shouldbe

in lightof research

will first quote the earlier conclusionand then discussits

extreme winds occurring in different storms.

6. 'The role of turbulence appears to be critical in

determiningboth the maximum velocity and the detailed

structureof a tornado" [Let'ellen, 1976, p. 136]. I still
1. "A relatively consistentqualitativemodelof the flow believethis is true. I believethat growthand dampingof
in differentregionsof thetornadohasbeenpiecedtogether turbulenceis crucial to the detailsof the overexpansionin
from previoustheoretical
work" [Lewellen,1976,p. 136]. the cornerflow, which has a major impacton the maximum
The qualitative view of the tornado vortex flow has not velocity.I alsoexpectturbulenceto becriticalto cappingthe
thatmuchin thelast15years.Themostimportant core of the tornado,when an eye doesnot extendthrough
present applicability.

qualitativechangeshavebeenon the slightlylargerscale

which connectsthe tornadoto the parentstorm.There has

of the interactionsin the differentregions.
2. "The main parameter governingthe flow is a swirl
ratio (which should be determinedby some ratio of the
ambient instability to the ambient rotation) with the detailed
structuremodifiedby the surfaceroughnessand stabilityof
the groundboundarylayer" [Le,'ellen,1976,p. 136].There
is perhapsa little morerecognitionnowthata singleparameter cannot be isolated from the rest of the flow inputs, but
the swirl ratio certainly remainsone of the most important

3. "At least three types of wind distributionsare likely to

occur immediately above the ground in the center of different tornadoes. One with a central updraft, a secondwith a
central downdraft, and a third with a weak central downdraft

and secondary vortices rotating around the primary vortex"

[Lewellen, 1976, p. 136]. This shouldprobably be expanded
to four types by counting two types with a low-level central
updraft, dependingupon whether or not a vortex breakdown
occurs a short distance above the surface. The fifth type of
central flow illustrated by Davies-Jones[1986]and included
as in Figure 4a cannot be classifiedas a tornado.
4. "The maximum velocities will occur below the top of
the ground boundary layer (--100 m above surface)and may

the storm.



The current numerical capabilities should make the next

few years a fertile time for expandingour knowledgeof

tornado dynamics. I offer the following partial list of researchproblemswhich might very' usefullybe completedin
the next few years: (1) turbulent dynamicsin the tornado, (2)
mappingof wind field sensitivitiesto variousinputswith a
tornado model utilized as an inner nest of a numerical storm

model, (3) unsteady,behaviorduring start-upand decay, (4)

prediction of maximum winds for observableinputs, (5)
Design Basis Tornado for wind-engineeringstudies to replace Fujita's [1977] model, (6) dispersionof debris by

tornado wind field, 7) statistical model for winds at 10 m

height exceeding !00 m/s, and (8) interaction of tornado

winds with typical buildings.

This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, but to indicate

the types of problems which might be solved in the near

future given a modest level of effort. The first items in this
list dealwith obtaininga morecompleteunderstanding
of the
tornado wind field and what controls it. while the last items

deal with providingusefulwind-engineering


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balance" [Lewelten, 1976, p. 136]. This conclusiongener- R. F. Abbey' as technical monitor.

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in section6, a very unique Abbey, R. F., Risk probabilities associated with tornado windspeeds,in Proceedings,S)'tnposittmon Trmtdocs:Assessmctt
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