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Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

Setting Up OpenIMS Core for Your Network
This Document will help you in setting up OpenIMSCore for
your network. On top of which you can add an application
server and setup your IMS application.
Follow the steps given on OpenIMSCore Installation guide
(http://www. This tutorial is
to help you with additional information you may need.
These steps are tested on Fedora Core-10 Architecture.

Hardware: Intel Pentium-4/ Dual Core and at least 1Gb RAM.
Install Fedora Core-10 on a System.
Update it with latest packages.
o Open a terminal.
o Become super user using su command.
o If you are behind proxy, just add HTTP_ PROXY settings
in yum.conf file( /etc/yum.conf).
o Use yum update command to update your system.
After update reboot your system.
Download latest jdk.
Install jdk. By default it uses path /usr/java/<your jdk >
Set java path in .bash_profile.
Reboot your system. Check java path using echo $
JAVA_HOME command. It will display path of jdk directory.
Install apache ant using yum install ant command.

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

Install mysql using yum install mysql* command.
Install bison and flex packages, using yum install <package
name> command.
Getting required Packages and Tools:
Till now your basic system is ready and working. If you have
any error in above steps, check for the dependencies. you are
connected with Internet.
Download the Following Packages/Distributions and save them
in a directory.
DNS ( I have used bind9, you can download latest bind9
package from
Make a directory:
o cd /opt
o mkdir OpenIMSCore
o cd OpenIMSCore
Get OpenIMSCore from
using SVN and save them in current directory i.e. /opt/OpenIMSCore

o CDiameterPeer
o JavaDiameterPeer
o Ser_ims
Untar all the four packages in the current directory i.e.
Download X-Lite from (, untar it in /opt/xlite directory.
Install wireshark using the following command:
o yum install wireshark*

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

Now you have following tools/packages:
OpenIMSCore components at /opt/OpenIMSCore/
X-Lite at /opt/xlite/
Settings your own network for OpenIMSCore:
In this step you will configure your network according to your
domain name.
There are four Files in fedora which needs to be configured:
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/sysconfig/network
3. /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0
4. /etc/resolve.conf
Before proceding further this is advisable to deactivate your
NetworkManager, because it takes control of the network and
changes the network settings dynamically, so if you restart your
network or reboots your system, your network settings will get
changed automatically.
You can disable NetworkManager temporarily using service
NetworkManager stop command. Stop NetworkManager before
moving ahead.
Following are settings for my network, you can replace this with
your requirements.
Domain Name:

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

IP Address:


Make the following Changes:

1. vi /etc/sysconfig/network

2. vi /etc/syscinfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version


3. vi /etc/resolve.conf

4. vi /etc/hosts

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version


After configuring above four files restart network using service

network restart command.
Now you should be able to ping localhost, ws1, hss, pcscf, Still You
have to configure DNS because till now your system is using
localhost to locate hss, pcscf,..etc.

DNS Installation and configuration:

1. Open a terminal, go to the directory where you have saved
bind9 package.
2. Install it with admin privilege.
a. rpm ivh <package name.rpm>
3. Open DNS Configuration File:
a. vi /etc/named.conf
b. Add a zone for forward lookup and another zone for
reverse lookup. ( for more info about how to configure
DNS read the reference given at the end of this document)

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version


4. Copy the open-ims.dnszone file to the following location:

a. cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/
b. cp fr /opt/OpenIMSCore/ser_ims/cfg/open-ims.dnszone .

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version


5. Define your domain in this file and add your systems /

6. Make a similar file for reverse lookup with following entries: I
have named this file as open-ims-rev.dnszone

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version


Steps To Install and Configure OpenIMSCore

Till Now you should be ready with the following things working:
1. Mysql ( check using service mysqld status command)
2. DNS ( check using service named status command)
3. DNS Properly configured for both forward and reverse lookup
( check using nslookup <your hostname> for forward lookup
and nslookup <your ipaddress> for reverse lookup)
4. You should have OpenIMSCore packages on your opt directory.

StepsNow you are at /opt/OpenIMSCore/

1. Go inside ser_ims/cfg directory ( cd /ser_ims/cfg/ )

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

2. Run ( sh )
3. Enter Domain Name: < your domain name>
4. Enter IP Address: < Your IP Address>
(in our case we entered and ip
5. Apply changes to all.
(This step will change domain name and ip address in the
following files: icscf.cfg, icscf_pg.sql, icscf.sql, icscf.thig.cfg,
icscf.xml, pcscf.cfg, pcscf.xml, persist_my.sql, persist_pg.sql,
scscf.cfg, scscf.xml)
6. Change to the following directory:
( cd /opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS/scripts )
7. Change domain name in userdata.sql to your domain.
8. Change to the following directory
( cd /opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS/config/ )
9. Change Domain name in Diameter PeerHSS.xml to your domain
10. Move to the following directory:
Cd /opt/OpenIMSCore/ser_ims
make install-libs all
11. cd /opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS
ant compile deploy
12. Now make Database as:
You are at /opt/OpenIMSCore
mysql u root p h <your ipaddress> < ser_ims/cfg/icscf.sql

Ajay Pratap Singh Pundhir Version

13. Copy the following files into /opt/OpenIMSCore
cp ser_ims/cfg/*.cfg .
cp ser_ims/cfg/*.xml .
cp ser_ims/cfg/*.sh .
14. Start OpenIMSCore:
cd FHoSS/deploy/
15. Open FHoSS web Console
http://localhost:8080/hss. web.console/
User Name: hssAdmin
password: hss
16. Go to user identities -> Public User Identities -> search
17. Click on search, you will see two default users:
Alice and bob
18. Now you are ready with your IMS Core for the experiments.

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